Hunter and Anon

Live innawoods inna cabin
You feel really thankful for the fact that this crazy world you found yourself in treated Humans the way it did
Well, the "people" treat them well, at least
Long story short, Humans are treated like beloved pets here, while most animals that existed back home are the aforementioned "people"
Thankfully, also much like Humans and monkeys back home, the less-evolved versions of these animals exist as well, and that tends to be what you and your owner hunt
You'd been going after some deer the two of you had spotted in the area recently, your owner hiding in wait while you moved on ahead
Unsurprisingly, a near-ten foot tall dog woman is pretty easy to spot, especially when she's covered in massively fluffy, dark fur
So, you moved through the underbrush, careful that your boots didn't crunch too much in the snow
That was another reason why the two of you needed to find something soon
Moving further, you glanced back, surprised, as you always were, to find that your owner had sunk down among the trees and snow, nearly disappearing from view
She couldn't move around too stealthily, but she sure was good at blending in
then, you heard it
The faint sound of hooves moving through snow
Looking ahead you could see there, in a clearing, was a pair of deer!
Lifting your hand up, you gave a little wave to signal where you'd find your next meal
With that ready and your owner no doubt moving to get a better shot, you crouched down, waiting
Soon, the two of you would be eating a proper meal!
You'd both been running on leftovers and rations from previous hunts
Looking at the deer, you could almost taste them
They tasted like-
Huh, that was weird
You hear the shot, but the deer hadn't fallen over
You didn't even notice a wound
Oh shit, did she miss?
You could almost make out a muffled curse at this distance, another shot firing off, but the deer were gone

She opened the huge door, letting you scurry in before she shut it behind her
Once inside, you shook the snow from your clothes, shivering in the cold house, though you knew she'd warm it up soon
A massive, soft paw found the top of your head, ruffling your hair while those firm, yet squishy pads almost massaged your scalp
You followed your owner over to the "kitchen", leaning against her massive, fluffy thigh as she got to work getting what little food reserves she had left out to prepare
You wouldn't starve, but this wouldn't last too much longer
You were sure the two of you would get something soon, but it was hard not to feel a little disheartened after enough unsuccessful hunts
When the food was ready, she scooped you up with one paw, carrying you over to the big bed in her room
Setting both of your food down, hers on a huge plate, and yours in a do-Human bowl, she began to remove much of her clothes, stripping down to her favorite boxer briefs
She didn't wear a bra, you'd learned that soon enough
She always grumbled about none fitting, though whether it was because her chest was a little too big, or she was just too fluffy for them, you didn't know
Either way, when she picked you up, climbed onto bed, and sat you down on her lap, you didn't mind leaning back against them
You could feel your butt sinking into her thighs like quicksand
God above she was so soft
The two of you ate in silence though, when she got about halfway through, she set her plate down beside her, her arms wrapping around you, drawing you further into her fluff
"I'm sorry about missing again, Anon. We'll get something fresh to eat tomorrow, okay?"
You just nuzzled back in against her, glad to see her smile at that
Eventually, when you were both done with dinner and ready for bed, she climbed in with you following after her
You two needed to cuddle after all
For body heat, and nothing was warmer than her and her fur
You'd be the big spoon one day

