Human Kobold Alliance Story

"So I'm not allowed to cover my chest or between my legs anymore?"
Kliz asked her mother with a whine. Kliz always liked her dresses, and was reluctant to part with them as part of her adulthood ritual. Her mother was having none of it, and pointed to her own exposed groin.
"Hon, have you EVER seen me or any other adult kobold female in the kingdom with covered breasts or crotch?"
Kliz had to admit that she hadn't, but then again she hadn't really given it much thought. It just seemed normal. She didn't realize it was a law, and one that would apply to her once she grew up. With her adulthood ritual rapidly approaching, all the little details that she had heard over the years were suddenly having a lot more meaning now. She was also starting to notice details she hadn't while growing up. Like how her mother's clothing had strategically placed and sized holes. How her father's clothing was always bottomless. How every adult kobold wore a collar. How the occasional adult kobold she passed on the street was wearing shoes and a collar, or only a collar in some cases. The way every human male was Sir, and every human female was Ma'am. She couldn't stop thinking about it.
Resigned, knowing there would be no way out of it, she had to ask.
"But why are things this way?"
As her mother told it, a few hundred years ago the Kobolds had their own kingdom that neighbored the Human kingdom. The humans were one of the few races that would even deal with the Kobolds. Then one of the other races figured out they held a strong military and technological advantage over the Kobolds, and declared war. Kobolds were proud of what they could do, but their smaller size and lack of strength always limited their capabilities. They also didn't produce as many highly intelligent prodigies as the other species naturally did. Kobolds weren't dumb, but they didn't have very many geniuses either. Within a week, nearly half the Kobold kingdom had been taken, and 2/3rds of the army had been wiped out. The Kobold ruler at the time was a rather crafty Queen, and intelligent enough to be considered charming and witty company by diplomats of all species. Knowing there was no way to win without help, and knowing absolute destruction was the only possible result otherwise, she traveled to the human kingdom to meet with their king.
As the legend goes, her mother claimed, she asked him directly for help to save the Kobolds from extinction. He asked her what she would give in return. She said she no longer had anything to bargain with. At which point he dismissed her, saying he had no reason to help. She then promised him anything she could give. The human king thought about it for a bit, then asked her to wait. He left the room and came back some time later with a few of his scribes, and what is now known as the Human Kobold Alliance contract. Knowing it would be a deal to rescue her people, she asked to sign immediately, without even reading it. The king only laughed and told her that she couldn't sign until she read the entire contract, and would know how to sign after she finished reading.
"I don't get it."
"The contract is on display at the palace main hall for any visitor to see, I can quote it word for word. This contract hereby merges the entire Kobold kingdom into the Human kingdom. All Kobold lands are now Human lands, and the Kobold government is dissolved. All adult Kobolds are to surrender themselves to the nearest auction house in Human lands, where they will be sold to the highest bidder. Once sold and collared, a Kobold is expected to serve their Human owner a minimum of 60 hours a week, but is not required to serve longer or remain while not serving. This servitude is to last until the Human owner dies, at which point the Kobold is required to surrender themselves to the nearest auction house in Human lands, or the Human decides to sell the Kobold back to an auction house."
"No adult male Kobold is allowed to wear any clothing that covers any area from the underside of their tail to an inch above the base of their penis. No adult female Kobold is allowed to wear any clothing that covers any area from the underside of their tail to two inches above their clitoral hood. No adult female Kobold is allowed to wear any clothing that covers their nipples or breasts, with a minimum of a quarter inch gap between the edge of the clothing and the breast. All adult Kobolds are required to submit to any punishment their owner decides on as long as it doesn't draw blood, causes permanent damage, or otherwise mutilate the Kobold being punished. All Kobolds are required to follow any order given to them by a Human unless it conflicts with an order given by their owner or an authority figure, the order would result in themselves or another person getting hurt or injured, the order would result in a crime, or if an adult human ordered an underage Kobold to do something sexual. There have been many changes and adjustments to the rules over the years, but the basic contract still stands."
Kliz couldn't believe it.
"So she just signed us all into slavery to the humans?!"
Her mother just shrugged.
"It was that or death. She didn't exactly get off easy herself. The final part of the contract was the trade. In addition to everything prior, the current Kobold Queen will become the property of the Human King. She will be expected to serve non-stop without the prior stated limits on servitude. She will be required to produce at least one female child with a male Kobold every ten years, with continual breeding until the requirement is met if she fails to bear a female heir. Her eldest living adult daughter will become the next Kobold Queen after she passes away, and will be required to meet the terms of the contract as stated prior. In exchange, Kobolds will be protected by their owners. They will be fed, be given proper grooming, and protected against hostile species. Any children borne by a Kobold female are to be taken care of by the mother and her Human owner. Human owners are expected to provide for any Kobold children borne by any female Kobolds they own. Though the mother is still expected to serve, she is not required to serve to the point of neglecting her children. If the Kobold Queen is willing to agree to these terms, she is to remove all clothing, kneel before her new owner, place her arms behind her back, and wait for her first order."
"...and she did?"
Her mother favored her with a look she usually reserved for the town idiot, and pointedly put her hands behind her neck with her elbows up, thrusting her breasts forwards.
Kliz was more than a bit embarrassed. She knew this, she was just distracted by the story.
"Oh, yeah."
She had heard about the contract, but never knew how degrading the entire deal was until now.
"I just can't believe she did it. He practically treated her like..."
"A slave?"
Her mother's response was just another nail in the coffin. She wanted out. No doubt, she had more than a few fantasies about human men late at night, shuddering and shaking while remaining dead silent to avoid waking her mother. It would be hard not to, given how warm and soft they usually were. And strong. And tall. And smart. But the thought of being controlled by some human sent a cold shiver down her spine. She wasn't some kind of animal or pet, she was a person! Didn't she deserve to make her own choices?
"Mom, please, there has to be a way out. I could run..."
"Don't even DARE think about it! A brother and sister tried to flee the kingdom once. They were caught, brought back, and were publicly restrained and tickled for five days for every day they had been gone. From sun up to sundown, with no rest. They were crying by the end of the first day, and begged non-stop for mercy as they were lead to and from the stockade every day after. After the punishment was over, neither one was willing to leave the city, much less the kingdom. You do NOT want that to happen to you."
Kliz already had her tail wrapped protectively around herself out of reflex. She once had an experience where a human boy had held her down and tickled her sensitive belly. She laughed and squealed, and felt her muscles turn to water. The moment she felt she could move again, he tickled her again. It felt even more intense than the first time, and she immediately realized she couldn't make any move to escape from the intense sensation as long as he was tickling her. Which he kept doing exactly as she nearly recovered. Every time it felt like she was running out of air and couldn't breathe, he would stop and let her start to recover. Then those damned soft hands would be on her stomach again, and she would be back to screaming laughter while desperately trying to plead for mercy. It had gone on for about ten minutes before the boy got bored of the game and left her alone, but it felt like an eternity to her. Having to go through that, without her tormentor stopping when it became painful to breathe, from sun up to sundown, day after day? She shuddered.
"Kliz, I know you are afraid. But there is nothing to be afraid of. Most humans treat us well, the few that don't usually get themselves barred from the auction houses, and you'll probably enjoy it more than you think."
Kliz couldn't help but stare at her mother over that.
"Enjoy it? What makes you think I would enjoy it?!"
Her mother only met her gaze and said "That human boy you always spend time with, Teiras, how would you feel if he owned you?"
Which was more or less the nature of those late night fantasies of hers. Her answer sounded lame to her even before she said it.
"That's different."
Her mother snorted. "How so?"
"He wouldn't..." She thought about how nice he always was to her. " mean to me." she lamely finished.
"Kliz, dear, what do you think my owner has me do?"
Kliz had never really thought to much about it. She never wanted to think about what some human forced her mother to do. But her mother always seemed happy in the company of her owner, so she never asked before. She shrugged.
"I spend most of my serving time sitting in his lap."
"Yes. Just sitting. Nothing sexual, just sitting in his lap. He likes me to sit in his lap with my tail wrapped around his body. I enjoy his warmth, he says he enjoys my cold."
Kliz had to chew that over for a bit.
"Humans like our cold?"
"Some do, more-so in the hot summer months. My owner does. He also enjoys having me served on a platter."
Kliz could only look confused about that. Her mother elaborated.
"Every day after evening meal, I am sent to the kitchen with some rope, and ordered to instruct the chef to serve me to my owner. The kitchen staff take off my clothes, lay me on a platter, and tie me to the platter with my legs spread wide. They then pick up the platter, and deliver me to my owner. I am placed in front of him on the dining table, and he eats until he's content. Once he's satisfied, he drops a napkin over me, and the staff take me back to the kitchen to be untied and redress."
"...he likes that?"
"Very much. Sometimes when I'm sitting in his lap he'll rub between my horns and call me his little iced treat."
Kliz froze a bit at that. Sitting in a human's lap, basking in the heat, being petted and rubbed and called affectionate names, didn't she masturbate to that very fantasy last night?
Her mother misunderstood her reaction.
"He doesn't say it to be mean, and he's not trying to be mean."
"I know, I...never mind."
Her adulthood ritual still loomed ahead of her.
"How much longer until the ritual?"
Her mother looked out the window at the slowly setting sun, still well above the horizon.
"Another few hours at least. Just try to relax, it will happen soon enough. I have to go to my owners now, but I'll be back home in time to walk you to your ritual. Alright?"
"I thought you had today off?"
"He did give me the day off to look after you for your big day, but he did say he still wanted his little iced treat after dinner."
She could only blink at that.
"You weren't joking when you said every day."
Her mother just smiled.
"If he asked for a honey-covered little iced treat, I would have needed to leave sooner. I'll be back before the sun goes down. Behave while I'm gone."

*       *       *

An hour later, and Kliz was about ready to chew her own tail off. Her mind kept racing around in circles, thinking non-stop about humans. Humans. A Kobold's greatest strength, a Kobold's greatest weakness. They were tough, but usually gentle. They were clever, but not snobby about it like the elves. They could be stern, but were usually merciful. They had great power, but their flesh was soft and pleasant to the touch. They owned Kobolds outright, but they never treated Kobolds like the other races did when they had Kobolds at their mercy. They didn't lock them in permanent chastity devices and force them to eat off of the ground like the Elves did. They didn't use the Kobolds for labor and work them to death like the Lapines did. They didn't eat Kobolds alive like the Orcs did. They had full power over the Kobolds, but...
Kliz looked around her mother's home for what must have been the thousandth time. It was a house in the style of a Kobold hovel, but made from Human engineering and materials. Kobolds tended to build their homes out of mud, clay, and any nearby plant matter they can use to hold the mud and clay together. Usually not more than five feet high, but that worked fine for Kobolds since most of them were no larger than four feet tall. Basic design was circular, with a firepit in the middle with a hole at the top to let smoke out, a door for entry, and a hole to act as a window. Her mother's home had the same basic design, but was Human-ized. The door was solid and had hinges rather than being a piece of wood that was moved out of the way and replaced. The windows, more than one, had glass and could be opened for fresh air. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all made of wood and held together with nails. And in the center of the home wasn't a firepit, but the always incredible heating stove.
She thought if it wasn't for the contract, Kobolds would have probably sold themselves to the Humans just to get access to the heating stoves. Heating stoves were an amazing human invention that made fire look bad. You added in the fuel, which could be just about anything that burned, started it burning, then closed it up. There was a pipe that would carry the smoke all the way outside of the house, which was sealed watertight with the roof so you didn't get rain falling in the house like you would with the old hole method. No smoke in the house, and the metal of the stove caused it to radiate a lot of heat with very little fuel. It burned much slower than a firepit, so you spent less on firewood and other fuel as well. And the best part of all, the heat was trapped in the stove. As long as you didn't actually touch it when it was hot, you could get right next to the heater stove without worrying about a flying ember burning you or catching your bedding on fire. Long lasting easily approachable heat, at any time, and you didn't even need to watch over it to prevent it from going out. For such a wondrous invention, the Kobolds would have probably sold their souls.
She couldn't take thinking about Humans anymore, and started pacing around the house. The sight of some of her mother's clothing hanging on the circular rod that went about halfway around the house made her stop. She started thinking about her own clothes, and how she would soon be wearing adult clothing with the special holes. She slowly approached one of her mother's dresses, a light blue and frilly thing that ballooned out at the hips and remained wide and billowing all the way to the ground. The top half had two holes on the chest, and was made out of some silky soft material. The bottom half of the dress had a circular cutout around the waist going from the front to the back, with a hole cut all the way through all the fluff and frills to the other side, only to close back up by the knees. Tied to the wooden bar next to the dress was two ribbons in the exact same light blue color. She knew what those were for, she had seen more than a few Kobolds with a ribbon tied around each horn. She had heard more than a few Humans say it was cute. After spending about five minutes standing there and feeling the material of the dress, she made a decision.
It was her adulthood ritual day, so she wasn't likely to get into trouble for wearing adult clothing which was forbidden from children. She could see what it was like, couldn't she? What harm could possibly come from it? After convincing herself it was 100% safe, she took her own dress off and began putting her mother's light blue dress on. It was a bit tricky getting her arms into the long thin sleeves, and she was surprised to find the lower half had silk sleeves to guide her legs into. At the bottom of the sleeves on the legs were small holes for her toes to stick out of, with a silver ring mated with the holes for her largest and smallest toes. When she lifted the bottom of the dress out of the way, she saw the sleeves had the effect of covering her lower legs and feet in light blue, with the silver rings calling attention to her claws. Those sleeves stopped just above her knees, where the cutout zone began. Looking in the mirror, she could see it looked as though she was wearing the sort of dress a rich noble Human might wear, except her groin was completely visible from the front and back. As she stepped forward, her light blue clad foot would stick out just beyond the range of the dress's frills, and the silver rings caught the slightest light and flashed. As for being exposed, nearly any movement she made would cause the cutout around her crotch to spread and open up just a little more than when she was standing still. The longer her stride, the more she was exposed.
The bottom half of the dress was loose and billowy, and would feel like nothing at all if it wasn't for the light blue silk she could feel pressing between her toes. The top half of the dress was quite the opposite, with the silky light blue material being stretchy and clinging all around her, the sole exception being her breasts. She could feel it gently squeezing from her waist up to below her neck-bone, and all down her arms. Much like with the legs, the arm sleeves ended with holes for her fingers to fit through, with silver rings mated to the middle hole. She was a bit confused as to why there wasn't two rings on each hand like she had on each foot, until she remembered the middle finger was where Humans wore their wedding rings. Weddings were not a Kobold concept, they didn't even usually stick together after the female was impregnated. It was a Human concept, a concept which had left many Kobolds awestruck. One of the most common fantasies among the other Kobold girls Kliz had grown up with was having a Human marry them after buying them. It had happened before to some Kobolds, and there wasn't a single Kobold female that didn't think about how amazing it would be to have a Human declare you his life-long mate. Kliz looked in the mirror at her exposed breasts and crotch, fingering the ring on her right hand. She had to admit, the dress made her feel good. And the rings on her hands lent themselves to all manner of fantasies. She thought about Humans seeing her wearing a dress like this. She thought about Teiras seeing her in this dress. She thought about that for a minute, then pulled her hand out from between her legs and started planning.
She knew she had to have the right look, or some Humans might suspect she was in violation of the law. After her mother's story earlier, she would rather eat broken glass than break the law. Presenting herself as an adult Kobold without actually having an owner, that could be bad. She reasoned as long as she looked the part and said the right things, no one would suspect anything. If she did things right, she could go for a walk in her mother's dress and maybe run across Teiras... She grabbed the light blue ribbons off the wooden rod where they hung their clothes, and tied each one in a large bow onto her horns. She admired the way the light blue bows looked on her jet black horns, with this getup even she was starting to think she looked cute. She found a spare collar under her mother's bed pallet and put it on around her neck, with the small metal ring in the front like she had seen it worn. At first she was afraid to put it on due to the look of the lock and no key being anywhere in the house. Then she discovered it opened and closed without needing a key at all, and a closer inspection showed the lock to be just a hole to give the appearance of a lock. She almost left the house before a wave of panic brought her to her senses. She had almost forgotten the makeup!
