Untitled by Anonymous; the first of many, lewd, panther

from that moment you have become the pet of a hot looking black panther
you have seen a lot of movies
and it's better to not talk
because humans in this world don't talk
and you don't want to end up in area 51, being cut open
anyway, you learned that her name is Karla
and she is single in a big-enough flat to keep both of you happy
it was really nice living with her
even if you were to sleep on somekind of dog bed
there was even fucking human food, just like cat or dog food
and oh boy it tastes like shit
now you know why your cat was always kicking her food
she was talking to you exactly like you see people do with their pets
"What do you think, Sammy? Green or blue?"
oh yeah, she already choose a name for you
sammy, which is weird, atleast for you
sitting in the dorm room, she keep asking you which dress looks better on her
you could only smile or frown
"Oh, how I wish you could talk like we do"
lady please
she took you out for a walk
surprisingly, humans can walk on their legs here
and they were fully clothed because you know >no fur
life was good, you were more than happy to live with her than in your depressed apartment with that nosse
until you heard something really fucked up
"So Karla, have you done it yet?"
"Done what?" she asked her friend confused
"You know damn well what we are talking about, girl" the other one replied
you were currently sitting on your ass at a coffee shop outside
Karla and her two friends decided to hang out and now here you are
they were sitting at the table, Amela was a qt brown fox while Jen was a white horse
eavesdropping has never been that easy since they don't know you can understand them
so you keep listening to their conversation
"Look, I don't know...if this is the right to do"
Karla responded, looking down sadly
oh now is she going to neuter you
this is fucking bad oh shit
"Why not, Karla, everyone does it! There's nothing to be ashamed of" Jen ensured her, and put her hand on hers
you can't but wonder what the fuck they are talking about
"Yeah, fucking your pet is not something weird or tabbo."
"Are you sure girls? This is the first time I'll be doing something like this, and I didn't got him just to be my sextoy."
you were flattered, but still shocked
you don't want this, what the fuck this is 2creepy, you need to run
you got on your feet quickly and made a dash for the streets
until your leash pulled you back
oh yeah, you forgot that she tied you to the table
she still doesn't trust you, humph!
and you landed on your back, the pain made you whine
"Oh my god, Sammy, are you okay?"
Karla looked at you and panicked when she saw your body on the cold cobblestone
she got up and glarres into your eyes
her yellow pupils digging into yours
"what were you thinking, you could have strangled yourself!"
she was more worried than angry at you
you could swear you saw a tear in her eyes
she help you to get on your feet, you rubbed your neck
shit, it still hurts
taking glance at the girls, their expression was of concern and confusion
"What was he thinking!?" Amela exclaimed
"Maybe he got scared, he reacted very strangely, like he saw a car coming towards him" Jen replied
"Sammy, don't ever so something like that ever again" Kamela looking sharply at you, hands on her hips
"Heh, I bet he understood you" Jen said mocking
you don't even know
"So when are you going to fuck him?"
jesus, Angela, calm your tits
"Angela, stop with this already. I said I don't know, I'll have to think about it!" Karla shout at her, earning some looks from the bypassers
"Whatever, if you don't make up your mind you can always give it to me. Nobody can resist those hips" Jen proudly exclaimed, slapping her thighs hard enough to make a smack sound
why are you sweating?
Angela couldn't hold her laugh
Karla's cheeks were getting rossy and she was looking down
what a great fucking day
she glared at you, concerned about what to do
"I...I don't know if I can do this..." she said to herself,
why the fuck is having sex with your pet so important
just said fuck it and do something else
Karla looked like she was about to die of embarrassment
you two were sitting in the bedroom, all lights out with only the faint moonlight helping you see in the dark
her naked, black and thick body was standing right in front of you
you wanted to say that she is gorgeous
but you can't
and you don't know what's with this attraction for those mammals
confused is a word that can describe this feeling
but you feel like you want her
need her
those yellow eyes in the dark
her body
her... everything
you are very lucky to have her as your master
your mind is beyond fucked, you are now calling her 'master"?
she still didn't know what to do
so you took the first steps, by taking her hands and slowly touching your lips with hers
she left out a gasp before opening her mouth
you felt her sharp teeth
fighting for dominance
she was moaning in your mouth, your tongue exploring every inch of her mouth
but you were running out of air
you ended the kiss, you were panting heavenly, a trail of saliva connecting your mouths
"How...how do you know..how to do that?" Karla asked confused, before running her finger on your bare chest
your soldier was getting excited
her finger trailed from your chest, to your neck, then your mouth
and you ended up kissing again, this time more forcefully and more passionately
she pushed you down on the bed while still exploring that mouth of yours
Karla was dominating you, her body sitting on your hips
she felt something hard poking at her butt
"Are you...getting excited?"
all you did was to grin and take off your pants
your dick was standing proud in the cold air
she glanced at it for a while before wrapping her hand on it
"It's sooo hard..." she admitted
pleasure was flowing through your whole body
Karla stroked it slowly, feeling your hard shaft in her hand
she lowered herself between your legs, the diamond right in front of her
she increased the rhythm a little, then her mouth got closer to the tip
when it made contact, you could only muster a moan
she began licking the tip, then the base, then took your whole length inside her mouth
the feeling was undescribable
it was so hot inside her, and that tongue was licking every inch of your dick
if she keep going like this you won't last more than 5 minutes
but it didn't take too long before she stopped, leaving you in a state of shock
"It's different than anything I've seen. Nonetheless, I think you are ready for the main event." Karla stated seductively, licking her lips for your enjoyment
she positioned above you, then grabbed your dick
you could feel the warm radiating from her pussy
the tip was touching her entrance, then with one final breath, she dropped on it
inch by inch, it got covered by her warm tunnel, feeling the wetness
you clenched your teeth, this was too much to handle
and before you knew, she already took you whole
Karla's insides were so tight, it could break your dick
"You're a big boy, Sammy"
her voiced echoed through your ears
she started moving around a little, her walls clenching tightly on the rod as it was leaving her
then she dropped again, resulting both of you crying in pleasure
some minutes later and Karla was riding you merciless
"Yes, yes, keep... fucking me...oh fuck yeah, sammy!" Her voice was cut everytime your dick hilted inside her
you love this, maybe you were wrong about this bestiality thing
jesus christ, Karla is so hot, how the hell did she choose you
that doesn't matter now, you got a panther to pleasure
her tongue was rolling out, her tits bouncing with every thrust, her eyes were in another world
you grabbed her hands, then took it in yours and thrusted inside her even faster
your wish is my command
the whole room was filled with your moans, you wondered what the neighbors were thinking
her walls were squeezing your dick, and with one final thrust, her whole body shiver as she let out her orgasm
she yelled in pleasure, the feeling overwhelming her body
this is beyond your limits
you let the gates open, flooding her insides with your seeds
the warm feeling of your cum painting her walls was too much for Karla
she barely managed to say "So...warm"
some even got outside because of the amount that was flowing inside her
you were sweating like a pig, her too
you guess a shower would be the next step
she dropped on your chest, her erect nipples touching your skin
"Thank you, Sammy, that was amazing!" she exclaimed
you feel proud, and hugged her
she just stood there in your arms, your dick slowly going limp inside her
"I love you, Sammy, I don't want to lose you"
that was so sweet

"I love you too..." you thought

Karla's eyes widened, then looked at you shocked
what, oh fuck you sideways, you didn't realised you were thinking out loud

"Umm, no...I mean woof woof"
The end, hope you liked it.
Untitled by Anonymous; lewd, toucan

be human
adopted by a cute bird babe
she seems nice
got to her home
sees her living room
it's filled with bunch of stacked porn maganzines of human males in a "odd" position with oblivious smile expression not knowing what is exactly going on with them
the floor is covered in furry on human porn books
the living room looked like it hasn't been cleaned in months
looked at my owner
she has this creepy look on her face
"Come on, baby! Were going to make WONDERFUL memories!"
She took me downstairs
The stairs has a lot of dust and broken wood
Went inside the basement room
sees her laptop on the ground
it's in a website were humanphilia is posted
She brings out her camara out with a creepy giggle
she looks at me
"Are you excited? I am! Just sit down on the bed on that corner."
Looked at the bed
It has a lot of cum stains and cheeto stains, along with a crumbled up cheeto bag
Wiped out all the stuff from the bed
my owner sets up the camera
She takes off her clothes and bra
Mountains me with a disturbing smile, while I see her teeth looking like it hasn't been brushed and see little hint of mole on her tooth
"Oh were going to have so much fun together, human!"
she hits record on the camara
she starts caressing me
hours later
be me
Crouch down in a ball form on the corner of the basment room with a dramatized face
"Yes! We only got 2 likes and 0 dislikes! Were totally going to do this EVERYDAY!"
help me

Untitled by Anonymous; lewd, ???

A TV comes to life as a lone furry femme fatale sets aside the remote before taking off her shirt. Exposing her bountiful bosom held snugly together by her white basic bra.
Undoing her pants, she slides them down and kicks it to the side before fixing her silk panties.
"Anon!" She beckons sweetly before some heavy scampering and the door being pushed open.
The excited human dances in place by her feet as she chuckles "Easy, easy. Come here." She leads as he jumps onto the towel covered bed.
Her heart begins to race as her smooth slit begins to moisten as her body well knows whats to come.
Her human lays on his back as she scratches his chest. With each reassuring scratch she slowly goes down lower, and lower.
Eventually reaching his flopping cock, she slowly begins to stroke as her human's exited pants soften. His attention now shifted to something different.
She pulls back his protective foreskin and begins to stroke slowly and firmly. He makes a soft grunt as she can feel his precum begin to run down her hand.
With her free hand she pulls down her panties and kicks them away before crawling on the bed.
Getting on her knees, she presents herself to him as he mounts her from behind. With an awkward straddle he fumbles penetration as she tries to guide him in.
Reaching its target, his cock plunges into her as she gasps in ecstasy. "Oh, oh yeah. Fuck me." She pants massaging one of her breasts.
She could feel his dick pulse as blood rushed to it, reaching its maximum size as she tries to clamp down on him as hard as she can.
The only sounds she can hear are the white noise from the tv, and the heavy pants from her human suitor.
She presses her face against the toweled bed and lets him ravage her like he would a breeding female.
With no indication or warning he shoots his load into her womb. Enjoying his warmth is cut short as he pulls out and sits on the bed.
His dick spurts out small pulses of semen as it stains the towels below them.
Not like she was one to complain as her own fluids come dripping out before she rolls to her side and motions her pet.
"Come here sweetie, come here boy." Like a good pet he crawls over as she brings him in for a hug and strokes his hair. "Oh my god, that was awesome." She states to herself before kissing him on the head "I love you Anon."
Today was just another day for a lonely horny furry girl zoophile

Untitled by Anonymous; nonlewd

I remember it clearly as a day, it was on the twenty sixth day since she took me in.
I never really was one of those easily petted humans, I would shy away from touch, especially on head
My mistress was talking about this evening for almost three days
she was supposed to meet this white wolf whose name I never really cared to learn
it was 19:33, and he was late, for three minutes already.
She prepared a feast for them, just the smell made me salivate.
Whenever I got close to the Dining room that day however,
"Hush Anon, this isn't for you!"
and I quickly left the room, not wanting to press my luck that day.
I lied down on my bed next to the armchair, and closed my eyes.
realize someone sat on the armchair
open eyes again, and look at my mistress.
she's obviously in distress, look at the clocks
The dude is super late.
This cannot stand! Making my mistress sad is unforgivable.
I place my hands on the armchair's hand-rest
She looks at me "What is it Anon?"
I pull my face to her side, and watch her intently.
she puts her paw closer to me like she always did when she wanted to try to pet me "what is it boy? "
this is it, I'm going to get over my fear, for her, who shown me nothing but kindness, and offered me save haven
She looked me in the eyes, and retracted the paw a little, keeping it in mid air. she was about to say something, but it was now or never.
But how do I do it? If I just tell her everything will be alright, the gig is up, and she'll freak out, and then god knows what will happen to me.
Get a bright idea, reach for her paw and grab It, and then just hold it.
"What has gotten into you Anon?" She's more puzzled than weirded out by my sudden contact.
Before, I actively tried to avoid contact, because of the way I was treated in Lock-up. She knew this and didn't try to pet me that much.
This is the first time I actually touched her voluntarily. I looked her in the eye, she looked directly back at me.
While touching her paw in mid air, I craned my neck and put my head directly under her raised paw.
She wasn't doing anything, she just froze and intently watched me.
let go of her paw and nuzzle with it, for the first time willingly.
"wow" she whispered, as if not to startle me. I may have been a shy pet, but now I actually requested attention.
she actually starts to pet me, and I push back to her hand.
She has completely forgotten to worry about the date.
The weather looks bad outside, no wonder the wolf decided to skip on the date, but not to tell her was a dick move
Telephone Rings
I turn towards her iPaw which is on the table.
before she can react, I quickly dart off toward the table, and bring it back.
"Thank you anon!" I've did this before so its not that surprising to her anymore.
She spends some time talking on the phone, apparently, the wolfy guy had a car accident
'No skin off my back' I thought
She insists on visiting him in the Hospital
Ends the call with "You can't stop me"
She went to dress herself into her room, meanwhile I decided to take a look at the table, what did she prepare for the wolf dude?
My eyes widen as I see actual food that I used to eat back in the normal world
"Nuh-uh!" I hear her, and I turn around, to see her already dressed.
She's dressed in waterproof, she must be serious about going in this horrible weather
"Its not for you Anon, and you know that"
Of course i know that, but then again, that 'human pockets Deluxe' stuff is without any salt, I need nourishment!
"I guess I need to take you with me"
'You what?' I think. Oh well, there's no turning back now as she already holds the overalls I'm supposed to wear.
In four minutes I'm dressed, with some unnecessary help from my mistress, not forgetting to leash me
We get out and enter the car. Meowda CiviC the very old model.
I'm placed on the back seats and she buckles me in.
I get a bad feeling about this,
Damn the trainer, who said that humans can learn a lot, if they practice, that's why she insists on buckling me in, in hopes that I will not learn how to operate the car buckle.
I wonder how would she react if I shown her that I am perfectly capable of driving her to the hospital
we live in smaller town, so we have to go to the hospital in the next town
She starts the engine and drives out, the thunderstorm is horrible.
No wonder wolfy managed to get into car accident, the water is almost flodding the street.
I knew this will be ugly
five minutes and we get out of the city, I could swear that except the animals having humans as pets, everything is completely the same. There are even some deers by the side of the road.
Wait, what?
I can see them clearly as day, but she's concentrating on driving and gets scared by them.
They were by the side of the road, but she quickly turned the wheel as if to avoid it.
Wet road + old wheels = Guardrail
First its guardrail that she hits, but the car starts spinning and ends up hitting the tree.
I'm visibly shaken, I have glass in my hands, and probably in face.
Everything's fuzzy, I open my eyes, see that the car is fucked, and someone behind the wheel knocked out, and bleeding.
Unbuckle myself, this isn't my first car crash.
the doors are in front, so I cannot get out normally.
kick the rear window, and climb out.
blood gets everywhere
run towards the front, open her door, and pull her out.
She's not breathing
Good thing I still know CPR.
After few moments, I get her to breathe.
I quickly search for the phone she had.
It works, dial 911.
"Emergency services, how may we help you"
"Hello? I had a car accident, on the Katzestrasse, between this city and that one, Mi...miss here is injured, but I got her out of the car"
"I'm dispatching an ambulance to you, make sure she's brea..."
the fuck ? did I lose signal?
I look at the screen, its all foggy.
I accidentally drop the phone
I didn't drop it, my hands are really shaky now
Everything is hazy, and I feel like I had one too many.
shake my head, trying to clear the sight.
Oh wait, wasn't I injured?
Ooh Shit you forget when dazed and confused. plus the droning engine and the horrible sounds the car is still making are making it hard to concentrate.
Wait, the engine is still running?
Turn the keys to off position
still running
suddenly, I feel another rush, even though I cannot see clearly, I hurry over to where mistress is laying, and start pulling her away from the vehicle.
I have no idea if it will blow or not but i'm not taking any chances. After about 12 meters My feet starts hurting like under the knee
I look at it
can't see shit, everything is foggy and I black out.

