Five minutes later the door opened again and in came Emily, the girls although naked were not embarrassed at all and all curtsied as the lady of the house came in.

"I see you've been making friends Tracey.", she said amused, "I've just come to tell you that the blacksmith is currently away in town picking up some supplies so your branding will have to wait., in the meantime settle in here and make yourself at home with your sisters, I may see you in a few days."

and with that she was gone and Tracey was left alone surrounded by five naked girls!

Over the course of the next two days she soon found out that the life of a fancy girl was fairly mundane. All they seemed to do was sit around gossiping and sewing with no real work to do, yes they had to keep their room tidy etc. but that was pretty simple work.

The girls were friendly enough to Tracey and treated her as one of their own but all the time she could only wonder when Emily would return with a wicked smile on her face and say her husband had gone and she was free to return to the big house and reclaim her previous life. Then on the second full day Emily did return but it was with a completely different proposition!

Apparently a slave appraiser was visiting the next day and she had decided to get all the fancy girls appraised as well.

"But I was hoping to return to the main house." Tracey almost wailed.

"All in good time maybe, but wouldn't it be fun to find out your true worth if you were put on the block." Emily giggled.

Although Tracey could see the attraction she also knew the idea could be fraught with danger.

"What if the man recognises me at some future party etc." she asked with a hint of desperation.

"Oh there's no danger of that." Emily smiled before continuing, " he's not from around here, after tomorrow you will probably never see him again."

Tracey had to admit that despite her trepidations it was an exciting thought, to be assessed by a man who would only be judging her value based on her beauty and figure, like a prize animal and with Emily's assurances that it would just be a giggle she found herself nodding her head in agreement.

The next morning all six girls were raised early by a young black boy as always, although Tracey always wondered why as they had little to fill the days once up. She actually saw the appraiser arrive. About eleven am a buggy pulled up outside the main house and a rather portly man got out. He looked mean and humourless to Tracey as he stood outside the house awaiting Emily and she shuddered inwardly at the thought of what was to come.

An hour later all six girls got to their feet from where they had been sitting outside in the shade as Emily approached with the man and Tilly also accompanied them.

"These are our fancy girls, as you can see we have six which I think is too many so one or two will be going to market soon and I would be grateful if you could cast you eye over them and help me decide which ones would fetch the best price. " Emily smiled sweetly.

"Of course my dear, I will be happy to put them through their paces for you and I can assure you I am most thorough in my inspections." the man replied in a manner that only inspired dread in Tracey.

"Maybe the coral would be best?" Emily smiled again and Tracey followed the other girls to the circular coral one hundred yards away where there was no shade and the sun was approaching its highest.

"Take your clothes off girls, buck naked, let the nice man see your charms." Emily shouted clapping her hands loudly.

The idea seemed outrageous to Tracey, the coral was not a private place at all and apart from the appraiser several males were idly standing around, staff and slaves, and all were watching the group of girls with excited interest.

To her dismay though several of the other girls immediately started undoing their dresses obviously used to following orders, an action that drew even more interest from the onlookers. O fcourse the idea of being naked in a public place was outrageous but what choice did she have so slowly and with some hesitation Tracey started to do the same feeling that she had no choice. It wasn't long before the first girl was bare naked and standing in the full glare of the sun and the excited people watching seemingly without embarrassment. Tracey was the last one undressed and she stood much more hesitantly completely naked. In her days at the saloon she had showed herself off on numerous occasions but never as publicly or as blatantly as this and to say she was embarrassed would be an understatement. It soon got even worse when Tilly went around collecting the discarded clothes leaving Tracey feeling even more naked.

What followed was nothing short of degrading, every inch of her was poked,prodded, sqiuezed and pulled and all in the full glare of the sweltering sun and all in full view of anyone who wanted to watch, and there was an ever increasing number of people who wanted to watch!

Of course it wasn't only Tracey that was being examined, the other five girls were getting exactly the same treatment. Finally after an hour he made all six girls trot around the edge of the coral for ten minutes, boobs bouncing, as if they were prize ponies.

Coming to an exhausted stop and by now not concerned by her nakedness, Tracey stood in line in front of Emily and the grinning man who was obviously enjoying his "work".

"A fine group of fillies ma'am." he laughed to Emily.

"Yes but which one is worth most on the block?" Emily asked.

