div ✧ ⠀‿︵ ⠀ back to main rentry ⠀ 𓎟𓎟 "lavender's extended rentry!" " i'm a man of many tricks and tools and joy " div

my name is lavender or lilay! i'm currently 19 years old (january 26th is my bday) and i go by they/she/any pronouns

honestly my gender could be literally anything you want it to be, just percieve me however you see fits just as long as you're not being mean you know? i like any terms (masc, fem, neu)

i'm half filo and half australian, my dad is aussie and my mum is filo! i unfortunately cannot speak tagalog though since my mum thought i'd not need it :') i would really love to learn it though

i am super duper taken and have been with my lovely boyfriend for 3 years now? we've known each other for 5 years too!

i'm also autistic and that's something good to keep in mind when interacting with me, sometimes i will take some time to understand sarcasm or take things quite literally. i'm also insanely passionate about my interests and will not shut up about them :P (i am also insanely critical about my interests, i do not go defending it just because i like it)

i've been a big glass animals listener for 4 years now! i would say im a fan of them but i'm more a fan of their music, i don't know much about dave, ed, drew or joe personally all i really know is that dave has a mum and a dog LOL. i literally need their music to live its my biggest stim everrr- i cannot go one day without glass animals they really saved me fr 🙏 also big flex, every glass animals show i've been to (i've been to 3) i literally got barricade every time and dave waved at me personally and been in 30cm of me for a bit and drew looked and smiled and nodded at me 2 times too :3

i also am crazy over sheldon cooper! i love sheldon cooper! i love young sheldon's version a lot more than tbbt's version of sheldon but that's mostly bc they dont treat sheldon's autistic traits like a joke in young sheldon, i still love tbbt. a lot of people say sheldon is a stereotype but i beg to differ, he breaks multiple stereotypes like the "low empathy" stereotype and "autistic people cant love" stereotype >:( the only thing making him a stereotype is that the only autism rep we get are white men, to fix this is just to simply have more diverse autistic characters, easy peasy! also i just heavily relate to sheldon so much,,... i even got my dad into young sheldon because he sees me in him (he even picked up calling me moonpie heheh)

i know im a rentry user but wouldn't it surprise you to know i dont yume or have any irls!!!!?????? crazy right..woahhf...

i do have introjects though, i am a traumagenic DID system (cannot believe i have to say "traumagenic" these days), and do not treat them like source at all we are our own parts. do not try and be flirty or act like you know certain introjects just because they share a source with you.
on this note; i do have a pluralkit but we collectively are pretty shy about using proxies in public servers and we barley share our simply plural

i could honestly yap way more but i dont want anyone reading a 10 page document about myself so i will stop here, thank you for listening!


disclaimer : this url has genuine content in it, i've spent more than 30 seconds on this! i keep my edit codes very safe and doubt i will lose it. in case of an edit code reset or reclaim please contact me at lavendergalactic on tumblr or @lavgal on discord, thank you!

psd credit : hiddencircus on tumblr!


Pub: 26 May 2022 14:04 UTC
Edit: 25 Jan 2025 19:56 UTC
Views: 412
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