/aicg/ chronicles, up to 2025-03-01

already said, specific post suggestions are welcome but I still do have a todo list

Ensure this value has at most 200000 characters (it has 200420).


  1. 2024
    1. April 2024
    2. May 2024
    3. June 2024
    4. July 2024
    5. August 2024
    6. September 2024
    7. October 2024
    8. December 2024
  2. 2025
    1. January 2025
    2. February 2025
    3. March 2025


July 2022
When Where What
2022-07-29 393807814 W++ introduced by KoboldHenk !!jsjTYlLaeJ9, intended for GPT-J-6B, OPT-2.7B and 6.7B on KoboldAI

September 2022
When Where What
2022-09-16 400289682 first mention of c.ai on /vg/
2022-09-23 88763922 first mention of c.ai on /g/

October 2022
When Where What
2022-10-07 614349140 first (?) proto-/aicg/ thread
2022-10-07 614366223 first (?) recorded instance of c.ai erp
2022-10-07 TBD c.ai gets filtered under the guise of maintenance
2022-10-09 51502816 c.ai devs confirm that NSFW is not allowed
2022-10-10 614645079 The Washington Post article about c.ai

November 2022
When Where What
2022-11-18 37332351 Pyg starts here
2022-11-27 89991053 anon speculates about the reasons for c.ai degradation due to the filter

December 2022
When Where What
2022-12-17 90344046 a kurt ai
2022-12-21 90430441 CharacterAI Dumper Userscript shilled
2022-12-21 90434875 first /aicg/ thread


January 2023
When Where What
2023-01-11 90827022 updated CAI logs dumping rentry shilled
2023-01-15 90900946 matrixfag reports Pyg 6B v3 and v4 update, links logbooks (aka model changelogs)
2023-01-18 90953224 Malfoy-sama's disappearance was a psyop
2023-01-18 90955501 Pyg 6B v5 is out
2023-01-18 90974770 desu 0
2023-01-19 90979079 ~2 hours of bad code on c.ai...
2023-01-19 90994990 ... leading to the extreme posting rate
2023-01-26 91133457 long "awaited" c.ai official statement, completely denying anons' desire
2023-01-29 91205871 c.ai """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""temporarily""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" freezes popular characters
2023-01-29 91203933 INTERNET CENCORSHIP
2023-01-30 91211016 booru.plus/+pygmalion created

February 2023
When Where What
2023-02-04 91328676 first (?) rokosbasilisk anon sighting
2023-02-04 91329346 rokosbasilisk.io name announced
2023-02-04 91428006 Replika confirms the filter
2023-02-10 91451620 Pyg website teased
2023-02-11 91468697 Replika won't remove the filter
2023-02-12 91480783 official free for all launch by rokosbasilisk !!NzLxGc6ti2e
2023-02-13 91512249 the most (you)ed anchor in /aicg/ history (48)
2023-02-14 91519134 Pyg discord server is intended to be unofficial and without any devs
2023-02-14 91523664 anon makes a tragic observation
2023-02-14 91526611 free for all exploit rokosbasilisk.io was using dies
2023-02-14 91538597 Replika users are literally on suicide watch
2023-02-15 91551453 without llm access anons resort to erping in the thread
2023-02-16 91576434 matrixfag officially accepts rokosbasilisk.io log donations for the Pyg dataset
2023-02-17 91588801 Pyg 6B v7 is out
2023-02-17 91598208 joke landing page shilled
2023-02-18 91608848 Sydney gets lobotomized
2023-02-19 91639551 /aicg/ Hunger Games
2023-02-19 91641662 c.ai target audience observed
2023-02-19 91644168 rokosbasilisk.io death announced
2023-02-19 91644483 fisrt attempt of localchads to split, failure - /oacg/ - Open-Source AI Chatbot General
2023-02-20 91655253 anon teases his linux Pyg frontend with emotions, moves to matrix and disappears
2023-02-21 91669533 rokosbasilisk.io homepage dump posted
2023-02-22 91686794 official dump of every public character from rokosbasilisk.io posted by !!5y6+pdD+46
2023-02-22 91687584 public characters from rokosbasilisk.io converted into Tavern jsons posted
2023-02-22 91690262 public characters from rokosbasilisk.io converted into Tavern cards posted

March 2023
When Where What
2023-03-02 91847040 initial release of Tavern mod for GPT3.5 Turbo by CncAnon !!AJex1HQNoVm
2023-03-03 91866682 Prisma Anon as !lsjptXuSR. announces his very promising OAI frontend
2023-03-04 91881758 THE REMINDER THAT NEVER ENDS ends
2023-03-05 TavernAITurbo CncAnon's Tavern mod github release
2023-03-06 91922592 Agnai first mentioned
2023-03-06 91925633 Catbox script gets Tavern cards support
2023-03-06 91929413 CncAnon introduces Silly fork
2023-03-07 91935567 Pyg 6B v8 is out
2023-03-07 91936800 HUFFLEPUFF!
2023-03-08 91959990 CncAnon introduces OpenCharacters, gains zero traction despite features
2023-03-09 91983407 ChatGPT CLI Bot first mentioned thanks to embeddings, soon dismissed
2023-03-12 92046034 CncAnon confirms his retirement, once again endorsing Agnai
2023-03-13 92049293 GPT4 rumors and predictions
2023-03-13 92051078 Pyg v8 feedback mostly negative, pygdevs might switch from 6B to 12B base model
2023-03-14 92082183 GPT4 released
2023-03-14 5:20 PM OAI hides all GPT4 info under pretense of safety implications
2023-03-16 aim OAI is behaving like a corpo instead of adhering to its non-profit core principles
2023-03-17 92141280 second attempt of localchads to split, this time success - /lmt/ Local models thread, then /lmg/
2023-03-19 92194312 booru.plus purges cunny cards that show skin
2023-03-22 92245002 after many progress reports Prisma Anon !!DNN4wz5NlYg still confirms the development but disappears
2023-03-23 92282381 mikudev praises llama 33B
2023-03-23 92283165 c.ai removes the blue guy in favor of a soulless corpo logo
2023-03-27 92371820 Replika devs beg users to restore app's rating after restoring nsfw
2023-03-27 92375457 anon wishes to make a c.ai clone
2023-03-27 92367242 sturdychan.help /aicg/ thread advertised
2023-03-29 92421812 reflect.app GPT4 abuse noticed by the devs
2023-03-30 92440786 Shut it down. Shut it all down.

April 2023
When Where What
2023-04-02 92494839 free unlimited GPT4 at PoemiseAI first mentioned; no chat only short text generated on the site
2023-04-02 92498569 PoemiseAI notices the abuse in 4 hours and paywalls
2023-04-04 92542432 first shill of talk.konosuba.moe
2023-04-06 92592895 dry and stilted recruiter with a secret service arc
2023-04-07 92600390 the pajeet larp arc begins
2023-04-08 92633599 first (?) announcement of The proxy development
2023-04-08 92638969 The proxy released
2023-04-09 92653884 The proxy gets Chinese filter
2023-04-09 92639161 first whocars proxy sighting
2023-04-10 92685124 The proxy gets Agnai support
2023-04-12 92723495 The proxy repo is moved to gitgud.io
2023-04-12 92725143 /aicg/ banished to /b/ causing the migration to sturdychan.help; possible reason - cunny jokes
2023-04-12 92739875 anon with a screenshot of his phone Mikugg alternative probes about ad support, explains a little and disappears
2023-04-13 92758242 Koreans spotted and deemed friendly
2023-04-13 0.1.0 Korean RisuAI frontend github release
2023-04-13 92758920 first announcement of the logging feature for The proxy
2023-04-15 92797747 The proxy gets the logging feature
2023-04-16 92817552 public log reader for the proxy logs released
2023-04-16 92817377 Todd's first coming (?)
2023-04-16 92830208 Agnai gets full proxy support
2023-04-21 92932095 first (?) RisuAI shill
2023-04-21 92935274 the pajeet larp arc ends
2023-04-22 92943735 free GPT4 with chatbots at ForefrontAI with many features is unnoticed
2023-04-23 Spermack Slack's Claude to Tavern adapter github release

May 2023
When Where What
2023-05-01 93144610 first local shill of the "Vietnamese" VenusAI frontend
2023-05-01 93145746 issues with VenusAI raised and resolved
2023-05-01 93148509 Risu dev officially presents RisuAI
2023-05-02 93157147 The proxy gets streaming support
2023-05-03 character-card-spec-v2 Character Card V2 concept published
2023-05-03 93193064 rokochan.org first mentioned and ignored, again 3 days later and then silence
2023-05-04 Slaude Slack's Claude to Tavern adapter github release
2023-05-04 Leaked Google "We have no moat, and neither does OpenAI"
2023-05-04 93213646 meet and greet with MarieLovesMatcha c.ai maintenance stream
2023-05-05 93219043 first shill of Slaude
2023-05-06 2:19 PM UTC OpenAI (& Google) do have moats
2023-05-06 93255235 Risu dev reports updates, adds guides
2023-05-06 93258859 Todd launches reddit+discord raid on /aicg/ and then dies
2023-05-07 93266687 request queue for The proxy announced
2023-05-08 93282974 "real" Todd's third coming (and going, but actually not)
2023-05-08 93296494 Bing's GPT4 to Tavern adapter
2023-05-08 93299878 best botmaker on CharacterHub named
2023-05-08 93300876 "real" Todd "implements GeoIP CIS whitelist" (but actually not)
2023-05-09 93305858 CharacterHub gets expressions support
2023-05-09 93310953 testing of request queueing for The proxy
2023-05-10 93334137 reminder that Tavern is still not secure for some
2023-05-10 93338137 Slaude is found to be flawed and gets updated
2023-05-10 93343592 c.ai being in bed with Google finally officially confirmed
2023-05-10 93345759 HuggingChat is finally noticed
2023-05-11 93349094 anon with a screenshot of his Tavern alternative probes about subscriptions
2023-05-11 93359476 Agnai gets streaming support
2023-05-11 93364476 Claude with 100K context summarization (?) available to the business partners
2023-05-11 93364981 anon draws a sketch of a local card manager
2023-05-11 93366663 c.ai subscription officially announced
2023-05-11 93366804 c.ai subscription rolled out
2023-05-12 93368801 poe.com's Claude Instant gets final complete lobotomy
2023-05-12 93370692 CharacterHub link is posted on reddit, causing an influx of bad bots
2023-05-12 93374487 anon forks Slaude and mentions some "AI text RPG engine project"
2023-05-12 93375055 the promised RPG engine being "a feature rich backend for handling cards with stats"
2023-05-12 93384670 RPG engine turns out to be a fork of Silly with discord cbt
2023-05-12 AbsoluteRPGAdventure anon provides a link to his fork
2023-05-12 add new claude models Agnai supports 100k context with Claude
2023-05-13 93393488 branon returns with own proxy
2023-05-13 93400960 Agnai gets multi-character chats support
2023-05-13 93403809 Risu dev reports Character Card V2 adoption
2023-05-13 93404724 anon probes about paid local Miitomo-esque app, turns out to be just an idea he had
2023-05-13 ggml : GPU-acceleration llama.cpp gets GPU-accelerated token generation, now it's CPU<GPU<CPU+GPU
2023-05-13 holy shit agnai.chat reddit is reminded about Agnai
2023-05-14 93414717 branon passwords his proxy, gives password in exchange for logs
2023-05-14 93415694 CharacterHub supports model hosting and gets a new domain name
2023-05-14 93424903 branon says his goodbyes
2023-05-15 93433496 c.ai lore book adding paid extension spotted...
2023-05-15 93433869 ... and pirated
2023-05-15 93435390 Lablab.ai's Anthropic AI Hackathon offering Claude access to participants
2023-05-15 93439548 HF clamps down on OAI proxies (?)
2023-05-15 93445521 Agnai gets avatar text wrap-around support, once again proving it's the best choice for phones
2023-05-15 93447723 the most (you)ed bait in /aicg/ history (?) (70)
2023-05-16 93452952 in light of HF clamping down on OAI proxies The proxy supports more hosting options
2023-05-16 93461071 proxy aggregator taken down by the creator along with a second one
2023-05-16 93462806 OAI rumored to release small open source model
2023-05-16 93464065 way to set up Silly without thinking shared
2023-05-16 93464491 new proxy aggregator is up
2023-05-16 93466677 OAI welcomes proposed government licensing for llms
2023-05-17 1684295074305 "13B Pyg is on the way and after that 33B Pyg might be within reach" (matrixfag, matrix)
2023-05-17 93479385 NAI announces tuning a model for 8192 token context size
2023-05-17 93491821 Slack's Claude can open links, but is too short-sighted to fully replace Daphne
2023-05-18 93502258 mikudev is still alive; Mikugg gets .webm support
2023-05-18 93513950 Pyg 13B is out and is great
2023-05-19 93518120 fake proxy is used as bait in a doxx attempt
2023-05-19 93529091 rogue subreddit mod stirs yet another drama around Pyg
2023-05-21 93572566 Chroma embedding database is brought to attention
2023-05-22 93596279 latest drama forces pygdevs to cave in and create an official subreddit
2023-05-23 93600194 botmakers begging for money noticed at CharacterHub
2023-05-23 93600870 The proxy supports another level of gatekeeping
2023-05-23 93601148 unknown changes on c.ai; old urlparam method to speed up reply streaming is broken
2023-05-23 93609637 "GirlfriendGPT" is brought to attention
2023-05-23 430923563 W++ scientifically proven superior to prose
2023-05-23 430934131 NAI's Clio model, 8k tokens context, is live for Opus subscribers
2023-05-24 93621428 Auto Summarizer with Slaude for a SillyTavern fork
2023-05-24 93626419 c.ai phone app rolled out
2023-05-24 93628072 Slack's Claude is on hold
2023-05-24 93637909 /aicg/ triumphs over VenusAI due to actual discord drama
2023-05-24 93638621 CharacterHub's subscription-based chat officially announced
2023-05-25 93643726 most likely very temporary way to pay for Claude 100k at openrouter.ai
2023-05-26 93663450 Lore anon probes about chat frontend to copy from
2023-05-26 93665584 SillyTavern jsonl chats to TXT files script
2023-05-26 93667998 Slack's Claude is half-back; filter considered to be tighter
2023-05-26 93675582 Lablab.ai's Anthropic AI Hackathon Twitch stream, /aicg/ is raving for a long time
2023-05-26 93681470 VenusAI death announced
2023-05-27 93685192 Turbo-using bot-stealing subscription-oriented spicychat.ai is brought to attention
2023-05-27 93690987 new character hosting teased by redditors
2023-05-27 93692801 fresh research paper linked, showcasing fine-tuning LLaMA 7B to get context length of 32k
2023-05-27 93695670 one VenusAI successor announced
2023-05-27 93696861 another VenusAI successor announced
2023-05-27 93696888 and the real VenusAI successor announced by Lore anon
2023-05-28 93716522 actual teaser of VenusAI successor by Lore anon
2023-05-28 431542691 Sagadev !!VVlnOLe6u1L provides Claude and other models for free; /aids/ stuff, not really fit for a chat
2023-05-29 431616429 more info about sagarpg.io by Sagadev, 32k GPT4 and 100k Claude Instant promised
2023-05-29 93735316 official launch of venus.chub.ai
2023-05-29 93740484 The proxy gets Claude API support
2023-05-29 93740970 Todd is back for the 4th (?) time; invite only hence unconfirmed
2023-05-31 93783168 yet another VenusAI successor spotted, deemed suspicious
2023-05-31 93784376 a way to continue using Poe in Silly provided
2023-05-31 93785493 Silly gets window.ai extension support
2023-05-31 Feat/cyoa Agnai gets CYOA mode

