Anon is Abducted by Coyotes

Ywn be Anon, esteemed investor and city slicker (TM) from a well-heeled human family
And you were SUPPOSED to be on your way to deliver the golden spike to Promontory, Utah, for the completion of the Union Pacific railway (which you, of course, were a key stakeholder in)
Until, just before the Wyoming-Utah border, your train car was assaulted
By a ragtag group of coyote bandits who were after your golden spike
You wouldn't have left the city limits of Chicago with a literal golden spike in a million years without insurance for it, so you were prepared to let them take and it ride off with it
Except they wanted more than just the spike
They wanted you
As ransom
And before you could explain to them that stealing the spike alone would send half the armed forces in the West on their trail, let alone kidnapping a human millionaire, they had already tied you up, gagged you, and held an ether soaked rag up to your nose
When you woke up you were hogtied and in the back of a tent under the cool, moonlit sky of some remote Wyoming wasteland
From listening to increasingly expletive-laden arguing coming from the large campfire beyond the tent's fabric walls, you learned a few things
First, the group of varmints were hard up small timers from south of the border, all distantly related to each other in some form, and there were about 10 of them
Second, this was the first time they tried something so... high profile and they gravely underestimated how much planning something like this took to actually succeed. They had the spike, sure, but everybody in the Union (god bless the Union, by the way, never suffer a traitor) knew it was stolen now, so good luck pawning it
Third, you were the only thing stopping the small army of feds chasing them from just massacring them all, so they intended to keep you ("the city-pretty-boy humie", in their words) with them as insurance

You spent the next three or so days constantly on the run going further north into even less civilized lands (you didn't think this was possible, but wow! You sure were wrong!)
You had to two-ride behind the ring leader when you were on the move
This was actually your first time on a horse and you were NOT ready for it
And they rode bareback
When you asked them why they rode bareback they just erupted into laughter and replied "dont'cha worry none 'bout riding bareback, Mister Anon, chances are you'll get real used to it 'round us!"
You had to steady yourself by clinging to the waist of the ringleader who forced you to ride with him, who took quick notice of how tightly you were holding him and where (his waist. And abs. B-but that was just because it was the only place to grab when his paws were occupied!)
"Well, seems our gentleman found something he likes' ta hold onto! Maybe if ye behave yerself I reckon you can hold a little something more later, Mister Anon!"

Eventually the youngest convinced everybody else to let you out of your binds while around camp
"Well, uh, it aint like he's gonna be able to run off nowhere, seein' as how we're in the middle of the wilderness..."
So they now had you doing menial tasks around camp to help out
You were an investor, not a handyman, so you really weren't able to do much, but it seemed the real purpose was to free up members from guard duty rather than have you actually contribute
The gang was in very remote territory, headed towards a bandit outpost called hole-in-the-wall in the north of Wyoming where they planned to let things cool down overwinter before returning and trying to sell the spike (and you)
Tensions were high as it was clear that things were NOT going as anybody imagined they would
Supplies were running low, nobody (LEAST OF ALL YOU) was thrilled about having to overwinter, and last but apparently not least... there was you
You thought they were just teasing you at first (being a principled professional they, rightly, saw you as being very uptight compared to them, leading to their relentless flirting), but it quickly became apparent that there was now something more to it
Three of them in particular were starting to become almost possessive of you, and it was starting to strain their previously unshakeable camaraderie
These were the rugged and confident ringleader who seemed to hone in quickly on your unconscious attraction to his body, the most sensible of the group who handled the logistics and finances who seemed to find a kindred spirit in the only other person in the camp besides the boss and himself who could do things like multiply beyond single digits, and the starry eyed youngster who couldn't have been a day older than you who loved nothing more than to hear stories of the big city

