Bombergirl, the Legit Steam Deck Experience

bombergirl logo

Possibly an attempt to streamline guides from this guide as it's mainly made for Linux in general and can sometimes be confusing for those just wanting to run the game on Steam OS.
This guide is aimed for everyone not accustomed to Steam Deck and Linux, and this will mostly cover everything needed to get you started. If you're using other Linux distro, refer to the guide linked above.


Apparently there's an issue with the latest version of Bottle which will cause the game to not launch at all. If you're affected, the solution can be found here.

What you need

  1. Bombergirl (preferrably one you've installed on your PC)
  2. Bottles via Discover
  3. Google Chrome via Discover, run it first and set it as default browser
  4. (Optional) Flatseal via Discover

All the steps require you to be in Desktop Mode, and playing the game can only be done there. Program such as Discover and Konsole comes preinstalled on the Deck. Also, please consider reading Extra mainly the Wi-Fi part as you need it to get a more stable latency. If you're fine to being called Kusolag then feel free to skip it.

Installing and Configuring Bottles

  1. Install Bottles from Discover.
  2. Launch Bottles, go to preferences and install the latest version of Wine GE in the runners tab. Bombergirl will require at least Wine 8.0+ to work.
    Wine GE
  3. Create a new gaming bottle and name it Bombergirl. The name of the Bottle environment can be anything, but of you do change the name you need to make some changes under desktop shortcut written in the guide.
    new bottle
  4. Go to the new bottle settings and change the runner to Wine GE.
  5. Leave settings and in the dependencies menu install vcredist2010 and cjkfonts. It will take a while so go grab a coffee.

Installing Bombergirl

  1. Copy an already installed copy of Bombergirl from your PC to Steam Deck. You can do so by using a USB Drive. While the Linux guide tells you to use msitools, this is incompatible with Steam OS. If you can't procure the file yourself, use this and extract it.
  2. Go back to Bottles and launch the registry editor inside Bombergirl bottle.
    registry edit
  3. Copy the text below, edit the paths to the installation directory and the Resource folder, save it as a .reg file and import it in regedit.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


  1. In Bottles, click on the Add Shortcuts... button and look for launcher.exe in /BomberGirl/launcher/modules.

    Additional note

    If for some reason you can't find any executables, clear the Filter by removing the Windows インストーラパッケージ.

  2. Click on the three dots menu next to the shortcut you just created and rename it Bombergirl.
  3. Go to settings, scroll down to the compatibility section and change the language to Japanese.
  4. Here's the important part, copy this to Konsole (do not run it yet), replace path with the directory you pasted Bombergirl on. Read next part first if you're unsure what to do with the path.
    flatpak override --user --filesystem="path" com.usebottles.bottles
  5. Change path into where the game is located. For example, if you put it on an SD Card then it's usually /run/media/mmcblk0p1. With that, it should look something like this. Now this is safe to run.

    flatpak override --user --filesystem="/run/media/mmcblk0p1" com.usebottles.bottles


    If you have FlatSeal installed, you can run the program, choose Bottles, and scroll down to Filesystem. From there, check the registered directory on Other files. If it's already added, then it's good to go. This is used to make sure the directory is properly registered. Additionally, you can use this to add the directory easily compared to using Konsole.

Creating a file association for the launcher and running the game for the first time.

  1. Create bombergirl.desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/ with the following content.

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Bombergirl Launcher
    Exec=flatpak run --command=bottles-cli com.usebottles.bottles run -b Bombergirl -p Bombergirl "%u"

    Additional information

    In this context, ~ is usually the name of your user. If you used the default account set by Steam Deck, it should be called deck. In order to access the folder, you will need to open Dolphin, the built-in file manager / explorer. Then, select Home from the left side bar and from there you can direct yourself to the folder location.

    For the next part though, you don't want to replace ~ sign to deck. Konsole will sort it out for you.

    In case if you made a different environment name for the Bottle, change the name after -b under Exec=. The name after -p is used for the shortcut name.
    For example, if you have the Bottle name as General and the shortcut name as Bonga, you'd want to do it like this:
    Exec=flatpak run --command=bottles-cli com.usebottles.bottles run -b General -p Bonga "%u"

  2. Run update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications in Konsole.
  3. Be sure to have Google Chrome installed through Discover and set it as default browser. Then, visit and try to launch the game after logging in with your account.
  4. If you did everything right, the launcher will open. You can then launch the game or update when prompted.
  5. That pretty much covers everything, If you want to play the game again, you can open Bombergirl bottle and press the play icon next to Bombergirl shortcut.
  6. Alternatively, you can add it as a Desktop Entry and put it to Desktop for easier access. This can be done through the three dots icon next to the play button. Do note that you need to enable special permission through Konsole by typing flatpak override com.usebottles.bottles --user --filesystem=xdg-data/applications and then restart Bottles if you have it open.


  • In order for the controller to work, hold the sandwich button (☰) until there's a noise indicating you've switched from desktop mode to gamepad mode control. Sometimes, there will also be a notification on bottom right indicating you've switched mode.
  • Do not ever touch the screen with more than one finger. Doing so will break any sort of touch input for the game. Only way to fix it is to restart game.
  • One of the issue you might encounter is that Bombergirl runs on a pretty poor latency (up to 3x the actual latency you should've gotten). This is caused by Valve enabling Wifi Power Saving On by default. To disable this, head back to Gaming Mode, press Steam Button and go to Settings. From there, head to System and enable Enable Developer Mode to On. Next, go back a step and scroll down until you find Developer tab. Scroll the list until you find Enable Wifi Power Management, disable it and restart Steam Deck.
  • Without a keyboard, taking a screenshot would be considered impossible due to the fact Steam doesn't let you bind PrntScrn key.
    • The workaround to that is to bind one of the unused NUMPAD key to the rear button and then bind that to Spectacle (bind it to Launch Spectacle action as by default it will launch the program and also take a screenshot). Spectacle is Linux' dedicated screenshot program, available in your programs list.
    • Additionally, you can enable Save file to default folder so the image will be stored under /home/deck/Pictures/.
  • Due to how the launcher works, it will never run in Gaming Mode.
  • While Google Chrome is the most recommended browser for this, feel free to try out other options available. Do note that Firefox doesn't work.
  • Game will run fine on SD Card, I've tested everything and it runs as well as it is on my main Windows PC. You can still move the game folder to internal SSD if you wish to.
  • If you ever need to monitor performance, you can do so by installing mangohud through Konsole. The command you need to enter is flatpak install org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.MangoHud. When asked, select Flathub (user) and 22.08. Once done, restart Bottles, select Bombergirl bottle, and head to setting. From there, scroll down until you find Monitor Performance, and enable it.


Q. I got an ERROR with 5-1601-0016 as the code. What did I do wrong?
A. Make sure you set the directory in the registry correctly. The error was caused by incorrect path.

Q. I happened to find an English Patch for Bombergirl. Is it possible for this to be applied?
A. Sadly, no. This was due to DXVK conflicting with the injector.

Big thanks to the creator of Bombergirl on Linux guide for making all of these possible. This guide is mostly a copy-paste with some adjustment so credit to the original creator.

Pub: 26 Aug 2023 19:52 UTC
Edit: 02 Mar 2024 05:21 UTC
Views: 1699