Makeup wasn't just for looks, it said things to Humans. The important colors were Red, Yellow, and Green. Any time an adult Kobold was in public, they were required to be marked in a specific way. Red around a body part was a flat denial, that area belonged to that Kobold's owner alone. Green meant anyone was welcome to help themselves and was effectively an open invitation. Yellow meant the Kobold was allowed to share that part of their body with another Human, if the Kobold chose to. This law was a result of how possessive Humans could be with their Kobolds. Before the law came out, Kobolds that were forbidden from having sex with other Humans still would, and just say they couldn't resist the advances of the Human. With the marking, Humans knew the wishes of the Kobolds owner without even needing to ask. Going outside without makeup would look very unusual and would have blown her cover before she even got started. She dug around her mother's belongings until she found the three colors and some brushes. Knowing full well she would be closely inspected before the auction, she painted red around her groin. She thought about Teiras again, and decided to paint yellow around her mouth, just in case she ran across him and he really liked her dress. Looking at the green paint and thinking dirty thoughts, she carefully painted green around her breasts. She checked herself in the mirror one last time. Dress looked great, her breasts and crotch were exposed as would be expected, and... she was ready if she ran across Teiras. If not, well, the green on her chest would mean she could expect some soft warm hands on her breasts. At least, she was pretty sure that's how it worked.
She left the house and started walking down the street. Humans and Kobolds were everywhere as was the usual.
"Hello there!"
She froze solid and whipped her head to the source of the sound. An adult Human male, looking at her. He was smiling and appeared to be friendly. Middle aged, brown hair...he was probably expecting a response.
"H-Hello sir!"
He crouched on a knee the way Humans usually did when they wanted to talk to a Kobold face to face. Kliz honestly preferred them to stand tall when talking to her, but it was a Human thing.
"That's a very pretty dress you're wearing." He complimented her, reaching towards her.
"Ah, it' of my favorites."
She stumbled over her response as his hands reached her sides under her arms, and she started feeling the warmth of his hands seeping into her.
"Well it looks wonderful on you. The ribbons are a nice touch, they really look good on your horns."
His hands slid slightly towards her front, and he started rubbing under her breasts.
" siR."
She was having some trouble controlling the sound of her voice, the Human's soft warm hands were doing everything she had hoped for when she painted green around her chest.
"So what are you doing?"
He had extended his thumbs out, and were using them to gently flick at her nipples, while his palms were still pressed against under her breasts, pushing the warmth in.
"Just..MMMmm, going for a walk."
She could feel herself leaning forwards, trying to get even closer to that heat. Suddenly he stopped playing with her breasts, which snapped her out of the daze she was in. Had she done something wrong? The Human was still smiling at her, and his hands were moving... He laid one hand on each side of her face, making the sweet warmth all around her neck and face. Before she could tell him how much she liked the feel of that, he kissed her on her forehead between her horns, told her she was very cute, and then let her go and bid her a good day.
She was disappointed it didn't last longer, but outside of the duration of the event, it was exactly what she had been hoping for when she put the paint on. He even kissed her! Her plan was working better than she thought it would. She would just be able to walk around and enjoy affection from some nice Humans and maybe Teiras too.
A half hour later and the sun was starting to set. Kliz had been having a wonderful time, with a grand total of four male Humans, and even one female Human who had done something with her mouth and Kliz's nipple that left Kliz humping her leg. Her plan was flawless, and she was invincible. Humans greeted her, complimented her, gave her warmth and affection, and then bid her good day. She was starting to feel a bit cocky, and had actually managed to act seductively with the last male Human. She might have done it too if he hadn't declined due to a lack of time. She figured she had to get home soon, and change out before her mother got home and caught her wearing adult clothes before her ritual. She was just down the street from her home when she saw a local Human town guard who she had seen many times in the past. She had fantasized a few times about that particular guard. Feeling on top of the world, she decided if she wasn't gonna get a chance with Teiras today, the guard would make a good consolation prize.
Putting on her best seduction game, she made her approach. She kept her pace slow, but her stride long to ensure the silver rings on her feet were reaching sunlight. She kept her gaze fixed on the guard's eyes. Once he looked her direction, she wasn't going to break the gaze. She made sure to place her feet slightly closer together as she walked to create a swaying motion that always worked to attract male attention. She kept her arms behind her back, wanting to make very clear to the guard what colors she was marked with. After closing about half the distance, she had the guard's attention. She continued to look directly at him while smiling, until she was standing directly in front of him.
"Why hel~lo there sir!" she said with an in-often practiced curtsy she hoped looked elegant.
"Hello there yourself. Can I help you with something?"
The guard was smiling at her, like every other Human had today. She was really liking this dress. She made a point of slowly lowering her gaze to his crotch, then raising it back to his eyes.
"I'm really hoping you can." she said with a smile.
"I think I can. Would you like to come with me to somewhere more private?"
He was still smiling, and had his hand extended out to her. She gladly took it. Walking down a street holding hands with a Human was one of the many fantasies she often had running around in her head. And it was everything she hoped it was. Everyone who looked her way and saw her holding the guard's hand was smiling at her, and a few Kobold women gave her gestures of congratulations. She then remembered the rings on her middle fingers, and understood exactly what this scene looked like to passerby.
She looked up at the still smiling guard who was holding her hand. He was a bit of an older human, and he was starting to get bits of grey hair. An older human male, holding hands with a kobold female wearing rings on both hands? She let herself dive into that fantasy. By the time they had arrived at their destination, she had developed a complex narrative in her mind that she was walking home with her human husband, who always had her wear her rings outside the home so everyone could see she was claimed by him.
The guard had led her to a nice looking inn near the center of town. He opened the door and held it open for her. "Right after you." he said with a smile. She thought about how she must make sure to show this human a VERY nice time. He was being really nice. She held his hand as they walked up the stairs, and after unlocking the door, led her into one of the inn's rooms. Even just being a rented room at an inn, the room was still nearly twice the size of her mother's home. The walls were clean wood, and smelled of cedar. In the center of the room was a giant bed, Kliz figured it could probably hold at least four humans. The human let go of her hand and walked over to a dresser, where he started taking off and setting down the various items of his profession.
Kliz wasn't sure if she should take off her clothes, or if the human wanted to do it. She then remembered the red she had put around herself, and figured there was no reason to undress at all. By the time she had made that decision, the human was in front of her. He had a chair she didn't see him grab, which he placed in front of her and sat down in. Then he beckoned her closer. Resisting the urge to just jump into him, she decided it was best to keep her seduction game up, and slowly stalked towards him. Before she could get to the close distance she wanted, his hands came up and this time they settled on either side of her face. One soft warm hand on each cheek. Then they started gently rubbing her cheeks. She reached out and grabbed his wrists, pulling and trying to get even more of those hands on her face.
"Do you like this?" he asked her, still with the same gentile smile.
" this ssssir." She was already starting to feel a bit sleepy from the warmth. It was just right there, so close to her.
"I hope you don't mind, but I don't like doing stuff with strangers, could you tell me a bit about yourself? he asked, still with that same smile. She wanted him to give her that smile and give her compliments every day.
"Whatever you want sir." She more or less mumbled out. The cloying heat made her feel drained in the most wonderful way.
"So whats your name?"
"Kliz sir."
"Nice to meet you Kliz, my name is Senna. Most people just call me Guardsman Senna."
"Nice to meet you Guardsman Senna."
She really hoped he wasn't expecting all that good of a conversation out of her. At least not with his hands on her face putting her into a stupor. She was trying to be seductive earlier, now she was just hoping she could fumble out the right words and not offend him.
"Where do you live Kliz?" The slow warm touching on her face didn't stop, and she didn't want it to.
"Here in the capitol."
"And where in the capitol?"
"Over on the west side, south of the market."
"Not far from where I found you then?"
"That's right sir."
She remembered the sir this time. She was having a very hard time remembering to call him sir. She wanted to buy land in those soft warm hands, build a home, and raise children in them.
"Can you describe your owner?"
She thought about that human boy she liked so much. "Black hair, strong, tall, warrrrrrmmmmm"
"What sort of food do you like?"
"Mmmm, pork, and...uh....mmmm...."
She was having a hard time thinking. What sort of food did she like again? She wanted to say hands, but somehow that didn't feel right.
"How old are you Kliz?"
"16 sir."
"And when did you turn 16?"
"Today sir." She was glad for easy questions, thinking was getting harder and harder.
"And when was your ritual?"
"It's tonight." Those hands just wouldn't stop. She prayed they would never stop.
"What's your favorite color?"
She had to think about that. Which color had done her the most good?
"Light blue."
"Is your mother named Seris?"
That was a little strange. How did he know her mother's name? The hands kept rubbing and rubbing, and Kliz let herself get lost in the feeling.
"And how old are you?"
"16 sir." Didn't she say that before?
"And when is your ritual?"
"Tonight sir."
She was pretty sure she had covered that before as well, but who cares? He asked, she answered, everyone's happy. He was obviously happy with her answers, since he kept right on rubbing.
"And how old are you?"
OK, she had definitely told him this before. Was this some kind of game? She shook her head to clear out the fuzziness and took a good look at the human. He was still smiling. Was he teasing her?
"I'm 16 sir."
He was still smiling and rubbing.
"And when is your ritual?"
This was starting to annoy her. What the hell was he doing? Why repeat the same questions over and over again?
"I'm pretty sure I've told you sir. To....."
She felt her stomach go cold and drop, and her tail droop to the floor. He was still smiling, but now he stopped rubbing her cheeks. His hands were still there, but no longer moving.
"I think you have made a terrible mistake."
The warmth coming from the Human's hands did nothing to counter the cold she felt growing within.
"I think I have made a terrible mistake."
He was still smiling, so maybe things weren't going to be bad.
"And what terrible mistake did you make?"
This was it. Her future was going to depend on her answers. There was still a chance. Her mother always told her, be completely honest with authority figures like guards. There must be a reason why.
"I was wearing adult clothing and markings before my adulthood ritual."
Smile hadn't changed, she was doing good so far. Her mother was right again. She was always right about the hard things in life.
She felt herself twitch at that question. Had she broken more than one law? Just how deep of trouble was she in?
"I...didn't say sir enough?"
She felt him rub her cheeks twice. "No one cares about that."
What had she...oh.
"I tried to seduce an adult human male before I was legally an adult?"
He was still smiling, but her panic was rising, she HAD broken more than one law.
"That's right. Do you know how I knew you were underage before I even talked to you?"
He knew? The entire time she thought she was attracting him, the walk here, he knew the whole time? She shook her head in a negative.
"Maybe you should read the inscription on the rings you are wearing."
She never saw any inscription. Bringing her hands up to her face, she looked for an inscription, and found both rings had tiny words engraved on the side closest to her. The only person to be likely to see those words would be the wearer. Bringing them closer to read, she was able to make out what they said.
"My...little...iced..." She didn't need to finish. She could guess the last word.
"You know what a ring on the middle finger means in the kingdom, right?"
"Um..." It felt a little awkward to actually talk about the much fantasized marriage with a human. "...a bond?"
"More or less. Do you know what a ring on both hands on the middle finger means?"
More was better right?
"Really big bond?"
"It's an open declaration of slow and painful death to anyone who harms the person wearing the rings. As in the person giving the rings will hunt down and kill the offender."
Her mother's owner felt that way about her mother? There were suddenly a lot of questions Kliz had about that relationship. Just how close were they?
"So there's a double ringed kobold walking around with green paint on. Had you known what the rings meant, you would have probably known no human owner is going to double ring a kobold then allow just anyone to touch."
He finally took his hands off her face, but she was a bit too numb to notice. He walked over to the dresser where he laid his equipment and started putting it back on.
"I have to give you credit. If you had worn all red paint out, you might have gotten away with it. Maybe even a yellow. But green was a dead giveaway."
She just stared at the wooden floor. How could she have been so stupid? STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID!
The guard was in front of her again, fully equipped. He pulled a small thin chain with a clip on the end out of a pouch. She recognized it. She had seen it only once before. A rather sad looking kobold being lead by another guard. When she asked her mother, she said that kobold was being lead to punishment at the stockade. Stockade. The fear was rising like a high screaming note. She started hearing her mother's words repeating like an alarm. You don't want it to happen to you, you don't want it to happen to you, you don't want it to happen to you...
Suddenly, she felt the clip of the lead as it connected to the small metal ring on her collar.
"Alright, let's go."
There was an attempt to beg, but she had fallen into a state of full panic, and instead did the only thing she was capable of. She screamed.
The guard's head jerked back in shock. "What the-?"
She uncontrollably shook all over, her legs gave out, and she tried to plead her case while crying, screaming, and shaking on the ground in a curled up position with her tail wrapped around herself.
Guardsmen Senna was crouched over her and had his hands rubbing her throat.
"Hey! Calm down! It's off! The collar is off, calm down!"
She wanted to calm down for him but couldn't. She saw the collar with the lead still attached laying next to her, but that wasn't what had her terrified. Her punishment was still coming. The guard finally pulled her face into his stomach, rubbing her back and between her horns while she cried and screamed. After enough coaxing and the warmth helping to calm her down, he finally asked.
"Who choked you?"
What was he talking about? "Huh?"
"You had a freakout when I put the lead on your collar. I've had kobold thieves who didn't react like that. Who choked you? What's their name? There are laws against that."
"No one has ever choked me sir."
He held her out at arms length, taking her away from the wonderful warmth, but his hands still on her shoulders.
"Then what was that about?"
She started shaking a bit again.
"I'm sorry sir, I can't!"
"Can't what?"
"I can't stand being tickled!" she finished with a sob and started crying again.
"Woah, hey, calm down, you aren't going to be tickled!"
"I'm not?" She wanted to believe him.
"No. I was taking you home. To your mother."
He gave her shoulders a brief rub and then let her go. Absolute relief. There wasn't going to be some harsh punishment. She wanted to cry with relief.
"Thank you sir!"
He put his hands back on her shoulders.
"Now who tickled you? Was it a human?"
Whoops, this was starting to get dangerous in a different way.
"Please sir, I can't!"
He suddenly didn't look so pleasant.
"Were you threatened to not talk about it to a guard?"
She may have protested too strongly. He gave her a disbelieving look.
"You don't have to be afraid, no human is immune to the kobold abuse laws. Just tell me the name."
"Please sir, it was a long time ago and it never happened again. I just wanna forget about it."
He kept giving her that look for a few seconds, then nodded.
"Alright, if you aren't willing to name the guilty, I won't press you. Feel free to forget about it."
"Thank you sir."
He helped her off the ground, then bent over and picked up the collar he had taken off when she started her panic attack. He held it out to her.
"Can I take you home like this, or will you need another way to travel?"
Kliz wanted to ask him to hold her hand home, but this probably wasn't a good time. She put the collar on and held the small chain out to him.
"I'll be fine sir."
The stench of her own urine finally got through to her. She didn't even remember pissing herself. Looking down, her mother's dress now had a yellowish tint below the cutout all the way to the bottom. And she had left a small puddle on the floor. After dodging the terror, and finding out she was probably not likely to ever face that terror, all she could do was feel slightly bad that she had made a mess on the floor. And on Senna's pants apparently.
"Sorry about peeing on the floor and you." she said with a sniffle.
He sighed, gave her a smile she didn't feel he really meant, and said "It's alright. Now let's get you home."
The walk home was nowhere near as enjoyable as the walk to the inn. She didn't feel like some kobold out for a walk with her human husband. Her dress was dirty and smelled of urine, her paint markings on her face were mostly washed off by her tears, and she was being lead on a leash by a guard. She felt like a small child being returned to her mother after doing something stupid. Her mother must have seen her coming from the window, and was out the door before they even got close enough to knock.
"Kliz! What are you..."
She looked at Kliz in her dress, then at the guard. Kliz was expecting to get screamed at, but instead her mother just threw her hands in the air.
"Why Kliz? Why? Why did you have to pick that dress and that guard? Couldn't you have chosen someone else or a different dress? Why did you pick those two?"
Before she could reply, the guard spoke.
"Hello to you too Seris."
"Hello Guardsman Senna. Let me guess, she's getting three days?"
Three days? He told her he was taking her mother!
