Team Petal-Purr

Part 1-One day before Summer Festival

"Things That Girls Like"

Ch. 1-
"Waking up early"

The team woke even earlier than usual, with Shelby leaping to attention the moment the first sun beam reached her face. By the time her two companions had groggily rolled onto their feet, the small Skitty had gathered all her things and was waiting at the crest of the hill.

"Quickly! Come and see! The town looks so different in the day!"
She bellows so loudly that it echoes all around and her teammates rush to quiet her.

"Shush! It's early, Pokemon might still be sleeping." Blossom scolds her sister.

"How could anybody sleep when the festival is so close? They should be getting ready!"

Shelby yelled out again even louder this time. She didn't care if the whole town knew how excited she was. All the noise gets Heidi riled up and she zoomed back and forth around the hill in a frantic run, before throwing her head back and letting forth a long, melodious howl.
She held the last note for several seconds, her voice bold and unwavering.

"Heidi that was beautiful!" Shelby hopped over to her and lifted her paws up onto the Houndour's shoulders, giving her a light shove. "You should do that tomorrow at the festival! Everyone will love it!"

Heidi's ears fell flat against her head and she looked worried.
"Oh no I couldn't do that. That wasn't even a real song, I just got overexcited."

"What about the stage? Didn't you say you always wanted to sing there?" Blossom asked her and Heidi shook her head in reply.

"Maybe some day. Right now, all I can think about is breakfast."

"Oh let's get something from a shop!" Shelby suggested gleefully.

"But we have food already." Blossom looked into her pack for the last of the parcels of food from home. She found that there was only one left.

"Hah! There's not even enough, now we have to!" Shelby could hardly contain herself and jumped a little down the hill. "Let's go! I want to find where they're having the festival and eat there!"

The three rejoin the wide stone road and quickly make their way all the way up to the northern border of Capim Town. They stopped a moment and timed their steps so that each one landed her foot into the town at the exact same time. This was followed by a burst of giggles as they ran down the street, hoping to find a store open for an early breakfast.


They wandered the streets, greeting every creature they passed by with a friendly nod, until they came upon a small bakery. Though it was still early, the streets were beginning to fill with Pokemon, all ready to start their day. The girls chattered in line about what they wanted but when it was their turn at the front, Blossom and Shelby were overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices.

All manner of cakes and pastries lay before them and they needed the friendly Slurpuff behind the counter to help them pick out something they would like. They could tell the others behind them were growing impatient, but the Slurpuff did not rush them and they eventually chose their pastries, having them wrapped up to go.

With their breakfast in tow, they began weave their way through the many winding paths of this multi levelled city. They went up and down stairs, crossing bridges and hopping along the tops of large buildings, which served as platforms for the upper levels of the town.

Even though Heidi claimed to know her way around, it seemed at times that they were going in circles. The two sisters could not tell one building from the next and the growing foot traffic on the streets made everything look even more chaotic. Shelby could not believe that so many Pokemon managed to live and work so densely packed together. Blossom felt suffocated by the closeness of it all, as if it could fall down around her at any time.

After stopping and asking for directions, the team finally reached the large flat field that lay on the very border of the town, where they were told the Summer Festival would be held tomorrow. The atmosphere up here was much more calming, there were relatively few Pokemon around compared to the bustling streets.

"This is perfect." Blossom smiled to herself as the three sat down under a small tree and took out their meals. They sat out of the way and ate while they watched the festival preparations. There were brightly coloured stalls dotting the landscape, each with a few Pokemon eagerly preparing within them.

Some set out their decorations, while others were putting the final touches on their props and games. It seemed like a sort of rehearsal, as if each one were practicing for their big performance tomorrow.
Despite the beautiful view in front of them, Shelby was more interested in the sweet golden pastry in her paws. It was bursting with sugary jam and the richest, heaviest cream she had ever tasted.

"This is the best thing I ever ate! I never knew anything could be this sweet!"

