Sarah the 6ft 5-Inch Muscle-Mare/Pretty Pony

by Ghosty

Out of all the 'uplifted' species humanity had modified and given intelligence to, equines figured humanity only uplifted them to torture them. Most of the uplifted species filled some role or niche in human's lives or fantasies. Equines only seemed to exist to be used for manual labor, farm-work, or having humans ride around on their backs. And humanity didn't even let them keep their original body layout, making the equines more human-like to suit humanity's tastes. Which meant having a human sitting on your back while on your hands and knees, not comfortably resting on four hooves. While Sarah was glad to have a waitressing job instead of working a farmer's fields like her sisters did, it still felt like a constant reminder that humanity didn't like equines as much as some of their other uplifted species.
The cervids, felines, lagomorphs, and even canines regularly got acting and modeling jobs. They were regularly derided by other uplifts as being the "chosen four". Humanity seemed to universally consider them attractive, and it seemed they were even kinder to those uplifts during the design process. Not a one of their males had larger penises than the average human, and circumference was also a bit smaller, but their males had been allowed to retain certain traits. The cervids had been allowed to keep their length, even allowed to have longer penises than the average human male. The felines were allowed to keep their spines. Canines were allowed to keep their knots, but had lost the ability to keep them inflated at will. Lagomorphs were the only male uplifts who's genetic programming would allow them to last longer than 5 minutes during sex, but the humans still had them programmed to not last longer than 15.
For the equines? Humanity was "kind" enough to let the males keep their oversized cocks. And then genetically programmed it so no stallion would last longer than 15 seconds during sex, and ejaculate so hard they would need about an hour to rest afterwards. Not one single mare could have an orgasm during sex unless she found another uplift or a human willing to fuck her. Equines were given the same unspoken message as every other uplift. Your males can breed you, but only humans can give you the fucking you want. The humans were just extra cruel in the message to the equines, limiting their males to being 2-3 pump chumps. The mares were designed to need 30 seconds of non-stop stimulation to orgasm. Sarah could only imagine what the equines had done to humanity in their animal past to deserve the treatment they got.
Not that the cruelty to equines stopped there. No other uplift was given "transportation" as a possible career choice. Cervid females were doe's, and humans regularly talked about how cute or sexy they looked. Feline females were kitties or pussies depending on the company you were with, and were always considered cute or sexy. Lagomorph females were bunnies, and even the humans that teased them for being buck-toothed still called them cute or sexy. Canine females were bitches, and also were regularly called cute or sexy. Equine females were mares, and Sarah had never heard of a human refer to one as being cute or sexy. A lot of humans said they had 'horse-face'. It was one of the most cruel things humanity did during the uplift. They left equine's long faces mostly alone, and many people would call them horse-faced. Sarah would regularly curse humanity for that. Why the hell didn't they make equines into something they considered attractive? They altered every uplift to make them more attractive to humanity, but left the equines as 'horse-faces'. They also left them muscular for labor, making mares about as muscular as male humans that spent a lot of time at the gym. They might as well have sent a letter to every single mare that she would be sexually frustrated for her entire life, and humanity would be expecting them to be thankful for it.
She cleaned off another table with no tip left behind. The mouse girl that worked there got tips, and the occasional offer to show a human her 'appreciation' at being uplifted for a larger tip. The golden retriever that worked there got tips, was regularly asked by customers to be a good bitch and bury their 'bone' down her throat, and was occasionally asked to stay late by the human manager for some 'overtime' work. Sarah rarely got even a small tip, and no human ever seemed to take an interest in her. She was 6 foot and 5 inches, at a very lean 160 pounds. She went running every day to keep herself from putting on weight from the ease of being a waitress. Equines that didn't work to keep lean usually wound up fat. And a fat mare was even more shunned than a healthy mare. Another day, and not a single tip. Her manager was getting tired of having a waitress that he always had to make up the short-comings of her tips out of the budget to ensure she met the minimum wage laws. And she knew full well he didn't find her attractive compared to her co-workers, so she couldn't really offer her body to him as apology like the golden retriever did whenever she dropped a coffee pot. If things kept up like this, he might just let her go. And then what?
