Elysian Realm recommended builds 8.1

dm medbae on discord for any mistakes/feedback or typos in translation

Old builds can be found here on HoYoLAB
Index of Honkai rentry guides, includes other ER builds
Static website made by Risbiantotri#9712 based on this guide
translated from 月光中心

click image to jump to valk

8.1 Phase 1


8.0 Phase 1


7.9 Phase 1


7.8 Phase 1


7.7 Phase 1




Legacy builds

meme valkraventpvalkstfuBKEgloriaritual imayohLunaKSNftvalkdeavalkpegvalkfischlhotrultiswvalknyxvalkdwspearvalkcarolehooultisirinbashorbsssscharge6svalklvwephohchargehorbdehosvalkvkechargeceparrycebasicpromvalkcoralierhelianrrcvalklantrthelrssultihorvalkpromvalk1hotnaruvalkhotdivvalk

16/9 Updated 7.7
17/10 Updated 7.8 Vita
21/10 Updated 7.8 for real
29/11 Updated 7.9 Sparkle
4/12 Updated 7.9 50%
happy new year 2025
10/1 Updated 8.0 rs
14/1 Updated 8.0 for real
21/2 Updated 8.1 badum and hohe

Some battlesuits will no longer be recommended as they have been tested and their performance are not as good, so they have been excluded. If their performance improves in the future they will be added again. All builds are recommended 2.5 unless stated.

Ba-Dum! Fiery Wishing Star jumping drums


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Fortuitous Red: Dreams Come True Happy Days Ahead set
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
5 TDM bonus
10 Out of Stellar Outburst TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE BR Utility
DSA/RC BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Forget-Me-Not / Because of You
1st Shop Gold Goblet / Boundless Logos
16F Key to the Deep / Boundless Logos

Ego Signets

Fulfilled Wishes 盈愿 Pleasant Dreams 绮梦 Serendipitous Luck 逢吉 Great Fortune 鸿运 Dazzling Joy 烁禧
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1 are the key choices, must pick at least Shinra Bansho, can also pick Mumyo
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Dawn from enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Mobius1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Newborn, Dead
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kalpas2, Kevin TDM ele DMG breach, Vill-V 2 3, as reinforcement


  • Tap weapon to mark enemies then use ultimate
  • Keep jumping
  • Once you have Sakura2, wait for Sakura2 cooldown then evade before using ultimate again

Ba-Dum! Fiery Wishing Star basic


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Fortuitous Red: Dreams Come True Happy Days Ahead set
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
5 TDM bonus
10 Out of Stellar Outburst TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE BR Utility
DSA/RC BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Because of You
1st Shop Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
16F Key to the Deep / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Great Fortune 鸿运 Dazzling Joy 烁禧 Serendipitous Luck 逢吉 Fulfilled Wishes 盈愿 Pleasant Dreams 绮梦
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, must pick at least breach, can pick vulnerability
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Aponia2 1 5 6 are the key choices, can pick 3, unlock nexus; recommended to pick breach from enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Sakura vulnerability, TDM as reinforcement


  • Tap weapon to mark enemies then use Stellar Outburst
  • Keep basic attacking to fill up Fortune then use Immaculate Duet
  • After using 2 Immaculate Duets, repeat from beginning

Herrscher of Human: Ego charge dk


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Flawless Benediction: Legacy Solon set
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
15 TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
RC AE Utility
MPS BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Feast of Emptiness / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Key to the Deep / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

First Encounter 初见 First Yearning 初念 First Bloom 初绽 First Journey 初程 First Awakening 初醒
Start Start No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Vill-V1 2 3 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, can pick both silver generation, unlock nexus; can pick breach, evasion from enhanced
Optional Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Aponia2 (1 3 5), Kevin2, Griseo Red Black, sakura both damage boosts as reinforcement

Rotation : Hold basic

Herrscher of Human: Ego astral ring fast ulti


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Flawless Benediction: Legacy Solon set
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
15 TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
RC AE Utility
MPS BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask / Because of You
1st Shop Feast of Emptiness / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Tin Flask / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

First Bloom 初绽 First Journey 初程 First Awakening 初醒 First Encounter 初见 First Yearning 初念
Start Start Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Vill-V1 2 3 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, can pick both silver generation, unlock nexus; can pick all enhanced
Optional Kevin1 TDM, ele DMG, ele breach are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick nexus enhancement from enhanced, can also pick Sakura vulnerability TDM, Eden starting SP as reinforcement

Activate Because of You on 8F for First Awakening. If there is Pardofelis door early, go in to prioritise the silver generation signets


  • Charge atk to regenerate astral ring intensity and SP
  • Ultimate then evade and weapon skill once
  • Stellar Outburst then use 1 phantom, and use up ultimate evasion charges
  • Use finisher once it's ready and repeat

Reign Solaris


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Valorous Effulgence: New Voyage Illuminating the Universe set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
15 Nexus Phys DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA VC Utility
SA BR / SS Damage
Time Sigil
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Empty like Shala
1st Shop Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Daylight 明昶 Iridescence 骋光 Everlasting Radiance 永曜 Dominance 凌域 Perseverance 恒心
Start Optional Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability, TDM are the key choices, must pick at least breach, can pick vulnerability, additional DMG
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Kalpas1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, can pick vulnerability, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red, Aponia2 (1 3 5) as reinforcement

Recommended to bring Dreamseeker. After obtaining Kalpas, remember to lower HP.


  • Tap weapon to get on the hoverboard, then keep moving around.
  • After getting Su1, must get close to enemies to damage them. When fighting bosses, can hold evade to accelerate and dodge

Reign Solaris charge


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Valorous Effulgence: New Voyage Illuminating the Universe set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
15 Nexus Phys DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA VC Utility
SA SS Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Gold Goblet / Falling in Past Light
16F Faraway Ship / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Dominance 凌域 Perseverance 恒心 Everlasting Radiance 永曜 Daylight 明昶 Iridescence 骋光
Start 2nd No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 3 2 4 are the key choices, can pick 1, must pick at least breach from enhanced, can pick physical DMG
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Griseo1 Red (buy from shop) Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Aponia2 1 3 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus; pick only 1 enhanced, can also pick Su1 (Both combo boosts, TDM, vulnerability) as reinforcement


  • Tap weapon to get on the hoverboard, hold basic to charge attack, tap basic to recharge
  • Hold weapon to get off the board, then repeat, don't need to outburst

Thousand-Faced Maestro: Cameo! no ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Volatile Sparkler: Floral Spectacle Sparkle set
Cost Effect
15 Summon and weapon skill TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE MA Utility
DSA BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Because of You
1st Shop Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Radiant Flames 璨火 Thousand-Faced 千面 Opulence 华幕 Deceit 诡戏 Dream Scales 鳞梦
Start 2nd 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus;
1st Vill-V2 1 2 3 are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced
2nd Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, can pick TDM, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability, bonus dmg from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red as reinforcement

Recommended to start with Because of You, take Thousand-Faced and Opulence on 7F.


  • Keep tapping weapon active, after obtaining Thousand-Faced, use ultimate whenever available

Thousand-Faced Maestro: Cameo! ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Volatile Sparkler: Floral Spectacle Sparkle set
Cost Effect
15 Summon and weapon skill TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE MA Utility
DSA BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Because of You
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Deceit 诡戏 Dream Scales 鳞梦 Thousand-Faced 千面 Opulence 华幕 Radiant Flames 璨火
Start 1st 2nd Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability, bonus dmg from enhanced
1st Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability, bonus dmg from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kevin (TDM, ele DMG, SP), Kosmos basic, ultimate, time extension as reinforcement

Recommended to start with Because of You, take Dream Scales and Thousand-Faced on 7F.


  • Tap weapon active then activate Stellar Outburst
  • Tap basic until bar depleted, then use ultimate to exit Stellar Outburst.
  • Use red combo ATK, repeat from beginning. Can also use red combo ATK to gather enemies if needed, once Thousand-Faced is obtained, can use ultimate at the beginning

Lone Planetfarer no ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Skyveil Feathers: Purifying WIsh Planets Alone set
Cost Effect
15 Summon and weapon skill TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE FR Utility
DSA BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Because of You
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Cosmos 千星 Lovely Wishes 萌愿 Lonesome Feathers 子羽 Abyssal Aid 摄渊 Deep Love 笃爱
Start 2nd 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM, are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced, must pick at least breach
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Vill-V1 3 2 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Aponia2 nexus (1 3 5) as reinforcement

Rotation : Start by using ultimate, then use weapon skill > basic attack to fill the bar, then hold basic to use combo attack. Repeat the weapon and basic atks to keep triggering combo attacks.

Lone Planetfarer ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Skyveil Feathers: Purifying WIsh Planets Alone set
Cost Effect
0 Andrius
15 Combo and weapon skill DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE FR Utility
DSA BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Abyssal Aid 摄渊 Deep Love 笃爱 Lonesome Feathers 子羽 Cosmos 千星 Lovely Wishes 萌愿
Start 2nd 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM, are the key choices, must pick at least breach, can pick vulnerability
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
Optional Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Aponia2 nexus (1 3 5), Sakura both damage boosts as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F. Rotation : Enter Stellar Outburst, tap basic attack until you exit Intelligence Unleashed mode, then tap weapon skill > basic attack to fill up the bar, then hold basic attack to enter the mode again. Repeat until stage cleared

Schicksal's Imperative sleepy


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Vacation Notice: Emergency Overtime Day After Day set
Cost Effect
0 Valrahal
15 Nexus Lightning DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE FR Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Forbidden Seed / Out of Reach
1st Shop Memory / Out of Reach
16F Tin Flask / Out of Reach

Ego Signets

Saturday Sunday Work's End Annual Leave Day Off Work
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Mobius2 Both damage boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Aponia2 4 5 3 are the key choices, unlock nexus; pick any 1 from enhanced
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 6F. Rotation : Use AE at start to gather then use ultimate followed by supports. Use Kosmos support when the enemies are scattered, or reset for Sunday on 2F to help with gathering

Schicksal's Imperative astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Vacation Notice: Emergency Overtime Day After Day set
Cost Effect
0 Valrahal
15 Nexus Lightning DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
DSA RC Utility
DSA BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Forbidden Seed / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Annual Leave Day Off Work Work's End Saturday Sunday
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Edeen1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Mobius1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Newborn, Dead
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Aponia2 1 3 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus; pick any 1 from enhanced

Recommended to resete for Day Off Work on 2F, recommended to swap sigil on 5F. Rotation : Enter Stellar Outburst, use supports and ultimate, hold basic ATK to use combo ATK, then once the bar is past half, use combo ATK again. If the bar is not past half yet, tap basic or weapon to fill the bar.

Jovial Deception: Shadowdimmer no astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Purge of Ten Faces: Axial Leaf's Visions set
Cost Effect
15 Weapon skill / Combo TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
DSA BKE Utility
DSA SA Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Memory / Falling in Past Light
16F Faraway Ship / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Summonings 摄召 Ambush 重罗 Premonition 灵兆 Lingering Shadows 遣影 Divination 伏相
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 3 2 4 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Mobius1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, are the key choices, can pick Dead, Newborn from enhanced
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow Black as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F. Rotation : Tap basic to charge bar to full, then tap weapon and hold basic until the combo ATK finishes, then repeat.

Jovial Deception: Shadowdimmer astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Purge of Ten Faces: Axial Leaf's Visions set
Cost Effect
5 Support type DMG bonus
10 Weapon skill TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC Utility
MPS BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Memory / Falling in Past Light
16F Faraway Ship / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Lingering Shadows 遣影 Divination 伏相 Premonition 灵兆 Summonings 摄召 Ambush 重罗
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 3 2 5 1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Mobius1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, are the key choices, can pick Dead from enhanced
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow Black as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F. Rotation : Tap basic to gather then use supports, then use stellar outburst, tap shadow to fill up bar, keep basic attacking to use up bar. After finishing the bar, can either use combo ATK or tap another shadow to fill up the bar again and repeat.

Lone Destruction: Shadowchaser no astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Burn the Long Night: Luminare A Forged Light set
Cost Effect
0 MHT-3B
5 Different type support bonus
10 Elemental DMG
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE BKE Utility
DSA/AE BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not / Dreamful Gold
16F Key to the Deep / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Blazing Torch 炬焰 Luminance 明光 Illuminated Night 昭夜 Raging Fire 煜火 Scorching Flames 焱炎
Start Optional Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP, SP recovery are the key choices, unlock nexus ; can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion reset are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Hua2 Both damage boosts, breach, are the key choices, unlock nexus, can pick 60 stack
2nd Su2 TDM, vulnerability , both combo boosts are the key choices, can pick SP, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Vill-V 3 2, Kalpas2 nexus (Both damage boosts, HP cap up), Griseo Red Black as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F. Rotation : Tap basic then weapon, then hold evade and steer. If Luminance is obtained, wait until evasion charges are finished before using ultimate.

