Yae 4* Side Story

Traveling Milk Teen - Part 2

(I Want to Quickly Become an Adult)

Teacher: Everyone, let’s fold our hands. One, twoー

All Students: Let’s eat!

Yae: Let us eat!

Classmate A: Hooray! Hamburger is my favorite food!

Teacher: We have extra portions of potato salad, so to those who want more, please come this way.
Oh, there is a bottle of milk as well.

Yae: Milk...

Classmate B: Teach! I want the milk!

Classmate A: Me tooー!

Teacher: Since we can’t divide the milk accordingly, we will settle this with a rock paper scissors match.

Yae: W... Wait..!
I also want to drink one.

Classmate A: Yae-chan, you want to drink it too?
That’s unusual coming from you.

Yae: Hehehe.
I feel more thirsty than usual for today...

Teacher: Ok, prepare in your positions,
Rock, paper—

Yae: ... Thank you for the food.

(Milk has a lot of calcium.
To quickly boost your height, you must consume a lot of nutrition as well... Right...!)

(From now on, I shall drink milk during the days off as well)

Kokona: Ahhー, the water heat soothes very well..

Shizuka: You’ve said it...
The feeling of entering the bath right after a practice is the best...

Kokona: I’m pretty sure that you also feel relieved right now, Yae-chan.
You’ve sweated a lot from the muscle training earlier, haven't you?

Yae: ......

Kokona: Yae-chan?
What’s wrong, something bothered your mind?

Yae: Ah, it’s about the thing I’ll do after the bath.

Kokona: You’re going to do something after the bath?

Yae: Yes. That thing I’m thinking about is to do some stretching.

Shizuka: Training even after the bath, huh?
Compared to us who plan to sleep earlier than usual, you sure are way ahead than us now...

Yae: No, it’s not a huge thing.
It’s just that I’ve been setting more targets than usual in the past few days.

Yae: One, two... One, two...

Kokona: Yae-chan is such a hard-worker, how amazing...
Maybe I should do some workouts as well?

Shizuka: Let’s not bother her, and instead, you do it in another room.
But... I wonder if she’s doing fine..?

Yae: Ah...! I apologize, I must’ve used the place without your concern.
I thought that you can just do it here instead of going back to the practice room.

Kokona: No no, it’s really fine!

Panda: Doing some training even after the practice, huh.
Seems you’re really going into it, Niizumacchi.

Shizuka: She really does.
I’m a bit worried if she’s forcing herself too hard though...

Panda: Well, few days ago she said that she wants to grow faster as an adult.

Shizuka: Is that so?

Chisa: Yeah, she did. And doing stretches after a bath is also good for the body.
I surely did those as well, that includes a handstand.

Yae: Phew...
The next step, I’ll be doing some back stretches.

... But, before that.

Panda: Huh?

Yae: Gulp, gulp, gulp...
Mmph— Aah...!

Chisa: Ooh, what a way to drink right there.

Panda: ... You don’t say.

Chisa: You’re really doing all of the things that I said, Niizuma.

Shizuka: What is this thing about?

Yae: Right!
Recently I’ve been drinking some milk, even during the days off.

Panda: So it is the Sassu’s influence...

Kokona: An influence from Sasuga-chan?

Chisa: The talk is about magic powers inside a milk,
Hence by consuming those, you can grow faster to become an adult.

Panda: Being truthful, that influence is from a game that she’s currently into.
That being said... Niizumacchi, aren’t you taking too much from her sayings...?

Shizuka: I think you shouldn’t drink the milks as a routine,
It will not be good for your stomach...

Yae: I appreciate the worries.
I do take some measurements about it.

For the drinking portion, I’ll make sure that it’s only up to 1 or 2 cup servings per day.

Kokona: That’s just what you could expect from Yae-chan...

Shizuka: But still, since you’re still in a growing time period,
You shouldn’t really sweat about it.

Panda: Panda agrees! Even though she praised your muscle training efforts just now,
If being honest, the theater practice is already more than enough.

Shizuka: Right, right. Since you’re doing so much with your best,
At times it makes me worried if you work too hard...

Panda: Sassu, you better say a thing as well.

Chisa: Eh?

Panda: This is your fault to begin with!
You said something like “It’s better to drink a lot of milk!” while being immersed about the topic, didn’t you!

Chisa: Aa.......

Yae: Sasuga-san?

Chisa: Niizuma, I shall apologize.
To tell you the truth, the milk in our world doesn’t have any kind of magic powers in it...

Therefore, you won’t immediately grow like how Milk did... (see previous chapter for the context)

Yae: Ahaha, please don’t be so sorry about it.
I understand that it can’t just happen.

I shall also apologize. I intend to grow faster and become an adult,
While only minding about myself, it seems like I pushed myself too hard.

Panda: Niizumacchi...

Yae: I am the youngest compared to everyone else in Sirius.
But because of that, I may also have become the cause of everyone’s worries.

Kokona: It’s okay!

Even when you’re not doing much more than the usual,
I'm sure that you’ll become a wonderful woman in the future!

Shizuka: That’s true. Coming from you, that’s the expected output.

Kokona: Also, coming from our point of view,
The current you with a cute appearance. I think that’s also charming in its own way.

Yae: The current me... Do you think so?

Kokona: Mhm.
So I kinda wish... That you’ll grow as an adult, at your own pace.

Yae: ... I see..
I understand now.

That’s a good point. Since once you become an adult,
You can’t longer go back to your childhood.

Panda: Therefore this moment can be seen as a limited time offer,
So you should enjoy it to your fullest. That’s what Panda thinks about it!

Yae: I see... That’s also a good way to think about the topic.
Hehe. I appreciate your kind words!

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Pub: 03 Nov 2024 16:07 UTC
Edit: 23 Nov 2024 15:44 UTC
Views: 298