/erg/ Material Checklist

Or, "The shit you're after, in a shorthand format"

Repeat Playthroughs

Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones - 13 per NG cycle

(Immediately available as the first boss post-First Step; otherwise available after reaching the Consecrated Snowfield) ~ Reward for killing Gurranq OR finishing Gurranq's questline (9 Deathroot). As for all the possible Deathroot;
1. Limgrave, Summonwater Village Boss Reward (Tibia Mariner)
2. Limgrave, Deathtouched Catacombs Boss Reward (Black Knife Assassin)
3. Liurnia, Artists Shack Forest Boss Reward (Tibia Mariner)
4. Liurnia, Black Knife Catacombs Boss Reward (Cemetery Shade)
5. Altus, Wyndham Ruins Boss Reward (Tibia Mariner)
6. Gelmir Hero's Grave Boss Reward (Red Wolf of the Champion)
7. Giants' Mountaintop Catacombs Boss Reward (Ulcerated Tree Spirit)
8. Mountaintop, Stargazer Ruins / Castle Sol Graveyard Boss Reward (Tibia Mariner)
9. Hidden Path to the Haligtree Secret Boss Reward (Stray Mimic Tear)

(Obtainable almost immediately; only Pumpkin Head & Radahn required) ~ Reward for finishing Witch-Hunter Jerren's questline (Impossible if sided with Sellen)

(Obtainable post-Morgott) ~ Reward for finishing Nepheli & Kenneth's quest (unobtainable pre-1.03)
~ Sold by Gostoc, after finishing Nepheli & Kenneth's quest (unobtainable pre-1.03)
~ Mountaintop of the Giants, South of the Church of Repose; Inside an Ancient Giant's Skull (careful of the crows, just stealth it)

(Obtainable post-Fire Giant) ~ Farum, Crumbling Beast Grave Depths; after the first room, leave right via the window. Up the roof, doorway, farthest end of the hall.

(Obtainable post-Godskin Duo) ~ Farum, Dragon Temple Lift; backtrack and take the lit down, two rights, jump to the floating plinth up. Deal with the dog hidden to the right before the increased-health beastman.
~ Farum Azula, Dragon Temple Rooftop; Reward for killing the Ancient Dragon that fires red lightning at you for the section. It's reduced health, don't worry.

(Obtainable after reaching the Consecrated Snowfield / post-O'Niall) ~ Consecrated Snowfield; farthest Right side of the Frozen River, under the Frozen Waterfall (requires some jumping, Theodorax not required)
~ Yelough Anix Tunnel; bottom of the inner chasm. The miners and the Onyx Lord will fight each other, just use them as distractions to grab it.
~ Consecrated Snowfield; drop from the double Night-Cavalry miniboss, South East of Inner Consecrated Snowfield. Naturally, night only.
~ Haligtree Town Plaza; backtrack, first thing, guarded by a Leonine Misbegotten + 2 Winged Misbegottens.

(Obtainable post-Loretta) ~ Immediately after Loretta, first thing you see of Elphael, chest on top of the fort-tower just down the huge ladder.


Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones - 8 per NG cycle

(Obtainable after completing Varre's questline, only Godrick required) ~ Chest under a statue, just before the lift up to Mohg, Lord of Blood boss fight

(Obtainable post-Godskin Duo) ~ Farum; Dragon Temple Rooftop; in a small structure just past the Ancient Dragon that fires the red lightning at you.

(Obtainable after reaching the Consecrated Snowfield / post-O'Niall) ~ Reward for finishing Latenna's Quest (progression is a prerequisite to even enter the Consecrated Snowfield) (legitimately)
~ Reward for completing all three of Anastasia, Tarnished Eater's invasions (Smouldering Church / Mt Gelmir approach / Consecrated Snowfield River) - (Apparently has issues, might brick if you attempt them out of order)

(Obtainable post-Loretta) ~ Haligtree Prayer Room; run to the end of the first section, jump down to where the scarab is, run up the roof-brace on the other side.
~ Haligtree Prayer Room; farthest-away pickup on the wall that the Erdtree Avatar patrols below.

(Obtainable post-Malenia) ~ Reward for completing Millicent's questline, acquired from Malenia's Scarlet Flower.

