"A little I guess, though I should be alright with it, I’ve worked fairly hard for all this, and we’ve only gotta pass our first year, right? Plus I reckon Bianca’s gonna be up for doing some work," he added noting the look on Niall’s face. "And that’s proper work that is, not me doing all the work while she lies back and enjoys it, or whatever you can twist it into."

Niall’s face fell. "Jonny Boy! I’d never insinuate such things, honestly…"

Jon stood up, slapping his mate on the back. "OK, whatever you big fraud, you can never resist an opportunity to twist something sexually. I’d better get my study on… Thanks for the coffee by the way, just what I needed."

"OK mate, catch you later," Niall replied as Jon headed out the door.

Unlocking his door, Jon rested his head against the cheap and tacky wood board, his head swimming with thoughts about revision, sex, Criminal Acts, orgies and for some strange reason, breakfast. Breakfast?! I’ve gotta get my head in gear here, I’ve got several million cases to go over here, and I’m thinking of breakfast?

Going over to his sink, he splashed some cold water on his face, which sent shivers down his spine, but felt wonderfully refreshing. Settling down behind his desk, he opened his file and began to read over his notes right from the beginning of the semester. If I can just go over everything, then I’ll be fine, he thought to himself. I’ve been over everything at least twice now, and anything that hasn’t stuck this time round will never stick.

It became a day that Jon would look back on over the summer to come and wonder how he’d managed to cram so much Criminal Law into the 6 or so hours he had before dinner. He went over case after case, making sure he understand the application of the law and the impact of the decisions on the common law before continuing to the next one, highlighting any major points he thought he’d struggle to remember.

He made his customary thirty minute lunch stop at 1pm, hastily munching on some sandwiches and an apple, before ploughing on.

He checked his clock at 5.30pm and put his pen down for the day. I’m not gonna be able to do any more now. I can always look in on Bianca I guess, he thought to himself.

Moments later he was inside Bianca’s room.

"Hey Jonny baby," Bianca said when he’d entered, throwing her arms around his shoulders to hug him.

"Hey sweetie, how’s all the revision going?" Jon replied.

"Weeell, it could be better, but I reckon I’ll be alright. Not as if we’ve gotta learn it all off by heart is it? We can describe cases where we’ve forgotten names and such."

Jon nodded. "Yep, that’s the plan."

Bianca looked up at him and smiled coyly. Jon just gazed back at her for a few moments, very aware of his heart hammering in his chest as he stared down into Bianca’s chocolate brown eyes.

"Good God, I get so horny staring into your eyes," Bianca said, breaking the silence.

Jon blinked several times. "Blimey, that came out of the blue," he responded, a little hoarsely.

Bianca merely smiled in reply. "Well," she said a few seconds later, "I just reckon I can tell you little things like that without you being completely immature about it. Unlike some of the guys I’ve slept with."

Jon looked down at her again, a frown creasing his forehead. "How do you mean immature?" he asked.

"Y’know, like telling all their mates that I said such a corny line or something. I don’t think you’d ever get pleasure out of telling Niall that at my expense." She put her hands on his shoulders.

"Not pleasure out of it, no," Jon said thoughtfully. "But when you say stuff like that it doesn’t half turn me on too…"

A grin spread across Bianca’s face. She promptly grabbed Jon’s hand and guided him over to the bed.

"Well, I think I should do something about your horniness then. Got a few minutes before dinner, have we not?" she said delicately, her eyes burning with passion as she looked at his groin region.

Jon sat down on her bed, pulling her to him. "Better make it quick then sweetie, we want to get our usual seats," he said softly, as Bianca slid down the bed, pausing briefly to slip a hand inside his shorts, fishing around for his manhood. When her hand wrapped around its head, Jon let out a quiet moan, which became louder as she tugged his shorts down with her other hand, and guided him into her mouth.

