Empire of Syndeoneia: Economy

The Empire has in recent years entered a time of troubles in all manners of life due to the reckless actions of the former Emperor Philippos III. Civil Wars have devastated the economy of the nation along with the effects of the treaty that shall not be mentioned. The C.I.O., in the aftermath of the war has emerged as both of blessing and a curse upon the nation and its economy. While they have contributed greatly to rebuilding the ruins of the economy, expanded the base to heights not yet seen, and stabilized the nation itself with brutal force. The C.I.O. practically owns the nation itself and everything in it. From the cash crops to the emperor himself, everything seems to fall under the C.I.O. and their lack of morals. Profit means everything to them, the harsh reality of being a puppet to a foreign company is something Syndeoneians must cope with every day.
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Primary Sector

The primary sector of the economy extracts or harvests products from the earth such as raw materials and basic foods. Syndeoneia's economy has a thriving Primary Sector, from which most of its wealth is stolen by foreigners from.


As has always been farming and agriculture are the heartbeat of the nation. The greatest agricultural yields come from the "Fertile Valley", but cultivation of crops and livestock can be found across the Empire as a whole, with the exception being the semi-arid Megalos Peninsula. Hunting of wild game has decreased in importance over time since the nation's founding and serves more as sport for the Dynatoi and the Rich Plutocrats from the C.I.O.

Agriculture in "Fertile Valley"

The Euphor Koilada or Fertile Valley is a general misnomer that describes the regions of Galatea, Doris, Ione, Lysianassa, Arethusa, and parts of other regions along the mighty Olynthiakos River. From this area, comes great yields and growing profits for the C.I.O., who has invested a lot of capital into the region to improve the irrigation, yields and the diversity of horticulture within the region for their own long-term profits. As brutal as these company men are, there is no doubt that they have turned this area from an agricultural heartland that had potential into a one of the most productive and efficent agricultural regions on the continent, if not the entire globe. The nature of the region also means that not every crop listed is grown everywhere, as some see better growth in the Tropical Rainforests of the Northeast while others do just fine within the irrigated savannah along the Olynthiakos River.

Food Production in the "Fertile Valley"

In these regions, the C.I.O. has been gracious enough to allow the growth of enough wheat, barley, rice, and millet to form a stable food stockpile for the nation, thanks in part to the skill of the former Emperor Manuel II (1106-1111) in negotating the National Food Stockpile Act. Beyond these staple crops, comes many tropical fruits that are grown on the great company plantations. Plantains, Coconuts, Cataloupes, Watermelons, Pineapples, Papaya, Avocados, and Mangos are all cultivated in some form in this region. Most of these tropical fruits are exported by the company, however. Other vegtables such as beans, yams and Sweet potatos are also grown as food products.

Livestock within this region are rare and more concentrated closer to the coast in smaller farms. The standard hogs, cows, chickens and goats can be found in these localized farms.

Cash Crops in the "Fertile Valley"

Other than the exotic fruit, it is the Cash Crops that are of particular intrerest to the Company for export. Thousands of acres of land are dedicated to the growth of these crops and only through clever irrigation and crop rotation with food crops is the continued growth of these crops possible, both now and in the long term for the C.I.O. The main cash crops grown in the "Fertile Valley" include Sugarcane, Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Poppies, Indigo, and Palm Oil.

Agriculture in Arianna and "Lividia"

The vast grasslands of that make up the bulk of the Empire are largely concentrated in Arianna, Arethusa, Dione, Eurydice, Ione, Laomedeia, Opis and Protomedeia. Excluding Arethusa and Ione, which are traditional associated with the other regions of the Fertile Valley thanks to their extensive irrigation networks; these regions do not generate the same yields as the "Fertile Valley", but agriculture still plays a vital role within their economy. These regions, Arianna excluded, are collectively known as the "Lividia". Unlike the "Fertile Valley", much of the food production lays in the hands of the Dynatoi as does a good bit of the Cash Crops.