Lone Destruction: Shadowchaser astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Burn the Long Night: Luminare A Forged Light set
Cost Effect
0 MHT-3B
15 Weapon skill TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE BKE Utility
DSA BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Key to the Deep / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Raging Fire 煜火 Scorching Flames 焱炎 Illuminated Night 昭夜 Blazing Torch 炬焰 Luminance 明光
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP, SP recovery are the key choices, unlock nexus ; can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Su2 TDM, vulnerability , both combo boosts are the key choices, can pick SP, unlock nexus
2nd Vill-V2 3 2 5 6 are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kalpas2 nexus (Both damage boosts, HP cap up), Griseo Red Black as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F. Rotation : Tap basic then weapon, use both supports then use astral outburst. Once the bar is full, hold basic atk to do the combo attack. Basic attack the rest of the time, recommended to use ultimate after the combo attack. Prioritise using lantern's phantom support when in astral outburst

Mad Pleasure: Shadowbringer no astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Banquet Rose: Faux Crown Splendors of Amber set
Cost Effect
0 Valrahal
5 Different type support bonus
10 Ultimate Evasion dmg bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC SN Utility
AE BR / RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Forbidden Seed / Boundless Logos
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not / Tsukimi Himiko
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Tsukimi Himiko

Ego Signets

Feast 飨宴 Goblet 金杯 Nobility 贵胄 Waltz 圆舞 Fine Clothes 盛装
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Mobius1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise breach
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1, evasion reset are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability from enhanced
Optional Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, individual is fine, nexus is better; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow, Vill-V 2 3 as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 6F. Rotation: Evade then keep pressing basic ATK, use ultimate whenever available. If [Goblet] is obtained, can wait till evasion charges are used up to cast ultimate. Advanced rotation: Tap weapon - hold weapon - basic 3x, repeat twice to fill Enjoyment.

Mad Pleasure: Shadowbringer astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Banquet Rose: Faux Crown Splendors of Amber set
Cost Effect
15 Ele DMG bonus, FC nexus Ice DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE BKE Utility
DSA BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Key to the Deep / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Waltz 圆舞 Fine Clothes 盛装 Nobility 贵胄 Feast 飨宴 Goblet 金杯
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced, can pick vulnerability
2nd Griseo1 Red (buy from shop) Yellow Black are the key choices, can pick Grey, unlock nexus
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis2 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus can also pick Mobius1 nexus, Sakura vulnerability TDM, Vill-V 2 3 as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F, recommended to reset for Fine Clothes on 2F. Rotation : tap weapon to gather - use supports then use stellar outburst - tap basic to trigger Indulgence, cancel the animation with evasion - use support to summon Phantoms then basic x3 into weapon to fill Enjoyment, use ultimate whenever available

Deepspace Anchor: First Light


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Red Star Thunderbolt: Breaking Dawn Perfect Morning set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE FR Utility
RC BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Falling in Past Light
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Initial Dawning 启曙 Stellar Drive 星驱 Effortlessness 余巧 Sudden Thunderbolt 疾霆 Increment 升引
Start 2nd 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 2 3 4 1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Griseo1 Red (buy from shop) Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM are the key choices, individual is fine, nexus is better; can also pick Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement

If you bring BR support can also take Kalpas signets Rotation : tap weapon active - evade - attack - tap whatever button lights up. when the bottom bar is light blue, use ultimate then continue to press the buttons that light up.

Valkyrie Blastmetal astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Blast Hammer: Blazing Red Flavors of Time set
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+500
10 Weapon active vulnerability
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VKE Utility
DAFL BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Forbidden Seed / Falling in Past Light
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Bolt 奔冲 Readiness 宣备 Primer 底火 Proficiency 修能 Sky Blitz 掣空
Start 1st 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 1 2 3 4 6 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Dead, Newborn from enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Red(buy from shop) Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Eden both damage boosts, SP cap up as reinforcement, unlocking nexus if possible

Recommended to reset for Readiness on 2F, recommended to swap sigil on 5F. Rotation : Activate Astral Ring then keep pressing weapon active until all the Hammering Feel is used up then activate ultimate, then activate Astral Ring again and repeat. If not enough Hammering Feel at the start of the fight, jump then press weapon twice.

Valkyrie Blastmetal no astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Blast Hammer: Blazing Red Flavors of Time set
Cost Effect
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
15 TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE VC Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle / Because of You
1st Shop Memory / Falling in Past Light
16F Tin Flask / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Primer 底火 Proficiency 修能 Bolt 奔冲 Sky Blitz 掣空 Readiness 宣备
Start 2nd 2nd Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 1 2 3 4 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, evasion+1, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus ; can also pick Griseo Red Black, Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement

Rotation : Double jump then press weapon twice and repeat

Valkyrie Boltstorm astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Electrifying Arc: Azure Sky Von Neumann TB + Handel M
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
15 TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC AE Utility
DSA/RC BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Empty like Shala
1st Shop Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Vivace 捷速 Resolution 决彻 Meditation 静虑 Sparkling Lightning 烁电 Improvisation 设变
Start 2nd No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability, TDM are the key choices, can pick SP; must pick at least breach, can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Vill-V1 3 5 2 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Sakura2 TDM, vulnerability, evasion+1 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Black as reinforcement

After getting Su1 nexus, must stay close to enemies to ensure the damage from the nexus can hit the enemies. Rotation : Activate Stellar Outburst whenever possible, after bar is full, tap weapon active to start shooting. Once the bar is depleted, tap weapon active then basic ATK to recharge the bar.

Valkyrie Boltstorm no astral ring


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Electrifying Arc: Azure Sky Von Neumann TB + Handel M
Cost Effect
15 Support type DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE VKE Utility
AE/RC BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Key to the Deep / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Sparkling Lightning 烁电 Improvisation 设变 Meditation 静虑 Vivace 捷速 Resolution 决彻
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su2 Vulnerability, 25 combo, TDM, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus, can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, evasion+1, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus ; can also pick Vill-V 1 2 5 3, Griseo Red Black as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F. Rotation : Tap weapon - basic - basic until full bar - tap weapon to start shooting, pick up energy to replenish bar. In between waves or when shooting lasts longer than 25s, tap weapon twice to end Rapid Shot, pick up energy then tap weapon again to start shooting

Fenghuang of Vicissitude basic


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Torch of Eons: Skyfire Flavors of Time set
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
5 TDM bonus
10 Out of Stellar Outburst TDM bonus
15 TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC VKE Utility
BR AE Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Attainment 极诣 Arcane Traces 玄迹 Observation 观化 Vermillion Fire 朱炎 Unbroken Rampart 亘绝
Start Start 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick TDM from enhanced
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices; must pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, individual is fine, nexus is better; can also pick Vill-V 2 3 as reinforcement

Rotation: tap weapon around every 12s, use ultimate when available, use basic atk rest of the time

Fenghuang of Vicissitude combo


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Torch of Eons: Skyfire Ordinary Days set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
15 Nexus Phys DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC VKE Utility
BR AE / MA Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Memory / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Vermillion Fire 朱炎 Unbroken Rampart 亘绝 Observation 观化 Attainment 极诣 Arcane Traces 玄迹
Start Start 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick all enhanced
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability, breach from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Vill-V1 3 2 are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow as reinforcement

Rotation : Hold basic atk for combo - tap basic - tap basic on the flashing circle - hold basic for combo - tap weapon - tap basic on flashing circle - use ultimate whenever available; low level runs can use Su + Griseo breach to substitute for Hua

Cosmic Expression parry


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Anchor of the Voyage: Interstellar Van Gogh set
Cost Effect
0 Pishacha
15 Melee ATK breach
15 Weapon type DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA BKE Utility
SS BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Fragile Friend / Out of Reach
1st Shop Forbidden Seed / Out of Reach
16F Key to the Deep / Out of Reach

Ego Signets

Meteorite 陨霈 Starlight 星闪 Dazzle 耀驰 Anchor 泊锚 Shining Blade 烁刃
Start Start No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kosmos1 Ultimate, basic ATK, evasion, shieldbreak damage, time extension are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced, must pick at least breach
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, CD reduction, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, can pick both silver generation(buy from early shop), unlock nexus
Optional Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow, Sakura both damage boosts, Vill-V 1 as reinforcement

Rotation : tap weapon active, hold evasion to use up KE, basic ATK to replenish KE, tap weapon active again and repeat; recommended to swap sigil on 6F, roll Kosma on 7F

Cosmic Expression basic


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Anchor of the Voyage: Interstellar Van Gogh set
Cost Effect
0 Pishacha
15 Melee ATK breach
15 Weapon type DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA BKE Utility
BR SS Damage
Time Sigil
Start Fragile Friend / Out of Reach
1st Shop Forbidden Seed / Out of Reach
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Out of Reach

Ego Signets

Dazzle 耀驰 Anchor 泊锚 Meteorite 陨霈 Starlight 星闪 Shining Blade 烁刃
Start Start No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kosmos1 Ultimate, basic ATK, evasion, vulnerability, time extension are the key choices, must pick at least breach, recommended to also pick TDM
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, CD reduction, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, can pick TDM, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, can pick both silver generation(buy from early shop), unlock nexus
Optional Griseo2 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Eden both damage boosts, Vill-V 3 2 as reinforcement

Rotation : evade > basic > combo > ultimate > evade > basic > combo > 2 sets of basic+combo > ultimate > repeat; recommended to swap sigil on 6F, roll Kosma on 7F

Lunar Vow: Crimson Love basic

lvbas https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112620932

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Bloodied Casket: Tough Love Sweet Dreams set
Cost Effect
5 TDM bonus
10 Evasion DMG bonus
15 Summon and weapon skill TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC Utility
BR RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Tin Flask / An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Vessel 诀脉 Lasting Embrace 长拥 Hermit 隐裔 Chase 逐猎 Divine Pact 约契
Start Optional Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices; must pick at least breach from enhanced, can pick vulnerability
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kosmos basic, evasion, ultimate, Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement

Rotation : Use AE 1s before the wave spawns to gather, then evade > hold basic while using BR > using combo ATK after finished then evade again and repeat. Use ultimate after a few rotations. After getting Griseo Red, remember to tap weapon active

Lunar Vow: Crimson Love weapon

lvwep https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112461209

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Bloodied Casket: Tough Love Sweet Dreams set
Cost Effect
0 Cruising Tribunal
15 Weapon type breach
15 Max HP DMG buff
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BR BKE Utility
BR AE / RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Falling in Past Light
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Chase 逐猎 Divine Pact 约契 Hermit 隐裔 Vessel 诀脉 Lasting Embrace 长拥
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 3 1 2 6 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kosma ultimate, basic ATK, evasion individually as reinforcement

Rotation : Use ultimate whenever available, tap weapon multiple times to spend bar - then long press weapon to recover bar(single Ego) / use ultimate (double ego); recommended to swap sigils on 5F

Miracle ☆ Magical Girl basic

sirinbas https://www.miyoushe.com/bh3/article/42843349

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Dream Cutter: Polar Star Little Joys set
Cost Effect
0 Dominator of Wolves
15 Weapon type breach
15 Ignite vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE VKE Utility
BR AE / RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not / Tsukimi Himiko
16F Key to the Deep / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Dreamstitch 梦纫 Tailor 幻裁 Stellar Breach 星隙 Resplendence 焕烁 Inner Blaze 心焰
Start Start No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP, SP recovery are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Sakura1 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red Black White are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Vill-V 2 3 as reinforcement

Unlock all recommended nexus signets; recommended to try this only with signature gear, otherwise pick the charged ATK route instead

Miracle ☆ Magical Girl charged

sirincha https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111587809

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Dream Cutter: Polar Star Little Joys set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
5 TDM bonus
10 Evasion DMG bonus
15 Nexus Phys DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VKE Utility
BR AE Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask / Because of You
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Tin Flask / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Resplendence 焕烁 Inner Blaze 心焰 Stellar Breach 星隙 Tailor 幻裁 Dreamstitch 梦纫
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach, can pick bonus DMG
2nd Sakura1 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Vill-V1 2 1 3 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, can pick both silver generation (buy from early shop), unlock nexus; can also pick Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement

Recommended to have full signature before attempting, otherwise performance is not good;

Miracle ☆ Magical Girl charged

sirincha1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111587809

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Dream Cutter: Polar Star Little Joys set
Cost Effect
0 Dominator of Wolves
15 Weapon type breach
15 Weapon active vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VKE Utility
BR AE / RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Key to the Deep / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Resplendence 焕烁 Inner Blaze 心焰 Stellar Breach 星隙 Tailor 幻裁 Dreamstitch 梦纫
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, can pick vulnerability; must pick at least breach from enhanced, can pick adaptive DMG
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, TDM are the key choices; must pick at least breach, recommended to also pick vulnerability
2nd Vill-V1 2 1 3 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Griseo1 Red Black are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Eden both damage boosts, Sakura(must have Inner Blaze) vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1 as reinforcement

Recommended to start with single Ego, after using up the bar just use basic attacks to recharge; recommended to swap sigils on 6F after rolling Kalpas on 7F

Herrscher of Rebirth Soothingness


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Life Harvester's Path: Shared Destiny Seele: Herrscher of Rebirth set
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
15 TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
CE SA Utility
BR SS / SA Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Memory / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Soothingness 安愈 Decay 凋换 Shared Destiny 生灭 Spirits 万灵 Rising Sun 朝曦
Start No No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Both damage boosts, breach are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stack
2nd Vill-V1 2 5 3 are the key choices, must pick at lesat breach from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Mobius1 Both TDM, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Su1 nexus, Griseo Red Yellow, Sakura TDM vulnerability as reinforcement.