Back to the farms? Dragging a plow behind her while completely naked, with a bit in her mouth and her arms tied behind her back? While the farmhands pinch her nipples and spank her ass with a crop to 'encourage' her to not be lazy? She had signed up to be a farm horse for a single year contract before, and regretted every single humiliating day of it. The worse part is when they were tied up in a stall at the end of the day. Every work mare was secured in a complex harness of wide leather straps so she hung from the ceiling by the harness, and her muscles were able to rest limply overnight. The damned farmhands enjoyed using a large vibrating dildo and 'magic wand' style vibrator on the mares. Sometimes they would give a blissful and powerful orgasm, sometimes they would push a mare right to the edge then stop and walk away while laughing and telling the mare she might be more lucky the next night. And the bastards knew full well the nightly harassment was the most sexual experience the mares were likely to have. A mare could only masturbate herself for 15 seconds before she came. The farmhands would hold the sex toys in just the right place and vibe a mare senseless for two minutes straight. For any mare who hadn't been with a human male before, it was a mind-shattering experience. The bastards knew it too. Right as her contract ended and she was being released, they placed a re-enlisting contract in front of her. The text was insultingly simple and direct.
"You can rest in our stable and be serviced by farmhands every single night after a day of hard labor. Just sign below."
She damn near signed herself before she remembered she wanted to get away, and then declined the offer. Every damn night, she didn't know if she was going to be left frustrate and begging, or screaming and drooling. And the days had been killer, with a team of four farmhands around her constantly pushing her to work harder. Going too slow or slacking off would result in the riding crop nailing her ass, or a pinched nipple. Or a riding crop on her nipples, and a pinch of her clit. One really sadistic farmhand took to threatening her with a orgasm-less night if she didn't put more effort into it. She was forced to believe him, he was one of the farmhands who held the toys to her and determined if she would get pleasure or not. She was always left exhausted and drained at the end of the day, hanging in her stall from leather straps, and being denied the two minutes of pure pleasure from a cruel farmhand always left her crying. If they would just give the two minutes every night, she would have re-signed and been grateful for it. It would be two minutes every day that she wouldn't have had otherwise.
The mouse girl who also waited tables with her saw her cleaning a table, and how the tip-cup that was a part of their uniform and worn between their breasts was empty. The mouse girl's tip-cup was about half-full of bills, and she had three used condoms tied to her whip-like tail that she had been forbidden to remove until she got home. There was also a small piece of cloth with "Human Cock Only!" written on it tied to the very end of her tail like a flag. Earlier in the week some human had tied it on, and then told her she had to wear it like that every day to work for the next two weeks. The manager had overheard and assured the customer that she would wear it as part of her uniform every day, or he would dock her pay. After work the manager had told her if any human customer asked her about the 'flag', she was to tell them she wanted to be clear to any uplifts that saw her. If any non-rodent uplift male asked, she was to apologize and loudly tell them she only accepted human cock. If any rodent male asked, she was to tell him loud enough for every other customer to hear that pathetic mouse dicks were far too tiny to please any female mouse or any other female. He then smiled and told her the flag was now a permanent part of her uniform, and asked her if she wished to kneel before him and thank him for the change to her uniform or her new required responses to customer inquires. She kneeled and served him, and then had to wear that cloth tied around the tip of her tail to and from work, and all day at work. Sarah had heard the mouse girl nearly yelling at some male mouse earlier today her required response, and saw the sad look on her face as she was required to publicly humiliate the male mouse who had shown interest in her.
Humans seemed to take great joy in sexually humiliating male uplifts. The golden retriever girl had been married to some other canine a few years ago, and had been planning on having pups. Then her human neighbor had made a habit out of inviting himself into her home. He would order her husband to watch and jerk off while he fucked her or had her suck his cock. He locked her husband in a cock-cage, and came back every single day to use her while he forced her husband to watch and masturbate. After a month, her husband told her he couldn't stand to be forced to pleasure himself while watching her get violated anymore, and left her to visit the neighbor. He told her neighbor that he was leaving her, and her neighbor handed him the key to the cock-cage and told him to remember that uplift females were a privilege for uplift males, and a right for human males. As a final humiliation, she was now required to start her day by running next door and waking her neighbor by kissing his cock, then thanking him for making her uplift husband leave so she could focus on serving human cock instead. She then had to swear she was a loyal bitch to human cock. Every day after work she was required to cook him a meal, and then spend dinner kneeling and sucking his cock while he ate the meal she prepared.