"Oh this one without a doubt, she will fetch you a pretty penny I'm sure." the man replied pointing directly at a startled Tracey.

"Really." squeaked Emily delighted.

"Oh yes definitely, she has a pretty face and big heavy breasts that demand to be played with and she is not marked yet?"

"No, I was going to but our blacksmith is away on business." Emily said.

"Well that is good fortune for you ma'am, buyers prefer unmarked girls, she could pass as pure white."

"She is pure white." giggled Emily.

"Oh so much the better." the man laughed, "how did you acquire her may I ask?"

"I happened to be at the docks in town when her boat came in from England, she was unaccompanied and in need of assistance so I had some papers drawn up for her and now she is legally mine." Emily smiled.

"Oh very good, most unaccompanied white pussy that comes on boats ends up on the block shortly after arriving on these shores, it is a good form of business for some folk." the man laughed casually.

"Well it certainly was for me, she didn't cost me a penny." Emily giggled.

"Well she will make you a fine profit then when you sell her." and both of them laughed uproariously as if turning poor white girls that had just arrived in the country into slaves was a huge joke!

Of course Tracey didn't want to be sold, this was just a game as far as she was concerned. A game that had gone too far maybe and she shouldn't of agreed to let it go this far but still just a game that she could put a stop too.

Like the other girls she was dismissed and walking back to their hut they found their clothes inside and despite the heat it still felt good to be covered again.

As evening fell and knowing that her husband was away Tracey took all her courage in hand and marched up to the house and demanded to see Emily.

Emily feigned surprise to see her,

"I expected you up here before but I assumed you were enjoying your new life too much." she grinned.

Tracey demanded an end to the situation and that she thought it would be best if she ended her visit in the morning and spend her time back at the hotel while she arranged the train back home.

To Tracey's surprise Emily did not put up much of an objection. She had expected her to protest, tell her that the blacksmith was due back soon etc. especially as she was so highly appraised, but Emily seemed to accept Tracey's decision and apart from making her spend her last night at the plantation still in the fancy girls hut she was most agreeable.

The next morning Tracey was quite excited, she was disappointed that this trip had not turned out to be the long stay she had hoped for but she knew that to stay any longer would almost certainly result in her enslavement, something that was exciting in night-time fantasies but not so in the reality of broad daylight!

With barely a farewell from Emily Tracey was soon on her way on the long journey by buggy to town. The buggy and slave driver had been loaned by Emily and the conversation was sparse between the two and the time before she was outside the hotel seemed to last for ever.

There was good news and bad news when she enquired at the reception desk, the hotel had a room for her, the bad news was the fact that she could not get on a train home until Tuesday, six days time.

The prospect of spending six days in the barely adequate hotel by herself did not feel her with joy but she had no choice and she soon found herself unpacking in the same room as she was in before, with her view over the platform.

The six days passed as slowly as she thought they would, she spent most of her time alone in her room only coming out for meals which were held in the large dining room which was often frequented by saloon girls looking for business and men all to willing to give it to them.

The male guests of the hotel were rather rough and shabby and looked upon Tracey with suspicion, and of course lust, she had reverted to wearing her northern style dresses which showed off her ample cleavage to its best effect.

Despite continuing to wear her rather prominent and large wedding ring she soon found herself with a few suitors, men who instead of admiring her from afar would come up and try to woe her. She allowed these men to talk to her and occasionally buy her lunch but any signs of further intent were politely but firmly rebuffed, she was after all a married woman.

One such man was a Mr Johnson who seemed to cling onto her like a limpet and seemed to be besotted with her even though she did nothing to encourage his advances. Indeed she was really rather rude to him at stages but he seemed oblivious to this. The simple fact was she found him an overbearing bore and she had no physical attraction to him at all, he was at least twenty years older than her and more than a little overweight, in fact he reminded her quite a lot of her husband, a definite negative!

On more than one occasion though she found herself at the dinner table with her listening to his inane chat and smiling sweetly while she pretended not to notice him staring down the front of her dress.

And then disaster struck, one day before her train home was due she was at such a dinner when she idly looked over to the other dining tables and was shocked to see that not ten feet away sat the appraiser who had so thoroughly and intimately examined her at Emilys.

She quickly buried her head in the menu, the appraiser was sitting with another man and was in deep conversation and did not appear to of noticed her, which was the way Tracey wanted to keep it, he believed her to be a slave.