No additional info

Herrscher of Rebirth Decay


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Life Harvester's Path: Shared Destiny Seele: Herrscher of Rebirth set
Cost Effect
0 Parvati
15 Max HP breach
15 Weapon type DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE SA Utility
BR SS/SA Damage
Time Sigil
Start Forget-Me-Not / It Will Be Written
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / It Will Be Written
16F Tin Flask / Tsukimi Himiko

Ego Signets

Decay 凋换 Soothingness 安愈 Shared Destiny 生灭 Spirits 万灵 Rising Sun 朝曦
Start No No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion +1, evasion reset are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, TDM, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach, can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Dead
Optional Pardofelis1 HP/SP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow as reinforcement

Rotation : Dodge at start then use basic ATKs to charge the bar, then use combo ATK, and ultimate whenever available; if have Griseo Red, only tap weapon skill once; recommended to swap sigil on 5F; use Kevin support on 4F and 7F wave 3

Herrscher of Rebirth Decay


Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Life Harvester's Path: Shared Destiny Seele: Herrscher of Rebirth set
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+200
10 Combo vulnerability
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE SS Utility
BR SS/SA Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf /The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Forbidden Seed/Boundless Logos
16F Tin Flask/Boundless Logos

Ego Signets

Decay 凋换 Soothingness 安愈 Shared Destiny 生灭 Spirits 万灵 Rising Sun 朝曦
Start No No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Vulnerability, TDM, both combo boosts are the key choices; recommended to pick breach, vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion +1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 HP/SP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow Grey as reinforcement

Dodge in soul shaper form then basic attack to get full bar to use combo ATK; recommended to swap sigil on 6F, roll Su on 7F; remember to place Mobius support skill in range of the enemies

Herrscher of Rebirth Soul Shaper


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Life Harvester's Path: Shared Destiny Seele: Herrscher of Rebirth set
Cost Effect
5 Summons TDM bonus
10 Combo ATK vulnerability
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC BKE Utility
BR VC/SS Damage
Time Emblem
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives/ Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Spirits 万灵 Rising Sun 朝曦 Soothingness 安愈 Shared Destiny 生灭 Decay 凋换
Start Start No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus ; can pick Dead from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 HP/SP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus

Recommended to swap sigils on 5F, try to buy 1 Su signet, unlock nexus on 7F then pick enhanced

Herrscher of Rebirth Life Binder


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Life Harvester's Path: Shared Destiny Seele: Herrscher of Rebirth set
Cost Effect
15 Weapon type breach
15 Summons TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SS BKE Utility
BR SA Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask/An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Memory/An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Faraway Ship/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Soothingness 安愈 Shared Destiny 生灭 Spirits 万灵 Decay 凋换 Rising Sun 朝曦
Start Optional No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, can pick vulnerability, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts, are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus ; can pick Dead from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 HP/SP cap up, both damage boost are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Vill-V1 2 3 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus ; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow, Sakura vulnerability, TDM as reinforcement

Herrscher of Truth weapon


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Falcon Flare: FINAL In the Name of Truth set
Cost Effect
0 MHT-3B
5 Different type support bonus
10 Elemental DMG
15 Weapon skill / Combo TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE VKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Forbidden Seed/ Boundless Logos
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Boundless Logos
16F Key to the Deep / Boundless Logos

Ego Signets

Konstruktion 创构 Continuation 延拓 Vector 矢量 Intellect Core 智核 Geniune Solution 真解
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise Newborn
2nd Su2 Vulnerability, both combo boost, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red(buy from shop) Yellow Grey Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, both silver generation (get from early shop) are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Eden1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Sakura vulnerability, Vill-V 2 3 as reinforcement

Recommended to reset for Continuation on 2F; recommended to swap sigil on 6F, roll Mobius on 7F; only use ultimate after the 1st combo attack

Herrscher of Truth weapon


Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Falcon Flare: FINAL In the Name of Truth set
Cost Effect
5 Same type TDM bonus
10 Combo vulnerability
15 Weapon active vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE BKE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf /Boundless Logos
1st Shop Forbidden Seed/Boundless Logos
16F Key to the Deep/Boundless Logos

Ego Signets

Konstruktion 创构 Continuation 延拓 Vector 矢量 Intellect Core 智核 Geniune Solution 真解
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Vulnerability, SP, 25 combos, TDM are the key choices; must pick at least breach from enhanced, recommended to also pick vulnerability
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, recommended to pick at least Newborn, recommended to pick Dead, can also pick Unknown
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices , unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red(buy from shop) Yellow Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus , can also pick Sakura vulnerability, TDM, Vill-V 2 5 3 as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 6F after rolling Su on 7F; don't be too far from enemies, otherwise Su's explosion will be out of range; put Mobius support skill in the middle of enemies

Sugary Starburst ulti


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Star Dance: Enlightenment Cecilia: Youth set
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+500
10 Ele DMG bonus
15 Nexus Ice DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE BKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Memory / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Key to the Deep/An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Roller Dance 轮舞 Acoustic Spectrum 音谱 Salute 致礼 Rhythm 律动 Astral Path 星途
Start Optional No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices; recommended to pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stack
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices , unlock nexus; recommended to pick all enhanced
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Aponia 6, Griseo Red Yellow as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F, if managed to get Kalpas nexus early, use BR to reduce HP in shop before continuing

Sugary Starburst ulti


Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Star Dance: Enlightenment Cecilia: Youth set
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+200
10 Status vulnerability
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask /An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Feast of Emptiness/An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Key to the Deep/An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Roller Dance 轮舞 Acoustic Spectrum 音谱 Salute 致礼 Rhythm 律动 Astral Path 星途
Start Optional No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices, must pick at least Burden, can also pick TDM
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts, both silver generation are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise breach
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion +1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Griseo1 Red Yellow are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Aponia 6, Kevin both damage boosts as reinforcement

Recommended to enter shop on 5F to reduce HP and swap sigil; try to get Pardofelis enhanced breach asap

Sugary Starburst charge


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Star Dance: Enlightenment Cecilia: Youth set
Cost Effect
5 SP+30
10 Support type DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Key to the Deep/Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Roller Dance 轮舞 Astral Path 星途 Acoustic Spectrum 音谱 Rhythm 律动 Salute 致礼
Start Start No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 2 5 3 are the key choices; unlock nexus
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach from enhanced
2nd Aponia1 6 4 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Griseo1 Red(buy from shop) Black are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also ppick Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement

Recommended to switch sigil on 5F shop, try to buy 1 Kalpas signet, unlock nexus on 7F then get enhanced

Herrscher of the Void snaps


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Domain of the Void Sirin: Ascendant set
Cost Effect
5 SP+30
5 Weapon active vulnerability
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SS BKE Utility
SS VC/BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Pseudo Miracle/Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not/Falling in Past Light
16F Faraway Ship/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Innateness 内能 Coleus 空棘 Virtuality 虚界 Annihilation 蔑尽 Law 律今
Start 1st No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 5 3 2 are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise breach
2nd Sakura1 Vulnerability, evasion +1, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Dead, Unknown from enhanced
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Kosma1 Evasion, basic ATK, shieldbreak damage are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Griseo Red (buy from shop) Black as reinforcement

Herrscher of the Void snaps


Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Domain of the Void Sirin: Ascendant set
Cost Effect
5 Weapon active vulnerability
10 Ultimate Evasion DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SS BKE Utility
SS VC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Forbidden Seed/Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not/Boundless Logos
16F Faraway Ship/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Innateness 内能 Coleus 空棘 Virtuality 虚界 Annihilation 蔑尽 Law 律今
Start 1st No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise Newborn
1st Sakura1 Vulnerability, evasion +1, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Vill-V1 5 3 2 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability from enhanced
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red (buy form shop) Black as reinforcement

Terminal Aide 0017


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Pandora's Box 18th MOTHs Days set
Cost Effect
15 Melee ATK breach
15 Weapon type DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA BKE Utility
SS SA Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle/Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Burden/Falling in Past Light
16F Faraway Ship/ Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Guiding 导源 Recursion 递归 Restructuring 整构 Stimulus 引动 Override 覆写
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 3 2 6 are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick physical damage from enhanced
2nd Kevin1 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick nexus enhancement
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, individual is fine, unlocking is better; can also pick Kalpas vulnerability as reinforcement (can also pick Kalpas1 if not afraid of sudden death)

Recommended to reset for Recursion on 2F; recommended to swap sigil on 5F

Terminal Aide 0017


Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Pandora's Box 18th MOTHs Days set
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+200
10 Status vulnerability
15 Weapon active vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SS BKE Utility
SS SA Damage
Time Emblem
Start Pseudo Miracle/Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf /Dreamful Gold
16F Faraway Ship/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Guiding 导源 Recursion 递归 Restructuring 整构 Stimulus 引动 Override 覆写
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 3 2 6 are the key choices; must pick at least breach from enhanced, recommended to also pick physical DMG
2nd Su1 Both damage boosts, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Griseo1 Red(buy from shop) Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Eden2 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kalpas vulnerability, Kevin both damage boosts as reinforcement

Recommended to reset for Recursion on 2F; must pick both combo boosts from Su; recommended to swap sigil on 6F, roll Vill-V on 7F

Dreamweaver Flag


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Prophetic Dreams: Self-Fulfilling Alexandra set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
15 Nexus Phys DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC SN Utility
BR VC/SA Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence / Falling in Past Light
16F Faraway Ship / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Thousand Thoughts 千念 Oneiromancy 示梦 Forms 型相 Absoluteness 绝续 Legacy 余绪
Start Optional Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 5 3 2 are the key choices, unlock nexus, can pick breach from enhanced
2nd Mobius2 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices; unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red (buy from shop) Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP, SP recovery are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus, can pick Kevin both damage boosts, Sakura vulnerability TDM as reinforcement

No additional info

Dreamweaver flag


Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Prophetic Dreams: Self-Fulfilling Alexandra set
Cost Effect
15 Weapon type breach
15 Weapon active vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC BKE Utility
VC SS Damage
Time Emblem
Start Pseudo Miracle /Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Burden /Falling in Past Light
16F Faraway Ship/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Thousand Thoughts 千念 Oneiromancy 示梦 Forms 型相 Absoluteness 绝续 Legacy 余绪
Start Optional Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 2 3 5 are the key choices; unlock nexus; can pick physical DMG from enhanced
2nd Kevin1 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, can pick SP, unlock nexus ; can pick nexus enhancement
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, don't need nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Mobius 60% TDM as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigils on 5F shop; recommended to only unlock all nexus, don't need to specially take any enhanced; can pick signets based on what appears on the shop

Dreamweaver spear

dwspearvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107717003

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Prophetic Dreams: Self-Fulfilling Alexandra set
Cost Effect
0 Huodou
15 Weapon type breach
15 Melee vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE BKE Utility
SS LE/SA Damage
Time Emblem
Start Forbidden Seed/Out of Reach
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf/Out of Reach
16F Faraway Ship/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Absoluteness 绝续 Legacy 余绪 Oneiromancy 示梦 Thousand Thoughts 千念 Forms 型相
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Mobius2 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, TDM, SP are the key choices; can pick vulnerability, breach from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Vill-V1 2 3 4 are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Black or Kalpas vulnerability as reinforcement

Valkyrie Quicksand weapon

vqvalk https://www.miyoushe.com/bh3/article/37021079

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Twirling Glaze: Lustrous Bloom Aladdin set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
15 Nexus Phys DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA BKE Utility
SS SA/BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Fragile Friend / Because of You
1st Shop Pseudo Miracle / Out of Reach
16F Faraway Ship / Out of Reach

