>implying /vt/FightZ will ever be real


This determines the AI behavior and how effective certain moves are going to be for the CAW. Strikers will use more combo strikes and attacks, high flyers will use more flippy shit, technicians will try to target limbs and grapple more etc.

  • Striker - mainly uses punches and kicks, high stamina fighter
  • Technician - great with grappling and submission, low strength
  • Powerhouse - big strength big slams, low defense
  • High Flyer - flippy shit

Name Information:

Full Superstar Name:
Social Account Name: (uses a twitter handle format ex. '@superstar')
Presentation Name: https://rentry.co/6q3h6 for full list, up to a maximum of four names
Crowd Reaction (to your Superstar): Cheer / Boo
Crowd Balance (in-match): Cheer / Boo / Mix
Hometown: https://rentry.co/8q7rv for a full list of hometowns.

Personality Traits:
These are opposing traits that go from -100 to 100 and determine certain behaviors of the AI and where they fall on the Face/Heel spectrum.

Egotistical - Prideful
Disrespectful - Respectful
Desperate - Perseverant
Treacherous - Loyal
Cowardly - Bold
Aggressive - Disciplined

Body Type:

2k22 ties height and weight together and only has preset body shapes, so try to be descriptive. "muscular barrel chested medium build" or "manlet lardass" for example. You can also check this video https://youtu.be/-bglg3Bkxfs for a reference with male CAW body types.
Body Type:
Skin Color:
Veiny? (Choice of Chest, Stomach, Arms, Legs)


There really isn't an easy way to communicate this if you don't have the game yourself, so include as many references as possible or try and acquire a copy of WWE so we can tailor it according to your specifications.

Entrance and Victory Animations:

Unfortunately I can't find a good compilation of the generic entrances yet but these are a good place to start:
Entrance Theme:


Another one that doesn't have an easy way to communicate. You probably need to have done your wrestling or WWE 2k reps or have someone who did give you ideas about how to build the moveset. Just give a style or theme (like 'mostly kicks' or 'like a boxer') and the commissioners can build it around your ideas. The most important part of the move-set would be your signature/s and finisher/s and what those moves are called.

Pub: 19 Dec 2022 16:01 UTC
Edit: 20 Dec 2022 05:43 UTC
Views: 480