Water, Blood and Love

“Any moment now…”

You were still prancing around behind the entrance, fidgeting with the pommel of the fancy blade at your side. The scent of fragrant oils wafted through the air, hinting at the luxurious hot springs in the back of the large wooden hall. Being alone inside the giant building felt strange, but you were glad to be away from the court for this.

After the formal introduction at the ball, this was to be your first private encounter with Princess Ayame, your oni bride-to-be, and you were determined to make a good impression. Beyond the alliance for your family, this encounter might determine if your future as a husband and father would be a happy one!

Light footsteps outside drew you out of your thoughts. Her guards must have stayed with yours, out of sight and earshot, to make this meeting truly private.

You stood still and put on the smile that had looked best in the mirror, waiting for the polite knock at the door before you opened it.

And indeed, behind the door was she - Princess Ayame, the most precious treasure her father possessed. Unparalleled elegance in a luxurious black-and-red kimono, with her two traditional Katanas tucked into her sash. She was hiding most of her stunning face behind a fan with the same white-red gradient as her long, silky hair. But her red eyes were glowing at you, and the ribbons tied around her horns betrayed a light trembling.

“Well met, my dearest Princess,” you said with a proper bow as she entered and you pushed the door shut. “Welcome to the famous hot springs hall, one of the many attractions of our royal estate. I trust your journey was pleasant?”

“Oh yes, most pleasant, my Prince. I'm ever so pleased to meet my future husband in such intimate surroundings,” Ayame replied, her voice soft and melodious as she closed the fan. She gave a delicate curtsy, her cheeks flushing a light pink. “You humans waste no time, and I appreciate that.”

You felt your own face grow warm at her words. "The pleasure is all mine, Princess. And of course, I will respect your wishes and traditions - if you wish to marry in five years, it shall be that way!” You pointed forward, deeper into the hall. “But let us not talk here, with you burdened at the door. Rid yourself of your gear and follow me, if you please.”

Ayame nodded, her eyes twinkling with excitement as you two hung up your swords in the proper place. Even though she had one more, you knew not to help with her swords: Oni had come a long way since their tribal times, but still considered the bond between sword and wielder sacred - even if the wielder was a delicate princess you’d never find on a battlefield.

As you went deeper into the hall, the air grew warmer and more fragrant. The interior was even more luxurious than it had been a week ago - polished wood gleamed in the light of paper lanterns, and the gentle sound of bubbling water echoed through the hall.

“Oh my,” Ayame breathed, her eyes wide with wonder.

“It's magnificent, isn't it?” you said, pleased by her reaction.

Ayame nodded enthusiastically and giggled as she looked around. "Indeed! I've never seen such splendor. Prince Anon, your human realm truly is full of wonders.”

You chuckled. “I'm glad you approve. Shall we explore further?”

As you led her deeper through the rooms of the large forest-hall, Ayame's delicate hand found its way into yours, feeling even hotter than at the ball. You felt a flutter in your chest, but held her hand properly. With her taking the initiative like this, what had she planned? Your father had told you to go with the flow, but had been sure that nothing overly intimate would happen this early.

"Oh!" Ayame exclaimed suddenly, pointing ahead. "What a beautiful indoor hot spring! It looks so inviting.”

The steaming pools lay before you, a few of their surfaces shimmering with the fragrant oils. Ornate screens provided privacy, and plush towels were neatly folded nearby.

"This hall is the second most beautiful thing I know," you replied, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Would you care to partake?"

A deep blush spread across the oni's cheeks as she hid her mouth behind her free hand. "Oh my, how forward! But… I suppose it would be very refreshing after the journey."

You felt your own face grow hot. "I-I didn't mean to presume, Princess. There are separate areas for-"

"No, no," Ayame interrupted, her red eyes twinkling with mischief. "We are to be wed, after all. It would be…improper to be too shy with one another, wouldn't it? Let us sit in the water side by side."

Ayame went behind a screen, but plenty of light fell through the large frosted glass windows…you couldn’t help but observe her shadow. It became amazingly slender as she shed her kimono, and you did not even register your mouth opening as she lifted her arms to take off her undergarments.

She was almost finished when you regained your composure and silently stepped behind another screen. It took a good deal of restraint to not peek as your heard Ayame’s footsteps, followed by the splashing of water.

“I’ll be waiting for you in the water, my Prince~”

It did not take long before you had gotten rid of everything but your pants. You felt adequate looking down your body, but hardly measured up to the beauty of your betrothed. But everything had gone well so far, and once they had chosen a partner demons were known to be easily…”riled up”. For now you just needed to get naked, into the water and-


“Hey prince, we’re here for your fancy stuff! Open the door, or I’ll bust it down!” a hoarse, deep voice was heard shouting from outside the door. “This is a robbery!”