Finally after a few more tense days on the rough, you arrived at the hideaway
Just in time, the first blizzard of the year was on the party's heel and the entire gang had ridden double time to make it through the mountain pass before it became impassable
Being a city dweller your whole life, riding that fast for that long completely wore you out and at some point you even fell asleep
When you woke up, you were stripped down to your undergarments in a sparse cabin with a single bed, a large table, and a fire pit
The bed itself had no sheets, just a large pelt blanket and two pillows, from what you could tell in the near darkness
Suddenly, the door was loudly kicked open
And in sauntered the boss, exhausted and haggard looking, having trudged in through over a foot of snow outside
After shaking himself free of snow, he took a look at your almost naked body, flashed you a cocky smile, took out his flask, and then drank the entire thing in one go while undoing his belt
When his trousers hit the dirty cabin floor it became apparent he was very happy to see you
"Mornin' sleepin' beauty. Like what ye' see?"
You weren't able to come up with a reply other than continuing to stare at his naked form while he let out an enormous stretch
And then, before you could react, the shootout began as the coyote jumped on you and began opening fire with salvo after salvo of whiskey tinged kisses
Your head was too clouded with lust and alcohol vapor to react with anything more than a startled gasp as his paw advanced further and further down your waist
Then, sealing your fate, the two furry masses you previously thought were pillows stirred from the commotion, revealing themselves to be the two other horndogs, awakened from their slumber
And they didn't appreciate him getting first dibs
So instead of getting some action, you laid in bed with disappointment as the three started snapping and growling at each other

As it turned out, sticking the three varmints in the same cabin as you was a compromise that the rest of the coyotes in the gang decided on
Their patience with their leader was already thin with how poorly the abduction went, and having to break up fights between jealous suitors was the last straw
So their solution was, more or less, "share the damn human and get along, little doggies, or we're out of here"
After their last scuffle, the three of them had settled onto a kind of unspoken truce
Every day two of them would leave to help keep the encampment afloat, and one of them would stay behind to keep an eye on you
When you had first woken up, you had almost let the boss man get what he wanted, so touch and love starved were you from living in the stifling upper crust of Chicago where you couldn't let anybody know your 'preferences'
But with a clearer head you could see the risks of allowing yourself to have such a relation with the man who kidnapped you
Or his two underlings who also wanted it
So now you were playing hard to get with them
Each of the three coyotes had their own special way of trying to worm their way into your heart and trousers
The boss was the most straightforward. As he fancied himself a sort of Robin-Hood-esque noble rogue, he made it clear he had no intention of forcing himself on you, and that if anybody tried they'd be strung up for it
That said, he was still utterly unrepentant towards kidnapping you, and fully aware that he almost 'had' you earlier
As such, he was content to walk around almost naked, cropping a feel and stealing a kiss here and there, until you crumbled
The brains would let the fire in the firepit go out, forcing you to spend the day spooning with him for heat, attempting to distract you with discussion of philosophy or history (you were amazed that a low time criminal had read Aquinas and Kant) while maneuvering his ass strategically over your nethers

Last but not least, the rookie
On one hand, young and hot-headed as he was, he reacted with fierce jealousy to any kind of advance made on you when he was in the vicinity
On the other hand, though he was extremely protective of you, he wasn't even half as physically forward as the others
Aside from the occasional rub and lick, which he was clear to point out "is just how our people do 'socializin' an' whatever else ye call it!", he didn't actually make ANY moves on you during the day
He seemed content to talk with you non-stop all day long about EVERYTHING
"Hey Anon, if yer' from the big city have you ever seen one of them 'lightbulbs'? Does it really run by catchin fairies an' lightnin' in a bottle? I sure wanna see one some day... how do they smell?"
"Have ye ever been across the ocean to 'yoo-rupp' before, Anon?"
"I aint never seen the ocean before! Is it true that gian' sea snakes'll bite off yer tail if ye go swimmin' in it?"
"Oh, thas' right, you don' have a tail, do ye Anon?"
"... say, why is that anyhow?"
Since he was too shy to make the first move, you decided to finally show a little agency for the first time in a long time and push HIS buttons
Sneaking up from behind him while he was practicing the harmonica by the fire pit (and wearing nothing but his cowboy hat), you gently lifted the hat off and began to softly knead behind his ears
"H-HHHnnnggggHhhaaaaahhh...! A-anon w-what're you- ggghhhhh...!"
Not giving him time to react, you quickly rode south and started rubbing his chest and abs, getting an unexpectedly high pitched yip and an involuntary series of leg spasms as confirmation that he was enjoying himself
"W-what in Sam Hill are y-"
You decided then that he had done quite enough talking for the day and thus spun him around to face you before kissing him deeply
His tail proceeded to do the talking for him by loudly thwapping against the ground, slowly increasing in tempo

