place was called "madam saanvi's"
you'd stumbled upon it by accident on GPS
advertised itself as a gentlemen's club
you knew what that meant
initially you scoped it out from across the street
trying not to be creepy or draw too much attention
the place was over by the harbor, so close you could smell the salt water
the exterior of the building looked like it remained unchanged since the 60s
not that it was in disrepair
on the contrary to keep it looking authentic must have cost a small fortune
you'd never been in such a place so to find out one was in town this whole time was fascinating
right under your nose
it was hard to imagine what the interior was like
you'd heard horror stories from friends about such places
dirty food, dirty seats, dirty girls
still, you were curious
worst case you leave
best case you get a drink and see "things"
the offer was tempting so that's what had you on the street corner
the building was two stories, classy everything down to the windows
after some inward debate you found your balls and walked across the street
the music hit you first and then the smell
it was a definitely not some contemporary band
you'd thought maybe this wasn't correct on the GPS
What place is playing live 60s music
you felt like you were stepping into some sort of creepypasta
as for the smell it was a sweet fragrance with a hint of spice
what surprised you was when you entered
you expected trashy strippers and an interior you'd have to clorox just to touch
instead the closest thing he compare it to is some fancy steakhouse or something
just with waitresses in lingerie
patronage seemed a little low but the night was still young
the girls were nice eye candy of course
all different types
however when he saw the stage that's what changed his mind from mere curiosity to total obsession
to call the girl onstage a stripper is a disservice
a peacock built like a ballet dancer
slender legs worked her around the pole
practiced thigh and calve muscles flexed around the metal and you instantly knew where you wanted to be
eye shadow and lipstick complimented the blue feathers
delicate fingers worked the metal pole with a dexterity that made you blush
green hair in a knee length ornate braid flowed like water around the dance
a train of green and gold feathers right above the rump caught the eye
had to stick out something like four feet
her chest had the slightest bit of white plumage and was completely exposed
that was such a simple thing to see so much exposed but so exciting
venturing downward her waist was covered in a purple and gold corset
when she pulled away from the pole that's when the other shoe dropped
you remembered they were called "peacocks"
that wasn't a she
and you were still rock hard

you couldn't take your eyes off the dance
you swore like a minute ago you weren't gay
that was before
there were so many girls here yet there was a guy dancing on stage
that was strange in itself
the peacock thrust against the pole
in one fluid graceful motion he flipped himself upside down
his limber body was so tempting
you ended up getting a closer view
taking a table as close to the stage as possible
he smiled at your boldness
granted, didn't seem like as many people were watching as intently
he slowly descended and crawled toward you on the stage
you couldn't go back to women after the look in his eyes
here was this slender guy, a work of art
all bright rich colors and grace
the urge to touch was strong but you had to remind yourself that was usually frowned upon
holy shit you wanted to kiss up and down those legs
"You're new here, handsome"
the soft music blurred into the background as the room seemed to vanish
it was just you and him
he reached out and pushed your jaw shut
soft fingers held your chin up
that contact sent lightning through your body
a smile graced his face, watching his beak made you want to lean in for a kiss
then he released you and you were awestruck
his face went lower and his ass stuck up higher
it was already a nice sight but then he unfurled his feathers in a display that initially made you jump
all the while he locked eyes with you
this was absolutely mesmerizing and you were charmed
your world was greens and blues and golds and nothing else
after what felt like eternity he packed back up and slowly rose up
when he broke eye contact and finished his dance then you came back to reality
you had to be a regular now

the rest of the day and the next day and week felt like autopilot
you'd just watched the most gorgeous thing ever proposition and gyrate in front of you
all to the Four Tops in the background
it was surreal
was all of that just for you?
you'd heard horror stories of guys falling for women in that career
but couldn't this be different?
though maybe you were led too much by your dick
that peacock did just shatter your whole world in a short amount of time
like some sort of siren
you'd replay the memory in your mind over and over
it was just too good to be true
but you didn't even throw money down or what not
still, he paid attention to you and even showed off
after he'd left you just had this hole in your heart
and a burning need
so you started showing up every week
just to watch the dance
the times when you didn't see the peacock on stage you walked away
he'd ruined you for any girls
might have even ruined you for any guys
the announcer wouldn't introduce him for his dances, letting his actions speak for him
made catching the shows a challenge
finally after a few weeks you got lucky

he was on the stage once more
different attire
this clothing reminded you of some sort of belly dancer
less clingy like the first outfit
instead it flowed with his braids and tail feathers
every roll of his hips meant to attract the eye
the occasional kick meant to show off his legs
a twirl to overwhelm the senses with flashes of color and movement
all this grace and misdirection was more in line with a magic show than some sort of strip tease
the outfit was even clear in places and billowy loose sleeves swirled in whatever direction his arms swayed
it was gold where it was opaque enough to see fabric
that bulge that had first shocked you was a welcome sight
a clear veil over his mouth twinkled in the spotlight
eye shadow complimented his eyes and gave him a far more exotic presence
even something as simple as scanning the room was almost fantastical when he did it
you were once more enraptured
you noticed familiarity dawn on him in his eyes when he saw you
that was actually kind of nice
no one else sat close to the stage so you decided fuck holding back
after all giving him an audience worked before
you caught a smile before he dipped down to meet you
he didn't touch you but held your gaze for what felt like forever
his hips rolling over and over as he kneeled on stage
his hands smoothly caressing his slim body for what felt like just you
gliding over features you'd kill to touch right now
you were at full mast already watching this
you decided to try something
you had five bills, fresh from payday the day before
when you stretched out the handful in offering he deftly plucked them from your hand
then leaned in real close
enough you could smell the perfume on him
all while he watched you from the corner of his eye
a look of genuine mirth played over his features
inches apart and you had to restraint yourself
he slipped that money into the waistband of your pants
after that he rose and twirled in one smooth motion