There was also the embarrassment of knowing where the man had poked and prodded her, places Mr Johnson could only dream of having access too.

For the rest of dinner Tracey could only sit there and agonise over circumstances until the moment came, when she knew it would, when out of the corner of her eye she saw the dreadful man stand and approach her table.

"Unusual to see a girl such as yourself in such surroundings." he said looking gown at her with a glint of triumph in his eyes.

"A girl such as myself Sir?" Tracey replied, her heart pounding.

"Yes a slave, a fancy girl." the man said much too loudly.

Tracey decided that the only way out of this predicament was to call his bluff and so gathering as much courage as she could she looked him in the eye,

"You are mistaken Sir, I am a free woman and I demand an apology."

For a second the man looked as though he had doubts about his accusation and Tracey dared to believe that her front had worked but then he seemed to regather his wits and sneered at her,

"I do not apologise to slaves, does your mistress know you are here?"

To her surprise it was Mr Johnson who came to her aid, standing up he snorted,

"I can assure you Sir that the young lady is a fine respectable lady and I will not have you talking to her in such a manner."

Tracey could of kissed him and again saw a look of doubt cross the mans face but it swiftly faded as he said,

"I told your mistress to get you marked or else this would happen. Well no matter now, I am dining with an eminent slave catcher and he will be glad to make your acquaintance."

Tracey cursed under her breath, why wouldn't this man leave her alone, and the learn that he was dining with a slave catcher was even worse!

"Come my dear, I have had enough of this gentleman’s impudence, let us retire to your room away from his poor company." Mr Johnson said, holding out his hand for her.

Knowing full well that Mr Johnson had wanted to get into her room many times before she could think of no reason to deny him now and so she took his offered hand and as he led her out of the dining room she heard the dreadful appraiser shout after her,

"See you soon Miss, no doubt I will be seeing all of you again."

She was well aware of the muttered conversations going on at the other tables as she passed and the accusing eyes following her as she left, but she just wanted to be out of there and in the comfort of her own room.

Her dread didn’t abate too much though once she was there, the appraiser seemed quite insistent about his accusations and why shouldn't he, only a few days earlier she had been prancing around in front of him completely naked!

Why had this to happen now when she was so close to escaping the town.

She sat and rank tea with Mr Johnson in an awkward atmosphere, he had defended her honour in the dining room but she could see some confusion is his eye and she was aware that he was starting to believe there was something not quite right about the situation.

To Tracey's relief there was no knock at the door or shouting from outside, maybe the man had gone and was going to leave her alone.

Around this time Mr Johnson suggested she have a bath, freshen herself up for the long train journey ahead of her in the morning. The room was fitted with a bath with new plumbing and filling it with water would not be the labour intensive effort it would normally entail. Still the thought of being naked in the bath with Mr Johnson in the room, screens or not, did not fill her with delight.

To her relief however he offered to go back downstairs and have a drink in the bar while she bathed and she soon found herself luxuriating in the warm water thinking what a good idea it was to freshen up.

She had no idea how long she was in there but the water had turned cold before she stood up and reached for a towel and Mr Johnson chose that exact moment to return to the room.

Hurriedly making sure that the towel covered herself as much as possible she implored him to give her another ten minutes to make herself decent but she could see straight away that he'd had more than on drink in the bar, several from the way he sat down and looked at her!

"I've been talking to your gentleman friend downstairs, " he slurred slightly, "he still seems convinced that you are a runaway slave he appraised last week."

"That is preposterous." Tracey said adamantly forgetting for a second her state of undress.

"Is it my dear, he seems very sure, in fact he says the girl he inspected had a mole at the top of her right thigh as a distinguishing mark. Have you got such a mole?" he asked lustfully.

Of course Tracey did have such a mole but she didn't want to show Mr Johnson that, apart from anything else it would be inappropriate and it would also confirm her fate, how else would the appraiser know she had such an intimate mark unless he'd seen it.

"Don't be silly, now I must insist that you allow me some dignity and let me dress in privacy." she snorted at him with as much rudeness as she could muster.

"In time my dear, I did not mean to offend you but the view you are offering is so enticing." he laughed, "why don’t you step out of the bath, it must be so cold."