"Nah, just a warning. She managed to punish herself far more than I ever had planned, so no need for it. If her ritual is tonight, I doubt she has enough time to commit this crime again anyways."
She felt relief, of course he wouldn't lie to her. But her mother looked...angry?
"A warning?" She was flicking an ear like she had gotten dirt into it.
"Yes." Senna folded his arms in front of him.
"A warning?!" What was her mother upset about? Did she want Kliz to spend time in jail?
"Yes, a warning." His response to her mother's anger was to give a calm reply.
"You gave me three days for the exact same thing!"
Kliz looked at her mother with surprise, she never knew her mother had spent time in jail. Senna let his arms drop to his sides.
"That's incorrect and you know it. First off, you only wore green markings with your dress. Second, you lied when I confronted you about it and led me on a two hour search for an owner you didn't have. Third, you were twelve at the time. I arrested you for lying to me and wasting two hours of my time. I gave you three days for being twelve and pulling a stunt like that."
Seris still looked angry, but somewhat guilty too.
"I thought you were gonna give up."
"I almost thought you put your daughter up to this before we got here, little miss friendly."
He just shrugged, then knelt down and disconnected the small chain from Kliz's collar.
"You have to admit, the coincidence is pretty strong. Though those silver rings are new. Congrats, and good day to you."
Her mother watched the guard depart, saying "Yes, yes, good day."
Before she could even start apologizing to her mother for all the trouble and what she did to her dress, her mother cut her off and started shoving her inside the house.
"Later! I've already drawn a bath. When I got home and you weren't here, I figured you would be coming home dirty but I honestly thought it was going to be mud again. Now hurry up and get clean, you're already going to be late for your ritual and you don't want to anger the Church."
The washtub was next to the heater stove, and her mother helped her out of the dress. While scrubbing herself with a wet rag in the warmed but still somewhat tepid water, she asked a question that she had been wondering.
"Guardsman Senna seen you around in that dress a lot of times?"
"No, just the once or twice."
"...little miss friendly?"
Her mother gave her a dark look.
"I was trying to come on to every human nearby. Senna thought it was a funny name. I didn't think it was so funny. Less talk, more washing."
She kept scrubbing, but had to ask.
"How did he remember that dress? Wasn't that a long time ago?"
"Questions!" Her mother sighed. "He didn't have to let me keep the dress, but he did. He said I could keep it if I didn't wear it again until after my ritual. And I didn't. After my ritual, I wore the dress and waited until the next time I saw him. He said it was a very pretty dress. I thanked him. Then, right after he turned around and started walking away, I threw a dirt clod at him."
Her mother crossed her arms like the guard had earlier.
"It was three days in jail, in a chastity belt. I still feel I was in the right. Now scrub!"
Kliz scrubbed.

*     *     *     *     *

A while later, and Kliz and her mother were a street away from the local Church building, where Seris had stopped her daughter for a certain talk. The sun had set, and the streetlamps were mostly lit up by the town guards.
"Kliz, remember when I said to always be honest with the guards, because you don't want the guards angry with you?"
"Well, that's nowhere near as important as this. Be very careful about what you say and do when you are inside the church, alright?"
Kliz just nodded, not really sure what her mother meant.
"You know how we feel about humans right?"
She had an idea what her mother was talking about.
"Well, double that. Then double that again. Keep doubling it over and over for days on end. Until the feeling is so strong you are choking on it. That's a member of the cloth. They are beyond obsessed with humans. They worship humans and everything about humans."
Kliz remembered her mother keeping her away from the members of the church in the past, saying she didn't want to be around people like that. She called them cultists.
"Can't I just do my ritual somewhere else?"
"Impossible. The church runs all rituals, and no auction house will take a kobold who hasn't gone through the church first. They have more power than you can imagine."
Power, in the human kingdom? Her mother must have seen the skepticism on her face.
"Kliz, human laws don't apply inside the church, if the church decides they don't want them to apply. It's entirely kobold run and controlled, and not even the crown seems willing to tell them otherwise. I've seen church members call off guards. I've seen them violate laws in front of guards without punishment or fear."
The laws didn't apply to them? How was that even possible? All members of the church were kobolds.
"Remember those two things. They worship humans, and the law does not apply to them. Do not say or do anything that might even hint that you don't like humans, or don't want to serve a human. They are completely insane. and you will not pass your adulthood ritual unless they approve of it. You don't need to be obsessed like them, they only demand that sort of dedication from those seeking to join the church. You just need to stay polite and friendly. If you don't know what response they want from you, just smile and try to agree with whatever they say. Understood?"
Kliz nodded. Simple enough. Be polite, nod, smile, don't pick an argument with anyone.
Her mother seemed satisfied with that reply, and walked her the rest of the way to the church. The Church of Human was the name etched into the stone around the front doors. It was a very large building, mostly stone with some wood around the windows and edges. A single kobold was standing in front of the doors. She was wearing green sleeves on her arms, and green sleeves on her legs, both had a gold thread ridge on either end. The standard church uniform. A small silver ring was suspended by two small silver chains between the tips of her horns, where they connected to silver caps that fit over the points.
She had all green markings, 9PM written in green paint on her stomach, and some cloth belt worn just above the usual cutout area. On either side she had a pouch that rested over her outer thighs, and was carrying a small pale clay pot that had "Donations OPTIONAL" written on it in in black paint. Her marking paint was different than what Kliz had ever seen. Instead of a green circle around her body parts, she had a green vertical line on both her upper and lower lip, right in the center, creating a straight line from top to bottom when her mouth was closed. Both her nipples had been painted green, as well as her clitoral hood. She greeted passerby, welcoming everyone to the church and occasionally thanking someone for their donation.
There were more people out and about in the Human kingdom during the late hours than in most kingdoms. The majority of kingdoms were active during the day and mostly asleep at night besides guards and bandits. Human kingdom business usually ran until well after dark, some never shut their doors. This was largely due to another human idea. Put lanterns on poles all around the city, and have the guards light them as the sun set. It wasn't daylight bright, but it was more than enough to see where you were going. The poles were strategically placed to light up not only the main roads, but also alleyways between buildings. No dark places to ambush people from meant bandits didn't really have anywhere to hide. Between the street lights, the strong guard presence, and stiff penalties for crimes, there was far less crime in the Human kingdom than in other lands.
Kliz and her mother both returned the greetings and headed inside, Kliz noticed her mother did not donate. Inside the main foyer was well lit, with candles on small shelves at regular intervals along the walls high enough to provide good light, but not too high as to be a hassle to replace when they burnt down. A large chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling, with lanterns hanging from all eight points. It was a roughly rectangular room, with the two main doors at the entrance, a smaller door obviously designed for kobold height on her left, a normal human-sized door on her right, and two desks sat spaced about six feet apart at the back wall, where another human-sized door sat between.
There were a number of kobolds all over the room, one sitting behind each desk, some were having quiet conversations with one another, a few were looking at a bulletin board that had small boxes containing what looked to be silver bracelets. Kliz saw one female kobold write something on one of the pieces of paper attached to the bulletin board, take a bracelet, and put it on her wrist. Like every other kobold in here besides Kliz and her mother, she was wearing the same green sleeves just like the kobold outside. She was pretty sure it was some kind of uniform. Based on what her mother told her, she figured the all-green markings every kobold wore was also uniform. Who were their owners? There were three human town guards in the room, they seemed to be stationed there. They were the only humans Kliz saw.
The desk on the left was shorter than the human-sized one on the right. It was only three feet, making it just right for a Kobold. Her mother led her to that desk, where the attendant greeted them.
"I'm guessing your daughter is here for her adulthood ritual?"
"Yes, she just turned 16 today."
The attendant addressed Kliz directly.
"Congratulations! What has your mother told you about your adulthood ritual?"
"She said I would uh, commit my childhood clothing to the flame. She said there would be a big fire and I would throw all my old clothes into it."
"Anything else?"
There was more? Her mother hadn't said anything about that.
The kobold behind the desk smiled again.
"Very good. Your mother has kept her promise then. You will be required to make the same promise, and keep it. The details of the adulthood ritual, and your own experience with it, are a secret. A secret you are expected to keep no matter what. If at any time you should share any of the secret with anyone else, no matter if they are family, or your owner, you will be seized by the town guard. Penalties in this matter can include death."
Kliz looked at her mother, who was looking at her with a concerned look as if to say "Don't say something stupid." Her mother discretely rubbed Kliz's left ankle with her tail, as to urge her on-wards. This was normal?! The attendant wasn't smiling, just looking at her neutrally, as if she wanted to make clear that the death part wasn't a joke. Kliz decided this was probably one of those go-with-the-flow situations her mother had warned her about. She swallowed and cleared her throat to make sure she was heard clearly.
"I swear to never tell another person of anything about my adulthood ritual."
"You are free to talk about the fire portion of the ritual only. If anyone asks, even a human, that is the ONLY part of the ritual. Understood?"
Something felt off here.
"I should lie to a human?"
The attendant looked a bit less friendly than before, and bit more icy. Her words were not as kind sounding this time.
"I say again, your adulthood ritual is SECRET. You do not tell anyone any details beyond the fire. Period. Even to a guard. Do you understand?"
Her mother slapped Kliz's leg with her tail, she was not doing the right thing. Kliz must have hesitated a bit too long, as the visibly annoyed attended suddenly yelled out "GUARD!"
The guard standing nearest walked over. Her mother had already buried her face in her hands. The attendant walked out from behind the desk and faced the guard.
"Sir, I am ordering THIS kobold-" she said pointing at Kliz "-to lie to humans in the future."
The guard looked down at the attendant.
She nodded.
"Yes, lie. I am giving her instructions to lie about her adulthood ritual details to anyone and everyone, humans included. Town guards included. For the rest of her life."
Kliz had to be a little impressed at the bravery. She had revealed a crime to a guard by accident, this one was shoving it in the guard's face. The guard just seemed bored by this declaration of criminal intent.
"Alright. Do you need me for anything?"
"No sir, that is all."
The guard walked back to his post, and the attendant walked back to behind the desk, then addressed Kliz again.
"I ask one more time. Do. You. Understand?"
The words came out slowly, and with a hint of menace. Kliz figured she had better get the correct response soon. This kobold knew full well she could make and enforce demands for secrecy, even illegal demands, the normal laws obviously did not apply to her at all.
"I understand completely. I will tell no one about my adulthood ritual details, and if anyone asks, I will only speak of the fire part of the ritual."
"Even to a town guard." the attendant reminded her.
"Even to a town guard."
"Under threat of torture."
"Under threat of torture."
The attendants unwavering gaze was starting to creep Kliz out. Like some predator about ready to strike.
"Under penalty of death."
"Under penalty of death."
The attendant held her eyes for a few more moments, then went immediately back to the smiling and friendly kobold she had been at first.
"Very good. Now we just have some paperwork to fill out."
It was all basic stuff. Name, age, height, weight, known health problems, a bit like when you visited a public doctor sponsored by the crown. After which, her mother handed her the bundle containing all her dresses, shirts, and shorts that she had been wearing since she stopped growing taller. Her mother hugged her and hissed quietly "Please behave." Then she was left with the attendant.
"Would you prefer a male or female guide for your ritual?"
"Ah, will I be doing anything sexual with the guide?"
"Only if you want to, and the guide consents to it."
She could use some relief after the day she had so far, but she wasn't quite ready to become a mother yet.
"Very well."
The kobold wrote something on a piece of paper, then held it up along with a silver bracelet and announced:
"Female member requested for adulthood ritual!"
A member of the cloth who had been in conversation held up her hand and shouted back "I'll do it!"
Like every other member of the church, she was wearing those same green sleeves and had the same silver ring suspended between her horns. If it wasn't for the different coloration's of a kobold's scales, Kliz doubted it would be possible to tell them all apart. Her own scales were a splotchy brown and green, but her front from her crotch to her neck had more of a yellowish color. Her guide was a flat dark gray all over, making the gold seams on her sleeves stand out. The guide approached the attendant, took the offered bracelet and put it on her own wrist, then spoke to Kliz.
"Hi there, I'm Bink, I'll be your guide for your adulthood ritual. Are you ready?"
"I guess so."
The guide smiled.
She kept her mother's advice in her mind.
"Nervous, a little bit afraid, but I think I'll be alright."
This answer seemed to work for the guide, who took her by the hand and led her to the small kobold-sized door on the left wall. The guide opened the door, and gestured Kliz to enter. Bink followed her, and shut the door behind them. The inside was small and more reserved than the main hall. There were three doors on the wall opposite, and another door on the wall to her right. No one was in the room besides them. Bink led her to the center of the room, then faced her.
"We will now begin your adulthood ritual. I will explain all details needed, and answer any questions you may have. It is my duty to guide you through this ritual, and ensure you understand things. First off, you remember how you are only allowed to speak of the fire part of the ritual?"
Kliz nodded.
"That part of the ritual begins the moment you enter the courtyard with the flame, and ends the moment you leave that courtyard. Everything prior and after are secret, understood?"
"Yes, I swore to keep the secret."
"Very well. The adulthood ritual has three main parts. First is the fire ritual. This is to help you with shedding your childhood, and also serves to signify that you are ready to serve. The second part is your trip through the Hall of Secrets. While in the Hall, you will see and hear both kobold and human secrets. You are expected to be quiet, not interfere no matter what you see or hear, and never speak of anything you see or hear within the Hall to anyone. You will be allowed to discuss and ask questions with me while we are in the Hall, but you can never speak of it again with me afterwards. The only person you will speak about any of it, is our head priestess during the final part. This part of the ritual is to see if you are mature enough to handle being an adult. The final part of your ritual is your final examination by the head priestess. She will judge you and decide if you are ready to be an adult, or if you need more time to mature. She will decide if your adulthood ritual is complete or not. You are expected to be completely truthful and honest when speaking with her, and she will answer any questions you might still have. If you fail her test, then you cannot try another adulthood ritual for a year. If you pass, then you spend the night with the church in our sleeping quarters, and tomorrow you will be handed over to the auction house. Do you have any questions?"
"I have a few about the Hall of Secrets."
The guide just smiled. "Those questions are much easier answered inside the Hall."
"Is the head priestess nice?"
"Very, but it is her job to judge you and decide if you are ready for serving. She's not going to expect the sort of dedication she expects out of members like me, but she does want to make sure that you aren't going to bite your new owner's throat or something like that."
"I would never do that!"
Bink just smiled.
"I'm not here to judge, I'm here to guide. That's the head priestess's job. The door to the right leads to the courtyard where the flame is. Ready to begin?"
Kliz just nodded, she didn't want to sound afraid right now. The guide led her through the door, into a small open-roof courtyard covered in grass. In the center was a firepit, where a large fire was burning strong. There were a few other members of the church standing in a circle around the flame. Some female, some male. Kliz noticed the male kobolds of the church had the same green marking on their lips as the female members, wore the same uniform, but they had a small green dot painted on the tip of their penis. It was a look she found intriguing, and she kept finding her eyes drawn to the little green dots. She was lead to stand near the fire, then the guide just stood there. Kliz wasn't sure what the proper procedure here was.
"How should I do this?"
"Any way you wish. It's your adulthood ritual, no one else's. You can consign your childhood clothing to the flames one at a time, throw them all in at once, however you wish to do it."
Quicker was probably better. Kliz flung the bundle of her clothes into the fire, then took off the yellow dress she had worn in and threw it in after. The members of the church and her guide started clapping and congratulating her. She didn't feel like she had accomplished anything of note, but was glad this entire bizarre process was already a third of the way done. Her guide led her back to the first room, and then led her in front of the middle door she saw previously. She turned to look at Kliz.
"We are now going to enter the Hall of Secrets. While inside the Hall, you are required to keep your voice down and not make any loud noises. You are required to not attempt to get involved with anything you see or hear, no matter if it makes you angry, afraid, or anything else. You are required to not speak to another person beyond the head priestess and me about anything you see or hear inside the Hall. You may quietly ask questions while inside the Hall, and I will do my best to answer them, but we will never speak of anything seen or heard inside the Hall with each other ever again once we have left the Hall. You may speak about these things with the head priestess, but only during her test of you, and never again afterwards. You will see and hear secrets both human and kobold, secrets that can get you killed if you are foolish enough to share with another person. Do you understand?"