"Another bad day?"
Sarah just sat down on a chair and nodded. She was so close to crying it almost hurt.
"I saw a job offer, something you might be interested in."
The mouse girl showed her the job offer she had printed out. Sarah read it. Then read it again. It was interesting, she couldn't deny that. She just couldn't tell if she should try it or stay far away. It was an unusual offer. The 'MARES ONLY' in all caps was probably the least unusual part about it, and she had never seen any job offered to only mares.
There was contact info, but pretty much no description of what the job was about. Three times minimum wage? That was almost unheard of for an uplift that wasn't one of the 'chosen four'. It felt suspicious as hell, but it offered too much for her to walk away from. She gratefully accepted the job lead from her co-worker.

*   *   *   *   *   *

It was a large and sprawling house out past the edge of town, out in the country a ways. The nearest next sign of civilization was a few miles away. Sarah wondered for the 20th time if she was just delivering herself to some psycho or killer. She hadn't been told what to wear or what the dress code would be, so she just wore jeans and a button up flannel shirt. She stopped trying to dress herself up back in her 20's, when she got tired to spending hours trying to make herself look attractive only to get ignored for canines and felines that didn't even bother to brush out their fur. The only males ever showing interest were stallions, and she didn't want to have kids and knew they wouldn't be able to do anything else for her. She fought down the fear, there was no way this could be worse than the farms. Unless she was signing up to be a medical experiment or something. There wasn't exactly any laws against using an uplift for medical experimentation. The rodents lived in mortal fear of accidentally signing up to be a "lab rat".
Sarah didn't blame them. She still remembered seeing one white-furred rodent being used as a "lab rat" in some horror movie. Her arms and legs had been amputated, and her torso was strapped down to a table. She was gagged, and a large dildo on a fucking machine pumped in and out of her at a terrifying speed. Padding around her head prevented her from making any movement at all. With the gag, all she could do was lay there and be reamed. The human 'researcher' explained to the audience that this 'lab rat' was being used to test a theory about death from pleasure. The idea was to see if someone really could die from too much pleasure, so they had made her completely helpless and had the fucking machine constantly ravaging her. He explained that she was given nutrition and hydration through a feeding tube that went through her gag, and how they hadn't let her have a single second of rest since they started four weeks ago. The mouse peed on the table she was strapped to, and the 'researcher' calmly cleaned it off with a rag and said she hadn't been able to control her bladder since the first week. Sarah never found out if the poor mouse was an actual amputee or if it was just movie magic. What made it so horrifying, is that a human could do that if they really wanted to. Once an uplift signed a contract, they were property for the length of the contract. Unless there were limits written into the contract, the human you signed your life to could do anything they wanted. Even life-changing body modifications like removing arms and legs could be done if it wasn't forbidden in the contract.
Back in high school Sarah had gone on a field trip to a museum somewhere. She had to use the bathroom, and entered the men's room. Female uplifts were required to use the men's room, and male uplifts were required to use the women's room. It had been law since before Sarah was born. Inside she found a crying female mouse uplift sitting on a pillow next to the urinals. Sarah asked her what was wrong, and the mouse girl told her the story. She had answered a work ad for an uplift to work in "sanitation". Which usually meant working as a janitor. The pay was better than expected, and the human had offered her a choice of contracts ranging from 1 year to 5 years. The mouse cried as she told Sarah she thought signing up for a longer contract would make the human think she's a hard worker and give her a good assignment. A human male walked in, and the mouse cut off her story to talk to him, still in tears.
"I'm very sorry sir, but all the urinals are currently broken. If you need to pee, please let my mouth be your urinal."
He shrugged and said "If you insist." Then walked up to her, pulled out his dick, and stuck it in her mouth. The mouse girl closed her mouth around his penis, and Sarah could hear the swallowing noises. Then a combination of swallowing and gagging noises. The human then let out a relaxed sounding sigh and said:
"Ahhhh, that's a relief. I really had to piss. Keep swallowing, I'm almost done."
It continued for another 20 seconds or so, then the noises started going back to being just swallowing. The human grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her off his cock. She swallowed again, and immediately started talking.
"Thank you sir for letting me be your urinal."