The water was indeed so cold and so keeping a firm grip on the towel she stepped out which proved to be her downfall because despite her best efforts as she raised her leg the towel parted sufficiently to clearly expose the mole on her thigh.

"Runaway, runaway." Mr Johnson suddenly shrieked at the top of his voice almost making Tracey topple out of the bath altogether in surprise. Instead she hurriedly stepped out and rushed over to him in an effort to calm him and stop him shouting but she was shocked when the door burst open and in strode the appraiser and his slave catcher friend.

"I knew it was you, well your coming with us." he shouted and reached out and grabbed her arm.

They must have been waiting outside the room for Mr John sons call she reasoned and started to panic now, Mr Johnson had all the proof he needed of her guilt and these men were determined to act on it. Of course she wasn't a runaway slave at all but how could you explain that it had all been a little game and what self respecting white woman would of allowed herself to be examined so intimately by the appraiser.

"Unhand me Sir!" she exclaimed but with less conviction than before, she knew she was in a very vulnerable position, apart from anything else she was in her room with three gentlemen dressed only in a towel.

"You are coming with me Missy, you are nothing but a runaway slave and will be treated as such." he exclaimed back and she was aware that the slave catcher was looking on with lustful eyes.

The man started to pull her from the room, mortified at being displayed so publicly dressed as she was Tracey fought and struggled but to no avail, the man was much stronger than she and slowly but surely she was pulled into the public parts of the hotel.

She quickly attracted a lot of attention, some tutting from the women and lots of appreciative looks from the men who was obviously hopeful that her precariously fastened towel would fall off completely.

"This is a mistake, let me go." Tracey screamed in a more and more frantic tone.

"No mistake young lady, we are going to make sure everyone knows exactly what you are." the slave catcher laughed from behind her.

The front entrance door was approaching now, surely they didn't expect to take her outside like this!

Just as it seemed they did Tracey thought her salvation appeared in the form of the hotel manager who she had previously spoken civilly too stood in front of them baring their way. Her hopes were son dashed though when the manager addressed the men leading her,

"Gentlemen, I can assure you that I had no idea she was a runaway, obviously she would not of been allowed to stay at this establishment if I had, as you can see she can easily pass as white." and with that he swiftly pulled the towel from her leaving her standing in the hotel lobby quite naked.

Tracey wasn't the only one to gasp out loud, the shame and humiliation was almost too much to take, the two men leading her had a firm grip on her arms so she was unable to cover herself from the numerous people now straining to get a better look at her fully exposed charms.

As before there were mutterings, laughter and shouts of indignation in equal measure and Tracey was dimly aware of the appraiser pulling her forward again,

"Out we go." he laughed pushing her out the door and into the bright sunlight.

The hotel was situated on the main street of town and Tracey knew she was drawing a large crowd as she was pulled roughly through the street, men women and children revelling in her plight and enjoying the sight of her large breasts bouncing slightly as she was walked.

She was still protesting her innocence but the fight was almost gone from her and she allowed herself to be led limply through the street for the amusement of the onlookers.

She had no idea where they were taking her but they seemed to be walking with a purpose and when thy finally stopped she looked up with dread at the blacksmiths sign.

Surely not but it seemed so.

"Right then young lady let's get you properly marked, then everyone will know your true status." the appraiser laughed loudly and all she could do was shudder in fear.

She couldn't allow herself to be branded, apart from the immediate pain of the brand it would bring with it a lifetime of pain., shame and embarrassment. She wasn't even a slave!

She fought the mans grip with renewed vigour and as much strength as she could but it was no good, her five foot two inch frame was no match for him and she resorted to weakly crying out,

"I am not a slave."

which only seemed to bring laughter and jeers from the watching group of onlookers, it was if they didn't care about her plight as long as they got to see a naked white woman as part of the deal.

"Brand the bitch, brand the bitch." was a cry soon shouted loudly by the baying mob, they didn't know her, they didn't know if she were a slave or a free woman but she was attractive and naked in front of them and that was enough to whip them into a frenzy.

The appraiser laughed and as the blacksmith approached looking at the naked Tracey was lustful interest he said,

"Heat up your iron smithy, got a fine rump for you to mark."

"Are you sure," the smith asked casting an eye over the struggling Tracey, "she looks mighty white to me."

"Does it matter? " the appraiser bellowed loudly, "Get the iron on her behind and then we will all be sure."

