The other contestants for the cuteness competition got to perform and show themselves off without any further interruptions. Me and Pika would give our analysis of the cuteness of each one, and very rarely would Beast chip in with a comment or two. However, the audience (and the contestants) didn't really seem to care. The crowd was just content to see some cute Pokemon, while the contestants were happy to get a chance to get fawned over by a crowd. With how ridiculed the guild has been recently, it must feel nice to have a crowd cheering you on, not having to worry about how you're viewed by others due to guilt by association.

Before long, the contest was over. The last contestant headed backstage to change back into their normal attire, and me and Pika quickly realized we hadn't actually graded anyone's performances.

"... W-Well, h-how d-do we d-decide who won? I-I took s-some notes d-during each p-performances, and I s-saw you were t-taking some n-notes as w-well, Pika," I say while quickly flipping through the detailed essays I had written on each of the contestant's performances. "M-Maybe we c-can compare n-notes and go from t-there?"

"Huh? Notes?" Pika says with a befuddled expression. "I wasn't-OH! Haha, yeah I was totally taking notes!" Pika suddenly grabs all of her papers off the judge's table and hides them behind her back. "But, uh... my handwriting is really bad, so I don't think you could read them..."

"If I could interject," Beast says as he gets up from his chair. "The crowd seems to be dispersing already. And it looks like some musicians might have booked the stage for this hour," Beast points to a group of various Pokemon carrying instruments like guitars and drums. "We should probably wrap things up for now."

"Y-Yeah... i-if the a-audience is a-already l-leaving then they p-probably don't c-care who w-wins," I sigh while looking at my now useless stack of notes.

"Hey, wasn't the whole point of this just getting the guild's reputation up? The audience seemed to love all the teams, so I think we did a pretty good job. Even if it was the contestants doing most of the work." Pika says.

"You should not downplay your own contributions," Beast remarks. "If you and Togetic had not had the idea for this, it would have never happened. Honestly, I was not expecting this to turn out as well as it did, I can only hope the good reputation we built up from this lasts. Though knowing CERTAIN guildmembers, it most likely won't. Anyway... Ronald!" Beast puts his hand to his mouth and does a sharp whistle. Moments later, we hear the sound of hooves crashing against wood as Ronnie sprints onto the stage.

"I'm heeEEEEeerreee..." Ronnie whines.

"Well, I have to be off," Beast hops onto Ronnie's back. "It was fun, farewell Togetic and Pikachu," Beast gives Ronnie a kick, and he gallops off the stage, nearly tripping as he goes down the stage's steps. Me and Pika then pick up the judge's table and move it behind the stage's curtain, before jumping off the stage and heading under it to escape heat.

"Well, that was fun!" Pika flops down onto one of the wooden planks we were sitting on earlier in the day. "I'm all tired out now..."

(I am pretty beat...) "I-It was a n-nice d-distraction f-from all of th-the other work I w-was doing... O-Oh, I sh-should probably ch-check to make s-sure e-everyone e-else's st-stands-"

"Toge, relax! You're gonna overwork yourself. Plus, I think the festival's running just fine," Pika says. "I think you should take it easy for the rest of the festival."

(But... ah, she's right. While I was busy judging there weren't any problems, so I should trust that everyone has a handle on running their own stands and things.) "... Y-You're right, th-thanks Pika."

"It's also pretty impressive you were the one to run around recruiting people for the contest. You were looking pretty worn out before we came up with the idea for the competition."

(... Huh. She's right. I was feeling stressed earlier checking up on everything, and getting overwhelmed by the commotion... but while recruiting guildmembers for the contest, none of that stress was there. Maybe I'm getting more used to things... or more likely, when I'm hyper-focused on something I get tunnel vision and ignore everything else around me. Also, Pika was pretty impressive today too. Usually she's pretty clumsy or scatter-brained, but she was really competent and passionate today. Maybe her brain only works fully when it's devoted to things related to cuteness, and when it's not she's retarded.) "I-It wasn't th-that bad, a-and I w-wouldn't really c-call it impressive..."

"Still, you should take some time to enjoy the rest of the festival-OHMIGOD LOOK AT THAT KYUTE DENENNE OVER THERE!"

"H-Huh? B-but that Rockruff o-over there is w-way cuter..."

"Hmm, well, I think..." Pika's eyes give me a familiar sharp glare, only for her face to relax a second later. "... we should agree to disagree."

"M-Mmmph... a-agree to d-disagree... I-I think I'm too t-tired to r-rant now, a-anyways..."

Both me and Pika chuckle, and take the time to relax. We stare at the passing crowds wordlessly, only occasionally pointing at Pokemon we find especially cute. A few times we even spot some other guildmembers or other familiar faces passing by, like the Ariados tailor, the (formerly) outlaw Smeargle, and Mindy the Mew.

(This is nice. After all the work I've done in the week leading up to this, and all of the running around I've done today... it's nice to get another break. Pika's got her heart in the right place suggesting that I try and enjoy the festival while I can, since I helped contribute to it, but crowds just aren't for me. Plus...)

A pair of Mudkip yell in glee as a Swampert hands each of them a large lollypop that they grab with their mouths. The two run off out of view, and their parent follows behind them.

(... just feeling the joy this festival creates is enough for me.)

Pub: 03 Sep 2024 08:31 UTC
Views: 114