Ego Signets

Dappled Shade 娑影 Luster 辉彩 Rarities 财珍 Whimsy 奇思 Tambourine 铃舞
Start 2nd 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kosma1 Ultimate, basic ATK, evasion, shieldbreak damage are the key choices, must pick at least breach, can pick TDM
2nd Vill-V1 3 2 1 6 are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach, can pick phys DMG
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices , unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red (buy from shop) Black are the key choices, don't need nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kalpas vulnerability, Sakura vulnerability TDM as reinforcement

No additional info

Valkyrie Quicksand weapon

vqvalk1 https://www.miyoushe.com/bh3/article/37021079

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Twirling Glaze: Lustrous Bloom Aladdin set
Cost Effect
15 Weapon type breach
15 Weapon active vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA BKE Utility
SS BR/SA Damage
Time Emblem
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
16F Faraway Ship/Out of Reach

Ego Signets

Dappled Shade 娑影 Luster 辉彩 Rarities 财珍 Whimsy 奇思 Tambourine 铃舞
Start Optional Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Vill-V1 3 1 2 6 are the key choices; recommended to pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick physical DMG
2nd Kosma1 Basic ATK, evasion, ultimate, shieldbreak damage are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red(buy from shop) Black are the key choices, don't need nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kalpas vulnerability as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F; after getting Vill-V breach, remember to switch to Kosma+1 sigil, which helps to gather and stack Rend

Shadow Knight

skvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100893727

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Nuada's Revenge Sweet Dreams set
Cost Effect
0 Valrahal
5 Max HP+500
10 Ultimate Evasion dmg bonus
15 Nexus Lightning DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC SN Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask/ An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Heavy as a Million Lives/ An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Lunar Eclipse 月食 Forces 诸势 Mindfulness 意劲 Form & Spirit 形神 Six Fists 寸心
Start Start Optional Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick TDM from enhanced
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Hua2 Both damage boosts, breach are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Sakura1 Evasion +1, vulnerability, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kosmos basic, ultimate evasion, Griseo Red as reinforcement

Must have at least Nuada's ; lower HP to around 1000 at shop, pay attention to dodging Huodou's phase 2 transition fire breath attack; recommended to swap sigil on 5F

Shadow Knight

skvalk1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100893727

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Nuada's Revenge Zeno set
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+200
5 Same type TDM bonus
10 Status vulnerability
10 Combo vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf / The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Memory / Hometown
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Lunar Eclipse 月食 Forces 诸势 Mindfulness 意劲 Form & Spirit 形神 Six Fists 寸心
Start Start Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, SP, TDM are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced, must pick at least breach
2nd Hua2 Both damage boosts, breach are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick +20 stacks
2nd Sakura1 Vulnerability, TDM, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus

Recommended to swap sigil on 6F, roll Su on 7F; recommended to bring VKE before 12F, which breaks shields and reduces DMG taken

Herrscher of Finality ulti

hofiulti https://www.miyoushe.com/bh3/article/34556717

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Waxing Moon: Incipience In the Name of Finality set
Cost Effect
0 Andrius
15 Combo and weapon skill DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE Utility
BR MA/VKE Damage
Time Sigil
Start Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Finale Moon 终月 Rift 时隙 Clarity 空明 High Flames 绝焰 Condescension 至临
Start 1st 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V1 3 2 6 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced, can pick vulnerability
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Aponia2 (4 3 6) , Eden starting SP as reinforcement

Recommended to reset for Rift on 2F; if picking Vill-V, requires Domain of Genesis or Waxing Moon: Incipience, use weapon active before ultimate; recommended to swap sigil on 5F

Herrscher of Finality

hoficom https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105179568

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Waxing Moon: Incipience In the Name of Finality set
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
15 TDM bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE MA Utility
BR VKE Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask / Because of You
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Condescension 至临 High Flames 决焰 Finale Moon 终月 Clarity 空明 Rift 时隙
Start 2nd 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced
2nd Su1 TDM, vulnerability, both combo boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach from enhanced, can pick vulnerability
2nd Vill-V1 2 3 6 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Griseo1 Red Black Yellow are the key choices, individual is fine, nexus is better. Can also pick Aponia 6, Eden starting SP as reinforcement

This is for LITE battle. Recommended to use ultimate after stacking all the buffs and when the damage doesn't overflow.

Herrscher of Finality combo

hoficom1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105179568

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Domain of Genesis In the Name of Finality set
Cost Effect
15 Weapon type breach
15 Weapon active vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE VKE Utility
BR MA/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf /Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Pseudo Miracle / Falling in Past Light
16F Key to the Deep/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Condescension 至临 High Flames 决焰 Clarity 空明 Finale Moon 终月 Rift 时隙
Start 2nd Optional Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 TDM, vulnerability, both combo boosts are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced, recommended to also pick vulnerability
2nd Vill-V1 4 3 2 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus, can pick breach
Optional Griseo1 Red (buy from shop) Black Yellow are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement

Starting with only Condescension is fine; recommended to swap sigil on 6F, roll Su on 7F; can fight Andrius

Herrscher of Origin combo

hoocom https://www.miyoushe.com/bh3/article/34556717

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Domain of Unity In the Name of Origin set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
5 SP+30
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
10 Evasion DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC Utility
BR RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Because of You
1st Shop Memory / Falling in Past Light
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Expungement 断灭 Lethal Smite 雷殛 Ultra 极意 Inscription 铭印 Nature 本然
Start 1st 2nd Optional Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach, can pick vulnerability
2nd Vill-V1 2 3 4 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, can pick 60 stacks
2nd Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Eden both damage boosts, Sakura vulnerability and TDM, Griseo Red Black as reinforcement

No additional info

Herrscher of Origin combo

hoocom1 https://www.miyoushe.com/bh3/article/34556717

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Domain of Unity In the Name of Origin set
Cost Effect
5 Weapon active vulnerability
10 Ultimate Evasion DMG bonus
15 Combo ATK vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE BKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Pseudo Miracle /Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf /Because of You
16F Ruined Legacy/Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Lethal Smite 雷殛 Expungement 断灭 Ultra 极意 Inscription 铭印 Nature 本然
Start 1st 2nd 2nd No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V2 2 3 4 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; pick at least breach from enhanced, can pick vulnerability
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, can pick vulnerability, individual is fine, unlocking nexus is better
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow, Eden both damage boosts, starting SP, SP recovery, Sakura vulnerability, TDM as reinforcement

Herrscher of Origin ulti

hooulti https://twitter.com/futa_verse_/status/1620325384603701248

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Domain of Unity Handel set
Cost Effect
5 Melee ATK for 10% TDM
10 Different support type bonus
15 Combo ATK bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE AE/BKE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not/The Lonely Moon
16F Stained Sakura/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Ultra 极意 Lethal Smite 雷殛 Expungement 断灭 Inscription 铭印 Nature 本然
Start 1st 2nd Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Griseo2 Red Black Yellow Blue are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced
1st Sakura1 Vulnerability, evasion+1, evasion reset, SP are the key choices; must pick at least ultimate reset from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Kevin1 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, don't needn exus; can also pick Kalpas both damage boosts as reinforcement

Herrscher of Origin ulti

hooulti1 https://twitter.com/futa_verse_/status/1620325384603701248

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Domain of Unity Handel set
Cost Effect
0 RPC-6626 weak to ele
15 Same type DMG support valk + breach
15 300 elemental DMG vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
FR BKE Utility
FR AE Damage
Time Emblem
Start Forget-Me-Not/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
16F Stained Sakura/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Ultra 极意 Lethal Smite 雷殛 Expungement 断灭 Inscription 铭印 Nature 本然
Start 1st 2nd Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Sakura1 All except ATK spd are the key choices; must pick at least ultimate reset
1st Griseo2 Red Black Yellow Blue are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced
2nd Aponia2 3 4 5 are the key choices, don't pick 1, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability, elemental DMG from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Kevin1 Breach is the key choice(prioritise buying from shop), can pick both damage boosts; nexus is optional, unlocking is better

Vermillion Knight: Eclipse

vkevalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99537668

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Shuhadaku of Uriel Little Joys set
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
5 SP+30
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
10 Out of Stellar Outburst TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask / Because of You
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf /An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Tin Flask / An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Sharp Flames 焱锐 Fiery Mind 炽意 Wild Flare 燎照 Blaze 燔燃 Burning Flow 流炎
Start 2nd 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Kevin1 Both damage boosts, breach are the key choices, can pick SP, unlock nexus; can pick nexus enhancement
2nd Su1 TDM, vulnerability, +25 combo are the key choices, can pick SP; must pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Griseo1 Yellow Black are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Eden1 nexus (Both damage boosts, starting SP) as reinforcement

Rotation: When not overheated, use charge atk; use ultimate when overheated. After getting Kevin's signets, start rotation with ultimate. When lacking SP early on, remember to gather SP when not overheated

Vermillion Knight: Eclipse

vkevalk1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99537668

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Shuhadaku of Uriel Ragna TB + Broboli M
Cost Effect
0 Dominator of Wolves
5 Max HP+200
5 Same type TDM bonus
10 Status vulnerability
10 Combo vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf /It Will Be Written
1st Shop Burden/It Will Be Written
16F Tin Flask/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Blaze 燔燃 Sharp Flames 焱锐 Wild Flare 燎照 Fiery Mind 炽意 Burning Flow 流炎
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 TDM, vulnerability, SP are the key choices, can pick both combo boosts; recommended to pick all enhanced, must pick at least breach
2nd Kevin1 Both damage boosts, breach, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick nexus enhancement
2nd Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices; recommended to pick TDM from enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Yellow Red Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus, can also pick Eden both damage boosts, can unlock nexus if convenient

Lower level setups recommended to reset for Sharp Flames on 2F; 4F use Kevin's support to deal with 3rd wave; recommended to swap sigil on 6F, roll Su on 7F; after getting Kevin use 1 ultimate per 3 charge attacks

Chrono Navi

cnvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102641703

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Rudder in Dream Λ-I ★ Little Joys set
Cost Effect
5 TDM bonus
10 Evasion DMG bonus
15 Summon and weapon skill TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE DSA Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Because of You
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Succession 迭联 Time Crystal 时晶 Bladepiece 刃装 Constant 常量 Final Dream 终梦
Start 1st 2nd 2nd Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability, TDM are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced, can pick vulnerability
2nd Griseo1 Red(buy from shop) Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Vill-V1 3 2 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Eden2 (Both damage boosts, starting SP) as reinforcement

Pick Time Crystal and Bladepiece on 7F

Chrono Navi

cnvalk1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102641703

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Rudder in Dream Λ-I ★ Little Joys set
Cost Effect
0 Dominator of Wolves
15 Weapon type breach
15 Weapon active vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE BKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf /Because of You
1st Shop Gold Goblet or Light as a Bodhi Leaf /Falling in Past Light
16F Heavy as a Million Lives/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Succession 迭联 Time Crystal 时晶 Bladepiece 刃装 Constant 常量 Final Dream 终梦
Start 2nd 2nd Optional Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 TDM, vulnerability, +25 combo are the key choices; can pick 60 combo; must pick at least breach, recommended to also pick vulnerability
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP, SP recovery are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red(prioritise to buy if encountered in shop) Yellow Black Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Vill-V1 3 5 1 2 are the key choices, unlock nexus

For single Ego start with Succession, lower level setup must reset for Time Crystal on 2F; If able to get Su's breach on 5F, swap sigil on 6F, otherwise continue picking Su

Jade Knight

jkvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94559484

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Nocturnal Stealth: Beam Eternal Moon set
Cost Effect
0 MHT-3B
5 Max HP+500
10 Elemental DMG
15 Weapon skill / Combo TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE BKE Utility
LE BR/RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Memory / Hometown
16F Key to the Deep / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Great Blade 长铗 Cloudwalker 行云 Jade Moon 壁月 Shaft 流光 Smoky Waft 烟波
Start 2nd No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden2 Both damage boosts, starting SP, SP recovery are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stack
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, +25 combo, TDM are the key choices, can pick 60 combo, unlock nexus, can pick breach from enhanced
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, individual is fine, nexus is better; can also pick Kalpas both damge boosts as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F

Jade Knight

jkvalk1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94559484

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Nocturnal Stealth: Beam Eternal Moon set
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+200
5 Same type TDM bonus
10 Status vulnerability
10 Combo vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE VKE Utility
BR LE Damage
Time Emblem
Start Gold Goblet/Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence/Out of Reach
16F Key to the Deep/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Great Blade 长铗 Cloudwalker 行云 Jade Moon 壁月 Shaft 流光 Smoky Waft 烟波
Start 2nd No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden2 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, can pick SP recovery, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Blue Grey are the key choices, must pick at least orange, recommended to also pick purple
2nd Su2 Vulnerability, TDM, 25 combo boost are the key choices, individual is fine, nexus is better
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick breach from enhanced
Optional Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, don't need nexus