I only remember hearing sirens
then a lynx in red, trying to take my mistress away.
"Let her be!" I wanted to yell, but all i managed to do is make garbled noises
worst hangover ever, they put her on a stretcher and carried her away from my sight, and some bull picked me up and put me inside the ambulance.
as he carried me like I was a sack of potatoes, he brought me to an ambulance too.
as we passed around the Meowda, it was already in flames and firefighters were doing their best to douse it with as much water as possible.

everything was hazy from that point

I remember hearing things "I don't cure humans, I'm a doctor!" or "we might have to put him down" and then, nothing more.
I woke up in some bed, it wasn't my bed. While my bed was from general Pet store, and therefore there were thousands upon thousands beds with the same design.
This. clearly. wasn't. mine.
I open my eyes, they feel heavy, like really heavy.
I raise my head, and then put it back down, because of the headache
I drift to sleep once again
I wake up some time later
the headache is not killing me that much anymore, I look around.
first problem is the cone on my head
Yup, I'm in a cage, that means I'm not home, and this isn't my bed at all.
I remove the blanket and try to get out of the bed.
When I look under the blanket, I see my leg in a cast, and that horrible antiseptic stuff on my stomach, and on hands, there are stitches.
They actually saved me, stitched me together, and saved me?
"Anon!" I suddenly hear a voice, trying to turn around to see it, all I see is cone.
'First you must align the satellite dish'
I crane my neck to see, and I see the only person I wanted to see right now
My mistress, she's sitting in the chair opposite to my cage
"Oh thank god you are alright!"

She presses her face on the cage's door, and looks super relieved.


From what I've heard later, some mysterious man managed to get us both from the car, being a super cool guy to even save a human, then disappearing into the night.
probably some kind of koala, because of the fingertips. Never found him of course
The wolfy was angry at the mistress for all I've heard is "Reckless?..... fuck you....It's over!" over the phone when she got home.
And I ? I never told her a word, why would I ? would you believe that your pet saved your life and called an ambulance?
But! I got part of the chicken, you know, the one she prepared that day? She didn't want to throw it away, so she saved some for me.


Untitled by Anonymous; I N C O M P L E T E

"Oh my god Catie, have you heard of this site called Pawless? Its this crazy site where like, anything goes. And there are furpeople there who ACTUALLY have sex with their human pets."
"N.nah, I've..never heard of that."
"What FREAKS right?"
"Y.yeah, f.freaks."
"By the way, you gotta come out with us tonight girl. No more excuses."
"I, I cant tonight."
"What are you always DOING every weekend? Whats so important?"
Catie laughs nervously scratching her head, "Oh you know, studying and stuff."

Later that night, Catie sits on her wheeled office chair and fingers herself vigoursly to porn of her furry female race being mounted and dominated by human males.
"Oh, oh, oh god!" She moans as she climaxes her juices onto the chair and floor beneath her.
She pants exhausted before closing out her many, many windows "God I want a human."
Today was a too cheap for a human kind of day
After her pent up relief session, she lazily cleans her seat and floor before kicking in the chair under the desk. Wearing only a bra she makes her way to the bathroom and picks up a towel.
Turning the squeaky shower knob, the water begins to flow and warm as she feels the temperature out with her paw. Content, she undoes her lacey bra as her pair of cs give a jiggle. Naked as the day she was born, she gives her boobs a squeeze before rubbing an itch in her crotch.
Stepping in the shower, she begins to soak as she looks for one shampoo in particular. Her silver coat wasnt especially pretty, but she was proud of the black line running down her chest. It was a shame nobody but some girls in the gym showers ever saw it.
With her soap, she pours some out and works a lather before looking down, despite dieting and starting back up at the gym she still had a bit of a muffin top. Not like it mattered, even if she was beachbody ready she would die of embarrasment wearing those skimpy two pieces. How do those girls on TV make it look so easy and never have it ride up.
Lathering her body, she works herself from head to toe and when she's finished she looked over her entire white soapy body. ("Haha, I look like a snowbear.") she thought before feeling her pudgy stomach, ("Complete with folds.") She teases herself.
Done with the shower, she exits the steamy bathroom with a large towel around her waist, and two smaller towels on her head and shoulders. Heading into her room she removes the towels and begins to dry herself more. Finished, she slips into some loose cotten shorts and a top and heads to the living room.
Well into the late night, Catie taks away at her keyboard in her dim room. The only light coming from the computer monitor, and television to her side.
In her Gaggle search bar she types in ("Owning a human pet") and presses enter. It takes a second to load but she quickly scrolls through the results and finds one she feels is reputable.
Vested in the reading material, her tail slowly sways side to side and her ears fold forward.
She reads aloud to herself as she rests her face in her hand "Human pets can be fulfulling, worthwhile companions for any home owner or renter where allowed. But owning a human is a big responsibility, they need ample room to move and play to keep from getting stir crazy."
Catie skims the rest of the page and taps a key softly several times before closing out the windows and exhaling. She's doing this.

The sun rises in the early morning as Catie exists her home. The weather was rather chilly today, so she was wearing her favorite winter wear. A bulky black sweater, some form hugging bluejeans, and a comfy white plain shirt. Slipping on her black gloves, she walks over to the car and gets ready to go.
Turning on the raido she listens to her favorite rock station morning anouncers as they do their usual skits and play their usual songs. She normally eats this crap up but today all she could really hear was the beating of her anxious heart.
She was really going to do this. And it scared her.

The ride to the pound was silent for the most part, she tried to drown out her second thoughts with music and traffic but neither could do the job. As she pulls up to the parking lot she parks the car and takes one last look at the aged building. She could still go back..."Well I've come this far." She says outloud exiting the car and closing the door.
When she exhales a cloud of steamed breath comes wafting out as though she was a dragon. She chuckles to herself and does it one more time to amuse herself before inhaling and exhaling without making a show of it.
Determined she begins her walk to the building. Entering, the background noise of assorted talking, machinery, and papers fill the air as she looks around. Spotting the front desk she walks over.
"Um..I'd like to adopt a human."
Catie and the dog employee walk side by side through a row of cages as tens of humans occupy the cramped spaces. She pays attention to each one trying to size up the one that appeals to her the most.
She saw one chocolate manodore who was pure fetish fuel what with his bulging muscles, but it was those same muscles that also brought her back down. She knew this breed could be dangerous at times. And living alone well, she wanted to maximize pleasure and minimize risk.
Looking further down the row she looks to her guide "So which of these would make the best pet?" She asks
"Well, that depends on what you want it for."
("I cant tell him that.") She thinks "I just want a really nice, and friendly pet."
"Male or fe.."
"Male." She states cutting him off
The young dog is a little taken aback but the customer is always right, "Well, there are a few males that we got who were pretty friendly." He states before taking her to an area where a few human males sit side by side.
She looks them over and neither of them seem to really be interested.
A little disappointed she sighs but you notice her. She was a shapely woman with a little bit of curvage in the right areas. Though she didnt really seem the type to dress for flaunting it around. She was cute. And anything was better than this place. You do your best to look her right in the eyes. When she notices you looking you give her your most reassuring smile, she seems a little uncertain but smiles back. The connection has been made. "Do you wanna come home with me boy? Do ya?" She asks as bending forward, she had a nice round rack to say the least as some of your older thoughts begin to surface.
Your next actions would make or break this deal, you've seen plenty of adoptions go south for you and your imprisoned comrades over the most minor of things. Act too excited and they lose interest, dont act at all, and they feel you arent worth the time. Even speaking could shatter this delicate moment as you calculate the best foot to put forward.
Opting for a silent submissive approach, you crawl towards the edge of the cage and lean your head towards her, she gently scratches your head and looks to Mark "I'll take this one."
You breathe out a silent sigh of relief as the hardest part is over.

Two burly dobermans guide you out of your cage, and walk you to the outside. Walking along the outside of the building, they lead you to a row of cars. By one of them stands your new owner, she seems happy to see you and opens up the backdoor for you. Behind that door sits another cage as you give a soft groan. The two dogmen load you into your new cage and lock it shut.
They explain some last minute safety tips you can only learn from working the pens as you look around the car. There was nothing obviously showing that she had anyone else in her life which was good, but still not out of the woods yet.

Untitled by Anonymous; I N C O M P L E T E

You had always heard of shark people, but never thought you'd be adopted by one. The way she gave that toothy serrated smile at you was reminiscent of those documentaries on the nature channels.
Shark week in fucking HD, and you were living it. When she picked you your heart sank as she walked away swaying her hips and tail the way her shark ancestor would in the ocean.
What kind of place would a shark even live? By the ocean? Turns out she lived in the city, an aquatic themed apartment geared to fish folk.
It was a damp, and chilly place. The floor was a grey cement with a bright damp sheen to it, as the two of you walked down the hall you could hear the squishes of the wet floor underneath your feet.
At the door she turns the knob and enters as you follow behind, she bars entry with her slender muscular arm as she closes the door behind you “Hey, your clothes. Loose em.” She smirks.
You stammer like an idiot for a moment as her smile fades and is replaced with a more annoyed scowl, “You ever go to a pool?”

“Um, yeah.”

”Do they just let you get in the water with your street clothes?”


”Exactly, now lose the land trash.”
Heading her words, you tremble taking off your clothes from a mixture of nervousness and what you assume will become hypothermia with how cold the place is.
Seeing you do as you are told she lifts her own shirt clear off her chest, it has a wet peel to it as you realize her clothing has some kind of water retaining fabric or gel to it.
She drops her shirt to the floor as it lands with a wet smack as she then goes to pull down her pants. She was going full commando from top to bottom as you get an eye full of every inch of her sleek, sensual, shiny shark body.
You try to position yourself and think about something else as you worry your slowly inflating cock will ruin something.
She reaches to the wall and presses on a large red button as a stream of what feels ice cold water drenches you both.
Like sharp knives it cuts through you as she looks up and feels her body as the water runs down her form.
It pours down for a good 3 minutes before stopping, the excess water runs along the cemented floor and walls before draining into some sinkholes. She walks forward naked as the day she was born and into her home.
The place looked like some weird hybrid of a home, and a public swimming pool. A long hallway stretches down leading to a windowed wall as doors line the sides of the hall.
In the middle of the hallway you can see a built in pool that she dives into and floats upright with a look of bliss on her, “Oh yeah~” She whispers before silently enjoying the moment.
Opening her eyes she looks to you as she backstrokes to the end of the hall and rests against the corner of the pool. Pointing to the room on the right, “This is your room. Bathroom is across, my room to your left, and closet to your right.”
You can only reply with erratic pants as you try to keep your core warm.
”I’ll be here for a bit before going to my room, make yourself comfortable ok?”
You quickly hurry along the side of the hallway pool and into your room, instantly you can feel you entered another world. It was warm, dry, and had a welcoming carpet floor.
The room itself was furnished with a bed, cabinet, and what you assume was a closet. You go to the bed and tear off the sheets before wrapping yourself in them.
The welcoming warmth envelops you as you shudder in ecstasy, without the bitter cold flooding your mind you look around the room and open the cabinet drawer. Towels. The next, clothing.