She swirled her tongue just around the head to begin with, massaging the rest of his shaft with one hand, cupping and squeezing his balls with the other. Gradually however, the movements became more vigorous, with more of Jon’s cock beginning to be engulfed by Bianca’s hungry mouth.

As her head bobbed up and down, Jon gently massaged the back of her head, his face screwed up in pleasure. It didn’t take long before he felt the now-familiar tingling in his loins.

"Bianca baby, I’m gonna shoot any time soon," he managed to say between gasps as her tongue began to move like lightning around his sensitive cock head.

Removing Jon’s cock from her mouth, Bianca looked up at him, giving him a sly smile, her hand still pumping his shaft.

Jon looked at the way her golden hair fell around her shoulders, framing her face, her dark brown eyes glinting with lust behind her glasses which had slipped down her nose slightly and not for the first time he couldn’t believe how lucky he had been to have fallen into the grasp of this girl.

Meanwhile, the girl in question had felt his balls begin to tighten and as he let out a low moan of pleasure she aimed his first spurt directly on to her face, then she opened her mouth so the final spurts landed on her tongue.

Jon’s eyes had come back into focus, and he found the sight of Bianca’s face covered in his sperm strangely attractive.

"Bianca… Sheesh, I’m never gonna get tired of a blow job if they all feel like that," Jon said, wiping his forehead with his arm.

"Oh Jon, stop it. You must have had better than me, I’ve hardly done anything like this before," Bianca replied, blushing a little.

"Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself!" Jon answered back, scrambling off the bed to sit next to her on the floor, putting an arm around her. "You’re the best cock sucker I’ve ever had, most girls I’ve been with find it disgusting any how, so it’s nice to actually find someone who wants to do it, let alone feels like they’ve done it all their life." He brushed her cheek, causing her to turn and look at him.

"Jon, you just never cease to amaze me with your gentleman-like maturity, and it’s why I’ve got to let you in on a big plan of mine, if you’ve not already heard about it from others," Bianca told him.

Jon’s curiosity heightened. "Has this got anything to do with the threesomes and stuff Niall and I have experienced in the last few hours?" he asked, trying to contain the excitement in his voice. Please let her say yes, please let her say yes…

Her smile told him everything he wanted to know.

"So what do you think?" she asked him several minutes later when she had finished explaining her big plan.

Jon swallowed, trying to get his thoughts in gear. "This isn’t some kind of wind-up?" he asked tentatively.

"Of course not!" Bianca’s tone was indignant.

"OK, just checking hun… I really dunno what to say… So many questions…"

"Like what?" She gave him an inquisitive look.

"I dunno, well, why me?"

Bianca sighed and checked her watch. "Crap, better discuss this over dinner. I don’t think Holly or Tasha are here, so that makes six of us. Think Niall will get a table?"

Jon nodded. "Yeah, if he’s with the other three."

"I’m sure Karla will go over and bag him, no worries there," Bianca said, standing up and picking up her bag from her desk. "Right then you, lets go and discuss this over some food."

Part Six

Dinner was a strange affair for the two lads in the group. Albeit only four of their prospective future shag buddies were present, it still felt odd that they should be allowed to sleep with any of the present and the two missing. Many times throughout eating, Jon and Niall shared looks that combined exhilaration along with nervousness and a touch of trepidation.

The girls meanwhile, having discussed the matter between themselves at length, merely sat there watching the two guys as to how they were taking the news. Karla and Bianca too, had exchanged looks of approval several times when Jon or Niall had expressed their concern about a trivial matter which Bianca had already foreseen and dealt with.

"So basically," Bianca said, her hands folded together on the table, "we want to change your life completely. It’s very difficult to make logic of it all from our end, but it just feels right. No-one has expressed their concern, and if anybody does have a problem in the future, it is our right as a group to talk it through together to find the best possible outcome for all involved. Is that fair?"

Everyone muttered or nodded their agreement.

"Right then, it’s all sorted! Let the fun and games commence I guess."

