Issues on today's agenda are:

placement of /rrat/, /moon/ and /dsw/
updating the border between /ahoy/ and watamelon
decision regarding the island jointly owned by /vrt/ and /nasfaqg/
proposal for the rules writers should follow when writing for unrepped nations.

  1. Placement of /rrat/
    Yay or nay on /rrat/ claiming the provinces marked in pic related. Their reasoning is outlined in >>35808968
  2. Placement of /moon/
    Yay or nay on /moon/ claiming the provinces marked in pic related. Their reasoning is outlined in >>36023709
  3. Placement of /dsw/
    Yay or nay on /dsw/ claiming the territory marked in pic related. Further, select which of the proposed borders /dsw/ should have.
  4. Updated border between /ahoy/ and watamelon
    Yay or nay on the update to the border between /ahoy/ and watamelon, marked in pic related in red. Both reps agreed to the update in >>33989391 and >>33989517
  5. Jointly owned island between /vrt/ and /nasfaqg/
    Yay or nay on the ownership of the island marked in pic related. Reasoning is outlined in >>35984312
  6. Proposal on rules new writers should follow when writing for unrepped nations
    Yay or nay on the proposal outlined in

Edit Report
Pub: 27 Oct 2022 00:00 UTC
Edit: 28 Oct 2022 12:49 UTC
Views: 402