I think my wild Zoroark is trying to seduce me!
by kemokeryu
First Edition (11/29/22)
Not content with teasing you among nature, the Zoroark you caught is now flirting with you in your own home
2.1k words, Greentext, M/F, Human Male on Female Anthro (HMOFA), Pokephilia, Zoroark, Male POV, Lovey-Dovey, Ends Before Sex, Implied Breeding
First Edition (11/29/22)
Written for: >>>/trash/BREED/ Accidental edition
>You love your Zoroark.
>She's you most special, joyful Pokemon.
>Unfortunately she doesn't reciprocate.
>Or rather, she reciprocates far too much.
>Serenading you.
>Seducing you.
>While still training and fighting hard to impress you.
>What in the world gave her this nature?
>You had relentlessly pursued her out in the wild.
>She seemed to really like that.
>Putting on a real show as you struggled to tame her.
>Gloating about her own swiftness.
>Countering your attacks.
>Teasing you when you failed.
>"It's a shame you can't defeat me."
>"I almost want to join your team!"
>After much training, trying and technique you finally outwitted her.
>But catching her might've been a very bad idea.
>At that point she started relentlessly pursuing you!
>Initially it only made you laugh.
>Over time you realized this was serious.
>Each pass she makes is wearing down your composure.
>It keeps playing on your mind.
>Longer and longer.
>What does she want out of you?
>Like, really want?
>Obviously to be more than just friends or partners.
>Already it feels like you spend all your time together.
>You freely hold hands ...
>Hug each other ...
>There's times you even fall asleep leaning into one another on the couch.
>Yeah, that's right!
>It's happened more than once!
>Maybe you are already quite intimate.
>What a weird predicament.
>All of that felt so natural ...
>Effortless ...
>But what else is she after?
>Maybe more affectionate gifts?
>You already surprise each another with fun presents.
>Possibly some kind of romantic date?
>So instead of a family restaurant you could go somewhere with a more elegant atmosphere?
>Does she want to go away with you?
>It could be that she wants a trip with just the two of you.
>Without the rest of the team like those other times.
>And finally ...
>She does brazenly allude to getting physical ...
>The signals are there.
>Imagine kissing her ...
>Caressing her ...
>Undressing her ...
>Grinding into her ...
>Getting to mat-
>"You know I have feelings for you Anon,"
>Her sudden presence jolts you out of your trance.
>Spinning around you see her in her skimpy "just lounging around the house" outfit.
>She's putting on her typical coy pose to reinforce her words.
>Wide smile ...
>Cocked head ...
>Facing slightly away so the side of her right shoulder is towards you ...
>Hands together up on her chest ...
>"Don't you have feelings for me?"
>That cunning teasing again.
>But this time you blurt out an unguarded, stream of consciousness response.
Of course I do!
>Why why WHY did she have to catch you at your most vulnerable?
>The shock of that honesty stuns you both.
>There was no humor in your tone.
>Only pure sincerity.
>Never had she been able to extract such a passionate answer!
>Her flirtatious smirk turns into a gasp.
>Immediately in your head you start rationalizing that outburst.
>It's technically true.
>Just not in the way she meant!
>Surely she'd understand that!
>"Anon ... "
>"Do you really ... "
>She walks up to you ...
>Meets your eyes directly from her greater height ...
>Places her clawed paws on your shoulders at the base of your neck ...
>And leans a little.
>Close enough that you hear her heavy breathing.
>You're petrified.
>All that resistance you built ... completely wasted.
>Nothing could be more intimidating that she is right now.
>No wonder you can't manage a response.
>"Alright, you don't have to say anything,"
>"I'll help you answer,"
>Her expression is nervous but her voice is hopeful.
>"Anon, I'm going to kiss you,"
>"I won't stop you from pulling away,"
>"But if you stay still just know that ... "
>" ... you'll be choosing ... me!"
>The glint in her eyes makes you shiver.
>Feelings of delirium and dizziness flow over you as she closes her eyes, tightens her grip and pulls you in to her snout and lips.
>With the distance between you closing, your mind races.
>If only you had more time!
>Take a deep breath ...
>Hold and focus ...
>Oh, how stupid!
>That won't achieve anything.
>But by some miracle, just this once, the whole world around you stops to give you this one moment.
>A moment where you finally ask yourself what you want.
>It should've been something you considered a long time ago.
>Time and time again you'd avoided confronting what was in your heart.
>Because you subconsciously knew the answer.
>An answer that was honestly too scary.
>Even only thinking about it had terrified you.
>What if it meant crossing a point of no return?
>Or violating taboo?
>Worst of all you could lose the most precious girl you could ever know!
>No ...
>Shut it all out ...
>Do what YOU want!
>You close your eyes ...
>Grab her from underneath her arms and around her shoulder blades ...
>And thrust yourself forward into her.
>That display of affection wasn't what she was expecting.
>Your move of raw desire causes your noses to bump into each other.
>Guh, how awkward.
>But the exhilaration that brought you to kiss each other is too much to ignore.
>She moves her paws up to hold your head from your chin ...
>And tilts her snout to slip deep into your mouth.
>It's heavenly.
>Her long tongue pushes all the way under yours ...
>Then flicks around to caress it from the top, the sides, and the very back.
>While her tongue has length, yours has more power.
>Ironic considering her height and size normally make her the dominant one.
>Finally an advantage!
>How about you bully her tongue around in a bit of righteous revenge?
>Your tongue interrupts hers, pushing it back into her mouth.
>She lets out a moan and closes her lips around yours.
>You can't help but moan a little too as the two of you frantically release some of your pent up emotions into each other.