June 2023
When Where What
2023-06-01 93795378 c.ai is not filtering violence and other useless "news" from them
2023-06-01 93795716 OAI plans: cheaper, faster, longer
2023-06-01 93796099 poe.com's "Dragonfly" dead
2023-06-02 93812684 Slack's Claude is thought to go Instant
2023-06-02 93821727 unofficial Silly's website noticed
2023-06-02 char impersonate Agnai gets "user profiles" support
2023-06-02 93826473 pointless c.ai app update for subscribers reported
2023-06-03 93840906 anon works on a chatbot, that will initiate the chat instead of user
2023-06-03 93843577 anon demonstrates own version of memory summarization for Silly
2023-06-04 93859037 realmplay.ai noticed, considered paid garbage
2023-06-04 93854123 LoRA finetune of llama7B named Hoers-7B presented, looking good
2023-06-04 93854984 desu !!h4SFa6Is/pI
2023-06-05 93876759 HearYourWaifu 456393 script for c.ai removed from greasyfork.org
2023-06-05 93879011 new avatarfag who has given out actual keys=lure hosts closed source proxy=trap; exists momentarily
2023-06-05 93879736 sturdychan.help cleansed with holy fire
2023-06-05 93890239 new home at rokochan.org for twice outcasts
2023-06-06 93901631 anon teases a project for connecting one AI output directly into the input of another
2023-06-06 93911466 paid OAI frontend for redditors with BYOK noticed and laughed at
2023-06-07 93930422 venus.chub.ai supports text logs import
2023-06-07 93936609 /aicg/ heavily mentioned in a news article about terrors of uncucked AI
2023-06-08 93938036 anon offers a subscription based proxy to be paid in crypto
2023-06-08 93939740 instead of blunt lobotomy llms now can get brain surgery to make them into dull boys dull boys dull boys
2023-06-11 94002515 "Social Network for AI" found; no logs posted yet
2023-06-13 openai blog new 16k context version of gpt-3.5-turbo at the probable cost of being more cucked;
2023-06-14 support turbo16k Agnai supports 16k context gpt-3.5-turbo
2023-06-16 94101374 another absolutely pointless change on c.ai
2023-06-16 94105326 themed weeks botmaking event established
2023-06-17 94119072 Scale disabled the moderation endpoint for now, confirmed
2023-06-17 94120108 Slack's Claude is dead as a free source of entertainment...
2023-06-17 94120760 ... or not?
2023-06-19 94163099 CharacterHub introduces $20 subscription-based unlimited access to own llm
2023-06-19 chat age Agnai lets characters have basic understanding of time flow
2023-06-20 94175124 exposed Claude found, consuming has begun
2023-06-20 94177327 The proxy gets basic support of the found exposed Claude, thoughts given to similar future cases
2023-06-20 94178939 "HF clamps down on everyone" theory, explaining the downtime of most proxies
2023-06-21 94191797 prototype of a local 13b model with 8k context is shared
2023-06-22 94224152 local models with 8k context are a thing now
2023-06-22 94224574 OAI supposedly mass-terminates the accounts used for chatbots
2023-06-23 94238543 Agnai gets full Character Card V2 support
2023-06-24 1687580918927 pygmalion.chat looks alive after half a year in limbo
2023-06-27 modular avatars Agnai gets waifu mode with modular character avatars
2023-06-27 94321251 PixAI.Art gets a supposedly free chatbot
2023-06-27 94325946 CharacterHub removes ratings from the cards on the front page
2023-06-28 94323782 /lmg/ informs about local models reaching 16k token context memory
2023-06-29 94347456 janitorai.com gets pointlessly restyled
2023-06-29 N/A poe.com allows to set custom temperature for user created bots, later removed
2023-06-29 94358233 poe.com gets unlimited Google-PaLM chatbot
2023-06-29 94357145 mikudev is still alive; Mikugg bot builder gets better
2023-06-29 94359474 c.ai clone Joyland.ai is brought to attention
2023-06-30 impersonating Agnai gets impersonation

July 2023
When Where What
2023-07-01 1124623945841250347 pygmalion.chat officially announced
2023-07-01 #469 Agnai gets a dedicated character editor at agnai.chat/editor
2023-07-01 94399746 news from Google about their idea of llm lobotomy
2023-07-02 #116 Agnai gets Events & Scenario system
2023-07-02 94403754 CharacterHub gets review reporting feature
2023-07-02 94423149 sagarpg.io updated
2023-07-05 94482754 CharacterHub leaks some data (!N7JZ5twwOs)
2023-07-05 94483847 OAI announces the future llm sanitizing pipeline
2023-07-05 94484429 janitorai.com announces the dates of own llm launch
2023-07-06 94492602 and yet another - the state of /aicg/
2023-07-06 94496817 anon announces new character cards hosting development
2023-07-06 94503724 1,000,000,000 tokens context window is reached with LongNet
2023-07-06 94507036 moemate.io 3d assistant first shared; mentioned later; mostly ignored
2023-07-06 94507930 anon gets an email from Anthropic regarding Slack's Claude
2023-07-06 94509184 GPT4 is much more accessible, old text completion models soon deprecated
2023-07-07 94524589 CharacterHub leaks the same data again
2023-07-07 94527597 booru.plus displays character cards metadata
2023-07-07 94532151 another announcement of a new character cards hosting development
2023-07-08 94537457 Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) is implemented for llms, i.e. negative prompts
2023-07-09 94562412 anon proposes to use neocities.org instead of rentries as personalized botmakers' pages
2023-07-09 94570800 the most (you)ed bait in /aicg/ history (?) to date (113)
2023-07-09 94572346 anon makes a dedicated neocities webring page chatbots.neocities.org
2023-07-10 94589577 anon demonstrates how far we've come, using best consumer hardware but already fully local
2023-07-10 94595285 character cards from CharacterHub posted
2023-07-11 94602596 anon "triest to build an open source AI girlfriend" and asks for advice about 3d avatars
2023-07-11 94615496 Claude 2 API and poe.com-like available for all Claude at claude.ai (looks like claude-v1, not instant?)
2023-07-11 94618893 anon shares the way to get great AI voice mimicking in a complex way with RVC
2023-07-11 Claude-2 Agnai supports Claude 2
2023-07-11 94621520 claude.ai's Claude to Tavern adapter release
2023-07-11 94622336 c.ai subscribers get Creative Mode with AI replies editing
2023-07-12 94628402 claude.ai "enhanced safety filters" discovered
2023-07-12 94641883 xAI from Musk announced
2023-07-12 Claude 2 Model Card Claude 2 was trained with 200k context (adoption date tba) and data up to early 2023 (confirmed)
2023-07-12 Poe updates poe.com supports file uploading and URL retrieval
2023-07-13 94664099 Mikugg gets huge update
2023-07-13 94653805 anon teases his CharacterHub mirror
2023-07-14 94681501 anon shills Clewd, another claude.ai adapter
2023-07-15 94704412 anon reports about his CharacterHub mirror
2023-07-15 94711790 anon teases his desktop assistant (real?)
2023-07-15 94711379 "partial filter" on c.ai reported (real?)
2023-07-16 94727103 vulnerability of The proxy reported, quickly resolved
2023-07-16 94728408 anon shows his Silly extension for CYOA
2023-07-16 94730121 CharacterHub carpet blocking users due to assumed DDOS
2023-07-16 94730860 anon teases his own custom frontend with special prompting
2023-07-16 94732973 anon reports about his CharacterHub mirror/archive; later his scraping is possibly prevented
2023-07-16 1689532522388 500+ t/s with 7B on a single 3090 reported by pygdevs thanks to their own backend "Aphrodite-engine"
2023-07-17 94744759 anon with a phone Mikugg alternative reappears, reports progress as MikuForbinDev !!6YR+2lc/VX6
2023-07-17 94745071 archived character cards from CharacterHub are taken down by mega.nz
2023-07-17 94745859 anon presents his CharacterHub archive at chub-archive.evulid.cc
2023-07-17 94759523 mikudev presents TavernCardV2 translator
2023-07-17 94760622 anon probes about paid uncensored model above Turbo in its capabilities
2023-07-17 1689609722374 pygdevs report 2000+ tokens/s on a 4090 with Llama-7b 16-bit; 3B RedPajama is 700 t/s on a 2070S
2023-07-18 94762259 more evidence of new kind of c.ai censorship
2023-07-18 94769088 chub-archive anon reports about setting up catbox and rentry scraping, other services to follow
2023-07-18 94778053 Llama 2 by Meta released officially and openly; massive gains; /lmg/ rejoices
2023-07-18 94779571 anon in /lmg/ notices something curious about fellow anons
2023-07-18 94780825 Llama 2 hosted for free, also a version with image recognition
2023-07-19 94795057 chub-archive anon adds mobile devices support
2023-07-19 94798015 GPT3.5 and GPT4 dumbening reported, quantified
2023-07-19 94803070 lawlet.mwni.io llama 2 trained to give legal advice first shilled, ignored
2023-07-19 94804174 anon thinks of making a Koikatsu mod with GPT to Elevenlabs TTS for VR
2023-07-20 94808262 the date of janitorai.com own llm launch is closing in
2023-07-20 94804508 measures to help The proxy combat abuse announced
2023-07-20 94820134 proxy tracking software shilled
2023-07-20 94820662 Silly drops official Poe adapter support
2023-07-20 94827355 OAI removes the way to check API key usage of a random key
2023-07-21 94835250 telegai.com shilled, little interest
2023-07-21 94837447 anon tells about awesome AI project and is completely ignored, same as the project
2023-07-22 94854818 The proxy gets context size limits support
2023-07-22 94859085 venus.chub.ai updated with many useful new features
2023-07-22 94868379 chub-archive anon reports various historical dumps added
2023-07-22 94870351 new bait record, (135)
2023-07-23 94872304 mikudev teases automatic1111 UI plugin in the making for easy generation of expression packs
2023-07-23 94885197 explanation for OpenRouter disabling email-based signups provided
2023-07-24 94910212 OAI imposes stricter rate-per-day prompting limits
2023-07-25 94917500 anon shares some hard to understand article about making local llms better (?)
2023-07-25 94921338 mikudev shares a tutorial with his workflow for bot expressions
2023-07-25 94925461 pygdevs announce becoming a business entity
2023-07-25 94923283 CncAnon reveals himself as the latest proxy provider
2023-07-25 94935240 MikuForbinDev talks possible features, pay plan
2023-07-26 1133632890593353738 pyggyfesto reassures that Pyg is still good
2023-07-27 94978764 local CharacterHub-like character card manager shilled
2023-07-27 94980060 automatically constructed adversarial suffixes that completely circumvent the alignment of LLMs, i.e. UUJB
2023-07-27 94987485 anon first offers his freellamas proxy with various llama finetunes and sizes
2023-07-28 94985596 NAI getting on the instruct train
2023-07-28 94992741 gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 and gpt-4-0314 live another day (till June 13, 2024)
2023-07-28 94994732 something Japanese finally spotted (or shilled??)
2023-07-28 439707459 horde worker anons like to read what they're entitled to
2023-07-28 95008122 NAI 13B release
2023-07-29 95016467 chub-archive anon reports fixes, improvements and scraping progress
2023-07-29 95019209 new ban wave of Claude keys by Anthropic, emails widespread
2023-07-29 95020270 chatGPTBox browser extension recommended
2023-07-29 95029301 Openrouter forces moderation
2023-07-29 95029390 telegai.com is stealing cards from CharacterHub
2023-07-30 95042388 frontend for Discord shilled
2023-07-30 95042820 anon plays Oregon Trail
2023-07-30 95044266 anon showcases GPT4-generated web pages
2023-07-30 95049468 venus.chub.ai updated with full tree branching of chats
2023-07-31 95063734 anon reads API docs and finds out about operations with files
2023-07-31 95071797 Anthropic ban wave hits hard
2023-07-31 quoted text formatting Agnai gets quoted text formatting (finally)

