Lunaito Foreign Lore Proposal

This proposal is written with the intention of allowing and establishing a layout by which writers and worldbuilders can interact and write lore for absentee threads that lack a thread representative.
When writing for another general certain things should be considered before the proposal is written out.
The writer in question watch the chuubas/chuuba associated with the general thread and do they frequent the general they're writing for?
The lore written should obstruct the possible development of the nation as little as possible and should aim at a general understanding that can be easily used by other future writers.
Location specific lore should be avoided or used as little as possible, as with the province system unrepped nations do not yet "exist" on the map. Only a representative of that thread can make a decision on location.
Proposed lore should be brought up in /vtwbg/ and given the time to discuss and judge it before it is brought to the home general it was written for.
If lore written for the home general is met with favor in /vtwbg/ it can be posted to home general in order to gauge their reaction. If the reaction of the home general is in favor then that lore can be considered an official proposal and can be archived, however if it is met with indifference or outright hostility it would be rejected as an official proposal and is for all intents, non canon. No trips, names, or other forms of anon identification should be used when doing this.
Official proposed lore would need a specific indication of whose fanbase the writer belonged to and would be subject to removal if someone else decided to take the place of rep for that nation and the rep so chose to replace it. In addition, proposed lore should be archived underneath a proposed section in the google doc instead of that nation's specific lore.

Pub: 27 Oct 2022 11:35 UTC
Views: 508