his eyes watched over his shoulder as he headed backstage
that wordless exchange swept your feet out from under you
he was absolutely bewitching
you decided to hang around this time instead of just bolting like usual
in retrospect that was rude
to your credit you wanted the peacock
it was hard to convey just the amount of desire was running through your body
he turned down your money
just shoved it in your waistband
so very close to your dick
but why
you decided to get to the bottom of this
or at least investigate a little
as much as could be done
OK you didn't expect much
for once you decided to actually eat here
ordering from one of the server girls, some wolf with an ample bust line, you asked her a quick question
"who was that? The dancer on stage?"
"that's the owner"
you mulled over the burger after she brought it
that made you ask more
you apologized for being nosy
it's just you liked the place and wanted to know more
apparently they'd been open since the 60s like you figured
the dancers took money like most places
and the owner was indeed a guy
in case you hadn't noticed the dick straining his outfits
yeah you'd need to be a regular here

so you'd apparently met "madam saanvi"
the peacock knew how to work his hips and ultimately wasn't that what mattered?
the other man was going to stay in your dreams
you were sure of it
he was glorious for lack of a better word
at least the place was relaxing to be in when you weren't ogling
the music was nice
the food wasn't that bad
you just sort of wished the eye candy came back out
oh well
maybe another day you'd see him
one of the other girls came by and presented you with a feather
"he wanted you to have this"
one of his pretty tail feathers
even smelled like his perfume

when you got home the feather stayed on your nightstand
it was like he was in the room
the smell was so unique
yet you didn't know his name
what kind of game was the guy playing
twice he did these displays
yet he turned down cash
he owns the place
yet he dances for no one in particular
at least that's what it seemed like
no one really crowded around the stage
he was dancing for just himself
that was your best guess
more importantly you stared at this feather lying next to your head
your thoughts trailed off as you picked it up and looked at it
it had the faintest glitter on it
bringing it to your nose instantly made you remember him vividly
you couldn't believe you had stumbled into this
you needed him rolling those hips on your lap
losing yourself in that train of feathers while he rode you reverse cowgirl
getting to hear that honeyed voice groan as you plunged into him
you couldn't go back to girls now
he'd seen to that
that night you ended up furiously jacking off while smelling that feather

the days went by in a blur until you got the confidence to come back
you were struggling with yourself
not even your exs got you feeling this way
and this was a guy who barely touched you
those pretty eyes watching over his shoulder though
you'd fallen into the deep end and were drowning
you got lucky the next trip
this time it was a clingy Chinese dress that was cut right to the thighs
it also puffed up the feathers of his chest just a little, giving the slight illusion of say, an a cup
just barely
the red dress shined in the light and swayed between his legs
the rear looked to be cut short and his tail covered his ass in place of clothing
to say you were intrigued was an understatement
this time his hair was in one massive braid the thickness of your fist
slender hoop earrings a glimmer of gold in the sea of his thick green locks
he wore red garters over his legs but no underwear
they helped draw attention to his taloned feet and somehow the rough texture of his calves didn't catch the soft fabric
sleeves covered his arms up to the elbow
he held a Japanese style paper fan
the outfit was sort of piecemeal Asian look but you couldn't lie and say it looked bad
you had actually caught him out in the floor before the performance itself
or perhaps this was after it
he was talking to the server girls
that did seem like a manager thing to do
you didn't want to be a creep and just stare so you took a table
one of the girls, the wolf from the other day, pointed you out
you felt like you might sink into your chair
he turned to look your way
this felt like a completely different interaction than when he was on stage
it felt a little riskier
like there was a degree of vulnerability
you weren't scared so much as anxious
up there the peacock felt like he was on a pedestal
so far away
down here on equal footing you felt like some random weird mook watching his tail feathers sway
yet there was that same seductive glimmer in his eyes as you two caught each other
you tried to look away but he held your gaze
then just as quickly it was severed
his conversation with the girls continued for a moment
he grabbed a menu and made way for your table, hips swaying the whole way
his tail threatened to sweep the floor with every step
all the while he watched your reaction

