Grant!?!" "The best, Bobby," she replied while striding into the waiting car and giving the tenth floor button a poke and waiting for the ride up to her floor!!! She leaned against the wall as the car rocked back an forth, reveling in the sensation that was spreading throughout her genitals, but still a long ways away from and orgasm!!! Finally in her office, she sat down in her chair, pulled out the little remote, and upped the power to the medium level, which immediately caused her to moan softly as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her incredibly aroused organ!!! She sat there for a good ten minutes with her eyes closed while concentrating on rapdily approaching orgasm, when she was shaken back to reality when a deep voice questioned her, "Didn't get enough shut eye last night, Pam!?!" "Uh oh, hi Mr. Fenton," she stammered, "no uh, I mean I was just resting my eyes for a moment, is there something I can do for you!?!" "I just wanted to see how you were coming on the Stanton report, you know it's due by Friday," he asked while casually picking up her little remote from her desk!?! "Oh jesus," Pam thought to herself as she watch her boss begin playing around with the hummer control, "i-it's almost ready now, sir, I only have to put the finishing touches on it and it will be ready in plenty of time!!!" "Good, good," he said absentmindedly, "ya know I've got one of these for my car, but it doesn't have this many controls, what does this one do!?!" Pam was about to respond to his question, but all she could do was gasp softly after her boss had hit the high button, causing her pussy to convulse in another orgasm that she was trying desperately to hide from her unsuspecting boss!!! Now dropping the remote back on her desk, he gave her a quizzical look and asked, "Are you sure that you're all right, you look a little pale!?!" "I'm okay," she managed to whisper weakly, "I-I just feel a little light headed that's all, I just need a drink of water!!!" "Well, take care of yourself," he said as he left the room, "see you at the meeting on Friday!!!" She waited until he was out of the room before grabbing the remote and quickly turning the little buzzer off while she leaned back in her chair gasping for breath!!!

"So, how'd it go," Barb asked as she pulled up a chair, "did you order yet!?!" "No, I waited for you," Pam replied, "and how it went was almost disaster, I was riding this wave of pleasure when out of the blue Fenton drops into my office, picks up my remote, and you aren't gonna believe this, he turns it up all the way and I have a huge one right in front of him!!!" "Oh my god, Pam," Barb said urgently, "what did he say!?!" "Well I sat there with my cunt shaking like a leaf," Pam replied while shaking her head from side to side, "but he didn't suspect a thing, but it was all I could do to keep from screaming out at the top of my lungs!!!" "Rule number one," Barb said giggling, "never leave the remote out where someone might grab it, it may be hazardous to your health!!!" "Thanks a lot," Pam replied, "I'll try and remember that!!!" After placing their orders, Barb said softly, "I have an idea, let's race to see if we can orgasm before our food gets here, what do ya say!?!" "You're dangerous," Pam said with a chuckle, "but I'm game if you are!!!" "Good," Barb replied while pulling out her remote, "are you ready, go!!!"

Almost instantly both of their vaginas were hit by a lightning bolts of energy as they stiffened under the initial shock of the incessant buzzing!!! "S-sweet jesus in heaven," Pam stammered as her cunt was being whipped into and absolute frenzy, "I'm almost ready to shoot right now, how about you!?!" Barb was gripping the edge of the table with all of her might, but still managed to reply thickly, "I'm so fucking close, I just love the way this feels, ohhhhhhhh my is this fucking nice!!!" The waitress appeared out of nowhere and placed their orders in front of them and asked, "Can I get you ladies anything else!?!" "N-no," Pam croaked, "w-were just fine, thanks!!!" The waitress looked at both of them quizzically before leaning over and saying softly, "If I didn't know better I'd bet you two were having orgasms, am I right!?!" Sweat was now breaking out on Pam's forehead, and while wiping it off with a napkin she replied softly, "Both of us are right on the fucking edge!!!" Looking around to see if anyone needed any service, the waitress took each of them by the arm and led them to the rear of the restaurant where she opened a store room door and pushed both of them inside and ordered quickly, "Up with your skirts and down with your panties, and hurry, we don't have much time!!!" Both Pam and Barb were flying on automatic pilot, so as if in a daze, they did as they were told, and soon they were standing naked from the waist down in front of a perfect stranger!!! "W-what are you gonna do to us," Barb stammered as hot juice ran do the inside of her thigh!?! "Just this," the waitress exclaimed while dropping to her knees and tonguing Barb to a quick and brutal orgasm that left her slumped over in a heap on the floor!!!" "What about me," Pam asked excitedly, "please, do me too!!!" "Of course I will, dear," the waitress replied softly, "I just love a shaved cunt, such nice full lips, now come here you hot pussied little bitch!!!" "The persistent humming from deep inside of her pussy and the warm wet mouth of this female cunt lapper was providing the most incredible sensation that Pam had ever felt, but all to quickly her pussy spasmed hard six or seven times in rapid succession and a blinding orgasm hurtled unabated through her pussy driving her straight to the floor alongside Barb!!!

The waitress hopped to her feet and was gone in a flash, back to take care of her customers, leaving the two women on the floor spent and exhausted!!! "So," Barb managed to ask, "how do you like your new toy!?!" "Well," Pam replied softly, "I hope the batteries never run out!!!"


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Pub: 26 Mar 2024 04:45 UTC
Views: 860