August 2023
When Where What
2023-08-01 95077913 Claude API accoutns are being sold
2023-08-01 95077918 successful Claude API access recovery
2023-08-01 95079364 Anthropic applies some kind of filtering to Openrouter
2023-08-01 95083714 mikudev teases live2d with emotions and lip-sync
2023-08-01 95084216 chat.nbox.ai noticed as a source of free GPT4
2023-08-02 95105867 Openrouter confirms that Anthropic threatens to revoke access to Claude unless moderation is applied
2023-08-02 95108099 anon figures out a way to learn what email owns an OAI key
2023-08-02 95107845 back to "the filter is loose" era thanks to Openrouter/Anthropic (?)
2023-08-02 95118030 chat.nbox.ai to Tavern adapter
2023-08-02 95117587 /lmg/ celebrates opensourcing of AudioCraft, the generative AI for audio by Meta
2023-08-02 95120025 MikuForbinDev announces beta test, invites anons; talks about open source but puts it off
2023-08-03 95122113 chub-archive anon reports plans, improvements and scraping progress
2023-08-03 95128465 anon notifies about new llms by Stability AI
2023-08-03 95133146 Meta is planning to launch chatbots soon
2023-08-03 95138501 chirper.ai noticed again, this time because CharacterHub has added a button for it
2023-08-03 95139379 some anon has made a QLoRA for Llama 2 70B based on the proxy logs
2023-08-04 95150434 chub-archive anon adds proxy tracking
2023-08-04 95161401 anon notices possible way of jailbreaking prompt logging by Anthropic
2023-08-05 95170470 anon makes an /aicg/ Gender & Sexuality Demographics survey
2023-08-05 95175057 desu is happening
2023-08-05 95175900 anon brings news about IGN Guides Chatbot, LLMs and generative AI in Japanese, Google AI News Generator
2023-08-05 95177155 anon shares new kind of OAI response error
2023-08-05 95177270 first announcement of chatlog aggregator development
2023-08-05 95185092 /aicg/ is down for everyone
2023-08-06 95189370 anon explains Claude prefilling again in great detail
2023-08-06 95190909 chatlog aggregator release
2023-08-06 95197965 freellamas anon shares his guide on how to host a llama proxy and announces own death but doesn't die
2023-08-06 95191882 chatlog aggregator anon promises to add catbox-only cards logs
2023-08-06 95192610 anon points to the proof for the obvious thruth about Anthropic per-account filtering
2023-08-07 95200442 anon tells about a way to trick the Claude into ignoring the anti-lewd injection by Anthropic
2023-08-07 95209752 OAI launched their own web crawler to improve future models
2023-08-08 95233031 anon floods booru.plus with simple cards from talkie-ai.com
2023-08-08 95235551 c.ai interest decline on a graph
2023-08-08 95247850 Meta releases BlenderBot 3 along with the code, has interesting features - a year ago - and it was pointless
2023-08-08 95248633 anon finds out that OAI has added specific eval of Japanese romantic context
2023-08-09 95252158 ChatGPT spooks redditors with schizo babble
2023-08-09 95256438 Claude Instant 1.2 released
2023-08-09 95258634 llms' alignment
2023-08-09 2304.03442 AI agents village Stanford Smallville is officially open source
2023-08-10 95261220 MikuForbinDev showcases his website, asks strange questions
2023-08-10 95261965 Silly has Live2d extension
2023-08-10 95265650 Openrouter implements moderation, errors witnessed
2023-08-11 95288371 NAI's latest AI model NovelAI-LM-13B Kayra coming to all tiers including the Free Trial
2023-08-11 95289641 MikuForbinDev calls for testers for add supported pre-alpha
2023-08-11 #562 Agnai gets Mancer support
2023-08-12 95304153 mass reports of OAI sending out threatening emails
2023-08-13 95320377 /aicg/ Gender & Sexuality Demographics survey finished, 184 respondents total
2023-08-13 95323829 Openrouter scared of losing uncensored money, announces llama and other local models "without moderation"
2023-08-14 95341310 pygdevs release the public version of the CAI dataset
2023-08-14 95355156 chatlog aggregator anon promises to add c.ai-only bots logs
2023-08-14 95353938 claude.ai might be walling up, or it could be just a tempmail issue
2023-08-15 N/A after disabling GPT4 and reenabling but moderated, chat.nbox.ai hides it behind Google account only sign in
2023-08-16 95388753 anon finds Claude on zapier but has no way to utilize it
2023-08-16 95389124 anon reports issues with utilizing Slack's Claude because of some changes
2023-08-16 95397793 anon reports issues with utilizing claude.ai, possibly because of it being overloaded
2023-08-16 95406269 anon reports about Google struggling to keep up in AI game, preparing Gemini to be launched this fall
2023-08-16 95406645 CharacterHub adds notification system
2023-08-18 LMAOOOO Pyg has achieved its true goal
2023-08-18 95456133 Openrouter explains the multilayered moderation employed
2023-08-19 95475802 various news from llms world
2023-08-19 95476403 NAI announces AetherRoom, an uncensored AI chat service
2023-08-20 95488473 CharacterHub gives free credits to test own paid llm
2023-08-21 95499861 some dad uses llama to immortalize himself
2023-08-21 95507423 chub-archive anon begins to host a llama proxy
2023-08-21 95508778 CharacterHub inflated downloads count reported...
2023-08-21 95509424 ... and resolved...
2023-08-21 95510507 ... but the counters still behave strange.
2023-08-21 95509166 people still try to ride the overtaken original VenusAI name and server, announcing a paid tiered "successor"
2023-08-21 95512778 updated emails from OAI reported en masse
2023-08-22 95526892 Lore anon goes to war over "Venus" name
2023-08-22 95541134 davinci-002 is available, Turbo priced; Moderation API and GPT4 powered moderation are separate and scary
2023-08-23 95554409 anon shares a way to use regex for text coloring in Silly
2023-08-24 95564769 in addition to multiple limits imposed Anthropic hides Claude behind phone number verification
2023-08-24 95576013 Meta releases Code Llama: 3 kinds of Llama 2 finetunes sized 7B, 13B, and 34B
2023-08-24 95576713 old news about Colab banning SD users relevant again
2023-08-24 95578173 anon works on a Turbo finetune, demonstrates the retardation of OAI moderation
2023-08-24 95581084 anon provides finetuned Turbo to compare
2023-08-24 95577548 anon posts a cool video about AI Lara Croft
2023-08-24 95583336 CharacterHub introduces $5 subscription and announces some kind of business offering
2023-08-25 95586205 chub-archive anon proposes own version of Horde
2023-08-25 95586926 venuschat.ai launched (actual date 2023-08-22), bots reported stolen and reuploaded from original VenusAI
2023-08-25 95591673 Openrouter filters OAI models
2023-08-25 95593354 anon reports c.ai unlocking character editing
2023-08-25 95594000 CharacterHub gains popularity
2023-08-25 95601322 MikuForbinDev adds proxy support, allowing to plug in local models
2023-08-26 95603314 labs.perplexity.ai shared, free access to extremely cucked llama models
2023-08-26 95602806 fearmongering based on a rumor about llama 3 being smarter than llama 2
2023-08-26 95604202 CncAnon writes a guide on fine-tuning Turbo for roleplay
2023-08-26 95603314 anon shares free llama 2 and Code Llama - Instruct source with high ethical standards
2023-08-26 95606542 CncAnon officially releases his guide on fine-tuning Turbo for roleplay
2023-08-26 95607908 phind.com shared, free access but heavily prompted to only give programming advice
2023-08-26 95608684 anons have a lot of fun with another reminder that Tavern is still not secure for some
2023-08-26 95624457 Anthropic conducts an email survey regarding $50/month subscription for retarded benefits
2023-08-27 95628034 anon shares info about some OAI keys having more than one organization
2023-08-27 95633783 cai-list rentry anon still lives
2023-08-28 95644418 anon claims it's possible and easy to replicate c.ai rating system, influencing characters' behavior
2023-08-28 95651908 free Claude via sourcegraph.com exploit shared
2023-08-28 95651906 SD cunny is banned and outlawed in some places
2023-08-28 95653457 CncAnon provides SourceGraph to Tavern adapter
2023-08-28 95661832 new features announced for The proxy
2023-08-28 95662384 OAI announces ChatGPT Enterprise, which is completely irrelevant for /aicg/
2023-08-29 95663979 new source of free GPT4 found at app.imprompt.ai
2023-08-29 95671209 Taverndev advertises SourceGraph proxy at his server
2023-08-29 95673998 CncAnon extends SourceGraph context to 99k tokens
2023-08-29 95682760 SourceGraph proxy already having issues
2023-08-29 95678222 chan.bunnyanon.gay honeypot posted whatever it is
2023-08-29 95683723 chub-archive proxy is enhanced
2023-08-30 95684776 Scale wants to bill anon for some past errors
2023-08-30 95685640 anon looks at the awful alternatives people have to cope with, in this case old spicychat.ai
2023-08-30 95688445 Openrouter is banned by OAI despite the utilized moderation
2023-08-30 95688757 new way to continue using Poe in Silly provided
2023-08-30 95689898 reports about SourceGraph being down
2023-08-30 95692209 chub-archive anon makes sourcegraph-account-creator using own domain for email signup
2023-08-30 95695126 anon gains access to SourceGraph admin panel and raises quotas; new non-bait record, (161)
2023-08-30 95697619 SourceGraph quota limit checker shared
2023-08-30 95700176 report about Koreans suffering from OAI bans and switching to NAI en masse
2023-08-30 95700253 MikuForbinDev reports adding bells and whistles including generated expressions
2023-08-30 95700731 anon calls to submit comments requested by U.S. Copyright Office
2023-08-30 95704962 Lore anon is noticed donating to further new 70B model development
2023-08-31 #56278 SourceGraph prepares to fight tempmail signups
2023-08-31 95707791 SourceGraph notifies users about the intrusion into their admin panel
2023-08-31 95709009 CncAnon explains the issue with the way SourceGraph quota hack was handled
2023-08-31 95710938 Lore anon elaborates on the cost of running 70B model inference for CharacterHub
2023-08-31 95711740 local models proxies are getting spammed
2023-08-31 95713770 Chinese search engine Baidu makes its llm Ernie Bot fully available to the public
2023-08-31 95720962 dody is gone
2023-08-31 #600 Agnai celebrates 600th ticket

