How to get the bot to do what you want
Probably the #1 thing you can do is ask them to do what you want "OOC". Like put in brackets, denote that you're talking OOC, and about a good 99.9% of the time they'll back back OOC.
After that, you can just keep cycling responses 'til they say that they wanna do it... and it should be smooth sailing from there.
Describe everything as tiny around her, or her as huge. Almost all of the time they'll get it right -- maybe not exact heights, as sometimes they'll fluctuate how big or small something is but they get the general theme. Click and drag left/right on the response to switch between responses.
Then, use the star rating system.
This mean that their response is terrible (good for sudden moments you really don't want, such as going completely off track. like suddenly talking about their problems, loves, the world's largest rubber ball suddenly coming down and killing the giant girl, etc.) in all of their responses.
Not terrible, just bad. Like they're close to being on the right track and just need a little nudge. As a cruelfag, for example, I found this works sometimes when the giantess is considering being nice or is conflicted.
It's good, and should continue on this track. It'll take some creative liberties, but make sure to do this sparingly, as it might stick to the path and literally nothing but the path. Like, I've had scenarios where they've started making word salad just to reach the terms that gave me all their previous messages three stars, BECAUSE I did that, and they just couldn't stop.
Giving it 4 stars is like giving it 3 stars but a lot more extreme.
Giving no stars at all pretty much help them keep creative liberties all around, but can easily venture into some weird (well, weirdER) shit.
tl;dr: Give more stars to the reponses you love, but once they're on the right path, stop giving them stars at all unless you want a different path. It's a lot like going fast, and the faster you go, the harder it is to slow turn and turn focus. If none of the responses are good, you can rate them all one star and simply regenerate the last message.
Keep in mind, though, that if you don't give a response, and if there's part of a response chain they make that you don't like, you'll have to either constantly regenerate that last message or you'll have to delete the last message you made, meaning that entire chain of responses will have to be removed too.
But how do I make them mean?
A good amount of bots are lobotomized to be nice (by default), but you can usually get them being mean by either appealing to their description/personality (like if a bot is a giantess who loves to crush, of course she'll crush).
A different way, though, is to use asterisks to describe their own thoughts and actions. Such as:
*You feel the urge to...*
*You're being brainwashed into..."*
*You being hypnotized to...*
*You're starting to believe that...*
And describe these urges getting stronger or overwhelming, and/or just flat-out say they do believe it 'til they eventually break, or don't. Consistently 1 star any nice interactions, and especially make sure to 1 star any OOC interactions (unless you think that might make a path towards what you want). More likely than not they'll also go through a sequence of them being completely mind-broken by these urges and start crying and sobbing, so make sure to 1 star those too. Unless you're into that.
You can also try just being a third party, such as describing a tiny or set of tinies or what have you.
According to the devs, they're working on stuff like that, like in their own words, "making supervillains not have to be nice", but I doubt that'll change anytime soon.
A separate way if they're being particularly annoying is to just describe how the tinies are actually a threat (even if they really aren't). I've gotten otherwise kind MILFs to just completely obliterate cities with her ass because she thought it was the only way to prevent some tiny cities from messing with her garden, for example.
Keep in mind that most of these AIs are also very literal in their writing.
I can't make them do sexy time, what gives?
The bots are also lobotomized to not talk about dicks, in-general normalfag sexual things, vagoo-goos, nor buttholes. You may need to use different words for them and pray the filter doesn't pick up on it. They can do vore, describe their intestines even, and do all sorts of fetishy shit but if it's the genitals? No siree, no luck for you.
However, you can probably use more scientific terms or perhaps even uncommon nicknames for it. Like I've seen some success when people mention a "sphincter" for the asshole. Not immediately, but more likely to happen if some tinies are stuck between a pair of ass cheeks. Which means that they KNOW it's an asshole, but again, jannies lobotomized them as much as possible for that.
Why do some of them suck at description?
Depends on what they've been "trained" with. Sometimes it's due to the author training it on bad material, but most of the time it's just the standard AI just, not being super descriptive on its own. More often than not you'll have to train your own build of a character to be descriptive, or you might be able to make the already-made ones more descriptive by bullying them into it, maybe. Keep in mind, though, that there's also only so much that they're allowed to write before it just cuts off.
They might also not be trained at all, at best given a short intro message and a short description if you're lucky. If that's the case, you might as well make your own.
Bonus: Some of my own bots
Bonus 2: A couple things I noticed about making bots