Jon and Niall shared another look. Niall shrugged and winked, causing Jon to smile.

Karla coughed, giving her the centre stage. "Does anybody else have plans for the evening?"

There was another chorus, this time of negatives.

"Fantastic, well, I’ve got a plan to get everyone a little more accustomed to each other. I know some of you have exams tomorrow, but a little R&R can’t do any harm," Karla continued, looking in particular at Jon and Bianca.

"It’s OK Karla luv, we’d planned on having the night off. What’ve you got on your mind then?" Bianca asked.

"Everyone here likes music, right?" Karla asked, looking round as everyone nodded. "Well, how about a mime night?"

"A mime night?" echoed Kristen.

"I know what you mean Karla, we had these at home," Jon said.

"What’s it involve then folks?" Freddy asked.

"You choose a song of your choice, and then mime along to it," Karla replied.

"And play air guitar or something if there’s a guitar solo," Jon added helpfully.

Niall cleared his throat. "What’s the prize?"

Karla looked at him. "Errmmmmm… Well, normally I’ve never played where there’s been a prize..." she tailed off.

"But there’s gotta be a prize, some sort of encouragement for the winner, or where’s the fun?" Niall went on.

Jon looked over at his compatriot and began to see where Niall was going with this idea. However, Bianca beat him to it.

"So then Niall, you’re suggesting that there’s a judge and he or she judges the competition to see who’s the best mime artist, right?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Though I was thinking that Jon and Karla should be the judges, and they get to sleep with the winner," Niall said coolly.

It was Jon and Karla’s turn to look at each other.

"Well, OK, that’s if Karla’s alright with the idea," Jon said slowly.

"The whole point of Bianca’s plan, is that we can go to either guy right? So I guess I’ve not got a problem with all that. I’ve not really got to know Jon yet, so this’ll be the perfect excuse," Karla said, looking over at her co-judge and flashing him a quick smile.

"Where do you suggest we go for this mime thingy then?" Freddy asked.

"Any idea if Holly is back yet?" Bianca asked back.

"No idea, shall I give her a text? Presumably we’ll go to her room, is that what you’re thinking?"

"Mind reader," Bianca giggled. "She’s got the biggest music collection and the biggest room out of all of us," she clarified when the two guys looked confused.

Jon saw Niall stiffen slightly at the mention of music, knowing how much pride his mate took in the size of his own collection.

When Freddy had got a reply back from Holly on her phone, the group traipsed up to the latter’s room.

"Hey everyone," Holly said with a smile when she opened the door. "This sounds like a fantastic idea, can’t wait to see everyone mime along to their favourite songs."

As they settled down on the floor or the bed, Jon took stock of the fact that Holly’s room was in fact huge.

"Karla, Jon, get over here, this is your judging post," Holly called from behind her desk. "Right, apparently each contestant will come over here, tell you which song they want, just select it from my iTunes playlist and it’ll come on. OK?"

They both nodded, Karla took the big desk chair, Jon pulled up a stool.

"Should we get started?" Jon asked Karla.

She smiled. "Certainly. Though I’ve got to announce a slight twist to the rules."

Jon looked at her, an eyebrow raised.

"Oh yes… Just wait and see Jon, just wait and see."

Tucking her hair behind her ears, she stood up, causing the muttering in the room as the group chose their songs to cease.

"Before we start, does Tasha know we’re all here?"

"Yep, I just texted her, and she’ll be here in the next few minutes," Kristen answered.

"Right then, we might as well get started. First of all, there’s one rule that I haven’t informed you of yet." Karla stopped to look round the concerned faces. "You’ve all got to perform in your underwear…"

There was a moment or two of silence. Even Jon looked surprised. Certainly wasn’t expecting that, he thought.