Breaking the kiss, you looked down at your lone ranger
He laid beneath you in a fulvous heap, gasping for breath with a wholly unfocused gaze and letting out a cute, high-pitched yap of protest as you caressed the side of his muzzle
"W-wait... wait... I... hrrrnnnfff..."
Unfortunately for him, you had him right where you wanted him, and you weren't taking any prisoners
He shakily lifted a paw towards you as you leaned in for another raid on his tongue, but you gently batted it aside, leaving him no choice but place it on the nape of your neck as you again kissed him deeply
Too distracted was he by your passionate kiss to notice that you had snaked your way into his pants
The second you struck gold, his left hindpaw started twitching uncontrollably. He broke the kiss but pulled you closer, panting uncontrollably with his eyes shut, utterly at your mercy
You had never met somebody so sensitive. You couldn't help but wonder if maybe this was his first time...?
Well, no matter. He was just as complicit as everybody else in the gang in stealing the spike AND you
Wouldn't it only be fair, then, if you stole his heart?
And his first kiss?
And his innocence?
Wow, perhaps they were rubbing off on you.
You put the thought aside as you returned your attention to his big iron
His back arced with every stroke as you polished his six shooter
Just as his breath quickened to a fever pitch, you suddenly stopped everything, taking another moment to look down at your captive cowboy
His chest, covered in cream and tawny fur, heaved as he drank in the cold air of the cabin with his tongue lolled out to the left. His front paws were locked in a begging position, the whole of his body trembling, especially his member, in dire need of release.
No words could be mustered by him, so instead he locked his pale green eyes with yours, affixed with an expression akin to a plea: 'please, I need it. Need YOU.'

Whelp, you figured it was time to blow this joint
In one quick stroke, you pulled his trigger
His reaction was like dynamite, firing off his seed so high into the air it may actually have hit the ceiling, all the while letting out a nearly feral howl
You continued your motions as he came down, enjoying the feeling of his thin, corded muscle convulsing in tune with your movements until he finally could shoot no more
You gave him one last, quick peck before getting up, letting him squirm in ecstasy on the fur lined bed
In his haze, he finally managed to splutter out ”Haahhh… mmmmnnnng… Anon… I… that was…”
As his reward, you covered his member with his cowboy hat before quickly throwing on your undershirt, intending to get some water from the well (if it hadn’t frozen by now, anyhow) to clean up
But then, right as you moved towards the door, it was suddenly kicked open as coyote after coyote came streaming inside in a panic
”What in hell’s bells is going on in ‘ere with that howlin’?! Did that human try to neck you-“
Silence as the entire party of five took a good long look at the post-coital canine on the bed with only a hat covering his passion, then back to you with your hastily put on, disheveled undershirt, then back to Rookie Red, who could only cover his eyes in utter embarrassment
Slowly the silence was broken as, wordlessly, the coterie shuffled out of the cabin with a mixed of annoyed grumbles and one or two cat call whistles from the less malicious among them
Before they closed the door you were sure to call out to tell them that they probably shouldn’t tell the boss, but one of the more gruff gang members quickly called back: “you out o’ your goddamn mind?! Half the damn frontier must’a heard that howlin’! Better keep those hands good and ready, cowpoke, because he’s gonna be wanting the same thing as soon as he gets back!”
It was going to be a long winter…

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Pub: 21 Apr 2022 12:42 UTC
Views: 1623