“Thank god.”

Today was eventful, but what tomorrow would bring was yet to be seen.

Untitled by Anonymous; horse, lewd

runt of litter
pushed around by bigger humans and hardly get fair share of food in adoption center.
one day during feeding time, the nice Bobcat lady from the front office walks in with a large muscular horse woman.
don't ever get noticed by furs looking to adopt, so I just sit in my isolated corner of the room.
somehow, however, the large horse woman does notice me and turns to the Bobcat
"Why isn't the small one eating?"
"Oh, him? He was moved in here to accommodate space for a new batch of pups we recently received. Guess the poor guy hasn't gotten used to it."
the Horse walks over and crouches down in front of me
"Hey little guy, you lonely?"
I look up at her, and come to find that she has beautiful green eyes. I nod in response to her question.
"Thing is, I kinda am too. But I think we can help each other out with that..."
hold on, is she really wanting to-
"How about you come home with me? I bet both of us could use the company."
I look at her with disbelief, but after a moment jump into her arms. I start nuzzling her neck and she laughs.
"Ok! Ok! Jeez, you're more energetic than you look!"
after coming to my new home I learn that the Horse lady is something the furs call a "cop", which from what my master tells me includes a lot of running and wrestling people stronger than you to the ground. Which explains her well-built figure.
When you woke master was gone, the large empty space where she slept was cold to the touch. Long gone was her welcoming warmth and calming embrace.
A small sense of worry looms in the back of your mind as you explore the silent house. The lack of sound was new to you, years of noisy siblings and constant bullying conditioned you to live without peace.
But in the silence, completely alone with only your thoughts, you felt….unease. The rooms though different appeared the same, empty, silent, and without reason to stay.
You paced around the home going to each room, staying for a few minutes before leaving to the next. Each time you expected her to be there, or something to break the streak of silence.
After passing the home many times you stop in the largest room, sadness was the only thing you felt. Not hunger, thirst, or joy.
You make the only noise you can when feeling this crushing weight as you whine and cry. With each second that passes you get louder, and longer.
Suddenly a loud banging can be heard from beyond the wall “SHUT UP!!”
Startled and confused you look around, with something finally happening you seek it out. What drew it? The crying? With cry again as a few moments later it happens again “SHUT UP!! GOD DAMN IT!!”
It kept up for some time like this until eventually your throat could cry no more. The voice from the wall never replied to you again.
A tall muscular mare makes her way down the hall as she holds a large bag of groceries in one hand, and an almost miniscule cell phone in her mighty grip.
As she reaches her door she sees a spotted leopard waiting for her by the door, “Alexandra, you know I dont have a policy against pets, but I do have a noise pollution clause.”
”What are you talking about? I left the thrash music off this time. I made sure of it.”
”Your pet spent the day crying and Michael is on my ass about it.”
”Oh shit I’m so sorry Penny, it won't happen again.”
”See to it that it wont.” She warns before walking away as Alexandra snorts upsets. She goes over to the door and unlocks it.
You go running over to the door as she lets herself in and gets on her knees to greet you “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry there buddy, I didnt think you’d be a crier. How you holding up?” She asks worriedly as you cuddle up to her. “Haha, looks like you're holding up just fine.” She grins before ruffling your hair.
Relieved to see that you are ok she gets up and takes her groceries to the kitchen. She sets them down on the counter and sniffs her armpit “God I reek.” She comments to herself before turning to look at you, “You probably need a shower too right?”
You make no response but just excitedly stare at her waiting to play with your master. She picks you up and pets you as you try to hug her. Taking you to the bath, she sets you down and begins to unbutton her shirt.
Slipping it off she tosses it to the floor and undoes the bandages underneath, her muscular chest takes on a slightly more feminine shape as her modest b sized breasts protrude out.
She pulls down her pants, panties and all before slipping out of them and undoing your few garments.
Stepping into the shower, she turns the knob and sets you down while she tests the water. Feeling it good, she goes under the nozzle and starts cleaning herself.
You sit by her feet and look up at your master as she soaks her mane and chest in water. Its then you notice that under her tail is a dark, bulbous slit. Like two rounded hills pressing against one another, but every so often it opens up to reveal a bright pinkish red flesh before closing again.
Where her tail emerges is also a defined doughnut, that much you know, it was her butt. And smelling butts were a greeting of sorts. You lean in and press your nose right into her anus as you hear her squeal in shock and jolt forward “NO!! NO!!” She yells instantly wagging her finger, causing you to shrink as much as you can against the showers wall.
Her breath is labored as she calms herself before rubbing her anus, trying to remove the phantom feeling of your nose against it.
”We do not do that, bad Anon, bad.” She scolds before sighing, “Cmon, out of the shower, get.” She commands as you jump out.
She leads you to the door and locks you out as she goes back to her shower. Somewhat embarrassed, she occupies herself with rinsing again for a few moments before she thinks back about what happened.
She slowly reaches a hand down to her winking marehood before pressing her luscious lower lips together, rubbing them up and down in a grind that gets harder and faster. Gasping, she lays on her back in the shower and spreads her legs wide open.
Inserting her massive fingers into herself, she begins to saw her pussy in and out as she squeezes her tit as hard as she can. “Oh! Oh!” She moans shamelessly as she practically pounds her fingers against her vaginal walls. Stretching and spreading them apart as she tries to take every inch of her fingers in.
She grits her teeth and presses hard as she ejaculates copius amounts of her thick, pea soup colored fluids onto the shower floor. Carried to the drain by the water flow, her orgasmal juices and shame go down to the sewer where they belong.
Done, she lets the water lazily clean her gaping winking pussy as she reaches around and rubs her anus.
”Bad Anon.” She exhales.
Today was an odd thursday.

Untitled by Anonymous; nonlewd

Decided to get a human today, hopefully will spice up the place and make me look like a more outgoing gal
Sweet thing
About a head shorter than I am, white skin and brown hair, and male
Really spooked though
Might've had another crocodile owner or something that abused it
REALLY doesn't like it when I smile either
Poor thing
Either way, it already had a name
Clerk told me it was Jeff
So I paid the cash and took him home
Poor thing had to be carried out
Wouldn't stop shaking and whimpering
Didn't stop in the ride either
But we got home and I completely forgot to get a bed while I was out
Didn't want him to sleep on the floor, so I let him sleep in my bed for now
Besides, don't human caring guides say to get them used to your smell for comfort and identification?
I dunno, but it seemed a good idea
Brought him to the bedroom later, had to carry him again
Poor thing was still scared
Still shaking and whimpering
Maybe physical contact will help?
Wrapped my left arm around him and brought him close, pressing his back against my chest
He yelped in surprise but kept still, started breathing rapidly
Used the other hand to start scratching his head
They like that, right?
I think he did
But I gotta tell ya, his hair is sooo nice to feel
Just the right amount of soft and rough, it's silky one way yet coarse the other
Never touched hair myself outside of brushing past mammalians in the street, but boy was I missing out
And his skin!
So smooth and soft...
I just had to start rubbing his chest too
I could've done that all night
There's just no other feeling in the world
I think petting him soothed him, because he stopped shaking
But he was still whimpering for a good hour or so before falling asleep
Sad thing
I hoped sleeping with him helped sooth him down, but the next morning he was back to being scared and hiding away from me!
Maybe he just needs some more lovin'
Cooked up some breakfast, used the last of the catfish
I'm pretty sure humies can mostly eat what we eat
Which is good, because I also forgot to pick up some human food
Yeah, I need to not do that
He was still in the bedroom, awake and still looking scared
Just how badly was he treated?
I tried to get his attention with the meat, but he didn't try grabbing it
I didn't want the poor, hungry thing to starve, so I tried feeding him
He looked at the piece I was holding then back to me
Was about to give up until he started slowly reaching out for the meat
He gently took the piece from me and ate it
His expression changed, relaxing as he chewed the meat
"C'mon boy, I can give you the rest in the kitchen." I cooed, taking glances towards the bedroom door
He stayed put
I left his side and stood next to the door
"C'mon Jeff. C'mooon..." I said, wagging my finger towards myself
Slowly, he dropped out of bed, keeping his knees bent and body close to the ground
I backed out of the bedroom and he followed, crawl-walking with his hands and feet
When we finally reached the kitchen, I put his plate down on the ground with a bowl of water
He quietly took a piece of catfish and ate it, then cupped his hand to drink water
Happy he was eating, I stood and left to eat my food at the table
Afterwards, I saw him looking at me from behind the kitchen counter, peeking his head around the side while keeping his body out of sight
I thought he would need some more petting, so I left for the living room while calling him over
As slowly as before, he followed, continuing to stare at me while I sat on the couch
I patted the side, saying "Up here, Jeff! C'mon!"
A minute of careful crouch-walking later, he got to the couch and crawled a top, still keeping a close eye on me
I reached out to scratch his head, tensing as my hand neared him
Upon reaching his hair and scratching, he calmed down, relaxing against the back of the couch
Poor, sweet thing

Untitled by Anonymous, lewd

Be an inside pet
Be upstairs in bed with 10/10 husky Mistress. in bed in Mistress. balls deep in mistress.
she's moaning, whining, writhing against you
pups are at school, she's come early
you havent
door slams open
"What the fuck Karen? What the fuck? You're fucking Max? What the fuck would FETAH say?"
he goes to shove you off her. she's tried to cover you both.
not on my fucking watch.
you grab him, roll, right off the bed.
you're not large, but you work out. all day. you end up on top
he growls at you, showing fangs
"What the--" he snarls
SLAP. again. across his muzzle. he yelps. You push his paws to the ground, ride up on his body
your cock is proud and in his face
SLAP. he yelps, whines, then understands. he sniffs. he smells Mistress on you. his tail wags slightly.
lick. his first lick is hesitant, but you press it into his muzzle
soon enough he's gobbling
you pull out, throw him on the bed
you work out, he's an office mutt
his muzzle is buried in Mistress' snatch
you lift his tail
he growls
you SLAP him again, then use his natural lube to get it in
you grab him just behind the knot
he starts humping
yeah, just like that.
soon enough you finish in him, he finishes on the bedsheet, mistress finishes on his muzzle
"you play with Max," mistress says, "I have to shower then pick the pups up."
You turn him over. You've fucked her once, him once... third time will take a while.
Do it human style, you're on top
be later
pups home, sniff your butt first, then his.
how did she ever make pups with such a beta?
wont be any more for him.
this world knows how to treat cucks
it's good to be the king

Untitled by Anonymous; nonlewd

Be out on walkies with Mistress
you're goofing off, holding your leash in your mouth, the usual
She's a QT3.142 but very timid faun, quite a bit smaller than you
Master's quite the buck, but got you to keep her safe
You take your duties seriously, but until today that was mostly ceremonial
"Hey there pretty, lovely purse you've got there. Thanks for--" ratbro flicks open a butterfly knife "--giving it to me."
Mistress chokes back a cry, swallowing. she's trembling.
you knew you shouldnt have gone down this alley
"D-dont hurt me, please, I'll do anything!" she says
"Purse!" ratbro says. The other scum are hanging back, making "hurrhurr" type noises.
Mistress holds out purse.
Not on my watch
You take the purse, walk around, and offer it back to her
surreptitiously get leash out of her hooves
"Nnn-no, g-give it b-back, Anon, g-give it h-here."
"You play goofy. Take it closer to ratbro."
"good boy!" he says, "bring it! Bring! give!"
He turns to Mistress as you trot around him, ignoring him and his fuckboys. "Looks like your human wants some fun... how about that. Lose the dress, lady."
Mistress runs. Showtime.
he's still laughing. right up until you spin into a cheapskate clothesline chokehold bodyslam.
fucking perfect elbowdrop. You hear some ribs crack.
see the knife. You had one of these back home. snick-flick-schnick-flick-kachunk. now you have a knife.
you lift, bro. Ratboy is smaller even than Mistress. You throw him at his buddies.
adrenaline means your mind is doing that slowmo thing
you should run, but youve a dumb idea that wouldve got you killed if you'd tried it back home.


you stamp your feet, taking a stance. beat your chest, snort, show fangs, fists are clawed clubs. you're twelve feet high and made of rage and destruction
you aren't a Maori, but you fucking love australian rules. god bless jonah lomu.
up the anti. full on planet of the hairless apes roar
you charge, screaming bloody murder
they scatter.


Mistress is returning with a police...dog, sobbing.
you've rubbed your eyes raw, you're limping, holding your elbow and whimpering
give mistress back her purse, make pathetic mewling noises
"You sure you're alright? You've got one brave human there, miss. looks like he fought them off."
Mistress takes you home, spends the entire evening calming you down
Aww yis. mother. fucking. backrubs.
plus you have a sweet butterfly knife.

Untitled by Anonymous; chastity, tiger, lewd

be me, eternally horny 6/10 pet
mistress is a 9/10 babe, brick house built tiger woman
im not fixed, thank god, fap to her every time shes at work
one day she walks in on me doing the act, home early from work

"Anon! No! Bad human!"

panic and try to roll over and run away
powerful clawed paw yanks me up by my collar
shes giving me the predator look again, with those big beautiful feline eyes
erection only grows stronger before im now over her knee

"You horny little shit. Ill teach you a lesson you cant forget."

her huge, powerful paw flies down and smacks my cheeks with rightous fury
i wince in pain but its only making me more horny
i find myself thrusting into her thigh with each smack, enjoying each impact more than the last
she realizes the futility and pushes me off her knee, i crumple to the floor

"You bastard. Im taking drastic measures now."

she walks over to the freezer and pulls out an ice pack then tosses it to me

"Put that on your junk, ill be back."

oh lord please dont let it be scissors
i put the freezing bag of ice on my junk, it feels surreal on my rock hard shaft
eventually my erection fades, and i can barely feel my junk down their at all from how cold the pack is
mistress comes out with a bottle of lotion and a small sack
to my surprise she lotions up her paw and begins rubbing it into my cold manhood
but now my dick isnt getting hard! At the shittiest time

"Lay back and dont look"

i panic a bit now

"Please dont fix me! Ill be good ill stop jacking off i promise i love you mistres please dont-"

she puts a large paw over my mouth

"Im not going to, but if you grovel more I might"

i force myself to calm down and lay back
i feel a sensation like a cloth band going over my dick and balls, bad sign so far
then i feel some hard plastic? Hugging behind my balls
And then some more over my shaft and a click
im so confused

"Alright pet, look up"

i look up and now see my junk is locked into some strange device!