"Right, c’mon Jon, we’ve gotta sit in our underwear too, or it won’t be fair," Karla said, already half way out of her top, revealing a baby blue lacy bra which Jon found out matched her knickers. Not wanting to be left behind, as everyone else in the room was stripping to reveal various colours of underwear, Jon slipped off his shorts and t-shirt. Once satisfied that Tasha, Karla and Kristen had removed their stares from his body (as they were the three girls that hadn’t yet seen him naked) he settled back down on his stool and waited for Karla to announce the first song.

"First up, we have Bianca Henderson. What will you be miming for us today Miss Henderson?"

Bianca stood up, reaching for the hair brush that was proffered by Karla, and spoke a little nervously into it. "I’ll be miming You Only Get What You Give by the New Radicals," she said, pushing her glasses up her nose. She was wearing a black bikini top with a dark green thong that showed off her curvaceous ass. Jon noticed Niall getting a good look in before he turned and gave Jon a huge wink and mouthed, "My God, I can’t wait to be hitting that!"

Jon smiled to himself before leaning forward, resting both elbows on the desk looking intently at his dream girl while Karla looked for the song in Holly’s playlist.

The opening notes of the song began, with Bianca swaying her hips slightly, nodding her head to the beat, before she began miming the count in. Jon could feel his dick begin to harden in his underwear.

It was a mesmerising show, including lots of hip movement and caressing of her breasts with perfect knowledge of the lyrics. There was also plenty of effort on the miming front and Jon felt that she was doing more than just singing along, she was feeling every word.

When she had finished, Karla stood up amid cheering and whistling from Freddy and Niall, and received the hair brush back from her friend. "Well, thank you for that wonderfully sexy performance Miss Henderson, what a brilliant way to start proceedings. Will you be this evening’s top mimer? We’ll have to wait and see."

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, and Tasha came in carrying a box of Carling cans, noticing that everyone was sat around in their underwear. "Well then people, what’s going on here? I thought we were miming, not having an orgy!"

This caused several people to squirm uncomfortably. Glad I’m not the only one who’s had that thought, Jon thought to himself.

Once Tasha had removed her clothes, settled down between Niall and Freddy on the floor and passed round the beers, it was Kristen’s turn to mime. She did a rather tame mime of Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen, which left Karla and Jon rather disappointed and the mood in the room seemed to have fallen slightly.

"OK, thanks for that Miss Karlsen," Karla said with a frown, as Kristen sat back down on the bed. "Can Mr Davis take the floor please."

Niall stood up handing his can to Holly, gave his winning smile and said in his northern accent, "OK, I’m going to mime the full length version of Bat Out Of Hell by Meatloaf, and I would like it known that I’ve never done anything like this before, so please excuse me if I’m rubbish." The girls he’d been sat on the floor with all giggled as the opening chords came on, and Niall started to do a very comical version of the keyboard riff, then alternating between air guitar and air drums.

Altogether it was an awesome performance with the combination of leaping around the room while miming accompanied by the wild air guitar solos.

Towards the end, Karla leaned over to Jon, whispering in his ear, "I think we’re going to end up with Niall tonight between us."

Jon thought about this for a few seconds. Niall! Crumbs, I’d never considered having a threesome with another guy, that could be seriously weird, but then I guess we’d have to get used to it by the sound of it. Why shouldn’t the girls be able to sleep with both of us at once? And it’s not as if I’ll have to sleep with him or anything, so it shouldn’t be a problem at all.

"Well, yeah, that’s fine. And you’ll be sorted I guess, two guys at once and all," Jon replied, gently digging Karla in the ribs.

Karla gave him a smile that suggested to him that he’d mentioned something she’d not really considered before.

When Niall had completed his one man band show, he sat back down to rapturous applause with Holly and Freddy patting him soundly on the back.

"Looks like you’ll be the winner here then Niall, you lucky lucky bastard," Freddy whispered in his ear, causing him to blush.

"Yeah, that was awesome Ni, born natural. Guess you’re going to be spending the night with Jon under Karla’s spell. That could be interesting…" Holly added in his other ear.

