this is a dni criteria list made by someone with common sense and it also doesnt take 3 years to read ok have fun

  • xenophobes and racists and everything those entail
    • anti-black lives matter/pro-blue lives matter
    • antisemetic, islamophobic etc
  • anti-lgbtq to Any extent
    • no patrick "minor attracted person" is not a valid lgbtq identity
    • "zoophile" is not a valid identity either
  • tankies, nationists, fascists, imperialists etc and defenders
  • catholics
  • zionists
  • right wingers
  • proshippers
    • also if you dont think fiction affects reality to at least Some extent
  • ableists
    • think the r-slur is reclaimable
    • use the word "schizo"
  • body shamers
  • shtwt/edtwt or equivalent
  • lolicons/shotacons
  • ai art defenders
  • consume problematic media (i.e. south park) uncritically
  • anti-recovery

anyway thats it tl;dr dont be a total piece of shit and youll be fine

Pub: 11 Jan 2024 05:02 UTC
Edit: 05 Apr 2024 04:15 UTC
Views: 617