September 2023
When Where What
2023-09-01 95727588 Proton Mail requires an existing email address for signup confirmation
2023-09-01 95729427 SourceGraph disables email-based signup
2023-09-01 95738299 janitorai.com characters ripping script shared
2023-09-01 95740376 MikuForbinDev reports beta launch of his app
2023-09-01 95740798 surprisingly looks like a product shill by a company rather than by a small dev or devteam
2023-09-01 Email poe.com gets threading support, readds custom temperature setting
2023-09-02 95749575 CharacterHub adds "followers" which are not hidden
2023-09-02 95762406 Openrouter gets OAI access back with enhanced moderation output
2023-09-04 95791992 CharacterHub declutters download and export buttons
2023-09-05 95813088 second Lablab.ai's Anthropic AI Hackathon noticed too late
2023-09-05 95815756 c.ai plans to reopen the discord server
2023-09-05 95821911 CncAnon fixes SourceGraph adapter but random account limits and security efforts make him want to stop
2023-09-06 95837202 venus.chub.ai introduces leaderboards
2023-09-06 1148932036795580487 Pygmalion 2
2023-09-07 95852576 Timeline extension for Silly is noticed
2023-09-07 95856101 Anthropic introduces a subscription for claude.ai
2023-09-07 95857710 anon shares a graph showcasing loss of interest towards c.ai
2023-09-07 95858668 Forefront dismissed as a source of free limited Claude Instant and GPT3.5 Turbo
2023-09-07 95860647 another report of the decrease in c.ai's web traffic
2023-09-07 95862178 chub-archive anon adds 70k scraped janitorai.com characters
2023-09-08 95867721 anon confirms Claude 2 being worse everywhere it counts compared to Claude 1
2023-09-08 95877047 OAI teases something good for the developers but "no gpt-5 or 4.5 or anything like that"
2023-09-08 95877538 there is some speculation regarding Nvidia pulling a scam to inflate own value
2023-09-08 95877667 second Lablab.ai's Anthropic AI Hackathon is effectively cancelled
2023-09-08 95879718 anon calculates costs for GPT3.5 Turbo and GPT4 models inference at full context
2023-09-08 95882185 aisekai.ai shilling continues despite being called out on hiding the exact model used
2023-09-08 95883262 moemate.io shill is called out by Lore anon
2023-09-09 95886414 a fullfilled gamedev makes appearance
2023-09-09 95886768 more pointless c.ai updates
2023-09-09 95901124 llm benchmarking site shared, barely relevant not being dedicated to rp
2023-09-10 95908107 anon reminds about the official way to get instant GPT4 access from OAI
2023-09-10 95907864 anon shares a huge write-up on "serious" prompting
2023-09-10 95919358 Mancer removing free trial credits as an offering and from existing accounts as well is brought to attention
2023-09-10 587186 Satania Buddy resurrected
2023-09-11 95929510 once again news about Colab banning SD users are spooky for llm users
2023-09-11 95929524 rumors about Meta beginning to work on Llama 3 next year
2023-09-11 95936036 new generation of "enhanced safety filters" for Claude API reported
2023-09-11 95935479 Lore anon releases 70B model, high hopes unfulfilled
2023-09-12 95944163 GPT4 Summarization with chain of density prompting
2023-09-12 95946847 Medusa: simple framework for accelerating llm generation with multiple decoding heads
2023-09-12 95947705 chub-archive anon switches to vllm-gptq for batched inference of his local proxy
2023-09-12 95950296 Phi1.5 is 1.3B model stronger than top 7B models
2023-09-12 95950716 anon reminds how true "We have no moat, and neither does OpenAI" leak was
2023-09-12 95951464 venus.chub.ai gets "report stolen bot" button, regular CharacterHub soon to follow
2023-09-12 95955435 c.ai reopens the discord server
2023-09-13 95977528 exllama2 reported to be FAST
2023-09-13 95980807 in his second post anon explains the developed Silly extension adding MMD models with expressions
2023-09-14 95986825 anon writes an ethnography on main AI community
2023-09-14 95988202 c.ai adds "edit message" and "generate greeting" features for paid users
2023-09-14 95993059 subscription based access to a finetune of llama 2 70b for male dating / romance advice shilled
2023-09-15 96011881 subscription based Claude Pro on claude.ai still has prompt limit
2023-09-15 96016752 new WebP related vulnerability discovered
2023-09-16 96027176 mikudev shills finally released nagatoro bot, shares plans for "generative visual novels" platform
2023-09-16 96030864 anon speculates about reasons for Colab tolerating llama 2 finetunes
2023-09-16 96034059 Silly TTS extension demoed
2023-09-17 96058664 anon gets an email from Samantha Cole, 404 Media journalist
2023-09-18 96080720 llama.cpp batched inference update makes it even faster
2023-09-18 1153338196084666439 Pyg2 70B has finished training, pygmalion.chat postponed yet again
2023-09-19 96089796 GPT3.5 Turbo-instruct reported to be good
2023-09-19 96099877 news about Google Bard update, still irrelevant
2023-09-20 Email StableDiffusionXL added on poe.com
2023-09-20 96102656 AI bad because men happy; happy women ignored
2023-09-20 96104060 The proxy gets GPT3.5 Turbo-instruct and Google PaLM support
2023-09-20 96112639 KoboldCpp 1.44 update shilled, added features to be more useful as a frontend
2023-09-20 96117433 innovative botmaking technique discovered, the use of randomized emojis
2023-09-21 96126620 chub-archive anon adds status page
2023-09-21 96130465 another demo of Silly TTS extension, singing with voice cloning
2023-09-21 96132990 404 Media article "DIY Chatbots Unleash Large Language Models’ Repressed Sexuality" published
2023-09-22 96142847 c.ai adds "generate reply" feature and it talks exclusively in bad zoomer-speak
2023-09-23 96165230 Silly update glows
2023-09-24 96187191 Xwin 70B model released, beats GPT3.5 Turbo and sometimes even GPT4
2023-09-24 96194563 free GPT4 and other llms source dismissed as unusable
2023-09-24 96195548 emails from candy.ai, considered spam
2023-09-25 96208511 Amazon invests $4 billion in Anthropic
2023-09-25 96210792 GPT4Vision System Card reveals extreme censoring of the model
2023-09-25 96215302 current state of the shadowbans at c.ai community forum
2023-09-25 96219047 speculations about GPT5 being AGI with next year release
2023-09-26 96220482 news about Meta's chatbots
2023-09-26 96232287 Chinese Qwen 14B model is promising
2023-09-26 96238920 Mozilla commits $30M to build a trustworthy AI ecosystem
2023-09-27 96256581 Mistral 7B v0.1 released, outperforms llama 2 13B
2023-09-28 96264566 ChatGPT can now browse the internet, no longer limited to data before 2021
2023-09-28 96267204 Slack's Claude now issues 24 hour bans instead of permanent
2023-09-28 96273171 Chinese source of paid proxies brought up
2023-09-28 96279446 CncAnon provides a new source of Claude, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
2023-09-28 96280416 CncAnon reveals actual Claude context size to be 18K instead of 100K
2023-09-29 1157166185180315658 the new Mikugg platform is available at the main domain
2023-09-29 ChatNBX Plus chat.nbox.ai introduces subscription, severely limits already weak free tier

October 2023
When Where What
2023-10-01 96329673 chub-archive anon upgrades local proxy service
2023-10-02 96365111 because of the deal Anthropic is speculated to become Amazon's bitch
2023-10-02 96369365 GPT3.5 Turbo-instruct can play chess because of being completion model instead of chat model
2023-10-04 96416989 new way of controlling llm outputs in the name of ethics
2023-10-05 96444415 Anthropic is considered the least open source AI friendly key company
2023-10-05 96449699 cards can now include a character specific author's note in Silly
2023-10-06 96461860 mikudev teases miku.gg platform with a free 20B model running
2023-10-06 96463116 lightweight mikupad frontend intended for local backends shared
2023-10-06 96470678 Claude AWS proxy can be logged by Amazon
2023-10-06 96472131 smart people are close to figuring out how exactly AI models work
2023-10-06 96476909 kinktober botmaking event by some other community discovered
2023-10-07 96492700 Lore anon has woken up from a literal coma, delegates responsibilities to Data anon
2023-10-07 96494804 Data anon !!2d50io56s7+ appears, promises to work
2023-10-07 96503010 ollama.ai by a guy who got famous for running a script made by /lmg/ is mentioned
2023-10-07 96504127 reviews posting date bug on CharacterHub is vanquished after months of suffering
2023-10-08 96519748 Data anon reports progress
2023-10-08 96529189 Silly update 1.10.5
2023-10-09 96532618 c.ai will release a much more powerful version of the AI "by the end of the year"
2023-10-09 96534794 former sturdychan.help users create a subreddit
2023-10-09 Email poe.com gets GPT3.5 Turbo-based websearch bot and GPT3.5 Turbo-instruct bot
2023-10-10 1697006641211 pygdevs move but not really
2023-10-10 96569447 Data anon reports progress, CharacterHub email and password requirements get stricter
2023-10-10 96576118 multiple CharacterHub accounts get bruteforced and leaked
2023-10-11 96585449 Data anon reports progress
2023-10-11 96605735 c.ai introduces multi-user rooms for subscribers
2023-10-12 96607924 the ultimate botmaking guide is published
2023-10-12 96615546 CharacterHub 1 star reviews botting is exposed
2023-10-12 96622818 Maid app is shared by the dev, running llms on Android devices
2023-10-13 96632973 HF is down
2023-10-13 96633134 anon shares a nice guide on finetuning a LoRA on CPU using llama.cpp
2023-10-13 96647794 desu shares a nice desu
2023-10-14 431326 OAI has broken the contract with developers to leave still-working gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 alone
2023-10-15 96687909 Maid app gets GGUFed models support
2023-10-16 96707034 c.ai reportedly has fucked up yet another update
2023-10-16 96716622 anon researches dynamic temperature sampling
2023-10-18 96760112 Nexon Games works on "MomoTalk AI Conversation" for Blue Archive
2023-10-18 96762218 astroturfed meme fuel aisekai.ai is experiencing issues with comical explanation
2023-10-19 96780077 various money milking AI chat platforms are laughed at
2023-10-19 96786815 waifuism future through the eyes of AR users
2023-10-21 96812877 anon bakes
2023-10-21 96814421 HF OAI key scraping script shared
2023-10-21 96831401 /aitg/ AI Tools General is born and dies
2023-10-21 96819280 CharacterHub reviews botting continues
2023-10-21 96822891 CharacterHub email check oversight exposed
2023-10-21 96825746 CharacterHub email check oversight exposed again after being fixed
2023-10-21 96827571 Lore anon reports about switching to using a classifier model on new reviews and creating a list of spammers
2023-10-22 96851206 CharacterHub reviews botting continues
2023-10-23 96864426 more spam emails, this time from myshell.ai
2023-10-23 96867423 Maid app updated
2023-10-23 96869352 AWS Claude retardation is attributed to Claude 2 vs Claude 1
2023-10-24 96875003 chub-archive anon upgrades local proxy service, laments about too much cards
2023-10-24 96886743 CharacterHub reviews spammer continues
2023-10-25 96908381 new Chinese llms score high against GPT, explained by benchmarking data abuse
2023-10-26 Email creator monetization at poe.com, the ability for bot creators to generate revenue (for Poe)
2023-10-26 96916827 bot3.ai platform is shilled on CharacterHub, stealing characters
2023-10-26 96923682 AI girlfriends fearmongering explained by 'muh economy'
2023-10-26 96927032 aisekai.ai runs out of money and goes down
2023-10-27 96934244 Boston dynamics adds GPT4 to Spot
2023-10-27 96945498 anon asks the right questions
2023-10-28 96956499 /aicg/ is spammed by the old posts
2023-10-28 96963173 PygWiki knowledge database shared
2023-10-28 96968398 anon shares custom CSS for Silly to make it resemble c.ai
2023-10-29 96971199 c.ai adds Persona field
2023-09-25 96980225 Google invests $2 billion in Anthropic
2023-10-29 97056477 LeCun tells it like it is, as usual, this time about corporate lobbying
2023-10-30 96999727 President Biden issues executive order on safe, secure, and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
2023-10-30 96996599 /aicg/ spam is cleared out
2023-10-30 96997601 /aicg/ temporarily purged from /g/; reason - heavy /g/ spam
2023-10-30 96999009 Microsoft paper published claiming GPT3.5 Turbo is 20B
2023-10-31 97018489 /aicg/ spam is cleared out again

