🪶 List of members streams 🪶

With more people asking the question, we'll provide the list of the member contents Mumei has put. Just for the sake of it, we will say that all member streams obviously contain bits of Zatsudan. The current level of production of member streams on a monthly basis is 2, but Mumei has plans to produce more. Even if not mentioned, all Members streams contain more scuff than usual maybe even twice the scuff - but it's cute scuff.
Credits to member anon to provide the brief descriptions.

Regarding member zatsus

This list exists mainly provide a brief overview over Mumeis members streams, it cannot be a replacement for members content nor is it meant to be a replacement .
Due to their nature Members Zatsudan often containing topics that might be a little more personal than what ends up in non-Members content. In those cases a closer overview for the streams will for obvious reasons not be provided

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Members streams

Date Nature Link Notes Duration
 2021-10-07   ASMR  【ASMR】I Softly Speak and Hum For You! #holoCouncil 【ASMR】I Softly Speak and Hum For You! #holoCouncilThumbnail Source Mumeis very first Members stream. Wasn't really sure yet what even to do as Members stream so she made a poll and 'ASMR (soft speaking and singing)' won by a landslide. Should come as no surprise being that close to her first Karaoke. Mumei style ASMR like the three public ones she did. This one is closer to a zatsu than the 'study' streams, making this not only her first ASMR and Members stream but also her first zatsu.(..?) Quiet giggles and laughs throughout, she even brought Friend for moral support. ~1:40h
 2021-10-21   Watch-Along  【WATCH-ALONG】Scream (1996) #holoCouncil 【WATCH-ALONG】Scream (1996) #holoCouncilThumbnail Source Halloween themed watch-along. Had a little bit of a comfy 'date' feel to it, as far as that even can be applied to Mumei. It's a watch-along, some like it some don't. Didn't plan to do a lot of commentary, did end up doing a lot of commentary. No-Selling most of it and being a bit of a deadpan-snarker. ~3:00h
 2021-11-13   Drawing  【MEMBERS】Doubutsu Doodling 【MEMBERS】Doubutsu DoodlingThumbnail Source Stream was delayed because animal was needy and had to be exercised. (It didn't work, animal was still hyper). Sleepy Meimei drawing stream. Idea was getting promts and drawing the prompt but somehow ended up just drawing Animals. If memory serves, this was also the last stream where her cintiq was still working. One of the first streams where she was off to an Idol meeting but did not change to the loading screen, instead being all smug still on screen. This is also the stream where the Brotan-Incident happened. And some cute messing with your cheeky little sister moments when chat did what chat always does when Brotan get's mentioned (around 1:30h). The whole 2hours are the OG brainrot BGM- Please enjoy. ~2:00h
 2021-11-28   Karaoke  【MEMBERS】UNARCHIVED KARAOKE 【MEMBERS】UNARCHIVED KARAOKEThumbnail Source It's Karaoke. Friend was there again. It's unarchived, go find it somewhere else. This Members Karaoke is more goofing around and being silly, not much else to say. ~1:40h
 2021-12-09   ASMR  【ASMR】Shhh!! SHH! !【ASMR】Shhh�klzzwxh:0206��klzzwxh:0207� SHH�klzzwxh:0208� �klzzwxh:0209�Thumbnail Source Technical Scuff. A lot of it, even for a Members stream. She got better at her ASMR, but the stream itself suffered a bit for technical reasons. Noise gate on mic set a bit too, high making her cut out lots. Mic not even added as soundsource for the first 4 or so minutes i.e. silly things that could be fixed without too much trouble in a future stream. (bit of personal opinion starting here. This is the weaker of the two members ASMR streams. Not because of what Mumei did or tried to do but because of the tech scuff.) ~1:10h
 2021-12-19   Watch-Along  【MEMBERS】Majo no TabiTabi Watch-Along 【MEMBERS】Majo no TabiTabi Watch-AlongThumbnail Source Watch-along. Another somewhat Sleepymei stream. Slept a lot, still tired. Extra raspy voice. Again, didn't plan to do a lot of commentary but ended up doing a lot. ~1:30h
 2022-01-06   Karaoke  【MEMBERS】 Acapella KARAOKE [unarchived] 【MEMBERS】 Acapella KARAOKEThumbnail Source Kino, for various reasons. Actually tried acapella in the beginning but got flustered(no BGM means we might hear body noises like breathing or tummy grumbles et al). Flustered Moomer just hits very different.. Ended up doing regular Karaoke. A lot of kino happened. YMCA ~3:05h
