"I-I... c-call T-Team M-MLG-"

Before I can finish my sentence, Furret pops out from behind the backstage curtains and dashes up to the front of the stage. She's wearing a pink frilly sundress, and she cheerfully waves at the audience. Smith also emerges from behind the backstage curtains, wearing a tiny red bowtie around his neck, and a small black top hat on his head. He doesn't look at me as he walks by, and just follows Furret. The crowd quickly falls in love with Furret, constantly going "aww" at her waves and poses. Shelby takes interest as well. "Ooh, nice dress!" Shelby exclaims.

"Huh? Oh!!" Furret runs right up to Shelby, startling her and making her take a step back. "Aren't you just the CUTEST little thing! And your outfit, it's so adorable! Omigosh you HAVE to tell me your name! Wait, no, tell me where you got that outfit first!!" Furret's long body circles around Shelby, almost like a snake, removing all possible avenues of escape for her. It's clear answering Furret's questions is something that is non-negotiable.

"I'm Shelby, this outfit is something I bought in town yesterday!" Shelby's apprehension completely melts away once she realizes Furret is someone who appreciates fashion as much as she does.

"I'm Furret! And my little buddy here is Smith! For me, I picked out this outfit earlier from some of the clothes vendors here, this festival is full of Pokemon selling the cutest accessories I've ever seen! Oooooh I walked by this one stand, and they were selling these really cute ribbons from the Sand Continent, they were SUUUUUUPER expensive though, and when I tried to buy them my little buddy gave the look he always gives me when I go out and buy way too many or way too expensive clothes, so I knew I would have to skip out on it but that's okay because there were just so many other places to choose from so it didn't really bother me that my little buddy doesn't understand how accessories are and that we really shouldn't care about how much money we spend on them, but that's besides the point so anyway..."

Furret's grip around Shelby seems to get tighter and tighter the faster she blathers on, making Shelby squeak like a chew toy. Only the Skitty's head is visible, and she's being held so tight her eyes look like they're bulging out a bit. Shelby doesn't seem to mind though, and listens intently to Furret's verbal (and slightly physical) assault. Smith watches the scene unfolding before him completely stone-faced.

"... And then I saw this one Mr. Rime selling the cutest little bows and top hats that I just HAD to buy for my little buddy! Don't tell him, but I specifically bought them in smaller sizes than what would fit him because I think he looks cuter that way! I mean just look at him, don't you think he looks cute in his little outfit? Ooooohhh he's giving his usual stare where he's trying to make us think he's dead inside and hates it but I know he probably really likes it! Hahah he's just like that sometimes, I think you two would get along well say after this do want to go shopping?! I think a lot of the stands are still open here and I think there's some vendors who are still spending time setting up their stores so we might see stuff later in the day that wasn't being sold earlier, oh you know what some stores might be closing because it's near lunchtime so if we wanna look for the cutest stuff we should probably go now!" Furret's coiled around Shelby so much that only her face is visible. "Waddya think Smith, should we take this cute little mon shopping?" For only a moment, I swear I see Furret wink at Smith.

"That sounds like an amazing idea! Let's go right now!" Shelby says enthusiastically. Furret uncoils herself to let Shelby go, and Shelby immediately scampers off the stage.

Furret begins to follow behind her, but stops in her tracks and turns to the judges. "Oh yeah, when is the judging for this competition supposed to start?"

"Well, uh..." Pika walks up to the front of the stage and speaks to the audience. "Since it looks like Shelby left, I'm sure all of you guys are fine with saying Team MLG is kyute?"

The audience cheers, but some sound a bit forced. (Maybe they're scared Furret will force them to go shopping if they don't cheer...)


Pub: 03 Sep 2024 08:36 UTC
Edit: 03 Sep 2024 09:06 UTC
Views: 82