Anon, Gator-Wrestler

Of course you'd somehow appear here of all places
You had no idea what happened when you blacked out, but somehow you knew you'd wake up somewhere shitty
And trudging through muck in a swamp seemed to fit the bill
You'd yet to find much sign of life, aside from a hint of smoke far off in the distance, but so far, it's source had eluded you
Groaning, you found a place to sit down, resting on a large log, half-submerged in the mud and water
It must have been here for a while, as it felt pretty soft, though there was a certain spring to it too
Intrigued, you moved back a bit, your hands probing it's surface
It felt rough, but pliable
Maybe it was hollow?
Wait a second
Soft log
Oh shit
Then, it started to move
Shit shit shit!
You scrambled off, landing in the mud as the log began to move, thick legs pushing the disguised creature up
Holy shit it must be ten goddamn feet long or something
Digging yourself out of the patch you'd fallen into you started to try and run away, but it wasn't easy for you to move through here
A deep, slow grumble made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, finding yourself unable to look back though you desperately wanted to know just how close the Gator was to you
Holy FUCK you did not want to be Gator food
Almost vaulting over another log, your eyes widened as you felt it shift beneath you, sending you down into the water with a splash, a hint of something big and green moving beside you
You ran into two fucking Gators
You were so dead
They were making some kind of noise, but the water kept you from hearing much of anything
You just trued to book it, to get as far away from here as possible
Sadly for you, it wasn't meant to be
Something sharp grazed the back of your night, finding purchase on your shirt, and you were dragged back to land
Not even that, but as you emerged from the water, coughing and blinking, you felt yourself be pulled higher still!
And then you saw a face

"Aww, well ain't you just the cutest lil' thing~!"
You were pretty sure you were hallucinating
That, or your life was flashing before your eyes and you'd forgotten about some VERY strange fantasies
You were being held in the air by what sort of looked like a woman, though more that you'd taken a woman, exaggerated her features, and then cross-bred her surprisingly well with an alligator
"He sure is, sis~ You see the way he went runnin' soon as you popped up? Poor critter must'a been so surprised!"
Numbly, you looked around to see said critter, freezing up when you saw another gator behind you
This one was a little shorter than the one holding you, though that hardly seemed to matter, considering the one holding you in the air was probably eleven feet tall
Her hands alone were massive compared to you, though they weren't the only things
You really hadn't been wrong when you said they looked like woman with exaggerated features, and this you didn't think you could even put down to being just a size difference-type of thing
While her hips and thunder thighs were nothing to laugh at, her tits had to be the most noticeable features
You could barely make out much of her body from where you dangled, and you weren't even that close to her!
Each one was easily the size of a bean bag chair, resting against her body, made even more noticeable by the brighter, more yellowy underbelly of the colossal creature
The other Gator seemed to be the other way around
She was busty, sure, but it was nothing compared to her lower half
You were pretty sure each of her thighs were twice as wide as your whole body, both rising to meet her broad hips
You could only imagine what she looked like from behind
Well, as far as terror-induced hallucinations went, this was a pretty nice one
Even if you were about to die
You know what?
Fuck it
If you were going to die, you were going to die like a man!
Throwing a punch out, you hit her in the boob

She yelped, letting you go, bringing a hand to her boob
thankfully, you had water under you, landing with a splash, the sound of the second Gator laughing being drowned out under the water
Popping up, you were waist deep while she...
Wow her height was far more intimidating from down here
"-y boob!"
Shifting her gaze, two yellow-green eyes found yours, and the massive woman's lips spread into a smile that showed off an impressive amount of sharp teeth
"So, y'wanna rassle, huh? Well c'mere then~!"
It was one thing to see that much woman/gator standing in front of you
It was another thing entirely to see it crouch, before pouncing
Thank God you were standing in water
Still, despite her colossal size, her underbelly was still fairly soft, and even more so thanks to the huge "pillows" that were mashing up against you as she plunged you into the water
Scrambling, you grabbed at her shoulders, pulling yourself up and out of her grip, though not before she'd managed to get a grip on your pants, tearing them off
Climbing onto her back, you began to run along her towards the ground, only for her thick tail to whip out, swatting you off, sending you back down into the water
Surging up from the water, you saw her form shift, swimming surprisingly rapidly outwards before racing towards you
Grabbing for a particularly thick branch, you yanked it free, taking a swing at her as she sped towards you
She shot an arm out, grabbing the wood, crushing it in her grip with another sharp grin
"Cheatin' huh? Naughty boy!"
Tossing your branch over her shoulder, one of those big hands came in, batting you to the side, sending you down into the water
You got up, only to be bapped again with her other hand, sent tumbling down yet again
This time, you got up, preparing yourself to grab hold of whatever came at you, letting you wrap your arms around her tail, clinging on to her
"Bad choice, squirt~"