After 4F, use LE then ultimate asap, get free SP; recommended to swap sigil on 5F

Herrscher of Human: Ego charge

hohcharge https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102272268

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Domain of Ego: Flawless Return Flower of Origin set
Cost Effect
0 Parvati
5 Max HP+500
10 TDM bonus if no damage taken
15 Max HP breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC Utility
BR AE Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask / It Will Be Written
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not / It Will Be Written
16F Key to the Deep / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

First Encounter 初见 First Yearning 初念 First Bloom 初绽 First Awakening 初醒 First Journey 初程
Start Start Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Sakura1 TDM, vulnerability, evasion+1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both combo boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Eden1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Griseo Red (buy from shop), Vill-V nexus (2 5 3) as reinforcement

Recommended to only try this with full signature, otherwise use fast ult build. Rotation : Use evasion and weapon active whenever available, charge attack the rest of the time, use 3 charge atk per 1 weapon; recommended to swap sigil on 6F, roll Kalpas on 7F, use Kevin support on 4F and 7F wave 3

Herrscher of Human: Ego fast ulti

hohulti https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102089009

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Domain of Ego: Flawless Return Flower of Origin set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
5 SP+30
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
10 Evasion DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE DSA Utility
BR RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Memory / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Tin Flask / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

First Bloom 初绽 First Journey 初程 First Awakening 初醒 First Encounter 初见 First Yearning 初念
Start Start 2nd (1st if weak setup) No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, can pick vulnerability, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Vill-V1 2 3 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Pardofelis1 HPSP cap up, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick breach from enhanced
Optional Griseo1 Red (buy from shop) Yellow Black are the key choices, individual is fine, nexus is better; can also pick Sakura vulnerability, TDM as reinforcement

If dying easily, can pick Kalpas2 to preserve damage boost

Herrscher of Human: Ego fast ulti

hohulti1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102089009

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Domain of Ego: Flawless Return Flower of Origin set
Cost Effect
0 MHT-3B
5 Max HP+500
5 Different type support bonus
10 12% more DMG
10 20% more TDM outside outburst
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC BKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Tin Flask / Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

First Bloom 初绽 First Journey 初程 First Awakening 初醒 First Encounter 初见 First Yearning 初念
Start Start 2nd (1st for weaker setups) No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability, are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Sakura1 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Vill-V1 2 5 3 are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Kosmos evasion, ultimate, shieldbreak damage as reinforcement

If reviving easily can pick Kalpas2 instead to maintain damage boost; recommended to swap sigil on 5F

Reverist Calico

rcvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101504095

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Purana Phantasma: Nighteye Cecilia: Youth set
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+500
10 Weapon active vulnerability
15 Support type DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE AE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet/ Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives/Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Cat's Eyes 猫眼 Hidden Claws 隐爪 Tailpiece 刃尾 Nighteye 夜瞳 Phantasma 幻梦
Start Start No(1st if Infinity+2) No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, SP recovery, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach, can pick vulnerability
2nd Griseo1 Red(buy from shop) Black Yellow are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, can pick vulnerability; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
Optional Aponia1 6 4 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Vill-V 2 3 , Pardofelis1 nexus(Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up) as reinforcement

After getting Kalpas1 nexus, reduce HP at shop; Cecilia: Youth > N-EX TB + Willows M > N-EX TB + Welt M > Willows set; recommended to swap sigil on 5F

Reverist Calico

rcvalk1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101504095

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Purana Phantasma: Nighteye Cecilia: Youth set
Cost Effect
15 Weapon type breach
15 Weapon active vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE BR Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Gold Goblet/Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Cat's Eyes 猫眼 Hidden Claws 隐爪 Tailpiece 刃尾 Nighteye 夜瞳 Phantasma 幻梦
Start Start No(1st if Infinity+2) Optional Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 Both damage boosts, SP recovery, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability, TDM, are the key choices; must pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Vill-V1 2 3 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red(buy from shop) Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, hpSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kalpas2 nexus (Both damage boosts, HP cap up) as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 5F; other than Su, rest of signets don't need enhanced; better to unlock more nexus

Helical Contraption

hcvalk https://twitter.com/hamburg_oniku/status/1575490332296241152

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Tower of the Past: Silk Ladder Collodi set
Cost Effect
5 SP+30
5 Weapon active vulnerability
15 Summons TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC/VKE Utility
MA AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Pseudo Miracle/Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Forbidden Seed/Falling in Past Light
16F Tin Flask/Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Sleight 奇术 Facade 伪饰 Reversal 反转 Transmission 传动 Assemblage 群集
Start Start Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V2 5 3 2 are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced
1st Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, recommended to pick Newborn and Dead from enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su2 TDM, vulnerability, 25 combos are the key choices, individual is fine, nexus is better
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Sakura TDM, vulnerability, Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement

Helical Contraption

hcvalk1 https://twitter.com/hamburg_oniku/status/1575490332296241152

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Tower of the Past: Silk Ladder Collodi set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE BR/VC Utility
MA AE/BR Damage
Cost Effect
0 Huodou
5 Shieldbreak 5 SP
10 Ultimate Evasion damage boost
15 Ultimate vulnerability
Time Emblem
Start Pseudo Miracle/Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence/Falling in Past Light
16F Tin Flask/Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Sleight 奇术 Facade 伪饰 Reversal 反转 Transmission 传动 Assemblage 群集
Start Start Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V2 532 are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced
1st Griseo1 Red Black Yellow are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Mobius1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability are the key choices; recommended to pick Newborn, Dead from enhanced
2nd Kosma1 Ultimate, evasion, shieldbreak damage are the key choices, don't need nexus
2nd Su2 TDM, vulnerability, 25 combo are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Sakura TDM, vulnerability and Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement

Herrscher of Thunder Narukami

hotnaruvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99262258

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Seven Thunders of Retribution: Narukami Handel set
Cost Effect
5 Weapon active vulnerability
10 Counter type TDM boost
15 Summons TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE AE/BKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Burden/The Lonely Moon
16F Heavy as a Million Lives /Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Narukami 鸣神 Tsukuyomi 绝影 Divine Penalty 天罚 Mitama 御魂 Hazy Moon 胧月
Start Optional No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Griseo1 Red Yellow Blue Black are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced
2nd Kevin2 Breach, SP, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, TDM, both combo boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Dead from enhanced
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kalpas2 nexus (both damage boosts, HP cap up), Sakura vulnerability, Vill-V 2 as reinforcement

Herrscher of Thunder Divine Penalty


6.1 Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Seven Thunders of Retribution: Narukami Handel set
High atk weapon Benares: Awakening set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
16F Stained Sakura/Dreamful Gold
Signet Choice
Blessing of Divine Penalty 天罚 Bombard does more dmg Start
Blessing of Mitama 御魂 2 bars 1st
Blessing of Narukami 鸣神 Finisher does 8 more bolts 2nd
Blessing of Tsukuyomi 绝影 Evade into basic 4 No
Blessing of Hazy Moon 胧月 Thunder on basic 5 No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Aponia2 3rd and 4th are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced
Griseo2 Red Yellow Grey Blue are the key choices, must pick at least green and purple from enhanced

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Eden2 SP cap up, SP recovery, and both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Sakura1 Vulnerability, TDM, and +1 evasion are the key choices, unlock nexus
Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus

Herrscher of Reason

horvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85617190

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Star of Eden: World Willows set
Cost Effect
5 Different type support bonus
10 Ele DMG bonus
15 Nexus Ice DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE LE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Burden / Because of You
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives /Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Wisdom 智识 Truth 真理 Inspiration 灵感 Reason 解析 Creation 创造
Start 2nd 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kevin2 Both damage boosts, breach, SP are the key choices, must pick at least nexus enhancement
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1 are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 TDM, vulnerability, both combo boosts are the key choices; can pick vulnerability, breach from enhanced
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red, Vill-V 2 3 as reinforcement

Recommended to swap sigil on 6F


swvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97922171

Weapon Stig
Falcon Flare: FINAL Bronya: N-EX set
High atk weapon Elysia: Pristine set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC/BKE Utility
AE HB/BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Memory/Out of Reach
16F Good Old Days/Dreamful Gold
Signet Choice
Blessing of Phantom Plumes 幻 After using support, tapping ATK triggers QTE Start
Blessing of Grey Falcon 灰 Restore SP per second. Scatter barrier enables Combo ATK 1st
Blessing of Pale Feathers 苍 Attacks restore bonus SP. Ultimate deals bonus Ice DMG. 2nd
Blessing of Silver Eagle 银 Last basic ATK Restores SP and deals bonus Ice DMG Reinforcement
Blessing of Sharp Eyes 锐 For 10s after landing Ultimate, basic ATKs deal bonus Ice DMG. No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Aponia2 1st, 3rd, 6th are the key choices, pick at least breach from enhanced.
Hua2 Breach and both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Su2 Vulnerability, SP recovery and 60 combo are the key choices, unlock nexus
Kalpas2 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Griseo2 Red, Yellow, Grey are the key choices, don't need nexus

Prinzessin der Verurteilung

fischl https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100142301

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Whisper of the Past: Sonnet Zhenyi set
Cost Effect
5 SP cap up
5 Melee ATK for 10% TDM
10 Different support type bonus
10 Paralyzed or bleeding TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE BKE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Veil of Tears/Out of Reach
1st Shop Memory/Out of Reach
16F Ruined Legacy/Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Midnight 至夜 Retribution 圣裁 Fate 命运 Nightfall 幽邃 Dark Wings 幽夜
Start 1st Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Aponia2 1 3 4 6 are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise breach
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black Grey are the key choices, don't need nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kalpas both damage boosts, Su signets as reinforcement

Fallen Rosemary SS2

frvalk https://bbs.mihoyo.com/bh3/article/25077140

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Iris of Helheim Handel set
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
5 SP+30
5 TDM bonus
10 Weapon skill Ele DMG bonus
10 Out of Stellar Outburst TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE AE Utility
BR AE Damage
Time Sigil
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Because of You
1st Shop Memory / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives /Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Valfreyja 魔女 God Eater 神噬 Nocturne 幻夜 Spirit Servants 役灵 Soul Siphon 摄魂
Start 1st Optional Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Both combo boosts, vulnerability are the key choices; can pick vulnerability, breach from enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Kevin1 Both damage boosts, SP, breach are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick nexus enhancement
2nd Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Eden starting SP, Aponia2 ( 1 4 5) as reinforcement

If having difficulty surviving, not recommended to get Kalpas before 12F Rotation: When not enough SP to ult, use basic and charge ATK to regen SP, ultimate whenever available; keep using God Eater to refresh bar for more damage

Fallen Rosemary SS2

frvalk1 https://bbs.mihoyo.com/bh3/article/25077140

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Iris of Helheim Handel set
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+200
10 Combo vulnerability
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE VKE Utility
AE LE/BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Gold Goblet/Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf /Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives /Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Valfreyja 魔女 Nocturne 幻夜 God Eater 神噬 Spirit Servants 役灵 Soul Siphon 摄魂
Start 1st 2nd Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden1 SP recovery, both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, SP, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Kevin1 Breach, both damage boosts, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick nexus enhancement
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Grey Black are the key choices, individual is fine, nexus is better
Optional Pardeoflis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Aponia2 nexus ( 4 3 1 5) as reinforcement

Recommended to reset for Nocturne on 2F; recommended to swap sigil on 5F

Disciplinary Perdition 2.25

dpvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101621257

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Lost Conviction: Damnation Linnaeus set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
5 TDM bonus
10 Evasion DMG bonus
15 Nexus Phys DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE BKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Forbidden Seed / Because of You
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not / Out of Reach
16F Ruined Legacy / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Admonition 诫喻 Shelter 垂佑 Inclusiveness 容受 Atonement 净罪 Rescue 拯赎
Start Start 1st Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Mobius1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, are the key choices; must pick at least Newborn from enhanced, can pick Dead
1st Griseo1 Red Yellow Grey are the key choices, can pick Black, unlock nexus;
1st Sakura2 SP, evasion+1, evasion reset, vulnerability, are the key choices, can pick TDM, unlock nexus;
2nd Aponia2 6 4 1 5 3 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Eden1 Starting SP (prioritise buying from shop), both damage boosts are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Kalpas2 (Both damage boosts, HP cap up) as reinforcement

No additional info

Disciplinary Perdition

dpvalk1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101621257

Phase 2

Cost Effect
0 RPC-6626 weak to ele
15 Same type DMG support valk + breach
15 300 elemental DMG vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC BKE Utility
VC BR/FR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
16F Ruined Legacy/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Admonition 诫喻 Shelter 垂佑 Inclusiveness 容受 Atonement 净罪 Rescue 拯赎
Start Start 1st No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Aponia2 1 3 4 6 are the key choices; recommended to pick breach and vulnerability from enhanced
1st Griseo2 Red Yellow Blue Grey are the key choices, can pick White to sustain rotations; recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise orange
1st Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Sakura1 TDM, vulnerability are the key choices, don't need nexus

