Altare jolted awake and immediately wished that he didn't.

He was still here in this too dark room, the sound of thousands of little legs scurrying around echoing in his ears. He slumped back against the wall and wondered if it would be worth screaming for help again.

Surely this time someone was bound to hear him from the basement of the guild hall.

Something crawled over his bare thighs; he didn't even flinch.

Altare shifted and hissed as his stomach jiggled. He was almost glad it was so hideously dark that he couldn't see how swollen it was, bulging with the creature, that dragged him kicking and screaming to the basement, eggs.

A shiver racked his body. He couldn't see how big his stomach ballooned up but he could certainly feel it. Sitting heavy on his thighs, making it borderline impossible for him to sleep in any position that wasn't on his side. His hands came up on their own accord to press against his round middle.

Altare felt something move under his finger tips.

He flinched, hands jerking away. He sat trembling, blinking furiously to force the sting in his eyes back and made a mental note to start carrying his gunblade with him no matter what. He wouldn't be in this situation if he had it that night he got caught.

But then again would it have made a difference? The creature that grabbed him didn’t react to Altare clawing at his body, even when he was tearing chucks and pieces away. He was carried under the guild hall to this room, his bottom clothes ripped off his body. Altare yelled himself hoarse, snarling and hissing, fighting with all his strength, but he’d been pinned with terrifying ease, his hips tilted up to meet the creature’s and it had . . .

“Haa haa HAA.” Altare dimly realized he was sucking in great mouth fills of air, his chest tight and aching from how hard his heart was thumping. He struggled to breathe evenly before tipping into a full on panic attack. He just managed it and nearly started again when a reedy voice reached his ears.

"Oh you're awake!" Something moved in the darkness he could just barely see with shuffling steps that came towards him. The creature loomed over him and Altare was moving before he knew it. Trying to wiggle away the best he could with a bloated stomach. The creature merely followed until he had nowhere to go slumping once more panting from the effort it took. Clawed hands touched his middle, Altare gagged at the sudden movement of the eggs. It was like they sensed their father was here.

"Ooh so excited! My sweet little ones~." The creature cooed stroking Altare's skin. He was gonna throw up. Bile was pooling in the back of his throat. "Mother has grown you so well. The Blue Hero is powerful indeed! A good strong Mother~."

'Shut up shut up shut up.' Altare thought furiously even though choked whimpers were building in the back of his throat. He cringed feeling something thin brush over his cheeks.

"Oh? Mother's upset . . ." A hand left his stomach to pat his head carting through his hair. "There there, you should be excited! Our children will be joining the world soon." The creature chirped. The patting became heavier. Altare whined at the words. It was the last thing he wanted to hear. The thought of giving birth to this monster's eggs horrified him on a level that could not be described.

And the worst thing was it would be happening soon.

Anytime now, the eggs had been growing more and more active with each day that passed. If the birthing process didn't terrify him beyond belief Altare would've been glad the eggs would be out his body. It meant he'd be free to go right? The hand patting his head rejoined the one on his stomach resuming its caressing the creature crooning at his middle.

Altare fell into a fitful sleep wishing desperately for this nightmare to end.

Altare jerked awake laying still mind trying to process what woke him.

Then he felt it; something squirming inside him, in his stomach and making its way down. His breath caught in his throat, body stiff with horror. It was finally happening. The eggs had hatched and were making their way out his body.

Panic made his chest tight again; spots danced in his eyes as he gasped for breath. He couldn't help the instinctive panic clawing at his insides. And the feeling of the nymph moving through him; it ached, putting pressure on his organs as it slithered along.

"Ooh ooh! It's happening!" Altare yelped when he was suddenly swept up, he struggled weakly but it had no effect. He was carried to the other side of the room and lowered onto something soft and his legs spread.

His face burned but he couldn't find words to protest, the pressure abruptly doubled the lower the nymph went. It felt like it was growing bigger the closer it got to his hole, the ache edging onto pain. Altare whined and gasped, tears filling his eyes. His thighs were pat, the creature excitedly whispering something his mind couldn't register, stuck on the slimy feeling moving within him. When it reached the end wiggling against his walls, Altare very nearly threw up. It was the worst sensation he ever felt in his life. Then it was at his hole pushing and straining, to exit. Altare sucked in great mouths fills of air heaving trying to relax, he was so wound up on the verge of tipping into hyperventilating. Minutes passed before finally the nymph slid out.

The creature made excited clicking sounds chattering words Altare barely heard, his attention on the feeling of the next nymph making its way out.

Altare wasn't sure how long it took to birth all the little creatures, there was a ridiculous amount of them and at some point his mind sunk into a daze, only coming out of it when the pain turned into numbness and there were many wiggling soft masses around him, between his thighs, and under his hand.

"They're all here!" The creature crowed. "Every one born healthy and safe." Altare didn't move feeling claws raking through his hair again, not listening to the praise being heaped on him. He felt worn out wanting to sleep for the next three months. The patting stopped at some point the creature leaving his side. Slowly the nymphs disappeared as well. Altare spared a thought wondering where they went, perhaps it took them to be fed. At least it meant he had some time to rest without being surrounded, maybe he'd be able to escape too. Surely the creature would be more interested in its young than him. Now that his stomach wasn't twice its size Altare could move around and find a way out, even if it was still stupidly dark.

First thing when he was back above in the guild hall, he was gonna get all the napalm potions Dez had and chuck them down here. He'll burn everything down here, reduce it to ashes: every corner, crevice, and hole.

He could already hear the screams of the creature as it squealed burning to death.

Altare, so engrossed in imagining the hellfire that would be unleashed, didn't notice the creature returned. He only became aware that it was back when his hips were grabbed and angled in a horrifically familiar way. Altare tensed his breath catching. "Wh-what are you doing?" He barely heard himself, voice lower than a whisper.

He couldn't see the smile but he could certainly hear it in its voice. "Preparing to mate."

For a moment Altare's mind refused to register the words, he hoped dimly that he heard them wrong, but something touched his hole pushing in and Altare screamed.

He screamed thrashing, lashing out with his fists. They were caught and pinned over his head; Altare screamed, begging, pleading, desperately breaking down into sobs when he felt the first egg enter his body. The minutes went by Altare's cries grew softer and softer, as his middle grew bigger and bigger, until he was just laying limp staring into the darkness. His stomach was large once more, the weight pinning him down more than the creature that held him.

The tube that deposited the eggs left and were replaced by something thicker stretching his abused walls making him groan silently head lolling. The creature sighed over him holding his hips tight moving him back and forth. A part of Altare wanted to fight but it was smothered by the apathy steadily filling him. He didn't care anymore what happened. He was once again stuffed full and immovable meaning there was no chance of escaping.

At all. Period.

He would be reimpregnated the moment he gave birth. Unless his guild mates somehow found their way down here he was never leaving.

Tears slid down his face. Altare cried quietly until the creature filled him with its semen, making him feel even more bloated. Its dicks slid from his body a gush of fluid dripping out. Altare gave no reaction even when his stomach was caressed with one hand and the other stroked his head. The creature murmured at him, the unwanted flattery going right over his head.

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Pub: 04 May 2023 05:36 UTC
Views: 404