After the human left, the mouse started bawling. Sarah tried to comfort the poor mouse girl, who pulled away from her and went to throw up in one of the toilets. She came back after emptying her stomach, and sat back on the pillow while sniffling. This time she gratefully accepted the hug from Sarah. The mare tried to think of something to comfort the girl with.
"How much longer do you have?"
The mouse girl just cried harder.
"Four years, three hundred and fifty eight days left!"
Sarah cried along with the poor mouse girl as she heard all the details. If the poor girl had gone for the shortest contract, she would be in for a very bad year, but just a year. She had foolishly signed a five year contract. The poor girl had mastered getting to a toilet before vomiting since on her first day she had been forced to clean the urine she vomited up off the floor with her tongue. She cried and told Sarah that she wished the toxins in the urine she had to constantly swallow would overwhelm her system and kill her. And how she tried her best to do the job, since her owner threatened to switch her from urinal to toilet if she did any less than her best. She sobbed to Sarah that she didn't want to find out what feces tasted like.
After that experience, Sarah made damn sure to never sign any contracts that didn't specify limits or exactly what the job would be. It was the only sane thing to do. The advertisement still bothered her, but it was an ad for work, not the contract itself. With that in mind, she walked the half mile from the road to the front door, and knocked. A middle aged human with slicked back brown hair answered.
"You here about the job?"
"Yes sir." It always was smart to be polite and submissive when dealing with humans. Being difficult could get you labeled as being 'disobedient." Being disobedient meant getting dragged off to a Corrections Center. Sarah had no idea what happened in a Corrections Center, only that the uplifts never came out the same way. She once had a wolf bitch friend in her 20's. Despite being one of the chosen four of uplifts, Sydney was actually pretty grounded and not holier-than-thou like some of the chosen four could be. But she also liked mouthing off to humans. She suddenly vanished, and a week later Sarah got an automated letter from the local Corrections Center telling her that her friend was in their custody and not missing. Which was standard, since the CC people would grab uplifts right off the street. An uplift suddenly going missing causes problems, so the CC sent out automated letters to family and friends of the arrested uplift to prevent panic and wasted police time searching for a missing uplift.
A few months later, and she got the message saying her friend had been released. She found it strange her friend hadn't even bothered trying to contact her after being released. She went to her friend's house, and saw her through the windows. Her friend was sitting at her dining table, hands clasped together on top of the table. Staring at a wall. She rang the doorbell, and her friend opened the door.
"Sarah, so good to see you."
Her friend smiled, and the words were friendly. But Sarah felt afraid, there was something very wrong with her friend. Her words were friendly, but almost lifeless and sounded robotic. Like she was reading off a script and didn't care. Her friend was smiling, but her eyes felt like they were looking into Sarah's soul and through her at the same time. Sarah tried to greet her friend.
"Sydney, great to see you! Why didn't you tell me you got released from the Center?"
Sydney still had a smile on her face. She didn't respond at all for about seven seconds.
"Good to see you too Sarah. Sorry for not telling you, I didn't think about it."
Sarah knew something was horribly wrong. She noticed Sydney had not invited her in, and Sydney had always prided herself on being a good host.
"Is it alright if I come in?"
Sydney was either looking at her, or looking at something behind her, Sarah couldn't tell. She took 10 seconds to respond.
"Of course you can come in."
Sydney stood in the doorway for another 10 seconds, then backed out of the way and Sarah went inside. She followed Sydney back to the chair that the mare had seen Sydney sitting in. The wolf bitch sat down, right where she was sitting before Sarah came. Sydney went right back to staring at a wall. They sat in silence for nearly half a minute before Sarah couldn't take it anymore.
"How...are you doing Sydney?"
Sydney turned to look at her, a smile slowly formed, then:
"I'm doing great."
The smile slowly faded back to the expressionless look, then she slowly turned back to the wall in front of her. Sarah excused herself and almost ran out of the house. Sydney never attempted to make contact with Sarah after that, and Sarah didn't try contacting her either. It wasn't her anymore. Her constantly joking and lively friend had been replaced with whatever was sitting in that house pretending to be alive. From her conversations with other uplifts, she found this result was the same for every uplift who ever got put through the Corrections Center. They just came back like this. Listless and not fully there.
The human asked her to stand with her legs slightly spread and her arms as high as she could reach. She did so, and he walked outside and around her, looking her up and down. Must be a physical job. As long as she was treated better than at the farms, that was livable.