A shrill male voice answered from outside of the walls near to you: “And send out your hot demon princess! ‘cause this is a kidnapping, too!”

You froze only for a second before running out of the changing area. Ayame was in the water, clearly shocked and overwhelmed, looking to you for guidance. In that moment, your sense of chivalry overwhelmed both your fears and your smarts. The guards had failed you, and now you were all that was between your precious oni Princess and two amateur villains ready to abduct her!

“Stay here, my Princess! I’ll take care of that scum!”

Ayame's eyes widened in alarm. “My Prince, wait! You mustn't-”

But you were already dashing towards the entrance, blood pumping through your veins and stories of heroic knights, beating the odds because they fought for the gods and for justice, flooding your head. You grabbed your sword and unsheathed it with a metallic ring.

The man standing in front of the door didn’t expect its sudden opening and staggered back. He wore a dirty, ill-fitting brigandine and his weather-worn face was framed by shaggy brown hair. Some kind of peasant-turned-robber, clearly - but armed with a sword. Less fancy, but only slightly shorter than yours.

"Stand down, villain!" you shouted, brandishing your blade. "You dare threaten a royal-"

"Well, well," the man growled. "Looks like the virgin Prince wants to play hero. Don’t want to see how we take your stuff and show that demon bitch the wonders of human cock? We'll penetrate both of you!”

You stood your ground without falling for his taunt, trying to be intimidating despite your state of undress. "I warn you, I am skilled with a blade!"

The man laughed. “You better be quick then. HEY MAN, NO MORE BACK ENTRANCE! GET BACK HERE!”

“FINE, FINE!” You could hear his accomplice’s footsteps come closer. There wasn’t much time unless you wanted to fight two versus one!

You tried a quick lunge, but the man stepped aside while throwing some dirt in your face. Noone would have dared to do that during your fencing lessons, you thought. If only you had become a proper squire, fighting for survival rather than appearances!

Staggering back, you didn’t dodge the man’s slash entirely; a red line appeared under your left collarbone as a sharp pain flared up, but the thought of Ayame fueled your resolve and you continued without pause.
The man, who apparently had expected a wimpier reaction from a pampered Prince, was surprised as you slashed back at him, forcing him into a defensive stance as he moved back.

The other man’s footsteps became louder as he turned the corner of the large hall behind you. Keeping the villain in front of you out of range with more bold slashes, you mentally prepared yourself to run back a bit and face both of them - without honor for them, but without much hope for you.

A loud sword-unsheating noise was heard, and you quickly stepped back and turned - but the man was wielding a spiked club! You and the two robbers stood still for a moment, confused.

But there were footsteps still - and there she was, stepping out of the door and into the light. Princess Ayame, shy and proper no more - licking her fangs with a crazed grin and a wild look in her eyes, water droplets running down her shapely breasts to her erect nipples, and down her flat stomach into her groomed tuft of white-red gradient pubes.

Time seemed to stand still as you saw her standing there like dual-wielding oni of legend did in paintings, ready to gore and execute their enemies with fearless pleasure. Her stance was primal and powerful, but also the sexiest thing you had ever seen. Her red blade crackled with energy, and her silver blade shimmered behind its purple mist.

You would have expected her to say something, but this being didn’t look like one to use her words. Instead, a primal roar shook the leaves as Ayame jumped towards the man who had come around the corner, slashing at him with both blades as her long hair whirled around her in a wild, wet curtain. You had no time to observe his reaction as your primary opponent recovered from the shock and tried a quick foward strike that you barely managed to push aside.

“She’s crazy!” he gasped.

“She’s a demon princess,” you laughed. But your mind still had trouble coping with how oni, even royalty, were apparently still so close to their wild old ways. That beastly assault was supposed to be the true nature of your prim and proper Ayame?

You exchanged some more attacks, parries and ripostes with the man, but both of you were distracted by the fight behind you. The beginnings of a grin appeared on his face as a blood-curdling crack was heard followed by a pained, guttural shriek.

Overcoming the desire to turn around, you launched another attack. Your opponent parried, whirled around. At the same time, the howling of a man in excruciating pain and the guttural laughter of a demon fury filled the forest. Your following lunge was predictable, but the man looked past you in shock and did not react until your blade had found its way through his brigandine - right into his heart.

The man's eyes widened. He screamed and stumbled backwards, dropping his sword and clutching at the wound. You pulled your blade free, not even watching anymore as he collapsed to the ground.

Heart racing, you spun around to check on Ayame. The sight that greeted you made your breath catch in your throat.

The naked princess was covered in a mix of her own and her opponent’s blood. One side of her ribcage was slightly caved in and bleeding, but her fury seemed even greater than before. Her assailant was lying down in front of her, coughing up blood and screaming louder than you had ever heard a human scream before.