(Obtainable post-Maliketh) ~ Capital of Ash; Along the dragon's wing, follow the path, up the ladder, over the railing, next to a Gargoyle.


Great Grave Glovewarts - 5 per NG cycle

(Obtainable post-Morgott) ~ Giant-Conquering Hero's Grave; next to a Fire Prelate (Hammer)

(Obtainable after reaching the Consecrated Snowfield / post-O'Niall) ~ Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs Boss Reward
~ Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs Boss Reward

(Obtainable post-Fire Giant) ~ Farum, Dragon Temple; backtrack by jumping down, follow the path, don't miss the ladder, end of the hall at the top.

(Obtainable post-Loretta) ~ Drainage Channel; backtrack, then to the left; the item is bait for the optional Ulcerated Tree Spirit miniboss.


Great Ghost Glovewarts - 4 per NG cycle

(Immediately available as the first boss post-First Step) ~ Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella Boss Reward (Liurnia Underground, stealth the Golem guarding Ainsel River Well entrance).

(Obtainable after completing Varre's questline, only Godrick required) ~ Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint, backtrack into the cave, take a hard left, surrounded by Blood Zombies.

(Obtainable after progressing Ranni's Questline) ~ Night's Sacred Ground; Under the Skeleton Throne.
~ Nokstella, Eternal City; Up the stairs, First bridge, Hall to the Right.


Larval Tears - 15 per NG cycle

To begin with; don't give Boc the Larval Tear when he asks for one, or it's gone forever for that NG. Despite initial claims of them being farmable, these are indeed limited; and according to an Anon that got burnt, going over your amount per NG may flag EAC - so no cheating them in (the normal way).

(Immediately available) ~ Reward from an "Undead Soldier"; East of the Agheel Lake South.
~ Village of the Albinaurics graveyard.
~ Reward from a "Giant Lobster" between Rose Church and Boilprawn Shack.
~ Reward from an "Undead Soldier"; South of the Caelid Highway South / East of Cathedral of Dragon Communion
~ Siofra River Nomadic Merchant (take the wood scaffolding in the middle of the River up, head into the aqueduct itself)

(Obtainable post-Spectral Loretta / Carian Manor) ~ Artist's Shack Painting Puzzle Reward.
~ Sold by Pidia, Carian Servant Merchant.

(Obtainable post-Lift of Dectus / at Altus) ~ Reward from an "Undead Soldier" at the ruins in the middle of Windmill Village and Rampartside Path.
~ Reward from a "Charred Corpse" in a ruined camp near to Road of Inequities Grace (Gelmir, the one in front of Volcano Manor)

(Obtainable post-Radahn) ~ Nokron, Eternal City; building on the right-hand side of the circular clearing.
~ Nokron, Eternal City; small building before the boss room.
~ Nokron, Eternal City Boss Reward.
~ Night's Sacred Ground; reward from killing the Silver Ball in the building to the right.

(Obtainable post-2 Lords OR by progressing Ranni's questline) ~ Nokstella, Eternal City; reward from killing the Silver Ball on the second bridge up Untested, may be possible to get 2 by clipping yourself inside the Silver Ball by standing in a corner on the bridge, getting knocked down then automatically getting back up - pick up the Tear, kill the Ball, pick up the reward. This would bring the total per-NG to 16.

(Obtainable after reaching the Consecrated Snowfield / post-O'Niall) ~ Reward from an "Undead Pilgrim" due immediately South East of Inner Consecrated Snowfield.

If you're absolutely desparate for one, the one found in Limgrave (false man-bear) is apparently obtainable if summoned. Try that with a co-operator's new character, or do summoning in the area. Push comes to shove, grab all of the above, make a spare save (doable on all platforms), have the save in the backlog for if you run out. PCheats, always remember you also have your namesake to use, if you're REALLY ultra-desparate for a respec.