Fervent Tempo


Weapon Stig
Sleeper's Dream Michelangelo TB + Dante M
High atk weapon Elysia TB + Dante M
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SS DP/BKE Utility
SS BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
16F Faraway Ship/Dreamful Gold
Signet Choice
Blessing of Silence 寂静 Ultimate CD is reduced Start
Blessing of Mixing 调和 Charged ATK and Ultimate pull enemies 1st
Blessing of Fervor 狂热 In Fervent mode, nearby enemies take more Physical DMG 2nd
Blessing of Solitude 孤旅 In Fervent mode, Basic ATK deals more Physical DMG Reinforcement
Blessing of Thorns 棘梦 Basic and Charged ATK deal more Physical DMG No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Griseo2 Red Yellow Grey Black are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Aponia2 1st, 3rd, 4th are the key choices, must pick at least breach and vulnerability from enhanced

Optional Signets

Signet Choice
Kevin1 Breach, both damage boosts, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; must upgrade breach twice
Vill-V1 2,3 are the key choices, unlock nexus
Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Su, Sakura as reinforcement

Starry Impression

sivalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100366165

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Elysian Astra: Heart's Color Linnaeus T + Cezanne MB
Cost Effect
0 Homu Magician
5 TDM bonus
10 Out of Stellar Outburst TDM bonus
15 TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA VC Utility
BR SA/SS Damage
Time Emblem
Start Fragile Friend/ Out of Reach
1st Shop Memory / Out of Reach
16F Tin Flask / Out of Reach

Ego Signets

River Forest 溪林 Starry Night 星夜 Cloud Valley 云谷 Feathers 片羽 Azure Wind 青风
Start Start Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kosma1 Basic ATK, ultimate, evasion, shieldbreak damage, time extension are the key choices; unlock nexus, can pick breach from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Mobius1 Both TDM, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow as reinforcement

Recommended to use Linnaeus T or Susannah: Overtime T

Herrscher of Sentience

hosvalk https://twitter.com/sinn56902487/status/1458382654202470407

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Domain of Sentience Pericles set
Cost Effect
0 Parvati
15 Max HP breach
15 Weapon type DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE BKE Utility
BR SA/SS Damage
Time Sigil
Start Gold Goblet / The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Out Of Reach
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Victory 席胜 Dark Plumes 黑羽 Legion 百兵 Supremacy 独尊 Ego 本我
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden2 Starting SP, SP recovery, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, SP are the key choices, can pick TDM, must pick at least breach from enhanced, can pick vulnerability
2nd Aponia2 3 4 are the key choices, can pick 2 5, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus

For non brick users, refer to previous version for brick; recommended to swap sigil on 5F; if not resetting for Dark Plumes, recommended to pick Eden SP recovery, otherwise go fo more damage

Herrscher of Flamescion

hofvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103487629

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Domain of Incandescence Blazing Legacy set
Cost Effect
5 TDM bonus
10 Evasion DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE AE Utility
BR MA Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask/ Because of You
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Heatflow 热流 Starfire 星火 Reburn 重燃 Tempered Warrior 淬火 Flamescion 薪炎
Start 2nd 2nd 2nd Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick TDM from enhanced
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts are the key choices, can pick TDM, unlock nexus, can pick breach, vulnerability
2nd Sakura2 TDM, vulnerability, evasion+1 are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red as reinforcement

Recommended to take Starfire and Reburn on 7F

Herrscher of Flamescion

hofvalk1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103487629

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Domain of Incandescence Blazing Legacy set
Cost Effect
15 Weapon type breach
15 Combo ATK vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask/An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf /Because of You
16F Tin Flask/An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Heatflow 热流 Starfire 星火 Reburn 重燃 Tempered Warrior 淬火 Flamescion 薪炎
Start 2nd 2nd 2nd Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick TDM, Burden from enhanced
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices; pick at least breach from enhanced, recommended to also pick vulnerability
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Sakura2 TDM, vulnerability, evasion+1 are the key choices, can pick evasion reset, unlock nexus
Optional Griseo1 Red Grey are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Eden both damage boosts, starting SP, SP recovery as reinforcement

Miss Pink Elf♪ SS

mpevalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102152559

Phase 1

Cost Effect
5 Same type support damage bonus
10 Enemy affected by status gives TDM
15 SP usage vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VC LE/BKE Utility
VC BR/SS Damage
Time Emblem
Start Pseudo Miracle/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
16F Tin Flask/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Purity 至纯 Zenith 至高 Beauty 至美 Benevolence 至善 Love 至爱
Start Start Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Vill-V2 Ranged TDM, physical DMG, vulnerability, SP are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, and fully upgrade breach
1st Aponia2 Basic atk, SP, damage reduction are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise breach
2nd Griseo2 Red Black are the key choices, don't need nexus
2nd Su2 Vulnerability, TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement, but must take Su's SP.

Golden Diva SSS

gdvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98131478

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Echo of Paradise: Time Ruins Handel set
Cost Effect
0 RPC-6626 weak to ele
5 Valk type matching enemy +TDM
10 Ignite or para, valk +dmg
15 Same type support valk + breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE AE/BKE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Mad King's Mask/The Lonely Moon
16F Tin Flask/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Arioso 咏叙 Symphony 交响 Fugue 赋格 Cadenza 华彩 Concerto 协奏
Start Start Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Aponia2 Basic ATK, SP, damage reduction are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise breach
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick breach from enhanced
2nd Kosma2 Ultimate, basic ATK, time extension are the key choices; recommended to pick healing and elemental damage from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Griseo2 Red Yellow Grey are the key choices, don't need nexus

Argent Knight: Artemis SS


Weapon Stig
Skadi of Thrymheim Willows set
High atk weapon Ana Schariac set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE/BKE Utility
AE HB Damage
Time Emblem
Start Forbidden Seed/Because of You
1st Shop Pseudo Miracle/Boundless Logos
16F Ruined Legacy/Boundless Logos
Signet Choice
Blessing of Frost Scythe 冷冽 Tap [ATK] after evasion to hurl Frost Guisarmier Start
Blessing of Stellar Trials 星轨 Inflicting Ice Cell creates a Frost Ring centered around the target 1st
Blessing of Winter Harvest 霜魄 Enemies recovering from Ice Cell are inflicted with 1 stack of Hypothermia. 1st
Blessing of Cold Moon 冰月 Inflicting Ice Cell creates a self-centered Frost Ring 2nd
Blessing of Uranian Mirror 天镜 Burst mode consumes 100% more SP Reinforcement

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Mobius1 Both TDM and vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; recommended to pick Dead and Unknown
Vill-V2 2,3,6 are the key choices, pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability; recommended to fully upgrade breach

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus; if breach is not yet 63% can pick orange
Aponia2 3rd, 4th, 5th are the key choices, unlock nexus
Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; if breach is not yet 63% can pick breach

Palatinus Equinox Guardian

pegvalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99243650

Phase 1

Cost Effect
5 At max HP gain 1sp/s
10 TDM+15% until damage taken
15 SP usage vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SS BKE Utility
SS BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
16F Faraway Ship/Falling in Past Light

Ego Signets

Exodus 启征 Abyssal Chant 渊咏 Equinox 天元 Commitment 凛承 Gallop 疾驰
Start Start 1st 2nd No


Priority Signet Details
1st Griseo2 Red Black Blue Yellow Grey are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise purple
1st Aponia2 Basic ATK, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability from enhanced
2nd Vill-V1 TDM, vulnerability, physical DMG are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Hua2 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Sakura1 Vulnerability, evasion+1, TDM, are the key choices, don't need nexus

Spina Astera

spavalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102167713

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Astral Divide: Pisces Flavors of Time set
Cost Effect
0 HoD
15 Nexus Phys DMG bonus
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
VKE BKE Utility
BR AE Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask / An Old Pal's Legacy
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Wild Flare 锋燎 Star Quillon 星镡 Alrescha 璀光 Holy Flame 圣灼 Radiant Formation 煌阵
Start 1st 2nd 2nd Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, can pick vulnerability , unlock nexus; can also pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices; can pick 60 stacks
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices; unlock nexus; can pick vulnerability, breach from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Eden1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow as reinforcement

Only Fire G4 or Flavors of Time set are recommended, Star Quillon and Alrescha on 7F

Herrscher of Human: Ego charge


Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Domain of Ego: Flawless Return Elysia: Pristine set
High atk weapon Welt Yang TM + Irene Adler B
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf/The Lonely Moon
16F Key to the Deep/Dreamful Gold
Signet Choice
Blessing of First Encounter 初见 Charged ATKs in Human Form pulls enemies Start
Blessing of First Yearning 初念 In Human Form, Charged ATK Speed increases Start
Blessing of First Bloom 初绽 In Origin Form, Ice DMG increases Reinforcement
Blessing of First Awakening 初醒 In Origin Form, triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill restores Herrscher Charge No
Blessing of First Journey 初程 Switching to Herrscher Form makes all enemies vulnerable No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Aponia2 1st is the key choice; must pick at least breach, vulnerability from enhanced

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Su2 TDM, vulnerability, both additional combos are the key choices, unlock nexus
Pardofelis2 Both damage boosts, silver on kills are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced

Optional Signets

Signet Choice
Eden1 Both damage boosts and SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Kalpas2 Requires BR to reduce HP; Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, don't need nexus

Infinite Ouroboros

iovalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102124368

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Basilisk's Image: Deathshroud Linnaeus set
Cost Effect
5 TDM bonus
10 Evasion DMG bonus
15 Summon and weapon skill TDM bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE Utility
BR RC Damage
Time Sigil
Start Forbidden Seed / Boundless Logos
1st Shop Memory / Boundless Logos
16F Ruined Legacy / Boundless Logos

Ego Signets

Dark Assault 袭暗 Ascension 登神 Ill Fortune 厄流 Ravenousness 噬界 Mirage 幽影
Start Start Optional Optional Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise Newborn
2nd Hua2 Both damage boosts, breach are the key choices, can pick 60 stack
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Black Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Sakura1 TDM, vulnerability, SP are the key choices, don't need nexus; can pick Eden starting SP, both damage boosts, Kalpas both damage boosts as reinforcement

Recommended to only attempt with signature gear, otherwise performance is not good

Infinite Ouroboros

iovalk1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102124368

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Basilisk's Image: Deathshroud Linnaeus set
Cost Effect
5 SP+30
10 Ultimate Evasion DMG bonus
15 Combo ATK vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE/BKE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Forbidden Seed/Boundless Logos
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence/Boundless Logos
16F Ruined Legacy/Boundless Logos

Ego Signets

Dark Assault 袭暗 Ascension 登神 Ill Fortune 厄流 Ravenousness 噬界 Mirage 幽影
Start Start 2nd Optional Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Sakura1 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion +1 are the key choices, can pick SP, unlock nexus
2nd Kalpas1 Can rely on BR to reduce HP; Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, can pick vulnerability, individual is fine, unlock nexus is better
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Eden starting SP, both damage boosts, SP recovery as reinforcement

Herrscher of Thunder Divine Penalty


Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Seven Thunders of Retribution: Narukami Handel set
High atk weapon Benares: Awakening set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
16F Tin Flask/Dreamful Gold
Signet Choice
Blessing of Divine Penalty 天罚 Bombard does more dmg Start
Blessing of Mitama 御魂 2 bars 1st
Blessing of Narukami 鸣神 Finisher does 8 more bolts 2nd
Blessing of Tsukuyomi 绝影 Evade into basic 4 No
Blessing of Hazy Moon 胧月 Thunder on basic 5 No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Aponia2 3rd and 4th are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced
Griseo2 Red Yellow Grey Blue are the key choices, must pick at least green and purple from enhanced

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Kosma2 Ultimate, evasion, and time extension are the key choices; can pick adaptive dmg from enhanced
Kalpas2 Vulnerability and both damage boosts are the keychoices, unlock nexus
Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Sakura vulnerability and TDM

Starry Impression

sivalk1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100366165

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Elysian Astra: Heart's Color Linnaeus T + Cezanne MB
Cost Effect
5 Max HP+200
10 Combo vulnerability
15 Weapon active vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA BKE Utility
BR SA/SS Damage
Time Emblem
Start Fragile Friend/Out of Reach
1st Shop Forbidden Seed/Out of Reach
16F Tin Flask/Out of Reach