One of his hands was clutching at the red blade that had pierced his belly and pinned him to the ground, his other hand was in Ayame’s grasp - cleanly severed from the arm-stump flailing around helplessly. Ayame gave the hand in her hand a lick and a squeeze, giggling as some blood shot into her face.

It was disgusting, cruel, feral - and utterly captivating.

"A-Ayame?" you called hesitantly.

Her gaze snapped to you, a low growl rumbling in her throat. For a moment, you feared she might not recognize you in her battle-frenzy, but she finally tossed the hand in his face and relaxed her grip on her mist-coated blade as she turned her body towards you.

“Well-killed, my Prince! What unexpected fun!” Her voice sounded unhinged, but at least she was speaking.

“Well-fought, Princess Ayame, but you are hurt! Let me treat you…”

A high-pitched, hearty laugh interrupted you. “Nonsense! Slightly bashed and bloodied oni aren't hurt. And we’re not done yet…”

You watched with a mix of fear, awe and attraction as your bethrothed walked over to your former opponent, water and blood mixing on her previously pristine white skin. Her breasts heaved with every breath, but she was still an embodiment of elegance in her own way.

He was trying to crawl away on one arm while clutching at his heart.

“Please, have mer-UUAGHH!”

Ayame chuckled as she drew her demon blade across his crotch before stabbing it into his behind to the hilt. Thankfully it didn't come out of his front again, thanks to its curvature.

“How’s that for penetrating? You’re no man anymore.”

The man’s screams mixed with that of his companion for a short while before they subsided. You stood horrified, but still captivated by the display of cruel, uncaring power from such a delicate and attractive woman.

Ayame came up to you, licking her bloodied lips and looking into your eyes. “I finished yours, you finish mine.”

“Of course, i-if that’s a custom of yours…” You quickly walked over to the other man. Without looking at his stump or the severed hand, you gave him swift mercy by cutting his neck before throwing away your sword in disgust.

Ayame came up behind you, putting her arms around your torso. You could feel her chest poking into your naked back, and her small heart beating hard and fast. She brought her mouth below your ear and spoke softly.

“If this wasn’t fate making itself known…we’ve forged our union in batle and blood, like oni used to do.”

Suddenly she pulled you backwards, onto the ground.

“Hey! What is it, Princess?” was all you managed to say as you were lying on your back and Ayame knelt over you, eagerly grabbing your pants. You hadn’t really registered it, but you had been at full mast ever since you had taken in Ayame’s naked form during the fight.

“Shh…let your desires guide you, human. I know how badly your family wants a quick marriage,” she pulled down your pants and licked her lips as she saw your boner stand at attention, “and now I also know how badly you want me. Let me commit myself to you, and take charge if you’re ready.”

With that, she licked her lips and stabbed herself onto your blade. Her crotch was all red and slick from someone's blood and her juices, but its warmth was nothing against the suffocating heat and pressure you felt as Ayame’s walls tightly enclosed your shaft. She grinned cutely as she put her hands out and you grabbed them, supporting her as she rode you hard, showing almost the same level of enthusiasm as during the fight.

“Ah-Ayame, Princess…this feels wrong, but also…ugh!” You looked into her glowing red eyes, forgetting your words and letting pleasure take their place.

“This feels utterly amazing! Your princely cock, ready to put a little heir inside of me! Do not worry, we...ah...can always marry before the signs show. I can feel how much you want this, so put aside those worries and show me how a human claims his woman!”

Egged on by her words and the superhuman pleasure caused by Ayame’s eager technique, you sat up and grabbed your Princess by her waist. She slowed down and gave you a hug, ready to let you take control. You began lifting her up and ramming her down onto your cock, impaling her as deeply as you could. She supported you with her movements and began licking at your open wound, interrupted by gasps and moans.

After only a few more minutes inside of Ayame, you could not hold yourself back any longer - but at this point, you were ready to give her the child she wanted. Ayame herself was at the brink of climax, and she did not resist as you grabbed her by her horns and forced her into a bumpy, intense kiss while her hips kept moving rapidly.

As you invaded her mouth and felt her hot, long tongue eagerly wrap around yours, you grabbed her waist again and reached a new height of speed and intensity as you exploded inside of her, shooting rope after rope of seed into your precious princess. Her insides contracted around you as she orgasmed as well, convulsing and screaming to the point she was forced to break the kiss.

You looked into each other’s eyes, panting and bleeding.

“Oh Ayame, what a mess we have made…”

“But would you have it another way, my Prince?”

“No…not anymore. This is just the beginning of us, my Princess.”

Pub: 14 Feb 2025 19:14 UTC
Edit: 01 Mar 2025 14:44 UTC
Views: 326