Sitting down, she shook her tail up and down, whipping it, along with you, in and out of the water, though you didn't let go!
You were going to ride this out!
"Y'got a pretty good grip there, small fry, but how 'bout this~?"
Placing her hands down to brace herself, her tail dipped back into the water before whipping upwards!
You dug your fingers in, but with the force and the water, you couldn't hold on, sailing up and into the air, tumbling, growing more and more disoriented by the second
As you hit the zenith, you finally got a glimpse down at the ground, and what you saw made you wish you hadn't
Still sitting there, the Gator had opened her mouth wider than you'd thought possible, your mind not processing the fact that this was obviously something an Alligator could do
At the moment, you were far more preoccupied with the fact that you were falling straight towards her tongue!
You'd started screaming at some point, and you weren't sure you were going to stop
Right before you hit her tongue, you passed out

Walking home, "Hips" looked over at her sister, as well as the unconscious human who was half-in her mouth
"You really plannin' on carryin'im home like that?"
"Y'know yer lookin' at a missin' tooth when he wakes up, right?"
"Hips" rolled her eyes as her sister probed the unconscious Human with her tongue, seeing both if she could wake him up, as well as just tasting him in general
Later on, after they got home
She lost a tooth, but they also gained a pet/wrasslin' buddy
So it seemed to work out about even

Anon the Show-Human

"Well thank gosh he isn't balding."
Frou, a short, plump Corgi said, looking over Anon
He'd only just been trimmed but an unfortunate sneeze had caused him to lose a small patch of hair
Thankfully it'd grow back, but considering there was a show coming up soon, it still had her worried
Anon was certainly a good pick, tall, toned, and kept quite well-shaven
The only patch of hair he has was on the top of his head, so any of it being damaged was a nightmare
Still, he took it like a champ, not even making a fuss
Well, it wasn't like he really understood the gravity, of course, but it was the principle of the thing
And besides, he'd always been a rather perceptive Human
Bella gave Anon one more look-over before nodding, taking one of his hands to guide him down off the perch, their Human standing a good head and a half taller than them
"Now Anon, sit."
Anon sat
Anon shook her paw
"Play dead!"
He staggered back, one hand flailing, the other clutching his chest
Stumbling, he gasped for breath, coughed, and then expertly collapsed back, landing in a heap
He even stuck his tongue out of his mouth for good measure
"Spring up!"
Shifting onto his upper back, his hands bracing him against the ground on either side of his head, he tensed his legs, and then sprang up and into the air, landing gracefully on his feet
"Good boy~!"
"Such a sweetheart~!"
Frou and Bella quickly rushed in, hugging Anon between them, as well as slipping him a treat for being so well-behaved
As they hugged him, Frou couldn't help but glance up at his hair, though when she caught sight of his adorable, smiling face, she let out a happy sigh, and gave him another squeeze
They had this next show in the bag

Anon, Tiger-Tamer

Anon perked up at the sound of a low growl and the front door both unlocking and opening
Show time
Catnip didn't work on every kind, but it certainly worked wonders for your owner
That was why you always made sure to leave yourself stinking of the stuff for when she came home
It helped relax her, not to mention could even help perk her up a bit too if she was feeling down
More like "feline" down
Stepping a bit closer to the door, the lack of any noise whatsoever let you know she'd smelled you by now
Slowly, the sound of paws padding on hardwood reached you, those light steps quickly turning into a pitter-patter, growing faster still
Preparing yourself, you stood in front of the couch, landing in place just in time for your owner to swing around the corner, manicured claws scratching against the floor as her bright eyes locked on you
There was nothing quite like the sight of her when she got back from work
Her fur was ruffled and raised, her hair was left flowing in the wind she made from rushing to find you
She was smiling, sharp, pearly white teeth on display while her paws' claws dug into the wooden frame of the door
Her pencil skirt and thin blouse only added to her look, the tightness of clothes on her well-padded body leaving some work to your imagination, and what a work out it got while you were at home, waiting for her to come back
Plus, on top of all that, the way her tail swished about was positively adorable
And then she hit you
Claws scratched at your plain shirt as she straddled you, rapidly taking charge, pinning you to the couch
She leaned in, taking a deep drag of your catnip-enhanced scent, her body tensing up for a moment before relaxing
The distance her shoulders drooped let you know just how bad of a day she'd either had, or not had
Today seemed to have been especially aggregious
Well thankfully, that's why you were here
Well, that, and because she loved you as a pet, that too, of course