New Playthroughs / Twink Checklist

Smithing Bells

~ Normal [1]/[2] | +3/+6 = Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel Boss (Crystalian)
~ Normal [3]/[4] | +9/+12 = Sealed Tunnel (Chest near the entrance)
~ Normal [5]/[6] | +15/+18 = Zamor Ruins Cellar
~ Normal [7]/[8] | +21/+24 = Farum Azula Miniboss (Godskin Duo)

~ Somber [1]/[2] | +1/+2 = Sellia Crystal Tunnel Boss (Fallingstar Beast)
~ Somber [3]/[4] | +3/+4 = Altus Tunnel Boss (Double Crystalian)
~ Somber [5]/[6] | +5/+6 = First Church of Marika / South of the Frozen Lake, just out front.
~ Somber [7]/[8] | +7/+8 = Tempest Facing Balcony, nearby corpse
~ Somber [9] | +9 = Main Route between Dragon Temple Rooftop to Beside the Great Bridge


Whetblades + What their Affinities Specifically Do

~ Whetstone Knife = Limgrave, Gatefront Ruins Cellar (Far end, right-side of the road)

~ Iron Whetblade (Heavy / Keen / Quality) = Stormveil, Rampart Tower; down the shortcut lift, take a left, Stonesword Door
~ Red-Hot Whetblade (Fire / Flame Art) = Redmane Castle, Chamber Outside the Plaza; in a building straight down the road past the farthest turret in the row (Only when the Festival 'event' is not active)
~ Glintstone Whetblade (Magic / Cold) = Raya Lucaria, Debate Parlor; Left at the fountain, up the stairs, in the room
~ Sanctified Whetblade (Lightning / Holy) = Leyndell, not!Roundtable Hold; Upper Floor, where Hewg should be (get in round the outside)
~ Black Whetblade (Poison / Blood / Occult) = Night's Sacred Ground; at the back of the building to the right of the Grace (ladder's to the right)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Specific benefits vary on a weapon-by-weapon basis;

Affinity Effects
Standard Default (All others reduce this in exchange for their benefits)
Heavy +++STR
Keen +++DEX
Quality ++STR ++DEX
Magic +++INT +Split Magic Damage
Sacred +++FTH +Split Holy Damage
Occult +++ARC +Auto-Executes Undead Enemies
~ ~
Fire +STR ++Split Fire Damage
Lightning +DEX ++Split Lightning Damage
Flame Art ++FTH ++Split Fire Damage
Cold +STR +DEX ++INT +Frost buildup
Poison +STR +DEX ++ARC +Poison buildup
Blood +STR +DEX ++ARC +Blood buildup


Memory Stones - 8 total

~ Roundtable Hold, Twin Maiden Husks
~ Weeping Isles, Beside the Crater-Pocked Glade / Oridys's Rise (Activate the Pizzle via the Imp Statue; First is behind you, Second is in some bushes to the left, Third is Invisible / Splashing in the middle of the pond behind the Rise)
~ North East Caelid, Lenne's Rise (Get in via the jump)
~ Liurnia, Sorcerer's Isle / Testu's Rise (Activate the Pizzle via the Imp Statue; First is just off to the left, Second is behind the Rise up a tree, Third is directly Southeast of the Imp Statue just after a small drop)
~ Red Wolf of Radagon Miniboss Reward (Raya Lucaria)
~ East Liurnia, Converted Tower (Requires a Glintstone Crown + Erudication Gesture from Thops's Questline)
~ Seluvis's Rise
~ Demi-Human Queen Maggie Field Boss Reward (at Gelmir, Hermit Village / Primeval Sorcerer Azur)


Prattling Plates

~ Hello = North West of Church of Elleh, Stormfoot Catacombs, next to a Fire column
~ Thank You = North Limgrave, Tombsward Catacombs, next to a Fire column
~ Please Help = North East Weeping Peninsula, Impaler's Catacombs
~ Wonderful = South East Liurnia, Cliffbottom Catacombs, in the tunnel bit
~ Apologies = Westmost Altus, Unsightly Catacombs, near the Lever
~ You're Beautiful = Mt. Gelmir, Hermit Village, In a shack (the only shack you can go through)
~ Let's Get to it = Central Altus, Sainted Hero's Grave, before the 'Lever'
~ My Beloved = Haligtree Canopy, almost directly below the Site of Grace


Talisman Pounches - 3 Total

  1. Margit Boss Reward (or from Morgott, if you skip Stormveil)
  2. After 2 Great Runes, from Enia; Roundtable Hold (or from the shop if you somehow miss her)
  3. Godfrey, First Elden Lord; Leyndell




Link back to the main doc: https://rentry.org/ergPocketGuide


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Pub: 02 Apr 2022 07:13 UTC
Edit: 09 Apr 2022 09:36 UTC
Views: 1227