"Do you have any medical problems or allergies I should know about?" He put his hands on her hip, and felt at her muscles.
"No sir. I'm completely healthy." No spanking, slapping, or pinching yet, this was already a step up from the farmhands.
He took his hands off of her, and guided her inside. She followed him into a room of the house that was obviously a home office. He sat behind the desk and then told her to put her clothes on the chair. Working naked, there was an echo. But everything so far was still nicer than the farms, so she took off her clothes and put them on the chair. She took off her bra and underwear and put them on top, then stood in front of the desk. He then had her pose in different positions in front of him, showing off every part of her body. Finally he had her bend over facing away from him, with her tail flat against her spine.
"Now that is something. You do know what the fur coloration around your pussy looks like, right?"
She knew. Ever since she was a pony, there had always been a thin white ring of fur at the very edge around her pussy lips. Surrounding the black lips, and having dark brown fur all around, it looked like nature had decided to high-light her vagina, to make sure no one could miss it. The farmhands laughed about it and said it was her body's way of telling them where to shove the dildo.
"Yes sir."
He had her turn around and bend over the desk with her legs slightly spread. He got out of his chair and walked around behind her. She felt a slight muscle tremor when he touched the very rear side of the white fur marking with his finger. He slowly dragged his finger around her vagina, tracing the white fur exactly. He kept slowly tracing around while speaking to her.
"I love it. Very distinctive. You could be in a line of bent over equines and someone could still know which one you are just by seeing your pussy. Very nice."
I love it? Very nice? These weren't words humans said to her about her body. Ever. Between that and his still moving finger, she felt a twinge inside herself, and then he put two fingers from his other hand inside of her and she lost it. She came and could feel her body squeezing and releasing his fingers. He had stimulated her to the 30 second limit, and she hoped he wasn't expecting her to ask for permission first. Instead he stroked his fingers inside of her.
"And a sensitive mare too. Very nice. I think you would make a great candidate for the job."
His fingers kept stroking inside of her and his other hand moved over to her right leg, where it started clenching and releasing the muscles in her upper thigh and on her ass.
"Excellent muscle tone. Very healthy, and it looks like you exercise your legs."
She came up on the 30 second limit again, and was very thankful for the desk she was leaning over. Her legs were having trouble staying upright. The second orgasm was even stronger than the first. No mare could manually push themselves to a second orgasm, they were too sensitive after the first for it to be enjoyable. But when someone else was touching, it just felt good. And the first orgasm, what mare's referred to as the 30 second smile, was always enjoyable but rarely felt satisfying, and was difficult because you got too sensitive after 15 seconds. His hands came off of her, and she cursed herself. If she had just remained still and not moving, he probably would have kept going. She had kept her legs steady for the first one, and he kept going, so he obviously expected her to stand still and let him do as he wished. She was about to apologize and hope he would continue, but she felt something touch her between the white fur ring. It wasn't a finger. He wasn't upset, he was going to...
He pushed into her, and then started running his hands over her lower back while he kept up a slow and steady pace. He kept talking about how nice her muscles were, how sexy her body looked, and scratched at the sides of her hips while telling her how much he liked the fact she arrived bare-hooved instead of wearing shoes. Shoes for equines weren't bits of metal nailed into the hoof anymore, thankfully. It was still not very comfortable to have a bunch of cloth and rubber around your lower legs and your hooves. As a waitress, she had to wear hard black shoes around her hooves as part of her uniform. They always hurt at the end of the day. Many equines wore shoes to hide their hooves, since they weren't considered 'cute' like the paws of the chosen four(except the cervids, who had split hooves that humans seemed to find more attractive than equine hooves). Sarah did in her younger days, but stopped after she stopped trying to pretend to be pretty.
She was slightly confused as to why this human would care about her hooves being bare, when she finally caught that he had called her sexy. Before she could think anymore about that, another orgasm shot through her system. The uplift process was very cruel to mares. Every male uplift who wasn't an equine could drive a mare wild. Even the rodents, and they had been genetically programmed with smaller dicks than most. Being designed to orgasm after 30 seconds of non-stop stimulation meant even a quickie or a virgin with no stamina could fuck a mare into a daze. And since the majority of males would just keep going until they had their own orgasm, any mare who managed to get laid by anything besides a stallion would be in for five minutes of a consecutive chain of orgasms that seemed to get stronger. Getting in bed with a human meant you knew you were going to be a drooling and shaking mess of nerves afterwards. Or so she had been told. She was finding that rumor to be completely correct.