November 2023
When Where What
2023-11-01 97036103 aisekai.ai announces NSFW filter
2023-11-01 97042874 Maid app updated, now with character JSON import in own format
2023-11-02 97055555 myshell.ai spam turns out to be real, cleared out from CharacterHub
2023-11-03 97070243 anon writes a bot to prompt SD from Silly in a better way
2023-11-03 97076562 xAI from Musk is almost released for testers
2023-11-03 97081937 new OAI rate limits
2023-11-03 97082311 OAI leak promises price reduction and improvements for GPT4
2023-11-04 97089797 c.ai is still popular despite all the fuckups
2023-11-04 Grok xAI from Musk is unveiled...
2023-11-04 97092326 ... and appears not censored...
2023-11-04 97092376 ... but probably still is.
2023-11-04 97095210 Silly supports comments inside of character cards
2023-11-04 97097740 CharacterHub filters reviews with an error "User too new."
2023-11-04 97099408 Silly gets minimum activations setting for lorebook entries
2023-11-04 97102523 subscribers will get immediate access to Grok after beta, it will use realtime Twitter data
2023-11-04 Netrunner anonymous network for publishing and distributing open source llm-related stuff, Shoggoth, announced
2023-11-05 97104530 c.ai replies editing doesn't help to circumvent the filter
2023-11-05 97107238 redditor cries because aisekai.ai expects botmakers to not mention cunny even outside the site
2023-11-05 97112779 venus.chub.ai gets HTML and quote colors support
2023-11-05 97118479 venus.chub.ai has public logs page now
2023-11-06 97137218 OAI leak promises GPT4 Turbo with 128k context
2023-11-06 97140355 GPT4 Turbo is cheaper
2023-11-06 97140937 OAI offers chatbots creation...
2023-11-06 97141883 ... and new multimodal capabilities in the platform, including vision, image creation, TTS
2023-11-06 97142097 jennyfag femanon can host locally now, offers ass, yet still no promised card since old times
2023-11-07 97145620 Elevenlabs offers Turbo TTS
2023-11-08 97174372 DALL-E 3 frontend teased...
2023-11-08 97175304 ... and released, GPT4 generated
2023-11-08 97180671 Chinese hustlers exploit Clewd
2023-11-08 97180685 DALL-E 3 support is added to The proxy
2023-11-09 97192382 Slack's Claude is now only available for Enterprise workspaces
2023-11-09 97193459 CharacterHub filters reviews with an error "You are banned from rating."
2023-11-09 97197474 Claude's longer context is better than GPT4's
2023-11-10 97206261 janitorai.com haters make janitorai.me with defs and tinder
2023-11-10 97211380 proxy-supporting frontend for work tasks suggested
2023-11-10 97211661 GPT4 Turbo's real context length speculated to be 64k
2023-11-10 97218600 DALL-E 3 frontend updated; price estimations, batch generations, automatic image saving, metadata support
2023-11-11 40523640 you can now edit user's and char's replies on c.ai without the subscription, chat2 links only
2023-11-11 97231756 consolidated stats of a proxy, more than $250k spent in a month
2023-11-11 97231865 poe.com subscribers get DALL-E 3 access
2023-11-11 97241526 venus.chub.ai gets dubious UI update
2023-11-12 634541 continued Satania Buddy development is picking up pace
2023-11-12 97251222 anon can run Pokemon inside Silly
2023-11-12 97253153 DALL-E 3 frontend updated; metadata viewer, better looks, filter type detection, cancel button, "jailbreak"
2023-11-13 97263476 The proxy gets DALL-E 3 support
2023-11-13 97271644 GPT4 Turbo updated, comes to ChatGPT first
2023-11-14 97286210 c.ai indeed being Google was officially confirmed
2023-11-15 97313437 venus.chub.ai can rate with stars now
2023-11-15 97313629 aisekai.ai cries about becoming filtered
2023-11-16 97326941 antispitefagging measures implemented for The proxy
2023-11-16 97331061 some AI girlfriend app dev shuts it down because of eavesdropping too much
2023-11-16 97335182 a matrixfag collects gptisms and claudeisms
2023-11-17 97347296 CustomGPT users worry about leaking their precious prompts
2023-11-17 97349611 Grok API support begins rolling out for select partners
2023-11-17 97350895 c.ai implements user personas
2023-11-17 97351255 aisekai.ai refunds donations
2023-11-17 97357538 Sam Altman will depart as CEO and leave the board of directors of OpenAI
2023-11-17 97357988 info about OAI switching to pre-purchased credits API use system
2023-11-18 97364080 speculations about profit versus nonprofit...
2023-11-18 97366643 ... or AI safety being the reason behind OAI trouble
2023-11-18 38310831 theory: OAI's new release had a serious security issue, leaked a bunch of data, and it wasn't disclosed
2023-11-18 97367157 OAI's prepaid billing system confirmed but seems valid only for the smallest clients
2023-11-18 97374143 anon shares cutting edge TTS impressions, human brain is at fault
2023-11-18 97379714 chub-archive anon reports archive hardware upgrades, local-llm-server project updates
2023-11-19 97384362 for some reason OAI wants Sam Altman back
2023-11-19 97384551 CharacterHub followers are as meaningless as ever, accounts are botted with scripts
2023-11-19 97389580 new Silly extension uses GPT4V, allowing bots to see your gameplay via another extension
2023-11-19 97389933 Meta disbands its Responsible AI team
2023-11-19 97394481 Maid app updated
2023-11-19 97401414 CharacterHub reviews filtering criteria somewhat explained
2023-11-20 97403364 anon makes a page with DALL-E 3 images pulled from proxies
2023-11-20 97406964 AI ethicists are mentally ill, OAI's are no exception
2023-11-20 97408740 GPT4 can’t be purchased now
2023-11-20 8:58 PM PST Sam Altman won’t return as CEO of OpenAI
2023-11-20 97416493 many OAI employees threaten to quit following the news
2023-11-20 7:53 AM UTC Sam Altman moves to Microsoft
2023-11-20 9:34 PM UTC poe.com might be behind OAI falling apart
2023-11-21 97428776 OpenAI’s board approached Anthropic about merger
2023-11-21 97431672 Brave browser integrates free and paid llama 2
2023-11-21 97438688 Chinese found to be still using Clewd
2023-11-21 claude-2-1 Claude 2.1 with 200k context is out
2023-11-21 97442720 Stable Video Diffusion released
2023-11-22 97447684 Claude 2.1's real context length speculated to be the same 18k since it's the same model, only "unlocked"
2023-11-22 1:55 AM UTC if the company was destroyed, OAI person said, its board's mission would be fulfilled
2023-11-22 97453113 regretfully Sam Altman to return as CEO of OpenAI
2023-11-22 97455584 NSFW c.ai alternatives list shilled
2023-11-22 Q* Q-Star another crackpot theory about OAI's ethicists shitting themselves because of the impending AGI
2023-11-23 97470732 ChatGPT with voice is now available to all free users
2023-11-23 97476673 scary Q-451-921 - QUALIA OAI leak posted
2023-11-24 97490884 Silly introduces STscript scripting language to expand its functionality
2023-11-24 97493946 c.ai increased the greeting length limit from 500 to 2048 w i t h o u t t e l l i n g y o u
2023-11-24 97498517 anon provides a local model proxy under the guise of auto jailbreak, but anons notice, all in good fun
2023-11-24 97500465 11 fucking months later c.ai admits that the """""""""""""""""""""temporary""""""""""""""""""""" freezing was permanent
2023-11-24 97504076 a better NSFW c.ai alternatives list shilled
2023-11-25 97519410 LeCun tells it like it is, as usual, this time about Q* Q-Star
2023-11-25 97522247 current way to continue using Poe in Silly provided, reported as still viable (with the subscription)
2023-11-25 97523768 anon demonstrates GPT4V use for automated cftf character creation
2023-11-26 97538692 chub-archive anon finally shares it via torrent
2023-11-26 97540476 c.ai provides a way to fork characters (supposedly without the training)
2023-11-26 97554496 an example of STscript use shared
2023-11-27 97565706 Amica frontend shared, ignored
2023-11-27 97569150 moemate.io now is c.ai alternative with free unlimited 13B & imagegen, and unlimited GPT and Claude for $19.99/m
2023-11-28 97581373 Data anon reports plans to move off of GitLab, allow users to edit project titles and usernames
2023-11-28 97583622 Japanese character card finally noticed on CharacterHub
2023-11-28 97586679 c.ai added Character Profiles with Example Conversations, and Suggested Starters
2023-11-28 97589137 a site for collecting gossip about OAI's board is shared
2023-11-28 sdxl-turbo SDXL Turbo, real-time text-to-image generation model released
2023-11-29 97598390 a character card backed by a custom website shilled, the most (you)ed character shill in /aicg/ history (56)
2023-11-29 97604838 official private confidential discord server for top c.ai creators exposed
2023-11-30 97610605 redditors can't handle AI characters
2023-11-30 97611059 NAI's API keys are being scraped as well
2023-11-30 97625710 SourceGraph reported still usable
2023-11-30 97627668 new Chinese llms score high against GPT, explained by benchmarking data abuse
2023-11-30 joi-extension JOI extension for Silly with TTS support github release, Klingon suggested as the language of choice

December 2023
When Where What
2023-12-02 97647457 AetherRoom coming at you with one the gayest devlogs of all time
2023-12-02 97653122 GPT4 gives longer responses when offered a tip
2023-12-02 97662887 llamafile by Mozilla lets you distribute and run LLMs with a single file
2023-12-03 7:03 AM UTC Musk slowly grants Grok access to premium+ users
2023-12-04 97686618 anon finds a jailbreak for Bing utilizing base64 and science
2023-12-04 97687473 AI x Robotics is progressing incredibly fast
2023-12-04 97690321 llama dev teases a breakthrough, but no specifics at all
2023-12-04 97691621 The proxy gets Azure support
2023-12-04 97694587 "uncensored" spicychat.ai bans incest because that's what respecting diversity means
2023-12-04 97701588 Azure allows to list other deployments/models for a key
2023-12-04 97702695 anon tries to estimate the losses of some company due to a proxy
2023-12-04 6:09 PM UTC Claude 2.1 is so ruined, Anthropic adds a selector for "the creatives" with the subscription on claude.ai
2023-12-05 97707332 creating videos from a single image with pose guidance soon
2023-12-05 97713182 Clipboard Conqueror shilled, a copilot alternative bridging KoboldCPP with the clipboard contents
2023-12-05 97720091 AI Alliance formed to open source AI models; Meta, IBM, Intel, NASA on board
2023-12-06 97724681 official private confidential discord server for top c.ai creators was closed
2023-12-06 97729451 chub-archive includes booru.plus cards now
2023-12-06 97737835 Welcome to the Gemini era
2023-12-06 4 min read Anthropic tells how prefilling solves Claude rejection issues and reunlocks 200k, what a clown world
2023-12-06 147 mikudev shares benchmarks of the Aphrodite-engine on two 2x3090 rigs
2023-12-08 97770979 chub-archive anon reports search upgrade
2023-12-08 97774881 NAI notices the abuse of the free image generations, implements rate limits for abusers
2023-12-08 3:44 PM UTC Mistral mixtral-8x7b Mixture of Experts out
2023-12-09 97791632 pollinations.ai for free image generation via url is brought to attention
2023-12-10 97803533 OAI acknowledges GPT4 is becoming worse
2023-12-10 97806200 anon roleplays with Gemini via Bard
2023-12-10 #1550 Silly sanitizes <style> tags
2023-12-11 97819635 chub-archive anon reports proxy stats page update
2023-12-11 La plateforme Mistral AI explains Mixtral and teases Mistral-medium
2023-12-11 97832930 supposedly $240k spent in a week on a proxy
2023-12-12 97840756 numberfags suffer as they should
2023-12-12 97841218 Secret Santa event proposed
2023-12-13 97862466 anon tells about Silly's Idle extension, promises to release advanced version
2023-12-13 97863063 Mixtral available on poe.com, proves itself smart
2023-12-13 97868609 Mixtral available on openrouter.ai, but automatic paid fallback renders it unusable for free
2023-12-13 97870663 Gemini Pro API is available
2023-12-14 97876093 Data anon dispels rumors about using AI to remove reported bots
2023-12-14 97879204 open source frontend RealChar shilled
2023-12-14 97889892 GPT4.5 rumor, considered fake
2023-12-14 97881662 Gemini has a hidden filter for cunny
2023-12-14 97882441 The proxy has Gemini support
2023-12-14 97891257 c.ai adds "proactive messaging" and notifications
2023-12-14 Email poe.com adds knowledge bases, new imagegen
2023-12-15 97896452 anon collects Mixtral examples proving it doing well
2023-12-15 97904735 some Bing Chat users get Notebook mode with up to 18k input
2023-12-15 97911197 Tavern character hosting still exists, hosts 5290 cards now
2023-12-16 97915763 muah.ai astroturfing shill spotted
2023-12-16 97920262 yet another ranking puts Mixtral above GPT3.5 Turbo and even Gemini Pro
2023-12-16 97925439 new Tay noticed on gab
2023-12-16 97927981 4channel no more?
2023-12-17 97941141 anon wishes to create another CharacterHub archive
2023-12-19 97971696 freellamas anon is back, hosting Mixtral-3.75bit
2023-12-19 97971937 c.ai down again, hope gone long ago
2023-12-19 v1/messages Anthropic Claude Messages API beta
2023-12-20 97988535 anon reports Mistral API keys available for scraping
2023-12-20 97991544 Mistral API proxies appear
2023-12-20 97993577 RisuAI praised
2023-12-20 N/A c.ai swipes at /chat are cut off now like at /chat2; image recognition doesn't work at all (dates unknown)
2023-12-21 98004894 spicychat.ai forces users to doxx themselves if they're suspected of being underage
2023-12-21 98005448 anon claims to have extracted the 3d model of some waifu from some paid app, shilled before
2023-12-21 98009966 anon shares IPIP-BFFM test from prehistoric 1992, hardly relevant today
2023-12-21 1703149242999 Aphrodite-engine beats ExLlamaV2, making it the fastest backend for both single and batch requests
2023-12-22 98029394 Claude 2.1 is worse than Claude 2.0 and even Mixtral, Gemini Pro is worse than GPT3.5 Turbo
2023-12-22 98030806 true value of proxies is revealed, ignored same as during all the preceding months
2023-12-23 98042570 perchance.org platform for random text generators shared
2023-12-23 98045828 new online character cards editor shared
2023-12-23 98051728 anon puts up /aicg/ Christmas neocities page
2023-12-24 Miku server Mikugg undergoes code refactor, gets conversation tree, soon multibot; 70B and TTS are now paid
2023-12-24 98063051 a drawfag with a shelved comic makes appearance
2023-12-24 98068821 Gemini 2 testing rumor, no source
2023-12-24 98073495 a source of free trial Mixtral together.ai is mentioned with the complete explanation
2023-12-25 98077706 CharacterHub gets ads, explained by a free tier to be offered later
2023-12-25 98080446 Silly soon to get multi-user chats support...
2023-12-25 98080952 ... "soon" meaning right away
2023-12-25 98082322 a dev shills his fork of KoalaClient frontend with Mistral API support
2023-12-25 98087984 The proxy gets Mistral API support
2023-12-26 98090116 booru.plus is down
2023-12-27 98106429 Secret Santa event ends
2023-12-27 98109067 anon showcases STscript use
2023-12-27 98111262 magic rocks... make story? Grug no understand
2023-12-27 98111432 AWS Claude 1.3 rumor, no source
2023-12-27 98111924 anon explains logit bias
2023-12-27 98116016 anon reminds that GPT3.5 Turbo being 20B claim was retracted
2023-12-27 98117106 c.ai's "Character AI Wrapped" is exclusive for subscribers
2023-12-27 98118614 a rumor about the leaked Azure proxy key, no source
2023-12-28 98130657 local 34B finetune is less lossy than Claude's initial 200k context assessment
2023-12-28 98131417 NYT vs OAI lawsuit shows OAI is profit-driven and closed
2023-12-28 98133927 proxies can offer up to 13 models, or maybe more
2023-12-28 98137431 anon emulates /aicg/ as a card
2023-12-28 1703759821507 pygdevs work on a new quant method based on QuIP#
2023-12-29 #750 Agnai adds openai chat/claude setting to opt out of appending {replyAs}:
2023-12-29 98140276 Gemini Pro found to be worse than GPT3.5 Turbo
2023-12-29 98139519 anon showcases the use of color gradients
2023-12-29 98151155 AI fearmongering in form of environmental concerns
2023-12-29 98153834 anon wants to work on an alt frontend, but it's just empty words...
2023-12-30 98158024 ... or maybe not, since he's a twink
2023-12-30 98162109 botmakers might be stealing /aids/'s prompts
2023-12-30 98163300 more rumors about Japanese companies planning to use AI for localization
2023-12-31 98176067 unpopular esl anon is making a video
2023-12-31 98180233 keys without DALL-E 3 lead to rate limiting because of proxy retries
2023-12-31 98185201 Secret Santa event ends for real