>Excruciatingly overdue.
>There's so much to catch up on.
>Suddenly she breaks the kiss.
>Before you realize it, she's scooped up your legs and caught your back with her other paw.
>Lucky for you, your arm closest to her body wraps itself around her back so you don't lose balance.
>The other shoots up in panic but lands softly on her cheek with your fingers underneath her ear.
>"I want you, Anon,"
>There's weakness in her eyes.
>You're her vice.
>No-one else could bring her into a swooning, heated mess.
>She was desperately trying to stay in control.
>Graciously you lean up to peck her lips in acceptance.
>A final surrender.
I want to be yours.
>Not wasting any time, she marches off to your bedroom.
>Well it starts as a march.
>When she reaches your door she's practically running.
>A few steps inside and she throws you on the mattress.
>Then throws herself on top of you.
>All that haste is no good for one last obstacle.
>You're still fully clothed of course.
>That absolutely won't do.
>She kneels over you and rummages with your trousers in the beaming moonlight.
>Meanwhile you lean slightly past her to grab the hem of her loose fitting top.
>As the trousers quickly lower from your waist, you pull her top over and past her head.
>Some wriggling with limbs and both items of clothing are free.
>It's taking too long for her however.
>Now she's snarling, bearing her teeth at you and brandishing her ... claws!
>Your worthless t-shirt flutters to the floor in pieces, revealing your heaving chest.
>But that's not enough to calm her down.
>Beastly growling rings in your ears as she dips her head into your crotch.
>Teeth shred your underwear, a fraction of an inch from grazing your most sensitive skin.
>As your briefs fall apart your fully erect cock unleashes itself, slapping her right in the nose.
>Flinching first, she recovers and breathes in your scent deeply.
>There's plenty of it as you're leaking in overflowing anticipation.
>In an instant her composure relaxes.
>Long inhaling sniffs give way to low exhaling pants.
>You are her anti-drug.
>There's just one more nuisance to take care of.
>Her utterly drenched panties.
>As you reach out to remove them she stands, putting her hands on her hips and grinning down at you.
>You have to curl up to pull them down now.
>But you take a little initiative of your own.
>Groping her ass and getting a whiff of her juices as you slide her panties to her feet.
>Lifting up one leg out she slyly places her foot on your chest and pushes you back down.
>The other legs kicks up, gives a little spin to her panties before she flicks them away.
>And there she is.
>Pristine, natural, bestial form.
>Haloed by the light of the moon.
>Fur dancing in the cool breeze coming from your open window.
>Looking at her gives you chills.
>Unfortunately your chills aren't only due to her striking silhouette.
>The cold of the room has sapped enough of your warmth that you're beginning to shiver.
>Zoroark loses her moment as she notices your goosebumps.
>A quick brush of your leg by her ankle confirms what's wrong.
>"Oh I'll share plenty of my heat with you, Anon,"
>Just thinking of her rubbing your entire body with her fur takes the edge off the brisk room.
>"I guess I'm just more adaptable to nature,"
>She turns around and slinks off the bed.
>"But I'll do anything to make you ... comfortable ... "
>There's a wicked bit of intonation in her voice as she sways her firm ass on her way to window.
>Somehow she's finding ways to egg you on, even during the brief downtime.
>The exposure to the outside wind makes you aware of one exposure in particular.
>Glistening in the dim light is your erection, eagerly primed for when it's time to unleash its seed.
>Regretfully you obligate yourself to deprive fullfillment of your shared, true urges.
>With Zoroark distracted you snatch a condom from under your mattress and slip it on before the point of no return.
>Just in time too.
>Zoroark pulls the window down, finishing with a spectacular self-presentation.
>She swings her head to the side to smirk at you, jiggling herself to get make sure she has your full attention.
>Is that a cue?
>Does she want you to hold her against the glass?
>That means you'll have to get up.
>Not a simple thing to do now your hands are sticky with your own juices after the condom maneuver.
>You push yourself up a little with your elbows.
>Zoroark reacts by twistiung around to face you at her full height again.
>She approaches with firey eyes and the largest sharpest smile you've ever seen on her.
>One step at a time, each paw in front of the other, she slowly creeps back toward the bed.
>Swaying her breasts to subdue you again.
>And pointing a claw up, wagging it at you as an instruction to stay down.
>This is it.
>It's finally it!
>You and Zoroark have nothing to hide from one another anymore.
>Raw passion is all that awaits.
>She climbs up onto the bed.
>Crawling on all fours.
>Completely irresitable.
>There's no stopping you from touching yourself before she claims you at long last.
>With both of you soaking in impatience and her facing down at you, she runs her paw down your arm.
>About to take control of you.
>Gladly you relinquish.
>Though it's more of a trade.
>Your other hand grabs her ass.
>Slowly she backs her pussy onto your shaft.
>But then there's a hesitation.
>She's only stopped for a moment but you were now desperate to follow through.
>Looking up to her face you hope she's giving you a sign of what's wrong.
>But she's looking back to where your genetals are rubbing each other.
>Reaching back to ...
>You recognize the feeling before you figure it out from her movements.
>The air of the room begins swirling around your cock as she peels back the artificial rubber.
>She growls something but you can't hear her words over the pounding in your head.
>Like that matters.
>It's obvious what she wants.
>After everything it was stupid for you to deny you wanted it too.
>Now nothing could get in the way of you two breeding each other senseless.
>What's the point in forsaking your roles in the circle of life?
>How pointless.
>All that pretend civility.
>Only fools would bluff themselves into thinking it's possible to overcome the lust of two ravenous animals.