Blossom had chosen the same thing and so nodded along, agreeing with her sister.
"Mum would have a fit if she knew we were having it for breakfast." She laughed and licked some of the jam off her lips.
Heidi watched them and grinned, amused by their innocent wonder. She hadn't realised until now just how much of the world the two sisters were seeing for the first time. She felt blessed to be able to help them, just like they had helped her in Spice Tunnel.

They sat in the grass together for an hour or two, discussing their thoughts about the brief trek through Capim Town that had left them feeling overwhelmed and reluctant to head back right away. It was now mid-morning and the crowds would be at their heaviest, before thinning out later on as the citizens slow down and break for lunch.

Ch. 3-
"Boy Bands"

While laying down in the shade, a soft tune was brought to them from the small makeshift stage in the field below. Heidi's ears pointed towards the sound and she lifted her head, closing her eyes and listening more intently.

"That sounds lovely. I wonder who it is." She stood up and took a few steps forward, waiting as her friends scrambled to their feet to follow her.

"What is it?" Shelby asked, having been quite rudely awoken from her nap.

"Don't you hear that song? Someone's on that stage down there. Let's get a closer look!"

Without waiting for a response, Heidi began to pick up her pace into a light jog. They all ran until Heidi came to an abrupt stop by a wide tree and ducked behind it, peering out to look at the stage.

"Why are you hiding? It's not illegal to watch someone play music." Shelby sounded annoyed now, but the shy Houndour said nothing, her eyes were fixed on the band before her.

"Wow look at that big guy. I've never seen anyone so tall!" Blossom exclaimed, craning her neck to look up at the face of the Tropius. He towered over every other creature in the vicinity as he sang his song, his high vantage point allowing his voice to carry further.

"Hehe look at that guy on the drums. He's so cute and fluffy." Shelby whispered in her sister's ear, giggling. She knew what a Vulpix looked like, but this one was different than the other's she'd seen, a variant of the species she did not know existed. "Why is he white?"

"Shhhh!" Blossom scolded her sister, unsure if the band could hear them talking. "Don't be rude! He can't help that he looks different."

Heidi had nothing to say to either of them, she was too caught up in her own emotions to notice them talking. She was watching a real life band, with real life instruments, practicing for a real life performance. The music moved her in a way she did not know she could be moved.

They were obviously amateur, lacking any real stage presence and giving off the energy of a bunch of first timers, but Heidi found them all the more endearing for this. They were facing any fears they might have had and were putting themselves out there for all the world to see, no matter the consequences. They were trying their best, and Heidi thought they did not sound bad at all, wagging her tail along to the beat of their song.

Though she heard the music with all her heart, her large black eyes were focused intently at only one figure. There was a Smeargle playing the guitar, looking as though he were so tired he could barely keep his head up. His eyes drooped and he nodded his head to the beat.
Periodically, his ears and head crest flopped down over his face and he flicked his head to toss them back. There was just something about this dog-like creature that she could not stop looking at and she felt a fluttery sensation deep in her chest.
She was so engrossed that she did not notice the other two calling her name until she felt Shelby's paws tugging at her.

"Heidi! Come on! I want to go to the shops!" The Skitty yowled in her ear.

She shook herself free of Shelby's grasp and finally tore her head away from the band.
"But we just got here. I want to listen more."

"We've been here nearly an hour." Blossom looked concerned. "Are you feeling ok?"

Heidi blushed, but stood up straight and acted as if nothing was wrong.
"No I'm fine. I just really like the music. What do you want to buy at the shops?"

"Pretty clothes for all of us!" Shelby announced. "I thought if we all wore the same colour, it'd be easier to spot each other if we get split up in the crowds."

Ch. 4-
"Fashion(In a God Honoring Way)"

The team left the festival grounds and returned to brave the busy streets once more. Heidi led them all along the highest level of the town until they came to a small, open area housing half a dozen boutiques. They entered a store specialising in quality fashions for Pokemon with four legs and large ears.