Food Production in Arianna and the "Lividia"

The staple food crops of these two regions are Wheat, Barley, and Beans. Much of these staple crops are kept locally per the National Food Stockpile Act of 1107 and are used both for food consumption and to a much greater extent, as fodder for the livestock of this regions. Fruit production also does exist in some forms in these regions, with there being vast plantations along the Rhoedias. Pippas and Thetis rivers dedictated to the cultivation of Citrus, Lemons, Limes, Apples, Pears and Grapes.

But the real source of food production for these regions comes in the vast ranches that are found across Dione, Laomedia, Opis and Protomedeia. Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Goats, and Chickens are the primary forms of Livestock within these regions and are the backbone of the agricultural sector.

Cash Crops in Arianna and the "Lividia"

While the company's tentacles stretch everywhere, the Dynatoi still are the primary profiteers from the cash crops grown in these regions. Mostly found along the rivers, the cultivation of Tobacco, Cotton, and Coffee bring in decent amounts of wealth to the Dynatoi.

Although not technically part of the agriculture, Horse pastoralism is also largely found within these regions, with the famous Laomedeian Horses being a prized possession for every Dynatoi. The hunting of wild and dangerous game for their meat, or pelts also is a particular prized part of the economy, if not rather small. This is does not include the rather lucrative Ivory industry that comes from the hunting of Lividian Elephants

Agriculture in Megalos

Megalos, being the semi-arid region it is, is not friendly to agriculture of any sort and generally relys on imports and fishing to sustain itself. The local crops of cacti, date palms, and myrrh help sustain its population as well as does nomadic pastorialism.

Fishing across the Empire

Fish have been a staple food crop for much of the Empire historically and still is now for many today. River fishing is far less common than that of Oceanic Fishing. For regions like Megalos and Opis to a certain extent, Fishing is the primary source of food for the regions.

Whaling is also an important part of the local Economy of Opis, as the cities of Chandax and Kassandreia are both hubs for whaling and the production of goods using Whales parts.


While much of the primary sector is dedicated to Agriculture, Mining plays a crucial role within the economy as well. Mining is largely concentrated in the hills of Lysianassa, Eastern Doris, Eastern Ione, Northern Laomedeia, Northern Dione and parts of Protomedeia and Opis. The mining industry is also one of the main areas where the tentacles of the C.I.O. have extended heavily into, and much investment has been given especially to the extraction of Silver, Copper and Lead.

Silver and Copper are largely found within Lysianassa, Eastern Ione and Eastern Doris. Massive mining operations for these two crucial metals are undertaken in concert with local Dynatoi by the C.I.O. and many people in the hilly parts of these regions find themselves working in the horrible conditions of these mines that are prone to flooding.

Coal, Iron and Lead is largely found within Eastern Ione, Northern Dione and Northern Laomedeia. The protection of the Iron and Coal industries has caused some degree of conflict with the C.I.O. and has led to violence several times between the company and local officials but as of now, the situation has largely been solved with understanding from both parties.

Quartz, Limestone and Zinc are all found in the areas above as well.


Within the heavily wooded hills of the east and north, the Lumber industry represents an important part of the local economies but is not one that the C.I.O. has focused on as it is not profitable to them. Thus, this section of the Primary Sector is largely untouched by the foreigners and is experiencing a drastic decline recently. Much profit was made in the early days by native lumber companies that cleared land for the C.I.O. and their great plantations but this has dried up over time and as of now, the risks of deforestation have led to this sector declining. Efforts in recent years to produce a natural reserve of lumber have largely failed, but that doesn't mean that some communities still aren't heavily dependant on the lumber industry for employment.

As a whole, the Empire imports its lumber because of the shortage.

Secondary Sector

While the Secondary Sector of the economy was the one most devestated by the War of Tapinosist (Humiliation), it has recovered in recent years thanks to foreign investment, the C.I.O., and state investment. The C.I.O. has a practical monopoly on the economy as a whole, but no other sector quite shows it better than the secondary sector. Nearly 90% of all businesses are either own or have investment from the C.I.O.

Textile Industries

The growth of the textile industries since the war in the cities of Zykanthos, Kallipolis, Thebae, Adramyttion, and Kalamata are tied with the greater output of Cotton and Wool from the local pastures and plantations near these river cities. New technologies such as the spinning jenny, waterpower and the some experments with steam engines have allowed the manufacture of these textiles to grow rapidly as well.

