True justice is quite simply the will of the Emperor.
Submission instructions:
A quick guide on how to submit /YourDude/:
- Go into the Preview mode
- Take a FULL SCREENSHOT* (ideally your Dude should be front facing) and REMEMBER: don't crop the image yourself or zoom in on the Dude - leave it as it is
- Post your screenshot and state Dude’s Chapter (if it's OG then write that and the name of your donut steel chapter).
- Please link your Dudes to my post, it will help me to place them on the Dude Wall more efficiently
- If my update post is nowhere to be found in a thread then mention ”Dude Wall” or ”Wall”. While I’m looking through it I’ll pick up your submissions quicker.
- Profit.
* PNG or high quality JPG formats will be very appreciated and will speed things up.
When you post your Dudes please do so in separate posts. Remember: Your Dude's level of bling is irrelevant.
Updating your Dudes:
If you want to update your Dude, make it clear which one is being updated – specify your Dude’s Chapter and his number (hence the numbering system)
Submitting corrections:
Sometimes the Dudes can be mistakenly put where they don’t belong. Let me know when this happens. For that purpose use following format:
First Founding Chapters
Dark Angels
Guardians of the Covenant
Dark Angels’ Successor Chapter
Angels of Absolution
Dark Angels’ Successor Chapter
Dark Angels’ Successor Chapter
White Scars
Mantis Warriors
Marauders’ Successor Chapter
(White Scars Lineage)
Space Wolves
Imperial Fists
Black Templars
Imperial Fists’ Successor Chapter
Crimson Fists
Imperial Fists’ Successor Chapter
Hammers of Dorn
Imperial Fists’ Successor Chapter
Celestial Lions
Imperial Fists’ Successor Chapter
Sons of the Phoenix
Imperial Fists’ Successor Chapter
Imperial Fists’ Successor Chapter
Imperial Fists’ Successor Chapter
Imperial Fists’ Successor Chapter
Blood Angels
Blood Angels’ Successor Chapter
Blood Drinkers
Blood Angels’ Successor Chapter
Flesh Tearers
Blood Angels’ Successor Chapter
Angels Encarmine
Blood Angels’ Successor Chapter
Atlantean Spears
Blood Angels’ Successor Chapter
Iron Hands
Sons of Medusa
Iron Hands’ Successor Chapter
Iron Fists
Iron Hands’ Successor Chapter
Brazen Claws
Iron Hands’ Successor Chapter
Silver Skulls
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Silver Templars
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Scythes of the Emperor
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Howling Griffons
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Hawk Lords
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Iron Snakes
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Doom Legion
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Void Tridents
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Castellans of The Rift
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Praetors of Orpheus
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Fire Hawks
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Obsidian Jaguars
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Sons of Guilliman
Ultramarines’ Successor Chapter
Raven Guard
Raven Guard’s Successor Chapter
Iron Ravens
Raven Guard’s Successor Chapter
Raven’s Watch
Raven Guard’s Successor Chapter
Alpha Legion
Inquisition and Holy Terra
Grey Knights
Adeptus Custodes
World Eaters
The Risen
Unknown Foundings
Red Scorpions
Blood Ravens
Marines Malevolent
Soul Drinkers
White Templars
Marines Exemplar
Omega Marines
Emperor’s Shadows
/sm2g/ chapter
Phantom Links
Unknown Founding Chapter