This was just getting more disturbing by the second. What in the hell was going on inside that room? But she didn't want to slow things down while she was on a roll.
"I understand."
Her guide leaned in close and whispered to her.
"We speak only in whispers from this point forwards."
She nodded and whispered back.
"I understand."
The guide smiled and opened the center door, then held it open for Kliz. She told herself to relax and followed the guide inside. They were in a narrow passageway no more than two feet across, the entire hall seemed to have a slight curve to it leading to the right, and small but wide windows ran the entire length of the hallway on both sides. The guide turned around, blocking the way forward and spoke to Kliz in a hushed whisper.
"Remember, stay quiet and do not interfere."
Kliz was starting to pick up on the idea that the church members repeated things they considered very important. Given how her guide stressed these two rules, she decided to focus hard on staying quiet and not trying to interfere. She wasn't sure how she could interfere with something she didn't even know, but she kept it in mind all the same. She nodded to Bink to show her understanding and commitment to being quiet. Bink smiled, turned around, and started walking deeper down the hallway while motioning for Kliz to follow. Kliz followed while being careful to not drag a toe claw. The floor was smooth stone like most of the building, and a claw scrape would be quite noisy.
What seemed only like a dozen steps later, Bink stopped and turned back to face Kliz. She then looked to Kliz's left at the glass window there. Looking back to Kliz, she pointed at the window. Kliz's mouth suddenly felt dry, she hoped this secret wasn't too frightening. She turned to face the window, and Bink moved closer to stand at her right side while watching with her. The first hushed words out of Bink's mouth, before Kliz could even ask what was happening, was "We gladly give whatever is requested."
An adult male human with tan hair was sitting on the edge of a bed facing Kliz. She instinctively started to take a step back but was stopped by Bink, who quickly but quietly whispered:
"He can't see you, no one in any of these rooms can see you. We can see inside, they can not see outside, relax."
Which meant Kliz was going to see something not very many Kobolds she was aware of got to see. Humans doing sexual stuff with kobolds. Any kobold could see another kobold have sex without any issues, no one minded. But humans were very private and secretive about sex, and most didn't like someone to watch. The human had his legs spread wide, and wasn't wearing any clothing. Four female members of the church were in the room with him. Two were kneeling between his spread legs, and they each appeared to have claimed one of his testicles to lick. They had their tails wrapped around each other, twisted together like strands of a rope, the tips pointed straight upwards. The other two were on the bed on either side of the human, both perched facing each other. They were on hands and knees, with both of their hands resting on the human's thighs. The two of them had stuck their tongues out around the human's dick, and then crossed the tips of their tongues together, tying a loose knot. With their tongues held together like that, they were moving their knotted tongues up and down together in unison. Her guide whispered into her ear:
"This human originally wanted just four kobolds serving him, but one day two of our members started licking his dick in perfect sync. He liked it so much, he requested four kobolds serving him in unison. It took them a bit of practice to get it right, but he seems very satisfied with the final result."
She was right, he did really seem to be enjoying it. He had his arms out, with his hands resting on the asses of the kobolds who were perched over his thighs. Kliz could see him rubbing and gently squeezing, and how the two kobolds were trying to keep their tails pointed straight up, but their tails kept twitching and jerking downwards in a reflexive effort to latch onto and hold the hand on their ass. Bink reached over to a small wooden peg sticking out above the window, and whispered to Kliz.
"Ask no questions and make no noises until I say, understood? Not even whispers now."
Kliz whispered back. "Alright."
Bink tugged the peg to the right, and a small panel slid open revealing some holes covered with black cloth. Now Kliz could hear what was happening in the room. The human was telling the church members how they were doing a far better job than he had hoped for. He called them amazing. Kliz almost felt embarrassed at the level of praise they were getting, she didn't think she would be able to handle getting that kind of praise directly. She had never heard any human call any kobold amazing. The human grunted something her mother told her not to say in public, and she saw his cum shoot almost directly upward, then fall back down all over the man's dick and the patch of hair humans had down there, male or female.
The kobolds in the room with him just continued as if nothing happened, and after about half a minute, the human finally laid back on the bed and went limp. The members of the church immediately stopped what they were doing, and the two on the bed shifted a bit farther away from the edge to make room for the two kneeling on the floor. They put all four of their heads together around the humans crotch, and Kliz couldn't see what they were doing to the human, she only heard him groan and say "Oh fuck." A tap on her shoulder made her look at Bink, who had four fingers on her other hand arranged in a strange way. When she took two fingers of her other hand and inserted them between the four and slid them back and forth, Kliz understood what the four fingers meant. She looked back to the glass. The four members of the church were now sitting on the bed facing the human and away from Kliz. Two were on his left, two on his right, all four were sitting in a kneeling position with their feet off the edge of bed behind them, and their tails hanging. They put their arms behind their backs, then spoke to the human in perfect sync.
"All clean sir!"
Kliz wanted to see and hear more, but Bink pulled the peg and closed the holes letting sound through, and whispered to her:
"Apologies, but you can't spend too long in the hall, the head priestess does need to see you sooner or later. It is safe to whisper again. Do you have any questions I might be able to help you with?"
Kliz had a few, but she was fairly certain she could figure out how to do some of those tongue movements herself. She just shook her head. Bink then pointed behind Kliz, to the glass on the other side of the hallway. Sure enough, there was another wooden peg above the glass, and through the glass another room was visible. This time there was no human. Instead there was just a female kobold. She wasn't dressed like a member of the church, she was dressed a bit like a soldier. Leather armor that had no cutout areas, and she was even carrying a spear with a sharp looking metal tip. Kliz didn't think any military or guard unit would accept a kobold, they were too weak and small to be of much use. Bink whispered in her ear.
"Remember, do not interfere."
Kliz suddenly had a bad feeling. Bink had told her this repeatedly, why again just now? What was about to happen? Bink put a single finger in front of the green line painted on her lips and made a "shhh" noise. Seeing Kliz remain still and silent, Bink tugged at the wooden peg, opening the vent. Kliz saw the door on the far other side of the room away from the glass open, and a human with sandy hair wearing clothing similar to a woods guide walked in and said "Ah, there you are." The armored and armed kobold jumped away from him and towards the wall Kliz and Bink were watching from. She let out a frightened sounding yelp as she did it, then yelled at the human "Stay away!" Kliz had the feeling she was about to see something very bad. The human just walked towards the solider or guard or whatever she was, saying "You trespass in human lands, you pay the price."
Kliz would have yelled when the kobold swung the spear at the human, if Bink hadn't immediately clamped her hands around Kliz's mouth and gave her a look that made her blood run like ice water. The human just grabbed the spear, then yanked it towards himself. The kobold was suddenly unarmed and falling towards the human. The moment she hit the ground, he was on top of her. She started yelling "No! Get off of me!" while punching his arms and trying to kick her legs out from under him. He just sat over her and grabbed her arms and pinned them to the ground.
"This isn't optional." he told her. "But the choice is yours. You can cooperate and do what I tell you, or I'll just do what I wish anyways, and then tie you to a pole and let the rest of my battalion use you."
The kobold quit struggling, then said in a sad tone of voice "I'll cooperate."
He used his arms to pull her wrists together, and he used his grip to pull her upright as he stood. He then had her turn around, and walked her over to the bed against the wall near the door. He then told her to bend over and reach for the other side of the bed. She did as she was told, and he pulled her leather skirt down to the ground while holding her to the bed with his palm on her lower back above her tail. She cried out "No, please, not that!" and her tail shot downward to cover herself. He said "Are you being uncooperative?"
She was silent for a few seconds, then Kliz saw her tail slowly raise back up, then shakily lift upwards as high as it could go. He smiled and said "That's much better." He undid his pants and let them fall to the floor, and then used his hands to aim his dick and shoved himself into the kobold bent over the bed. She let out a painful sounding noise, and pleaded with the human.
"Please! It's too big, it hurts!"
Kliz couldn't believe she was seeing something like this. Why would a human need to force a kobold in a building full of kobolds who would willingly give it to him? The human said "You might as well get used to it, I'll be expecting you to take the entire thing on a daily basis." The kobold let out a pitiful cry.
Kliz had never seen someone get violated like this before. It was terrible, and Kliz felt terrible about the odd sense of arousal she felt watching it. In her mind, she wanted to tell the kobold that things would get better, not all humans were like this. The human kept pounding the distressed kobold, who was alternating between crying out in pain and trying to beg the human to stop. After a little while, he pulled out and spoke to her.
"Roll onto your back, then try to put your ankles behind your head."
She rolled over onto her back, and looked fearful. She started trying to put her feet above her head, and the human grabbed her legs and held them in position while he pushed himself back into her. She cried out "Ow!" Then it was right back to crying out in pain and begging the human to stop. Then she yelled out "Please, I don't wanna get pregnant!"
Kliz wasn't sure she heard her right. Humans couldn't get kobolds pregnant, period. Everyone knew that. The human responded "That's too bad, you no longer get to choose." while still thrusting away. Surely, a human couldn't think it was possible, right? The kobold was still pleading.
"Please don't! I don't want to be impregnated with human babies!"
Was she delusional? The human kept on humping her, and said "I'll breed you and you'll spend every day pregnant on your knees thanking me for breeding you." Were they both delusional? This pairing had started disturbing and then ran straight into insanity. Kliz had her own fantasies about getting pregnant from a human but... Was that what this was? The human was going faster and faster, and the kobold was just making squeaks and slightly pained yelps as she got pounded. Finally he thrust himself in deep, and held himself inside. The kobold whined "No, I can feel it going inside of me! Pull out, please!" The human took a little while to catch his breath, then said "No. When I breed you, you say 'thank you master for breeding me', understood?" The kobold lowered her head to the point it was almost touching her chest and said in a low voice: "Thank you master for breeding me." He spoke again.
"Remember those words, I'll expect you to be saying them while you are pregnant." The human leaned over while still buried inside her, and started kissing her. Kliz was wondering if they were suddenly going to shift to a different delusion. The kobold was enthusiastically returning the affection. When he finally stopped the kiss, the kobold said "Did you enjoy that sir?, without a hint of the fear or sadness in her voice prior. He smiled at her and said "Very much so. Thank you." Stroking his back with her tail, she said "I'm glad you enjoyed sir." Bink reached over and closed the vent, and told Kliz it was safe to whisper again.
"What was going on in there?"
"That human has a desire to impregnate a kobold against her will. He enjoys it more when they are the fighting sort."
"But humans can't impregnate a kobold, right?
"Of course not. But if a human has a desire, the church will try to fulfill that desire."
All that, was just role-play?
"She sounded like she was in pain."
"Of course, she was selected for being a good actress. He wanted her to not be willing, so she pretended to not be willing."
Assuming Kliz had no more questions, Bink started walking deeper into the hallway, leading Kliz to follow. A very short and quiet walk later, and Bink stopped and turned around to face Kliz. She could see the small wooden pegs above the windows where Bink had stopped walking. The guide looked to Kliz's right, then pointed to the window and whispered.
"We serve all humans that request service, male or female."
Kliz looked through the window and saw a female human with long black hair laying on a bed in the middle of the room. Two female church members were serving her. One was on her hands and knees on the bed, with her head between the woman's legs. Kliz could see the kobold using her tongue, but she couldn't see any exact movements. The other was laying near the human's head, and was licking and sucking at her breasts. Then she leaned forward and kissed the woman for a little bit, then went back to her breasts.
"This human has a male kobold at home, but sometimes desires female kobolds. Sometimes just one, sometimes two."
Bink reached out to tug on the wooden peg, but Kliz interrupted her.
"Wait. Can I just watch? I can't talk when that thing is open, right?"
Bink's hand dropped away from the peg.
"Apologies, most prefer to be able to hear as well as see, I should have asked you."
Kliz was relieved. Watching humans having sex was making her feel guilty enough, having to hear the moans and gasps were making her feel very awkward and embarrassed. She kept expecting to get caught and in trouble. The entire Hall of Secrets was making her feel very nervous. Humans would be very angry if they found out the church was doing something like this. If one of the humans she saw here found out she was watching them doing these things, she knew there would be no getting off easy with a warning. This was the kind of shit humans reserved the big punishments for. Kliz must have been too focused on her thoughts, as now both kobolds were laying in the bed on either side of the woman, with her arms around them. They were both cupping a breast with the hand farthest away from the human, and had the arm closest resting under the human's neck, but otherwise not doing much else. All three of them seemed to be having a quiet conversation, and the woman occasionally broke the hug to rub the kobolds between the horns on their heads, then went back to hugging them. Bink whispered to Kliz "I must remind you again, do not interfere."
"But I wasn't going to!" Kliz protested as silently as possible, facing Bink.
"Not this one, the next one." Her guide told her, pointing to the windowed wall to Kliz's left.
Kliz looked through the window, and immediately felt a sense of worry. A somewhat scrawny but still adult human male was dressed like a soldier, carrying a spear, and looking a bit nervous. He was obviously not any real guard, and he didn't look like he could throw the spear any sizable distance with accuracy. The door opened and six female members of the church, dressed in the same leather armor and leather skirt outfit as the "raped" kobold from earlier, poured into the room and shut the door behind them. They were saying something, and the human was backing away from them. Suddenly they charged at him, three in the front jabbing their spears at the human, two rushing to the side and the remaining one acting as a blocker on the other side. The human was quickly cornered, and words were exchanged. Kliz was curious to know what was being said, but she didn't want to be any more of a witness to this assault than she already was. The human held out his spear and dropped it on the ground. The six lead him with slaps from their tails on his butt to the center of the room, then surrounded him again. One kobold said something to him, and waved her spear at him in a threatening way. He held up his hands, then started taking off his clothing. After each item, he would hand it out to the kobolds, who would yank it out of his hands and throw it aside. One of the kobold troopers yelled something, and he started stripping faster. Finally he was left naked, with a visible erection.
They more or less pushed him onto the ground, so he was laying flat on his back. His legs were spread, and his arms were laid out above his head with his palms facing up. One was standing over his head with the tip of her tail resting on his chest, looking down at him and saying something. One kobold each was sitting on top of his hands, preventing him from doing much of anything. Another was sitting on each leg, pinning him down. The last kobold was sitting on the human's stomach facing his legs, and had one hand wrapped around his cock, and the other hand was slowly dragging the tip of a claw very carefully around his sack. The one standing over him talking suddenly grinned at him, lifted up her leg, and then rest her foot right on the human's face. She said something again, and the human started licking her foot scales and toe claws. Bink surprised Kliz by speaking in a whisper next to her.
"Huh, that wasn't requested, but he seems to like it."
"Stepping on his face like that. He never requested that, but he is responding well to it. The head priestess will be pleased with her creativity."
He did enjoy it. So much so, when she pulled the foot off of his face, then put her other foot on his face and spoke to him again, he started cumming all over the hand of the kobold who still had him firmly gripped. She cleaned him and herself off with her tongue. All the kobold troopers stood up and then sat down in a circle near the humans head. His arms and legs were free, and they were talking to him and taking turns running their claws through his hair. They helped him sit up, then stand. There was some more talking, then he pointed at the kobolds while saying something. One raised her hand. He said something else and the other kobolds promptly left the room, leaving him with a somewhat concerned looking kobold. He walked up to her still naked, knelt in front of her, and bowed his head almost to the ground. She recognized this trooper as the one who had stepped on his face. Kliz saw him kiss the trooper's feet one at a time, then stick his tongue between her ankles, and start running it up between her legs while looking up at her face. She smiled and took off the leather skirt, and met his gaze.
"OK, he really liked it."
Kliz heard Bink's comment, but was far more focused on the scene before her. The human was on his hands and knees in front of the kobold, and while Kliz couldn't see exactly what his tongue was doing, she could guess. The kobold had her hands cupping the human's head and was saying something to the human while looking down into his face. It didn't take long before her tail spasmed around and she gave a few brief humps of his face. He held her in place with his hands on her ass until she calmed down and said something to him. He then released her and stood up. The moment he was on his feet, she reached out and grabbed his mostly limp dick with her hand, and gave it a kiss on the tip, then said something to him with a smile. He nodded, and she released her grip on him. She put her leather skirt back on, and he went around and collected his clothes and put them back on. Kliz turned to look at her guide since this appeared to be over. Bink saw her questioning look.