It also helps that the Dye and Chemical industries have also grown since the war as well, allowing for better production of the textiles and more luxerious forms of them. Dyes and Chemicals produced in such cities as Antiocheia, Edessa and Kaisereia are often shipped to these centers of manufacturing. This industry as a whole seems to be thriving and future growth will continue for the Textile Industry.

Tanneries and leatherworks are part of these industries and are largely concentrated in the cities in the "Lividia", where growth has been moderate.

Chemical Industries

Concentrated in the capital of Antiocheia and the cities of Edessa, Kaisereia, and Philomelion; the Chemical Industry focuses on the production of Sulfuric Acid, Soap, Paper, and Dyes.

Sulfuric Acid and Dyes make up the bulk of the industry, as their importance to the growing Textile industry cannot be understated. Soap has seen some growth in recent years as a luxury good but has remained largely stagnate. Paper production from woodpulp and chemicals has grown but has hit a glass ceiling due to the lack of lumber that can be used.

Metallurgic Industries

Centered around the cities closest to the major mines like Argyrokastron, Platamon, Thera, Demetrias, Phokaia, Synnada, Thermae, Mylasa and Lopadion; the Metallugric Industry has seen great growth in recent years but also great problems. The Steel mills, Smelteries, and production factories that are found in these cities represent crucial parts of the growth of all industries. The advancedment of technology and invesment from the C.I.O. has seen these businesses boom, but the the fact that the C.I.O. controls the bulk of these industries involving such crucial materials is extremely controversial amongst the Imperial Court, the Dynatoi, the Locals, and the Populists alike. There have been cases of uprising to stop the C.I.O. from controlling this industry but each one has been surpressed and the largest one even caused the popular Emperor Manuel II to be overthrown and the nation to enter a short period of chaos.

Without the control of these industries, Syndeoneia will forever be a puppet to the interests of the C.I.O, who has outright stopped the weapon manufactory industry from producing anything for the locals. Local blacksmiths and artisans aim to try to counter this the best they can, but they can only do so much.

Food and Alcohol Industries

Found in every city is some form of a distillery, bakery or wine press. This is how things have always been but with the growth of the agricultural sector, this industry has experienced a boom economically. Many new food and beverage industries have opened up in all major cities, many being funded or controlled in some part by the C.I.O. Great amounts of confectionaries, beer, wine, and liquor are being produced and sold locally and abroad.

Other Industries

There are also many other types of industries that are found in the Empire that have not been mentioned. The Lumber Industry, Industries involving Whale products, Canneries, Ivory manufacturing, Shipbuilding, Luxury Goods, etc.

Tertiary Sector

The Tertiary Sector of the Empire is probably the most hated by the locals, as the bankers, land speculators, and merchants all seem to collaborate with the wicked foreigners. While the C.I.O. has a lot of influence in this sector and many foreigner carpetbaggers have come to take their share of the pie, there really isn't much to talk about with this sector other than the growth of merchants and salesmen being high thanks to the growth of the rest of the economy. The Stock Exchange in Antiocheia is dominated by the C.I.O. and many wealthy men that aren't from noble blood invest it the company. The Nobles however, whether it be out of ignorance or pride, refuse to consider the opportunities as a whole from investment and would rather die on the hill of honor. This has endeared many of the oppressed to them. This isn't to say that all Dynatoi are like this, far from it, but the populist Dynatoi are rising as a voice of the nation against Imperialism.


The Empire's economy is growing rapidly and has fully recovered from the great Tapinosist in most ways, but so is that of the C.I.O. The foreigners, while having rebuilt the nation's economy take from it like vultures everything of importance and leave just scraps for the nation itself. A growing resentment is forming in some circles, but for your average peasant, things seemingly have got better thanks to the C.I.O. If the nation cannot convince these average peasants that it is for the greater good to get rid of the foreigners, then the foreigners will exploit the land and its people forever.

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Pub: 29 Jul 2022 12:20 UTC
Edit: 29 Jul 2022 15:38 UTC
Views: 576