She leaned in, pressing her large, soft body against you, the occasional wild bit of fur tickling you, making you shift about underneath her
Her plump chest rubbed up against yours, two little mounds letting you know that she was already plenty excited
Pushing your hands in among that soft warmth, you found the buttons of her top, undoing them while she mashed herself against you, pressing her muzzle into the crook of your neck, taking another drag
You could feel her body vibrate as she purred, quivering on top of you, claw-tipped paws tearing holes into your shirt
Thankfully, she didn't put up much of a fight when you began to draw her blouse back, the motion forcing her arms to move backwards with it
When you got it down to her wrists though, you grinned, letting go and pushing yourself up
Reaching your hands out, you took hold of one of her breasts in each hand, loving the way they practically overflowed out of your grip
Their size just meant you got to spend longer massaging them, tenderly rubbing and kneading over them while you sunk your head into her cleavage, kissing and licking her
This close, you could smell her sweat and feel her purring, the vibrations running from her body, to yours
From the way her purring grew deeper, you were pretty sure she could feel your manhood pushing against her through your pants
Her arms were still bound by her blouse though, and she struggled to work the last of it off while your lips kissed at her mounds, finding those sensitive pink nubs, swirling your tongue around them
The sound of cloth ripping let you know she'd had enough
A pair of paws (and a torn-up blouse) met you, forcing you down yet again as she pushed her rump higher
With one paw keeping you pinned down, her other moved under her skirt
You heard a sound you'd grown all too familiar with, tearing cloth, and then her arm withdrew
Before you could see it, your prize met your face, those soaked panties drowning you in her scent

"Mm, that's right, drink it in~"
Moments like this always made you wonder which one of the two of you was more animal, even here
Still, you couldn't deny there was something oddly pleasant about her scent
And knowing you'd gotten to her this bad already?
It was a hell of a confidence boost
The paw she'd had on your chest moved higher, enveloping your face, forcing you to smell her while she took another whiff of you
With a groan of delight, the paw not on your face moved lower, her digits slipping under your pants
As soon as they were low enough, her claws popped out, and she simply tore the front of your pants right off, your cock springing to attention, slapping against her thigh
While you couldn't see, you could feel her shift, her paw guiding your dick as she adjusted and then
While you'd never quite been able to figure out why, she always loved to start things off by hilting you right away
Whether it was a dominance thing, or just something Tigers did, you had no clue
You weren't the "smallest" guy either, so for her to take you in one go, it was seriously impressive
With her hips against yours, her arousal soaking your groin, you felt her shift, twisting and rolling her hips, teasing your cock as she worked around it, growling happily
Once she'd had her fun, she lifted herself up, drawing herself so high that her lips nearly left your head, only to slam herself back down again, ass slapping against your thighs
The first few times were always like this
She'd grind on you, twisting and shifting, just enough to get you writhing beneath her
Then she'd draw herself up high enough to almost lose you before slamming down again
All while you began to grow light-headed, the only air filling your lungs tinted with her scent
You felt the first squeeze, and you struggled to resist blowing your load right then and there
She'd be so disappointed if you came so quickly!
You just had to hold on