"This human occasionally has the desire to be raped by a pack of female kobolds. He prefers being captured and then raped, I guess he also likes cleaning a female kobold's foot with his tongue."
"But they didn't even get on his dick."
"True, they were planning to take turns riding him. But she managed to find a way to please him before they could get to that. As long as the human is satisfied with the result, than all is well. He was well satisfied judging by his response to it."
Kliz understood the human liked it, but the entire scene still bothered her.
"What if he got sick from the dirt on her feet?"
Her guide rolled her eyes at that.
"No member of the church steps foot in these rooms without bathing well. We wouldn't accept being less than perfect for a human. The hallways leading in are kept spotlessly clean. I doubt there was a speck of dirt for him to clean off."
Bink looked at her with a thoughtful expression, then continued talking.
"Some humans like the ways we are different from a human. Our scales, our claws, our horns, our tails, our tongues, some humans really enjoy the differences."
Kliz was well aware some humans really liked certain parts of kobold anatomy that humans didn't have, but never thought the very reason they liked it was because it wasn't human. She always thought it was just like how people like or dislike certain colors. Seeing that Kliz understood what she meant, Bink continued with her hushed explanation.
"That's one of the things that makes humans amazing. They appreciate kobolds for being kobolds."
It sounded kind of logical, but Kliz was well aware this was a member of the church talking to her, and wouldn't let herself forget it. The first half of the explanation was good and matched up with what she was already aware of, the second half sounded like wishful thinking to her. She was starting to understand how to deal with the church members in a way that didn't involve upsetting them. She nodded and smiled. There may be a lot of nice humans, but kobolds were still slaves, bought and sold at auction. How much could any species "appreciate" slaves? Bink turned back to the hallway and led Kliz even deeper. She wondered how long this cursed hallway was. She was understanding what her guide meant when she said "secrets both human and kobold", and really wished she didn't. She was getting a front row seat to the desires humans would never willingly voice in public, or wish to ever have associated with their names. And acts of servitude no kobold would wish to experience for real. Bink stopped again and turned to face her, and for the first time Kliz could see an end to the hallway behind Bink. Her guide looked to the left, and immediately faced Kliz and whispered another warning.
"Do not interfere, no matter what."
Kliz braced herself, but was still not prepared for what she saw through the window. There was a kobold that was about a half foot shorter than average, wearing shorts and a billowy blouse with no cut outs, and no color markings. Kliz's head shot to her guide, who quickly whispered an explanation.
"She's 24."
"You sure?"
"We had our adulthood rituals the same week. I'll always be certain of her exact age."
It felt like the truth, so Kliz just fell silent. The 24-yo "child" was laying on her stomach on the bed in the room, playing with some sort of doll and kicking her feet back and forth. She was wearing red shorts, a red blouse, and looked to be wearing red shoes as well. Like all kobold footwear, they were toe-less, and her claws and toe claws had been painted the same color red as her outfit. She didn't have the silver horn covers or ring or chains like every other kobold Kliz had seen in the church so far. Instead she had two red ribbons wrapped all the way around her horns, tied with a small bow at the base and tip on both horns. Kliz recognized the look, and had worn it herself when she wanted humans to call her cute. Paint your claws, decorate your horns, receive compliments.
The door on the far wall opened, and a human male with dark hair came in. He seemed to be somewhat nervous, and kept looking around like someone was after him. He exchanged words with the church member, and kept walking towards her only to stop and fidget. She said something to him, he just shook his head. Kliz understood, he was one of those humans nervous about sex. She had never understood exactly why anyone would be nervous or fearful about sex, but some humans were just like that. He finally reached the bed, reached over, and started rubbing her back. They kept talking, and Kliz was almost tempted to ask Bink to open the vent so she could hear, but she really didn't to know what was being said. Finally, the kobold sat up on her knees, and took her blouse off. The human slowly reached over and started rubbing around her breasts, but he didn't exactly look happy. There was some more talking, and the kobold tilted her head slightly back, pushing her lower jaw slightly forwards, pushing her lips out in the classic "kiss me" pose. He hesitated, then leaned over and kissed her. They held that pose for a bit, then he suddenly let go and pulled away from her. He rubbed his hands on his face, then just sat on the floor and buried his face in his hands. Bink spoke in a worried sounding whisper.
"Something has gone wrong."
The kobold had gotten off the bed and looked frantic. She ran to the door, opened it and stuck her head out, then came running back to the human. She was speaking rapidly and was stroking his arms and back while crouched near him. He rolled over onto the ground away from her, curled up into a ball, and buried his head in his arms.
"Something has gone horribly wrong."
While the human lay huddled on the ground, and the kobold crouched over him looking more distraught by the moment, another kobold entered the room. She was wearing the standard church outfit, but there was a gold ring suspended between her horns instead of silver. The naked kobold wearing red shoes ran to her, talking rapidly and gesturing at the human. The other kobold waved her off, as well as out of the room. She paused with her head out of the door, then two members of the church entered the room with her and shut the door. She spoke something to the two, and they nodded and walked over to where the human was curled up. They both laid down on the ground near the human, one in front of him, one behind, and slid themselves right up against him. They wrapped their arms around him, and laid their heads against his body. The one with the gold ring crouched near his head and started rubbing his shoulders.
"We should probably move on, there really isn't anything to be seen here."
Kliz wasn't going to argue, she didn't want to see this in the first place. Her guide faced the wall to the right, and whispered to her.
"Sometimes, a human doesn't want to be pleasured, but something more simple."
There was a loose pile of church members on the bed, and a human leg and arm were visible through the kobolds. They all just seemed to be laying there. Occasionally, one would speak or shift her position a little, but they were just laying in a pile. Sleeping together in a pile was a kobold thing, far more common in the winter months. Kliz never understood why humans didn't sleep in a pile together, all that heat together would make for great sleeping conditions. Instead humans tended to sleep by themselves or solely with their lovers. Kliz couldn't understand.
"What is going on in this room?"
"This human saw some kobolds sleeping together in a pile once, and found the idea interesting. He requested to be in a pile of female kobolds, and found he really likes the experience. He comes here about once a week just to lay down and share his heat with a pile. He says he finds it very relaxing."
She wasn't sure what to make of it.
"Does he do anything sexual with them?"
"No, he doesn't want them doing anything to him either. Just to lay on top of him. He just wants to be in a pile."
Kliz had to think that over. Every once in a while, she thought about being a human. Being tall and strong and creating her own warmth. Was it possible there were humans that thought about being a kobold? Would they want to do kobold things, like sleeping in a pile? She never thought a human would want to be attacked by a group of kobolds and then have his face stepped on, but she was starting to figure out she didn't know humans nearly as well as she thought. They were always confusing and mysterious, now she was convinced she would never truly understand humans.
"They won't be doing anything else, so we might as well continue if you want."
Kliz nodded, she was glad for anything that would get her out of this hallway sooner. They moved deeper in the hallway, and Kliz was happy to see there was an end to the hallway, which they were getting closer to. The next room had a human dressed like a nobleman standing in front of a female kobold. She was dressed in leather armor like Kliz had seen, except there were silver bands on the shoulders. She was kneeling before the human, and she looked to be making a pleading gesture while talking to him. She then jumped up and ran at the door. Kliz thought the human might chase her, but he just stood where he was and looked bored. She opened the door and more kobolds dressed in the leather armor outfit came in, two dragging a naked kobold between them. She looked afraid, and very pregnant. Her breasts were slightly puffed out, and one nipple was leaking milk. The head trooper, as far as Kliz could tell, was speaking to the human and gesturing wildly at the pregnant kobold. He seemed to agree about something, and pointed at the bed. The head trooper spoke to the pregnant kobold, who started shaking her head in a no, and trying to fight off the other troopers.
The head trooper said something, and every kobold in the room looked at her. The troopers looked uncertain, and the pregnant kobold started trying to twist and kick her way out of the trooper's hold on her. The head trooper then said something else and pointed to the bed. The armored kobolds looked at one another, then started dragging the pregnant kobold over to the bed. She tried to fight, but there were about eight of the armored kobolds in the room, and she had no hope of resisting them. They finally got her pinned on the bed, with her arms and legs pulled towards the corners of the bed. The head trooper then spoke to the human and held her arm out to the bed. He folded his arms in front of his chest, shook his head, and said something back. Her arm dropped, and she looked at the kobolds on the bed who looked back at her. She nodded to them, and two standing nearby jumped on the bed to help the four already up there.
There was some flailing about and frenzied movement, and when they were done they had one trooper holding each wrist near the corners of the bed. Her legs had been pulled back and up, and two more troopers kept her ankles trapped in their arms. Another was sitting on the floor off the bed holding onto the end of the pregnant kobold's tail, preventing her from covering herself. Another lay on the bed to the side of the pregnant kobold, and had reached her arms down past her waist and was using her hands to hold the pregnant kobold's pussy lips wide open, with one hand on either side. The pregnant kobold kept trying to squirm out, but was held tight by the others. She seemed to be trying to plead with them, but they just turned their heads away from her when she tried to speak with them.
The head trooper then held her arm out towards the bed again and spoke to the human. He smiled, said something back, and started taking off his clothes. Once he finished, he climbed onto the bed facing the pregnant kobold. She was shaking her head and saying something to him, he just rubbed the tip of his dick on her sensitive bits, then pushed himself on in. Kliz watched him hump the pregnant kobold as the other kobolds held her in position. The head trooper was standing on the side of the bed, rubbing the human's back as he pounded the pregnant one. He reached over and put his hands on the pregnant kobolds breasts and started flicking the leaking nipple with his fingers. He seemed to think about it, then looked down at the pregnant kobold and said something to her. She whipped her head from side to side while yelling something. He didn't seem to mind what her response was, and started sucking on the leaking nipple while continuing to pump in and out of her.
She was yelling, but she had stopped fighting and just hung limply in the hands of her fellow kobold. Finally she just laid her head down and looked at the wall as the human continued to hump her. He fucked her for a while in that position, then said something to the troopers and pulled out of her.
They rolled the pregnant kobold onto her side, and lifted her leg straight up. The human pushed himself back into her, then grabbed the up-stretched leg and held into it while grinding himself inside of her. He would pull most of the way out, then force himself back in with a single thrust, do a few quick thrusts, then pull most of the way out again. After doing that for a while, he just started humping her rapidly until he shoved himself at her. The other kobolds let go of her and moved to the human, stroking his back and saying things to him. He finally pulled out of the pregnant kobold, and got off the bed. Two of the kobolds pulled a sheet over the pregnant one, then clasped their hands behind their backs and stood nearby as if they were standing guard over her. The human got dressed and was about to leave the room, but stopped and looked at the bed. He said something while pointing to the bed, and the pregnant female shot up while pulling the sheet off herself. He said something, she said something back and smiled. He smiled, then left the room. Kliz looked at her guide for an explanation as to what just happened.
"This human enjoys a somewhat complex fantasy. He wants to pretend he's invading a kobold city, and the local guards are begging to give him any female he wants as long as he spares the town. He selects a female, they drag her to him, and then assist him in claiming her. This time it appears he asked for a pregnant female for his pleasure. Good thing Rias is going to be laying eggs soon, or we might have needed to ask him to wait until we had a pregnant kobold ready for him."
Kliz had always believed humans wouldn't have any desire for a pregnant kobold female. Many were curious, and would ask pregnant females how much longer they had until they laid their eggs. There was maybe some rubbing of their stomach over their clothes, but she had never seen a human who seemed sexually interested in a pregnant kobold before. She understood the entire pregnancy cycle, her mother had explained all the gory details. She knew at late stage holding, which that kobold was in, her vagina would have been swollen and puffy from an influx of blood, to help hold the eggs in until it was time to lay. Kliz wondered if it was painful for her due to the "shrinkage" caused by the swelling.
The pregnant kobold didn't seem to be in any pain, and was masturbating with both hands. Kliz knew exactly why the pregnant kobold as playing with herself. Human seed was even warmer than human flesh. It shot inside and the heat slowly seeped its way into your deepest parts and made you feel like you were being warmed from your internal organs outward. She had fingered herself to the feeling more than once. Even better, sometimes if the human who put the load in you was watching, he might be interested in adding a second afterwards. But the human had already left, as well as the other kobolds, and the pregnant kobold was just enjoying herself. Bink looked behind at the other window, and whispered again.
"This here, is actually something the church does for it's members, and requests humans for."
Kliz looked through the window, and saw a male human laying naked on the floor. There were about ten members of the church in their standard garb on hands and knees all around him, bent over with their heads just over his body. Some were kissing, some were licking, three were paying close attention to his crotch with their licking. Kliz whispered to her guide.
"Request humans for?"
"Sometimes we ask humans to participate in our worship services. Having a human actually present makes the service feel more meaningful. We need the right human for the service, or it won't work well. We are very careful about the humans we invite for worship services."
Kliz decided not to ask what they did when they couldn't find a willing or proper human for this, and just kept watching. The kobolds continued to kiss and lick the human pretty much everywhere until he came all over his stomach. Then they stood and formed a line between his legs. The one at the front of the line crouched down, took a single lick of sperm off his stomach, said something to the human, then moved back to where she had originally crouched over near his head. The next in line did the same, and they kept at it until there was just one kobold left standing between his legs. She crouched down, licked around his stomach, then shot a murderous glare at the other kobolds.
He said something and looked a bit concerned, she dipped her head to him with an apologetic look, then said something while pointing at the other kobolds. He said something to her again, then reached down and did something Kliz couldn't see. But she did see a few more drops of his cum come out of his dick, and he held his hand out towards it. She smiled and bent over, and he was once again completely clean when her head came back up. She took her original spot back, and all the kobolds hugged him all over. They all seemed to be talking about something, then they climbed off of him and helped him to his feet.
One stood on either side of the human, each holding a hand, and the rest all brought over a piece of clothing from where the human had disrobed before Kliz started watching. They all assisted him in dressing, either putting clothing on him or helping him keep his balance as they put his pants back on. After he was fully dressed, they all clustered around him and guided him out of the room. One held each hand, some kept a hand on his back, some held onto his arms, and they all stuck very close to him, as if he was owned by them and they didn't want anyone else touching.
"They should know better than to get greedy, she almost got nothing at all." her guide whispered in commentary on the scene.
Kliz just smiled and said nothing. She wasn't against the taste or warmth of human cum either, but she wasn't about to get angry at someone else if she didn't get to taste it. Bink seemed to think this was an acceptable response, and moved closer to the wall at the end of the hallway, stopping again just a small distance short. Kliz could see the usual wooden pegs, and then one final set of pegs. The guide looked to the right, and whispered to Kliz.
"This human desires to be tied up and used for kobold pleasure. Six or eight, no more. Her husband won't let her buy a kobold, so she visits when she can."
A human woman was tied up in a sitting position on the ground. She had a large pillow under her. Her legs were crossed, and tied so she couldn't move them. Her arms were tied behind her back. Her back was to one of the bed posts, and her head had been tied to the post with a thick cloth band around her head. A pillow between her head and the post was visible. There were six male kobolds in the room with her, wearing the leather armor Kliz was starting to be able to see with her eyes closed. All of their leather skirts were laying on the bed, and they were in a single-file line in front of her. The one in front looked to be fucking her mouth. He had his hands holding the the bedpost she was tied to, and was humping her face with great energy. Finally he gave a few more deep pushes, then held himself deep inside her mouth, slightly pushing her head into the pillow. He finally pulled out and moved aside, and Kliz could see the expensive looking dress the human was wearing. Then the next male stepped forward and rubbed his dick against her face for a few seconds before sticking it inside her mouth. He then put his hands on the back of her head between her head and the pillow, and started humping. This looked like it was going to go on for a while.
"Are they going to do anything else?" she prompted her guide.
"Probably not, would you like to continue?"
Kliz nodded with a smile. Let her guide think she got bored easily, anything to move things along quicker. Bink looked to the glass wall opposite, then whispered.
"This human desires a kobold. His wife won't let him buy one, so we have a designated female for him. He has a great deal of affection for her."