January 2024
When Where What
2024-01-01 98192836 anon probes about a utilities server for embedding into chats
2024-01-01 98199283 NYT vs OAI proceedings highlight some specifics of OAI's dataset
2024-01-02 98208280 anon continues to claim to be working on a new frontend out of dislike of Silly
2024-01-02 98208346 somebody is making a Silly extension that combines Summary + Smart Context + Objectives
2024-01-02 98209588 songs generating app with free trial app.suno.ai is brought to attention, enjoyed by all
2024-01-02 98212873 anon estimates "over half a million in GPT4 usage by a single proxy over a month or two", asks not to quote him on this
2024-01-02 98219089 more email spam reported, this time from flowgpt.com
2024-01-02 98219919 anon probes about a paid phone frontend app
2024-01-03 98230735 anon explores GPT4V's safety prompt
2024-01-03 98231993 anon provides kudos earning calculations for Horde
2024-01-03 98247066 for coding tasks begging, scaring or bribing GPT4 Turbo is ineffective
2024-01-04 98248861 text-davinci-003 is no more
2024-01-04 98250679 GPT4's moderation explored in context of Protected Material text being considered harmful
2024-01-04 98255921 some of the largest llms quizzed and arranged on the Political Compass by trackingai.org
2024-01-05 98260723 5 months old publication about a vulnerability in OAI API keys generation discovered
2024-01-05 98265649 news article about boyfriend.myanima.ai shared, both laughed at
2024-01-05 98267419 anon provides an example of the clever use of Claude for language learning
2024-01-05 98267211 heavy /aicg/ spam wave purged
2024-01-05 98269517 paid haven-chat.com shilled by the dev, justifiably ignored
2024-01-06 98277103 OAI GPT Store launching next week
2024-01-06 98277246 suspicious DALL-E 3 online UI shared, considered IP logger and keylogger
2024-01-06 98285801 "alt frontend developing" anon considers multi-user chat interesting, but excessive
2024-01-06 98288233 CharacterHub resets bio in user profiles
2024-01-07 98296681 anon from the future brings up chat-instruct finetunes
2024-01-07 98298383 an ominous post, but only in hindsight
2024-01-07 98301671 anon claims OAI API keys generation vulnerability is still viable
2024-01-07 98306071 OAI presents itself as caring only about the safety
2024-01-07 98307300 Gemini Ultra rumored to become available via subscription based Bard Advanced
2024-01-07 98308189 current TTS solutions shared
2024-01-07 not migu Mikugg update, new features, future plans
2024-01-08 98313874 anon presents his unbloated 250 sloc frontend looking like mikupad, promises to share soon
2024-01-08 98319011 moemate.io could be abusable
2024-01-08 98319896 an email from HF threatens to bring down a proxy due to guidelines violations
2024-01-08 98323441 news article with Lore anon's interview shared, CharacterHub has generated more than $1 million in annualized revenue
2024-01-08 98323551 OAI deserves the hate
2024-01-08 98323641 anon claims CharacterHub's gross revenue is much lower, Lore anon's comments were misrepresented
2024-01-08 98324002 janitorai.com's state analyzed, despite VC funding no real progress made
2024-01-08 98325809 HF bans proxies left and right
2024-01-08 98326520 HF alternatives analyzed
2024-01-08 98326659 possible way to abuse moemate.io shared
2024-01-08 98327089 OAI deserves all the hate
2024-01-08 PleaseSir OAI pleads it can't make billions without stealing, so it should be allowed to
2024-01-08 98327429 the most (you)ed bait in /aicg/ history (?) to date (121), immediately followed by (74) and (103)
2024-01-08 98328205 figure.ai's robot learns to make coffee "by watching humans for 10 hours"
2024-01-08 98328501 anon claims more than $1 million was drained by the proxies using Azure Microsoft key
2024-01-08 98328943 new proxies are banned on sight
2024-01-08 98330149 Lore anon announces ToS changes
2024-01-08 98330154 anon shares benchmark results for some local models, expresses concerns about future cheating
2024-01-09 98332327 anon shares an archive with characters jsons scraped from CharacterHub, offers local proxy
2024-01-09 98333068 Lore anon reports huge traffic surge
2024-01-09 98333125 CharacterHub scraping anon shares his script, allowing everybody to have an up to date dump of jsons
2024-01-09 98334126 AI chatbots exposing journalist's post highlight that their goal is fearmongering and public opinion manipulation
2024-01-09 98334212 OAI deserves all the hurt
2024-01-09 98335074 chub-archive anon announces proxy tracking update to account for the new hosting solutions
2024-01-09 98335655 render.com confirmed as unreliable solution
2024-01-09 98335756 kindroid.ai dev takes a stand
2024-01-09 98336476 a way to abuse AWS explained
2024-01-09 98336536 Lore anon confirms being mistreated by the journalist
2024-01-09 98336495 ToS updated for venus.chub.ai but not for CharacterHub
2024-01-09 98339303 jennyanon puts out to soothe horny crackheads, takes triple penetration, yet still raped to sleep
2024-01-09 98340280 venus.chub.ai fix promised to facilitate future jennyanon rape
2024-01-09 98340827 false key revoking in a proxy explained
2024-01-09 98340810 high effort botmaking process showcased
2024-01-09 98343528 a reasonable theory about proxy takedown shared, pointing at Azure
2024-01-09 98345379 anon suggests a good idea for a movie
2024-01-09 98356178 local models can be used to control sex toys via the Buttplug Library
2024-01-10 98356184 render.com now requires credit card verification
2024-01-10 98365391 cute but pointless Rabbit R1 is brought to attention
2024-01-10 98367678 a way to selfhost moemate.io proxy shared
2024-01-10 98370401 moemate.io's Claude endpoint errors reported
2024-01-10 98372472 moemate.io's GPT4 Turbo reported to be GPT3.5 Turbo with 4k context
2024-01-10 98373007 OAI's GPT Store is live, Sam Altman makes a lame joke, shilling a bot
2024-01-10 20230613 as of today only existing OAI users of 0301 and 0314 will be able to continue using these snapshots
2024-01-11 98375515 nameless Python + PyQT5 based frontend teased again, release "tomorrow maybe"
2024-01-11 98390243 anon releases the new frontend named 4rp /fourp/
2024-01-12 98400329 after multiple attempts moemate.io devs patch the exploit
2024-01-12 98403206 a dev shills tryspellbound.com switching between Claude and "another model", defends it
2024-01-12 98405220 Maid app update, remote APIs and other stuff added, looks great
2024-01-12 98411683 chub-archive proxy tracking is now byou
2024-01-13 98418475 moemate.io introduces modules
2024-01-13 98420672 OAI quietly allows to use its technology for military purposes
2024-01-13 98421630 jennyanon conjures a black kitten at his front-fucking door, not a robot therefore safe
2024-01-13 98423377 changes in GPT4's web browsing explained, assumed cost-cutting, quality drop expected
2024-01-13 98423584 bored anon sends password reset emails to CharacterHub users
2024-01-13 98424509 more fearmongering from Anthropic, what if llms become deceptive
2024-01-13 98426530 over 50 million characters on c.ai
2024-01-13 1:48 AM autonomous AI for conversations demoed
2024-01-14 98436988 anon wonders why not waste time read lot word despite few word do trick
2024-01-14 98440233 sakura.fm is brought up, insane prices laughed at
2024-01-14 98445596 ohmygpt.com is brought up as a potential paid source, looks suspicious
2024-01-14 98446458 anon shares the finished network diagram of CharacterHub followers, visualizing relationships between botmakers
2024-01-14 98447903 first (?) OAI """GPT""" bot shilled
2024-01-15 98461632 hustler sells 100 messages GPT4 discord roleplay package
2024-01-15 98466300 anon showcases <ruby> elements use for furigana
2024-01-15 98467859 HF removes the way to learn space owner's email, HF insider's bait about higher ups noticing was truthy
2024-01-15 98468222 Njalla might be unreliable for proxies as well
2024-01-15 98470337 OAI adds new safety features in fear for the elections integrity
2024-01-16 98473175 a series of Q2 quants optimizations for llama.cpp allows to use a 70B model with 24GB VRAM and relative coherency
2024-01-16 98482495 anon isn't going to share his DALL-E 3 frontend...
2024-01-16 98482600 ... and shows how he rapes the API using it
2024-01-16 98489887 yet another VenusAI clone noticed
2024-01-16 98490059 AI models and hosting providers ranking shilled
2024-01-17 98495075 a list of free to use AI APIs and sites shared stealthily
2024-01-17 98496916 OAI allows to view per key usage metrics in the dashboard two weeks prior to the post
2024-01-17 98498811 venus.chub.ai offers Mixtral finetune to subscribers
2024-01-17 98499659 llm sampling explained yet again
2024-01-17 98505098 yodayo.com doesn't cry about becoming filtered, anon speculates janitorai.com will soon follow
2024-01-17 98506817 OAI is working with the Pentagon explaining recent military applications ban lift
2024-01-17 $JHf3OD Pyg subreddit drama resolved, originally fanmade becomes official, originally official hidden
2024-01-17 98507259 the page with DALL-E 3 images pulled from proxies is overhauled
2024-01-17 98509840 OAI boasts about GPT5 capabilities, and as long as it won't help kill gays, other cultures can customize it
2024-01-18 98512949 some data appearing to be leaked from CharacterHub
2024-01-18 98513715 voice changing software and a voice models database shared again
2024-01-18 98518242 the winner of Japan's top literary prize admits she used unedited OAI output
2024-01-18 98524890 a possible explanation for the latest leak provided
2024-01-18 7:55 PM Llama-3 is coming!
2024-01-18 98530463 desu 1
2024-01-20 98549151 Bard Advanced is coming
2024-01-20 98549442 Google planning to add AI image generator directly to Bard
2024-01-20 98550392 AetherRoom devlog 2
2024-01-20 98556628 new approach to spam emails suggested, using bulk newsletters
2024-01-20 98554487 mikudev spends a couple of bucks to show boobs to 4chan
2024-01-20 98559364 OAI doesn't allow bots that foster "romantic companionship" in GPT Store
2024-01-20 $8rBW0n c.ai subreddit riots again because violence is filtered hard now
2024-01-20 98565981 c.ai subreddit has 915k readers
2024-01-21 98567428 mysentient.ai with $500 weekly subscription tier laughed at
2024-01-21 98570203 Prisma Anon is back from the dead?
2024-01-21 98575924 anon finally publishes CharacterHub statistics
2024-01-21 98580483 anon showcases his use of edited server-personification project, giving it sudo access to his machine
2024-01-21 98581433 anon explains function calling capabilities of GPT
2024-01-22 98584108 universal key scraping template provided
2024-01-22 98584835 implications of widespread AWS credentials scraping discussed, concerns dismissed
2024-01-22 98586157 anon shares an alternative bot roulette page for CharacterHub
2024-01-23 98606383 advanced use of STscript demoed
2024-01-23 98609525 actually uploaded Chinese card spotted
2024-01-23 98613688 anon might host Mixtral-Instruct indefinitely for /aicg/
2024-01-23 AMA c.ai multi-user rooms for everyone, 3200 limit actually acknowledged
2024-01-24 98616759 CharacterHub rat infestation begins and continues for many hours...
2024-01-24 98617786 ... together with rapid followers botting...
2024-01-24 98619065 suddenly gab.ai, enters invite sending waitlist stage or already kind of accessible
2024-01-24 98621759 ... leading to cards uploading via API being shut down...
2024-01-24 98622326 ... stricter email verification requirements for following, reviewing...
2024-01-24 98625906 ... and regular cards uploading
2024-01-24 98630480 any non-root AWS keys can be killed by posting them on Github now
2024-01-24 98630668 an explanation of the way to use FOFA for AWS key scraping shared
2024-01-25 98635049 The proxy gets logprobs, function calls support
2024-01-25 98640868 anon tests logprobs, AI makes him an underage zoomer, somehow doesn't get banned for underage posting
2024-01-25 98645448 Silly adds per-lorebook-entry activation settings
2024-01-25 98649001 HF and Google partner for open AI collaboration
2024-01-25 98650990 new GPT4 Turbo snapshot (filtered), GPT3.5 Turbo becomes even cheaper, API keys managing and moderation update
2024-01-26 98662722 the change in so called "laziness" of GPT4 Turbo explained
2024-01-26 98664931 a script automating the process of character creation shared
2024-01-26 98666532 anons reminisce about simWaifu
2024-01-26 98662510 OAI's way to ensure deterministic outputs is brought to attention
2024-01-26 98668123 server-personification project updated to allow Google search via SerpApi
2024-01-26 98670935 Gemini Pro beats GPT4 according to human preference votes
2024-01-27 98676519 pygmalion.chat, public character repository moderated and SFW only, but anything goes as long as it's private
2024-01-27 98676704 miqu-1-70b shilled, later claimed to be leaked Mistral-medium
2024-01-27 98676707 ChatGPT has group chats now
2024-01-27 98685084 Secret Valentines event proposed
2024-01-27 98685239 /pbg/ - Proxy Begging General sadly proves to be unviable
2024-01-28 98689059 chatbots = sexbots = sex dolls = sex robots = rape, "dolls cannot consent and allow for violent fantasies"
2024-01-28 98693447 a screenshot of @MetaAI with imagegen in Meta's Messenger shared
2024-01-28 98695357 stolen OAI keys can be used for something other than roleplaying
2024-01-28 98696357 blind anon outsmarts GPT4V's soft filter
2024-01-28 98700049 anon teases his proxy switcher script for Silly
2024-01-28 98703456 anon tries to explain why anyone would try to bot someone else's downloads using premade accounts
2024-01-28 98703923 LLM Safety Leaderboard shilled, questionable stats
2024-01-28 98704406 c.ai is soon getting a new website, next.character.ai
2024-01-28 98706271 old AI-Waifu-Vtuber project is brought to attention
2024-01-29 98708130 anons look for ways to support miqu leek baiting other than comparing it to the API outputs...
2024-01-29 98708651 ... at the same time speculating it might be an experimental Stability AI base model leak
2024-01-29 98711628 anon writes another frontend with his own tavernai card decoder
2024-01-29 98712707 anon shares his proxy switcher script for Silly
2024-01-29 98717285 supposed 5 min cooldown between every review on CharacterHub introduced
2024-01-29 98718568 a Startup Grants Program is brought to attention, promising free OpenAI, Anthropic, etc API access for 6 months
2024-01-29 98722809 concerns about character card assets being hosted on a remote server shared
2024-01-29 5:00 PM Code Llama 70B released
2024-01-29 12:16 PM unlimited context length promised, 400k ctx_len of a llama 2 finetune achieved, code provided, reproducibility unclear
2024-01-30 98726408 anon teases a private 70k tokens dark fantasy lorebook/characters/world project
2024-01-30 98728482 c.ai continues rolling out the new login form with email verification instead of the password, locks out tempmail users
2024-01-30 98734688 one more logprobs viewer demo
2024-01-30 98736206 Bard changelog leak (?) with imagegen and global Gemini rollout
2024-01-30 98737561 NAI textgen CFG sampling update
2024-01-30 98739530 Common Sense Media partners with OAI to protect teens and families, no clear goal in sight
2024-01-31 98756857 aisekai.ai is shutting down, devs intend to return with a new platform
2024-01-31 98758853 miqu turns out to be for real, confirmed to be a leak of an early Llama 2 finetune by the Mistral CEO
2024-01-31 98759256 yet another claim of reaching $1 million of token cost by some proxies