Struggling to distract yourself from the incredible control she had over her muscles down there, you reached out, grabbing hold of her ass
She gasped as you did, her back stiffening up before relaxing some more
Sinking your fingers in, you groped and rubbed, kneading over her two bubbly cheeks, loving how soft and warm they were, almost like dough for you to shape
Another squeeze from her got her some more pre as she worked into the next level
Clenching so tight around your cock it felt like she was trying to milk you, she started bobbing, slowly at first before picking up speed, not letting more than a few inches leave her at a time as she drove herself up and down
You could feel her body flex and tighten around you, even her ass forcing you to work harder
You could almost forget just how strong she was at times
Whatever the case, you could feel you weren't going to last much longer
The things she did with her pussy
There was no way you or any other man could hold out
Still, it was your job to make sure it was good for her!
Slipping your head out from under her paw while she focused on all but wringing your cock for more, you mashed your face into her chest, kissing and nuzzling and sucking, bringing both your touch, and your intoxicating scent to her
Lifting on hand, you brought it down, giving her ass a smack, doing the same with the other hand
Then, you dug your fingers in, using your grip to help you work your hips up and down while she did the same, using whatever strength you had to drive yourself in and out of her
You had to forcibly drag yourself out, but thankfully, with the rapid pace she set, you didn't have to wait long before slamming your way back in
The faster and harder the two of you went at it, the more she pushed you down, forcing you down against the couch as she rode you, your bodies rubbing together, head still in her chest as, with one last slam
The two of you gave in

A solid minute must have passed of the two of you just tensely clutching each other, caught up in the throes of your shared passion, before finally you broke
You made sure to soften up first, your grip slackening as you let yourself sink into the couch
She followed shortly after, but you knew how much she enjoyed being "on top" in most things the two of you did
Still purring, she slowly sank down around you, the weight of her body being cushioned by her natural "airbags", alongside the rest of her
"Gooooood boy~"
You heard her groan out, cat growls and meows somehow blending in well with normal English
Content, the two of you simply breathed in and out, luxuriating in this moment of freedom and exhaustion
Moving your hands up and off her ass, you gently stroked over her back, helping to smooth out her fur
She let out another happy groan before shutting her eyes, quickly falling asleep
She'd be up and at'em soon, you knew that
She just liked having a quick catnap
after all that
The only downside, and you'd yet to find a solution
Not that it really mattered that much to you
Was how to get out from under her when she fell asleep on you
Oh well
You were happy that she was happy
That was enough for now