he leaned over your table, making sure to show off the mock cleavage
all the while a soft smile on his face
"so," he broke the silence between you, "what do you want to drink, handsome?"
his voice was like honey but still had just enough baritone
definitely a guy despite all appearances right now
you tried not looking right down the dress
the struggle was herculean
you stammered out the first beer you could think of
he took your order and quietly retreated to the bar
he brought back two beers
and then pulled the chair out opposite from you and sat down
he opened up both bottles and presented you one
"word around my humble little place says you've been interested about a certain dancer here"
you were still nervous and he encouraged you to drink a little
"asking all sorts of questions. now why would that be?"
the beer stung your throat a little on the way down
you rarely drank and it showed
initially you nursed the beer until he swigged his down in a very unladylike manner
"you've got to live a little boy. the night is still young."
that got you to finish the beer quickly
he had a waitress bring two more
"don't worry. these are on me. consider them a gift, like that feather."
liquid courage may actually be a thing or perhaps the whole thing was a placebo
it did seem to loosen you up a little
"that's a good boy. feeling a little braver?"
you took a deep breath and finally decided to speak up a little
nothing ventured nothing gained
you explained you initially came here out of curiosity
that you never went into a place like this before
or that you didn't expect to find yourself liking a guy
he smiled at that last tidbit
"well don't worry. liking guys seems to be something we share in common."
you felt something softly rub up and down against your leg
"so never been with a man before at all?"
for a second you hesitated
then nodded
"I saw the way you watched me. no one watches me."
the rubbing went further up
how was he that gentle with talons
you gulped and he watched your face intently

"for future reference though, I'm not for sale"
he enjoyed your side glance
"now now. that's not an insult. I was flattered. what I mean is I enjoyed your eyes more than your money."
being with a guy was so much more different than a girl
you'd never met a girl this flirty with you ever
the bedroom eyes alone had you throbbing in your pants
"truth be told," he confessed, "I didn't expect to ever actually bag a guy."
the rubbing finally reached your groin
"we both know how hard it is to need something, it seems."
he rested his hand under his face and just watched you
it was taking everything not to ruin your pants
you remarked how you were drawn to him the instant you set eyes on him
"even with the fact that I'm tenting this cheongsam like crazy right now?"
you dick twitched against his foot at that exact moment and his eyes lit up
a tone of actual joy seemed to seep into his next words
"you really are genuine."
you gave your name and asked for his, somehow able to keep up a front of calm while being stroked
"well 'madam saanvi' was my grandmama, you can call me Sally."
Sally was definitely working magic on you
you were definitely gay
and you were definitely now coming back here every night now
amazingly he coaxed an orgasm out from you under the table
maybe his dancer's legs and feet were just that skilled
"Oh no~, sir."
mock surprise in his voice
"we must have spilled something on your pants. clumsy wait staff."
he clucked his tongue in his mouth as he pretended to mull it over
his smile grew as he leaned in
"I'll just have to compensate you next time you come in."

the evening settled down after that
Sally finished the beer and relaxed for a few minutes in your company
ended up excusing himself to take care of the place
"please, please, don't be a stranger."
before he slipped away he wrote down hastily on a napkin
he handed it to you and walked over to the bar
the girls seemed to flock to him and they scattered just as quickly at his direction
business was picked up due to the weekend
you watched Sally without thinking about it
this tall graceful guy had a commanding presence when he wanted to
you opened up the napkin and saw a phone number
there was little doubt who's number it was
at least you hoped it was his
though it's not like he would lead you on after all that
you hoped
it did seem all too good to be true
that got you jittery
you had a few more beers
it did help with you nerves
however, you ended up with one too many
one of the girls must have noticed
you were in no shape to go home this late at night
you expected a taxi
in a drunken stupor you lost track of what was going on
there was conversation
you could make out Sally's voice in the other room
you were just a little bit before puking levels sick
the rest of the night was a blur
the next morning the pain in your head was the first thing to greet you
hurt like hell
you woke up on a strange couch
interior of the room was very… 60s
as addled as your head was you put two and two together quickly
you were somewhere in the club
not in the actual business part of the place
it hurt to look towards any light but you scanned the room
you realized you were near a big comfy bed
warm lamplight still felt like a dagger behind your eyes
purple poofy blankets covered someone
he stirred and turned to look at you
"gave us a scare last night. what got you doing something that wreckless?"
OK so you couldn't hold your booze
learning experience
but at least this pushed you into the "he's actually genuine" camp
if he was fucking with you he wouldn't go this extra mile for customer service
you noticed he still looked pretty even without makeup
he got up to get a glass of water for you and you got a good look
a pink nightie and a pair of panties
good lord he was going to be the death of you
a clock on the wall said 3 AM
so it wasn't even morning morning
he came back and gave you water
"took a couple girls to bring you up here. hopefully you've gotten that out of your system."
you gulped the water down and were going to rise before he halted you
"no pushing yourself."
then inspiration struck him
at least that's what you guess
he guided you up and put him in his bed
he pulled you to his chest and hushed you until you passed back out