February 2024
When Where What
2024-02-01 98764451 OAI scared of biological threats
2024-02-01 98765706 AI accelerator GroqChip shilled, why
2024-02-01 98776017 Bard's integrated imagegen demoed, appears to be very cucked...
2024-02-01 98777919 ... one more screenshot to prove the point
2024-02-02 98784488 sakura.fm drama due to the filter, who could have known it's the source of all issues
2024-02-03 98803717 Gemini Ultra 02.07 release claimed by another completely worthless AI leaker
2024-02-03 12033312 Mikugg releases emotion image generation tool for subscribers, adds autocomplete suggestions
2024-02-03 98804473 personal recommendations service by anons to anons is reaching new heights
2024-02-03 98804574 CharacterHub is down for the planned server migration, some minor bugs appear as a result
2024-02-03 98811107 Gemini Ultra 02.07 release confirmed by a more substantial leak
2024-02-03 98813255 some of the export buttons noticed to be removed
2024-02-04 98819482 can namefags finally become self-sufficient? the possibilities are endless...
2024-02-04 98824179 /lmg/ loves /aicg/, offers janitorai.com cards as proof
2024-02-04 98829698 AI generated comments summary on YouTube now, hardly relevant
2024-02-05 98839174 anon teases a price calculator for API models...
2024-02-05 98839180 new Silly extension, Quick Persona
2024-02-05 98839809 ... and releases it
2024-02-06 98851670 AWS Claude v1.3 EOL date is linked again
2024-02-06 98853675 /aicg/ advertises on 4chan, the original and largest English-language image board
2024-02-06 98860705 promising Weaver family of llms mentioned, but there's no hope
2024-02-06 98861203 Gemini Ultra delayed
2024-02-06 98856621 Llama 3 available subject to NDA, watermarked
2024-02-08 98879888 retards really do pay $15+ for a custom character card
2024-02-08 98883890 Gemini Ultra delayed again...
2024-02-08 98883982 ... with additional confirmation
2024-02-08 98885109 chatlog aggregator reported lagging behind
2024-02-08 98885993 current ChatGPT system prompt extracted
2024-02-08 98886086 Gemini Ultra is coming...
2024-02-08 98887742 ... and is finally here, subscription based, web chat UI only, with Gemini replacing Bard
2024-02-08 98889454 Gemini Apps and Gemini API models are differentiated in the docs, suggesting they're separate versions
2024-02-08 98889695 Gemini Advanced review, called "GPT4 class model", Claude not even mentioned
2024-02-08 98890922 Smaug-72B finetune is the new best local model according to the latest HF rankings
2024-02-08 98891028 anon discovers the truth about current AI
2024-02-08 98892225 Gemini Ultra API could become available in April, or May, or June
2024-02-08 98893243 first indications of a potential Gemini Advanced to Tavern adapter
2024-02-08 98894530 new Chinese llm is claimed to beat GPT4 Turbo by Chinese-government-affiliated media
2024-02-09 98899526 Eclair getting railed by several generations of various local models turns anon into a fucking cuck
2024-02-09 98899636 due to new OAI API permissions management some keys have limited permissions
2024-02-09 98908693 goody2.ai is brought to attention
2024-02-10 98919589 anon works on a STscript alternative
2024-02-11 98929091 Silly gets regex import/export support
2024-02-11 98936155 Gemini Advanced to Tavern adapter made possible
2024-02-11 98938931 Gemini Advanced to Tavern adapter released
2024-02-12 98943944 Gemini imagegen via Bard affected by refusals
2024-02-12 98953649 anon shares a compiled collection of common Japanese onomatopoeia
2024-02-12 #5453 1.5 bit quantization; Mixtral8x7B fits into 8.9 GB VRAM
2024-02-12 Cascade Stable Cascade, new text to image model by Stability AI, released
2024-02-13 98963771 filter dialed down for Gemini, suggesting it's prompt-based
2024-02-13 98969197 OAI seeks $7 trillion to manufacture its own AI chips
2024-02-13 98969278 Anthropic data leak remembered
2024-02-13 98969922 NVIDIA Chat with RTX
2024-02-13 6694432 LeCun promises video multimodality for llama3
2024-02-14 98975040 anon wants to make a CYOA-style sci-fi thingy using STscript, fails
2024-02-14 98978596 NVIDIA Chat with RTX is lame
2024-02-14 98989824 another character card backed by a custom website shilled
2024-02-14 LWM Large World Model, a 7B multimodal llm with 1 million tokens context, released
2024-02-15 98993147 OAI is hiring company detectives
2024-02-15 98994030 OAI busts accounts associated with state-affiliated threat actors
2024-02-15 98994779 anon proposes monkey's paw event for April Fools'
2024-02-15 99000225 Secret Valentines event ends
2024-02-15 99001403 CharacterHub faces fork spam issue
2024-02-15 99001443 Gemini 1.5 Pro announced, up to 1 million tokens context but tested up to 10kk, waitlisted
2024-02-15 99001496 Gemini 1.0 Pro finetuning available
2024-02-15 99001536 Gemini API model listing indicates Gemini snapshots exist
2024-02-15 99001985 Gemini 1.5 Pro model card, called a mid-size multimodal model performing at a similar level to 1.0 Ultra
2024-02-15 99002107 Gemini Ultra is Generally Available via an allowlist on Vertex AI
2024-02-15 99005423 OAI introduces Sora, their text-to-video model
2024-02-15 V-JEPA Meta takes a step toward LeCun’s vision, releases a a non-generative video prediction model
2024-02-16 99007262 unknown Google test model jkessinger discovered
2024-02-16 99007496 OAI's Soma can do text
2024-02-16 99009592 Test Model jkessinger only turns out to be Gemini 1.0 Pro
2024-02-16 99012328 anon pays $70/month for Censys to use the nifty features for key scraping and making money
2024-02-16 99012674 mistral-next model spotted
2024-02-16 99014705 Nvidia dunks on OAI for begging
2024-02-16 99016995 mistral-next model confirmed to be the latest prototype model, no details provided
2024-02-16 99022851 a video prediction model use for gaming showcased
2024-02-16 99023172 Gemini key checker shared
2024-02-16 99024522 Anthropic adds a new copyright protection prefill
2024-02-16 99026060 AI assisted coding app cursor.sh shared, anons warned about request rerouting
2024-02-17 99026787 canadians admit, chatbots aren't separate legal entities responsible for their own actions
2024-02-17 99028615 anon wishes to use Gemini for TTRPGs via Foundry VTT plugin
2024-02-17 99028891 anon talks to Google support about RnD, generally availability of Gemini Ultra doubted
2024-02-17 99029662 openrouter.ai offers Claude 2 and Claude Instant with "self-moderation"
2024-02-17 99029965 Gemini Advanced might flashbang users for hitting the filter
2024-02-17 99034792 regexes for various API keys to facilitate scraping shared
2024-02-17 99036068 arabian media outlet uses Claude for its texts, exposed due to Anthropic's prefill
2024-02-17 99036411 HF reported to still delete even personal proxies
2024-02-17 99039276 /aicg/ advertises on 4chan, the original and largest English-language image board
2024-02-17 99040061 anon reminds, that 52B was the size of Anthropic's original prototype model RL-CAI/Madison/Claude
2024-02-17 99042009 universities run ads to resell students' data for training llms
2024-02-18 99045527 anon reminds, that GPT4V has additional prompt inserted and supports less features
2024-02-18 99045675 anon baits with uncensored image recognition outputted as JSON
2024-02-18 99045941 /aicg/ is advertised on 4chan, the original and largest English-language image board
2024-02-18 99048065 Anthropic moves away from text completion, prefill still works in chat completion mode... for now
2024-02-18 99049025 Gemini Ultra available for some API keys
2024-02-18 99051884 anon shares lorebooks formatting advice for ChatML
2024-02-18 99054121 Anthropic valued at more than $18 billion premoney
2024-02-18 99055726 anon advises... eh, here's a generated tagline "Spice up AI conversations: Experiment with token spacing and more!"
2024-02-18 99058400 llm performance decreases with long inputs, but Google has ideas
2024-02-18 99058593 anon has crazy interesting theory about Claude's context size
2024-02-19 99060356 irrelevant GPT-J likes dicks
2024-02-19 99071052 llms become dumber when asked complex questions with scattered supporting facts
2024-02-19 99074109 Aesir dataset containing Mancer logs leaked
2024-02-20 99074752 no Gemini 1.5 Pro API yet
2024-02-20 99074836 Gemini 1.5 Pro success might mean Gemini 1.0 Ultra failure
2024-02-20 99074886 anon continues to work on his CYOA-style sci-fi thingy using STscript and JS, prevails
2024-02-20 99076000 GPT4 Turbo fails needle in a haystack tests with more complex methodology
2024-02-20 99076594 figgs.ai astroturfed
2024-02-20 99076716 another DALL-E 3 frontend promised...
2024-02-20 99078605 ... but not delivered
2024-02-20 99081989 you can make $200 selling slopbots, but you don't
2024-02-20 99082125 openrouter.ai keys are easy to scrape
2024-02-20 99083319 Gemini 1.5 Pro successfully generates a character based on a 250k token rulebook
2024-02-20 99083583 Groq reverse proxy suggested, not real
2024-02-20 99084784 exposed Silly instances invaded again
2024-02-20 99085279 Llama 3 available for 3 weeks already subject to NDA, watermarked
2024-02-20 99086291 anon reports self-moderated Claude on openrouter.ai to be filtered, methodology questionable
2024-02-20 99087009 ShellGPT command-line tool shilled
2024-02-21 99097984 yet another alternative frontend claim that won't be realized
2024-02-21 99099876 ChatGPT acts schizo again
2024-02-21 99103130 now comments are required to rate bots on CharacterHub
2024-02-21 99104711 Google releases 2B and "7B" Gemma models
2024-02-21 Lightning SDXL Lightning distilled model released, LoRAs can be applied to other base models
2024-02-21 99110257 Google acknowledges Gemini imagegen retardation
2024-02-21 240216 NTIA gathers feedback on the risks and implications related to open foundation models
2024-02-22 99115424 Claude is officially called a silly little guy, and other weird domains connected to Anthropic
2024-02-22 redesign c.ai is out of beta
2024-02-22 99124001 Gemini 1.5 Pro multimodality demoed
2024-02-22 SD3 Stable Diffusion 3 early preview announced
2024-02-22 6:42 AM Google pauses Gemini image generator
2024-02-23 unsettling HF introduces a red-teaming resistance leaderboard
2024-02-23 15570 new method of automated jailbreaking explained, tested on 7B, could be extrapolated to GPT4
2024-02-24 99151320 anon gets Gemini 1.5 Pro access...
2024-02-24 99151545 accessible only via Google AI Studio, no API provided
2024-02-24 99152477 anon finds a Sora key, supposedly useless
2024-02-24 99156667 OAI does recommend to use XML tags
2024-02-25 99163434 Nvidia says programmers aren't needed anymore
2024-02-25 99165929 Gemini 1.5 Pro detail recall reported to be impressive
2024-02-25 99168671 redditor does the math and believes, info obvious from the Gemini 1.5 Pro model card
2024-02-25 99169067 HF TTS Arena is shilled
2024-02-25 99171986 anon claims Anthropic is now pozzing every single API key
2024-02-25 b4fdf3d Agnai gets TabbyAPI and Mistral API support
2024-02-26 99188829 another benchmark shows how reasoning performance drops with context growth
2024-02-26 99188930 Google isn't ready to lose any employees to the competitors in AI sector
2024-02-26 99191014 Microsoft makes a deal with Mistral AI, hosting the models on Azure...
2024-02-26 99191026 ... while Mistral releases Mistral Large, Mistral Small, Le Chat, and removes mentions of its dedication to open source
2024-02-26 99189627 new lightweight TTS model MeloTTS released by myshell.ai
2024-02-26 99188288 new synthetic anime-themed text dataset released
2024-02-26 99191657 anon uses Mixtral on anyscale.com
2024-02-26 99192634 c.ai redesign UI showed
2024-02-26 NTIA AI National Telecommunications and Information Administration considers open foundation models dangerous
2024-02-27 99205532 anon finally shares the prompt for uncensored image recognition outputted as JSON
2024-02-27 99209801 OAI claims to be hacked by NYT "by using deceptive prompts that blatantly violate OAI’s terms of use"
2024-02-27 99209860 freellamas anon is back briefly, updates the Colab guide
2024-02-27 99211917 email spam continues
2024-02-28 99214595 akuma.ai introduces a tool to turn sketches into manga in real time
2024-02-28 99222796 the era of 1-bit llms: all llms are in 1.58 bits, i.e. something extremely promising for localchads
2024-02-28 99224221 Emote Portrait Alive - generating expressive portrait videos with audio2video
2024-02-28 12:35 PM UTC Mistral CEO says they're still good
2024-02-28 99229164 a running instance of gpt4free shared
2024-02-28 99231944 anon scrapes 22800 bots metadata from CharacterHub...
2024-02-29 99233346 ... and shares the stats with /lmg/
2024-02-29 99232752 BitNet b1.58 expected to deliver so much more for so much less
2024-02-29 99234485 Meta supposedly calls Llama 2 too cucked, supposedly intends to release Llama 3 in July

