Team Petal-Purr

Part 2-Day of the Summer Festival-Morning

"Super Happy Fun Day Out At The Clover Guild's Super Happy Fun Fair."

Part 1-One Day Before

Ch 1
The team's first morning at the Blue Claw Inn had not gotten off to a great start. All three girls had slept in, exhausted by their first visit to the city the day prior. Now they were scrambling to get themselves ready with less time than they had planned for. Shelby was frantically stuffing money and items into the three small bags they would take with them, while Blossom and Heidi fussed with their outfits by a small mirror on the wall.

“Your bow isn't tied right. Stay still so I can fix it.” Heidi tugged at the yellow sash wrapped around Blossom's back, while the bulbasaur fiddled with the flower in her ear.

“I can't get my flower to stay in. I don't have any hair to tuck it into.” Blossom shook her head lightly and the flower fell down over her eye again.

“Give it to me, I'll put it in your dress.” Heidi took the flower and tucked it gently in the large bow she had freshly tied. Blossom looked over her shoulder to admire it.

“Thank you. It looks perfect now.”

The Bulbasaur then pulled lightly on the Houndour's cape with her claws, flattening a wrinkle and fluffing up the frills. The two smiled at each other.

“Ok I'm ready, let's go!” Quickly stepping into the straps of her bag and fastening them, Shelby flung the other two at her friends and sprinted towards the door. The others followed her and all three rushed out of their room and ran as fast as they could, hoping to not miss a second of the Summer Festival.

Ch 2
By the time the team arrived at the entrance, the festival was already bustling with activity. They cheerfully stood in line and chatted with Pokemon just as excited as they were to see what the fair had on offer. The girls paid their fee and were let loose into the growing crowd of attendees, immediately running up and down the long line of stalls that encircled part of the field. They took a short glimpse of every one before stopping to catch their breath and discussing what they wanted to do first.

“There's so much food! I've never seen so many sweets in my whole life! I need to try every kind!” Shelby jittered with excitement.

“Look at all the games! I want to play one where you throw a ball!” Heidi's tail wagged so hard that her whole back end whipped back and forth with it.

“They're making things with flowers over there, I saw someone with a big flower necklace!” Blossom hopped around with little bouncing steps, all four feet leaving the ground at once.

They decided on a rotating schedule where each one would get a turn to pick which stall to visit. They played a game called “One Paw, Two Paw, No Paw” to decide who would choose first. On the count of three, each player would throw one or two of their front limbs out in front of them, or they could choose to keep both feet in. One foot would beat no feet, but two feet would beat one, rounding out with none winning over two.

Shelby threw both paws while Blossom and Heidi held out only one. She immediately led them to a stall selling all sorts of festival foods, run by an old Munchlax in an apron. They ate as fast as they could before running off to try a few games at Heidi's suggestion.

After some time exploring together, Shelby was desperate to get back to the food stalls, her favourite part of the festival by far. She split off from the group after promising they would all meet up again near the entrance at a certain time, dashing off to pick out several different candied fruits to eat all in the same bite.

Ch. 3
Without Shelby's frantic energy, Blossom and Heidi took a slower pace as they wove in and out of the crowds. They wandered around happily together, stopping in to watch part of a puppet show that was being held in a small tent. Heidi giggled quietly when Blossom told her the Skitty that was making the shadow puppets dance around looked just like her dad. Blossom suggested they have their auras read, but Heidi was too frightened to go near the dark, mysterious looking tent that housed the reader.

Suddenly, Heidi caught sight of a particular Pokemon that was hard to miss. The tall head of the Tropius, who she had seen singing with his band yesterday. He wasn't singing now, instead craning his neck down to speak comfortably with Pokemon much shorter than him. As excited as she was to see even part of the band, there was someone she was especially hoping would be with him. The little Houndour begged her friend to go with her to see them up close again and Blossom obliged, though she didn't really understand what all the fuss was about. They weren't even a very good band.

Just like yesterday, Heidi tried to keep herself as quiet and unassuming as possible while she watched the group from afar, in hopes that she would not bother them. After a short time, it became clear that Heidi was not planning to tear herself away from the band anytime soon. Blossom sighed and finally resigned to leave the Houndour where she was.

"I'm gonna go look around some more by myself. I'll come back here before 3 o'clock and get you before we meet up with Shelby."

She stood around a moment longer, awkwardly hoping that Heidi would try and convince her not to go. When that did not happen, she turned and braved the crowds alone.

The three girls were now completely split up, each free to experience the festival and all it has to offer. They would likely not see each other again until well after lunchtime.

**~Choose a character to read about her day~!**

------"Shelby's Day"------|------"Blossom's Day"------|------"Heidi's Day"------ Alt TagAlt TagAlt Tag (You can click the pictures for links, too!)

Pub: 02 Sep 2024 08:12 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2024 13:55 UTC
Views: 233