 2022-01-28   Game  【MEMBERS】Let's Play Fall Guys! 【MEMBERS】Let's Play Fall Guys!Thumbnail Source She was worried there might not be enough people that want to play with her to fill the lobby .... Needless to say, that was not the case and there have been more than enough players. That said, she's not very good and ended up doing commentary + zatsu light for the most part. Chippermei ~1:25h
 2022-01-30   Watch-Along  【MEMBERS】Majo no TabiTabi Watch-Along 【MEMBERS】Majo no TabiTabi Watch-AlongThumbnail Source (Last Members before the break in February) NYE Outfit. Zoinked out that day, might have canceled for the day if it would have been anything but a watch-along. Still a watch-along but overall kinda comfy. Had some bits that were a little bit more zatsu/personal near the end of the stream. Originally a zatsu was planned but that eventually became #12. As written earlier, no stream would have happened if not for watch-along. ~1:30h
 2022-03-20   Zatsu  【MEMBERS】Let's Talk About Songs to Cover! 【MEMBERS】Let's Talk About Songs to Cover!Thumbnail Source (New Home/NYE/Cup of Coffee) zatsu-light but mostly focused on what songs to commission backing tracks for. Briefly talks about her roommate(Boomei, she's talking about Boomei) ~1:25h
 2022-03-23   Watch-Along  【MEMBERS】Majo no TabiTabi Watch-Along 【MEMBERS】Majo no TabiTabi Watch-AlongThumbnail Source 3rd part for MnTT watch-along. Complete no-sell for episode9. Nothing else of note comes to mind for this one. ~1:30h
 2022-04-02   Zatsu  【MEMBERS】Let's Talk n Stuff 【MEMBERS】Let's Talk n StuffThumbnail Source The postponed zatsu that should have been part of #09(possibly). Was preceded by a members post where she already was little more open than usual. This stream might be a bit of a milestone for her, by far the most open and cutest she's been with us yet. Not going to go into any more details for this one as it did feel a little more personal. ~2:30h
 2022-04-14   Karaoke  【MEMBERS】POP PUNK ACAPELLA 【MEMBERS】POP PUNK ACAPELLAThumbnail Source Unarchived same as every Karaoke. This is the be Mumeis neighbor while she is doing Karaoke/Singing for herself simulation. As there are still no backing tracks for some songs she wanted to sing, this one is another Acapella Karaoke. Stream was a little shorter because she had a little issue with her throat that day and due to a limited number of songs. First half was pop-punk second half was various different songs (in various states of complete). ~1:30h
 2022-04-22   Drawing/Zatsu/Watch-Along  【MEMBERS ONLY】Doodle With Me! 【MEMBERS ONLY】Doodle With Me!Thumbnail Source Not a mistake over there in what type of stream, this really went into three directions. Overall a laid back and cozy stream that never felt like it's just dragging on. During the drawing segment, she was trying out various ways to give other holomem in her Drawing Hololive series options other than her usual cute and totally not cursed drawings. Three variations, two of them ended up discarded. After the drawings were done we did settle in for a bit of zatsu and things just went from there ending up with watching MV and commercials and more or less just hanging out a bit. Total ~4:00h - Drawing ~1:50h / Zatsu ~1:00h / Watch-Alongs ~1:15h
 2022-04-29   Watch-Along  【MEMBERS】Majo no TabiTabi FINALE !! 【MEMBERS】Majo no TabiTabi FINALE �klzzwxh:0127��klzzwxh:0128� Thumbnail Source Last part of the MnTT watch-along. Had some very adorable moments getting excited over cute anime girls. Didn't hurt that Ep10-12 were more on the cutesy side either. Some talk about what the next watch-along could be at the end. ~2:00h
 2022-05-10   Guerilla Zatsu  【MEMBERS ONLY】oh hi owl pals and parliament members 【MEMBERS ONLY】oh hi owl pals and parliament membersThumbnail Source Up to this point in time Mumei did communicate in advance when members streams would happen. This stream did break out of that pattern as it was the first members stream that happened as a guerilla. As with the zatsu before, this one did touch on a few topics that are a little more personal. ~2:05h
Membership gifting got enabled for her channel between those two streams. This is just a note for additional context