"Now you cant masturbate even if you tried."

begin patting at my dick, its getting hard again but the cage keeps me from touching it or it getting too hard and big
i begin whining as my sexual frustration mounts
i look up to my mistress then my jaw drops
she took off her shirt, and her large breasts are only inches from my face
the large dark nipples, erect, in licking distance
my dick is now hurting from the pressure in the cage

"So anon, i was thinking."

she leans into me and grasps the back of my head
and shoves my face directly into her bosoms
now my dick really hurts

"I think that I solved that problem. Now i get to play..."

she picks me up in her powerful tiger arms and kneels me down in front of her
and undoes her pants
revealing her pink panties underneath, already somewhat damp

"Your mine now that you refuse to learn self control."

my god now my dick really hurts as it tries to desperatly destroy the cage from the inside

"Maybe if your good i'll let you cum... maybe."

im dumbfounded, no clue what to say or do, so i just stare at her tight panties
her pussy is swollen slightly and smells like sex from here

"First pet, take my panties off, no hands allowed."

no hands allowed? Fucking what?
i think for a second then i realize her game
i lean down and bury my nose deep into her sex
it smells maddening
humans dont go into heat, but i bet this is what male tiger feel like
i drift my face up and gently take her waistband into my teeth
i slowely peel her panties off her as it leaves a stringy sticky line of sex from her pussy
its almost pulsating, shes so horny
i peel her panties down her legs and past her massive hindpaws til im left kneeling panties in moutn
she spreads her legs wide, toes splaying as she stretches out

"Use that tongue of yours anon"

i dive in like im snorkling for pearls, i didnt need any encouragement
im a the pussy buffet as her lips almost grab onto my nose and lips
my mistress moaning with delight as my tongue finds its way to her clit
im prodding and pushing, massaging her pussy with my face while my tongue is working her clitoris
she grabs the back of my head and pushes me deeper
shit bitch i would be inside of you if i went deeper!
i press onward vigilantly into the bengali pussy jungle looking for treasure
and in a daring move this indiana jokes is softly biting the clitoris, rubbing my nose on it, licking it, loving it
my mistress holds my head tight and lets out a mighty roar
and discharges
im drowning at this point, and am barely able to pull away now soaked in sticky sex and a little bit of pee
shes laying their shivering with glee breathing heavily
her lucious breasts bouncing up and down with each breath
i mount her, cage or not and begin humping like a mad man
she starts laughing and pushes me off

"That was good, but you arnt allowed to mount me, mutt."

i back off and just lay their in horrible frustration, precum leaking all over my leg
she leans into me and takes my caged manhood in her paw
and licks it
oh lord please give my dick the strength to break this cage

"Maybe some other time."

she walks away and leaves me groaning and frustrated
when i come i swear im going to flood this apartment, it could only be sooner...

Untitled by Anonymous; fox, lewd

"Thank you so much for caretaking our pet this evening, Angela"
"No problem, miss. I love taking care of pets, especially those who are in need"
"Our phone number is on the fridge in case of emergency, make sure he is in bed by 11pm, don't give him those sugar treats, he will go crazy, also he likes watching tv, don't let him mess with electronics and..."
"I thin she got the idea, honey. Come on, let's go, we don't want to be late at the restaurant, do we?"
"You are right, Josh. Goodbye Angela"
"Goodbye miss, goodbye sir, have a great evening!"
she shouted at them as they walked to the car parked in front of the house
you are anon, and you are a pet
in a world filled with furries, where they treat humans as their pets
you don't complain, life is nice, not needing to work so you don't get kicked out, no worries about having a family
you do love the family that adopted you, Josh, Michelle and their daughter, Amy
Josh is a /fit/ dalmatian
right now you are sitting on the couch, watching tv while Angela was looking intensely at you
"Sir told me about you, how you are quite intelligent. Why do you watch tv if you can't understand them?" She asked you not expecting an answer

"Because it's fucking boring in here, and watching political shows is just what I need" you replied indifferent

that earned a gasp from her
she stood there, completely in shoock for a few seconds, mouth agape and eyes as big as plates
"You...you can talk?"
she muster courage to finally speak


"Yes, you did, you can talk. How is that even possible"
you and angela stood there on the couch, you not taking your eyes off from the screen and neither her on you
she keep asking you stupid questions
you took a few glances at her, her curves are pretty hot, those boobs are on average but sweet jesus those thighs
judging by her appearance, she was a fox, with bright orange or red coat
the room was silent
except the tv guy, neither one of you said anything
this kept going for some minutes, before Angela started petting your head

"Just what are you doing?"

her hand retracted
"I'm just petting you...what you don't like it?"
you fluster a bit

"What, no. I don't really like being...treated as a pet"

Angela was looking confused at you
"Then what are you doing here?"

"Well, there's no other option. What, do you want me to die of starvation on the streets, or risk being put down by the pet control?"

her expression changed to anger as she heard you saying this
"WHAT? I would never think of such things. It's just, I never met a human talking, you know"
you feel bad for saying those things

"Yeah, I guess you are right."

another moment of pure silence before Angela broke it again, by cuddling with you
she hugged your torso and laid her head on your chest
you are clothed anyway
her eyes were closed, and you stood there in shock

"Angela, what do you think you are..." you didn't got a chance to finish as she shushed you with her finger

then she continued to hug you
what are you supposed to do
it feels nice having her on you
she's so warm, her fur is tickling your skin but not too much to make you giggle
you can't help but smile a bit
your owners never hugged you like that
not even Amy, but you are way bigger than her anyway
you wrap your arms around her
it feels so good, even if she is your caretaker
you could stay like this for hours
you feel something soft crawling towards your groin
your eyes widen when you see her hand touching you in the no-no zone
"So, if you can talk, that means you have consent, right?"
she whispered in your ears seductively
you were motionless, watching her playing with your trousers
"I wonder what do you hide from me"
her voice was playing with your mind
you didn't know what to say

"S-stop, Angela!"

that didn't stop her, she just keep rubbing your pants
junior Anon is getting excited
her hand travel to your semi erected dick under your pants
a wave of pleasure run down your spine as her furry hands grabbed your length

"This...this is nuts"

when she saw that your erection is painfully stretching your underwear, she stripped all your clothes in a moment
it wasn't cold in the room, but you keep shivering at every small breeze
and your manhood stood there proudly at display, ready to get some action
some precum was already set on the tip
Angela looked at it in amazement
her hand slowly grabbed the base of it, her eyes kept starring
the warm her hand was producing was making you harder
"It's sooo big." she statted
"You are a big boy, Anon"

"For you" that was a very bad idea to say that shit

now she is gently stroking it with both her hands
it didn't took too long before she licked the tip with her wet tongue
you can't help but moan at those feelings
she smirked at you, looking with her bedroom eyes into yours
then she dragged her tongue from the base to the tip, coating it in her hot saliva
it's getting hot in here
"It's a bit different from the others, but I'm not complaining"
that earned a question from you

"Wait, you done this before?"

she looked at you like you just asked the most stupid question every
then she realised you are just a human, an intelligent one
"Oh yeah, I forgot that you are a human. Yeah, this isn't my first time. Almost all the girls and boys lose their v-card after 18. It's something normal to happen."
'almost all?', how the hell is...nevermind, this isn't the time to talk about this
"I'm not very experienced, but..." she said, before taking your whole dick into her mouth
gritting your teeth, you left a loud moan
sweet baby jesus you are in heaven
her mouth was so hot it was like an oven
that tongue was doing god's work
she let go of it, the cold air hugging your erection
she didn't stop there
Angela took off her t-shirt and bra, showing her nice pair of D cups
not wasting any minute, she grabbed both of them and began moving up and down against your lenght
her tongue was out, tasting the tip everytime it was close enough to her lips
you can't back much longer
ever since you came to this world, you only managed to masturbate when everyone was gone
and that was rare since Amy was always there when her parents were gone
now you are glad that your owners decided to hire this caretaker

"Angela, I can't hold it"

you managed to say
"Cum on my tits, come on"
you took her words, and shortly, you came, letting your hot fluids land on her
some got on her face
she used her finger to clean herself, then licking it off, tasting it
a few moments passed and you noticed that you are still hard
"Someone's ready for the main event"
Angela was eyeing your prize, then climbed onto you
she took off her soaking panties, showing how horny she was during the entire time
she grabbed your shoulders, then using her left hand, she positioned your lenght over her entrance
it was getting close and closer, the heat was raiding from him
a drop of her fluid landed on your tip
no turning back now
you grabbed her by the hips, then slowly pushed her down
first the tip but she already got bored
"Quit messing around and just fuck me, I already told you this isn't my first time!"
you took that as a challenge

"Let's see who comes first"

then you plunged into her
her walls were twitching around your member
she was so tight
you started thrusting, earning a few moans from her
this keep going for minutes, your speed up your rhythm
the couch was squeaking loud
Angela was overwhelmed by her orgasm
her fluids dropped on your lap and on the floor
you don't know how much time has passed
you don't know how much until your owners will arrive home
you couldn't care less about that
Angela and you changed the position to doggy style, saying this is how most people fuck
everytime your hips made contact with hers, a loud smack could be heard
her ass was indeed thick enough
you slapped it a bunch of times, making her gasp and moan
a red hand mark was on the right side
you are fucking like rabbits
the fluids were splashing everywhere
you keep pumping inside her, her eyes were in another world
a world full of pleasure
her tongue was out
you roughly grabbed her hair, then pulled her head backwards, those eyes were having a hard time concentrating on your face
and her tits were bouncing with every move
you were almost at the limit, you warned her about it

"Angela...I can't h-hold it back any longer"

"Shit, just do it...inside"
are humans are furries compatible?
can you get her pregnant?
you don't know but fuck it, you can't hold it back anymore
you speed up, thrusting faster
until one last thrust, as deep as you could go
cum filled her womb, spraying your seeds inside
so much that it even got outside
you tried catching your breath, all this fucking got you exhausted
Angela was in the same situation, she dropped dead on the couch, cum leaking out of her vagina
"That...that was amazing" she said in a low voice

"Yeah" was all you could muster

a beam of light got inside the room
then the sound of an engine echoed in your ears
oh shit

