hogging urls is hella cringe, spencers /snark.
Anyways, here's a bunch of tutorials n helpful guides i found!! I will sort later.
all rentries will be credited to who made them if i can find a name.

Stamp tutorial by kit Stamp template sizes by mogeko how to make blinkies by digiworm How to make animated stamps by stampkin How to make blinkies (template included) by alfea clippingmask photopea tut by daysilly Gif tutorial by Margo

(ignore . just making sections for when i put them there.

graphic editing





photopea (seperate section bc theres ALOT of them on tubmlr..)

Templates (not treally tutorials but if ur a lazy bum like me ig u can use them)

Lavender Galactic templates

Pub: 06 May 2022 19:15 UTC
Edit: 28 Aug 2024 06:20 UTC
Views: 149