Kliz looked into the room, seeing a human and two kobolds. One was in standard church wear and was facing the other two, the other standing in front of the human was wearing a very frilly and brilliant white dress. She had white gloves that went all the way up her arms, and white cloth covers over her horns and claws. She was wearing something frilly on her head, with a thin sheet of some sort of see-through cloth over her face. She had a gold ring on the middle finger of her right hand. The human also had a gold ring on his middle finger, and was wearing some moderately wealthy looking clothes. They were holding hands while facing each other. She looking up at him, and he looking down at her. All three were speaking. Kliz could guess what was being said by the outfits. She was well aware of what that style of dress meant to humans. Bink whispered to her again.
"His affection for her has grown over time. For the last two months, he's wanted this same desire every time he visits."
Kliz let herself think briefly about not just going through a marriage ceremony with a human, but doing it over and over again with the same human. It was something to think about. Finally she had to ask some questions she had carried around for a long time.
"Marriage between a kobold and a human, it's possible right?"
"Of course. The only problem is you can't marry a human if you are owned."
"Really? My mother has a certain dress with two rings, but it's from her owner."
"You can have your own ceremony, wear the rings, but the crown won't count it as being legal if you are owned."
But then...
"If you can't marry a human if you are owned, how does any kobold marry a human?"
"Your owner relists you at the auction house, and you buy yourself."
"How much would that cost?"
"Well, starting price of a kobold is 10 gold coin, but other people can bid as well, so prices usually go from about 100 to 200 gold coins for a kobold."
10 gold coin was more wealth than Kliz had ever seen before, much less earned through odd jobs. To be able to save up 100+ gold coins to buy herself, it seemed like as much fantasy as getting pregnant from a human. The normally dressed kobold had finished whatever she was there for, and left the room, and the two left inside were hugging and kissing while also trying to remove their clothes. Finally the human was down to socks, and the kobold only had the white gloves, the white cloth covers on her horns and claws, and white stockings on her legs that stopped just a little short of the base of her tail.
She walked over to the bed, jumped up onto it, and laid in the center on her back with her legs spread, and her arms held out to the human. She also made a "come-here" motion with her tail. He got onto the bed, climbed over top of her, and wrapped his arms and legs around her. He then slowly lowered his hips until he was resting on her. She responded by wrapping her legs around his hips, and her arms around his chest. He slowly ground into her, and the two started kissing and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.
"I might as well warn you, they will be doing this for quite some time. He will slowly fuck her for an hour or two, then he usually finishes by having her ride him. Normally I wouldn't mind watching longer, but I'm guessing you're a bit of the hurried type. We can continue on-wards if you wish."
"Yes, thank you."
Kliz was in a hurry, to get the hell away from the church. She felt sorrow for her mother, there was no way she would be able to afford to buy herself either. At least her owner let her pretend and gave her the rings. Bink continued down the hallway until reaching the wall at the end. She turned and looked at the wall on the left, only to whisper:
"Hmm, nothing going on here."
She was right, the room was empty other than a bed with no one in it. Bink whispered again, sounding slightly confused.
"That's odd, I should be able to see..."
Noticing Bink wasn't looking at the same empty room as her, Kliz turned around only to see the glass had been covered with something, and she couldn't see into the room on the other side. It just looked dark. Suddenly, the blanket that had been covering the glass was pulled away by a naked male kobold in the standard church uniform. Behind him on the bed was a naked male human. Kliz recognized the human. Bink's arm flew at Kliz and she had her hand wrapped around Kliz's wrist, with another hand reaching inside of one of the pouches connected to her cloth belt.
"You were not supposed to see this. Someone made a terrible mistake, and the head priestess is going to be pissed."
Kliz understood exactly why her guide was upset. She knew that human. There couldn't be anyone in the kingdom who didn't know that human. It was the crown prince. But it wasn't fair getting in trouble when she never wanted to be a part of any of this to begin with. She desperately whispered her case while trying to pull away from Bink.
"I never asked to see this!"
"Calm down!" Bink hissed at her. "The head priestess will be pissed at someone, but not you. This isn't your fault. Just...forget what you saw in that room, alright?"
"I swear, I won't tell anyone!"
Bink stared at her eyes for a few moments, then released her wrist and pulled the other hand back out of the pouch. Kliz figured she probably carried a knife in there. Sure, the church members could be friendly, but she never doubted for a second they could turn violent against her. These were dangerous and insane people. Bink then whispered to Kliz to follow her, and lead her all the way back down the hallway to the entrance. She stopped at the door, and turned to Kliz.
"Do you have any questions for me before we leave the hall? Once we leave this door, you and I can never speak of any of this, ever again."
Kliz didn't have any questions, or at least any she wanted answers to. She shook her head, and Bink gave her a nod. The door opened, and they left the hall behind. Once they were back in the small room leading to the Hall of Secrets, and the door was completely shut, Bink spoke in a normal volume for the first time since they entered the hall.
"Just wait here while I give my report to the head priestess, and then I'll come back to escort you to see her."
Kliz didn't like the sound of that report.
"I swore I wouldn't say anything!"
Bink held up her hands.
"Yes, I know. Relax, the report is standard for every passage through the Hall of Secrets. This is standard procedure. Just wait."
With that, Bink left Kliz alone in the room. The things she had seen in that cursed hallway had given her both ideas about humans she never wanted to think, and some ample fodder for fantasies about humans as well. She thought about the fake wedding ceremony and how that human and kobold seemed to never stop kissing. The pregnant kobold dragged in front of a human and held down by her fellow kobolds so he could fuck her against her will, or at least her pretend will. The human in the pile of kobolds. The human who had knelt before a kobold and kissed her feet. What the hell were kobolds to humans? If they were just sex toys to humans, why would they want to marry kobolds or have fantasies about impregnating them? If they were just slaves to humans, why would they allow or want their slaves stepping on their face or tying them to a bedpost and gang-fucking their face? If they were to be lovers, why would they demand ownership made into law and fantasize about raping a kobold? Nothing made sense anymore. Kliz wished she could go back to yesterday, when humans were simply the big, strong, warm, and amazingly friendly species who had taken kobolds as slaves but were rarely mean to them.
Now, all she could think about is what her owner would desire of her. Would he want to put her in a wedding dress? Or would he want to tie her up and have her beg for mercy? Would he want to talk about impregnating her during sex, or would he want to fuck her during her pregnancy when it could be painful to her? She never wanted to think these thoughts, why in the hell had she been required to walk down that damned hallway? She was much happier before she went there. Kliz felt fear, not knowing what to think about humans. They owned kobolds, they had full power over them. And now she had no idea what they would do with kobolds. She no longer knew what humans wanted from kobolds. As a kid it was simple. Humans wanted you to wear clothes outside the house, to be polite, and just do what they told you to and you never really had to worry about getting into trouble. As long as you were dressed when outside, polite, and did what you were told, humans were always nice and friendly. Nothing was simple now.
Kliz was so lost in her thoughts, she nearly jumped backwards when the door opened and Bink came back inside. Her guide eyed her for a moment.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, really. I'm just impatient."
That wasn't the real reason, but Kliz figured she could point to her rushing through the last parts of the hall as proof. Bink actually laughed a bit at that.
"Yeah, I noticed earlier. I understand, you've been waiting for years already. The head priestess is ready to see you now. Some advice?"
Kliz nodded, she would take what she could get.
"Be completely honest. You can't offend the head priestess unless you lie to her. She hates that more than anything else. She is very nice, unless you anger her by lying or being deceptive. Just be honest with her, and you will be fine."
Kliz wasn't entirely sure if this was advice, or just a trick to get her to talk about things she would not want to say in this church. Like how every member appeared to be a complete psychopath. She just smiled and nodded. Bink just smiled back.
"Oh, and don't try that smile-and-nod routine with her either. She hates it when she thinks someone is humoring her instead of telling her their real feelings."
Kliz swallowed hard. Her guide knew she was playing a role?
"You don't need to explain yourself to me. The only job I have left in your adulthood ritual is to guide you to the head priestess. Ready?"
Kliz nodded twice, no smile this time. Her mother always told her she was as see-through as glass, was she really this painfully obvious when she wasn't telling the truth? This meeting with the head priestess was starting to sound like a nightmare. Bink led her back to the main foyer, then to the door between the two desks. Bink opened it, stuck her head in, then looked back at Kliz and told her the head priestess would see her now. She held the door open for Kliz, and shut it behind her, remaining outside.

*    *    *    *    *

Kliz wasn't sure what to expect from the quarters of the head priestess of this church, but she figured she would have been disappointed no matter what she imagined. It was a simple stone room with a wooden floor and ceiling like every other room she had seen here. The only things different was the two paintings, one on the wall to the left of the door, one on the wall to the right of the door, and there were six very large and overly stuffed pillows in the center of the room. Laying on her stomach on one of the pillows, dressed in the church green sleeves on arms and legs, wearing a gold ring suspended by two gold chains, one from each horn that was attached to gold horn covers, was the head priestess. Seeing Kliz, she held her hand up and said:
"Greetings child. Grab a pillow and relax."
Far from the cold or scary welcome Kliz was expecting, she sat on a pillow. Pillow seating was a kobold thing, humans preferred their chairs. But kobolds never cared much for hard wood seats. It was fine when you wore pants that covered your crotch, but unfinished wood was almost like sandpaper on soft scales. Even worse if you got a splinter. The head priestess stretched herself out and then went limp.
"According to your file, your name is Kliz, you just turned 16 today, and you were arrested earlier today, is this correct?"
If she knew about it, there was no reason to try to deny it.
"That is correct ma'am. I wore my mother's dress and marking paint in public before my ritual tonight."
"The guard said you had a strong reaction to a fear of being tickled?"
How did she know this? Were the town guards reporting to her? Why?
"I am the head priestess of this location of the Church of Human. I have legal authority over every kobold in the city. If any kobold commits any crime, no matter how minor, the guards will make a report of it to the church. As per their orders from the crown, they make the report immediately after sentencing."
Why was the crown giving the guards orders like that? Why was the church in charge, or given this information? The head priestess yawned and then spoke again.
"Stop holding yourself back child. Ask the questions you want to ask. I'm not just here to see if you are ready for adulthood, I'm also here to answer your questions and ease your confusion."
It sounded like a gamble with a maniac, but Kliz was worried the head priestess would see through her trying to avoid things. She decided to pray the head priestess was at least honest with her. She was thinking of asking a simple question, but instead she just couldn't take anymore and spat out the insanity.
"How? How is any of this possible? Nothing makes sense! Why is the church safe from the law? Why doesn't the crown stop any of this? Why did I have to go through that FUCKING hallway!?"
Kliz expected the head priestess to suddenly turn dangerous and scary like the other members of the church. Instead the head priestess just kept looking at her with that same relaxed expression.
"I believe you need a history lesson."
Kliz figured the head priestess was full of shit, and not likely to answer her real questions. The head priestess's tone suddenly turned icy.
"Don't give me that look child, this is important, and it does answer your questions."
Did Kliz have a magic sign on her head that showed what she was really thinking? Not even her mother could read her this well.
"I'm sorry, please forgive me!"
The head priestess looked directly into her eyes and asked a question.
"What is your honest opinion of this church?"
"It's a really interesting place..."
She was cut-off before she could finish.
"Lie to me again and you won't be a legal adult until you turn 17."
There was no way to win. This must be a suicide trap for kobolds the church doesn't want around. At least she could tell the truth before she died. She looked back at the head priestess, and spoke as plainly and honestly as she could.
"I think this place is a madhouse, every church member is fucking crazy, and I wish I was anywhere but here."
She braced herself for the call of "GUARDS!", but instead the head priestess scratched herself on the back with one arm.
"Now was that really so hard?"
Her tone of voice was back to being relaxed and easy-going.
"You aren't angry?"
"It sounded honest to me. That is what I asked for. I'm not here to judge your choice of company, the way you choose to live your life, or how you feel about me or anyone I know. I'm here to judge if you are mature and intelligent enough to be considered an adult under human law. The second part of my job is to answer your questions, to help you understand both the church and humans."
Kliz chewed that over for a moment. She had called this kobold a psycho right to her face, but there wasn't even a hint of anger because she was honest. Until she got the impression otherwise, she was going to assume she could speak freely with the head priestess.
"So what does history have to do with the Hall of Secrets, or why I had to see those things?"
The head priestess smiled and yawned, then pointed to the wall to Kliz's right and said "Look."
It was a painting of a brown and black scaled kobold wearing what must have been twenty pounds of gold alone. She was wearing kobold-style open-toe gold shoes with velvet padding visible. Rounded gold caps on every claw both hand and foot. Gold ankle bracelets with a short and thin gold chain dangling a tiny ruby at the end of the chain, matched by gold bracelets on her wrists that had a small ruby covering the latch. Her dress was also gold colored, and might have been spun out of gold wire for all Kliz knew. It had the standard cut-out areas, and she was wearing a crimson red marking paint carefully painted on her vagina lips, but not a single drop of paint on any scale next to it. Her nipples were painted in the same very exact and careful way, making them a dark red on her black chest, without a single scale being painted red. The crimson red was also all over her lips, all the way around, but again, not a single scale touching her lips had any red. She was wearing a gold crown with diamonds around the peak. Her horns looked to have been wrapped in gold, and looked to have been carefully hammered into the correct shape around her horns. She was standing in a room made out of marble, with carpeted floors.
"Do you know who that is?"
Kliz had seen a few paintings of this kobold before. She knew.
"That's the queen of the kobold kingdom who sold us all to the humans."
"Correct. That painting was commissioned by the human king about five years after she signed the contract."
"He hired an artist to paint her portrait."
"He also hired a few people to design and make the clothes she's wearing, as well as much of the jewelry besides the crown. Based on the information we have, she only wore it for that painting."
All that gold and those jewels, just for a single portrait? But how would the church know about what happened back then anyways?
"What information do you have about that?"
"The church received her journal after her death. Copies were made, and every branch of the church has at least one copy of her journal. She wrote about how the king had her wear far too much gold and jewelry for a painting, and how she asked him to please spend that gold on her people instead."
"What did he say?"
She just shrugged.
"We don't know, she didn't write down his response. Her journal isn't a bunch of completed stories that tell us every detail, she only wrote down her thoughts and feelings, and ideas she considered important enough to write. Look."
The head priestess pointed to the left wall. It was a painting of a kobold wearing what looked like a random collection of pelts and clothing scraps. Kliz would have been nothing but ashamed if someone saw her wearing something like that. It looked so very poor and dirty. There was no gold, no shoes, no jewels, only a single silver bracelet around one wrist. Brown and black scale color pattern. Kliz looked back at the painting of the kobold queen. Back to the poor kobold. It had to be some mistake. She looked at the head priestess with despair.
"In case you are wondering, that is the same queen. Five years prior to signing the contract."
"Why is she wearing rags?"
"Because the human king hired an artist to paint her portrait, and he asked her to wear her very best."
Kliz remembered hearing stories about the kobold kingdom of old. This was the queen of the kingdom, wearing the best she had? Earlier Kliz had thrown far better clothing into a damned fire. Was this really all the kobolds had amounted to? The head priestess continued on.
"Her journal was very educational on this particular encounter. It seemed this was actually an attempt from the human king to raise the kobold queen's spirits after an incident. She had been invited to tour the human capital, and was left in complete amazement at what the humans could do and the sheer amount of wealth. Once she got back home, she realized she had agreed to give the human king a tour of her empire's capital. She wrote that having the humans walking around the small mud hovels, seeing the dirt streets, and the poorer kobolds digging around in dirt for worms to eat, had all made her deeply ashamed to even be a kobold. In her own words, 'Why should a human ever respect a kobold? We are so far below them in every way, it's a miracle they even speak with us.' The human king must have noticed her discomfort during the tour, and asked if she would be willing to pose for a portrait for him. He said it would take nearly a week, so they wouldn't be able to tour any more of the kobold kingdom, but he would accept that loss in exchange for the portrait. She gratefully accepted. She wrote in a later entry that she regretted doing the portrait, since she couldn't find or buy a human-quality dress to wear. She wrote that she thought the king was offering her a way to avoid embarrassment, until she realized he was probably taking the portrait back home so other humans could laugh at the shabby dressed kobold."
