Day 1

It was a busy day today, after a festival that the resident pokemon liked to celebrate every year, Lliam was tired, & not wanting to use of the guild rooms, he chose to go back to his office to rest.
After opening his office's door, he remembered what he had forgotten to do all day up to this point when he stared at the pile of papers stacked on his desk. After all that partying & playing around in town, the guildmaster was left to deal with all the paperwork that came after it.
He didn't hate it, after celebrating the "Dance of the apples" all day, a bit of office work was a fair price to pay in his opinion.
The paperwork in question wasn't anything noteworthy, just a bunch of card of apprieciations, ideas for the next festival, complaints here & there, etc. By the time he noticed the only cards left where the ones directed to him personally, unrelated to the event of that day.
Lliam was tempted to just take the cards & stuff them inside some closet, & either go dungeon exploring in secret, or crash on his bed & sleep for the whole day.
His sense of duty beat both those temptations, & he swiftly started to read through his mail.
A card from one of the members, Gus, asking when he's available again to go out on a dungeon crawl. He'll think a proper response after reading through the rest.
A card from Debby, apparently she put up a new subscription option on her mail, where other pokemon can pay for faster deliveries and priority for the mail that they send, it was an idea presented to her by Kaiji, & she wants Lliam for permission to promote it on the guild's board for a couple days, all payed back with interests. He'll have to have a talk with that sly cat one of these days. Lliam makes sure to keep that particular card close by for later.
A card that looks to come from the Federation, it addresses Lliam in an elegant manner & informs him that starting next week, there'll be a tax to all guilds that do not have countermeassures for a large lists of disasters such as earthquakes, storms, forests fires, blizzards, meteor rains, etc. Lliam can't help but audibly sigh & roll his eyes at the card, hoping that someone would notice. With this one it makes already 4 cards in total that same week that had appeared to come from the Federation speaking of a tax that never existed or no longer exists, though they are getting closer to looking official with each attempt, but better handwritting & proper use of punctuation will serve nothing without the official stamp that every card comes from. Lliam decides to leave this card on top of his desk, knowing full well by this point that by the time he searches for it again it will be already gone, just like the other ones.
Lliam looks at his desk, & sees that only one card is left on top of it, it was very pretty with colorful little details adorning all parts of it. A sense of expectation & excitement runs deep on him, though he does not show it, he takes his time to appriciate the sight of a clean, empty table, that will probably be fill again with more, tiresome work by tomorrow. Lliam breathes slowly, calming himself down, taking the card, & opening it.

To: Lliam (Clover guild)
From: Linoone (Delibird Deliveries)

Hi Lliam, sorry for not being able to stay & chat, but I have a lot of work today, Debby put a new subscription something for pokemons, & it has me running from place to place, oh, did I tell you about the new subscription plan that Debby put up? Basically
Actually, she probably already reached out to you for that, & if she didn't, maybe ask her about it, it's SUPER interesting, okay? I promise.
Normally, I wouldn't mail you to talk, why if I'm the mailmon & by the time it reaches you I could've been already there, right? but, I feel like this is something that can't wait until I'm done with work.
You see, while I was delivering mail to Treasure town, I noticed someone was following me from around the buldings, but when I went to confront them, they left without leaving a trace, except for this that fell from them.


To the secretary:

Lliam-M-meowstic [???] = ???
>Clover Guildmaster, Explorer

KFC-M-combusken [N/A] = ???
>Clover guild member

Charmander-F-Charmander [Natu-M] = ???
>Clover guild member

*The bottom of the note is torn off, you can't make out what little says at the bottom*


I couldn't see what species they were, & apparently I was the only one who saw them, so that was a bust. As for the note, I can't make out what this means, but to me it looks like a list of some sort. Now why would anyone try to make a list of pokemon? What I think it is? A secret fan (or fanBASE) looking for information to make us the best secret party ever, & one of their members slipped this in so we know they're there, rooting for us, maybe they know about my secret agent identity & want me to play along, or maybe, a bunch of wrongdoers are pilling up information, maybe to search for weaknesses to exploit or shameful past actions to blackmail us with, but one of them betrayed them & wants us to stop them. What I am getting at, is that we should find them quick, or him, or her... well whoever is behind this mistery note.
I will go ask around town, search for some clues, I will see if I can pass by the guild tomorrow & we can chat properly.
Appart from that, nothing else interesting happened today, I delivered berries to a slugma couple, they shared the very sweet ones with me, a bunch of notes to a sableye living on a tunnel, a box that a slakoth warned me to not open, I mean I can't open mail anyways but thanks for the reminder I guess? Yeah I think that's all.

Signed: Solid Linoone
Pd: Can you please save me some pecha berries? Thx <3<3

Lliam puts the letter down, & started to rub his temple in thought, this is some serious news now, & explains some things, like why Linoone wasn't present all day.
Someone was recolecting information of them, & by the looks of it whoever Linoone's mistery stalker was was in such a hurry they were only able to take a piece with them, or maybe they had deliberately torn a piece off of it? Why were they not able to share the whole thing? & who is this "Receptionist" this note was addressed to?
Lliam sighed, & reclined on his chair, it creaked as it's owner's weight shifted, threatening to break at any moment. But Lliam knew it wasn't gonna, he himself made that chair, that creaking was a farse, a red herring, for the chair was not only sturdy, but flexible as well, & though others might have backed off in fear of snapping the furniture into pieces, Lliam confidently rested on it, trusting it's craft that it would not fail him after all this time.
Letter in hand, the guildmaster gave more thought to it. He also had to consider the possibility that this was a prank, a joke made by an individual that wanted such attention, after all, all the information listed on it wasn't exactly very secret. Was it worthy to pursue such a pokemon? To be so worked up about it?
No, the author of this note HAD to be brought into attention, & make them stop. Even if their information is limited for now, there's no telling what they might do once they do find what they're looking for. It's just a matter of time until they find compromising data about the guild, what then? Will they use it to blackmail or extort him as Linoone feared? Or will they simply release it for everyone to see, & be judged by everyone? What if they don't find anything & just start spreading missinformation about all of them?

Lliam rose from it's chair, & made sure that it's door was locked & it's windows covered, before opening it's office's secret door, & entering his own room.
Letter in hand, he made his way to his closet, opening & closing a couple of doors & cabinets. He had to put a team toghether to help Linoone, as much of a good spy he thinks himself to be & assures everyone, he will need all the help he can get for this.
Once Lliam finds the correct cabinet, he makes spaces between the dozen other important letters, & puts Linoone's in the middle of them.
("Do we even have any pecha berries left?"). With that thought, Lliam closes the closet with a heavy thud.

Pub: 08 Jun 2023 15:50 UTC
Views: 289