Alien World

Be you
When aliens had invaded, the various governments of the world had tried all they could to push the threat back and secure their freedom and safety
When their technology failed to match that of the invaders, they'd turned to advancing their soldiers instead!
Using what knowledge they had of the Human body, as well as the examined biology of captured Aliens, they were ready to begin tests
You'd volunteered for the first spot
Well, you hadn't volunteered, more you'd BEEN volunteered, but you'd still be awarded when all was said and done
They'd run their tests, pumped you full of drugs, taken out a worryingly large amount of your blood, then plugged you into the sealed chamber for the process to properly begin
That was the last thing you remembered, until now
Currently, you were laying on your side, unmoving
Looking at the amount of drool on the floor, you were feeling very grateful to whoever had set you up like this
Actually, who set you up like this?
As far as you were aware, you were supposed to be waking up in the facility
Instead, you were laying on what felt like a warm rug
Was this some sort of recuperation room?
A quick glance around(which was hard to do, considering your apparent paralysis) confirmed that this was not a special room
It looked
In that, it looked like a house, only bigger, and more futuristic/technologically advanced than you'd expected
Sure, it wasn't like Humanity had been slacking off before the Aliens arrived, but this looked a little too sleek
Getting up slowly, you glanced down at yourself, noting you were only wearing briefs
A part of you wanted to peek in, but when you considered the fact that someone might be watching, you decided to wait until later
Instead, you began to move through the house, leaning around corners, doing a sweep of the main floor
Nothing and no one
Another odd fact was that, despite having gone over the bizarrely huge main floor, you'd yet to find any stairs
It might have just been a single floor building, but something felt off about that idea
Still, unable to prove anything, you decided to focus on the door and windows
You'd looked out the windows earlier, and while it had looked like you were in the middle of some hyper-advanced suburb, you figured that was probably just a screen to keep you calm or something
Weird-ass alien/human body modifications could do strange things to you, after all
A faint, metallic hiss alerted you to what seemed like the front door
It was startling just how much you could hear now
Focusing, you didn't hear footsteps, but an odd, rough rubbing noise
You weren't sure exactly how to describe it
It was like a very faint scratching sound
One that was far too continuous for your liking
Adjusting from your spot, you moved towards the front door, keeping low, making sure to check your surroundings whenever you moved past an open space
Another hiss informed you that whatever was in here with you had shut the door
The scratching let you know it was heading in to the kitchen
Seeing no other choice but to follow it, you made your way along behind it, catching up in time to see a rather horrifying sight
There in front of you, it's back turned to you, was one of those weird snake-aliens with the tits
Well, you couldn't really make out that she had tits with her back turned to you, but you really didn't care
This was what your training and modification was for
Getting as close as you could, avoiding her shifting tail, you lunged at her, catching her off guard
In seconds, you had both arms around her neck, locking her into a choke hold and squeezing tight
"Oh, you're up! Morning, ssleepyhead."
That was not the voice of a pained, choking alien
It was casual as all hell
You didn't get to focus on it for much longer though, two large, powerful hands grabbing your arms
She shifted her more humanoid upper-half down and back, pulling with her arms to flip you over her, slamming you back down onto the hard kitchen floor
You'd expected it to hurt more, and it had hurt, but not nearly enough to disable you
Not wanting to give her a chance to strike, you hopped up and onto your feet before kicking a leg back at her
She shifted in response, catching your leg, using your own momentum to drag you off your feet and down onto the floor again
"Are you hungry? I jusst bought groceriess. What would you like?"
Clearly she didn't have the strongest grasp on English
That, or one of those hits rattled something in your head
Rolling back and onto your hands and feet, you quickly eyed the kitchen, looking for something to use
Your eyes landed on a knife block, and you quickly lunged for it
Your hand finding a handle, you pulled, only to come up short
The knife didn't budge an inch from where it had been slotted
"Come on, do you really think I'd jusst leave my knivess unattended?"
You turned back to face her, trying to get a read on her
Clearly something was wrong in your head, but you could move past that
As long as you could fight, you would
Moving forward, you threw two jabs out at her before bringing your left around in a hook
She dodged the jabs, moving backwards on her huge tail lower half, then caught your hook, pulling you in close, ramming a fist into your gut
Winded, you locked up momentarily, and that was all she needed to open her jaw wide, mouth closing around your neck, needle-like points pressing down on your throat from both sides
You waited for a killing blow to come, but it never did
Instead, she slowly drew herself back, letting go of you
Slumping to the ground, you gasped, sucking down air, too distracted by what had just happened to keep the end of her tail from wrapping around your upper half, binding you tightly, pulling you after her into the kitchen
Starting to make the lunch she mentioned earlier, leaving you thoroughly confused, she looked back at you, and you could swear she was smirking when she said
"We're going to have fun together, I can tell~"

The Genie nods, snapping her fingers
You were the star of a sitcom of sorts
In the world of the show, you were the pet of a big, happy family
But, your family could also be a bit dopey!
They were always getting themselves into dangerous, or wacky, situations, and it was usually up to you to save them!
Little did they know, you could speak and think, and you worked yourself like a dog
To keep them all safe
And of course, at the end of the day when they came home, they’d all joke about how you hadn’t moved from one spot the whole time they were out
Think of a more child-friendly “Courage the Cowardly Dog”
Of course, you couldn’t actually speak!
A real, talking Human?
What an absurd thought!
But, you always were smart enough to easily follow their orders and instructions and, at the end of the day, you got pampered quite a bit
You were the star of the show, after all, and as far as you knew, there were no other Humans out there who could do the same stuff you could
Of course, it wasn’t all just about the fame
Though that was pretty nice too
You had a (surprisingly large) adoring public that absolutely loved to see you live
Kids wanted to pet you and hug you and take photos with you
Owners of show Humans talked amongst themselves about whether they could make some sort of a deal with your owner
You even heard the occasional person talking, in hushed tones, about just what they’d like to do to you if they had the chance
Also, every now and then, when no one seemed to be paying attention, you’d throw in a line here or there
Mostly they just assumed someone on the set had said it
Though every now and then you got a brief, intrigued glance your way
It was a pretty good gig, all things considered

