Giancarlo Martinelli

Aliases: Il Bruto, Bloody Martinelli.
Sex: Male
Race or Species: Human
Lifespan: 1074 VTE

Native Culture: Hoshiyomite
Main Religion: Astronomerity
Native Language(s): : Cosmosian and Stellite
Known Languages: Holodhennet (fluent), Hooman (passable)

Occupation: Vice-Admiral for the Marina Stellare, Commander of 4º Squadrone da Battaglia.

Strong, intimidating and imposing. Excellent brawler and swordsman. Has a great knowledge of naval artillery and rocketry, considered an expert in the field. Overall, a good leader and fleet commander, rather competent in his job even if he is a bit of a brute.

196 cm, 99kg
Bushy eyebrows, dark and greying hair, Mustache and sideburns, grizzly mean looking SOB.
Relatively well dressed.
Gravelly Voice
Wicked Laugh

Notable personality traits:
Stubborn as a mule on most things, except when it comes to his subordinates to a degree.
Extremely Patriotic
Not stupid but not smart either
Heavy smoker and drinker. Not a drunk though, as he has a high tolerance to it and knows it well.
Intimidating. He has a method to how he "dresses down" others where he gets as close as possible to them, laying into them as hard as he can verbally all the while he is so close that he is spitting on their faces as he talks, and they can smell his garlic breath. In negotiations, usually brings a "Good Cop" with him to maximize the effect.
Extremely Harsh disciplinarian. Skirts the line of the rules in this regard and rules by fear. Has been censured for this.
Doesn't care about Politics except when it involves national pride and he supports his brother, Gianluigi.

A world where his nation is rightfully respected and feared for what it truly is.

Dreams and Goals:
Rise through the ranks and win glory for his nation
See his family succeed politically from his achievements, he knows he will never rise that much and is realistic about it, but his family can.

Failure and Defeat

Artillery Science

Wine and Cigars
Garlic bread, anything Garlic related.
Artillery and Rockets, gets a thrill from them being fired

The Black Fleet and anything Moriji related. Can't stand them at all.
Bankers, Merchants, Politicians, Cowards, Criminals and the "Good for nothin' Intellectuals."
Insubordination of any kind

Uses a lot of gestures when talking in general.
Makes his men join him in prayer at the same time each day.


Writing notes:
Giancarlo Martinelli is one of the more untamed Admirals in the Marina Stellare. He has always proven himself to be a fine commander, dating back to his service during the Syndeoneian War where he fought with distinction; but even for a commander in the Marina Stellare, his methods and attitude has prevented him from rising as fast as his talents may warrant. It doesn't help that he has had many feuds with other admirals and officers, having quite the temper, and being rather overzealous in his punishments. As expected, he has been in 12 duels in his life and has killed 5 men in them.

He utterly despises the Black Fleet and Moriji because of his father's infamous interaction with the Black Fleet when he was an Attaché to them. He was raised by his vindictive father to hate everything about them, and he took it to heart. It has only been made worse thanks to the Black Fleet's policies and actions, which conflicts with his immense patriotism for his nation and his navy. He has long wanted to see the Black Fleet humiliated, and it seems like he will finally achieve his dream.

In what stories does your character make a canonical or important appearance in?
Port Here Incident in The Stars have Aligned: A Collection of Diplomatic, Military and Political Incidents
Name of another story

Pub: 28 Sep 2022 12:13 UTC
Edit: 28 Sep 2022 12:47 UTC
Views: 196