Mautrix/iMessage BlueBubbles Connector with Beeper

In-depth noob guide

Written by @ampersandru + @matchstick Last updated 2/13/2024


Follow this guide if you want to still want a unified chat experience all in Beeper. The core functionality (see bottom of page for working and non-working features of this bridge) of iMessage works very well. This bridge was created by a group of talented individuals in the Mautrix server (see bottom for more info). This guide was built off of the original guide with a bit more detailed instructions for all the newbies.

Using this bridge is as safe as it is having BlueBubbles running. There is no communication to Apple that you are using Beeper. This is just a bridge from your BlueBubbles server to Beeper, and that is inherently safe.


  • Installed Beeper Cloud on Windows, macOS, Android, or iOS and have an account with Beeper
  • Installed BlueBubbles Server on a Mac running Sonoma, Ventura, or Monterey for best results
  • (Manual only) Download BBCTL from
    • If you have an Intel-based mac, download bbctl-macos-amd64, if you have an Apple Silicon-based mac (M1, M2, etc), download bbctl-macos-arm64. Same goes for Linux versions.

The Guide (Automated)

Use the script created by @matchstick to automate the entire install process:

The Guide (Manual)

SSH into your Mac or open a new terminal window, then run the following:

  1. Navigate to your downloads folder with cd Downloads
  2. Run chmod +x bbctl-<your version> (you can type chmod +x bbctl and then press tab to autofill the filename)
  3. Run sudo mv bbctl-<your version> /usr/local/bin/bbctl (a sudo command may ask for a password, use your mac's login password)
  4. Run bbctl login and follow the prompts to log into your Beeper account
  5. Replace with your BB URL for bluebubbles_url (recommend to leave it as localhost:1234) and your BB password for bluebubles_password . Ensure you keep the apostrophes (') around 'bluebubbles_url=http://localhost:1234' and 'bluebubbles_password=YOUR_PASSWORD':
    bbctl run --param 'bluebubbles_url=http://localhost:1234' --param 'bluebubbles_password=YOUR_PASSWORD' --param 'imessage_platform=bluebubbles' sh-imessage

The bridge should then start automatically backfilling your iMessage conversations from the past 7 days. This step may take a bit to complete. If you start seeing "DBG Received ping from BlueBubbles websocket component=bluebubbles" then you should be all set. You may see a popup to give bbctl full disk access. Say Yes and check if it has access in macOS Security & Privacy settings otherwise your bridge may not fully work.

You must either leave this terminal window open, use TMUX, or follow the automating startup guides

Note: iMessages will not have its own chat/service category in Beeper - they will just show up in the inbox. Unforunately, this is how self-hosted bridges work with Beeper.


  • Again, be sure you have apostrophes (') around the entire bluebubbles_url and bluebubbles_password variable and the actual value as shown in the example
  • It is highly recommended that you use localhost (http://localhost:1234) or local ip (http://192.168.29.XYZ:1234) instead of your cloudflare URL. Using your cloudflare/remote url may cause the bridge to stop responding. Symptom of this would be that you can send iMesssages in Beeper but you won't receive any incoming iMessages anymore
  • Some special characters (i.e. @ - etc) may cause issues with the command running. Either try adding " around the password or choose a simpler password
  • Just changing the BB url or password within the bbctl command in step 5 will not update the bridge if you have run it before. Additionally, any existing chats may have issues displaying contact names and photos. In either of these instances, kill your bridge in terminal with ctrl+c (if currently running, run bbctl delete sh-imessage, then start fresh from above.

Starting New Conversations with Contacts

Unfortunately, self-hosted bridges do not have integration with Beeper to start new conversations within their app, easily. You have the following options to do this if backfill did not sync a previous conversation or you want to start a new conversation with someone:

  1. Use the BlueBubbles App to start a new conversation - This new conversation will sync to Beeper
  2. (If you have your phone number linked to iMessage) Send a SMS within the Beeper app. When they respond, it should go to iMessage instead and show up in Beeper
  3. Use the Bridge Bot Commands

Automating Startup

As mentioned above, you must leave this bridge runnning. If you restart your machine, you will have to run the command from step 5 again. Or you can use one of the following methods to have it automatically run each time you boot up.

Optional Features, Settings, & Options

The following are all optional.

Beeper Bot Commands

You are able to search for BlueBubbles contacts and start new iMessage conversations with them using the Beeper bridge bot

  1. Start a new chat within Beeper with @sh-imessagebot:beeper.local
  2. search-contacts NAME/EMAIL/PHONE to search for contacts
  3. pm PHONE/EMAIL to start a iMessage conversation. Phone numbers should have country code and number (i.e., +14206969696) The bot will respond with a room where you can tap to open and send a message.
  4. You can pin or favorite this bot for later usage.

