Kamira 4* Side Story
Close Friend Which Visible Through the Snowscape - Part 2
(A Relieving • Reaction)
Ramona: After putting some more thought, the beach seems like a good idea.
Kamira: When seeing the beach, the first season in our mind is summer after all.
I once went there with everyone from Denki, we were having a lot of fun! ¹
Ramona: Right. Hence why opposed to summer, our mind will be caught onto its own wildness.
And from there, we’ll combine it with the fishing boat. Does fishing dance sound good to your ear?
Lilja: To dance along with a group of sea breams and flounders. ²
Kamira: Fishing dance, huh! Using either a fishing pole or the net does seem like a fresh sight…?!
Ramona: And on top of a shaky boat. Fierceful dance with overflowing passions inside the own heart, as if they could explode,
This surely will also sway the hearts of the ones who dare to see!
Kamira: Hol’ up, hol’ up―!
A shaky boat will be too dangerous y’know!!
Ramona: You’re not wrong about that.., the beach is mortal during winter.
So if we’re doing the thing, we need to work on some falling prevention measures…
Lilja: There is a hot spring where we can have a wide view of the beach.
Kamira: You seem to push for a hot spring no matter what huh, Lilja-san…
Lilja: I want to go to a hot spring…
Ramona: A way to not fall from the boat… To not fall… To not fall…
Oh― I got an idea!
We can just do the Wakasagi fishing ³, right?
On top of the ice, while fishing and dancing, I’m sure that will be a fresh sight!
Kamira: Isn’t that too fresh for the sight?! We can’t go fishing and dance some moves at once!
But speaking of fishing. For a different content, I should make contact with Sassu. Seems to be fun, let’s take a note of it.
Ramona: If dancing is too hard, ice skating seems like another good option.
Lilja: In Shikaribetsuko, on top of the frozen lake. There is an outdoor hot spring. ⁴
The scenery and hot spring which can’t be experienced anywhere else. It makes me curious.
Kamira: Shikaribetsuko… Shikaribetsuko…
… But Hokkaido is really far from here…
Ramona: That means we need to turn the way upside down. We thought of not falling at first,
But what if we make a content where one dares to fall on purpose.
Kamira: Whatcha mean by that..?
Ramona: That’s it! Bungee jumping!!
You’ll definitely get some good footage with the action camera! ⁵
Kamira: Winter scenery bungee does sound like a hype! With the three of us…
… Wait nah, season wise it’s also a tough one. … The place’s examination wise as well!!
Lilja: A high place…
Speaking of which, they say one of Japan’s tallest places with a hot spring is named Yatsugatake. ⁶
Kamira: We just talked about the danger of mountains during winter, tho…
Ramona: Then, what if we just go straight away for a ski?
There’s also the term, “Gelände Magic”. ⁷
Kamira: Seems quite unreal to dance with skiwear…
Ramona: Mhm. There’s a lot of exciting ideas on the hand, but it seems hard to realize them as a video content.
But they all can’t go to the waste either… Aha, doing them with everyone from Gingaza sounds like a good plan.
Kamira: Nng… Hmm……
To the beach, or fishing, or ice skating, or bungee, or just skiing…
Lilja: Don’t forget the hot spring.
Kamira: Oh, right-right. Also a hot spring.
Ramona: That’s really a lot of options.
I apologize that we can’t really give the constructive ideas.
Kamira: No-no-no, not at all!
There were ideas where I definitely won’t get across. I’ve got myself some great help!
Lilja: I see. That is good to know.
Well then, let’s make our way to Sirius’ bath place.
Kamira: Ehh, did we decide on one?!
Ramona: … I’m sure that’s just her wanting to take a bath.
Lilja: Certainly.
The two of you will also come, right?
Ramona: And so that’s what my princess just said.
Kamira, what about you?
Kamira: I think I wanna put some more thoughts before I leave…
Lilja: … Stare.
Kamira: ―Hweh?!
Lilja: You made wrinkles around the forehead again. This is a bad habit to keep.
If you’re troubled, you really should take a bath.
Because all of your matters can be solved just with a bath session.
Kamira: … Refreshing…
I changed my mind! I’ll be going with y’all!!
Kamira: Gulp, gulp, gulp...
Aah~!! Yeah, having fruit milk after a bath is really a must!
Ramona: You seem to be relieved now.
Kamira: That’s right, I’ve been revived to life!
Lilja: Just as I said. The bath will sweep all of your worries away.
Ramona: But that better not mean to sweep the ideas as well.
Kamira: Ahaha, I’ll be doing my best for another round!
Kamira: Ah~ That was a good bath. Thought that I’ve made a stay in Sukhavati for a second… ⁸
Just like what Lilja-san said, having a bath seems like a good refresher.
One of the bath salt commercial also said somethin’ like that in the past, I think…
… Wait-wait, you can’t yet compromise now!
Now that we’re on it, let’s think of some great content ideas!
‘Cuz Kanade-san and the boss also won’t just give up until the end!
… Okay! We’re about to make the best idea, even if that means I have to stay up all night!
Narration (?!): The next day…
Kamira: Aah~....
Lilja: Not you with the sigh again. Your beautiness is about to run away.
Ramona: They’re using Hikari’s idea for the said collab.
Kamira: This is so sad~
It was such a plot twist, I thought that mine may have become a bit too complicated.
So there’s also a time where you can just play it straight away like what Hikarin did.
Lilja: That is right. Always trust the beauty of a clear winter.
Kamira: Truly an embarrassment for my whole life.
Ramona: Don’t be sad for too long now.
You’ll also need to pass mounts of the wrong paths in life, am I right?
Kamira: Of course. No need to worry on that part.
I always accept then to rise from my own defeat.
For the next one, I’ll make sure to have a project to blow everyone’s mind away!
TL notes:
(((sweating))) (((..... So this is how it feels like to do thorough culture searchings that you need to put more notes than usual)))
[1] Reference to Electric Summer Vacation Event (TL by marcowade, video with sub also available)
[2] This is actually also a lyric from “Urashima Taro” (JP) song, which was made in 1911. It is said a metaphor to translate this is to be welcomed with a luxurious / mindblowing scenery.
[3] Wakasagi Fishing = Fishing for small fishes (Hypomesus nipponensis / Japanese smelt). You’re in an area with ice (or basically during winter), there are holes where you can fish for them.
[4] Shirabetsuko (Kotan) is a tourism spot in Japan, Hokkaido
[5] In case you’re not familiar with streamers, yes there are a kind of recording tool to record more action footage. They’re usually smaller and being put on a part of your body (I also saw a channel who attached a connector then they bite on it. They’re playing tags, so they use it for some good running views)
[6] From my search it seems to referring to this: Yatsugatake Honzawa Onsen (https://www.yatsu-honzawaonsen.com/). Apparently has been here for 142 years, Yatsugatake is also the mountain area name, hence why Kamira said the line like “We just talked about the mountain dangers during winter”
[7] Gelände Magic (Gelände -> a German word which literally means ground / area) is a phenomenon where people on the slopes will become more attractive if they’re in a skiwear. Basically since they’re in a different wear than usual, and with more closed areas around… That’s where the ‘magic’ happens.
[8] Sukhavati is Buddha’s Land of Bliss, field of Amitabha
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