 2022-06-17   Watch-along  【MEMBERS ONLY】Monty Python and the Holy Grail Watch-Along 【MEMBERS ONLY】Monty Python and the Holy Grail Watch-AlongThumbnail Source Watch-along of a classic. Mumei herself did did watch it a long time ago, as with the watch-alongs before, we got plenty of commentary from Mumei This time however not as much as some other movies had. She liked it, so rather watching than giving commentary ~02:10
 2022-06-28    Online Quizzes   【MEMBERS ONLY】I Don't Know What We Are Doing Yet But We Will Do Something 【MEMBERS ONLY】I Don't Know What We Are Doing Yet But We Will Do SomethingThumbnail Source Some simple hanging out and doing online quizzes stream (personality type, psychopathy test, etc) ~02:00h
2022-07-16 Zatsu + Updates 【MEMBERS ONLY】oh hi :D 【MEMBERS ONLY】oh hi :D Thumbnail Source Updates, the stream. Giving us some early info about what she is currently working on, what she was up to, who she accidentally ghosted(again) or not ghosted. We also got the name reveal for Hootsie (certainly not just a generic Hootie). Also a story about a certain animal (not the Animal) which is hecking cool. ~01:55h
2022-07-25 Doodling + light Zatsu 【MEMBERS ONLY】doodles n doodles 【MEMBERS ONLY】doodles n doodlesThumbnail Source Starting off with some catching up, civ duties, drawing tablets ~30min. Doodles until creativejuice dried up ~30min. Back to some light Zatsu, mostly talking about her drawing/doodling process, upcoming schedule, petting animal etc... eventually transitioning into SC reading for the rest of the stream. Endingscreen was cute scuff kino. ~02:30h
2022-08-10 Karaoke with Guitar + Zatsu 【MEMBERS ONLY】Scuffed Guitar n Song Practice 【MEMBERS ONLY】Scuffed Guitar n Song PracticeThumbnail Source This was supposed to be Guitar practice Karaoke only but turned into a Zatsu after Mumei was done with the Karaoke part. The Karaoke parts have been cut out and the Zatsu only parts have been Uploaded in a separate vod. Having the guitar with her did wonders for her voice, not being able to stress as much over how she sounds but having to also focus on playing really did make a difference. ~04:30h
2022-08-10 Zatsu-only parts 【MEMBERS ONLY】Scuffed Guitar n Song Practice 【MEMBERS ONLY】Scuffed Guitar n Song PracticeThumbnail Source Just the zatsu parts. Edited and re-uploaded ~03:30h
2022-08-30 Watch-along 【MEMBERS ONLY】Blue Planet II Watch-Along EPISODE 1 【MEMBERS ONLY】Blue Planet II Watch-Along EPISODE 1Thumbnail Source Watch-along for Blue Planet II - One Ocean. We only watched one Episode(~50minutes) but had a sort of discussion about the Documentary with Mumei afterwards. As expected there also was a bit of Zatsu afterward. There were a lot of aah and oohs during the watch-along to be had as well as some moments of seethe about the style of the Documentary. Don't be fooled by the thumbnail, we did in fact NOT get Bluemei! ~02:40h
2022-10-01 PeekMei Zatsu 【MEMBERS ONLY】hello how are you 【MEMBERS ONLY】hello how are youThumbnail Source Just a short stream talking about stuffs. Did run a little longer than planned and turned a little bit vent-y. ~04:20h
2022-10-08 ASMR 【MEMBERS ONLY】asmr test test test 【MEMBERS ONLY】asmr test test testThumbnail Source Trying out her 3Dio, expect some scuff. It's a little closer to her other member asmr than the public ones in addition to trying out some more generic things like ear cleaning, cupping and so on. This stream just so happened to be on the anniversary of her first Members stream. LEEEX (Runtime might not match, she wanted to edit out some unplugging noises) ~01:15h
2022-10-17 chill chatting and check in stream 【MEMBERS ONLY】late night check in 【MEMBERS ONLY】late night check inThumbnail Source :D A Planned Zatsu that still managed to devolve into many many tangents. ~02:40h
2022-10-22 Mockumentary Watch-Along 【MEMBERS ONLY】Megalodon_ The Monster Shark Lives Watch-Along 【MEMBERS ONLY】Megalodon_ The Monster Shark Lives Watch-AlongThumbnail Source Another Watch-Along, this time a mockumentary. Going in the opposite direction than the last two with extra commentary during the 'movie'. If we chum, they will come. ~02:20h
2022-10-29 Working Stream / (Accidental ASMR) 【MEMBERS ONLY】Signing Merch + Chit Chat 【MEMBERS ONLY】Signing Merch + Chit ChatThumbnail Source signing the birthday merch and all that entails, cleaning the desk, getting stuffs ready, keeping Animol away etc. it's a comfy stream ~01:45h
