
neptune's url directory
home of strange rentry links.


pages owned
to be recounted.

table of contents.
i. in use
ii. not currently using
iii. for trade
iv. extra


about me
original url directory


i probably won't trade many urls.
pages listed in abc order.


i. in use

authorsjournal dreamdemons dungeonmesh falinfly glitterworld iverxes iverzes npr oxyfen sexrevi sharkbitten ssjb ssjbvegito testerplace


ii. not currently using

01000011 0935 6fingers 11-harbingers 38sideddie 38-sided-die antigens archaique archite archites archonexus archotech archotechnology authorsjournals baseliner baseliners billdipper biocore cataphract chipackerz cosecant cotangent deliciousdungeon demured deprives devianscy djz drugstores echocardiogram elixirmixer eternitized fairyshine fcaw fallinggravity fallsgravity fineline frogbox gobblewonker goldcoin gravityfalIs guidetotheunexplained headhaunters hallucinogenix holybite highmate highmates hussars hypoxic idyllique impid impids kaioken kishinsouls kittybox kleptocracy lakegravityfalls lifeweaving lightninginabottle liquidluck liquification liquified longear loveluck ludeon lumineuse makaslits makeway mischiefmagic mothz mystery-hack nanocore nbthing neotunenorthuldra omnium ophidiophobic oxyfen oxyfuel parcium pointyjerk precium probabilitor psylink psylinks quantative resona revolved rimworlds rippled riverz sanguophage sanguophages serums shocklance snipa snper sole-survivor solsticesun spiritedness ssjbkaioken take-back-the-falls taruble tboygirl toadbox toudensiblings trans-junkrat tvstar unappeal vanometric vault1 vault12 wastelandwanderer wasters weirdmageddon4 weld welding wretchedangel xenogene xenogenes xenogerm xenogerms xenotypes xeroxed y4oi yttakin yurious yzc zomrpg


iii. for trade

none atm.

lf ;
dungeon meshi
rimworld &
interesting word urls


iv. extra

thank you for
viewing my directory!

haemorrhaxe phaseblade phasesaber tizona trueexcalibur /mechlink /mechar /mechanitor /subcore /metalblood /metalhorror /spacerefugee


Pub: 21 May 2024 05:00 UTC
Edit: 07 Aug 2024 13:56 UTC
Views: 748