"You make the choice, Jimmy," Alice said, smiling up at him.

"You'd really let me fuck you?" Jimmy asked.

"If that's what you'd like, sure," Alice said. "Have you ever fucked anyone before?"

"No," Jimmy said, his eyes glazed. "But I'd sure like to."

"Well, here then," Alice said, laying back down and opening her legs wide. "Fuck me, Jimmy. I'd love to be the first one for you."

"Go on, Jimmy," Susan encouraged, excited to watch. "Do it. Here's your chance."

"Go on, boy, do it," John said, smiling as he watched Alice tease him.

Alice pulled her pussy lips wide open with her fingers as she watched Jimmy's face. Jimmy could see right into her hole as she lay there. Letting a strangled cry escape from his throat, Jimmy fell to his knees and held his cock at the entrance to Alice's pussy.

"All right, Jimmy," Susan said. "Do it."

Slowly pressing his cock against Alice's pussy, Jimmy held his breath as it disappeared inch by inch into her pussy. Finally it totally disappeared into her pussy and Jimmy just rested there, feeling the warm wetness of Alice's pussy. He could feel the muscles of her pussy gripping his cock, milking it. Then he slowly started moving his hips back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of Alice's pussy.

Susan watched with held breath as her little brother began to fuck Alice. She was torn between admiration and jealousy as she watched. Then reaching out and grabbing John's cock, Susan pulled him close and began to suck on him while watching Jimmy fuck Alice out of the corner of her eye. She could see his cock glistening each time he pulled it out of Alice, then it disappeared as he slammed it back in. John was sliding his hips back and forth fucking her face so Susan just had to sit there, he did all the work.

Then she saw Jimmy stiffen as he began to cum in Alice's pussy. Alice had her feet wrapped around his back and was milking him with her pussy as he came. Jimmy groaned as he ground his hips into her, trying to push his cock even deeper. Susan was surprised suddenly by her mouth filling with John's cum as his balls blew. She gulped, just barely managing not to cough, swallowing his cum as she sucked him. By the time John had finished cumming and Susan had sucked him dry, Jimmy's cock had withdrawn from Alice's pussy.

Susan could see his cum between Alice's pussy lips, her hole gaping from Jimmy's cock. Releasing John's cock Susan dove in between Alice's legs, gluing her mouth to her cum-filled pussy. Jimmy watched in surprise as she sucked Alice's pussy, slurping at his cum as she ate her pussy. Alice was laughing as Susan sucked her, holding her head with both hands. Then Susan sat back up, her face glistening with Alice and Jimmy's cum. Turning to Jimmy, Susan opened her mouth and sucked his gooey cock in, licking and sucking the juices from it before letting it fall from her mouth.

"Well, I see that you have been busy," Alice said, laughing as she sat up. "And you, Jimmy, you use that cock of yours very nicely. Did you enjoy yourself?"

"That was great," Jimmy said. "It felt so good."

"Yes, it did," Alice laughed. "And what about you, Susan? Have you let anyone fuck you yet?"

"Not yet," Susan replied. "Not yet."

"I'd love to be the first," John said. "If you'd like."

"I haven't decided," Susan said, smiling at John. "But I know I'd like your cock in me, John. I'm sure of it."

"Well, why don't you just do it now?" Alice said, her eyes shining at the prospect.

"Not now," Susan said. "We have a night dive to do."

"Maybe before we get back," John suggested.

"I hope so," Susan said, a twinkle in her eye. "I think I'll go upstairs now. You want to come, Jimmy?"

"Jimmy, I hope you come back and give me some more of that nice cock of yours," Alice said. "Would you like that?"

"You bet," Jimmy said. "If you don't mind," he said, looking at John.

"Not at all," John said. "The more the merrier. Alice has quite an appetite."

"See you later," Susan said. "And thanks!"

"No problem," Alice laughed. "We'll see you both later, won't we?"

"You will," Susan said, opening the door and going out, Jimmy right behind her.

In the hallway they ran into their parents who were coming out of their cabin. They all stopped in the hallway, a momentary awkward silence. Then Jane spoke.

"What were you two doing in there?" she asked.

"Just visiting," Susan replied. "Did you take a nap?" she asked, smiling at her mother.

"Yes," Jane said, a slight blush suffusing her cheeks.

"Or maybe you did something else?" Susan suggested.

"Susan, watch yourself, young lady," Don said, giving her a stern look.

"Oh, dad, you think you're so, so adult," Susan said. "I know a lot more than you think. Were you two going up or were you both going to visit Alice and John?" she asked, a knowing grin on her face as she stared at her father.