when you next woke up you could see sunlight flood the room around the window curtains
Sally had apparently woken up ahead of you
the bed was empty but you didn't have to search long
he came back into the room, a cotton robe covering him from the slight nip in the air
"good. breakfast is almost ready. hopefully you won't be missed at work today."
oh shit he was right
you rushed to yank your cell phone out and called work
you never took off but thankfully the boss didn't give you too much hell
he said you sounded like shit
which, with the hangover, you agreed
head still ached like a son of a bitch
well at least you didn't have to worry about getting fired today
Sally sat on the bed next to you, making sure to clear his tail feathers before he did
"so? how are we today?"
you felt better than last night
at least you were conscious
you thanked him
it was really kind what he did
"nonsense. I couldn't just let you stumble around out there. hopefully I get to see you in my bed under better circumstances."
there was a mirth in his eyes
he patted your leg under the blanket and invited you to breakfast
"word of warning, I'm not the best cook"
you needed a second and after a short trip to the bathroom you felt better
his bathroom was even girly
breakfast was waffles, ham steak and potato hash
coffee was brewing in the pot
the kitchen smelled nice
you realized from the view he lived right above the club
"I don't get to entertain company much."
he pulled out a seat for you
then gave you a plateful after the food had cooled
the table was so small he had to sit next to you
definitely not the worst arrangement
"hopefully I wasn't coming on too strong last night. I'd hate to be the reason you drank that much."
it was true, you had been very nervous
you'd worried this was too good to be true
you said as much and his hand rested over yours
"I assure you, I wouldn't just give anyone else footjobs under the table."
well that was one way to assuage your fears
but it did it
you were a lot more relaxed during breakfast
he was right that he wasn't the best cook, however it was still good
he enjoyed watching you finish your plate and took the dishes to wash
you thanked him
"oh think nothing of it. I usually do cardio today after breakfast but I think I may skip that."
would explain how he stays in shape
"however, I can't afford to skip yoga. I'll be doing that in the TV room if you'd like to join me."

you'd be a fool to turn the offer down
after all you'd seen him dance
though you remarked you didn't know yoga
"Oh its easy. hope you don't mind me doing it in my underwear"
oh no
how horrible
he caught the look on your face and smiled
then leaned in super close to your ear
"usually I do it naked. don't quite think we're ready for that"
you gulped
he guided you down the hall to a small room
much like everything else the interior was a throwback
even had on of those massive tvs that weighed a ton
he procured a DVD from a shelf and put it on
a yoga session
well that seem easy enough
all you had to do was watch him stretch
with that limber frame flex and release
he slowly disrobed
made a show of it
wiggled out of it slowly
he made sure to put extra emphasis on his bare shoulders as he pulled the nightie off them
he tossed the robe and nightie to you and bud you sit down on the couch
he started the exercise tape and sure enough just did it in barely anything
you were just as entranced as before
his hair was loose this morning, a wild green cascade
occasionally he'd have to flick it out of his face
the yoga itself was a sight, he could nearly bend in half
you were impressed but had to ask
why worry about flexibility that much
he seemed to work just fine on stage
"well a guy my age can't be too careful."
wait what did that mean
you wanted to follow up about that last comment but decided not to

so you lounged on the couch nursing your hangover
you felt like such a pansy getting that fucked up from beers
at least it worked out way better than expected
it seemed like Sally very much reveled in eyes on him
all the while contortions this way and that
downward dog was your favorite so far
couldn't help but notice he lifted his feather train every time
normally gravity would have claimed it and it would cover his ass
it seems he wouldn't allow that
perhaps this counted as a private show
a little less formal of course but you couldn't complain
he definitely had a knack for showing off
occasionally, he'd glance over his shoulder towards you
no doubt checking for a reaction
well you had a pillow over your crotch now for a reason
so reaction achieved
"you know, I usually grab a shower in the morning after a work out."
you snapped to attention
he grinned over his shoulder
"down boy. already imagining fun in the shower?"
well he was right
very very right
how was he good at this if his love life was as much a drought as yours
hell how was his love life a drought with him being, well, him
"thinking about all the naughty things you could do in there?"
he was definitely checking your reaction while he continued stretching
"shame you might just have to wait outside. unless?"
you hid your disappointment changing to relief in seconds
"I mean," he continued as he continued his exercise, "there IS a reason I skipped cardio today. can you guess why?"
you were floored now
hadn't even gone on an official date yet
"let me give you a hint."
as he said that he smoothly rose and bent over in one motion
his fingers hooked his panties and he wiggled out of them agonizingly slow
didn't watch you this time
he could feel your eyes on him
the brief view of his hole and balls was obscured by his tail feathers
so he had been teasing you before
he straightened up and briefly twirled his panties on his finger before tossing them to you
"so now you can cross 'strip tease' off your bucket list. let's get cleaned up. maybe"

you noticed he put extra emphasis on swaying his hips as he guided you
all of sudden your hangover was the least of your thoughts
his body was just as enticing as the first time
only this time you were able to see everything
nothing was hidden
you even liked his cock
months ago you'd never swear you'd have thought that
thought you were straight as an arrow
now you were watching how gracefully everything bounced on this other man as he moved
and it was making you rock hard
he knew it too
since he grabbed your dick when you entered the bathroom
"all this for me?"
his smile was bewitching
"just to let you know ahead of time, no butt stuffing. not that kind of girl on the first date and all."
well you couldn't win them all
"mayyyyybe second date. now let's find out what we're working with"
he at least unzipped your pants and undid your belt
he gasped when he fished out your dick
he ran his thumb over the tip
his beak was awkward to kiss but you both managed
you took the next bold step and reached for his manhood
this was it
no more girls
hell, no other guys if you got lucky
he bucked against you as he pressed you against the wall
both your tips touch
"so I'm your first man?"
his breath was ragged as he broke the kiss
you nodded as you both continued to jerk each other off
"well tell you the truth, you're my first too."
you remembered he said he had trouble with men but
a virgin?
and he was saying that like it'd turn you away
if anything it was a plus
you'd have to chit chat about it later
for now there were more important things
"years I spent learning how to please a man and I never got to use it."
you pointed out you were more than happy
all while your hands both pumped your cocks
this part was easy
you knew how to jerk off and just applied it to him
knowing what a man liked was actually easy
he went back to kissing you
he even tasted good
how was that possible?

