How to verify dumps

You can verify title dumps via two methods:

PC Method

What you'll need:


  1. Run windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.14-win-x64.exe and press install to install .NET 6.0.
  2. Create a folder named NxFileViewer and extract inside of it.
  3. Place prod.keys (your device keys) inside of the NxFileViewer folder.
  4. Launch NxFileViewer.exe.
  5. Drag and drop your desired dump into NxFileViewer.
    • NxFileViewer supports the following formats:
      • XCI
      • NSP
      • NSZ
      • XCZ
  6. In the Integrity window, press the ▶ button to check the Signature and Hash of the file.
  7. If you get a Valid message for both Signature and Hash, then the file is proper, however if you do get an Invalid message, then the file is improper.

Switch Method

What you'll need:


  1. Connect your device to your PC.
  2. On your Switch, access the homebrew menu and launch DBI.
    • There are two methods you can use to access the homebrew menu:
      • Hold R and click on a title in your home menu (Recommended).
      • Pressing the album icon (Not recommended).
  3. Select Run MTP responder from the menu.
  4. Once your device is connected, on your PC access your device by clicking on the Switch drive.
  5. Access 5: MicroSD install.
  6. Place your desired title in the folder.
    • The following file formats are supported:
      • NSP
      • NSZ
      • XCI
      • XCZ
  7. Your installation should start now.
  8. If you receive a message within DBI that says [SIGNATURE: Invalid] then the dump is improper.
    Otherwise if DBI displays the message [OK] then the dump is proper.

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Pub: 11 Aug 2022 20:32 UTC
Edit: 28 Feb 2023 12:03 UTC
Views: 54795