"We're going up for the night dive," Don replied. "Why would you ask?"

"Oh, just curious," Susan said, laughing as she scampered up the stairs.

"What was she talking about?" Don asked, looking at Jane.

"As if you don't know," Jane replied, staring at him.

"What do you mean," he asked as they went up the stairs.

"She saw you fucking Alice, that's what she meant," Jane said.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, his cheeks flushing.

"I saw you too," Jane retorted. "Don't think I didn't. Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Jane, I don't know what to say," Don sputtered.

"Don't say anything," Jane said. "When I saw that I let Ed fuck me."

"You what?" Don said, stopping her and turning her to face him.

"Yes," Jane said, staring at him. "And Susan happened to walk in and watch."

"I don't believe this," Don said.

"It's true," Jane said, turning and going over to her gear.

"Hey, everyone," Ed said, walking onto the dive deck. "This is a great spot for night diving. Lot's of lobster and conch."

"Hi, Jane, Don," Ed said, coming over to stand in front of them as they got into their gear. "Everything okay?"

"Wonderful, Ed," Jane replied, smiling at him. "I really needed that this afternoon."

"Any time," Ed said, smiling at her. "I enjoyed it too."

"Maybe some more later?" she asked, reaching out and briefly holding his cock in her hand.

"My pleasure," Ed said, seeing the shocked look on Don's face. "Bring Susan again too."

"We'll see," Jane said, getting to her feet.

"What about Susan?" Don asked, scrambling to his feet after her.

"Susan's been sucking his cock," Jane said. "What do you think of that?"

"You can't be serious," Don said, staring at Susan's naked ass in front of them.

"Oh, yes," Jane said. "I watched. She did a good job of it too. I was surprised actually."

"How can you say this?" Don asked as they got to the dive platform.

"After watching you with Alice, and me here and always willing, I'd do or say anything," Jane said, falling into the water.

Don spent his entire dive in a state of bewilderment. How had they possibly seen him with Alice. And Jane's reaction to it all. He couldn't believe she had fucked Ed. And what she was saying about Susan. This was too much. When he surfaced from his dive he found Susan and Jimmy on the dive platform talking with Sue and Harve.

Sitting down and slowly slipping out of his gear, he studied Susan, trying to see if there was anything about her body language which would support what Jane had told him. When Susan sat down and slipped out of her gear, Don found himself staring at her bald pussy when she spread her legs. Involuntarily his cock grew into a semi-hard state.

"Who's that for, dad?" Susan asked with a smirk as she stood to leave the dive deck.

Don blushed when he realized that she had seen him staring at her pussy.

"Can I talk to you, please?" Susan suddenly asked him, trying to hide a grin.

"S-sure, Susan," Don stammered, wishing he was wearing some clothes as his cock continued to get hard. "What is it?"

"No, I'd like to talk more private," Susan said. "Maybe down in the cabin, okay?"

"Sure," Don said. "Now?"

"If you don't mind," she replied.

"Okay, let's go," Don said, taking a deep breath as he stood and made way for the stairs.

Susan let him go first, knowing how embarrassed he was by his cock being so hard out in front of him. When they got to the bottom of the stairs they ran into Alice as she was leaving her cabin.

"Oh, hello, you two," she said. "Wasn't that a great dive?"

"It was nice," Susan agreed.

"So why are you down here then," Alice inquired. "The sun's out."

"We're just going to have a talk," Susan informed her.

"Oh, I see," Alice said, nodding her head. "Maybe you'd like an impartial third party to listen, maybe offer a different point of view?"

Susan and Don answered simultaneously, Susan saying yes and Don saying no. Alice laughed.

"It looks like you two are going to need a referee," she said.

"Please, dad," Susan implored. "I think it will help."

"If you insist," Don said, very uncomfortable now.

He was sure Jane suspected something and he didn't want Susan also involved.

"Come on in here," Alice said, opening the door to her cabin. "We won't be interrupted this way."

Without even looking at her father Susan went into Alice's cabin and sat down on a bunk. Don silently followed her in and sat next to her, Alice sitting on the bunk opposite. Don was acutely aware of Alice's pussy as she sat there with her knees spread. His cock twitched as he remembered how good it had felt to fuck her.

"So what is it?" he asked to take his mind in another direction.

"Mom is pretty pissed off about you and Alice," Susan said bluntly, watching his face.

Don's face turned a bright red when this totally unexpected statement was made.

"What are you talking about?" Don asked, trying to buy some time.

"You know, you fucking Alice from behind and then she sucked your cock," Susan said, delighted at the devastated look on his face. "Isn't that about right?" she asked, looking at Alice.