Ego Signets

River Forest 溪林 Starry Night 星夜 Cloud Valley 云谷 Feathers 片羽 Azure Wind 青风
Start Start Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kosma1 Ultimate, basic ATK, evasion, shieldbreak damage, time extension are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced, must pick at least breach
2nd Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Dead
2nd Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, can pick vulnerability, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Griseo1 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, unlock nexus

Recommended to swap sigils on 6F, roll Kosma on 7F; for lower level runs, not recommended to take Kalpas before 12F

Herrscher of Sentience

hosvalk1 https://twitter.com/sinn56902487/status/1458382654202470407

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Domain of Sentience Dirac TM + Onyx Simurgh B
Cost Effect
15 Weapon type breach
15 Combo ATK vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BR LE/BKE Utility
BR SA/SS Damage
Time Emblem
Start Gold Goblet/Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives /Out of Reach

Ego Signets

Victory 席胜 Dark Plumes 黑羽 Supremacy 独尊 Legion 百兵 Ego 本我
Start 1st Optional Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eden2 Both damage boosts, starting SP, SP recovery are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Kalpas2 Both damage boosts, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Kosma1 Ultimate, evasion, shieldbreak damage, time extension are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus ; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow Grey as reinforcement

Herrscher of Sentience brick

hosbrik https://twitter.com/sinn56902487/status/1458382654202470407

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Incredibly Infinite Intimidator Pericles set
Cost Effect
0 Valrahal
5 Max HP+500
10 Ultimate Evasion dmg bonus
15 Nexus Lightning DMG bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE SN Utility
BR SA/SS Damage
Time Sigil
Start Forbidden Seed / The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Ego 本我 Victory 席胜 Legion 百兵 Dark Plumes 黑羽 Supremacy 独尊
Start 2nd Optional No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability, are the key choices, unlock nexus;
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, both combo boosts, TDM are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
2nd Griseo1 Red (buy from shop) Yellow Black Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Kosma1 Evasion, ultimate, time extension are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kevin2 (Both damage boosts, breach), Kalpas2 (Both damage boosts, HP cap up) as reinforcement

Must have brick, otherwise don't use; recommended to swap sigil on 5F

Starchasm Nyx


6.1 Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Sanguine Gaze: Union Verne set
Sanguine Gaze Willows set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE BKE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Memory/Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Pseudo Miracle/Because of You(5F)
16F Tin Flask/Falling in Past Light
Signet Choice
Blessing of Frigidity 无温 In burst mode, every 4 charged ATKs trigger a frost explosion. Start
Blessing of Toxic Bath 浴毒 Weapon skill CD reduced by 50% 1st
Blessing of Abyssal Gaze 渊视 Ultimate has reduced CD. 2nd
Blessing of Cocoon Break 破茧 Consuming 6 Carmine Gashes in normal mode boosts Charge ATK. 2nd
Blessing of Nightmare 惊魇 In burst mode, every Carmine Gash consumed boosts finisher dmg. No

Transition Signets

Signet Choice
Hua2 Breach and both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Vill-V2 2,3 are the key choices; must pick at least breach and vulnerability from enhanced

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Kosma2 Ultimate, evasion and time extension are the key choices, unlock nexus
Kalpas2 Vulnerability and both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Griseo2 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, don't need nexus. Other recommended signets include Sakura vulnerability and attack speed

Dea Anchora 1.75

deavalk https://twitter.com/HonkaiImpact3rd/status/1495730022702669824

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Lucia Leeuwenhoek TB + Thales M
Cost Effect
0 RPC-6626 weak to ele
5 Valk type matching enemy +TDM
10 Ignite or para, valk +dmg
15 Same type support valk + breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE/BKE Utility
AE BR/MA Damage
Time Emblem
Start Burden/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop (5F) Veil of Tears/Because of You
16F Key to the Deep/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Stars 群星 Sheen 长烁 Halo 日冕 Gale 烈风 Brilliance 升耀
Start 1st 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kevin1 Breach, SP, both damage boosts, are the key choices, unlock nexus
1st Aponia2 Ultimate, SP are the key choices; recommended to pick vulnerability and elemental damage from enhanced
2nd Eden2 Both damage boosts, SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick SP cap up from enhanced
2nd Griseo2 Yellow Black are the key choices, don't need nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Kalpas vulnerability as reinforcement

Vermillion Knight: Eclipse charge

vkecharge https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102131352

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Shuhadaku of Uriel Ragna TB + Broboli M
Cost Effect
0 Parvati
5 Max HP+500
10 TDM bonus if no damage taken
15 Max HP breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf / It Will Be Written
1st Shop Burden / It Will Be Written
16F Tin Flask / Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Blaze 燔燃 Sharp Flames 焱锐 Wild Flare 燎照 Fiery Mind 炽意 Burning Flow 流炎
Start 1st 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 Vulnerability, TDM, both combo boosts are the key choices, must pick at least breach from enhanced, recommended to also pick vulnerability
2nd Kevin1 Both damage boosts, breach, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick nexus enhancement
2nd Kalpas1 Vulnerability, both damage boosts, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Eden1 nexus (Both damage boosts, starting SP) as reinforcement

Recommended to reset for Sharp Flames on 2F; after getting Kevin, do 3 charge atks per 1 ulti; recommended to swap sigils on 6F, roll Su on 7F; use Kevin support on 4F 7F wave 3

Vermillion Knight: Eclipse charge

vkecharge1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102131352

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Shuhadaku of Uriel Ragna set
Cost Effect
0 RPC-6626 weak to ele
15 Same type DMG support valk + breach
15 300 elemental DMG vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC Utility
BR AE/VC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Mad King's Mask/The Lonely Moon
16F Key to the Deep/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Blaze 燔燃 Sharp Flames 焱锐 Wild Flare 燎照 Fiery Mind 炽意 Burning Flow 流炎
Start 1st 2nd Optional No


Priority Signet Details
1st Aponia2 1 3 are the key choices; pick at least breach from enhanced, recommended to also pick vulnerability
1st Kalpas2 Vulnerability, both damage boosts, are the key choices, unlock nexus; if using Surtr, take Kalpas1 instead
2nd Su2 Vulnerability, TDM, 60 combos are the key choices, don't need nexus
2nd Griseo2 Red Yellow Grey are the key choices, don't need nexus
Optional Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Eden both damage boosts as reinforcement(must have Su SP).

Vermillion Knight: Eclipse ulti


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Shuhadaku of Uriel Little Joys set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE Utility
BR AE/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask / Because of You
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf / An Old Pal's Legacy
16F Tin Flask / An Old Pal's Legacy

Ego Signets

Sharp Flames 焱锐 Wild Flare 燎照 Fiery Mind 炽意 Burning Flow 流炎 Blaze 燔燃
Start 2nd 2nd No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick Burden, TDM from enhanced
2nd Su1 Vulnerability, +25 combo, TDM are the key choices, can pick SP, must pick at least breach, can pick vulnerability
2nd Kevin1 Both damage boosts, breach are the key choices, can pick SP, unlock nexus; can pick nexus enhancement from enhanced
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus;
Optional Griseo1 Yellow Black are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Eden1 nexus (Both damage boosts, starting SP) as reinforcement

This is for LITE battle. Rotation : Charge attack when not overheated, use ultimate when overheated. After obtaining Kevin, can use ultimate before starting the rotation. When lacking SP early, gather some SP before overheating.

Spina Astera


Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Astral Divide: Pisces Ragna set
Cost Effect
0 Dominator of Wolves
5 Max HP+200
10 Combo vulnerability
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BKE VKE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf / Because of You
1st Shop Light as a Bodhi Leaf or Mad King's Mask / Dreamful Gold
16F Key to the Deep/Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Wild Flare 锋燎 Star Quillon 星镡 Alrescha 璀光 Holy Flame 圣灼 Radiant Formation 煌阵
Start 1st 2nd 2nd Optional


Priority Signet Details
1st Su1 TDM, vulnerability, both combo boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus; must pick at least breach from enhanced, can also pick vulnerability
1st Kalpas2 Both TDMs, HP cap up, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Griseo1 Red Yellow Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Eden2 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus

Recommended to reset for Star Quillon on 2F, if you know how to gather enemies then take Alrescha instead; if able to get Su's breach on 5F then swap sigils on 6F, otherwise continue with Su's sigil

Herrscher of Truth ulti

hotrulti https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103707480

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Falcon Flare: FINAL In the Name of Truth set
Cost Effect
0 Couatl: Revenant
5 SP cap up
10 Different support type bonus
15 Combo ATK bonus
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE/BKE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Forbidden Seed/Boundless Logos
16F Thorny Crown/Boundless Logos

Ego Signets

Intellect Core 智核 Geniune Solution 真解 Vector 矢量 Konstruktion 创构 Continuation 延拓
Start Optional No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Griseo2 Red Yellow Blue Black are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced
1st Mobius1 Both TDMs, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, recommended to pick ultimate and evasion from enhanced
2nd Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Vill-V1 2 3 5 are the key choices, don't need nexus; can also pick Sakura vulnerability, TDM or Su signets as reinforcement

Herrscher of Truth ulti

hotrulti1 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103707480

Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Falcon Flare: FINAL In the Name of Truth set
Cost Effect
0 RPC-6626 weak to ele
5 Weapon active vulnerability
10 60 combo vulnerability
15 300 elemental DMG vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE/BKE Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Memory/Boundless Logos
16F Thorny Crown/Boundless Logos

Ego Signets

Intellect Core 智核 Geniune Solution 真解 Vector 矢量 Konstruktion 创构 Continuation 延拓
Start 2nd No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Griseo2 Red Yellow Blue Black are the key choices; recommended to pick all enhanced
1st Hua2 Breach, both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Aponia2 3 4 5 are the key choices, don't pick 2; recommended to pick vulnerability and elemental DMG from enhanced
2nd Mobius1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus
Optional Vill-V1 2 3 5 are the key choices; nexus optional, unlocking is better; can also pick Sakura vulnerability + TDM or Eden signets as reinforcement

Sixth Serenade

6svalk https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/69294502

Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Tranquil Rhapsody Cecilia: Youth set
Cost Effect
5 SP+30
10 Combo ATK vulnerability
15 Weapon type breach
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE/BKE Utility
AE BR/RC Damage
Time Emblem
Start Gold Goblet/ Dreamful Gold
1st Shop Forget-Me-Not/ Dreamful Gold
16F Heavy as a Million Lives /Dreamful Gold

Ego Signets

Nocturnal Tides 夜潮 Finale 终曲 Tragedy 悲幕 Raven Eye 鸦眸 Expiation 寻罪
Start Start 1st No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Eedn1 Both damage boosts, starting SP are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1, evasion reset are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Su1 TDM, vulnerability, both combo boosts are the key choices, must pick at least breach, can pick vulnerability
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HPSP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Aponia2 1 3 5 are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow Grey as reinforcement

Recommended to reset for 2F Tragedy; Eden SP recovery can improve rotations, recommended to buy from shop

Legacy builds

Goushinnso Memento(Corruption)

meme valk

6.0 Phase 2

Weapon Stig
Frozen Naraka Ana Schariac set
High atk weapon Bastet set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC Utility
AE HB Damage
Time Emblem
Start Fragile Friend/Out of Reach
1st Shop Memory/Hometown
16F Tin Flask/Hometown
Signet Choice
Blessing of Flourish 缭乱 Slash's rush restores KE to 200 and 1 Ultimate Evasion on hit Start
Blessing of Whiteout 雪风 Slash deals extra Ice DMG in a larger area. Start
Blessing of Haste 疾捷 Triggering Ultimate Evasion or Ultimate Evasion skill deals Ice DMG to nearby enemies No
Blessing of Icy Sakura 冽樱 Ultimate clears all stacks of Deep Freeze and refresh 3 Ultimate Evasions No
Blessing of Frozen Cloud 冻云 Raises the cap on Deep Freeze No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Kosma2 Basic ATK, evasion, ultimate, and time extension are the key choices, pick at least breach and restoring HP from enhanced; if Sakura signets that boost damage in shop, make sure to buy them
Hua2 Breach and both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Kalpas2 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus
Griseo2 Red Yellow Grey are the key choices, unlock nexus
Aponia2 1st and 5th are the key choices, unlock nexus

Herrscher of Thunder 4-5(Corruption)

definitely HoT

Weapon Stig
Domain of Sanction Zhenyi TB + Linnaeus M
High atk weapon Benares: Awakening set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE BR Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Gold Goblet/Out of Reach
1st Shop Memory/Out of Reach
16F Key to the Deep/Dreamful Gold
Signet Choice
Blessing of Hazy Moon 胧月 Thunder on basic 5 Start
Blessing of Tsukuyomi 绝影 Evade into basic 4 1st
Blessing of Divine Penalty 天罚 Bombard does more dmg No
Blessing of Mitama 御魂 2 bars No
Blessing of Narukami 鸣神 Finisher does 8 more bolts No

Transition Signets

Signet Choice
Eden1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus, If unable to get 4f doubles can consider double Ego start.