Sarah was still bent over the desk, but she was unaware of laying over the desk with her hips hanging off. Her legs just hung limply and were spread far apart. She was aware of the human cock sliding in and out of her, shortly followed by another orgasm. By the time she caught her breath, she felt herself get hit by another. The human was saying something, but she was past the point of coherency. After what seemed like an eternity, it finally stopped. She could feel the human pressed against her ass, and his hands kept grabbing and rubbing the muscles on her ass. She finally felt her legs working again, and started flexing her kegel muscles. After what she just went through, she really wanted to impress this human. She would have gladly murdered someone just for the promise of a second round some other day.
"Very nice performance. Loving the 'milking' sensation. Good enthusiasm, great attitude, and amazing body. I think you're going to be a hit. Wait right here."
With that, he slid out of her, and walked around the desk with his erection still sticking out of his pants. He pulled some papers out of a drawer, then walked back behind her and pushed his cock back inside of her. She prayed he wasn't going to fuck her while having her sign, she would sign anything after about the third orgasm. He sat the stack of papers on the desk in front of her hips, and pulled her back with both hands on her breasts. This left her somewhat squatting in front of the desk, but standing upright, with his dick inside of her and his hands on her breasts. He spoke to her while grasping and squeezing at her tits, but his hips remained pressed against hers.
"The job is simple. I make pornography. My company focuses on female uplifts with male humans or male uplifts, or both. We've done all kinds of uplifts, except equines. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that mares generally aren't the target of lust."
Sarah knew that all too well. This was her first time with a male that wasn't drunk. First time with a human too.
"People don't seem to think mares are attractive or desirable sex partners. I think I can change that, provided I have the right mare for the job. I'm pretty sure you are exactly the mare I'm looking for. Your job will be ten scenes a week, and you can do them all in a day or two if you really want to. A scene can last anywhere from twenty minutes to two hours. While you will be free to do what you want while not doing a scene, there is a required clothing item you must wear at all times when not doing a scene. It's a chastity belt. If you choose to work for this company, you won't be able to masturbate unless it's part of a scene. If you choose to sign, you are agreeing to hand full control of your sexual pleasure to the company."
That was unexpected, and she wasn't sure if she could go without her daily 30 second smile. Thankfully he wasn't humping her, or she wouldn't be able to object.
"Um, what if I wanted some sexual pleasure and I don't have a scene?"
"Just ask whatever staff is around, they'll have a key. And you can choose any staff member to satisfy you. If you agree to this part of the contract, sign the first page."
She could pick? Was this really a deal to get fucked by any human working for the company? She signed the first sheet. The cock inside of her almost slid all the way out of her, then rammed all the way into her.
"That's the first page. Now place that to the side."
Sarah did as she was told. The words in the page matched what he was telling her, this seemed legitimate. She wanted it to be real.
"The second page covers your clothing. What you can't wear in public, and the company has full control over your clothing during a scene. To put it bluntly, you are not allowed to walk around in public naked, or with your breasts or... high-lighted area visible, or wear shoes or hoof coverings of any kind in public. No string or thong beachwear in public, no sheer or see-through clothing to act as cover for your breasts or high-lighted area. Anything goes indoors or during a scene, but you are expected to keep yourself family-friendly when in public. If you agree to this part of the contract, sign the second page."
With terms like that, she had to think back and remind herself this was a porn job. She guessed they didn't want her giving away her 'assets' for free. She signed. Again he slid most of the way out, and rammed back inside of her.
"That's the second page, one last page to go. The last part is you agree that the company has full control over your appearance. We can dye your fur, cut or trim your fur in any way, or even have you wear contacts to change your eye color. This doesn't extend to piercings or branding or tattoos, only reversible changes. If you agree to all these terms, just sign the last page and we can start you at three times minimum at forty hours a week. This is a five year contract, but we can always extend it later if you want."
Even if she wasn't under the impression he was going to fuck her silly again after signing, she would have done it anyways. She signed so hard she left a gouge in the last page of the contract, and the desk mat under.
"Excellent. Let me welcome you aboard. Hope you're warmed up from that quickie."