you had several questions
while your head was swimming you figured with your pants down you couldn't be any more vulnerable
why you?
it was all so bewildering
you liked girls a month or so ago
"I didn't think I'd ever actually fetch a guy."
he stroked faster
you stroked faster
"I've been at this for ages. I mean here I was, 30 years old, and someone like you came in."
he stroked harder
you stroked harder
"and you actually watched me. actually sat there entranced."
he gave your cock a soft squeeze and smiled as you bucked forward
"maybe you just needed the right man to waken this beast up. maybe, forgive this for being cheesy, it was love at first sight."
maybe he was right
it was a better explanation than anything else
it did feel absolutely magical
"God only knows your eyes on me got me excited. The second time you came in I had to gobackstage and finger myself."
well it was good to know it worked both ways
"I know it's weird but doesn't it just feel so right?"
you had to agree
his kisses were so soft and inviting you to push back
practically begging you to take charge
"we both needed a man. I think it's that simple. I really like you. do you like me?"
you nodded
it was more than like but this was going so fast and you were so confused
but this right here was the best you'd ever felt
how was this guy 30?
he looked like he just got into college
he purposely kissed the tips of your cocks together
he whispered into your ear
"you going to get my feathers nice and dirty? go head."
that was like a switch going off in your head
you both furiously started jerking off
he'd made himself really vulnerable there
maybe deep down he was still scared you'd turn him away
so you did something crazy
you found your balls again
grabbed him with your free hand and spun him so he was back against the wall
then as you both came across your stomachs you planted the strongest kiss on him
practically feasting on the other man

you had grown so very addicted to Sally
his fingers ran through your hair
your hands rested on his back
he was so soft to the touch
like silk dancing under your fingertips
"so, that wasn't so bad was it?"
the wet mess across your stomachs and softening cocks said as much
this felt right
he hugged you tenderly, stroking your hair
his beak nuzzled up to your shoulder and he sighed
"I don't know exactly how I won you over, honestly. but I'm glad. you'll like me more than girls."
he nuzzled you softly as he relaxed against the wall
there was a comfortable silence that passed between you
occasionally you'd grind against each other again and send new waves of pleasure through each other
"remember that first dance? I can't explain it but it just felt natural. my tail feathers are only unfurled for a mate."
he was right
you didn't exactly rebuff him either
in fact it enticed you further
so he was your boyfriend now
and you were absolutely committed to every inch of this blue, green, white and gold temple
not bad for only a couple meetings
you kissed up and down his graceful long neck
burying yourself in his hair as he clung to you
he was some sort of magic
and it had weaved its way into your mind
as smoothly as his hips rolled on stage
the urge to continue was strong but you stopped yourself
it was difficult but you remembered what he said earlier
he might cave and end up giving himself completely then and there
however you didn't want to force it
you wanted to make it special
fighting against primal urges you broke contact and guided him to the shower booth
at least you didn't hide your erection now

the shower definitely cleared your head a little bit
Sally was welcome company
you felt like the feeling was mutual
he was always warm but now there was even more between you
his feather train being flexible did help
even if did hit you a couple times
that was a risk you were happy to take though
you didn't need to talk a lot now
he just cleaned himself like normal
no real attempt to show off
he was still gorgeous though
you asked if you could touch him more
"why I thought you'd never ask"
he spun and you were resting chest to chest
he ran gentle lazy circles over your shoulder
the embrace was more loving than sexual
not that it couldn't happen at the drop of a hat
it was just more about the comfort of the act now
he yielded to your embrace and you let the water hammer both of you
after cleaning up it was surprising that he was the first to break the hug
"how would you like to help the club?"
you were curious
"I always need hands"
he winked at you with that last word
you'd have to wear yesterday's outfit
he wore something different compared to his dancing outfits
still a dress that clung to his hips
he pointed out bits and pieces of the place
the context gave you a better appreciation of the club
it was history
Sally was a part of all this