The head priestess rolled over to her side but continued talking.
"The queen never wrote in such self-hating and depressing ways prior to her visit to the human kingdom. It really broke her badly to see just how far behind her own people were. The humans' visit to her own kingdom was just pure humiliation for her. A few years later, and the Ogres decided we were plenty weak and ripe to be eaten. Are you familiar with the signing of the contract?"
"More or less."
"Good enough. The queen wrote that night in her journal about what she did, and asked that future hatched kobolds forgive her for what she had to do. She said she would do whatever it took to protect her people from death. The very next night, she wrote a single line. 'Fuck humans, I hope they all die.'"
"What did she write that for?"
The head priestess merely shrugged again.
"We really don't know, but we assume she hadn't developed affection for humans yet."
Kliz couldn't swallow that.
"Develop affection? She had to sell herself and the rest of us into slavery!"
"Still far better than death. And while it was rough at first, the law changed over time to be far more reasonable and protective towards kobolds. The church is responsible for that."
Kliz had to wonder how the church influenced human laws.
"How did the church do that?"
"Same way we've been manipulating the crown for decades. Gentle persuasion."
Kliz could only stare at the head priestess.
"You are manipulating the crown? What happens if the crown finds out?"
"They would probably have us all executed."
She said it like she was discussing what to have for breakfast. She rolled onto her other side.
"And it wouldn't stop there either. The church keeps extensive records."
"What do you mean?"
"The church being destroyed would just be the start of the fire. The fate of every kobold in the kingdom is tied to the church."
Kliz didn't get it.
"Let's say you suddenly went stupid and decided to tell someone about the Hall of Secrets. It wouldn't take the humans long to figure out every single adult kobold had also taken a trip through that hallway. They would move on the church, and hunt down all records about adulthood rituals to find out which kobolds knew which human's secrets. Then they would see all the records of the humans that visited, and what they did. You've seen how upset a human can get when you go poking around their secrets, or invade their privacy, right?"
Kliz signaled an affirmative.
"Imagine a city full of humans knowing their secrets are known by a large number of the kobolds in the city, who all knew their privacy had been invaded. What exactly do you think would happen to all the kobolds in the city?"
Kliz didn't have to imagine hard. No kobold wanted to anger a species larger and stronger than them. If the humans ever got angry enough, if the kobolds had really crossed the line, they would be easily eliminated. She still didn't get what history had to do with this.
"What does the Hall have to do with history?"
"Simple. About 15 years after the contract was signed, our first head priestess had what she called a moment of enlightenment. She said she could see the entire Human plan in perfect clarity. She said she finally understood humanity. She said the contract was just a formality, that humans enslaved kobolds with their heart. She then founded the Church of Human with the goal of binding our species tighter and tighter, until neither side can leave. The church is deeply dedicated to a number of goals with that in mind."
"And the Hall?"
"Tighter and tighter. The church used to have problems with kobolds who really disliked humanity or serving humans. One of our higher ranked members came up with a solution for ensuring compliance with the church no matter what the kobold felt a few decades after the church was founded. Being a witness to the Hall makes you a part of it. Not only does the Hall let you gain a deeper understanding of humans, it makes you forever tied to the fate of the church. Even if you hate the church, you can't work against us, or share our secrets with anyone else. Even if you didn't care about your own life, your mother's own trip through the Hall is well documented in our records."
Even Kliz was seeing holes large enough to drive a wagon through.
"How would the church even knew I talked?"
The head priestess rolled onto her back and scratched at her stomach, and looked Kliz in the eye.
"Members of the church are rarely in uniform outside of the church, and most wear red marking paint in the standard way when out of uniform."
It took a few seconds for her to process that. When she finally got it, the church suddenly seemed a lot more terrifying than before. Unless she specifically recognized a kobold as a church member she had seen in uniform, she would have no way of telling if any kobold she spoke to or near was a member of the church. They didn't even need to know your name either, they could just report your scales colors and patterns, and then look up that kobold in their records. The records were suddenly another danger. They didn't just keep extensive records on the humans, they kept records on the kobolds too. The records were a blackmail against every kobold over the age of 16. She looked in horror at the head priestess, who just gave a lazy yawn.
"Tighter and tighter child. Tighter and tighter. Every passing year, every new generation, our two races are bound ever closer together. We're already past the point where separation would be highly painful for both species. Kobolds would be easy prey for any other species that wanted us, and we could be certain they wouldn't treat us as well as humans do. We don't even do our own farming or hunting anymore. Humans would have their empire descend into chaos, since the church has become the primary source of sex for pleasure for humans. Did you know prostitution died off in the human kingdom less than ten years after the church was founded?"
Kliz slowly shook her head, she didn't even feel her own tail wrapped protectively around her body. She couldn't believe how relaxed this kobold was while talking about how her organization was busy tying nooses around everyone's necks to prevent anyone from getting too far away. Tighter and tighter.
"It was one of our first goals. We felt humans shouldn't have to pay just because humans weren't as open about sex as kobolds are. Less than a year after starting the program, every last prostitute in the city had given up due to the lack of customers. The human king at the time confronted our head priestess about it. He thought the church was plotting to corner the market and then raise the price. She apologized to his majesty, and told him that the church always appreciates donations, but all donations are entirely optional and would remain so. He didn't believe her and ordered an investigation. It took less than two days for the investigators to verify her words. Not one single human who left the church doors said they were even asked for a donation. Only the lone kobold out front with the pot that had 'Donations OPTIONAL' was ever handed any money, and half the people who donated didn't even enter the church. So the investigation ended, and the church succeeded in wiping out prostitution. And the humans gave the church control over humanity's sexual desires."
"And you give them whatever they desire."
The head priestess made a vague gesture with one arm.
"Of course. We are devoted to humanity. If they wish it, we make it reality. We don't care what the wish is, only that the human is satisfied."
"But the church keeps records on the humans."
"Naturally. The moment that human returns for a second visit, we already know how to serve them properly, even if the member or members who served aren't around to explain the details. The records also serve as protection for the humans. No human wants our records to leave the church, ever. As such, no human would dare try to seize the records, or they would be facing the wrath of nearly every other human in the city."
Kliz wasn't fooled.
"And it acts as good blackmail to keep any human from acting against the church."
The head priestess just gave a slight smile.
"Tighter and tighter child. The contract was humanity declaring kobolds to be bound to them forever. The church works to ensure humanity will never be able to let us go. By the time we have accomplished our goals, neither humans nor kobolds will be able to break the bond without both species going extinct."
Kliz could only stare in horror at the head priestess. She had to say it.
"You are insane. Completely insane."
"I'm devoted. To both the church and humanity. We will serve them, and they will lift our species higher. You've seen the paintings of the Queen. Humanity is the way forward for kobolds, we have nothing else. We aren't capable enough as a species to stand alone. Do you doubt this?"
Kliz wished she could argue against it, but she knew the head priestess was correct on that much. She just lowered her head. The head priestess continued forward seeing that Kliz had no argument to give.
"Our species has always been smaller and weaker than the rest. Our species has always been fascinated with the larger and stronger species. With the exception of humans, all the larger and stronger species either want us dead, dinner, worked to death, or to be treated no better than dumb animals. By some miracle or coincidence, the human king back then understood kobolds better than most kobolds do. He offered the queen and our species what we really wanted, and needed."
Kliz felt numb, and cold, but she couldn't stomach this.
"Slavery? Is that all we are to humans?"
The head priestess snorted.
"Slaves. The first head priestess was right, it was just a formality. Kobolds always wanted a larger stronger species to serve."
"What makes you so sure about that?"
The head priestess just looked at her.
"Do you remember when you were four years old?"
"Do you remember being in school?"
"Tell me about your teacher."
She wasn't sure what that had to do with anything, but her teacher was always a pleasant memory. It was the first adult male human she had spent much time with or even spoken to. He was always so kind to her and the other kobold girls in the class, telling them how smart they were and how nice their clothes looked. She described him as such to the head priestess. Who smiled back.
"And if he had asked you to spank yourself in front of the class, and afterwards he would spend half an hour giving you praise for it, would you have?"
Would she? Hell, she would do it right now in the middle of the city square for ten minutes of constant praise from her old teacher. She just nodded.
"And you say you don't want to serve humans. Sounds like at least one human already had you enslaved through your heart before you grew up. It's all a part of their game."
"What ARE we to humans?"
"What they wish us to be. A part of them. To share their lives with them. Humans are capable of being lonely even among each other. So they take us into their life, so they won't be lonely anymore. The old queen offered everything, and humanity accepted. Rather than rip everything out of our hands, they gave us more, put an arm around us, and said 'Stay close to me and I'll protect you.' You say this is slavery? They humans don't want slaves, they want companions, lovers, husbands and wives. The church is the reason why the collar laws exist, not humanity. We refuse to let our fellow kobolds forget just how thankful they should be to be owned by humanity."
Kliz just didn't know what to say. The head priestess asked her a question.
"What happened when you turned eight?"
"I...graduated from school."
Did she forget something? Was there some incident or something? Seeing Kliz's confusion, the head priestess prompted her.
"Didn't you go through puberty then?"
Right, nearly forgot. Pretty much every kobold had puberty at 8, and was capable of laying eggs and being a mother at the age of 9. It's why she had tried to avoid getting too close to the male kobolds while growing up. She wanted kids one day, but not yet.
"Sorry, I nearly forgot. It was a long time ago."
"No apology needed. But do you remember what happened when you went through puberty? Did your mother have a certain talk with you?"
Kliz was hoping to never have that talk again. It was exciting, but also felt off to her.
"And did she explain the rules to you?"
So that was normal? She thought her mother was just showing her some loopholes. She tried her memory to see if she could recall the rules.
"Can't do anything with a human that hasn't started puberty yet, can only do stuff with a human that has started puberty if they are under the age of 16 and consent to it, can't do anything with a human over the age of 16."
"And didn't you think it was odd that a slave race is handed the children of the dominate race, after getting what amounts to a wink and 'You kids play nice.'?"
It was something that had bothered her, but she always chalked it up to humans being humans, and complicated.
"What do you suppose the effect is when those going through puberty are given lovers that practically idolize them?"
Kliz thought she could see where the head priestess was going with this, but remained silent. She wanted to be sure.
"Do you think it might be similar to the effect a big, tall, strong, and VERY kind human teacher might have on a classroom full of kobold children?"
That couldn't be right. The humans had to know what they were doing. She remembered one time when she was 12 and was "teaching" a 14-year old human boy about the fun he could have with her, and the human's father had walked in on them. He just looked at her and told her to be gentle with his son, then left and shut the door. There was no way he couldn't have known. She looked at the head priestess, who finally sat up on her cushion.
"Like our first head priestess said, they enslave us with their hearts. Then they have us enslave them with our hearts. If they wanted us as slaves, we wouldn't have any rights at all. Humanity knew we needed them. They had no need of us, but they wanted to have us with them. The contract, the laws, it's all just a big game to them. They saw an opportunity to make us theirs forever, and they took it. It has nothing to do with owning us, and everything to do with having us WITH them."
Kliz could almost forget she was talking to a member of the church at times.
"They buy and sell us at the auction houses, why bother if they don't care about owning us?"
"You know how an auction works, correct?"
Kliz had been to a few. Not for kobolds, but just auctions in general.
"People bid on the item, high bid wins and pays for the item, then gets the item?"
"Correct. And who gets the high bid?"
"Auction house takes a fee, rest goes to the seller of the item."
"Correct again. Do you know how a kobold auction works?"
Kliz figured it had to be different if she was asking.
"Humans bid on the kobold being auctioned. The high bid is brought to the church, and placed in the vault under the names of the kobold being auctioned, and the buyer. When a kobold passes away due to old age, the bid is returned to the buyer. If the buyer chooses to sell the kobold back to the auction house, the bid is returned to the buyer. If the buyer passes on and the kobold isn't inherited by one of the buyer's children, the kobold is brought back to the auction house and the bid is returned to the buyer's children. If the buyer was abusive towards the kobold, and the kobold was removed from the buyer's possession by the town guards, then the bid is handed over to the crown."
Kliz didn't understand, who was making a profit here?
"All kobolds are owned by the crown, and thus the human kingdom. It's why every collar has that small crown marking on the clasp. The bid humans make on kobolds isn't a payment for the kobold. It's a deposit on the kobold, to be returned when the kobold is returned in good condition. All the auction is, is humans declaring how much wealth they are willing to part with to have you. Have you ever wondered how much you were worth? Or more specifically, how much you were worth to a human?"
"They aren't buying us?"
"More like renting us from the crown. They are expected to take care of us while we are with them. If the humans wanted us owned, they wouldn't give us the choice to buy ourselves."
It almost felt like a sales pitch to Kliz.
"No kobold could afford what they auction us for."
"No kobold is expected to. The majority of kobolds who buy themselves are handed the gold to do so by the humans they serve. In most cases, it's only done to make marriage possible."
Kliz couldn't take any more of this insanity. Humans didn't make much sense before, but now she didn't even know if they were sane.
"I don't want to sound ungrateful for your answers, but is this all going to be over soon?"
The head priestess smiled.
"As quick as you like it to be. All you need to do is answer the next two questions with complete honesty. Understood?"
"First off, will you keep the secrets of the church, and all kobolds and humans involved?"
"I will never say a word about any of this insanity to anyone, I never wanted any part of this."
"Very good. And second, will you serve your human owner as required by the contract and current law?"
Kliz thought about what the head priestess had told her, and about what her mother had told her.
"I will serve."
The head priestess brought her hands together in a single clap.
"Then I may no longer call you child. Congratulations Kliz."
She wasn't sure it wasn't a joke.
"Really. You are now legally an adult under human law. If you ever have any questions, the church doors are always open. One of my members will lead you to a room in the sleeping quarters."
Kliz only vaguely remembered being lead to a room somewhere in the church, where she was left alone. She was in too much of a daze to really be fully aware of her surroundings. She fully intended to think about all she had heard and seen today before going to sleep, but fell asleep only a few minutes after laying down on the bed to relax.

*    *    *    *    *

Kliz nearly jumped out of bed, still groggy and disoriented, waking up to an unfamiliar room. She looked at the unfamiliar kobold who had woken her, and the green sleeves on the arms and legs helped remind her of how she got there. He was a male member of the church, and had the green line on his lips, and the small green dot on the tip of his penis.
"Uh, morning."
"Sorry to wake you, but it's already nearly mid-day, and your auction is scheduled for mid-day. I figured you might want a bath and a meal before you go. Would you like me to lead you to the bathing area or the dining hall, or would you want to go to the auction house now?"
She had taken a bath right before arriving, and hadn't really done anything to dirty herself up, but a meal sounded good.
"Dining hall please."
An hour later, and Kliz had a stomach full of fried fish and was being escorted to the auction house by a team of four members of the church and a single human guard. They had explained to her that she couldn't just walk around naked in public without the markings, and while she was an adult she didn't have an owner beyond the crown yet. As such, she couldn't walk to the auction house herself right now. While being naked never bothered a kobold in warm weather, Kliz always preferred wearing dresses above all else. Dresses always got compliments from passing humans. Being naked in public rarely did. All she had on was her collar.
She arrived at the auction house with her escorts, and was taken to the front desk off to the side of the main auction hall. Her kobold escorts gave a small stack of papers to the human at the desk, who gave them a brief glance over.
She felt a twitch of fear she couldn't figure out a reason for.
"Glad you got here on time, we almost had to bump your auction back in the line a bit."
He walked around the desk and attached the thin chain of a lead to her collar.
"Just follow me."
With that, her escorts left and she followed the human into the main auction hall. A stage was on one side, with a podium near to the door. The rest of the room was rows on rows of seats, most of which were occupied by humans both male and female. The human that lead her in handed a paper off to the human standing behind the podium, then lead her to a large cushion near the center of the stage and disconnected the lead. She looked up at him.
"What do I do?"
"Whatever you wish, just stay on the stage and don't throw things or bite people."
He then walked off the stage, and the human behind the podium started to speak. Kliz sat on the cushion, it felt uncomfortable to be standing there with all the humans looking at her. She was never much for big crowds, or getting attention from many people at once. Walking down the street in a pretty dress was one thing, this was far more intense.