Untitled by Anonymous; corgi, lewd

another day, another walk in the park
the other humans keep doing their mindless activities in the large field of grass while their owners chat with each other
not you
you're the one in charge and it's pretty easy to be since your owner is just a 5' tall corgi with more pudge than muscle
not that you mind since she has it in all the right places
but the poor thing struggles to keep you going in the general direction she wants you to go
"No, Anon, no, we're supposed to go to the store, not the movies" she says pleadingly as you stroll down the path
You barely have to use any force since she was suckered in by the "chest harness is less cruel" fad
too bad it also allows you to pull more easily than with a leash around your neck
"Anooooon" she cries
Oh fine you think to yourself, there's being a dick and then there's just being an asshole
you stop and turn around to face your master
she's stooped over from the workout you gave her and barely holding onto the leash
you could easily run away and tease her some more, but that just wouldn't be fair, you know she'd eventually break down in the field, angry at the fact that you took control away from her
"Good... boy..." she gasps out "now... let's go... to the... store"
You pretend you're the idiot everyone thinks you are and kneel down to her level and point to the store
"Yes.. that's right, the store, we need to buy... you some food and some new sweaters for me, this one is getting a bit worn out"
It really was
she had a thing for sweaters and since you lived near the great mountains of the country it was always either nippy or fucking freezing
that and they were a fantastic way for her to hide her generous bosom
but it was kind of like trying to fix a broken window with ducttape, yeah it fixed the problem but only drew attention to the fact that it existed in the first place
"C'mon, boy, we have to make it before they close and we're already far away"
Shit you really were, about 3/4 of a mile (it was a large fucking park) and there's no way you could make it there are her speed, with her short, but oh so thicc legs (and she chose this day of days to wear yoga pants)
and you couldn't bare to tease her again
so there was only one thing left to do
you scooped her up and she gave a small yip of surprise and instinctively put her hands around your neck for security
you brased her firmly against yourself but not to make her uncomfortable and started jogging to the story
you'd make it with 10 minutes to spare
just enough to buy some food
as you ran, you could feel her wagging tail hit the front of your legs even though she kept quiet and tried not to let others see her face
how embarrassing to have your pet carry you
after carrying the food home and feeding you mistress Corgette decided to take a bath while you watched TV
she always locked the door after the first time you barged in
most humans were too stupid to open doors and some owners didn't care if their pet saw them
humans didn't care about the spiders that saw their ass hanging out in the shower
but you were different and Corgette saw this early on
she knew you didn't see her as a superior being that you took guidance from, but an equal
that made her paranoid about you seeing her naked
no that you had anyone to tell without attracting the attention of every news channel in the country
but like a complete hypocrite she had no problem seeing you naked as the day you were born although she didn't dare touch the Netherworld
that part was left for you
at long last you heard the bathroom door unlock and the humid scent of coconut and chocolate shampoo hit you with your mistress leaving in a huge towel wrapped around her, leaving quite a few things to the imagination
from collar bone to feet you couldn't see shit
and apparently neither could she from the towel that she kept adjusting around her head because she apparently missed you staring at her
even covered by a towel she usually scampered off to her room as quickly as possible to change
and this time she didn't lock the room to her door
one person's carelessness was another person's opportunity and you took the opportunity by the ass by sneaking into her room right behind her
after every shower her sense of smell was too overpowered by her shampoo and her hearing shot by the towel so it wasn't difficult to pretend to be Sam Fisher (because Snake is a filthy casual)
Corgette dried off herself some more then took off the towel and carefully placed it on the heater on the other side of the room to dry
and then she turned around to see you her loyal pet casually approaching her bed and lying down as if there was nothing to see
she gasped and grabbed for the towel covering herself but not before you got a good look at her thickness jiggle as she jumped back for the towel
"ANON!" she yelled "Bad boy! No sneaking into my room when I'm changing!"
You stretched out onthe bed and "acidentally" put your legs over her picked out clean clothes
"No! Not my clothes, I need to get ready for a night with the girls!"
Oh do you now? you think
You turn your back to her, careful not to wrinkle her dress as you do so
there is being a dick and being an asshole
she walked over in front of you on the side of the bed and started pulling your arm
"No, please, get off Anon, you'll make me late"
She held the towel with one arm and pulled at your arm with the other
she wouldn't have the strength to move you on the best of days but she has even less now that she's busy keeping her shame covered
you wait and give a little making her think she's made some progress and then grab her wrist and pull her back turned on your back and lifting your knees (remember the dress)
she barely had time to fling out both arms to keep balance but you grabbed her in time and brought her in close
she still smelled of sweet coconut and chocolate and her fur while damp and chilly was super soft and cuddly
enough so that you nuzzled against the soft tuft found around her neck
"Anooon" she giggled and her tail wagged like mad
you still wouldn't let go and it was then you noticed that her towel fell onto you and revealed her entire back
including the round ass that jiggled with each giggle and those thick thighs that you swore could crush watermelons with ease
after a while of the show you let her go and she pulled back gasping and giggling so much that she forgot to pick up the towel and gave you a nice view of the plump and surprisingly perky breasts that swung to and fro as she had moved back
she picked up the towel from you and swatted you on the crotch
"Bad boy! Leave the room!"
you gave her enough bullshit for one day and left and layed back on the couch
it was another episode of My Strange Addiction
surprise it was a family of pigs who kept eating used dakimakuras
after some minutes Corgette left the room and now smelled of something like roses or maybe lilacs
she tapped you on the head with a folded up newspaper
"Bad Anon. You be good while I'm away."
you jumped up and around and hugged her
she gasped and tapped you on the back to let you know you should let go
you did and she patted you for being a good boy and finally listening to an order
she left and you changed the channel to Pawn Stars
those bear store owners just passed on a genuine Ye Olde Bad Dragon Dildoe from 1678
just another day

Ye Olde Ende

Untitled by Anonymous; corgi, lewd


Your little human whines and paws at your panties.

"Anon, no."

He just cocks his head to the side, not understanding.
You wish you had never forgotten to lock your bedroom door.
Ever since your new human pet, Anon, saw you half-dressed, he's been all over you.
You knew that he had been abused by his previous owners (it's why he was so cheap), but you didn't think that they... they.... that they TOUCHED him.
A tugging on the crotch of your panties brings you out of your musing.
Anon is inching his face towards your exposed nethers, looking determined to please and resigned to his fate.
You slap his hand away sharply.

"Anon, no! Bad boy! We do NOT pleasure out mistresses!"

Not something you ever thought you'd have to say to your pet human.
Why is this your life now?
Anon just shrinks away, scared and confused.
Poor thing probably doesn't know what he's doing wrong.
After a few moments of staring him down, Anon lays down and rolls over onto his back.
You sigh internally - you forgot that looking a human in the eye was an act of dominance.
Anon's exposing his tummy to show you that he's not a thr-ohfuck look at that thing.
Anon's humanhood is fully erect; no doubt because of the "training" he got from the monsters who owned him before you did.
It's big - bigger than you expected. N-Not that you did research on how big a human's penis is! No ma'am!
The head is plump and a dark red, pulsing in time with his rapid heartbeat.
The shaft is long and thick, sitting atop two fat testicles.
Your sensitive nose twitches as it picks up his scent, and you find yourself involuntarily blushing.
Anon brings a hand down to his crotch and grabs his coc-PENIS, pumping his hand up and down.
A tiny bead of clear liquid wells up from the little slit on the tip of his penis.
You feel another tug at your panties, and realize that your own hand as begun to wander.
Nope, mama didn't raise no human-fucker!
You leave the room.
"Hrmph... hrmph... hrmph..."
You wake up to the sensation of something tugging on your chest.
There's a hot weight laying on top of you, and your sleepy brain sends out an arm to investigate.
There's a mop of hair...
A long, smooth neck...
Lots and lots of warm skin...
Oh, it's only Anon.
You rest your palm on something soft and round and give it a few squeezes.
Anon rewards you with a happy little grunt and pushes.... whatever it is you're touching further into your palm.
You yawn and close your eyes, satisfied.
"Hrmph... hrmph... hrmph..."
Pleasure flutters through your brain and you coo at the sensation, reaching out your other arm to play with Anon's hair.
What in the world is the little scamp doing?
There's a bit of a wet heat in between your legs, but you're too half-asleep to really consider what it means.
You just roll your hips a little bit and enjoy the sensation.
With Anon's wet mouth on your nipple, you-
Your eye snap open.
Anon's mouth is on your nipple.
You give your left paw a bit of a squeeze and feel your face heat up when you realize that you're squeezing his butt.
"Hrmph... hrmph... hrmph..."
Anon continues to suckle at your diamond-hard nipple, the pleasure of it making you shudder.

"N-No... No, baby, stoppit..."

You try to shove Anon off of you, but he's heavier than he looks.
Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, and you can see his big innocent eyes looking up at you from his position on your chest.
Anon releases the breast from his mouth and gives your nipple a lick.

"B-Bad human..."

You try and give Anon another shove and just end up squeezing has ass again.
Anon moans lewdly and buries his face in your chest, licking and suckling on your sensitive skin.
Third time's the charm, you guess, because you give Anon one last shove and send him sliding off of your body and onto your bed.
Anon lays on his back, flicking his tongue out at a chest-teat that is no longer there.
He looks up at you in confusion.
You know that look.
"Didn't I do good?" he's asking you with his eyes, "Didn't I make you feel good, mistress?"
You take deep breaths, trying to catch your breath.
Anon's arousal is potent in the heavy air.
Anon's never done this before.
He's never been this... this brazen and bold.
You're honestly at a loss for words.
Anon breaks the still silence and reaches down to his groin, gripping his shaft and rubbing a thumb over the dripping head.
Anon moans pitifully and looks at you with his big, pitiful eyes.

"No, honey," you moan, your eyes darting back and forth between your pet's eyes and his erection, "I can't do that."

Anon just cocks his head and slowly strokes his shaft.
Poor thing doesn't understand.
You feel your face heat up at the thought that he's patiently waiting for you to return the favour.
To do something that'll show him that he's being a good boy - that he did something right.

"Y-You aren't gonna g-go back to sleep, huh?" you ask shyly, feeling almost light-headed as a plan forms in your head.
"I guess..."

You can barely hear your own voice over the hammering in your chest.

"I guess I g-gotta do something, r-right?"

You reach out a trembling paw down towards Anon's crotch.
Anon seems to know what's happening, because he moves his hand away and thrusts his hips forward.
You almost gasp as you wrap your paw around your pet human's penis.
It feels searing-hot in your grip; hard as steel but soft as velvet.
It pulses in time with his heartbeat, feeling slightly slick from his own juices.
B-But you gotta do SOMETHING, right?
If you want Anon to leave you alone and go to sleep, you gotta... you know... help him out.
You slowly start to pump your paw up and down your pet's dick.
Anon lets out the lewdest moans and mewls, leaning his head back and trusting you with full access to his body.
The skin is slick with his pre-cum and you have no trouble gaining speed.

"G-Go to sleep after this, okay?"

Without warning, Anon's cock twitches in your grip.
Your heart skips a beat as he sprays his cum all over his chest.
"Aah! Ohh... Hmmm~"
Anon makes all kinds of lewd, inappropriate noises as his orgasm tapers off.
The last little pulse of cum dribbles from Anon's cock and onto your fingers.
He's left laying on his back, panting and sweating.
You pull your paw back, and it's covered in semen.
Your human's semen.
Guilt hits you like a freight train.
Your human was sexually abused by his old owners and what do you do? You jack him off.
You're just as bad as they are.
Hastily wiping the cum off of your paw and your body, you roll over onto your side, facing away from Anon.
This was a one-time thing.
It's never, EVER, happening again.
The only sounds are Anon's snores.
Sleep doesn't find you for nearly an hour.

Untitled by Anonymous; nonlewd

Glorious, well-greased and maintained machines.
The day had begun, an impressive row of gleaming, shining equipment in the great yellow CATERPILLAR™ that used exclusively on their machinery.
An excavator 'walked' by Anon, as he made his way across the field. The spooled turbo whined happily, with dull clacking and clattering accompanying its metal tracks; a grand cacophony of metal on metal.
The roar of heavy duty equipment was music to Anon's ears.
Anon waved to the operator, and in turn was given the same gesture.
Though one can never be certain around these operators. Complacency breeds incidents.
He waited for the machine to pass before he made his way across the wide, open field. Deep trenches were marked off, haul roads delineated, and new trenches surrounded by white, muddied pick-up trucks.
A congregation of white hats pointed and bickered among each other, as a piece of equipment found itself stuck and on its side; a consequence of a shoring box placement gone wrong.
Anon just smirked to himself, as he had one simple task for today, and that was spotting another piece of equipment.
The old, venerable CATERPILLAR™ C349 idled with the operator staring intently at his phone.
Anon, being the devious little devil that he is, decided to play a little trick on the old worker; scaring the old fucker by going around the blindside; always took forever to get off the damned phone anyway.
They had worked together for the entirety of the project, and he's cocksure the old man wouldn't be caught dead without finishing watching some guy catch trout on Facebook™.
Dead wrong, that's for sure.
Without any warning, the machine roared to life, with Anon trapped in the blindside!
"Complacency is the number one killer in the workplace." The words rang in Anon's head as he took the machine's counterweight to his upper half.
Anon is simply no more!
A high-pitched ringing erupted in Anon's ear as he stirred in bed, coming to his senses in short order.
One second he was out on the field, ready to start the last day of his shift for the week, then meeting the counterweight to the face, and now... he's lucky to be alive?
Voices carried from a door slightly ajar.

"No collar,... lity gear, ... human w... this? Lea.... him out t... middle of a con.... ion site..."

Anon blinked, his eyes focused hard on the ceiling, as the blurry shapes soon appeared sharper. Sterile white ceiling tiles, with some light fading, came to view.

"...on him..."

Anon figured where he was, at least, as he looked over to the right, a heart rate monitor beeped quietly, hooked up to his chest.
A saline solution drip opposite him as he looked to the left.
The door swings wide and clicked softly as it closed.
Maybe it was the drugs, maybe it was the severe blow to the torso and striking his head on something caused strange, vivid hallucinations...
He could have sworn that the nurse attending to him is a tall, imposing figure, with the face of a horse! She had dapple gray fur, with a white diamond shape at the center of her snout.

"Hi, sweetie. You had a nasty little encounter with one of the machines. The veterinarian did his best!

Anon thought hard about her choice of words, in particular 'veterinarian'.
He wished to speak, but no words came out, he desired to sit up, but could not honestly fathom what's going on before him. Let alone understand how he survived such a horrific incident that left greater men turned into excellent tomato paste.
The horse nurse only looked down at him, and gently petted his head as if he were an animal.
The touch felt... warm, yet odd. He honestly felt he had brain damage to witness such vivid hallucinations.
The nurse walked over the heart rate monitor, inspecting it, and checking over the chart, before looking over Anon one last time.
A crackle of static could be heard.

"Doctor, the human is awake."

The nurse spoke into an intercom close to the bed.
After a short time, the Doctor stepped in, and it was... An Elk. Complete with tiny glasses sitting on his snout, as he read from the clipboard before putting it down and looking Anon over.

"Ah, the lucky one is awake, how are you feeling, boy?"

He prodded and poked Anon in the ribs, eliciting a sudden wince from him.

"Mmm, mmmm, excellent, he's recovered quite well, considering what happened."

The doctor shrugged as he told the nurse his observation.
Anon couldn't remember what happened, but he seemed to pass out once again. Everything became dark and muddled, sounds distorted, slowed down, and the overall picture swirled into a debilitating spin into nothingness.
Anon woke up once again, this time in the dead of night, judging by the darkness that blanketed the outside, as well as the lack of light in his room.
Seems they forgo having a heart monitor hooked up to him.

"The fu..."

Anon's voice cracked his mouth dry and slightly chapped lips.
No water in sight, however, as he sat up and slowly moved his hands up to his face, gently rubbing it; finding no sensation of pain or trauma, or stitches.
He gently jabbed himself, where he could vaguely remember where the Doctor poked him, and once again, felt no pain.
Anon went with his immediate needs, pulling the monitor closer and randomly pressed buttons until it shut off. He tugged the sensors off and carefully egressed from the high hospital bed.
He staggered for a moment, catching himself on the IV stand, and shuffled on his bare feet towards the window.
The cold linoleum floor made him shiver, but nonetheless, he kept walking around, until he got his bearings; dragging around his IV with him as he went.
He eyed the door and made his way to it, for a moment, fiddling with it, he felt some residual weakness in his grip, but it came back once his muscles warmed up.
The door creaked softly and the night nurse looked up from her station. This time, it's a hyena.