"That sounds familiar," Alice said, a smile on her face as she watched Don's consternation.

"Why are you doing this?" Don asked, staring at his daughter now with totally different eyes.

"Because you hurt mom's feelings," Susan said. "She'd like some attention like that too."

"And what makes you think she hasn't been getting attention?" Don asked, angry now. This was his daughter.

"I just think maybe you should invite her to join you," Susan said. "She might feel more included."

"And what would you know about it?" Don asked.

"Because I was there when Ed fucked her," Susan said matter-of-factly. "She didn't like it when I came in, but then I think she got off on someone watching her."

"And what's this your mother tells me about you and Ed?" Don asked, feeling more and more angry at this presumption.

"I like sucking his cock," Susan said. "So what?"

"Don't you think you're a little young yet to be doing and talking about these things?" Don asked her.

"How old were you and mom when you started?" Susan asked. "I know you were high school sweethearts. What grade were you in?"

When Don didn't answer Alice smiled to herself. "Poor man doesn't know when he's beat!" she thought. Then she heard Jane looking for Don, calling to him as she opened the door to their cabin. Without a word Alice got to her feet and opened the door, stepping out into the hallway and confronting Jane.

"He's in here," she said, seeing her eyes widen. "Susan's with him. They wanted an impartial referee for their conversation. But I think you should be here too."

Hesitating just a minute, Jane nodded and joined Don and Susan in Alice's cabin. By default she had to sit next to Alice on the bunk.

"Susan told Don that she thinks you're hurt because he didn't include you in his, shall we say, fun," Alice said. "I'm sorry, Jane. If I'd known that it would bother you I never would have done it. I just assumed."

"It takes two," Jane said, staring at Don. "I did no better when I went with Ed."

"What's this better stuff?" Alice asked. "You got laid. That's all. You weren't planning a life together or any big emotional attachment. You got laid. I got laid. That's all it was to me. I'm not trying to take him from you. I just wanted his cock and tongue for a bit, his body. I don't mind that he's a nice guy," she said, seeing the look on Don's face. "Now, I think you two should kiss and make up. Come on, you two," she said, grabbing each of them by the hand and pulling them to their feet. "Now kiss," she demanded, holding them face to face, Don's still erect cock sticking out and poking Jane in the stomach.

"Come on," she said, putting a hand on each of their asses and pushing them tightly together. "Don't you want to kiss?" she asked.

Laughing awkwardly, Don bent down and kissed Jane.

"Now, that wasn't much of a kiss and it's not funny," Alice said. "Do you need a demonstration or can you manage on your own?"

This time Don bent forward and caught Jane in his arms, gluing his mouth to hers and really kissing her. After only a momentary hesitation Jane responded, wrapping her arms around Don's neck and kissing him back.

"That's better," Alice said, standing close and pressing her body against both of theirs. "Get in to it," she said, sliding her hand down each of their asses and between their legs, grabbing Don's balls and letting her fingers slide in between Jane's pussy lips.

Both Don and Jane jumped when they felt Alice's hands, breaking their kiss.

"It feels to me like you two are ready," Alice said, letting her hands drop. "Please continue. I'd just love to watch."

"I think we should leave now," Jane said in a husky voice.

"Oh, come on, mom," Susan said. "I watched you and Ed. I'd much rather see you with dad."

"Now, now," Alice said, grabbing Don's cock in her hand. "I have a cabin rule that no hard cock shall exit this door. So if you aren't going to do something with this, I certainly will."

"I think I can manage," Jane said, wrapping her own hand around Don's cock.

"Oh, by all means, please do," Alice said with a laugh, releasing Don's cock.

"I think we should go now," Don said, very uncomfortable now.

"Why?" Jane asked, looking at him. "Don't you want Alice to see you fuck me?"

"No," Don exclaimed. "I mean, what about Susan?"

"I'm not worried about Susan or Alice," Jane said, staring at him as she tugged on his cock. "Doesn't it turn you on to fuck me in front of someone else? Does it embarrass you to be with me?"

"Oh course not," Don said, unprepared for this attack. "I just didn't think..."

"Were you thinking when you fucked Alice?" Jane demanded.

"You know there's only one way out of this," Alice said, laughing at Don. "I mean, if you don't want her, I think I could have a marvelous time with her," she said, moving behind Jane and letting her arms wrap around her waist, cupping her tits. "In fact, maybe you should go," Alice said, pinching Jane's nipples between her fingers. "Maybe you should just leave us girls together."

"Well, Don what's it going to be?" Jane asked, blushing as she felt Alice's hands on her tits. "Do you think you can bring yourself to fuck me or do we throw you out and just keep it girls only?"

