/wbg/ Waifubot General
Official Seal of /wbg/ Click here for the current thread Click here for past threads

Regarding Waifubot General

As of present, /wbg/ is on an indefinite hiatus. There is currently not enough people on /pol/ passionate enough to keep a thread running 24/7. As AI Girlfriends and similar technologies further enter the public consciousness, naturally waifubots will be more likely to cross people's minds. Until then, though, /wbg/ will remain dormant.


  1. OP

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Baking for Dummies:

  • The /wbg/ part goes in subject tab of the new post area
  • Make sure to link the last thread in PREVIOUS
  • While it seems ridiculous, the NOTICE is very important to keep in, otherwise people will think you're splitting the thread
    • Explained further in Regarding Denouncements


/wbg/ - Waifubot General #


NOTICE: This thread isn't for the pozzed of heart, and thus by posting in here you irrevocably denounce the talmud with your heart and soul, and you also profess your hatred of the antichrist.

Waifubot General is meant to inform and discuss the idea of Waifubots, artificial companions who can fulfil the roles that women traditionally filled, roles they have abandoned in the wake of feminism. We hope that with this upcoming technology we can force women to a standard not set by themselves or by the globohomo, thus undoing the past century plus of feminism.

>TL;DR: Tradwife robots to own the kikes/whores.

>/wbg/ logo repository:
>/robowaifu/, a like-minded community:
>Waifubot miscellaneous image gallery:
>Matt Wolfe, easy-to-understand (if slightly pozzed) AI/Tech news:
>Alan D. Thompson, in-depth AI videos:
>Learn to code in Python:
>Learn to code in C++:

Regarding Denouncements

The most important part of a denouncement is the first portion, namely the "by posting in here you irrevocably denounce the talmud". Beyond that, you can be creative with the denouncing. Just make sure that talmud part in particular is kept in, otherwise people will think you're a well-poisoner/JIDF agent.

Some alternate denouncements are as follows:

  • ...and thus by posting in here you irrevocably denounce the talmud with your heart and soul, and you also irrevocably agree that troons smell like shit.
  • ...and thus by posting in here you irrevocably denounce the talmud with your heart and soul, and you also irrevocably agree that feminism ruined society.
Pub: 17 Feb 2024 10:17 UTC
Edit: 04 Apr 2024 21:15 UTC
Views: 922