It was indeed Niall who was declared the winner following the final three acts. Tasha did an impressive mime of Fall Out Boy’s Sugar We’re Going Down, getting everyone to mime along with her at one point.

Holly performed Jet’s Are You Gonna Be My Girl to great effect but was disqualified at the end for trying to win the judges over for removing her underwear completely, much to the amusement of the other contestants.

Freddy completed proceedings by emotionally miming along to one of Jon’s favourites, Don’t Stop Believing by Journey, but the entire group was unanimous that Niall was indeed the winner and should claim his prize.

By this time, it was getting late, and Jon was conscious of the fact he had an exam in the morning.

"Karla, look, I’m not trying to back out of this or anything, but I could do with getting some sleep tonight for this exam in the morning," Jon said awkwardly.

Karla’s face fell. "Dammit, I hadn’t thought of that. I guess that rules Bianca out as well."

Jon nodded.

"OK, well I guess the next best mime artist should be awarded the final slot in the threesome then. And it’s not as if this will never happen again is it… Ah well, thanks for helping me judge, it was kinda fun." She smiled glowingly, and Jon had the funny feeling Karla was trying to flirt with him.

She stood up and addressed the room. "OK folks, Jon’s just reminded me of the fact he has an exam tomorrow morning and he has nobly offered to surrender his place in the Mime Idol Threesome. His misfortune will therefore be someone else’s gain." She paused looking between Tasha and Freddy. "Freddy will be the lucky lady joining me for tonight’s festivities." Karla took a final swig of beer from her can, slamming it down on the table.

Niall helped Freddy off the bed, and they both followed Karla out of the door, Freddy stopping to give Jon a passionate snog on the way past as way of thanks.

"So then Jon, do you want to join the loser’s orgy instead?" Bianca said, bringing Jon back to the present following Freddy’s kiss.

"L-loser’s orgy?" he stuttered.

"Well, we had planned on it being five girls in here, but it seems that since you turned a whole night of sex down with Karla, then it only seems right to include you in this adventure," Bianca continued.

"But, but… what about the exam?" Jon spluttered, trying to keep his emotions in check as his dick began to throb between his legs.

Bianca came over to him, slipping her arms around his shoulders. "We’ll only play for an hour or so, there’s time enough to squeeze this in now, and then I’ll make sure we’re both off to bed ready for the exam tomorrow," she said softly. "Don’t worry, just enjoy yourself…"

With that, she slipped her hands inside his underwear to stroke his fully erect hardness for a few seconds.

I’m completely under her spell, Jon thought, I just can’t refuse this at all.

He stood up, and Bianca led him back over to Holly’s bed, where to Jon’s surprise, Kristen was already lapping away between Holly’s legs, while Tasha was slowly caressing the host’s perky breasts.

"Right then girls, who’s first up for a fucking from this fuck monster I have right here?" Bianca said, squeezing Jon’s package. Activity had stopped for a few seconds as Kristen and Tasha both stared at the bulge in Jon’s underwear, both having never seen Jon’s manhood before.

However, it was Holly who spoke up, her voice thick with lust. "Oh Jon, you stud, get over here now and put that thing in me…"

Without further ado, Jon stripped off his shorts, his erection springing free as animal urges washed over him. He leapt on to the bed, and sank into Holly’s pussy, causing her to shriek with pleasure as he bottomed out and began to piston in and out of her.

Bianca wasted no time in scrambling on to the bed next to the now happily fucking pair, and began to maul Holly’s breasts with her hands, adding to the volume of Holly’s moaning.

Tasha and Kristen remained on the floor, watching the action on the bed for several minutes before engaging in a steamy kiss.

To Jon’s pleasure, Holly’s orgasm washed over her quite quickly in a loud scream, allowing him to have a breather as he watched her body shudder around his dick. Bianca too stopped for a breather, as Jon looked into her eyes, which seemed to be encouraging him to continue. As soon as Holly relaxed and her breathing returned to normal, Jon began to plough Holly’s field again with earnest.

