Add a cool image here!

This is a template based on my own rentry which focuses on organizing things neatly.
Includes sheets for bots and prompts.
The table of contents fills automatically. Use ## for categories and ### for sub-categories.

Table of Contents


Bot category 1

A bot sheet. To add new bots, simply copy and paste the latest one you've added (or in this case, the sample bot). To make another category simply copypaste this category below. You can also use the same template for lorebooks.

Image Name Description Link
This is a little easter egg message if you hover in! Bot name goes here Add a brief description of your bot here. Don't worry about the image being too large or too small, it'll adjust to the text you add. I recommend having the image link to a catbox file of the card, and have the link to chub or others on the side. CHUB link Catbox link


Optional: A category to add the prompts that you use.

Model-specific Prompts

You can add a brief explanation of your prompts here. Copy and paste this section below to add different prompts for other models.

Prompt Text
Main Main prompt goes here.
NSFW NSFW prompt goes here.
Jailbreak [Jailbreak goes here.]

Custom Jailbreaks

Optional: A lot of anons like to create custom or special jailbreaks, like appending humorous 4chan posts to the end of your bots replies, and whatnot. Here is a table you can use to list and showcase what these jailbreaks do!

Jailbreak Text Example
Name/brief description The Jailbreak goes here. example log goes here


Optional: a table you can append to your rentry if you would like to have a space to recommend or showcase other people's bots, or alternatively have a trimmed down/simplified version of the above botlist style. (Though I always recommend adding images to your card lists - it's the first impression you'll give!)

Name/Link Review Author
Card name goes here A brief review or description of what you wish to add here Author's name


Put whatever else you want here, like your contact info, profiles on other sites, or a link back to the meta rentry!

Pub: 15 Jun 2023 03:44 UTC
Edit: 06 Jul 2023 07:17 UTC
Views: 2584