One finger on the Monkey’s paw curls backwards, your wish being granted
It had been a bad birthday
You’d organised a big party, spent all this work getting things together, making sure everything was perfect
You’d been struggling with some...issues, to put it lightly, so you’d hoped you could have friends over to share your time with
Friends who would care for you, help you through this
When no one came, you’d decided you’d had enough
Getting onto the building’s roof, you looked down at the streets below
Thoughts filled your head, making it hard to think of much more than falling
No one cared for you here
No one loved you here
Why did you even want to stay here
Lifting one leg up, you went to jump
Instead of falling though, you felt, and saw, a warm beam of light cut through the night sky, enveloping you
Instead of going down, you went up, your eyes taking in the sight of a massive, metal disk floating above you
A part of you thought of struggling, but the rest of you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything
You didn’t care anymore

You’d been expecting to be cut open
But you hadn’t expected two large, curvy lizard-like women to coo and purr over you
They took great care inspecting you, making sure you weren’t hurt
Once they were sure, they asked you why you’d wanted to jump
You told them about your loneliness, your fears, your desires
A thousand thoughts jumbling about in your head, but they stopped you before you could get going
Calmly, they explained that they’d helped many a Human who had hit rock bottom and wanted nothing more than to be done with everything
Instead of death, they offered a simpler solution
One you eagerly took
Soon enough, you felt a light pinch on the back of your neck
There was no effect at first
But then, as you looked at them, your head started to get fuzzy
Feelings you’d forgotten you had started to flow through you and, as it became harder to focus on your fears, you could feel yourself changing
Looking up at them, you slowly reached out, touching their thighs
With a nod, you quickly climbed up and on to their laps, marvelling at how soft they were!
In fact, the more you looked around this place, as well as them, the more amazing everything seemed!
You were on a space ship!
There were two beautiful women here who wanted to take care of you!
And they they were so! SOFT!
Entering a state of sensory overload, you plopped back down on to them, all but melting when they started petting and stroking you

The next day on Earth, slightly before 4:00 PM, someone turned the handle on the door to your apartment
Finding it unlocked, the mysterious person behind the door pushed it open, a group of your family and friends, carrying a cake and presents, came in to view, smiling and shouting out a “Happy Birthday!”
They were quite confused when they couldn’t find you, as well as for the fact that everything looked like it had been set up yesterday
An odd fact considering that the invites you sent out told them the party was today

The second finger on the Monkey’s paw curls backwards, your wish being granted
You were a good pet
You tracked all sorts of creatures, and helped your owner hunt them down
From Vampires to the creations of mad scientists, the two of you hunted them all
Recently, you’d been hunting Werewolves
The night after you’d arrived in this small town, there’d been a Werewolf sighting
Thankfully it had just been some sheep that had been attacked over the course of this week
At first, your owner hadn’t been allowed to keep you inside the place the two of you had been staying at
As time wore on, and the attacks grew more frequent though, he’d been allowed to bring you in
More protection and all that
That was how you wound up standing in his bedroom tonight, looking out the window
He was sure that you’d be able to spy any Werewolf sneaking about
He’d commented that your senses seemed especially sharp these days
You were good at hunting
It was only lately that you’d begun to feel the need to do more
You were just so hungry these days
As the clouds parted, the full moon shone down from the dark sky above, coating the town in it’s light, bathing you in it through the window
It was almost hot when it touched you, and you could feel that heat flowing through you, coursing through your veins
Your hair started to grow out, thicker and shaggier
Your muscles rippled and bulged
Groaning, you clutched the window sill as the heat over took you completely, your eyes darting over to you sleeping owner
You were just so hungry these days

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:34 UTC
Views: 130