Welcome to my special hell.

So, here you are. You may notice that this part of my Rentry isn't all lined up and pretty. It isn't supposed to be. Unless you've been linked here from my home Rentry, like a normal person, you should not need to be here. However, while we're here, let me remind you: you are here for a reason. Don't do anything stupid next time. But enough ominous aggressiveness. Let's get on with it already.

In order of importance:

  • Drowning
  • Heatsroke
  • Rape and sexual assault
  • Nazis and their practices
  • Clean, goreless lacerations
  • Death of a pet housecat
  • Close up images of IRL mushrooms
  • The game "Mouthwashing"
  • The album "Monomania" by Car Seat Headrest ("overexposed (enjoy)" is fine though)
  • In-depth description of angels losing their wings


  • Fit basic DNI criteria
  • People named Tim or Timothy
  • Zionists and Isreal supporters
  • MCYT stans (current mutuals fine)
  • Genshin players (current mutuals fine)
  • Go out of your way to trigger or otherwise severely upset people
  • Are going to unironically hate on my interests
  • One very specific Daisy and one very specific Marianne (you know who the hell you are.)

Now run back home.

Edit Report
Pub: 13 Jan 2023 20:49 UTC
Edit: 21 Dec 2024 07:21 UTC
Views: 2836