over the day you did oddjobs here and there
the place was already clean
the horror stories you heard from friends definitely didn't apply here
Sally ran a tight ship
he wasn't a bad boss from what you saw though
just really professional
the girls were friendly
a few already figured out what was going on
they encouraged it
while the whole bar wasn't playing matchmaker, a few offered congratulations
they did the same for Sally, which was met with a flustered bird
he insisted they get back to work
you worked on scrubbing the kitchen
initially he said you didn't have to work that hard but you insisted
this has been an amazing time for how informal it all had gone
the peacock smiled
"well hopefully that's not the only work you're assertive about doing."
he softly chuckled after he whispered that
the morning work seemed to just fly by
the place opened around lunch
the cooking staff and servers came in after the cleaning skeleton crew
slowly, customers trickled in
the club wasn't the most popular but there were loyal regulars
some had come for years
the club didn't lean too hard into stripping, fancying itself a classier establishment
at least this is what Sally explained
sort of like just a regular nightclub but with waitresses in lingerie
the dance stage didn't push the girls to take it off
"my grandmama started this place. lean in hard on the exotic oriental stuff."
he was grabbing a quick bit before the shifts really started
"I intend to keep the building as is. thank God she was wealthy."
to keep something like this running he had to be loaded
he handed you half his sandwich
"got to watch my girlish figure"
he said that with such a sweet smile
it felt kind of weird being around the place and not being a customer
Sally still made you feel welcome
"stay the night again if you'd like. I'm not dumb enough to kick you out of bed."
very tempting offer
you did have work tomorrow
but work wasn't too far away
so why the hell not
you asked if he would be dancing tonight
"I think I'm done dancing"
he read the disappointment clear as day on your face
"relax, relax."
he gave you a little dismissive wave
"I'm done dancing for them."
he gestured out to the small lunch crowd
then gently poked your chest
"you get private showings. scared you for a second didn't I?"
relief did come over you
yes that had spooked you for a minute
private showings
that sounded good
might even abolish the whole "no touching the dancer" rule
something to look forward to

madam saanvi's started to pick up towards the night and you began to understand better
Sally was right
the place wasn't completely trashy like a strip club
it was warmer and less in your face
there was titillating sights and sounds to be had, sure
but it wasn't to the degree you'd need hand sanitizer just from being in there
this was different
as for the club you felt like a third wheel at the moment
you asked if Sally would be ok with you hanging out upstairs
he agreed
"don't go too far," he replied
"I'll need my teddy bear tonight"
good lord he was a flirt
you lounged about on his couch in the tv room
it didn't quite feel right to use Sally's room just yet
and the couch was still cozy
it was odd to see streaming on a giant monster of an antique television
you put on some show as background noise and took a nap
you woke up to Sally offering you a dinner
"I hated to wake you. but I don't want you screwing up sleep for your job tomorrow. Plus, pizza."
he had indeed had the kitchen staff make you both a pizza
it smelled pretty good, even overpowered his perfume despite him standing right next to your face
before you got up to up him a seat he decided your lap made a perfect perch
the top of his work attire was quickly tossed aside
"you don't mind a topless server right?"
he laughed a little at his own joke and offered you a slice
"afterwards I got us a messy dessert. I was thinking if I happen to spill any of that one of us will have to clean it up. don't need chocolate sticking around, you know?"

you ate like this pretty easily
pizza was easy
it was good
occasionally, he would deliberately wiggle down on your lap
he knew damn well what he was doing
you wanted to say room for dessert though
when you asked about it he asked you to close your eyes
you did as told
he rose up and pulled you to sit up
you raised your eyebrow and almost opened your eyes
then he flicked your forehead
"naughty boy. no peeking."
you hear the clatter of a can
then his hands deftly undid your belt and slid your pants down
"as good as our lovely kitchen is, they didn't have what I wanted for dessert."
your boxers were next to slide down
"a banana split"
a can rattled and you felt something cool touch your shaft
now you couldn't help but peek
he was decorating your cock with whipped cream
next came chocolate syrup
"aren't you glad it's my cheat day?"
with that he took one slow smooth lick from base to tip
all while looking you directly in the eye
he ended it by flicking the tip playfully
it took seconds for your cock to turn an angry hard red
"oh did I do that?"
coy as can be
good lord
his fingers played with your balls
loving the fullness of them
he pushed his face to your cock and inhaled deeply
his tail feathers unfurled behind him at this
"goddamn you're the man I needed."

his tongue danced over your dick
the whipped cream and chocolate was quickly lapped up
the delicate fingers teased your manhood
he wiggled his ass in anticipation
that impressive train displayed just for you
"I hope you like it"
there was genuine happiness in his eyes as he toyed your cock
the beak made things different
however he didn't let that stop him
his fingers softly massaged your balls
the whole time he savored your taste
it was like he was getting drunk off your cock
you definitely liked it
when your hand brushed through his hair he moaned against your cock
you gripped his head and just rode it out
your hands on him enticed him further
he started sucking you off
the underside of your cock lathered in his tongue
soon he was gagging himself
eyeliner running down his face while he looked up into your eyes
he was pulling out all the stops now and you felt close
you growled out as he sucked down every single burst
after a moment he pulled away, his breath was ragged
"not bad for my first time right?"
holy shit
this was your man now
and you were his
you ran your hand through his hair affectionately
this was like a dream
women were pointless now
this beautiful dancer had saw to that
you noticed his fidgeting
you knew exactly what that meant
this was the deep end now
no going back
you pulled the other man up and sat him next to you
before he could ask what you were doing you decided to return the favor
you had to know if you were really into guys
no more bullshit
no more on the fence
you were stroking and licking his cock like he did yours
it was weird
but it was Sally
that made it OK
what amazed you was how he reacted
he was a babbling mess just from a blow job
in less than a minute he came across your face
he pulled you up to his face
"you naughty naughty boy