Backfill Options

If you want to modify the default backfill options from the default 7 days, ctrl+c to stop the bridge, open /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/bbctl/prod/sh-imessage/config.yaml with your favorite editor and find these lines. If you are getting permission errors, you can either copy config.yaml to another folder, edit it and then drag it back or in terminal do sudo nano config.yaml within that directory

    # Should backfilling be enabled at all?
    enable: true
    # Maximum number of messages to backfill for new portal rooms.
    initial_limit: 100
    # Maximum age of chats to sync in days.
    initial_sync_max_age: 7
    # If a backfilled chat is older than this number of hours, mark it as read even if it's unread on iMessage.
    # Set to -1 to let any chat be unread.
    unread_hours_threshold: 720

You must update your bridge command to include --no-override-config otherwise it will overwrite your backfill update:

bbctl run --no-override-config --param 'bluebubbles_url=http://localhost:1234' --param 'bluebubbles_password=YOUR_PASSWORD' --param 'imessage_platform=bluebubbles' sh-imessage
Increasing Max Attachment Limit

If you want to modify the default attachment limit from the default 50mb, ctrl+c to stop the bridge, open /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/bbctl/prod/sh-imessage/config.yaml with your favorite editor and find these lines. Update imessage_min_size to whatever you want, in bytes. 1024288000 in the example below is about 975mb. BlueBubbles has a limit of 1gb itself. If you do not change from the default 50mb, anything larger than 50mb (usually videos) will upload to Beeper servers and send the other person a link to the uploaded file.

    # The address to the media viewer. If null, media viewer links will not be used.
    # The homeserver domain to pass to the media viewer to use for downloading media.
    # If null, will use the server name configured in the homeserver section.
    # The minimum number of bytes in a file before the bridge switches to using the media viewer when sending MMS.
    # Note that for unencrypted files, this will use a direct link to the homeserver rather than the media viewer.
    sms_min_size: 409600
    # Same as above, but for iMessages.
    imessage_min_size: 1024288000
    # Template text when inserting media viewer URLs.
    # %s is replaced with the actual URL.
    template: "Full size attachment: %s"

You must update your bridge command to include --no-override-config otherwise it will overwrite your attachment limit update:

bbctl run --no-override-config --param 'bluebubbles_url=http://localhost:1234' --param 'bluebubbles_password=YOUR_PASSWORD' --param 'imessage_platform=bluebubbles' sh-imessage
Custom Startup Command

To add a custom startup command that does not require you re-write your parameters each time, run the following commands

  1. echo alias start-bb-server=\"<your startup command>\" >> ~/.zshrc (note: you must include the \ before each double quote in the command). Example syntax:
    echo alias start-bb-server=\"bbctl run --param 'bluebubbles_url=http://localhost:1234' --param 'bluebubbles_password=PASSWORD' --param 'imessage_platform=bluebubbles' sh-imessage\" >> ~/.zshrc
  2. source ~/.zshrc
  3. You should now be able to start your server using the command start-bb-server in your terminal.


For a full list, see:
The following list compares with the Android BlueBubbles app so you can determine if you still want it installed. The table only compares to the BB server with macOS Ventura or higher with Private API enabled.

Feature BlueBubbles App (Ventura+ w/ Private API) BlueBubbles Bridge for Beeper (this guide)
Sending / Receiving Messages
Sending / Receiving Attachments
Sending / Receiving Replies
Sending / Receiving Typing Indicators
Receiving Delivered / Read Receipts
Editing & Unsending Messages
Receiving Edited & Unsent Messages
Creating Chats/DMs ✓ (Via Bridge Bot)
Receiving Tapbacks, Stickers, and Mentions ~ (Tapbacks only)
Sending Tapbacks, Effects, Subjects, Mentions, and Rich Links ~ (Tapbacks only)
Attachment Limit Depends (100mb to unlimited) 50mb (unless you change the default attachment limit)
Creating Group Chats -
FindMy Devices & People -
Marking Chats Read or Unread on the Server Mac -
Renaming, Adding, or Removing Participants, & Leaving Group Chats -
Updating Group Chat Photo -
Receiving Digital Touch & Handwritten Messages -
Focus Mode -
Deleting Messages & Chats -
Checking iMessage / FaceTime Availability -
Incoming FaceTime Notification -
Sharing Contact Card -
Downloading Purged Attachments -
Getting Phone Number Registration Info -

Questions, Issues, or Requests?
  1. In the Beeper Desktop App, click the Settings Gear (Cog) at the top, Join Matrix Room, near the top-ish right, click the drop-down and "Add new server"
  2. Add a server:
  3. Find the iMessage Room:

None of this would be possible without the recent hard work of Donovon Simpson and Christian Nuss, which built upon the foundational work of Tulir (creator of mautrix-imessage and Beeper Lead Architect) and the BlueBubbles team who supported this project, along with many community members who tested and reported their findings. To acknowledge and support these incredible folks and their continued efforts, you can donate at the following links:

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Pub: 12 Feb 2024 00:18 UTC
Edit: 09 Apr 2024 22:04 UTC
Views: 31096