📖/vt/ Writing Rumble 📖
âš¡Flash Fiction Festivalâš¡
The Valentine's special
The fuck is this?
This is a board-wide fanfiction writing contest hosted by /wg/ with a focus on shorter stories. This is blatantly an attempt to fish for new writers via an easy to join contest a writing contest with a twist to shake up our older writers and make an easy format for newer writers to try making fanfiction for the first time.
What are the rules?
- Submitted stories must be between the maximum wordcount of 3000 and the minimum wordcount of 100. Stories are preferably published via one of the given methods below but given the low length requirements can be submitted fully within the length of a 4chan post. Though this will be manually archived here via a rentry page created by the contest runner which will be linked below in the archive (and our own /wg/ archive of course.
- Note: This also means proving authorship should you win near impossible so if you want to claim secondary prizes you might want to save a screenshot.
- Your story must star a vTuber in some way or form. Fans, cosplayers, roleplayers, OC children or fusions, etc. do not count as vTubers. As long as they are a vTuber, you can have them do whatever and act however you like. The chuuba also does not have to be the main character in the story (obviously just don't write a fic full of OCs then only mention them in one sentence).
- Submission and Voting Period:
- The submission period for stories is one month, starting on January 14 and ending on February 14 (23:59 UTC-12 time). You can submit a story at any time during this period, and all stories that have been submitted will be available to view in this archive.
- An additional week Feb 14 to Feb 21 will be given after the end date for voters to read some stories and decide on their favourites.
- The voting period will last five days 22 to 27 and will be completed via Google Forms.
- This contest will have one main category. However additional categories may open up to accommodate other categories if it warrants such. If enough submissions are there such that having only a top three isn't enough then additional categories can open up based on tags.
- Addendum: As per thread discussion, we'll be implementing a soft theme category of Love / Valentine's if enough interest is shown then a subcategory vote will be opened up once the voting period starts.
- For fairness sake, we will check that anything you're submitting is newly made and not something that has been published prior to the contest period.
- Due to conceit of the contest word count should be noted or marked in your submission post. Otherwise the wordcount will be verified for you by the contest runner.
- While the 3k word limit isn't as tight as you think, you can't cheat out extra words with your title. If for some ungodly reason your title is longer than 50 words it will be mocked in thread, and disqualified.
How do I submit my story?
You should see a /VT/ WRITING RUMBLE STORY ANCHOR at/near the top of the thread, which you can reply to with a link to your story. Make sure to properly tag your stories, as your story will be archived. Popular websites for hosting fics include Google Docs with its publish function and Rentry; if you don't care for being anonymous AO3 is also an option as well as that old dinosaur fanfiction.net. More details about tagging and hosting stories can be found in our main archive at https://rentry.co/VTCFFCD. For this contest please mark your word count when you submit to the thread.
Can I submit multiple stories?
If you have the drive to write more than one, please be our guest.
Is there a central theme?
We're encouraging you to take inspiration from the thread if you're having trouble coming up with a concept but the restriction this time is in word count rather than concept. Given the season one may add a seasonal tag, Themed / Valentine's which if enough Anons submit to may open a subcategory vote winner. The theme is Love , due to the contest period intentionally ending on Valentine's. If you're lacking in inspiration, start with this theme in mind, and see what you can make. Though of course you're still free to make un-themed fics for your submission(s).
So do I have to write something close to 3000?
You don't have to, but yes by nature those working under less restrictive word counts will have an advantage due to having more room to work with. Though if it makes you feel better, those who willingly challenge themselves by working under even more restrictive word counts will get a special place in this archive.
Who can vote?
Anyone can, but if you plan on voting , try to read at least a few stories before deciding. The stories this time are all going to be short so if you're making an effort to vote, then please try to read some or all of them.
Is this chuuba allowed?
If it's a vtuber it's allowed, no questions.
Do I get a prize?
Bragging rights?
Additional Prizes:
- If you win (place within a category) I (The contest runner) will be willing to write a vtuber fanfic of equivalent length or greater than your winning entry, details to be settled via email alongside proof you own the given fic.
- Another Anon has promised they'll beg the drawthread to get cover art for the first place winner.
- The Koreans might translate your fic, but no promises on that end.
Didn't we already do this title?
Yes this contest title is the same as the third anniversary contest, but unless you have a better title for a short fiction contest I don't have anything better.
When can I start?
Now, we can't really stop you from starting a fic and the delayed start was more to give our existing author's time to get their existing wips in order while sorting out the rules for this contest.
Some pointers for new writers
If you need help with getting started on a story or happen to be void of any ideas, read on.
Tips for getting started
- We recommend reading some published stories or even fics from our main archive to get an idea of formatting and the type of prose you want to write with, as well as some possible inspiration. Take notes of what you like and what you don’t to craft your own style.
- Try reading your sentences and dialogue out loud to see how they roll off the tongue. By nature you'll be working with established characters so having some clips or streams handy can help you tune dialogue better to their voice.