Before she could ask how in the hell he could consider that 15 minute pounding a quickie, he was already going at her. She only remembered some fuzzy moments from the next two hours.

*       *       *       *       *

Sarah stood next to the wooden railing of the galleon, wearing a victorian-style frilly purple dress and matching frilly hat. She spun around, and found herself surrounded by a band of uplift pirates. Canines, felines, cervids, lapines, rodents, everything but equines. She fought and plead, but they outnumbered her a great deal, and easily overpowered her. They lead her to the front of the pirate ship, where a mast stuck out over the water with a unique hole carved into it about waist height. They undid the lock on it, and swung the "mast" open. The captain laughed and told her she was going to be their new masthead, and spend her days singing to the ocean. They marched her up to the mast, and bent her over, then swung the mast closed. With it locked, she was stuck with her lower half in easy access to the crew on deck, and her upper half hanging out over the sea. They used a platform above the mast to secure her wrists to the end of the mast in front and above her. Then the entire crew took turns making her "sing". The canines fucked her with force, the felines tortured her with slow dragging of their spines in and out, the cervids tried their hardest to poke her in the cervix, and the lapins and rodents enjoyed edging her and making her beg. It went on for over an hour, and the pirates had to carry her off the set afterwards.
The next day Sarah was wearing a black and white maid's uniform with stockings that went down to just above her hooves, white lace bands around her hooves, white satin arm-length gloves, and a white lace bow tiara. She knocked a glass sculpture off a stand and broke it, and her human employer was displeased. She begged to be allowed to keep her job. He had her take off the skirt and top, followed by her bra and panties. She was left wearing the tiara, gloves, garter belt with attached stockings, and the white lace bands around her hooves and nothing else. He told her this was her new uniform, and had her resume cleaning. While sweeping the floor he stood behind her and slowly fingered her. After she came, he told her she didn't have permission to cum, and told her to kneel in front of him. She did as she was told, and he unzipped his pants and stuck his dick against her lips and told her to make his dick and balls completely and spotlessly clean. Sarah didn't have much trouble swallowing him whole, or slipping her tongue out to stroke his nutsack while she pressed her lips against his lower stomach. After he face-fucked her to satisfaction, he asked her if she had anything to say to him. She swallowed, kissed the head of his dick, and thanked him for allowing her to keep her job.
The day after, and Sarah was wearing the bright orange jumpsuit of prisoners. She was shackled and being led to the medical wing by some uplift guards. They led her to some sort of frame to hold someone motionless with some devices attached. Some she recognized, others she didn't. After strapping her into the machine, they explained she was selected to take part in an experiment. The theory was that criminal behavior from uplifts is the result of never being fucked by a human. So the machine was equipped with an array of human-sized and shaped dildos, and would fuck the criminal thoughts right out of her. A ring-gag later, and they turned the machine on. She felt the first dildo push into her, and the machine surprised her with a second pushing into her mouth through the ring-gag. A very well lubricated third slid into her ass, but stopped only a little ways in, and started vibrating. The dildos in her vagina and mouth slid in and out, changing how deep they would go, and the speed they moved at. Sometimes the one in her mouth would go slow while the one inside of her pussy went fast, sometimes the other way around, sometimes they would sync up at the same speed and movement. After an hour of 'treatment', she knelt in front of the guards and swore she would never commit another crime. They patted her on the head and told her that was nice, but she still had twenty years of 'treatment' left before they could be certain she was cured.
Sarah was in a rather well equipped gym, and wearing bicyclist's Lycra shorts and a sports bra. She had a remote controlled vibrating dildo inside of her, kept in place by the tight Lycra shorts. She was being exercised hard by a stern and demanding human trainer. He had her do squats, with the vibe triggering for 2 seconds every time she was fully squatted. He secured her hands behind her back with rope, then had her run on a treadmill with a chain around the front grab bar connected to both her nipples by rubber padded clamps. After that, the rope was removed and she was made to lay flat on the ground with her arms behind her head. He knelt over-top her with his crotch directly in front of her, pulled his dick out, and had her doing sit-ups while blowing him. He told her to swallow, since she needed more protein in her diet, then he had her take off the shorts and removed the vibrator. The final exercise was lifting a 100lb barbell off the ground, raising it over her head, then putting it back on the ground. He stood behind her on a small platform to get the right height to ensure his cock was inside of her while she bent over and raised herself back up. After she was exhausted, he fucked her as she lay on the ground gasping for air. He growled in her ear that the next time she was so lazy during exercise, he would turn the vibrator on maximum from the start and not turn it off until after the entire session was over. After getting her breath back, she thanked him for helping her keep fit and promised to try harder next time.
