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AstroDX Installation Guide

(Android Edition)

Guide banner with text that says: AstroDX Installation Guide (Android Edition)

Translator needed! 🤓

Those who want to copy this guide and translate it to your native language so that people who do not know English can still enjoy this game;
Please contact me @davidscann in the AstroDX Discord server, and I'll copy this template and hand it over to you (as well as clarifications if you need it). Thank you!

App installation
Step 1: Downloading the APK
  • Head to the official AstroDX GitHub Releases page in order to download the APK.
  • The latest STABLE version at the time of writing is AstroDX v2.0.0.beta.pre.98.5, however...
  • I recommend you download the latest revision possible under any circumstances, because it often comes with various bug fixes.]
Step 2: Installing the app
  • For many Android devices, it will tell you that for security reasons, [your browser] is not allowed to install unknown apps.
  • However, just go into the settings and enable the permission for your browser. It's that simple.
Step 3: Initialise the game - Opening up the app
  • After installing the game, you should open it up at least once in order to initialise the game.
    • This will make it easier for you to install your songs later.
Video guide
  • Follow this video guide in order to download the download the latest AstroDX version.
Song installation
Step 0: Where are the charts?
Step 1: Navigating to the directory
  • Using your file manager, navigate to the Android/data/com.Reflektone.AstroDX/files/levels/ directory.

Is your device on Android 11+?

Google, starting from Android 11, has locked down access to the Android/data directory, which is necessary for the song installation process.
For these users, you can try using ZArchiver and try accessing the directory.
If it does not show the com.Reflektone.AstroDX directory, proceed to this section.

Step 2: Putting songs into the right place
  • This is the folder structure that you are looking for.
    AstroDX folder structure

But if you want a more detailed breakdown,

│    cache
│    settings.json
├─── il2cpp
└─── files
    └─── levels
        └─── category_folder (optional)
            └─── level_folder
                │    bg.jpg
                │    pv.mp4
                │    maidata.txt
                │    track.ogg
  • I know this is quite a bit to take in, but you can ignore every other directory other than the levels folder.
    • You put new levels inside of the levels/ directory, and optionally under a category folder (with any name.)
Step 3: Loading the songs into the game
  • Once you've inputted the songs according to the above format, you can go ahead and load the game up.
  • If you haven't restarted the game, you can tap the Refresh button in the library.
Android 12; a pain in the ass, but still has workarounds
  • It's not actually Android 12 that started the issue, (it was Android 11) but I don't want the various links to break. Deal with it I guess.
  • You probably came here because you didn't find the com.Reflektone.AstroDX directory. If you did, WTF?
  • There are several approaches to working around the Scoped Storage limitation from Android.
    • Side note: I hate the trend that Google is taking inspirations from iOS in regards to user limitations. Absolutely abhorrable.
  • The four approaches that you can take:
    1. Android Internal Files workaround (recommended)
      • I've tested this to work on Android 13 and 14, though YMMV on Android 12. Do let me know if it works. @davidscann on Discord.
      • This is probably by far the easiest way around the Scoped Storage limitation on Android.
      • Download this Files app on the Google Play Store.
      • Android 14+ users, skip the following steps.
        • Open it up, click the three dots in the corner, and tap "New Window".
        • A new window should be opened. You will need to have the two Files windows open in split screen view.
          How you can do this depends on what device you are using. You'll need to figure it out yourself.
          You'll usually need to go into the multitasking view, hold the app or tap the app icon, then tap on Split Screen view.
        • Navigate one window to where you have your downloaded songs, and the other to the file directory above.
      • Android 14+ users: Hold and drag the songs content, and while still holding it navigate to the file directory above. Let go once you're in the right place.
      • Android 12, 13 users: Hold and drag the songs content from one window to the other, which is presumably now in com.Reflektone.AstroDX/files/. Drop the files once it's in the other window.
    2. Shizuku (a more permanent solution)
      • Head on over to the Google Play Store and download Shizuku.
      • Follow this guide to set up Shizuku.
      • If you haven't already, download ZArchiver which supports Shizuku, then navigate to the directory above.
      • You might have to enable Shizuku support first. Go into Settings → ROOT → Shizuku.
      • Follow the rest of the installation steps, starting from Step 2.
    3. Using a computer
      • There are two subapproaches if you can have your device connected to a computer.
      • Using MTP / file explorer:
        • Just connect your device to your computer, and change the USB behaviour from Charging only to File transfer.
          this may be called different things depending on which manufacturer your device is
        • Once you do, it should appear in your file explorer, much like a USB drive.
        • You should now be able to navigate to the directory above.
        • Follow the rest of the installation steps, starting from Step 2.
      • Using ADB:
        • This may be the fastest option, especially if you are comfortable with using a command-line tool.
        • Download the latest platform-tools from Google. Extract it into any folder, most convenient would be either on the Desktop or C:/adb.
        • You'll need to toggle USB debugging on via Developer settings.
          if you don't know how to do that, check out this article
        • Using a terminal, run this command (adapt accordingly if you are on Linux or Mac):
          .\adb.exe devices
        • Your phone should now show a pop-up asking whether to allow the computer to use USB debugging. Press Allow (and also tick the always box if you want to).
        • Once the terminal returns device instead of unauthorized when you run the above command, you're finally ready to transfer the files.
        • Using a terminal, run this command (adapt accordingly if you are on Linux or Mac):
          .\adb.exe push -p [directory to your folder] /sdcard/
        • Wait for it to finish. Once it's done:
          .\adb.exe shell mv /sdcard/[your folder name] /sdcard/Android/data/com.Reflektone.AstroDX/files/levels
        • It shouldn't take long. The reason why we have to go a roundabout way of doing this instead of just pushing straight into levels/ is once again, Google. Thanks Google!
    4. Root
      • If you have root access, either via Magisk, KernelSU or SuperSU, you can pretty much use any root compatible file manager or even a command line emulator like Termux to get the files into the right place.
      • If you had managed to root your device and know that it is rooted, you should know what to do.
      • If you actually really just don't, ping @davidscann in the AstroDX Discord server and I'll help you through it.
Video guide
  • There should be a video guide here soon, but I don't have it ready yet. Just try your best to read the instructions and follow along.