"They never told me you could open doors, hmm, learn something every day with you lot."

Anon tried once again to talk, but this time, nothing came out, and he just shuffled slowly towards her, but his eyes were fixated on the water tank.
The nurse stood and adjusted her uniform, teal top and pants, with those silly-looking white shoes with booties covering it; keeps everything nice and sterile!

"Alright alright, what's the hurry, scamp?"

The nurse followed where Anon's eyes landed, and she figured out what he wanted.
To Anon, he's reminded of that slight wet dog smell, with a hint of lavender, quite an odd scent, but nonetheless not too unpleasant.
The nurse ushered Anon to a seat nearby.

"Stay here, boy, and don't move a muscle."

She poked the human on the nose, thought he internalized his dislike, didn't want to deal with being denied water after getting this close to it.
Once Anon got some water, then made more advancing looks at the water tank, he got his fill and sighed deeply.
He must be locked up in a psychiatric ward if his hallucinations are this vivid, a spotted African Hyena giving him cups of water, well, technically assisting him in drinking.

"Solid training you got, sport.."

The nurse gave Anon another round of petting before returning to her station; quite unconcerned of him leaving his room.
Anon slowly rose from his seat and slowly shuffled around, with his lovely, stainless steel IV in tow.
Passing a few rooms and empty nurse stations, he wound up at the Emergency. Where a red-headed shark sat curled up with her chin resting on her knees.
Her large tail harmlessly sagged off the end of the seat, her long hair done up in a seamless side braid with a little white tassel holding it all together at the end.
He carefully approached her, then for some compelling reason, he decided to take a seat. If it's just his mind playing tricks, it's quite alright to be amused by it.
The shark turned her head and looked right through him, eyes blood-shot and some tears forming.

"...He's dead. My human's dead..."

Was all the shark could say, her voice croaked, and she sobbed quietly.
Apparently, from what Anon could hear being discussed in the other room, another human attacked this shark's human; whatever that meant.
But, he could only feel some empathy for her, and gently reached out, tepidly rubbing her shoulder
He was not met with resistance, however, and kept on doing it until the shark sighed deeply and slowly unraveled herself from the ball of misery.

"...You're a good boy... just like mine was..."

Anon weakly rolled his shoulder in a faint shrug, sitting back and just gently patted the shark on the back.
One of the EMRs spotted the human from the other room and identified him right away.

"Well, shit didn't think you'd be alive after all that. We were called to pick you up, bud."

A short, petite cougar stood in front of Anon with a big smile on her face, leaning forward to pinching his cheeks, like any old grandmother would do.
Anon just sat there and took it, but he felt thankful they saved him just in time; probably.
A while later, the EMR talked to the shark regarding her human and she went over to sign some papers.
Afterward, she sat right back in her spot.

"Well... that's it, he's actually gone."

Thus, the continuation of Anon, the comforting human; repeated gentle caressing along the shark's shoulder and back.

"Hah, hey, I think he's taking a linking to you, eh?"

The cougar returned.

"I know, it's kinda... a little insensitive, but, no one's claimed him, and it's been a month now, since then."

Anon for a moment, halted his actions, eyes wide open and heart beating at a mile a minute.
For a moment or two, Anon sat there, staring at the floor for a while, as the shark and cougar discussed his situation.
Finally, awaken from his stupor, he felt a gentle tap on his nose from the shark.

"Would you like that... come home with me?"

Anon continued to ponder his predicament, and decided to keep feeding his grand hallucination! If he were here for a month, and no one bothered to pick him up, that must mean he's in a coma!
Anon continued this line of thinking all the way up until he was formally discharged from the hospital the next day, further denying in his mind that he was in a veterinary clinic.
another human attacked this shark's human
The shark, which he came to know as Kamilah, once she formerly introduced herself to him once they got home.
He allowed a leash and collar on him, it's only a coma, bro.
Willfully, he obeyed the shark and then some.
He slowly recovered his shock from the accident, becoming more autonomous when the shark wasn't home.
Clean-up, preparing food, organizing the mail, fetching the newspaper, and other mundane household chores that the shark had planned to do.
Anon found purpose and much praise from his 'owner.'
This delusion needed to stop, he couldn't find the words to voice his concern.
Tortured, pained, unable to wake from this horrible, normalcy.
However, one thing never occurred to him. And that was to open the door and leave the house.
He never saw other humans, save perhaps... looking at himself in the mirror. Never, did he chance upon another interaction with one of his own.
If this is a nightmarish coma of a dream, perhaps, someone that is like him, could wake him!
Madness gripped him as he threw the door wide open, Kamilah surprised by the sudden opening, with a few exclamations declaring him to halt and cease; all fell on deaf ears however as he trudged forward and in the distance, spotted a fox and a.... another human!


Anon raved, he gripped his fellow human on the shoulders, but the other human just stared blankly at him while the Fox looked on in disbelief.


In the end, Anon was taken away, his stupid actions when was in his own world sent him spiraling into lunacy in this next life; now, experimented on by alleged scientists from the government.
tfw qt sharkgrill lost another pet.

Untitled by Anonymous; lewd, bear

Meet anon.
He's a human owned by a bear lady almost twice as large as him.
Tonight they fuck.

It's been a long day and Ms.bear lady has decided to take some time to "Relax", Forgetting to close the door.
At some point Anon had wandered by and come across the open door.
The smell and sounds of her wet sex and her rapid, Heavy breathing entices him forward.
Ms.Bear lady is so lost in her fantasy session she doesn't even notice Anon edging closer.
At first she doesn't even realize he's touching her. His warm breath on her flesh edging her closer, Enticing a low groan.
Suddenly she's snapped out of her reverie as she feel Anons tongue glide up between her folds and up to her clit.
At first she tries to shoo him away, But to no avail and she's quickly taken over by pleasure as he massages her with his tongue.
Her large paw gradually begins moving itself to his head, Guiding his focus to where she needs it as the other grips the sheets tighter.
Her hand is interrupted however when anon decides he has other plans for his owner.
Anon moves himself crotch-to-crotch with her and sits back for a moment, Admiring how her wet, Dripping pussy has coated the fur around it dark.
Teasingly he moves himself closer, His owner tensing up with anticipation.
After what seems to her like an eternity, His tip makes contact and as he gently slides his length into her she lets out a soft gasp.
Having easily hilted her, Anon now struggles. Her wetness and the warm, Rhythmic pulsation of her heartbeat in her walls making him shiver, Threatening to send him over.
But before he can get too lost to the sensation he moves himself out of her, And then back in.
The room soon begins to fill with sounds of sloppy sex as Anon keeps moving, Building momentum. His owner only getting wetter from the stimulation.
He looks up at her as he moves around, Making note of how his changes makes her react. Both her paws now gripping the sheets.
Once satisfied, He braces himself up, Gripping her waist and begins methodically pumping, Homing in on her weakspots.
She lets out a surprised yelp as he begins relentlessly assaulting her senses. The constant, Melodic rhythm of skin on fur reverberating through the room.
His assault on her nethers does not go unnoticed as her moaning starts becoming audible, Bit by bit overtaking her heavy breathing.
It doesn't take long until she's loudly moaning in ecstasy, The twitching of her feet steadily moving up to shacking as her mind slowly numbs.
And after a few moments, Anons repeated pounding brings her to orgasm.
She hasn't had an orgasm in years.
And then another. And another. And another.
The little fucker just keeps on going.
Before she knows it, Every muscle in her body is trembling from the repeating orgasms.
She's gripping the sheets like she's about to fall, All the while moaning through clenched teeth.
The repeated massaging of her contractions finally sends Anon over the edge and he leads off with one last thrust.
As his warm cum spills deep into her she draws a sharp breath, Meeting his thrust with her own as her hips buck towards his.
In a final confrontation their bodies push towards the other as they share a wordless orgasm before both their bodies go limp.
Seconds pass as the two lay together, Their heavy breathing slowly winding down and exhausted from the event.
Anon ended up sleeping in her bed that night, Cuddled up against her chest. And the night after that.
You are Ursamaj.
You called your younger sister, Ursamin, early this morning to come over and pick up Anon.
She's going to look after him today.
You have spent the last two hours sitting at your kitchen table, staring into your mug of cold coffee.
Is it possible to get PTSD from fucking your pet?
Because that's exactly what you did.
You took advantage of a poor, dumb animal.
You're a bad bear-person.
The phone ringing startles you, and you scramble to get out of your chair.
A quick clock check reveals that 4 hours have passed since Ursamin picked Anon up.
You grab the receiver and bring it to your ear.


"Hey, sis! Look, you need to come over right away."
Oh god, what did Anon do?
Did he pee on the carpet?

"What? Why; what's wrong?"

Ursamin sighs explosively, and you only just notice a faint wailing in the background.
"Anon won't stop crying. He's been like this since he looked around my apartment and figured out that you weren't there."
He misses you?
"Look, could you just come pick him up? I can't get anything done with all this noise!"

"Y-Yeah, I'll be right over."


You are Anon, and this is bullshit.
You fucked a bear into unconsciousness last night, and then some other bear took you away from your bear-whore.
That was YOUR bear, dammit!
You fucked it, so it's yours now!
You're most displeased with this... this OTHER bear.
She wasn't down to clown, so you've been entertaining yourself by calling her a faggot over and over again for what feels like hours.

Untitled by Anonymous; lewd, Genesis(char)

I really like humans
I think they are neat
My family had one growing up
Anon was his name.
Anon was a good human to have around the house.
He was easy to train and was a great use for any menial labor.
From hauling groceries around to guarding the property, our human was top of the breed.
My favorite use was having him around as my own personal heater.
You see, humans are naturally warm blooded creatures, so for a reptilian like myself, it was of great convenience to have one around.
One weekend my parents were out of town and my brother took his chance to sleep over at his girlfriend's pad, leaving Anon and I with the house to ourselves.
There was a cold front that had moved in so we were staying inside for the most part.
Then the heater broke down so Anon and I ended up cuddling under some extra blankets.
I wrapped my arms around him and indulged myself in the wonderful warmth in my core from holding my human.
Have you ever felt a human?
Their flesh is so soft.
Hugging a human is better than any teddy bear in existence.
Their skin is smoother than scales.
It isn't glossy or anything like that, running a paw over them is like gliding over satin.
I couldn't keep my paws off of him.
I was gently petting Anon's tummy as he was sleeping peacefully.
My paw grazed the lower part of his body.
I was stricken with the sudden memory that human males had genitals on the outside of their bodies.
It was a dangerous mixture of boredom and acute curiosity that possessed me to do something that I would normally never associate myself with.
But against my better judgment, my wandering paws got the best of me.
I continued rubbing his torso with one paw while exploring his nether regions with the other.
My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I fondled his external balls.
I felt my way to his shaft which was now larger than I had recalled.
His dick pulsed as I felt it filling with blood.
Is this what human cock's do when they get aroused?
Spurred by his reaction, I continued to rub his member as it continued to get larger and harder.
Anon suddenly began to stir awake.
I stopped moving.
He yawned while stretching his body and then snuggled closer.
My heart was drumming in my ears as he moved.
I was conflicted on whether to continue or not.
I mentally debated with myself.
Surely a little heavy petting never hurt anyone... Right?
For the moment, I resumed petting him.
Anon sighed in what could be described as contentment.
I rolled my the tips of my digits from base to tip.
He inhaled sweetly from my touch.
I continued stroking, noting the amazing texture of his skin and the throbbing veins around his dick.
The heat emanating from him could only be described as addictive.
I paused as I caught a whiff of something.
It smelled like Anon, only muskier.
I drew my hand away from him and placed it in front of my muzzle.
I smelled his rich scent and faintly began to remembered that everything I was doing was wrong.
Then again... I'm already down the rabbit hole as far as morality goes, so why stop now?
I tasted my digit and was pleasantly surprised at the wonderful taste of my human.

"Anon... Sit."

I carefully moved his back on the bed and dipped my head under the covers.
My paw gently held his member as I licked his savory flesh.
He tasted even stronger than he smelled, with a hint of saltiness.
I coiled my tongue around him as I tasted every available inch of him.
Anon moaned, making me realize the situation I was suddenly in.
Blowing my pet human.
And loving every second of it.
I couldn't stop now even if I wanted to.
I was too absorbed in his radiating heat.
My lust was only growing for one thing.
I needed to have him inside me.
I pulled away from Anon.
He was staring at me.
It wasn't a look of fear or confusion.
His eye lids were heavy as he watched me position myself over him.
My pussy was drooling wet from inattention.
I held his dick and rubbed him on the folds of my nether region.
It felt hot and slick, with a texture that sent tingles through me.
His heat was different from anything I had ever felt before
It was hot, almost burning.
I rubbed his round head over my clit and shivered from utter pleasure.
With ragged breaths, I lowered myself onto him.
I groaned, feeling his burning member melt into me.
I was drunk with ecstasy as I rose my hips to thrust myself on Anon again and again.
Every vein and curve of his cock razed my senses to new levels.
I felt his body tense as his dick began to twitch inside me.
The heat was overwhelming as I continued my assault.
His hands suddenly locked around my waist as he pulled me into him.
I screamed in delight as his hot cum pulsed into me, feeling him deeper than ever before.
I felt his heated load spread within me.
Spent, I settled into sliding my body next to his.
Resting my head on his chest, I listened to his beating heart and heaving chest.
We stayed like that for a long time.
I felt his dick slowly soften inside me as his cum began to dribble out of me.
I made a mental note to wash the sheets the next chance I got.
But for now, I just wanted to enjoy the warmth with my human.