Another day, and Sarah was in a classroom wearing a black skirt that went past her knees, black stockings, a white blouse, a green cardigan, and fake glasses to complete the look of a teacher. A younger human man entered the classroom and she greeted him as a former student. He told her about how much he enjoyed having her as a teacher, and how he wanted to thank her. She asked him what he meant, and he grabbed her head and kissed her. He then started working his kissing lower on her body, while she started protesting that she shouldn't be doing something like this. He slid his hand under her skirt and started stroking his palm between her legs while telling her he was a former student, not current, so there wasn't any laws against it. She kept trying to protest for a while, but after the first orgasm she just laid back on the edge of the teacher's desk and lifted and spread her legs. He dropped his pants and mounted her. and started pounding her while taking off her clothing. Soon she was topless and he was groping her tits while railing her and telling her how he used to jerk off to her while he was in her class. He timed it when she was about to orgasm, and asked if he could cum inside of his favorite teacher. She came while screaming for him to cum inside of her, which he did.
On her sixth day at work, she was called into her boss's office. She was wearing the jeans and flannel shirt from the day she signed. He was sitting at the same desk she had signed her contract on, and one of her fellow uplifts was sitting in his lap. Sarah hadn't seen her before, some nude mouse uplift with a gray and black fur coloring. There was a little black dress on the desk. The mouse girl was trying to sign some paper in front of her, but he was doing something to her that kept making her squeak loudly.
"Sir! I...squeak...can't sign if you...squeak...keep doing that!"
He looked past the mouse girl at Sarah.
"Alright, no more teasing, go ahead and sign if you wish. I have some other business to deal with."
The mouse girl hurriedly signed the contract, and her new boss pulled metal rod out of his desk along with a small chastity belt. He handed both to the mouse wearing only heels and earrings. She inserted the metal rod inside of herself with a small squeak, and then locked herself in the belt. After she put back on the dress, she suddenly grabbed her crotch and looked at him.
"When you feel that, it means I want to talk to you. I turn it up another notch every 30 seconds you make me wait. I don't turn it off until you come see what I want. Understood?"
"Yes sir!"
She suddenly relaxed and started breathing heavy. After she left the room, he told Sarah to have a seat. She didn't see any other chairs in the room, and started to sit on the floor when he stopped her. He motioned her over to his side of the desk, where she could see his dick was still erect.
"I don't discuss business with my actresses unless I'm inside of them. Have a seat Sarah."
She took off her jeans and underwear and put them on the desk, then stood in front of him. He unlocked the chastity belt, and then she sat down on his cock while facing him.
"Ah! You...said you wanted to see me sir?"
He brought a hand up and started rubbing her breasts.
"Sarah, is there something about your job you don't like?"
"No sir! I love my job!"
"You do remember the details of your contract, right?"
She wore the belt whenever she wasn't in a scene, she always dressed when outside, she wasn't sure what the problem was.
"Have I done something wrong sir?"
"Well, the week is already over, and you've only done half the scenes you are contracted to do a week."
She realized she had fucked up. She had landed the best job in the world, then failed. Before she could beg for forgiveness, he asked her if she was too worn out after a scene. She nodded.
"Yes sir, I'm sorry. I really want this job and..."
He scratched around the base of her tail and told her to calm down. She felt his cock twitch inside of her.
"Sarah, I have no desire to fire you or tear up your contract. You do excellent work with your scenes, and you're already developing fans. But if you can't do as many scenes as my other actresses, then it wouldn't be fair to them if I paid you the same amount. Would you be willing to do five scenes a week instead for fifty percent over minimum?"
Half of the original pay, but she could easily do five a week, and it was still the best job ever.
"Gladly sir! Thank you!"
He rubbed at her nipples with both thumbs, and smiled at her.
"To sign your new contract, make me cum inside of you without moving your hips."
She grinned and started working her kegel muscles, while hooking her hooves under the chair to prevent her hips from accidentally moving.

Pub: 07 May 2022 23:15 UTC
Views: 2894