You let out a little yawn as you decide to get up from your resting spot, stretching forward. It was a nice nap, but you feel like you've been sleeping for quite some time now. And those noises made it hard to stay asleep for too long...
Groggy... Maybe you slept too long? No, there's no way. You're pretty sure it isn't even possible to sleep too long, actually.
Either way, thing seem calm outside now. You take a few steps forward, seemingly having been napping under the guild board.
Weird place for a nap, but who are you to criticize your past self?
Actually, you were probably at the guild board for a reason. Were you here for a request?...
You can't really read the ones at the top... Stupid tiny font and lack of legibility.
Someone could probably lift you up if you asked so you could see...
Hey, wait a minute. There at the bottom...
Is that? Did you?... No, you'd remember that. Let's just... take that one off the board...
You take a small leap, nabbing it with your mouth before curling the piece of paper into a little ball with your paw.
Why'd you do that?
Now you have to walk allll the way over there.
It's a lot of work for a small Eevee. Well, that's what you tell others at least.
Paper escorted to it's new home, you think about where to go next.
You'll surely need some kind of quest item if you want to read the rest of the guild board.
[>Explore the inside of the guild]
[>Head outside]