2022-11-13 Musical Karaoke 【MEMBERS ONLY】Musical Karaoke !!! 【MEMBERS ONLY】Musical Karaoke !!!Thumbnail Source Unarchived Karaoke, you know the drill. This one was themed around Theater and Musicals. Thanks to her staying up very late the day before and not really being all that well rested it turned out a little weaker than some of her other Karaoke. As any Hooman should be aware by now, planned Karaoke are pretty much hit or miss. Anyway, despite all that it's still greatly appreciated. ~02:25h
2022-12-04 Watchalong 【MEMBERS ONLY】Sora Yori Mo Tooi Basho Watch-Along - PART 1 【MEMBERS ONLY】Sora Yori Mo Tooi Basho Watch-Along - PART 1Thumbnail Source Second watchalong of a full series, the first mention of a sorayori watchalong was back during the after-zatsu parts of MnTT... So yea, we've been waiting quite a while on this one. At the start she did mention that she might have to help out with a project for civ duties but after the second Episode she learned that she would need to do a little more than just help out - and only had about half an hour left to do it. We ended up watching another 3 after that stopping after Ep5. ~3:10h
2022-12-13 Watchalong 【MEMBERS ONLY】A Place Further Than The Universe - PART 2 【MEMBERS ONLY】A Place Further Than The Universe - PART 2Thumbnail Source This one got cut a little short due to time constraints, our Owl was still being all busy but she still managed to squeeze in two Episodes. Would have done more if we had more time available. A certain subplot got exactly the reaction we were expecting. ~01:30h
2022-12-19 Watchalong 【MEMBERS ONLY】A Place Further Than The Universe - FINALE 【MEMBERS ONLY】A Place Further Than The Universe - FINALEThumbnail Source Instead of a member zatsu before her break we got to finish Sorayori. Both at our request and because she would have finished it on her own during the break(and pretended she didn't finish to watch the rest with us a second time).. so she has been preeetty excited to finish the series. Getting warned about it getting sad didn't do much to soften the impact, neither for us not for Mumei. Some zatsu afterwards to talk about the anime and that scene and a few other anime that had her be a little more emotional ~03:15h
2023-01-14 Sleepy Zatsu 【MEMBERS ONLY】chit chat, maybe doodles, also some news 【MEMBERS ONLY】chit chat, maybe doodles, also some news Thumbnail Source The News wasn't anything bad even if our Owl was being a little skittish about it. This stream is the continuation to Sleepy Owltime with about the same amount of brain capacity still being occupied by being all sleepy. Some doodles but no extra cute or slightly cursed creations. Then the news. Comfy stream but the lack of sleep did leave it's mark. ~03:15h
2023-01-14 Karaoke 【MEMBERS ONLY】歌枠 ACAPELLA SINGING ~【MEMBERS ONLY】歌枠  ACAPELLA SINGING ~ Thumbnail Source A rare archived (practice)Karaoke. She had a meeting later that day and thus not a lot of time, it's mostly JP Song practice with the usual vocal warm-ups, commentary and just Mumei being a silly. ~01:15h
2023-02-03 Watchalong 【MEMBERS ONLY】Bocchi The Rock! Watch-Along 【MEMBERS ONLY】Bocchi The Rock! Watch-Along Thumbnail Source Another watchalong, this time Bocchi The Rock! It's been quite the enjoyable stream, as before Mumei did not really remain on the quiet but gave plenty commentary. We watched Episodes 1-4. ~02:30h
2023-03-12 Watchalong 【MEMBERS ONLY】Bocchi The Rock! Watch-Along Part 2 【MEMBERS ONLY】Bocchi The Rock! Watch-Along Part 2 Thumbnail Source Second part of the watchalong. This should have been all the remaining Episodes but we only watched 5-8. Stream got cut a little short due to health Issues (This was just before her break) ~02:30h
2023-04-07 Watchalong 【MEMBERS ONLY】Bocchi The Rock! Watch-Along FINALE 【MEMBERS ONLY】Bocchi The Rock! Watch-Along FINALE Thumbnail Source Episode 9 through the end. Stream was a little shorter due to the Myth3Ds. ~01:55h
2023-04-24 Drawing 【MEMBERS ONLY】Drawing n Stuff 【MEMBERS ONLY】Drawing n StuffThumbnail Source Should have been a comfy drawing stream but didn't go too well due to health and got privated. 00:40h
2023-04-25 Karaoke 【MEMBERS ONLY】Practicing New JP Songs !! 【MEMBERS ONLY】Practicing New JP Songs !! Thumbnail Source Archived Karaoke, still a few Kyuns but overall a good voice day. ~01:00h