"Our next kobold for bid is Kliz. She just turned sixteen, stands at four foot even, and weighs seventy-five pounds. No known allergies beyond what is standard for a kobold, no birth defects, no illnesses or ailments. According to her record, she may have some slight trauma from a past incident, but no more details were given. Bidding as usual will start at ten gold coins, do I hear ten?"
That was a part of the records the church kept on her? At least they were kind enough to not share the details with the auction house. She didn't think she would be able to take an entire room full of humans hearing about how she pissed herself in fear over possibly getting tickled. By the time she stopped thinking about it and started paying attention, her price had gone up to 40. Then 50. Humans around the room kept raising a small white piece of cloth with a number on it and shouting out even higher prices. She couldn't stop thinking about how much money was being talked about. 50 gold coins was more than enough to buy a small home and the land it was on. She heard 100. 100 was enough to outfit an entire town guard division with brand new equipment and pay their salaries for a year. Her price had risen to 150 and was still climbing. She could no longer imagine how much could be bought.
A human in the audience stood up and hurled something at the stage. She threw her arms up to protect her head, thinking he was throwing it at her. Instead it landed on the stage but close to the podium off to the side, not near her. Gold coins spilled out of the pouch and a voice yelled out.
"Two hundred and eighty four gold coins!"
There was some applause from the audience. The human at the podium spoke.
"Two hundred and eighty four. I have two hundred and eighty four. Are there any more bids?"
The room was silent.
"Going once. Going twice. Sold for two hundred and eighty four gold coins to the older gentleman who knows how to make a bid!"
Kliz was broken out of her thoughts over how much gold she had been bought for. She had heard the human say 'older'. The hope was for a younger human male, but she guessed she might like the older human. Her main concern was how she would be treated by her owner. She wanted what her mother had with the human that owned her. She wasn't aware of the human walking onto the stage and attaching a lead to her collar, or leading her off the stage to another room she didn't see before. She heard the door close and that snapped her out of it, and she looked at the human holding the lead with some confusion. He didn't look that old.
"Um, master?"
He looked at her with a bit of a smile.
"Not exactly. I work for the auction house, your buyer is just filling out some records. You were purchased for someone other than the buyer, so there was some additional forms to fill out."
"Did he say who I was being bought for?"
"Yeah, he got you as a gift for his son, said you were a birthday present for him."
Son meant younger, but she still had no way of knowing how she was going to be treated. She was going to ask if he seemed nice, but then the door opened and an older male human walked in. He wasn't wrinkled and gray all over, but his hair was starting to turn from black to white. She had the impression she had seen him once or twice before, but couldn't remember where or when. Maybe he had recognized her and decided to bid? The human holding her lead handed it to the older human. After taking her lead, he spoke to her.
"Hello there Kliz, are you ready to meet your new owner?"
He didn't sound like a mean human. His voice seemed friendly.
"Yes sir."
With a warm hand on her back, he guided her outside and walked her to the more upper-class part of the city. Based on the nice clothes he was wearing, and where she stood, she figured he had to be very wealthy. They finally arrived at the house her new owner lived in, but house wasn't really the right word. Mansion would be more appropriate. It had a large lawn out front with a small orchard, and cobblestones made a pathway from the interlocking stone street to the front doors. The building itself was only somewhat smaller than the church, but far less austere and far more regal looking. The front doors were large even for a human, and were made out of wood that was either stained or naturally a light red color. The interior looked to be carved out of a solid piece of marble, with specifically cut rugs covering the most traveled parts of the floor. The majority of walls had expensive looking paintings on them of portraits and landscape scenes. He lead her up the staircase in the main foyer to the second floor, and down a hallway to a room as expensive looking as the rest of the place.
Inside were two kobolds, both female. Both were wearing the exact same outfit. Black but nearly transparent thin stockings on their legs, with white cloth covers on their toe claws. Black open-toed shoes. White cloth coverings on both horns. They were wearing a tight fitting black dress that nearly exploded at the waist with an impossible looking amount of white frills from one side to the other underneath. There were no cut-out areas, and all Kliz could see between their legs was the white frills. They had white gloves that ran all the way to their armpits, with their claws sticking out and white cloth covers on them. They had a single bow tied on their head with a black ribbon, that ran under their chins to hold the ribbon in place. One was green all over, the other had a splotchy brown and yellow pattern with some white dots. She couldn't see any marking paint on them. They both bowed slightly as Kliz entered the room with the human. He spoke to them.
"The guest of honor is finally here. Get her ready for the birthday boy, alright?"
The two kobolds nodded and took her collar off. The older human left the room, and Kliz suddenly remembered she didn't even ask his name. She sarcastically berated herself. Way to go on making that good first impression Kliz! She made a mental note to apologize later. He didn't seem angry at her, so hopefully it wasn't a big deal. The two led her onto the large and very soft bed in the middle of the room, and had her lay in the center on her back. They spent some time with cushions and pillows, trying to get her as comfortable as possible. Once she was in a good position, they pulled out some rope and had her spread her legs and arms towards the corner posts of the bed. The rope was a lot softer than she thought it would be, and actually felt somewhat nice against her scales. She was secured in that position, and couldn't pull out of the rope bonds, but they weren't overly tight and no amount of tugging or pulling seemed to make them any tighter or looser. The two then blindfolded her with a long piece of soft black cloth, and tied it well enough that she couldn't shake it off her head. After they confirmed she wasn't in any pain and no binding was too tight, she asked them the question she wanted to ask.
"Is my new owner nice?"
She couldn't see them, but one leaned close to her and whispered to her.
"Very much so. You will be glad to be here. We certainly are. Now then, after we leave the room, all you have to do is wait for your new owner. He will be the next person who comes into this room, since this is his bedroom. When you hear your new owner shut the door, just say 'Happy Birthday Master, how may I serve you'. Understood?"
She swallowed and told them she understood. Then they left her, tied to the bed and blindfolded. She tried her hardest to calm down. One of those two said her new owner was 'very much so' nice. There was nothing to fear, right? As much as she tried to reason herself into being calm, she still couldn't ignore the fact she was firmly tied to the bed and blindfolded. Not only would she not even get to see what her new owner looked like, he would be able to do anything he wanted to her and she wouldn't even be able to see it coming. She was helpless and blind, only her sense of hearing would be able to give her any useful information. They even tied her tail down with two cloth straps so she couldn't cover herself or offer any resistance. Was her new owner the sort of human that wanted to take her forcefully? Would he want her to cry out and beg him to not do it? She mentally cursed the church and that damned hallway, she never had these sorts of fears about a human owning her before her visit there.
So lost in her thoughts, she missed the door opening. She heard it close with a slight bang and her whole body twitched like she had an itch all over. It was silent for a second or two before she remembered she was supposed to do something.
"Happy Birthday Master, how may I ssserve you?"
She barely managed to get the words out, and felt herself stutter on the word serve. Her new owner had just arrived and already she felt like she was screwing up. She prayed he was the merciful and forgiving type of human. She waited for a response, but the room remained quiet. Did someone else come in and leave and she just thought it was her new owner arriving? Then she heard footsteps approaching the bed. She suddenly felt soft warm human hands on her body, one resting on her stomach, and one on the back of her head. Then she felt the pressure on her lips, and understood he was kissing her. This was a lot more affectionate than she thought was going to happen, and she was happy to kiss back. His hands moved slowly around her body, rubbing in some areas, softly squeezing others, or just slowly dragging his soft hands over a certain area. Every touch felt good and warm.
Then it stopped just as it started. Maybe she didn't do something right.
He just gave her a whispered "ssshhhhh" to quiet her, then she heard him pulling his clothing off, with the heavy thud of his boots when they came off. She felt him climb on the bed, then the warm hands were back on her body. He slid them between the pillows under her ass and her ass, then held them there while rubbing and squeezing. If her legs weren't spread and tied, she would have spread her legs to try to get more of her ass to touch warm hand. It wasn't the first time a human had touched her just like this, and she loved it every single time. She let out a small noise when she felt a warm wet sensation partway down her tail, that started moving towards her more sensitive parts. It suddenly pulled away, only to reappear at the very backside of her vaginal slit. It slowly went up the left side, traced a teasing distance around her clit, then went back down the right side. By the third time around, Kliz was starting to curse the kobolds who had tied her to the bed. She wanted to fuck that tongue, be fucked by that tongue, be split in two by that tongue. Before she could beg him to do anything, he rammed the wet warmth inside of her and stuck it as deep as he could.
Kliz was squirming around as well as the ropes let her, while alternating between moaning and mumbling out 'master'. She wasn't really aware of doing either, her entire mind was focused on the tongue inside of her. It stroked in and out of her, slid around inside, swirled around, and made random jabs towards her cervix. It didn't reach, but she still appreciated the effort it made to do so. And every other movement it made. The heat from it felt like it was filling her with heat from her cunt to her womb. The heat continued to spread, and the tongue kept her enthralled attention until she felt herself climax. He slowly backed his tongue out of her while she desperately tried to hump from her restrained position. It was all so familiar. The touching, the way he had licked her, could it really be? After catching her breath, she asked.
"Master? Is your name Teiras?
The blindfold came off, and the male human she had been fixated on for so very long was smiling at her. He spoke in the deep voice she was familiar with.
"Took you long enough. How many other humans do you know that enjoy blindfolding you?"
He untied her from the bed, then climbed back onto it. The moment he was on the bed, she jumped on him and wrapped both arms and legs and her tail around him. He had always liked blindfolding her. It really didn't seem to matter what they did together, he just liked having her blindfolded. When she asked about it, he just shrugged and said he liked taking care of her. She never had a single bad experience when she was with him and blindfolded. He laid back on the bed with her wrapped around his front, and she tensed up and looked at him with seriousness she rarely expressed.
"You are my new owner, right?"
She buried her face into him. She knew this human better than any other.
She rapidly shifted herself to his hips, and guided him inside of her with her hands, sitting down on his dick with a bit of forcefulness. She humped rapidly, and he looked at her with some surprise.
"A bit pent up Kliz?"
Her hips came to a halt, this was her first time with her new owner, she probably didn't want to rush it, but she was pent up. At least she knew she could talk about things like this with Teiras.
"I haven't been able to masturbate for about two days now."
He smiled at her, and raised himself up to kiss her. He looked her in the eyes and said:
"Let me help you then."
He put his arms around her and leaned forwards, pushing her back. She was soon on her back with him on top of her, and his dick had never left her body in the process. It felt like he was all round her, and the heat was surrounding her. Her arms were wrapped around him, and she was trying to keep her legs wrapped around him as well. Her tail laid limply between his legs. He slowly ground into her with a smile and asked her if that was what she wanted. She glared at him, he always liked to tease her during sex. He gave her a brief kiss, then started pounding her into the bed. She tried to hump back, but his hands were on her hips around her waist and he was holding her firmly in place. He didn't slow down or change his rhythm any, he just kept the speed up and occasionally gave her a peck of a kiss in between her gasps and uncontrolled noises. She was never sure if showing him exactly how to drive her wild was a good idea or a bad idea. It seemed like the perfect idea when she was younger and finally had some alone time with the human boy she had been obsessed with. But every time he fucked her in a way that left her drooling on herself, she wondered if she should have held back some details. But only afterwards, during she was always wishing the experience never ended.
She thought about how she would be able to spend years, decades, if not the rest of her life with the human she always wanted to be around. She thought about the kobold in the wedding dress she saw. She felt herself getting close to orgasm, and yelled out in the heat of the moment:
He immediately stopped, and she felt herself freeze. She did not just speak of something she saw in the Hall to a human. It didn't happen.
He looked a bit confused, and she was sure her response wasn't helping. She saw an out and seized it immediately. She folded her arms in front of her and looked at Teiras with a disapproving look.
"I thought I taught you about role playing during sex?"
The confusion went away, and he started moving again.
"Make me pregnant?"
She stuck her tongue out at him, and replied.
"You won't accomplish it with that attitude."
He gave a small chuckle at that, got back to full speed, and smiled at her.
"Shut up and get pregnant you little goofball."
Her retort was cut off by his kissing her again. Sex with Teiras had always been fun. She could say or do anything, he never seemed to be offended or bothered by her in any way. Once she hit puberty, she had stalked Teiras until he finally started puberty himself. She made it clear to the other kobold girls that he was off limits to them unless he specifically approached them. She had been possessive of him before she even started thinking about sex. And once she did start, he was usually the subject of her thoughts. She was proud to say she was 'assisting' him with her hands the first time he came. She was also proud to have been his first experience with sex, and his first experience with oral sex. She had claimed every first of his that he was willing to let her take.
She taught him everything she had learned from other kobolds and her own mother, learning what he liked and didn't like. Then she had taught him about what she liked one day when he asked her. After that day, his new favorite game was seeing how hard and long he could make Kliz orgasm. Then he started teaching her things about herself she never knew before. Touches that made her shiver, certain positions that triggered something deep within her, and as much as she disliked being teased sexually the teasing would push her desire to the point of being overwhelming. She had started off teaching a shy and hesitant boy about sex, and ended up just throwing herself at him to be his plaything whenever she was with him.
The blindfold only made her feel more sensitive, and she refused to admit to him how much she liked being blindfolded. He would usually tease her about it, but she refused to say she liked it because she didn't like the idea of telling him she enjoyed it. She felt it was a bit like saying she didn't want to look at him, and she always wanted to look at him. Then he had hit adulthood for a human, and she wasn't allowed to be with him anymore. Then she had her own adulthood ritual to worry about. She felt herself close to the edge again. She couldn't help herself, she felt a vague sense of revenge for his slow grinding earlier when he knew she was needy.
He was breathing hard from the pace.
"Kliz... you are... one strange... kobold."
She felt herself cum as he pounded hard while grunting a statement at her.
"Don't. Ever! Change. You. Little! Weirdo!"
Her muscles kept twitching from her orgasm, and she felt a sudden increase in the heat inside of her. He was as deep as he could be inside of her, pinning her to the bed with his hips. Then he slowly brought his arms and legs in around her, surrounding her even closer with his heat. It felt good to be with him again. He was always willing to bathe her in his heat, he was always kind to her, she almost couldn't believe she had gotten lucky enough to get the one human she wanted to be with more than any other. He understood her, she understood him. He lay on top of her, pinning her under his heat, kissing her while she felt the increased warmth within slowly spread inside of her. She couldn't wait to tell her mother, her mother would be so happy to know Kliz had gotten the human she liked. They spent hours in bed together, talking like they used to. Finally the sun set, and he drifted off to sleep. Despite being somewhat hungry, she didn't want to move from where she was.
She thought back to the childhood incident that had given her the "slight trauma" the church had on her record. She remembered crying to her mother about what happened, and not wanting her mother to confront the child's parents about it. She feared the boy might want revenge if she got him in trouble. So her mother just told her to thank the boy for stopping. She couldn't believe her mother was asking her to thank her tormentor. Her mother just said he didn't have to stop. Kliz suddenly felt very thankful. She did the very next day when she saw him. She knelt before him and thanked him for stopping the tickling. He looked upset and she thought he was going to do it again, but he just said "Please don't do that." and picked her up off the ground. He didn't tickle her or even try to for the rest of the day. She did it again the next day with the same results. She didn't understand the why's and how's of it, but she recognized her mother had given her some form of protection against the torment.
The third day she did it, things went differently. Suddenly he was on his knees with her, and his hands were on her shoulders keeping her from bowing to him. He said he was very sorry, he would never do it again, if she would just please stop thanking him for stopping. He looked so sad, and she was awestruck that a human was apologizing to her. He could have done it again if he wanted, but he was apologizing to her. Because he was sad he had done something to her she didn't like. She asked if he meant it, and the dark haired boy swore he would never tickle her ever again.
It was the day she first developed her own personal obsession with the warm and always confusing humans. It was the fourth day she had known Teiras, and the first day she had become fixated on him. He had kept his promise. She no longer cared about the church and the madness within, the human laws or the crown, none of the rest mattered anymore. She had HER human, nothing else was important.

Pub: 07 May 2022 23:05 UTC
Views: 2874