- Keep a thesaurus handy to mix up your vocabulary, though don't be afraid of your first draft being bland. You can always edit later.
- If you’re short on ideas, start by imagining a scene you want to see played out with a chuuba and building your story around it. What's the setting? How do you get your characters to that scene? What happens after it?
- Ask the thread. We can recommend stories that did particular aspects well, or bounce ideas off of each other and generally assist you in crafting a story.
- The best way to improve is to just start writing and receive some feedback. Don’t be afraid to throw your hat in the ring, we all had to start somewhere. Who knows, you might be better than you think, and good enough to take a shot at the title of champion.
- If you need help with getting a beta reader the thread's writers have their emails listed on a link in the main archive. Check it out, if they're on there they're open to getting emailed for helping you with beta reading. Beta Reader Emails
- In this contest you will have a word count limit. 3000 words isn't as restrictive as other flash fiction formats but you will start to feel the limit if the scope of your story starts expanding.
- Making an outline can help scope out the story you want to make. It doesn't have to be extensive. A simple sequence of events, and notes can make all the difference in making your idea go from an indeterminate blob to an achievable goal to write.
/wg/'s prompt archive
If you're still short on ideas for your story, you can check out our prompt archive and see if anything catches your eye (keep in mind a lot of it is quite old). Prompt Archive
Any further questions or requests can be posted in the thread or sent to: AshenParty@protonmail.com
Contest archive
Here will be everything submitted for the contest during the submission period. With special sections marked for those voluntarily aiming for a tighter word count limit. Tags in bold are added by the archivist to help the main archiver with adding these fics to the archive.
Under 3k Archive
Love Chills Before it Warms - Tags: Fuwawa, Mococo, Lamy, Shiori, Nerissa, Fluff, SFW
Direct Impact (To my Heart) - Tags: Tokoyami Towa, SFW, Fluff
Orbital Decay - Tags: Drama, Psychological, Tragic Romance, Literary Fiction, Hoshimachi Suisei, Anon SFW
Misery Loves Company - Tags: Nerissa Ravencroft, Angst, Short SFW
Do androids dream of autonomous sheep? - Tags: Cecilia Immergreen/Gigi Murin, existential crisis, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, budding romance SFW
Crush Depth - Tags: Tags: Houshou Marine, SFW, short.
Caution! Wet Floor - Tags: Nerissa Ravencroft, Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame, SFW, date(?)
Water, Blood and Love - Tags: NSFW, Ayame, Arranged Marriage, Fightsexual, Themed/Valentine's
Under 1k Archive
The Hopeful Princess - Tags: IRyS, Baelz, Kronii, Fauna, Mumei, Drama, Tragedy, Wedding, Marriage, Regret, Short, SFW
Suisei no Yume - Tags: Suisei, SFW, Drama, Short
Freedom in Freesia (To be cringe) - Tags: Anon, Gigi Murin, High School, LoL, SFW
Under 500 Archive
Breaking Bad - Tags: Subaru, SFW, flash fiction
The voting period has concluded, view the voting form to see the final results
Voting Form Flash Fiction Festival Vote
1st place
Crush Depth at 28 points
2nd place
Love Chills before it Warms at 24 points
3rd place
Water, Blood and Love at 14 points.
Theme Love/Valentines
Two Way Tie
Crush Depth and Love Chills before it Warms
Writer Custom Awards
Love Chills Before It Warms
I wrote Love Chills Before It Warms, and I wanted to nominate Caution Wet Floor for the Product Placement Award. There aren't any Culvers on the east coast, but the author of that fic made it sound like something I'll have to try someday. It not only highlights the scrumptious food, but also the welcoming and casual atmosphere that would make Guy Fieri declare Culvers to officially be part of FlavorTown.
Water, Blood and Love
Hey, author of Water, Blood and Love here.
I'd like to give the "Took The Theme Literally And Nailed It" award to Direct Impact (To my Heart). I put "A story about Valentine's, in a loose sense." with a checkbox below my own story for verificiation.
BrratAnon (I think he wrote Direct Impact but I'm not sure)
Crush Depth.
I think this is a great piece that synthesizes how being in love but failing to act on it paralyzes you. Its well written and perfectly gets this contest's aura down to the letter. Im really excited for what the author can cook if they were able to get something this nice in just 3K words.
Caution! Wet Floor
I would like to give an award to Love Chills Before It Warms the "What a Twist!" award for making the elf love story about Nerissa. None can avoid the siren song of the white woman.
Crush Depth
I would like to give Suisei no Yume kudos. I liked its compact nature and I like the existential horror it brings up. I don't know what award necessarily to give it, maybe "Most Effective"? "Most Compact?" Anyways, thats my bonus award.
Suisei no Yume
Hi, Contestanon here.
Crush Depth was so fucking good it made me ask the thread to see if it was okay to add a themed vote since I personally thought it embodied our (the thread's) brand of chuuba romance so well it deserved to have that even if it didn't have it tagged. So I'll grant it this the Embodiment of Chuuba/ Manager Romance Award.