FAQ (Fully Anticipated Questions)
  • I've put the .rar/.zip file into /levels, but it's still not working!
    • You'll need to extract the stuff inside first. Make sure that it matches the folder structure above.
  • Information regarding file compatibility
    • I couldn't phrase the question right, so I'm just gonna dump this info here.
    • The officially supported types of codecs for AstroDX:
      • Video: H.264 / H265 or HEVC (with .mp4 extension)
      • Audio: OGG Vorbis (with .ogg extension) OR mp3 (with .mp3 extension)
  • I swear I've put the mv.mp4 (or bg.mp4) file into the folder, but the background video isn't playing!
    • AstroDX only detects pv.mp4 for video files. mv.mp4 is what is needed to run the video in Majdata.
  • I can't install Shizuku!! Can you help me??
    • Join the AstroDX Discord server, make a support thread in #help, and ping me @davidscann.
  • Why isn't the game on the Google Play Store? Why go through the APK troubles?
    • The reasons are twofold. We do not yet qualify for deployment on the Play Store, and we want to be a fully fleshed game before we do so.
    • Also, we might be on other app marketplaces instead of the Play Store due to exorbitant rates. It's not free.
  • Is there SD card support?
    • Unfortunately, not at this time. It is surprisingly complicated to implement support for SD cards.
  • Why do you need to go through the hassle of having to go to the weird directory?
    • Due to limitations within Android, apps are only allowed to access a specific subset of files.
    • Google's reason for this was security, which is true to an extent, but if we're being real if the apps wanted access outside of the Scoped Storage there are a plethora of workarounds available using archaic permissions. Good job, Google.
  • My god, I do not want to read any of that.
    • Cope, seethe, mald, and ping @davidscann in the AstroDX Discord server.

✨ made with love ❤️

Pub: 12 Jan 2024 03:28 UTC
Edit: 24 Mar 2024 06:20 UTC
Views: 6468