Untitled by Anonymous; lewd

Degenerate sister wasn't always the degenerate
It started innocently enough
She'd occasionally catch anon masturbating while she was naked
He'd always stop when she noticed him though
Later on came the curiosity. That whispering wondering
So she started to.. Experiment
Nothing much! Just. Laying on the bed naked, Exposing herself slightly more if she noticed him
Then one day while she was stroking herself, she'd caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of her eye
The hammer really hit the nail though when she noticed... Anon's additional fervor while she was going at it
It wasn't long until she began masturbating, Whether he was there or not. Things just escalated from there on
Soon enough, Anon stopped trying to hide it and began openly rubbing it when they were alone in her room
Eventually he began sitting on the bed with her, Stroking it while she masturbated
It was during one of these 'sessions' that the un-revocable was done
She had been sitting on the bed with her legs spread, Her fingers deep and hammering at it sloppily
Meanwhile Anon was sitting in front of her, Eyes fixated on the finger action and furiously jerking it. Every now and then his eyes moving elsewhere on her body
Then, In a Mind clouded by sex, Lust and no small amount of curiosity, A half-thought decision was made
Before they could finish again, She stopped
Placing her hands on her knees and waiting, She watched Anon lustfully as she presented herself
It did not take long for him to get the hint though and soon enough he was clambering over her, Trying enthusiastically to enter her
By that point though, They were both so worked up it didn't last longer than a few seconds.
Moments later, Doubt began flowing in, The usual 'oh my god, i just fucked my pet. what have i done. Yada Yada.'
But then she'd looked down and seen the expression of contentedness and those beautiful, Satisfied eyes staring back up at her
"You know. Maybe this isn't so bad after all."

Untitled by Anonymous

It's a hot summer day. And your fur doesn't make it any less so.
Even without having fur herself your human seems to agree, Having discarded all her clothes.
You've become too tired to reprimand her with this heat going on, And most likely she'd be to exhausted to care even if you did.
So you're both sitting there. Both in nothing, Drenched completely. Sweating the life out of yourselves like you're dying.
Or at least it certainly feels that way.

"Ahhh, Fuck... I can't take this anymore. When's this heat gonna end already!"

Your human gives a response of agreement from your right before you promptly fall back onto your back.
Honestly, The only thing worse than this heat is the boredom.
Your eyes are beginning to wander, Looking for anything to amuse you. Eventually settling on her.
She really is pretty. Her auburn hair somehow managing to remain presentable in spite of the frazzling.
The one thing in your life you can actually say you're proud of having around you. She's even smart enough to take care of herself.
But as your eyes wander you spot something else.
Her curves. Illuminated by the setting sun reflecting her sweat, Revealing every inch of her form through its light.
Your vision is drawn downwards. Past her ample breast and down towards her pubes, Lightly trimmed and same color as her hair. Framing her mound and down to her-
Fuck! Now you remember why you make her wear clothes.
But at this point your mind is too heat-struck to look away or even care. And so you keep ogling her naked body, Half dazed by the heat.
Your continued effort does not go unnoticed by the rest of you however, And a different part starts to peek out of its hiding hole.
Deciding that 'somehow' the best course of action is to ignore it you keep staring ahead.
It does not take long 'till you're at full mast however. 'Faster than normally' you quickly ignore, It's just the heat.
By some miracle against common sense, Your human only just now takes notice of your display.
You expected her to not care at most, Like humans tend to. You did definitely not expect her eyes to stare, In what you could only describe as hungrily, At your prize.
Against all reason your hand begin its movement towards its destination and your legs move open a little to give her a better view.
Once your hand grips around the shaft she slightly spreads her own legs open a bit, Giving you a teasing view. Fueling a fire you were not aware you possessed.
The heat made any form of movement outside of snails-pace unbearable. But though your strokes were slow, They made the summer heat feel cool in comparison as you both kept eye-fucking eachother.
It wasn't only you that was bothered you noticed. Her arm began moving, Her legs further spreading open, Giving you a unobstructed view to her folds, Glistened in her sweat.
Spurned on by the display, And now horny out of your minds in addition to the heat, You both begin gently masturbating to eachother, Slowly matching speeds as you go on.
As you keep going, You start noticing the pungent scent of her sweat, Boring itself into your nostrils. But instead of like before it now merely serves to further aggravate your fervor.
And as your heavy breaths carries more of her into your clouding mind you become aware of the scent of her sex.
You start losing control, Your arm beginning to move faster than comfortable, Her own pace picking up to match yours.
You're already near the edge, Pumping in rough jerks at the time. Then you catch her low moaning. Short mewls amongst each 'Heavy' breath.
Your vision fogs and for a few moments, Lost in your pleasure, You can only hear her 'almost whimpering' voice.
It finally drives you over the edge and you give it one last push, Your hips jerking forwards as if on cue while her moans turn into short, Airless gasps.
As your mind gradually comes back from what you're certain is one of the strongest orgasm you've ever had you begin taking in your surroundings.
In front of you lies a long string of cum, Reaching all the way to the TV. And while you're not sure, You think some is dripping from the ceiling too.


And to you right sits a still shivering Human, Her body still jerking rhythmically every few moments.
What had just happened has yet to sink in, But the day had been long and tiresome. You decide to make a decision tomorrow instead.
'It's gonna be such a mess to clean up.'
And so you both fall asleep as dusk finally sets, The temperature at last bearable enough to fall asleep.


the name's Anon
18 year old,pretty average
Don't know how,but you somehow got transported in this world after your mom sent you to buy some shit in town
Fucking world literally owned by anthromorphic animals
For some reason you can't talk,you can only make grunting sounds and chirps.
The world's native humans are treated as animals,given that they act like ones.
Fucking furries treat you guys like pets and shit
Anyway,you are now in a pet shop.(As a pet,no shit)
Naked and surrounded by other humans,also naked
You saw a human girl chasing another girl in a game of tag,tits bouncing violently as she does
Would be hot if she wasn't retarded
You are currently sitting in the corner
Other humans tried to convince you to join them and play
Like hell you'd do that shit
You scared them off by growling
It's morning
le wakesies,morning wood standing proud
As your vision clears,you saw that you are surrounded by human girls eyeing your stiff dick
One girl reaches out and poked lil Johnny's noggin
You barked loudly
Shit sent all of them scatter away like Jews from gas.
be Anon again
Shits going down
You woke up from your afternoon nap to the sounds of howling and mewling
You saw a black human humping a girl,howling loudly as he did as the girl mewled in distress
Your caretaker's not even doing shit
They may be retarded,but you ain't letting a rape happen in your sight
You roared as you ran towards the black guy
Fucker instantly whined in fear and scampered away
Girl went to hug you and starts licking your face in gratitude
Shit started to get weird when she mewled seductively and started to rub her crotch on your flaccid penis
You shoved her away and went back napping

Untitled by Anoymous

Be Anon
Your master got you another girl, this time a lithe redhead with freckles.
She cuddles up to you, running her hands over your skin and taking in your scent.
Her smooth cheek rubbed against your chest and she mewled.
You felt a twitch down below but nothing more for the time being.
The girls your master got you tended to be top quality, and it was your choice whether to breed them or not.
It had been great at first, but there was always something missing.
You'd gotten good, of course. It wasn't the sex itself.
You could turn them into puddy, fuck them raw till they howled and came several times over, but none of them understood the meaning of any of it.
It just felt good.
That was all.
Besides a few quirks, none of the girls had anything you could call personality, and while it sounded like any man's dream to have his own bimbo harem, you found it'd gotten empty.
It was like you were just using them, and they you.
Nothing more than a pretty sex sleeve to impale yourself on.
No, you didn't want a redhead, or a blonde, or an asian dressed in leather.
You wanted the cat girl a few rooms over.
You'd seen the way she looked at you, watching you rut the mates she found.
Her scent would rise in the air, invisible to most but to your enhanced smell here, it was like a blaring siren, screaming at you to come and fuck her silly.
You knew she'd sometimes watch through a cracked door, fondle a breast and slip a hand down inside her panties.
She sometimes whispered to herself, goading you on in what she thought was out of earshot.
"Go on, Anon. F-Fuck her brains out, ahh. Yeah, make her scream."
So you did.
Knowing she watched sent such a shiver up your spine.
Your ears picked up the click of paws outside the door, and a small creak sounded as the door opened half an inch.
There was no need to look and give yourself away.
That scent was unmistakable.
You turned and stood over the redhead, petting her head.
She cooed and leaned into you, wrapped an arm around your leg.
If your master wanted a show, you'd give her a show.
You'd make this girl mewl with need then force her to cum like a freight train till she blacked out.
Master could only stand to watch for so long.
Cats are far too curious.

Untitled by Anonymous

be Anon
In pet shop
Dunno how you got here,your mom sent you buy salt and now you're in a different universe
Fucking furries rules the world,while humans are pets
Anyway,be naked and sitting in the corner away from other humans
Hint: they're fucking retarded,also naked
Some humans came to your corner and pulls your arm in an attempt to beckon you to play with them
You told them off...By barking
Yeah,forgot you can't talk ever since you came to this world.
Made them yelp and scamper away.
Still Anon
Be stacking some bitchin' wooden blocks
A couple of human girls run pass you in a game of play tag,tits bouncing violently as they do
Would be hot if they weren't retarded
Eh, continue stacking blocks
Fuck sake.gif
Those fuckers made your awesome tower collapse,and used their tits to distract you
Angry,you stomped the ground and howled
Of course,this made all other humans panic and scared
Now the pen is in a state of chaos
Fur staffs comes in,giving out cookies to calm everyone down
Shit taste good yo
Still pissed about that tower

Untitled by Anonymous

Be Anon
Life is good.
Just dosed off in your TV chair, After a delicious serving of Bacon wrapped Bacon & Cheese hotdog.
Fucking Europeans. How did they make a more American hotdog than us? That's bullshit.
Next thing you knew were transported away from the comforts of your home.
Wake up in some kinda weird bizarro world where humans are animals and animals are human.
Get captured by some kinda animal control after wandering around naked for a few hours.
Or you guess that's what they were, Seeing as you got taken to some kinda pound, But for humans.
At least you wouldn't have to show up for work tomorrow. Hooray.
Be Anon again.
Several days have passed since you got thrown into the pound.
Have learned the local customs. (mostly.)
Food isn't too bad, If not kinda bland for your taste.
Don't understand a shit from the furs though, Some kinda alien language. Incompre-Fucking-Hensible.
Humans talk too. Kinda. They sorta garble at each other however. Almost like dogs really but less bark-y and more babble-y.
But you kinda get the human language. Or at least better than the furs one.
Too bad humans here are fucking stupid as all hell.
And most of the tits you see sags like an African documentary.
Ass is still good though.
Be Anon. A few weeks after arrival.
Have established your authority among the other humans using your vastly superior intellect.
Another human tried to take your treat earlier, So you screamed at him like a retarded monkey.
His face went all oh shit!' as he ran away scared. Hilarious.
As usual your harem of bitches comes running at your display of Alpha dominance.
You're the King of the Pound now, As well as the King of Pound-town. Oohh yeah.
At first you were worried about the moral and ethical ramifications. I mean, They're basically dogs that look like humans, Right?
But then you were like 'Fuck. That.' And then you tapped that ass. No regrets.
The girls here moan and scream like deaf whores though.
It was kinda grating at first, But by now you've gotten used to it.
You actually thought the girls were getting raped at first.
Didn't help that they 'really' liked your display of dominance, Getting all affectionate with you after you shoved the other guys off them.
It took until you saw one of them literally clamber on top of a guy by herself that you figured out they were just loud.
Pussy game is great though.
Be Anon. A few weeks after arrival.
Have established your authority among the other humans using your vastly superior intellect.
Another human tried to take your treat earlier, So you screamed at him like a retarded monkey.
His face went all
oh shit!' as he ran away scared. Hilarious.
As usual your harem of bitches comes running at your display of Alpha dominance.
You're the King of the Pound now, As well as the King of Pound-town. Oohh yeah.
At first you were worried about the moral and ethical ramifications. I mean, They're basically dogs that look like humans, Right?
But then you were like 'Fuck. That.' And then you tapped that ass. No regrets.
The girls here moan and scream like deaf whores though.
It was kinda grating at first, But by now you've gotten used to it.
You actually thought the girls were getting raped at first.
Didn't help that they 'really' liked your display of dominance, Getting all affectionate with you after you shoved the other guys off them.
It took until you saw one of them literally clamber on top of a guy by herself that you figured out they were just loud.
Pussy game was great though.
Be anon. King of the Pound(town).
So you were riding one of the girls that had prostrated her ass in front of you begging for sex. As usual.
Her moaning and groaning just as loud like most of the humans do here.
She starts hitting a crescendo as her moaning gets higher and shorter, Then goes quiet as another bone-shaking orgasm stalls her.
It's not as if i was bad at sex before i got here, But recently i've tried to see how many times i can make them come before i do. Just for fun.
Had gotten pretty good at it too.
Unfortunately, This time one of the staff was around to hear. Too late you hear the sounds of the gate opening and footsteps approach from behind.
Yeah. Turns out if they get too quiet the caretakers come around to check up if everything is alright. Shit sucks.
Then this cat looking guy; Piercings in both ears and nose, Couldn't be more than 16 or so, Comes into the pen and 'lifts' you up.
Carries you out and into what you like to call the 'Bad-Human Pen', were they put all the humans that act up and such.
Usually they just put you back after a few hours.
Not this time though.
Lights turn off, And too late you remember.
It's the weekend.
So you ended up spending most of the weekend by yourself. Horny as hell. In the dark.
You're gonna remember that fucks face for this.