he ended up licking your face and then kissing you
well if that wasn't the final nail in the coffin for your heterosexuality
you were kissing a guy with his own cum on him tongue
you leaned in harder to the kiss
he pulled you against him tight
the kiss was amazing as last time
he broke the kiss first
he was weakly smiling
"you're definitely the man I've been waiting for."
he tenderly ran his hands over your back
"as tempted as I am right now, I want to go slow before you take this bird's virginity."
you didn't want to push him to do it either
"I want it to be really special. something we'll both look fondly on. after that there will be plenty of time to manhandle me."
you cuddled on that couch for what felt like hours
it was still a mystery how he was single
your luck was amazing
eventually though he noticed the time
"come to bed boy. I don't need you being late to work because of me."
like you had to be coaxed to sleep with him
you decided to shock him though
before he could get up you picked him up bridal style
he was amazingly light
getting picked up like that made him squeak
he grew accustomed to it quickly though
leaning into your shoulder as you took him to bed
you placed him gently on the bed
his hair a sea of green on the black bedspread
he smiled at you
"definitely dreamboat material. trying really hard not to be impressed here"
both of you chose to sleep in the nude, cuddled together
his feathers were soft against your skin
parting in the morning for work was like having to choose what tooth to pull from your head
he had gotten you up and gave you coffee
"good luck today, hope to see you again soon."
he kissed you before you headed out, a simple peck on the cheek
work couldn't be over quickly enough today

a couple months had passed
you were very much a regular to the club
every night after work you'd come over
Sally was happy to greet you every visit
he even took off time from the club to spend time with you
something that surprised the other staff
he never took time off
you relished in the company and did a couple informal dates at his club
he had genuinely brightened up a lot, if the waitresses were to be believed
well ok, a lot, you both got lost in urges
your preference was pretty clear now
your dick worked for Sally and he worked for your dick
once, after popping your cock out of his mouth he declared "I wish this right here was my full time job"
you were both guys and it just came natural to be horny around each other
he took a lot of pleasure in teasing you
so after almost three months together, he surprised you with a special invitation
complete with lipstick mark
in a first, he closed the club early for the night
employees got paid leave for the night
this bird really was loaded
the only employee was the bartender
he was just there to open the door for you
after you were in his shift was done
you said goodnight
he said to have fun
it was very certain you would
the club had been darkened except for the stage
you took up a seat close
his entrance was impressive
he threw the curtain back and clung to the fabric above his head
his eyes demanded your attention in the best way
the tail feathers were open and gleaming in the spotlight
he was just as fetching as the first time you saw him up on stage
this time his went with very basic
a glittery thong was all he had on besides makeup
he slowly walked towards you, deliberately putting emphasis on his hips
he threw his braid back as he stood feet away from you
"I told you I only dance for you now, so I'm making good on that."
exclusive access was wonderful indeed
with any luck dances wouldn't be the only thing you'd be getting exclusive access to tonight
the feather train went down slowly as he moved, until it was completely tucked away
he knew when to best use that particular weapon in his arsenal
Sally approached the pole and threw his ass out towards you
his hand slid up the pole
always watching over his shoulder
the music he selected was something low and romantic
you were going to get lucky tonight

he twirled around the pole in slow circles
all the while he watched you
his leg extended out for balance as he just drew you in
he was good at grabbing your attention
talented at it
his grace all on display
you had gotten lucky
though he often said he was the lucky one
neither of you could agree on that
so it was just an agreeing to disagree
he ended up climbing the pole, his legs flexing to hold him up
his flexibility was on full display as he contorted upside down
his hands worked the pole behind him suggestively
all the while his legs flexed
he smiled
after spinning around for you a little he let himself down and crawled towards you
"you know what's special about tonight's show?"
you didn't know
"I get to select a lucky member of the audience for some participation"
he hooked two fingers into your shirt collar
he pulled you up on stage
he started grinding into you like he did that pole
he thrust his ass against you, occasionally the tail feathers would emerge and overload your eyes with color
how did he always smell so good?
the urge to touch him was strong and he saw that
"ah ah naughty boy. no touching the dancers until they say so"
he twirled to face you and yanked your shirt up
you weren't fighting that
he rolled his hips against yours and traced his fingers over your bare back
he purred into your ear
"truth be told, we're both getting lucky tonight on this stage."
he ground his dick against yours
his leg hooked around your back
"now be a sweetie and pick your boyfriend up. I swear you won't be disappointed."
it was not surprise how light he was
what was surprising is when he used you in lieu of the stripper pole
a thigh was locked around your head as he threw up the other leg
which meant you were face to cock with him
he mimicked what he did on the pole and bent backwards
he hooked his hands on your pants and wiggled them off