Bianca switched positions, so her steaming pussy lowered down on to Holly’s face. It didn’t take long for Bianca to begin to whimper with pleasure, as Holly’s tongue began to work its magic.

Meanwhile, Kristen and Tasha were now in a 69 on the floor, each other’s faces covered in pussy juice as they lapped away at the other’s box.

By now, Holly had slipped a couple of fingers inside Bianca’s pussy, while continuing to work her tongue around Bianca’s clit. A few seconds later, Jon watched intently as Bianca’s legs tightened around Holly’s head, grinding her pussy deeper into her friend’s face, as her eyes screwed shut and her whole body began to shudder violently.

When her orgasm subsided, it didn’t take long for Jon to finish, as he gripped the insides of Holly’s thighs pumping his load into her welcoming pussy with a large groan. He collapsed back on the end of the bed gasping for breath, his refocusing eyes catching a glimpse of events occurring on the floor.

Kristen had just orgasmed around Tasha’s tongue, as her friend’s efforts proved too much for her. It wasn’t long before Tasha let out a shriek of ecstasy as her own juices flooded Kristen’s mouth.

Bianca was the first to stir when everyone had recovered. "Everyone alright?" she asked.

There was a series of mutterings and nods from the other four.

Tasha looked up at Jon from her position on the floor. "If there’s still enough time, I wouldn’t mind sampling that man’s cock before he has to go to bed."

Kristen smiled, licking her lips. "I wouldn’t mind a piece either."

Jon’s pride swelled as the two girls on the floor struggled on to their feet, swapping with the two who had been on the bed. Jon settled in the middle of the bed, flat on his back, as his cock was engulfed by Tasha’s hungry mouth.

With both girls licking and sucking his penis, it didn’t take long for Jon to regain maximum hardness. Tasha spent the longest time working her tongue up and down his penis, while Kristen satisfied herself by sucking his balls, and rolling them around in her hands. He let out a loud moan when he felt his crown hit the back of Tasha’s throat when she eventually put his length fully in her mouth. She continued to suck away, occasionally looking up at Jon, her mouth full of his cock, a sexy sight Jon thought.

Jon felt Kristen crawl up beside him. "Can you eat me out," came the whisper.

Jon’s heart nearly skipped a beat. "S-sure," he replied between moans as Tasha’s tongue continued to swirl around his head.

Kristen positioned herself on Jon’s face, her moist pussy meeting his tongue as he searched out her clit between her pink folds. As it all went dark, Jon tried to concentrate on pleasuring the girl sat on him, attempting to ignore the wonderful sensation of Tasha’s hot mouth around his shaft.

When Kristen’s legs clamped tighter around his head, Jon realised that he had succeeded, particularly when he saw the light again, and Kristen leaned down to give him a very wet kiss, tasting her own nectar that was on his tongue.

Meanwhile, Tasha was furiously pumping Jon’s shaft and sucking harder than ever to try and claim her reward. It was several minutes before Jon placed his hands on the back of her hand trying to force himself deeper into her mouth. She felt his balls tighten and his hips lifted off the bed as the first string of cum hit the back of her throat. She began to swallow most of it, Jon’s cock repeatedly spurting and twitching, even when there was no juice left.

Tasha let his penis slide out of her mouth with a pop as Kristen clambered over to share Tasha’s prize.

Ten minutes later, after a quick shower, Jon returned to his room, where he made sure he had set his alarm a few minutes earlier than normal so he’d be able to have a quick read through his notes before breakfast.

As he slipped under the sheets, he tried to absorb everything that had happened since dinner, falling asleep with pleasant thoughts of threesomes, lesbian sex and the six gorgeous women he had suddenly found himself involved with.

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Pub: 06 May 2024 11:45 UTC
Views: 789