Untitled by Anonymous

Be Anon, The Tempter.
For the last few weeks you've lived with this fur that adopted you.
So far you've learned that she's hot, Single, Have no roommates, Has a job, Can cook, Smells good (surprisingly) and regularly goes to her room to masturbate.
Admittedly, That last one is mostly your fault.
You've also learned that you are very bored.
Very. VERY. Bored.
And horny.
It began some days after you arrived at the new home.
You're in the living room looking out into the backyard, Wearing only your makeshift pants in front of the warm morning sun.
Just doing your daily gymnastics. 'Cause you were bored and there isn't much else to do. So might as well do something.
When out of the corner of your eye, In the windows reflection, You caught your 'owners' gaze.
With nothing but an oversized shirt and coffee in hand, Staring at you. Specifically, Your back.
Now, You're no sculpted Adonis, But you're not some fat slob either. You can see some muscle but that's it. No abs or anything fancy like that.
Of course, This was around the point you started to get really horny, And really bored. So you decided to take it up a notch for shits and giggles.
Pretending you hadn't noticed her, You slooowly began stretching to really showcase the goods. Throwing in a few exaggerated shoulder twirls for good measure.
It definitively had some effect, As she let out a low, Surprised 'oh' while you did.
Faking noticing her, You turned your head towards the sound. She quickly averts her eyes and walks on.
Arguably to put on some pants. As she came back a little later with them on, Sitting down on the couch with her laptop.
Ever since then you've low-key tested the grounds so to say.
Going around shirtless, Stretching, Moving around in ways that showed off your body and 'accidentally' laying in seductive poses.
You've certainly caught her eyes wandering.
Sometimes you even spread your legs a bit wider or 'scratch' yourself near your crotch.
And sometimes you can catch the smell in the air changing after you do.
It's too bad your fur's too much of a fucking normie to ever consider fucking their human.

Untitled by Anonymous

You hum, walking into the living room
Anon's laying on the floor, facing away from you

"What are you doing there, honey?"

He grunts, drawing on a piece of paper with a crayon

"Having fun?"

He gets up and presents the paper to you
You lean over to get a closer look
"Ah. Ah."
He shakes the paper slightly, staring up at you expectantly
You pause

"That's a nice... triangle, honey."

He frowns, then points at some squiggles around the triangle

"I'm not sure I understand, honey."

He huffs

"Oh Anon, don't get mad honey. It's a good drawing!"

He pouts and crosses his arms, dropping the piece of paper
You sigh

"Don't be like that, Anon."

Reaching out, you draw him into a hug
Hugs always cheered your Anon up

"I'll always think anything you do is wonderful."

You break the hug, holding Anon at arms length
He's blushing, like usual after physical contact
Your friends told you that's because he likes you

"Now, who wants some lunch?"

He nods, once

"There's a good human!"

You ruffle his hair and straighten up, heading back to the kitchen
Looking back as you get to the door, you notice Anon hasn't budged
He seemed to be staring at—
Your butt?
Well, it might be a tad big from eating too much, but it was pretty normal-sized for someone your age
Okay, so it was a bit bigger than average
B-but that didn't mean you were fat!
Although your pants did seem to be getting tighter as of lately...
You jump slightly, realizing you've been staring at Anon this whole time
Hastily throwing a smile on your face, you duck into the kitchen, a blush beginning to rise to your face
Stopping in front of the counter, you twist and look down at your side
You might have a bit of pudge down around your hips but it wasn't that bad, was it?
Nothing looks horribly wrong
Prodding a cheek results in a decent amount of jiggling
You frown
Looks like you should really start exercising

Untitled by Anonymous

be anon


be squeaking a squeaky toy, the sort of thing you would give a pet
which of course, in ths world you are indeed a pet


been a few weeks now roughly since you got stuck here in this topsy turvy world that would cause every furry in the world to gut you with their envy
one moment riding your bike along the trail, the next you were careening down some hill you never recalled in that part of the woods
and now here you sit in your futon mattress-like 'pet' bed, squeaking a toy while staring at the wall
waiting for your owner to finish her sho- correction, now waiting for your owner to now finish drying herself off after just shutting off her shower


that's when you hear the front door unlock
you don't bother lifting your head to see who it is, you know it's the roommate
and you have yet to get use to her freakish height

"I'm hooome! Oh, hey there Anon! sounds like your mommy just got done with a shower huh?"

you hear her, Naomi a horse who must be over 7 foot, trot over to the fridge and rummage around in there
easily the worst thing about being in this crazy world you thought
almost everyone was taller then you, Naomi was towards the upper end of the average range of heights from what you saw.
although you swear that elephant in human control who caught you had to have been a good 8 feet.
back home you were not use to seeing people roughly the same height as you, let alone even a few inches taller
so kinda unnerving when you have to lift your head to look at someone, worse when you are looking into eyes that are gazing down on you past a long snout, muzzle, trunk, whatever they had


Your thoughts are interupted as you hear Naomi coming into the room, sound of a can of soda opening and a thud as she drops what you assume to be her sports duffel on the floor
she then deposits herself in the couch before attempting to engage you in a one sided conversation

"Anoooon, Andy Anon! Whose a good little Anon, yes you is!"

truly the most thought provoking of topics, clearly
but to her dissapointment she is not going to get you to look at her, you keep your eyes on the wall
it is a gorgeous wall

"geez Anon, just what on earth could be so entertaining about that wall?"

well right now the water spot just an inch above the molding is having an affair with some old nail hole

"sometimes I wonder if those stories about humans seeing ghosts and other paranormal entities is true"

you had to fight back a smirk at the irony of such a statement you use to hear applied to cats being applied to you


you hear the tv being switched on, if there is one thing constant with any universe
it is that the news will always be primarily focused on the most recent affair or drug abuse of a celebrity

"You squeak that toy all the time, but you seem so bored doing it."
"Maybe your mere presence is sucking all the fun out of the room?"

You look up with a start, you didn't hear the fur dryer turn off thanks to Naomi talking and turning on the television

"You wound me Mina! 'Sides you wouldn't know fun if it danced naked in front of you, with your muzzle in a book."

Mina, your 'owner' in this world, was walking into the room wearing one of her massive night shirts that came down like a dress on her
of course considering she was one of a handful of these animal people you seen significantly shorter then you, everything was massive to her when she was probably just barely 5 foot.
being a fennec fox however meant that if she kept her ears stright up in the air, she would have gained another foot

"I don't think I can ever consider anything that is dancing naked to be 'fun' after that night you and the swim team got drunk."

a mental image you are not entirely sure on wether you want or not
Naomi began coughing on her cola, was that a blush forming under the fur?
Your tiny owner meanwhile was giggling a little at her roommate's clear embarrassment, from their past encounters it felt like Naomi was rarely on the receiving end of embarrassment between the two
she headed over to her desk and began looking through her books

"So anyway, how was the... Nationals? States?"

Naomi managed to clear up enough of her lungs to answer without too much coughing

"Oh, gah, went great, and States by the way. Managed to place third!"

You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this, you knew she was on the swim team, but it just seemed so odd to you that a horse person had much of a chance against any number of animal people who had a natural inclination to water
like an otter or... were there dolphin people? You would have to look into that sometime.

"Congratulations! Shocked you came home sober then."

This time Naomi wasn't completely caught off guard and deftly changed the subject

"And how did you handle the Weekend? I was kinda worried leaving you here alone with anon when he is still new here and so much... well..."
"Naomi, we been rooming for several months and I keep telling you, don't worry about offending me with talk about things being bigger then me. It's a fact of life."
"yeah well, sorry. Just I guess still surprised you insisted on getting not just a human as a pet but such a wall one. I mean I think he is a cute little guy and all-" it actually hurt a little being called 'little guy', "but if he got hyper or anything you could be in trouble without help."

One thing you learned about Mina was that she may fit the perfect image of a nerdy book loving girl in animal person form, she did not shy from things that disadvantaged her height wise.
She apparantly even insisted on not changing out the furniture in the place for some more Mina friendly options.

"Well as you can see, we got through the weekend just fine, we had quite a good time together didn't we anon?"

You simply smiled at her as she says your name, knowing full well how Naomi was going to take it

"Pfft! Mina! Breaking in Anon already? My, my!"

ok, now this was definitely a blush you see under Mina's fur.
gave her an adorable strawberry blond hue

"That is not what I meant! And you wipe that grin off your face Anon!"
"Mina you know he isn't that smart to get a dirty joke, he is just grinning cause he likes you. Me on the other hand he refuses to even look at."

A smirk, or what you beleive is her equivalant of a smirk, formed at the corners of Mina's mouth.

"Mr. Anon here has a bit more intellect then you. Anon put away that toy, book time"

You begin to rise, still smiling to yourself, one thing you liked about your owner is that she did not do any cutesy baby talk at you like Naomi or any other folk who interacted with you here so far.
However, this was also something that has become apparant to you is already a problem
l the one time she straight faced asked you to grab her a can of soda as you passed by the fridge when she was cooking
without realizing she was just amusing herself with idle talk ,you grabbed it for her.
You imagine a normal response would have been to exclaim loudly 'OH MY GOSH YOU ARE SUCH A SMART WIDDLE HUMAN!'
she on the other hand kept testing you without reacting to see how far your intellect went before you caught on and realized what is going on
which is what led to this sort of routine
Naomi however was away this weekend and had no clue what was about to happen

"Ahhhhh is little Andy Ans getting a Stowy time with his muuuuumsy? Wait, Mina? Are you really going to read your textbook to Anon?"

How else am I gonna learn about this world, you thought, certainly not going to get it from your choice of news stations being focused on who slept with who.

"Who said anything about me reading to him? He is a good and quiet human who does whatever I want without complaint"

when you get to the chair she is standing by, which of course she would look like a kid sitting in, she snaps her fingers

"Anon, sit!"

you seat yourself in the chair, which was only a little on the big side for you, you felt like the last time you sat in a chair this big in comparison was probably half way through your growth spurt in high school.
Your tiny owner now turns around, back facing you and lifts her arms up high
you never really were a furry, sure you felt a tingly sensation from Minerva Mink when you were younger, but who didn't?
But despite that, looking at your owner like this made you fully understand the sacred and immortal wisdom behind an ancient bit of advice from /tg/
touch fluffy tail

"Hup hup!"

But you resist the temptation aside from just grazing your hand against the fluff, you have no idea if tail touching is equivalant to ass groping in this world and how much leniency humans could get for it.
instead you reach down and lift up your light weight owner under her arms and set her down on your legs

"Anon, scoot right, scoot, scoot."

you scoot yourself a little bit at a time to your right

"stop! Anon, arm please."

you press your elbow against the arm of the chair and raise the hand up wards

"Anon, pillow please."

with your other hand you grab a small pillow and hand it to her which she then wedges between your raised arm and her back.
She looks over at Naomi who is staring with her mouth wide open.

"You taught him all this in just a weekend?"
"Why of course I did."

your tiny owner sitting in your lap is fibbing right through her teeth with a smug little grin on her snout.

"Damn girl, how you pull all this off?"
"well all I had to do was read several books and master the techniques within them."

she turns back towards her book and flips open to her study material
some of her material may be over your head, but it is a hell of a lot better to learn about this world reading over her shoulders then listening to Naomi's tv choice.
A grin begins forming on your face however as w\she wiggles around getting more comfrotable, her tush inching closer and closer towards you
towards your crotch


your foxy little owner practically flies several feet off your lap after emitting a loud squeak

"ANON! You dirty little..."

she then dives right at your pants
Naomi is looking on with confusion and morbind curiousity that prevented her from stopping any of this
your face now growing as wide as it could with the biggest shit eating grin you ever had
A grin that soon becomes a ball eating grin as you owner finally fished the squeaky ball from your pocket

"Putting away does NOT mean pocket"

and proceeded to implant it into your face


Untitled by Anonymous

you are anon


and you are still a pet of a college girl
who happens to be a walking talking antrhopomorphic fennec fox.


And is in classes at the moment
Which leaves you in this predictament


That horse woman, Naomi was repeatedly opening and exiting through the door


And saying 'Hello' at you over


And over again
She been trying to 'train' you into saying 'hello' like you were a parrot
granted in this world that is rather what humans were, pet parrots


But not you, you already have shown too much intellect to your actual owner
talking would be too risky and easy to fall into the trap of not knowing when you should stop 'learning' more words
you already fell into that trap with assisting Mina in various tasks without realizing you shouldn't have been that smart til you already did it.


However this was not Mina but Naomi
And Naomi was freakier to you then those horse masks back home

"Anon... Why won't you say something?"

she finally was giving up it would seem, shutting the door behind her as she fully entered the room

"I know you are smart enough to learn to speak, Mina gets you doing just about everything."

Well it did help that Mina wasn't a giant horse and was actually smaller then you

"Oh well, all that really wore me out after my training at the gym. I ought to go take a shower"

Out of the corner of your eye you notice she is taking off her shirt already on her way to the bedroom
Well if you ignore the fact she is a giant freaky looking horse woman you could enjoy those-
No anon, no, do not look!
You must resist, you tell yourself, do not let her think she has a way to capture your attention!
Thankfully you hear the footsteps move into the berroom
you swear you hear a softly muttered "Drat"
You allow yourself a small smile of a hard earned victory.

Pub: 02 Sep 2024 08:01 UTC
Views: 291