The clothes stores here seemed to be divided by body type. If you stood upright, you had more options available to you than if you slithered on the ground or walked on all your legs; or if you were a bird. It seemed that head and neck coverings were one thing that was truly universal, almost every Pokemon in Capim Town wore at least a hat, a shawl, or a bandana somewhere on their bodies.
The girls spent the rest of the afternoon picking their outfits, deciding on yellow as their identifying colour.

Heidi chose a soft, flowing cape of chiffon that tied around her shoulders with a thin, delicate ribbon. Blossom picked a sort of collared apron, which wrapped over her back and secured with a bow around her large flower bulb. Shelby opted for something more flashy, sporting a little frilly dress that closed up at the front with two large, shining buttons.

Heidi took the flowers from her head and split them so that each team mate had one tucked in her ear, completing the look. The sky was orange with the approaching sunset as they left the store.

They explored some more, watching in amazement as the many lights around Capim Town were slowly lit. Soon it was dark, but the incredible luminance of the city ensured that they did not have to walk in fear. They came across a small lantern in the street that had not been lit and Heidi showed them her clever fire-type trick.
She walked up to it and opened the coloured glass, blowing lightly as tiny embers sparkled on her breath, ingniting the oil soaked wick inside. Closing it up, she stood back and all three watched the dancing flame shine coloured lights all throughout the lantern. Blossom and Shelby were both very impressed by this.

Ch. 5-
"Running Late"

After finding their way to the docks and spending some time looking out over the bay, the team suddenly realised they had never bothered to locate the Blue Claw Inn and secure themselves a room. They were so caught up in the momentum of the day, the thought of where they would sleep that night had not crossed their minds until now. They took off in a panic and ran back through the streets, Heidi's vague memory of the Inn their only reference point.

As they ran along a stretch of wooden bridges, they caught a glimpse of an especially large building that was bustling with activity. Groups of Pokemon were gathering within the large structure and its dozens of windows were brightly lit, showing that many were there to sit at tables with friends, eating and drinking together.

"Oh this has to be it!"

Blossom puffed as the three approached the sign on the front that clearly said "Blue Claw Inn" in bold letters. From behind her, she heard a small whimper and turned back to see Heidi almost in tears.
She stood in front of what used to be the special stage that was built onto the side of the facade. All that remained of it now was a heap of splintered wood and ragged cloth all swept up into piles, still in the process of being cleared away. The little Houndour simply stood and stared at it, sniffling quietly.

"It's gone. The stage isn't here..."

“I guess that was the part of the Inn that needs fixing.” Blossom walked over to stand by her, gazing up and down the side of the building. The Inn itself seems to have taken only superficial damage to the outside, but the complete destruction of the stage was an eerie parallel to the loss the sisters’ community had faced all those months ago.

"I'm sorry. I really wish you could have seen it.” Heidi sighed and turned away from the rubble.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault." Shelby purred gently. "I bet it was the most beautiful stage in the whole world."

Blossom smiled at Heidi and gave her a playful nudge. “If you think about it, when we go to the festival tomorrow, we'll sort of be helping build a new one.”

Though they had shown up late and unprepared, the three entered the Inn and were lucky enough to book a room for the next few days, ensuring they had somewhere to sleep for the time being. They ran up to their room and immediately started rearranging things.
They piled all the bedding together to make themselves one giant nest up against the window and threw their things all over the floor as they unpacked. Everything they would need for tomorrow was laid out and they hung their outfits delicately, so they would be free of wrinkles when it came time to put them on.
They wanted so badly to stay up late, but the team was so tired they didn't even manage to head out for dinner. They fell into their giant bed and slept soundly together.

-Part 2-Day of the Summer Festival-Morning-

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Pub: 30 Aug 2024 12:30 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2024 13:47 UTC
Views: 228