Team Petal-Purr

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Alt Tag -Team Song-"Wildflowers"-
-Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris-

Story 1-Intro-The Start of the Beginning of the Quest for the Moon Stone
Part 1a-"The Apple Woods Fire"
Part 1b-"The First Day"
Part 1c-"Practice (Zzapp!)"
Part 1d-"Spice Tunnel (Heidi)"
Part 1e-FINAL-"Firestone"

Story 2-Capim Town-The Summer Festival
"Team Petal-Purr's Summer Festival (2024)"-Completed Story Links-

Blossom & Shelby

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Two sisters raised in one of the tiny, frontier style settlements across the Open Plains. They are technically step-siblings, though they have been together since before either of them can remember.

Blossom's Venusaur mother met Shelby's Skitty father through a chance encounter, shortly after Shelby was born while Blossom was still an egg. The two single parents quickly bonded and were married, raising their daughters together as a family unit.

The household makes a living as berry farmers, growing a small selection of sour and bitter varieties with a focus on size and flavour.

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Name: Blossom
Species: Bulbasaur (Native born)
Age: Late teens/Young adult/juvenile
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Relaxed
Moveset: Tackle/Vine Whip/Bullet Seed/???
Music Genre: Folk/Country

-Raised on the farm from birth.
-Younger (step)sister to Shelby.
-Passionate about berries and plants in general.
-Well educated in agriculture and gardening.
-A strong digger, passionate about soil health.
-Very family and community minded.
-A deep thinker, prefers to take it slow.
-Likes to be in the water, but is not a strong swimmer. Before Capim Town, she had never seen the sea.
-Was taught by her mother that it is rude to use one's vines while in polite company, unless absolutely necessary. Considers it lazy and uncivil, akin to bringing a battle into the home.
-Is probably capable of evolving, but is happy in her current form and sees no need to change. Her maternal grandmother(a horrible woman) is still a Bulbasaur.
-Has never really thought about long term goals, she's always just assumed she would take over the family farm.

From the day she hatched, Blossom has always been a peaceful creature. Born and raised on her tiny farm with only a few neighbours, she has been accustomed to a quiet, simple life. She is passive and tender, with a deep compassion for all living things. Her softer nature is not to be mistaken for weakness; a life of farm work has made her sturdy and strong.
A novice battler, she has trained casually with her sister and parents, but has begun to hone her skills more intently in recent months. Despite her stocky build and what she will swear is just baby fat, she is deceptively light on her feet. She had to learn to be agile to keep up with her older sister.

Her true birth father passed from an illness before she could hatch, though she is aware of his existence through a portrait on the wall of their home. She knows he was a kind, brave Pokemon, but could never see anyone but the old Skitty who raised her as her real dad.

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Name: Shelby
Species: Skitty (Native born)
Age: Late teens/Young adult/juvenile
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature: Impish
Skills: Acute Sniffer (can smell the number of items in a dungeon room before entering)
Moveset: Fake Out/Heal Bell/Fury Swipes/Thunderbolt
Music Genre: Country/Pop

-Was brought to the farm as a tiny baby by her father.
-Came from a large city on another continent.
-Was too small to remember a time before the farm, but is vaguely aware she wasn't born there.
-Older (step)sister to Blossom.
-Passionate about justice and the wellbeing of her home and community.
-A talented gardener, caring more for flowers than berries.
-Very crafty, likes to build and make things.
-Highly emotional and empathetic, prone to overreacting.
-Can be very naive. Her dad told her she was born as a Pecha berry; she believed this until age 7.
-Currently desperate to evolve, wants a Moon Stone very badly.
-Would like to one day start a Rescue/Exploration Guild right next to home.

Headstrong and confident, Shelby believes that she can do absolutely anything, if she wanted to badly enough. She does not remember the troubles of her early life before being brought to the farm, though she sometimes has dreams about being a baby in the big city. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, and is perhaps a little too black and white in her thinking.
Though she is just as compassionate as her sister, it manifests in a more explosive manner. Her loud and boisterous nature and cute, childish appearance means friends are easy to come by, though her best friend forever will always be her little sister. With her deceptively sharp claws and impressive acrobatic ability, she is quickly growing into a formidable battler.

Her birth mother is an outlaw and a criminal, a wicked Delcatty who makes her living as a theif (A cat-burgular, of sorts). A liar. A scammer. Her father fled from her mother, who was all too happy to let him leave with their only child. She did not care for either of them, as her only true love is robbery and fraud.
Shelby's father has kept her mother's past secret from her in hopes that she will never find out the truth. In Shelby's eyes, Venusaur is her only true mother.

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Name: Heidi ("Heidemarie")
Species: Houndour(Native born)
Age: Late teens/Young adult/juvenile
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Timid
Moveset: Roar/Bite/Ember
Music Genre: Bubblegum Pop

-Raised in Firestone.
-Father(Houndoom)Hellmut is away on business, Mother(Houndoom)Hilde keeps the home running while he is away.
-Has 3 Houndour brothers. 2 older (Heinrich and Hermann) and 1 younger (Hubert).
-Frightened of dungeons, preferring not to battle at all.
-Passionate about archaeology, loves to dig up ancient bones and artifacts.
-Has a beautiful howling voice. Would love to be a singer.
-Joins Team Petal-Purr on their journey to Capim Town, excited to attend the Summer Festival.

If Blossom is "sugar" and Shelby is "spice", then Heidi must be "everything nice". She is sweet, gentle and often shy, but longs to gain confidence and find her voice.
Her mother and older brothers work to keep the family afloat, as their father is often away on long Expeditions to faraway continents. She has inherited his fondness for ancient artifacts and spends a lot of free time digging up and analyzing anything she can find, though her education on the subject is rather limited. She can identify bones of many different species and has picked up tidbits of historical knowledge from her father.

Though excavating is her hobby, her true passion is singing. All Houndours howl, but Heidi believes her howl is something special. She is a natural mezzo-soprano, but possesses a wide vocal range, capable of hauntingly beautiful melodies. She often goes out to howl at sunset, imagining one day she might like to sing for a crowd.

Heidi's favourite human music(i.e. songs I want to animate/storyboard):

(The Name Game-Shirley Ellis)

-She already knew this song before Clover Guild for some reason. Dogs love games.

(Moonshadow-Cat Stevens)

-Perfect for a Houndour

(Life on Mars-David Bowie)

-Makes her emotional. The law man beating up the wrong guy :'(

(Dark Lady-Cher)

-Heidi's Halloween song. A very scary story.

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Other characters

Name: Mum ("Val"/Valerie)
Species: Venusaur (Native born)
Age: Middle aged
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Hardy
(Summary coming soon)

Name: Dad ("Sil"/Silvio)
Species: Skitty (Native born)
Age: Late middle age/close to elder
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature: Gentle
(Summary coming soon)

They got that Hal and Lois kind of love.

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Team Petal-Purr Spotify Playlist

Team Petal-Purr character inspo

Iconic Trios Political Alignment Chart
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Pub: 13 Aug 2024 17:24 UTC
Edit: 19 Oct 2024 18:46 UTC
Views: 664