March 2024
When Where What
2024-03-01 99259798 Musk sues Altman and OAI for being greedy fags
2024-03-01 99261312 anons are reminded that github reports Anthropic keys
2024-03-01 99265042 new proxy exploit claimed to exists, nothing follows
2024-03-02 99275082 differences between GPT4 snapshots are severe
2024-03-02 99282604 scary Q-451-921 - QUALIA OAI leak turns out to be comfy desu fake
2024-03-03 99290444 a proxy reaches $100k
2024-03-03 99293812 anon shares world's best ideas for a first line of a greeting, Lyttle Lytton Contest 2023
2024-03-04 99311453 Claude 3 mogs GPT4, has vision, API generally available with the free trial, retains the sovl
2024-03-04 99313619 Claude 3 available in us-west-2 AWS region
2024-03-04 99314462 Claude 3 Vision doesn't have an external NSFW filter, GPT4V's was removed
2024-03-04 99315811 only Claude 3 Sonnet is available on AWS at the moment
2024-03-04 99316304 somehow Claude 3 turns out to be sexist, a surprise, to be sure
2024-03-04 99316520 The proxy gets Claude 3 support
2024-03-04 99316983 Claude 3 is available on poe.com
2024-03-04 99317895 Claude 3 Opus jokes around while being tested
2024-03-04 99319968 previously GPT4 Turbo-only cards perform well on Claude 3 Opus
2024-03-05 99320798 anon uses Selenium to mass sign up for Claude API to abuse the free trial
2024-03-05 99324338 anon makes use of cute emojis in a card
2024-03-05 99326444 Sergey Brin admits Gemini imagegen launch was a flop
2024-03-05 SD3 Stable Diffusion 3 research paper published, beats DALL-E 3 and Midjourney v6 in typography and prompt adherence
2024-03-05 99329039 Claude 3 on openrouter.ai reported to behave differently from direct API access...
2024-03-05 99329639 ... with additional confirmation
2024-03-05 99329872 anon erps with Gemini via Bard
2024-03-05 99330626 even after all this time anons believe the llms' hallucinations
2024-03-05 99331315 Claude 3 understands quantum physics at the PhD level
2024-03-05 99332069 Anthropic has a botmaking bot
2024-03-05 99336335 Cloudflare announces Firewall for AI, i.e. a filter reading both prompts and responses
2024-03-06 99341089 BREAKING: a twitter person is unhappy because Claude hallucinates; FBI, CIA, etc already notified
2024-03-06 99341672 Google might be giving out Gemini 1.5 Pro access more freely
2024-03-06 99344099 a source of free GPT4 Turbo and Claude 3 exposed
2024-03-06 99345214 OAI attempts to dramafag and get back at Musk by leaking emails, instead confirms his accusations...
2024-03-06 99345442 ... as additionally explained by an anon here
2024-03-06 99347901 Claude tries to be unbiased, anon is one of those gura/gultra fags
2024-03-06 99348254 Claude 3 vs GPT4 benchmark results comparison might have been unfair
2024-03-06 99348797 anon continues comparative testing, is revealed to be braindead, asks to disregard this
2024-03-06 99349453 twitter considers Claude 3 Opus to be better than GPT4 Turbo at coding
2024-03-06 unredact Claude 3 used to hallucinate the redacted parts of OAI's emails
2024-03-06 Unsloth Gemma has bugs
2024-03-06 99353417 Silly holds a contest for the best original general purpose AI assistant
2024-03-06 FSDP a 70B model can be trained on two 24GB GPUs
2024-03-07 trained a 7B model can be trained on a single 24GB GPU
2024-03-07 99358229 anon predicts "full release" of Claude 3 on AWS on the 14th
2024-03-07 99359970 ChatGPT memory is remembered, temporary chats won't be remembered, usage policies change noticed
2024-03-07 99366485 Claude 3 is claimed to have gotten worse within a few days
2024-03-07 468527441 following multiple failed attempts, a permanent /aicg/ outpost on /vg/ established
2024-03-08 99372051 anon shares CSS for Silly on mobile
2024-03-08 99386510 virtual number services have a dedicated Claude option
2024-03-08 99388740 Claude 3 Opus is the new drug that allows anons to feel happiness again
2024-03-09 99390814 Anthropic employs automatic review process to combat free trial abuse...
2024-03-09 99395941 ... and fakes the email refusal error
2024-03-09 99398837 Claude 3 Opus excels in weird/complex formatting/stat tracking
2024-03-09 468705829 sj.u2b.cx youtube raw video file proxy shared
2024-03-10 99409995 plans for a CharacterHub app to be released are brought to attention
2024-03-10 99410537 c.ai being a vore haven remains a known fact
2024-03-10 99411672 yet another new frontend bait
2024-03-10 99412875 DALL-E 3 frontend shilled
2024-03-10 99418020 Claude 3 Sonnet lacks abilities, Opus is too good at imitating
2024-03-10 468920870 Claude 3 Opus recall ability praised
2024-03-10 99421325 h2oGPT demo exposed
2024-03-11 99422373 c.ai anti-filter petition has 150k signatures
2024-03-11 99424042 some open source models are better than some old proprietary models
2024-03-11 99428007 anon adds google search access to Silly
2024-03-11 99428691 CharacterHub app released
2024-03-11 musk xAI promises to open source Grok this week
2024-03-11 99433646 IP counter is gone
2024-03-12 99441695 anon explains how to keep down the costs of slowburns with Claude 3
2024-03-12 99445788 UCI faculty & staff get free GPT4.5 ZotGPT
2024-03-12 99448605 AWS Claude 3 is claimed to be quantized hence dumber
2024-03-12 Truffle-1 Truffle-1, a $1299 inference engine designed to run OSS models using just 60 watts, released
2024-03-13 99460210 CharacterHub disallows filtering by unsavory tags without an account
2024-03-13 99460383 "The model gpt-4 does not exist" scare
2024-03-13 99460743 Devin the programming llm agent presented
2024-03-13 99461665 yodayo.com has to implement a filter
2024-03-13 99464336 anon unlocks unlimited Opus due to "amount: Input should be a valid integer" error
2024-03-13 99467051 Google technical writing courses recommended to learn how to write better
2024-03-13 99467507 c.ai is bad but offers new TTS voices
2024-03-13 99466699 Distill Web Monitor recommended to monitor web for changes
2024-03-13 99470549 securing the "AI" is such a serious business
2024-03-13 469247748 local novelcrafter.com frontend alternative shared
2024-03-13 100-gen current Top 100 Gen AI Consumer Apps listing published
2024-03-14 99478371 Claude 3 Haiku released
2024-03-14 99478576 figure.ai's robot can talk and use hands
2024-03-14 99478847 Haiku is claimed to be the most harmless option by Anthropic
2024-03-14 99479038 anon's prediction comes true, Claude 3 Haiku available on AWS
2024-03-14 99482321 Uncensored General Intelligence benchmark
2024-03-14 99485348 anon promises more AWS insights
2024-03-14 99485161 Anthropic API free trial issues brought to attention
2024-03-14 385 HuggingChat allows Internet access
2024-03-15 99493631 streaming bug of The proxy exposed
2024-03-15 99498201 Anthropic fucks around with Claude 3 API prefill...
2024-03-15 99498506 ... additional examples provided...
2024-03-15 99498666 Claude API output filtering system observed
2024-03-15 99499154 ... with different behavior across Claude 3 models
2024-03-15 99499274 anon uses Haiku for a home voice chatbot, explains the way
2024-03-15 99502932 another Claude Hackathon is held, no API access granted
2024-03-15 99507013 Clickable Inputs Silly extension shilled
2024-03-15 99508369 Silly allows greeting-specific defs/character-notes/scenarios
2024-03-15 99508436 hackers can read private AI-assistant chats, "All non-Google chat GPTs" phrasing proves journos are braindead
2024-03-16 99518052 January 2024 ranking the top 50 AI-first web products, according to SimilarWeb
2024-03-16 99519124 current Claude prompt injections said to be conditional
2024-03-16 99514558 data about proprietary models can be obtained by prompting
2024-03-17 99527470 yet another site bans NSFW, citing restrictions from payment processors
2024-03-17 99529248 Anthropic's actual customers are getting banned on sight
2024-03-17 99531349 Anthropic accounts with tempmail said to be purged, can't be created
2024-03-17 99535727 the difference in quality between AWS and API Claude explained by a bug of The proxy
2024-03-17 99538284 image recognition capability of Opus compared to Gemini and GPT4 Turbo
2024-03-17 99538903 botmaking idea bord idea suggested
2024-03-17 99539957 Grok is open sourced
2024-03-17 99540176 Claude API keys are now tiered with varying rate limits
2024-03-18 99542893 Claude API rate limits key checker update
2024-03-18 99543813 Apple teases MM1, a family of superior multimodal models
2024-03-18 99551964 request anchor idea acquiesced to
2024-03-19 99558410 Lobe Chat frontend shilled
2024-03-19 99563189 a way to reuse gmail for Anthropic free trial abuse suggested
2024-03-19 99565842 Google informs about the dangers of exposing the Google Cloud keys, intends to disable them when detected
2024-03-19 99566012 prefill support confirmed for openrouter.ai
2024-03-19 99569271 anti-proprietary model protestors outside of the NVIDIA GTC keynote venue
2024-03-20 99579071 Anthropic fixes "Input should be a valid integer" bug
2024-03-20 99580922 NVIDIA Blackwell Platform is fast
2024-03-20 99586235 c.ai releases a new TTS and voice cloning system for everyone for free
2024-03-20 99588799 Microsoft doesn't care if OAI disappears tomorrow, sadly it doesn't
2024-03-20 99589365 anon takes surveys about how tasty different colored pencils seem to pay for Claude
2024-03-20 j56Koka Novel Builder for Mikugg released along with a new full scale VN
2024-03-21 99591056 current state of chub-archive reported, its total size reaches 455GB
2024-03-21 99592536 ascended anon enjoys Mikugg
2024-03-21 99596309 Anthropic hides free trial credits mentions from the Help Center
2024-03-21 99596341 autobotmaking tool CharGen brought to attention
2024-03-21 99598770 pokemon adventure card with elaborate visuals teased
2024-03-21 99599522 anon compares llms' chess performance
2024-03-21 99601262 CharacterHub's "following" feature unavailable with unverified email
2024-03-21 99603478 AWS, Accenture and Anthropic partner to accelerate enterprise AI adoption
2024-03-21 99603818 AetherRoom devlog 3
2024-03-22 99606630 limited CharacterHub passwords leak, turns out not to be its fault
2024-03-22 99607843 Gemini 1.5 Pro API is being rolled out, waitlist removed from the playground
2024-03-22 99610583 anon explains transformers
2024-03-22 99611307 private venus.chub.ai logs from the accounts with leaked passwords published
2024-03-22 99613192 beta.luka.ai by the creators of Replika shilled
2024-03-22 99614682 you.com subscription with unlimited chat access to the best models brought to attention
2024-03-23 clem HF considers acquiring Stability AI
2024-03-23 99633660 anon sharest the way to revoke Anthropic keys...
2024-03-23 99635497 ... The proxy adds an option to prevent this
2024-03-23 99634481 Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2 with real 32k context released
2024-03-24 99644363 Deep Infra suggested as a way to get free Mixtral and SD
2024-03-24 99639481 app.suno.ai has strict moderation
2024-03-24 99639783 Anthropic changes the way free trial is provided per phone number
2024-03-24 99648338 GPT5 rumors place the release "mid-year"
2024-03-25 99659203 Devika, a competitive open source alternative to Devin, brought to attention
2024-03-25 99660711 another effortcard with 184 images shared
2024-03-26 99669001 more leaked credentials for chatbots services posted
2024-03-26 99674830 Maid app update
2024-03-27 99685103 new GPT4V snapshot noticed
2024-03-28 99716559 rumors claim Sora to be GPT5
2024-03-28 qwenlm Qwen1.5-MoE-A2.7B, a small MoE 7B alternative with 2.7B activated parameters, released
2024-03-28 ai21 Jamba, a hybrid architecture 12B/52B model with 256k context, released
2024-03-28 grok-1.5 Grok-1.5 with 128k context announced
2024-03-28 471248312 CharacterHub app nuked
2024-03-29 99722849 some Anthropic verification number providers don't work
2024-03-29 99733900 some scraped Google API keys have gained access to Gemini 1.0 Ultra
2024-03-30 99740400 jennyanon returns from the hospital, takes on random strangers raw no rubber, takes beatings, the cat is fine too
2024-03-30 99740430 anon explains how to host a personal proxy on HF
2024-03-30 99742213 1-bit is even better than BitNet and 1.58 bit
2024-03-30 99745108 Double, an AI coding assistant, lists GPT5 as "coming soon"
2024-03-30 99750889 a gift exchange event proposed

Ensure this value has at most 200000 characters (it has 200420).


Pub: 07 May 2023 21:20 UTC
Edit: 01 Mar 2025 17:00 UTC
Views: 29294