
Explorer Team Fangclaw

Mustel, Zangoose (M) Jolly
Age: Mid-Twenties/"Young Adult"

  • A college senior that was aspiring to get his zoology major and pursue a career in animal conservation, until he came across a magic book (The Pokemon Index) that whisked him away to the Pokemon World.
    • Abandoned much of his childhood passions in life in pursuit of his career including video games despite how much they affected his choices. Has regularly come to regret this ever since the Pokemon world has seemingly swiped all that effort away from him.
    • Has a varied knowledge of general sciences and trivia that he tries his best to apply to all his situations in this new world in an attempt to feel practical.
    • Has revealed to be missing much of his memory outside of everything pertinent towards the pursuit of Pokemon knowledge and daily function.
  • Prone to fits of ranting, anger, and overall anxious despair in moments of high stress, including crying. 100% a crybaby when all seems lost.
  • Is also prone to fawning over the natural aspects of Pokemon, sometimes to the point of ignoring that he's in a world of sentient and civilized creatures that would prefer to be treated as people rather than specimens.
  • May sometimes tunnel vision into being analytical about a topic and miss the forest for the trees, much to his own embarrassment.
  • Has a varied grasp of the Pokemon franchise as well as countless other pop culture based with fictional creatures like Dungeons and Dragons and Star Wars. He may try to apply that knowledge if it's the only thing that makes sense.
  • Is rather sedimentary and a bookworm, especially when he dotes over the Pokemon Index as he tries to understand its purpose and secrets, including updating entries and documentation for all the Pokemon he sees and meets. His specie's instincts often compete with these bad habits and force him into action when required.
  • For both reasons practical and personal, he has become meticulous with his paws due to their huge claws being able to tear nearly anything to bit with ease.
  • Really doesn't take well to being poisoned even when it's so beneficial for him in combat.
  • Trusts Serpes to lead him through the Pokemon World, no matter how unconventional or terrifying the path may end up being.
  • Speech: Very verbose and rambling, often holding pregnant pauses as he gathers his thoughts mid-sentence. His speech teeters in momentum with his own personal energy at that moment in time, from slow paced and wordy when studying to ranting and raving when energetic or panicked.
  • Garb: Typically wears a dark grey scarf and a Power Band around his left bicep with the guild badge on it. Carries a Treasure Bag with the Clover Guild emblem on it that always has his book inside it. Recently acquired a Lucky Looplet that he wears on his right wrist.
    -Stats: Moves: Quick Attack, Sword Dance, Close Combat, Facade Ability: Toxic Boost

Serpes, Seviper (M) Naughty
Age: Mid-Twenties/"Young Adult"

  • Comes from an unknown background and family, prefers not to share too much even with those he considers friends and allies, supposedly for his own safety and those of others.
    • A former long time low-ranking outlaw that has made a living running small time jobs and hustles for bigger factions and associates all across the Grass Continent and some lesser known regions beyond it.
    • Has a very wide knowledge base of the Pokemon World including but not limited to, mystery dungeons, folklore, and the criminal underworld.
    • Has gone by many, many names.
  • Wants to retire on a hefty sum of money on his own private island somewhere and leave his woes behind.
  • Is rife with sarcasm as his way to put up with even the most stressful of situations. To him, you have to sometimes roll with the punches.
  • Has a bit of kleptomania and will obsessively sort through dungeon loot to find the highest value treasures possible.
  • Tends to act aloof and uncaring but actually hates seeing people suffer needlessly to the point he wouldn't have let a victim of his thefts die from any injuries, accidental or otherwise.
  • Credits himself as a skilled thief and spy. How he manages to steal things without any arms is a trade secret he'll take to his grave.
  • Is not hesitant when it comes to getting into the action and thick of the fight. His skill with his fangs and tailblade are exceptional.
  • May become real unnerving and stab happy with his tailblade in the midst of combat. Whether this is due to some personal issues or just the thrill of combat, who's to say?
  • Actually likes Mustel despite seemingly at odds with his academic pursuits at times and the whole liaison guild member situation, as well as the occasional teasing.
  • Speech: Is a smooth talker who peppers his speech with all kinds of flourish, and rarely shows genuine anger. As a Seviper, his speech is also slurred with breathy hisses. He tries to do better about it, seriously!
  • Garb: Typically wears a Defense Scarf with the guild badge on it. Carries a Treasure Bag with the Clover Guild emblem on it. When questioned why their guild team has two bags, he'll say it's for twice the loot.
    -Stats: Moves: Poison Tail, Iron Tail, Sword Dance, Venoshock Ability: Infiltrator
Pub: 07 Apr 2024 20:21 UTC
Edit: 04 Aug 2024 18:55 UTC
Views: 96