2023-05-22 Mute Drawing 【MEMBERS ONLY】Drawing in Silence ! :D 【MEMBERS ONLY】Drawing in Silence ! :DThumbnail Source Stream took place just before her vocal-rest. If you thought Mumei needs to be able to talk to be ever so slightly cute unhinged? Think again :D 01:40h
2023-06-25 Mockumentary Watch-Along 【MEMBERS ONLY】ANCIENT ALIENS Watch-Along 【MEMBERS ONLY】ANCIENT ALIENS Watch-AlongThumbnail Source Mentally prepare to get probed by Owliens. Half the watchalong was Mumei trying to get her head around the jumps and leaps of the show the other half was more ripping into all those leaps in logic the show had to offer. ~4:00h
2023-06-25 Mockumentary Watch-Along 【MEMBERS ONLY】MORE ANCIENT ALIENS Watch-Along 【MEMBERS ONLY】MORE ANCIENT ALIENS Watch-AlongThumbnail Source More Aliens, more insanity, more Moombrainmelting down. She was a little more prepared for it this time but plenty funsie were still had. ~2:50h
2023-06-25 ASMR 【MEMBERS ONLY】ASMR for Owl Pals !! + New Asset ... !!!! 【MEMBERS ONLY】ASMR for Owl Pals !! + New Asset ... !!!!Art Source No verbal abuse ASMR today but a dangerously cute caffeinated ranty ASMR Zatsu(forma de Mumei). After showing off the new Asset and trying out a few new things we quickly strayed into zatsu territory. Only wanted to go for about an hour but stayed for almost two and a half. She was working on the negative affirmation script before deciding to just do a zatsu though, so there is still hope..(It will happen, just beriebu!) ~2:20h
2023-09-18 Birdemic Watch-Along 【MEMBERS ONLY】BIRDEMIC Watch-Along !! 【MEMBERS ONLY】BIRDEMIC Watch-Along !!Art Source Very much in the same spirit as the Ancient Aliens Watch-Alongs just without all the ripping into how absurd the theories are. She still enjoyed herself, expect a good amount of quiet laughing. Bring your clothes hangers. ~2:15h
2023-10-23 Zatsu+Drawing 【MEMBERS ONLY】Drawing for Owl Pals !!! 【MEMBERS ONLY】Drawing for Owl Pals !!!Art Source Precursor of sorts to the Pfp comission stream a few months later. Highly comfy drawing stream with the occasional tangent. She did take her time for each picture, about 1hour for each of them. She later posted all of them. ~4:50h
2023-11-26 Zatsu (+Watching stuff) 【MEMBERS ONLY】Let's Talk About Stuff, Maybe Watch Some Stuff :D 【MEMBERS ONLY】Let's Talk About Stuff, Maybe Watch Some Stuff :D Art Source Mostly Zatsu with the watching old Vines just tacked onto the end(because it was in the title). Occasionally straying into various topics like permissions for reboardcasts, boat stuff, deleting TikTok(again), her plans in the near future, civ duties etc ~3:35h
2024-03-24 Zatsu and Thumbnails 【MEMBERS ONLY】Thumbnail Making + Brainstorming 【MEMBERS ONLY】Thumbnail Making + BrainstormingArt Source Emoom! Doubled down on us being her blood related siblings and was cutely excited to the point where she couldn't help but spill a few of the (very obvious) upcoming events like her Birthday live and another 3D live which was to be more involved than what was possible for her birthday to us. After that the stream was mostly spend on trying to make plans for the upcoming month, making thumbnails, streaming Ideas and so forth. Little did she know those ideas would be crushed by the kyuns and deadlines. PON PON WEI WEI ~2:50h
2024-04-20 Karaoke 【MEMBERS ONLY】Learning New Songs !! ~ 【MEMBERS ONLY】Learning New Songs !! ~Art Source Was supposed to be a practice Karaoke for japanese songs but her ISP had other plans. Gave up and wanted to private the vod due to excessive ISP/connectivity issues but ultimatively left it up. ~1:40h
2024-05-15 Eepy Zatsu 【MEMBERS ONLY】oh hi ! i'm eepy but not too eepy !! 【MEMBERS ONLY】oh hi ! i'm eepy but not too eepy !!Art Source Lower energy Eepy Zatsu. Kept us in the loop about how a load of deadlines kept her from streaming and recording on the same day for an extended period of time and how she did not appreciate that too much. Still wants to have an energized Members somewhen in the future. ~1:40h
2024-06-15 Unarchived Mocopi Karaoke 【MEMBERS ONLY】 UNARCHIVED KARAOKE with MOCOPI 【MEMBERS ONLY】 UNARCHIVED KARAOKE with MOCOPIArt Source First Mocapi Karaoke after a visiting Rrat unleashed her 3D Powers. ~1:40h

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Edit: 16 Jun 2024 17:15 UTC
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