To Tracey's hope the blacksmith still seemed to be looking at her with a lack of determination but then the slave catcher laughed,

"Don't delay sir, no need to worry, it's not as if you haven’t applied the iron to plenty of pure white hides before, what's one more."

That seemed to make up the smiths mind as he disappeared back into his shop presumably to heat the branding iron.

"No this isn't right." Tracey wailed but she knew nobody was listening to her.

As she struggled she was pulled into the smiths work area, the only relief being that she was now out of the sight of the gawking crowd of onlookers.

"She won't be so feisty once she feels the heat of the iron against her skin." the appraiser laughed holding her secure as they approached a blazing brazier complete with the long handle of the iron sticking out.

Her breasts heaved at the sight as she started sobbing, there was no way out, she was naked and they meant to brand her condemning her to a life of slavery. The men certainly seemed in no mood for mercy, even the blacksmith was warming to the task.

She was led over to a low rail and roughly bent forward over it so that her bottom was presented lewdly high in the air.

"She makes a good target for you sir." she heard someone laugh from behind her and she clenched wondering how much she was showing and how badly this was going to hurt.

The answer was not long in coming as the iron was pulled from the fire and although Tracey couldn't see it she knew it must be glowing red.

"You are sure gentlemen? There will be no escape for her once she is marked." she heard the blacksmith ask.

"most of the town has seen her naked now," she heard the appraiser laugh, "what respectable woman would allow that to happen, mark her as a slave."

Then without further warning Tracey's world exploded into a sea of pain as the red hot iron was pressed against her right cheek. She was sure it was held there for minutes but it must of only been seconds but she knew the effect would be permanent. The pain hardly abated when the iron was removed and she felt something cold and wet applied to her bottom.

"I never get tired of seeing that, however many times I see it and I've seen it a lot, a posh white woman reduced to a slave in a second." she was dimly aware of someone laughing behind her and fresh tears coursed through her.

"Right string her up till I hear back from her mistress, see what she wants me to do with her."

Almost in a daze the pain was still clouding her mind Tracey was only dimly aware of being dragged out into the open again and a rope attached to her wrists which was then thrown over a large branch of a tree and she was hauled to her feet. They didn't stop there though, they kept on pulling her higher and higher until she was standing on tip toes and then even higher until she was a foot off the ground and swinging gently.

Despite the pain of the burn she now had a new pain to contend with, her wrists were supporting her whole weight and hurt dreadfully, could this day get any worse!

"Ladies and gentleman, as you can see she has been branded now and is therefore officially a slave, "the appraiser shouted out to anyone who cared to listen," now although she is someone else's property I'm led to believe that she is willing to sell her at a reasonable price so please feel free to examine the merchandise at your leisure and place any bids you may wish to make, I'm sure they will all be carefully considered however low."

She would like to say that the townsfolk treated her with dignity and respect but alas they treated her as a piece of livestock up for sale, inspecting and prodding and poking her to their hearts content as they laughed and joked. Men women and children all had their fun and she could see several men seemingly placing their bis with the appraiser, this included several men who had tired to court her and of course the ubiquitous Mr Johnson who had enjoyed inspecting her thoroughly.

She had no idea how long she hung there but she was aware of the sun going down and a lighted lamp being placed beside her so the inspections could carry on. She was aware that although the pain of the brand had subsided somewhat the pain in her wrists had increased!

Her shame knew no bounds, nearly all the town and enjoyed seeing her naked body so lewdly displayed and nearly all treated her humiliation in a casually amused fashion as if it were of no consequence and she wondered how many more white girls had been treated like that before her.

Finally the appraiser approached her,

"I have received word from your mistress girl," he growled, "apparently there has been some mistake and you were a free woman after all."

Tracey's heart soared, was she to be set free?

"It's regrettable however that word came too late and you are marked as a slave now and so a slave you are. Your mistress has shown her lack of interest in you so I am free therefore to accept any bids for you that I choose to accept. I will leave you here on display for a further day and then consider the bids I have received."

Fresh tears welled up in Tracey's eyes, how could Emily abandon her so, her only hope now was to be sold to a nice man but from the way the men had looked at her and then submitted their bids she knew this was unlikely!

All she could do was swing gently in the breeze and await her fate.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 19 Mar 2024 04:00 UTC
Views: 835