your underpants were quickly tossed to the side
you held onto his waist as he got comfortable
the material of his thong rubbed against your face
even his crotch smelled nice
he gently untangled himself and did a handstand that smoothly had him bend forward and plant his feet back on the stage
he rose, giving your dick a quick glance before rising to meet you face to face
"that flip was one of the first things I learned from grandmama."
he laughed as he embraced you
"I guess I can't let you be the only one undressed on stage. do me the honors?"
he fished a small bottle that had miraculously rode next to his narrow waistband the whole dance
you had a feeling you knew what it was
best invitation
his thong was easy to slide down
fuck he was hot
it finally hit
you had figured out after the first couple encounters you were gay
but this was the big plunge
the feathers were back out in full force
he made you happy just like this
somehow you were the guy of his dreams
and you were taking his anal virginity on his stage
he guided you to a regal chair he had set up on stage
no doubt just for this occasion
so you were getting a lap dance too
tonight was a good night
he set you up and decided to slide right into your lap
the familiar feel of his cock to yours was just as special as always
he rubbed your face into his fluffy chest and he swiveled against you
"I've wanted this for a while. this is perfect."
his hands grabbed your head so he could motorboat you properly
every little move against him sent pleasure through you
he was committed entirely to making this as magical as possible
your hands gripped his ass
"oh my~, you brute. planning to have your way with me?"
even here, with how flustered and nervous he was still flirty
he ground against your lap with a whimper
his body thrust against you
he was practically begging for it
it took everything not to just grab him
so you made due squeezing his ass
something that made him gasp into your shoulder
"do me a favor, pry my ass apart"
his wish was your command
your fingers pulled away his cheeks from his hole
he bucked his hips at the sensation
"fuck, you know how tempted I am to let you go all caveman on me? but first…"
he brought out the bottle and covered his fingers
he ran little circles over his hole while he shuddered
his other hand slathered your cock
"do me another favor, honey."
you asked what it was
"I don't want to be able to sit right tomorrow."
you could manage that
he made eye contact the whole time he lubed you both up
his feathers were on display for his mate again
precum leaked from the tips of your manhood
"I've dreamed of this since I was a teenager. I need to give you all of me."
satisfied he pulled himself up and guided your cockhead to his twitchy virgin hole
the lube made sinking down on your cock easy
the effort of filling himself slowly was enough to make him cum all over himself
his insides clamped down hard on you as his orgasm hit him
after a few seconds he recovered
"well that was embarrassing. I guess I was a bit excited"
you pulled him into a kiss and he melted in your touch as he kept sliding down your shaft
when he bottomed out he whimpered into your mouth
his body held onto you like it didn't want to surrender it
he was basically milking you just sitting there
after he felt right and a minute or so passed you picked up his ass
he whined and his cock twitched
you bottomed out again
picked him up and then bottomed out again
he whispered into your ear
"fuck I love you"

you replied you love him too
his asshole was just about the best thing possible
maybe all the workouts he did
you didn't have time to ponder it
instead you needed to fuck this man
with your hands on his hips you picked him up
out of the chair and everything
he squeaked against your shoulder
he was light enough to use like like a fleshlight and you would be a fool not to try it
after all he said to wreck him
and you were dead set on making it memorable
he lowered himself and gripped your knees from behind
"this might make it easier,"he groaned from between your legs
you took the invitation and the sound of wet meat on meat slapping mingled with the slow romantic song
his moans were almost a song
you just couldn't help yourself now
the guy that haunted your dreams and showed you how good men were was in your grip
blowjobs, handjobs, hotdogging, frotting
all of that led to this most intimate of feelings
he thrust to meet you
all the while screaming your name
he shocked you by contorting around you
his leg hooked around you and he spun on your dick as it bottomed out
again with treating you like a stripper pole
you didn't mind at all
his back faced you and he hooked an arm around your shoulder
you hooked your own arms around his legs and behind his head
"fuck fuck fuck I love you so much"
his cock made a mess at your feet as you fucked him effortlessly in a full nelson
he was practically a sex toy now
there was love there too though
he begged you to kiss him and you did
this was amazing and everything you imagined
you were his mate and you craved him completely
you made love like that for over a half hour before you couldn't hold back any more
you filled his ass with a messy load before you collapsed to your knees, careful to gently let him down
you both laid down on stage for a while, cuddled up on the hard floor
"you're totally cleaning up this"
then he laughed and buried his face in your shoulder
he lost count of his orgasms
"I think this is the dirtiest this stage has ever gotten"
it was your turn to say a declaration of love first
he blushed and replied "I love you too"
a year had passed
time went on and things got better
the club seemed to perk up with its owner
business was doing better
his dances were just for you
he liked having you around more than he could put to words
after your lease was up he offered you his place
how could you say no
as for work
well, you'd taken a shine to bartending and the current guy was reaching retirement age
you balanced work and bartender school
being able to breath a little money wise meant you could relax a little
Sally encouraged it, even offering to pay for school
but you wanted to do it
he conceded as long as you made sure to use your experience as a way to do body shots off each other
damn near every night after work you couldn't help but get handsy
your luck was unbelievable
on your nightstand was a momento, his tail feather, as reminder of that luck

Edit Report
Pub: 30 Jun 2022 17:26 UTC
Edit: 07 Jul 2022 11:02 UTC
Views: 4653