Part 6: Together with Someone Else
Xue: “Sorry!.. There’s something I need to do, so I have to go back!”
Hikari: “Oh. Already?”
Hikari: “The moon shines on West Lake, illuminating its waters down to the bottom. We sit in this small boat dancing on the waves… Don’t you want this moment to last forever?”
Xue: “But I’m unworthy of you! To imagine you, a woman of otherworldly beauty, with someone like me…”
Koyomi: (Rehearsing with the other Gingaza members at my home… What an unusual sight.)
Koyomi: (I thought I wouldn’t get close to anyone anymore.)
Koyomi: (Don’t get influenced by your surroundings. Practice diligently every day. Seek further growth. Don’t be content with your achievements.)
Koyomi: (What I’m doing now doesn’t go against my family’s teachings. Though it’s definitely something I haven’t tried before.)
Koyomi: (I was the one who invited everyone to rehearse at my home. Did my heart also get poisoned by Ramona-san’s talks about friendly bonds?)
Hikari: “Why are you avoiding me? Is there something wrong with me?”
Xue: “Not at all. You see, it’s just…”
Koyomi: (I could have rejected her.)
Lilja: The sound of pouring rain gets louder. Scene change.
Ramona: Let’s go over the script till this moment once more.
Hikari: How was it? What do you think?
Lilja: I think you could try being a little more seductive. Make Xue so mesmerized with your charm she forgets about acting.
Xue: That’s not gonna happen. But your acting certainly could use some improvement.
Hikari: I see… I need to become even more sexy and mysterious… That’s pretty hard…
Koyomi: That’s true. I’d like you to try showing more charm that draws people in. Shall I make you some tea while we’re taking a break?
Ramona: Can I help you?
Koyomi: Don’t worry about it. Please, have a proper rest. Thank you for your concern, though.
Hikawa: Koyomi-sama? Do you need something?
Koyomi: Ah, Hikawa, it’s you. I was thinking of making tea for everyone.
Hikawa: Huh?!
Koyomi: Please, excuse me. I came into the kitchen without asking you first.
Hikawa: Please, don’t worry about it! But I would have made it for you, had you let me know…
Koyomi: Even I can do this much. There’s no need to burden you or the other attendants.
Koyomi: Besides, I wanted to make it myself. I’ll see to it that you don’t get scolded.
Hikawa: …
Hikawa: Very well. But at the very least, let me clean up here.
KoyomI: If you say so. Thank you for your help.
Xue: Impressive. Even the tea served at Koyomi-san’s home tastes delicious. Trying something so luxurious makes me feel miserable…
Lilja: Koyomi, did you make it yourself?
Koyomi: Huh? Yes. It would be a pleasure for me, if you enjoyed it.
Lilja: I see. Are you good at cooking?
Koyomi: No, I don’t have much experience…
Lilja: I see…
Ramona: Come on, don’t look so blatantly disappointed. Isn’t it enough that we’ve got to taste the specialties of the Senju residence?
Ramona: With this, we were able to eat from the same pot as Koyomi.
Xue: Saying this when we’ve eaten my hot pot together plenty of times. Germany, you and Finland are greedy.
Lilja: Hikari said earlier that she would have loved to eat breakfast at Koyomi’s home every day.
Koyomi: I’m pleased to hear that she liked it this much… By the way, where’s Hikari-san? I haven’t seen her for some time now.
Ramona: Yeah, she said she’d go to the bathroom just before you came back. That’s been quite a while ago already, though.
Xue: She has no sense of direction. She could have gotten lost at Koyomi-san’s house.
Koyomi: However you look at it, it’s not that big…