*Ziggy Rentry Masterlist


*private rentry
*J.U.I.C.E. from 17776 themed
*super cool
*main rentry
*only working and up to date kinlist

*Stardust Empire

*Mainly space themed
*Very small theme of Miracle Musical and whales
*May be difficult to read, has many fonts
*Needs to be updated but is mainly accurate!!

*Rosa Tajikiae

*Rose themed
*Very easy to read, no fonts
*Not super compact or organized
*Pretty much accurate


*Public rentry
*Space themed
*Not at all screen reader friendly
*Not much information because its public
*I'm making a new public rentry soon, and one thats easy to read

*Kinlist and IRL list

*Private Sentry
*Up to date
*Contains list of all kins, IRLs, and otherkin
*Screen reader friendly
*harhar broken

*The Whale

*Public Sentry and Carrd
*Whale Shark themed
*Sentry is easy to read, Carrd is not
*Carrd arrows can be used to switch to Sentry
*Contains platonic lovemail
*pspsps lmao the sentry broke
*link link


*Contains IRL list
*Easy read

Pub: 21 Jun 2023 17:56 UTC
Edit: 15 Jun 2024 20:05 UTC
Views: 1053