"You're joking," Don said, not believing this.

"I don't know," Jane said, leaning back against Alice. "At least Alice shows an interest in me."

"Not like I do," Don said, suddenly angry as he pulled Jane close to him. "Not like I do," he said, kissing her, wrapping her in his arms.

"Oh, well, we'll just have to watch this time," Alice said to Susan as she watched them kissing.

Susan watched with bright eyes as her parents kissed. It was so beautiful to her. She watched as Alice maneuvered them so that Jane sat on the bunk, Don's cock sticking in her face. When nothing immediately happened, Alice reached for Don's cock, only to have Jane suddenly grab it and suck it into her mouth.

"That's better," Alice said, smiling. "He has such a delicious cock too."

"Oh, mom, suck him, suck him," Susan said, getting to her feet and standing close to watch as her mother sucked her father's cock in front of her and Alice.

She and Alice watched for at least five minutes as Jane sucked Don's cock. Susan was surprised that she could suck the whole thing into her mouth. It was obvious that Don was approaching orgasm when Alice suddenly reached out and grabbed Don's cock from Jane's mouth.

"What are you doing?" Jane asked, looking at her in exasperation, her eyes slightly glazed.

"You should save some of that," Alice said with a laugh. "Or don't you want some equal treatment yourself?"

"Yes!" Susan exclaimed. "Suck mom, dad. Suck her pussy."

Don turned to look at Susan, not believing that this was his daughter standing there naked, her pussy shaved, exhorting him to suck her mother's pussy right in front of her.

"It does look so tasty," Alice said, dropping to her knees next to them. "Maybe you'd like me to do this," she suggested, letting a hand trail up Jane's thigh to her pussy.

"Not yet," Don said, dropping to his knees between Jane's legs.

Jane was really turned on having Don treat her like this in front of Alice. When he dropped to his knees in front of her, she leaned back, bringing her feet up onto the edge of the bunk, opening her pussy to him. Susan was so different from anything she had ever experienced that she didn't even think of her as her daughter anymore as she locked eyes with her. Susan was beyond her control anymore.

When she felt Don's tongue slide into her pussy Jane sighed with relief, giving herself up to the waves of pleasure it produced. She loved getting her pussy eaten and having an audience was proving to be very stimulating to her. She arched her pussy up into Don's face as he sucked her, grinding her pussy into his mouth. Jane felt herself building to an orgasm when suddenly Don's tongue wasn't there anymore.

Opening her eyes Jane saw that Alice had lifted Don's face from her pussy, holding him in her hands as she laughed. She started to complain when she saw Alice grabbing Don's rigid cock in her hand but Alice spoke first.

"Now use this thing the way it was intended," she said as she laughed.

Pressing his cock into Jane's pussy, Don immediately buried it deep inside of her. To his consternation Susan was kneeling right next to him, her face not six inches from his cock as it slid in and out of Jane's pussy. She was licking her lips as she watched.

"Go, dad, go," she said. "Fuck mom's pussy. Fuck her good."

As Don heard this in shock, he was even more shocked when Susan reached into Jane's pussy and began to massage and rub her clit. Then he felt her hand as she wrapped it around his slippery shaft as it slid in and out of her mother's pussy. Susan was feverishly rubbing both her mother's pussy and his cock as he fucked her. He couldn't stop. His excitement was at a feverish pitch now. He could feel his cock swelling as he built to an orgasm. Jane was moaning with pleasure as Susan continued to rub her clit. Don could feel Jane's pussy begin to spasm as she came, gasping for breath as her pussy contracted.

This was too much for Don and his balls exploded, shooting cum deep inside of Jane. The whole time Susan was there, rubbing her mother's pussy and stroking his cock. He couldn't believe the intensity of his orgasm as his balls pumped shot after shot of cum into Jane's pussy. Finally they both stopped cumming, just resting with Don's cock deep inside of Jane. Then as he caught his breath and straightened up, his cock slid from Jane's pussy, a stream of cum following it.

Before he could even react Susan had wrapped her lips around his cock and was sucking on it, slurping at the juices that covered him. By the time he could react and pull his cock from her mouth, she was done, his cock clean as a whistle. Before he could even assimilate this Susan had turned and dove into her mother's swampy pussy, gluing her mouth to her hole and sucking at the cum cocktail that filled her. Jane just moaned as Susan sucked her pussy, slurping and sucking all the cum from inside of her that she could. When she could find no more and Jane's pussy was clean, Susan sat up, cum smearing her face and a big grin from ear to ear.

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Pub: 18 May 2023 19:12 UTC
Views: 770