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Hua2 Breach is the key choice, unlock nexus, must upgrade breach signet
Pardofelis1 Take Merchant's Philosophy early, can pick both damage boosts, HP+SP cap up, must pick breach from enhanced.

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Kalpas1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, optional to unlock nexus; must bring BR to lower HP, when picking Kalpas must be paired with Hua's nexus.
Su2 Vulnerability is the key choice, try to pick both +25 and +60 to increase uptime, unlock nexus.

Midnight Absinthe(Abstinence)


Weapon Stig
Obscuring Wing Aslaug set
High atk weapon Leeuwenhoek TB + Thales M
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE VC Utility
AE BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Pseudo Miracle/Falling in Past Light
1st Shop Veil of Tears/Falling in Past Light
16F Good Old Days/Falling in Past Light
Signet Choice
Blessing of Ominous Mist 危雾 Raven Cloud has a large range. Start
Blessing of Arrowhead 无矢 Weapon active restore bonus SP. 1st
Blessing of Wild Hunt 弋猎 Basic 5 follow up no longer limited by Night Roamer stacks. No
Blessing of Suppression 控遏 Feather stacks cap at 30. No
Blessing of Raven Plume 鸦翎 Ultimate Evasion has 1 extra charge. No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Vill-V2 2,3,5 are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise breach then vulnerability

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Aponia2 2nd, 4th, and 5th are the key choices. For enhanced, it is recommended to pick vulnerability and Penance, if lacking breach can pick breach.
Griseo1 Red, yellow, and black are the key choices, don't need nexus, mainly get these from store.
Eden2 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus, don't need enhanced
Sakura2 Vulnerability and TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus, don't need enhanced

Twilight Paladin SS(Abstinence)


Weapon Stig
Hekate's Sombre Kafka set
High atk weapon Elysia TB + Siegfried Kaslana M
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA SN Utility
SS BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Veil of Tears/Dreamful Gold
16F Good Old Days/Dreamful Gold
Signet Choice
Blessing of Banishment 逐恶 When combo count reaches 50, reduce ultimate CD and restore SP Start
Blessing of Penalty 刑谴 After entering Fervent state, gain TDM and damage reduction every second 1st
Blessing of Dusk 暮索 Consuming Polarization Agent with Feverish Barrage increases its damage 2nd
Blessing of Radiance 释煌 Feverish Barrage(big bonk) can trigger evasion skill Reinforcement
Blessing of Sanction 绝裁 When combo count reaches 150, gain 40% Physical Breach Reinforcement

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Su2 Pick everything except damage reduction and 60 combo, prioritise SP recovery, dont pick enhanced signets, recommended to double Ego start
Aponia2 1st and 4th are the key choices, pick at least breach from enhanced.

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Griseo2 Red, Yellow, Grey are the key choices, if lacking breach can pick orange.
Eden2 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus.
Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus.

Valkyrie Bladestrike(Abstinence)

Weapon Stig
Dawn Breaker: Talwar Dirac set
Domain of Sanction Elysia TB + Dirac M (If is not enough breach or impair, additional breach must be picked from signets)
3rd Sacred Relic Mei Spectramancer T + Marco Polo M + Fu Hua: Onyx Simurgh B
Support 1 Support 2 Type
LE SN Utility
VC SS Damage
Time Emblem
Start Light as a Bodhi Leaf/ The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Burden/The Lonely Moon
16F Heavy as a Million Lives/Dreamful Gold
Signet Choice
Blessing of Current 流电 Casting Gotamashi Edge consumes all EM Start
Blessing of Karma 业物 Casting Gotamashi Edge provides 2 bonus Edges per EM Reserve point consumed 1st
Blessing of Idea 启念 Can use Ultimate after entering Burst mode for 4s. 2nd
Blessing of Thunder 醒雷 For every 4 EM Reserves restored, releases a burst of lightning No
Blessing of Zanshin 残心 For every 4 EM Reserves restored, gains a barrier No

Transition Signets

Signet Choice
Su2 TDM, vulnerability and SP recovery are the key choices, unlock nexus, can buy +25 and +60 from shop.

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Kevin1 Breach and SP recovery are the key choices, must pick the enhanced signets that boost normal signets and time extension and upgrade them appropriately.

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Griseo2 Red, yellow and black are the key choices. Grey is chosen if needed, unlock nexus.
Aponia2 Fourth is the key choice, unlock nexus, can pick vulnerability and Penance from enhanced signets.
Eden2 Both damage boosts are the key choices, can pick damage reduction if needed, unlock nexus.

Stygian Nymph(Inferno)


Weapon Stig
Path to Acheron: Kindred Bianka: Theatre set
High atk weapon Allan Poe set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SA/VC SS Utility
SS BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Forget-Me-Not/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Fragile Friend/It WIll Be Written
16F Stained Sakura/Tsukimi Himiko
Signet Choice
Blessing of Vulnerable Duality 表里 Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill reduces Ultimate CD by 40%. Start
Blessing of Intergrowth 并蒂 Ulting restores all evasion 1st
Blessing of Union 如一 Resonance triggers both marks for 12s after ulting 2nd
Blessing of Kindred 双生 Resonance triggers twice 2nd
Blessing of Might of Duality 虚实 Ulting creates resonance field 2nd

Transition Signets

Signet Choice
Sakura1 Vulnerability is the key choice, unlock nexus; If not SS, must pick evasion+1 as well

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Kosma2 Ultimate, evasion and time extension are the key choices, prioritise enhanced breach first, can pick the rest of the enhanced after.
Hua2 Breach is the key choice, unlock nexus, must upgrade breach

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Kalpas2 Both damage boosts and vulnerability are the key choices, can unlock nexus as appropriate
Griseo2 Yellow and black are the key choices, don't need unlock nexus.

Bright Knight: Excelsis(Abstinence)


Weapon Stig
Abyss Flower: Liminal Spiral Dante set
High atk weapon Dirac set
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SN LE Utility
SS BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Forget-Me-Not/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Rainbow of Absence/The Lonely Moon
16F Stained Sakura/Tsukimi Himiko
Signet Choice
Blessing of Gambit 王翼 Triggering Retaliation or Ultimate Evasion boosts Physical DMG Start
Blessing of Glory 㶧辉 In Burst mode, Weapon Active has 70% shorter CD 1st
Blessing of Paragon 英魂 Ultimate grants 5 stacks of Paragon 2nd
Blessing of Formation 锐阵 Basic ATK SEQ 5 creates a 3-sec Grav Singularity No
Blessing of Holy Lance 圣枪 During Basic ATK SEQ 4, tap ATK repeatedly No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Sakura1 +1 evasion and vulnerablity are the key choices, unlock nexus. If dont have Blessing of Paragon, can pick reset Ultimate CD.
Griseo2 Can pick all normal signets,must upgrade Grey to +2 minimum; must pick all enhanced signets, Orange>Purple>Green

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Kalpas2 Both damage boosts and vulnerability are the key choices, unlock nexus; if lacking impair from Dante can pick breach.
Kosma2 Evasion, Ultimate and time extension are the key choices, unlock nexus; if lacking impair from Dante can pick breach.
Aponia2 3rd and 4th are the key choices, unlock nexus. Can pick vulnerability from enhanced, if lacking impair from Dante can pick breach.

Valkyrie Gloria(Inferno)


Weapon Stig
Eos Gloria Leeuwenhoek TB + Thales M
Sagittarius Astra Ragna T + Thales M + Irene Adler B
Support 1 Support 2 Type
AE LE Utility
AE MA/BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
16F Proof of Good and Evil/Falling in Past Light
Signet Choice
Blessing of Battle Song 战歌 Weapon actives deal bonus Total DMG Start
Blessing of Gloria 荣耀 Last hit of Charged ATK or Throw ATK inflicts Magnifica Mark 1st
Blessing of Triumph 凯旋 Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill or detonating Magnifica Mark restores 15 SP. No
Blessing of Impetus 进军 Entering Sprint triggers Stage 2 No
Blessing of Sol 烈阳 Basic 5 or last hit of Charged ATK inflicts Magnifica Mark within 3s of ultimate evasion No

Transition Signets

Signet Choice
Kalpas1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus.

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Aponia2 3rd 4th 5th are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise breach then vulnerability.

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Vill-V2 1,2,3 are the key choices, unlock nexus, if lacking breach can pick enhanced breach, and enhanced vulnerability as appropriate
Griseo1 Red, yellow, black and grey are the key choices.
Hua2 Breach is the key choice, unlock nexus; if lacking breach early can prioritise the single breach signet, finish nexus later.

Ritual Imayoh(Inferno)


Weapon Stig
Positron Blasters Elysia set
Domain of the Void Michelangelo TB + Dante/Marco Polo M
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SN LE Utility
VC BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Burden/The Lonely Moon
16F Tin Flask/Hometown
Signet Choice
Blessing of Prosperity 繁衍 Evade into basic 4 Start
Blessing of Dawn 曙光 At full KE, the next Combo ATK consumes all of it 1st
Blessing of Blossom 花海 Homing missiles restore SP on hit. 2nd
Blessing of Fertility 丰饶 Ultimate reloads all gun turrets No
Blessing of Torch 火炬 All gun turrets fire laser after Combo ATK with KE No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Aponia2 1st, 3rd and 5th are the key choices, recommended to pick all enhanced, prioritise breach
Kevin1 Physical breach is the key choices, unlock nexus

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Griseo2 Red Yellow Black are the key choices, don't need nexus
Sakura2 Vulnerability and TDM are the key choices, unlock nexus
Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts are the key choices, unlock nexus

Luna Kindred(Inferno)

lk valk

Weapon Stig
Hekate's Sombre Dracula set
Elysian Astra: Heart's Color Elysia TB + Murata Himeko M
Support 1 Support 2 Type
SN LE Utility
DP LE Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask/The Lonely Moon
1st Shop Veil of Tears/The Lonely Moon
16F Tin Flask/Dreamful Gold
Signet Choice
Blessing of Penumbra 浸影 Every 4 consecutive Charged ATKs boost the speed of wielding the giant ax. Start
Blessing of Blood Feast 血宴 After Ultimate, each Charged ATK deals bonus Physical DMG equal to 1.5x the amount of current HP loss. 1st
Blessing of Imprint 镌印 Consuming Sanguine Mark will enable the next Charged ATK that consumes Sanguine Mark to deal bonus Physical DMG equal to 0.5x the amount of current HP loss. 2nd
Blessing of Immortality 无朽 Triggered once at below 1% HP to deal Physical DMG to surrounding enemies No
Blessing of Thirst 渴饮 Lower HP enables higher HP recovery No

Primary Signets

Signet Choice
Kalpas2 Pick all except damage reduction and SP recovery, can pick all enhanced signet, increase max hp by as much as possible
Aponia2 1st and 3rd are the key choices, can pick all enhanced, breach is the most important.

Secondary Signets

Signet Choice
Griseo2 Red, yellow and grey are the key choices, don't need nexus
Pardofelis1 Recommended to pick HP cap up, TDM, adaptive DMG, unlock nexus.
Mobius1 When using Dracula set, TDM and vulnerability are the key choices, don't need nexus; When equipped with Hekate's Sombre, can buy Su's signets if found in shop.

Sweet 'n' Spicy


Phase 1

Weapon Stig
Miracle Kissy Pillow Paganini set
Cost Effect
0 Huodou
15 Weapon type breach
15 Melee vulnerability
Support 1 Support 2 Type
BR SA Utility
SS BR Damage
Time Emblem
Start Mad King's Mask/It Will Be Written
1st Shop Burden/Hometown
16F Tin Flask/Hometown

Ego Signets

Revolution 轰旋 Skyfall 擎落 Rupture 裂岩 Impulse 冲决 Brake 制动
Start No No No No


Priority Signet Details
1st Kalpas1 Both damage boosts, vulnerability, HP cap up are the key choices; recommended to pick TDM from enhanced, can also pick the other enhanced
2nd Kevin1 Both damage boosts, breach, SP are the key choices, unlock nexus; can pick nexus enhancement from enhanced
2nd Sakura2 Vulnerability, TDM, evasion+1 are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Sakura2 to sustain(?)
2nd Kosma2 Basic ATK, evasion, ultimate, shieldbreak damage, time extension are the key choices, unlock nexus
2nd Pardofelis1 Both damage boosts, HP/SP cap up are the key choices, unlock nexus; can also pick Griseo Red Yellow Grey as reinforcement
Edit Report
Pub: 17 Sep 2021 09:03 UTC
Edit: 24 Feb 2025 04:42 UTC
Views: 3839196