Another day in the Serene Republic

Another day in the Serene republic Sound

Be me.
A relatively wealthy merchant living in the serene republic of nasfaqg.
Not a native to the city-states, but I've lived here for many decades.
Still visit my homeland up north once a summer, lovely place.
Its another morning.
Say my morning prayer to my Oshi, may her blessing grant me joy and success today.
Eat a breakfast prepared by my servants.
Local bread, expensive wine from the lands of the deadbeats, and exotic meats imported from the far south, all seasoned with rare spices.
No tomatoes though. Fuck tomatoes.
Feels good to be a merchant.
Get dressed, wish a good day to my servants, and leave my manor.
Since the adjustments are arriving soon, I head towards the market.
Greet my fellow citizens along the way, everyone seems to be in good moods.
Some, in very good moods.
The usual culprits are once again openly flirting in the streets, declaring their love and saying sweet nothings to each other while visibly blushing.
Spot some of the younger folk gawking at this public display of affection.
... I want a nasfaq gf.
Consider buying a young slavegirl from the next shipment arriving from Matsurilands.
Or perhaps a sweet hag from Mion or the Hag Island.
Continue on my way towards the marketplace.
It's almost time.
Every merchant has gathered in the Exchange building.
The Custodian of the Market is preparing to reveal the newest price changes.
The anticipation is palpable.
Judging from the smell, I suspect the guy standing next to me has soiled himself.
The new prices are revealed.
Oh boy. Its one of those days.
Red tomorrow, red today.
The crowd descends into chaos as everyone scrambles to talk with their brokers.
Check my wallet.
100 million dollars, gone in an instant.
No biggie.
Signal for my broker to come to me. Tell him to buy my oshi 10x for the entire day.
"But Sir, she is up 16%, You'd be buying at a lo-..."
Tell him to shut up and just do it.
I fucking love her bros.
Step over the deadbeat shaking uncontrollably on the floor as I make my way out of the exchange.
Such is the Mori Experience.
Spend the rest of the day hanging out with my fellow merchants.
Eat good food, compare our trades, talk about business and the events of the Empire.
Get into a fistfight with a tomato-loving barbarian.
Get beaten up when a gang of other taste bud-deficient arrive to help him.
Dishonorable bastards, should have let us duel like men.
Find myself in the mahjong parlor once again.
Walk past the 2-meters tall giant in a miko costume sleeping on the couch.
Get my glass of free milk from the parlor manager and walk to the table.
Play a few hanchans with the bros.
Fucking nyaggers ruin my hands.
Lose $4,700,000 gambling.
Nothing to worry about, remember that mahjong is a cruel mistress.
Pick up reading Flow Book 1 as I enjoy my evening.
The crowd gathers at the marketplace once again.
Check the time.
It's almost time to hear the prayers of the 19th hour.
The heralds of the 19th hour walk to the podium and prepare their speeches.

Hour 19

The crowd murmurs in disappointment.
Some yell insults at the herald.
The Kronie standing next to me starts crying.
Check the time.
My day is ruined.

Pub: 24 Jan 2022 18:01 UTC
Views: 755