/robowaifu/'s C++ learning textbook chapter 08
Technicalities: Functions, etc.
“No amount of genius can overcome obsession with detail.” —Traditional
- Heh, I suppose this means that autism wins in the end, right Anon? :^)
"In this chapter and the next, we change our focus from programming to our main tool for programming: the C++ programming language. We present language-technical details to give a slightly broader view of C++’s basic facilities and to provide a more systematic view of those facilities. These chapters also act as a review of many of the programming notions presented so far and provide an opportunity to explore our tool without adding new programming techniques or concepts."
- § 8.2 Declarations and definitions - part a
- § 8.2 Declarations and definitions - part b
- § 8.2.2 Variable and constant declarations
- § 8.2.3 Default initialization
- § 8.3 Header files - part a
- § 8.3 Header files - part b
- § 8.4 Scope - part a
- § 8.4 Scope - part b
- § 8.4 Scope - part c
- § 8.5.1 Declaring arguments and return type
- § 8.5.2 Returning a value
- § 8.5.3 Pass-by-value
- § 8.5.4 Pass-by-const-reference - part a
- § 8.5.4 Pass-by-const-reference - part b
- § 8.5.5 Pass-by-reference - part a
- § 8.5.5 Pass-by-reference - part b
- § 8.5.5 Pass-by-reference - part c
- § 8.5.6 Pass-by-value vs. pass-by-reference
- § 8.5.7 Argument checking and conversion
- § 8.5.8 Function call implementation
- § 8.5.9 constexpr functions
- § 8.6 Order of evaluation
- § 8.6.1 Expression evaluation
- § 8.6.2 Global initialization
- § 8.7 Namespaces
- § 8.7.1 using declarations and using directives - part a
- § 8.7.1 using declarations and using directives - part b
- § 8.7.1 using declarations and using directives - part c
- § 8.7.1 using declarations and using directives - part d